 * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.appcompat.widget;

import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP_PREFIX;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.database.DataSetObserver;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.MeasureSpec;
import android.view.View.OnTouchListener;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewParent;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.widget.AbsListView;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.ListAdapter;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.PopupWindow;

import androidx.annotation.AttrRes;
import androidx.annotation.DoNotInline;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.StyleRes;
import androidx.appcompat.R;
import androidx.core.widget.PopupWindowCompat;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

 * Static library support version of the framework's {@link android.widget.ListPopupWindow}.
 * Used to write apps that run on platforms prior to Android L. When running
 * on Android L or above, this implementation is still used; it does not try
 * to switch to the framework's implementation. See the framework SDK
 * documentation for a class overview.
 * @see android.widget.ListPopupWindow
public class ListPopupWindow implements ShowableListMenu {
    private static final String TAG = "ListPopupWindow";
    private static final boolean DEBUG = false;

     * This value controls the length of time that the user
     * must leave a pointer down without scrolling to expand
     * the autocomplete dropdown list to cover the IME.
    static final int EXPAND_LIST_TIMEOUT = 250;

    private static Method sSetClipToWindowEnabledMethod;
    private static Method sGetMaxAvailableHeightMethod;
    private static Method sSetEpicenterBoundsMethod;

    static {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 28) {
            try {
                sSetClipToWindowEnabledMethod = PopupWindow.class.getDeclaredMethod(
                        "setClipToScreenEnabled", boolean.class);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                        "Could not find method setClipToScreenEnabled() on PopupWindow. Oh well.");
            try {
                sSetEpicenterBoundsMethod = PopupWindow.class.getDeclaredMethod(
                        "setEpicenterBounds", Rect.class);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                        "Could not find method setEpicenterBounds(Rect) on PopupWindow. Oh well.");
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 23) {
            try {
                sGetMaxAvailableHeightMethod = PopupWindow.class.getDeclaredMethod(
                        "getMaxAvailableHeight", View.class, int.class, boolean.class);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                Log.i(TAG, "Could not find method getMaxAvailableHeight(View, int, boolean)"
                        + " on PopupWindow. Oh well.");

    private Context mContext;
    private ListAdapter mAdapter;
    DropDownListView mDropDownList;

    private int mDropDownHeight = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
    private int mDropDownWidth = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
    private int mDropDownHorizontalOffset;
    private int mDropDownVerticalOffset;
    private int mDropDownWindowLayoutType = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_SUB_PANEL;
    private boolean mDropDownVerticalOffsetSet;
    private boolean mOverlapAnchor;
    private boolean mOverlapAnchorSet;

    private int mDropDownGravity = Gravity.NO_GRAVITY;

    private boolean mDropDownAlwaysVisible = false;
    private boolean mForceIgnoreOutsideTouch = false;
    int mListItemExpandMaximum = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    private View mPromptView;
    private int mPromptPosition = POSITION_PROMPT_ABOVE;

    private DataSetObserver mObserver;

    private View mDropDownAnchorView;

    private Drawable mDropDownListHighlight;

    private AdapterView.OnItemClickListener mItemClickListener;
    private OnItemSelectedListener mItemSelectedListener;

    final ResizePopupRunnable mResizePopupRunnable = new ResizePopupRunnable();
    private final PopupTouchInterceptor mTouchInterceptor = new PopupTouchInterceptor();
    private final PopupScrollListener mScrollListener = new PopupScrollListener();
    private final ListSelectorHider mHideSelector = new ListSelectorHider();
    private Runnable mShowDropDownRunnable;

    final Handler mHandler;

    private final Rect mTempRect = new Rect();

     * Optional anchor-relative bounds to be used as the transition epicenter.
     * When {@code null}, the anchor bounds are used as the epicenter.
    private Rect mEpicenterBounds;

    private boolean mModal;

    PopupWindow mPopup;

     * The provided prompt view should appear above list content.
     * @see #setPromptPosition(int)
     * @see #getPromptPosition()
     * @see #setPromptView(View)
    public static final int POSITION_PROMPT_ABOVE = 0;

     * The provided prompt view should appear below list content.
     * @see #setPromptPosition(int)
     * @see #getPromptPosition()
     * @see #setPromptView(View)
    public static final int POSITION_PROMPT_BELOW = 1;

     * Alias for {@link ViewGroup.LayoutParams#MATCH_PARENT}.
     * If used to specify a popup width, the popup will match the width of the anchor view.
     * If used to specify a popup height, the popup will fill available space.
    public static final int MATCH_PARENT = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;

     * Alias for {@link ViewGroup.LayoutParams#WRAP_CONTENT}.
     * If used to specify a popup width, the popup will use the width of its content.
    public static final int WRAP_CONTENT = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;

     * Mode for {@link #setInputMethodMode(int)}: the requirements for the
     * input method should be based on the focusability of the popup.  That is
     * if it is focusable than it needs to work with the input method, else
     * it doesn't.

     * Mode for {@link #setInputMethodMode(int)}: this popup always needs to
     * work with an input method, regardless of whether it is focusable.  This
     * means that it will always be displayed so that the user can also operate
     * the input method while it is shown.
    public static final int INPUT_METHOD_NEEDED = PopupWindow.INPUT_METHOD_NEEDED;

     * Mode for {@link #setInputMethodMode(int)}: this popup never needs to
     * work with an input method, regardless of whether it is focusable.  This
     * means that it will always be displayed to use as much space on the
     * screen as needed, regardless of whether this covers the input method.
    public static final int INPUT_METHOD_NOT_NEEDED = PopupWindow.INPUT_METHOD_NOT_NEEDED;

     * Create a new, empty popup window capable of displaying items from a ListAdapter.
     * Backgrounds should be set using {@link #setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable)}.
     * @param context Context used for contained views.
    public ListPopupWindow(@NonNull Context context) {
        this(context, null, R.attr.listPopupWindowStyle);

     * Create a new, empty popup window capable of displaying items from a ListAdapter.
     * Backgrounds should be set using {@link #setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable)}.
     * @param context Context used for contained views.
     * @param attrs   Attributes from inflating parent views used to style the popup.
    public ListPopupWindow(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, R.attr.listPopupWindowStyle);

     * Create a new, empty popup window capable of displaying items from a ListAdapter.
     * Backgrounds should be set using {@link #setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable)}.
     * @param context Context used for contained views.
     * @param attrs Attributes from inflating parent views used to style the popup.
     * @param defStyleAttr Default style attribute to use for popup content.
    public ListPopupWindow(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs,
            @AttrRes int defStyleAttr) {
        this(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, 0);

     * Create a new, empty popup window capable of displaying items from a ListAdapter.
     * Backgrounds should be set using {@link #setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable)}.
     * @param context Context used for contained views.
     * @param attrs Attributes from inflating parent views used to style the popup.
     * @param defStyleAttr Style attribute to read for default styling of popup content.
     * @param defStyleRes Style resource ID to use for default styling of popup content.
    public ListPopupWindow(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs,
            @AttrRes int defStyleAttr, @StyleRes int defStyleRes) {
        mContext = context;
        mHandler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());

        final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.ListPopupWindow,
                defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
        mDropDownHorizontalOffset = a.getDimensionPixelOffset(
                R.styleable.ListPopupWindow_android_dropDownHorizontalOffset, 0);
        mDropDownVerticalOffset = a.getDimensionPixelOffset(
                R.styleable.ListPopupWindow_android_dropDownVerticalOffset, 0);
        if (mDropDownVerticalOffset != 0) {
            mDropDownVerticalOffsetSet = true;

        mPopup = new AppCompatPopupWindow(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);

     * Sets the adapter that provides the data and the views to represent the data
     * in this popup window.
     * @param adapter The adapter to use to create this window's content.
    public void setAdapter(@Nullable ListAdapter adapter) {
        if (mObserver == null) {
            mObserver = new PopupDataSetObserver();
        } else if (mAdapter != null) {
        mAdapter = adapter;
        if (adapter != null) {

        if (mDropDownList != null) {

     * Set where the optional prompt view should appear. The default is
     * {@link #POSITION_PROMPT_ABOVE}.
     * @param position A position constant declaring where the prompt should be displayed.
    public void setPromptPosition(int position) {
        mPromptPosition = position;

     * @return Where the optional prompt view should appear.
    public int getPromptPosition() {
        return mPromptPosition;

     * Set whether this window should be modal when shown.
     * <p>If a popup window is modal, it will receive all touch and key input.
     * If the user touches outside the popup window's content area the popup window
     * will be dismissed.
     * @param modal {@code true} if the popup window should be modal, {@code false} otherwise.
    public void setModal(boolean modal) {
        mModal = modal;

     * Returns whether the popup window will be modal when shown.
     * @return {@code true} if the popup window will be modal, {@code false} otherwise.
    public boolean isModal() {
        return mModal;

     * Forces outside touches to be ignored. Normally if {@link #isDropDownAlwaysVisible()} is
     * false, we allow outside touch to dismiss the dropdown. If this is set to true, then we
     * ignore outside touch even when the drop down is not set to always visible.
    public void setForceIgnoreOutsideTouch(boolean forceIgnoreOutsideTouch) {
        mForceIgnoreOutsideTouch = forceIgnoreOutsideTouch;

     * Sets whether the drop-down should remain visible under certain conditions.
     * The drop-down will occupy the entire screen below {@link #getAnchorView} regardless
     * of the size or content of the list.  {@link #getBackground()} will fill any space
     * that is not used by the list.
     * @param dropDownAlwaysVisible Whether to keep the drop-down visible.
    public void setDropDownAlwaysVisible(boolean dropDownAlwaysVisible) {
        mDropDownAlwaysVisible = dropDownAlwaysVisible;

     * @return Whether the drop-down is visible under special conditions.
    public boolean isDropDownAlwaysVisible() {
        return mDropDownAlwaysVisible;

     * Sets the operating mode for the soft input area.
     * @param mode The desired mode, see
     *        {@link WindowManager.LayoutParams#softInputMode}
     *        for the full list
     * @see WindowManager.LayoutParams#softInputMode
     * @see #getSoftInputMode()
    public void setSoftInputMode(int mode) {

     * Returns the current value in {@link #setSoftInputMode(int)}.
     * @see #setSoftInputMode(int)
     * @see WindowManager.LayoutParams#softInputMode
    public int getSoftInputMode() {
        return mPopup.getSoftInputMode();

     * Sets a drawable to use as the list item selector.
     * @param selector List selector drawable to use in the popup.
    public void setListSelector(Drawable selector) {
        mDropDownListHighlight = selector;

     * @return The background drawable for the popup window.
    public @Nullable Drawable getBackground() {
        return mPopup.getBackground();

     * Sets a drawable to be the background for the popup window.
     * @param d A drawable to set as the background.
    public void setBackgroundDrawable(@Nullable Drawable d) {

     * Set an animation style to use when the popup window is shown or dismissed.
     * @param animationStyle Animation style to use.
    public void setAnimationStyle(@StyleRes int animationStyle) {

     * Returns the animation style that will be used when the popup window is
     * shown or dismissed.
     * @return Animation style that will be used.
    public @StyleRes int getAnimationStyle() {
        return mPopup.getAnimationStyle();

     * Returns the view that will be used to anchor this popup.
     * @return The popup's anchor view
    public @Nullable View getAnchorView() {
        return mDropDownAnchorView;

     * Sets the popup's anchor view. This popup will always be positioned relative to
     * the anchor view when shown.
     * @param anchor The view to use as an anchor.
    public void setAnchorView(@Nullable View anchor) {
        mDropDownAnchorView = anchor;

     * @return The horizontal offset of the popup from its anchor in pixels.
    public int getHorizontalOffset() {
        return mDropDownHorizontalOffset;

     * Set the horizontal offset of this popup from its anchor view in pixels.
     * @param offset The horizontal offset of the popup from its anchor.
    public void setHorizontalOffset(int offset) {
        mDropDownHorizontalOffset = offset;

     * @return The vertical offset of the popup from its anchor in pixels.
    public int getVerticalOffset() {
        if (!mDropDownVerticalOffsetSet) {
            return 0;
        return mDropDownVerticalOffset;

     * Set the vertical offset of this popup from its anchor view in pixels.
     * @param offset The vertical offset of the popup from its anchor.
    public void setVerticalOffset(int offset) {
        mDropDownVerticalOffset = offset;
        mDropDownVerticalOffsetSet = true;

     * Specifies the custom anchor-relative bounds of the popup's transition
     * epicenter.
     * @param bounds anchor-relative bounds or {@code null} to use default epicenter
     * @see #getEpicenterBounds()
    public void setEpicenterBounds(@Nullable Rect bounds) {
        mEpicenterBounds = bounds != null ? new Rect(bounds) : null;

     * Return custom anchor-relative bounds of the popup's transition epicenter
     * @return anchor-relative bounds, or @{@code null} if not set
     * @see #setEpicenterBounds(Rect)
    public Rect getEpicenterBounds() {
        return mEpicenterBounds != null ? new Rect(mEpicenterBounds) : null;

     * Set the gravity of the dropdown list. This is commonly used to
     * set gravity to START or END for alignment with the anchor.
     * @param gravity Gravity value to use
    public void setDropDownGravity(int gravity) {
        mDropDownGravity = gravity;

     * @return The width of the popup window in pixels.
    public int getWidth() {
        return mDropDownWidth;

     * Sets the width of the popup window in pixels. Can also be {@link #MATCH_PARENT}
     * or {@link #WRAP_CONTENT}.
     * @param width Width of the popup window.
    public void setWidth(int width) {
        mDropDownWidth = width;

     * Sets the width of the popup window by the size of its content. The final width may be
     * larger to accommodate styled window dressing.
     * @param width Desired width of content in pixels.
    public void setContentWidth(int width) {
        Drawable popupBackground = mPopup.getBackground();
        if (popupBackground != null) {
            mDropDownWidth = mTempRect.left + mTempRect.right + width;
        } else {

     * @return The height of the popup window in pixels.
    public int getHeight() {
        return mDropDownHeight;

     * Sets the height of the popup window in pixels. Can also be {@link #MATCH_PARENT}.
     * @param height Height of the popup window must be a positive value,
     *               {@link #MATCH_PARENT}, or {@link #WRAP_CONTENT}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if height is set to negative value
    public void setHeight(int height) {
        if (height < 0 && ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT != height
                && ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT != height) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                   "Invalid height. Must be a positive value, MATCH_PARENT, or WRAP_CONTENT.");
        mDropDownHeight = height;

     * Set the layout type for this popup window.
     * <p>
     * See {@link WindowManager.LayoutParams#type} for possible values.
     * @param layoutType Layout type for this window.
     * @see WindowManager.LayoutParams#type
    public void setWindowLayoutType(int layoutType) {
        mDropDownWindowLayoutType = layoutType;

     * Sets a listener to receive events when a list item is clicked.
     * @param clickListener Listener to register
     * @see ListView#setOnItemClickListener(AdapterView.OnItemClickListener)
    public void setOnItemClickListener(@Nullable AdapterView.OnItemClickListener clickListener) {
        mItemClickListener = clickListener;

     * Sets a listener to receive events when a list item is selected.
     * @param selectedListener Listener to register.
     * @see ListView#setOnItemSelectedListener(OnItemSelectedListener)
    public void setOnItemSelectedListener(@Nullable OnItemSelectedListener selectedListener) {
        mItemSelectedListener = selectedListener;

     * Set a view to act as a user prompt for this popup window. Where the prompt view will appear
     * is controlled by {@link #setPromptPosition(int)}.
     * @param prompt View to use as an informational prompt.
    public void setPromptView(@Nullable View prompt) {
        boolean showing = isShowing();
        if (showing) {
        mPromptView = prompt;
        if (showing) {

     * Post a {@link #show()} call to the UI thread.
    public void postShow() {;

     * Show the popup list. If the list is already showing, this method
     * will recalculate the popup's size and position.
    public void show() {
        int height = buildDropDown();

        final boolean noInputMethod = isInputMethodNotNeeded();
        PopupWindowCompat.setWindowLayoutType(mPopup, mDropDownWindowLayoutType);

        if (mPopup.isShowing()) {
            if (!getAnchorView().isAttachedToWindow()) {
                //Don't update position if the anchor view is detached from window.
            final int widthSpec;
            if (mDropDownWidth == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                // The call to PopupWindow's update method below can accept -1 for any
                // value you do not want to update.
                widthSpec = -1;
            } else if (mDropDownWidth == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) {
                widthSpec = getAnchorView().getWidth();
            } else {
                widthSpec = mDropDownWidth;

            final int heightSpec;
            if (mDropDownHeight == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                // The call to PopupWindow's update method below can accept -1 for any
                // value you do not want to update.
                heightSpec = noInputMethod ? height : ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
                if (noInputMethod) {
                    mPopup.setWidth(mDropDownWidth == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ?
                            ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT : 0);
                } else {
                    mPopup.setWidth(mDropDownWidth == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ?
                                    ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT : 0);
            } else if (mDropDownHeight == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) {
                heightSpec = height;
            } else {
                heightSpec = mDropDownHeight;

            mPopup.setOutsideTouchable(!mForceIgnoreOutsideTouch && !mDropDownAlwaysVisible);

            mPopup.update(getAnchorView(), mDropDownHorizontalOffset,
                            mDropDownVerticalOffset, (widthSpec < 0)? -1 : widthSpec,
                            (heightSpec < 0)? -1 : heightSpec);
        } else {
            final int widthSpec;
            if (mDropDownWidth == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                widthSpec = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
            } else {
                if (mDropDownWidth == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) {
                    widthSpec = getAnchorView().getWidth();
                } else {
                    widthSpec = mDropDownWidth;

            final int heightSpec;
            if (mDropDownHeight == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                heightSpec = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
            } else {
                if (mDropDownHeight == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) {
                    heightSpec = height;
                } else {
                    heightSpec = mDropDownHeight;


            // use outside touchable to dismiss drop down when touching outside of it, so
            // only set this if the dropdown is not always visible
            mPopup.setOutsideTouchable(!mForceIgnoreOutsideTouch && !mDropDownAlwaysVisible);
            if (mOverlapAnchorSet) {
                PopupWindowCompat.setOverlapAnchor(mPopup, mOverlapAnchor);
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 28) {
                if (sSetEpicenterBoundsMethod != null) {
                    try {
                        sSetEpicenterBoundsMethod.invoke(mPopup, mEpicenterBounds);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "Could not invoke setEpicenterBounds on PopupWindow", e);
            } else {
                Api29Impl.setEpicenterBounds(mPopup, mEpicenterBounds);
            PopupWindowCompat.showAsDropDown(mPopup, getAnchorView(), mDropDownHorizontalOffset,
                    mDropDownVerticalOffset, mDropDownGravity);

            if (!mModal || mDropDownList.isInTouchMode()) {
            if (!mModal) {

     * Dismiss the popup window.
    public void dismiss() {
        mDropDownList = null;

     * Set a listener to receive a callback when the popup is dismissed.
     * @param listener Listener that will be notified when the popup is dismissed.
    public void setOnDismissListener(@Nullable PopupWindow.OnDismissListener listener) {

    private void removePromptView() {
        if (mPromptView != null) {
            final ViewParent parent = mPromptView.getParent();
            if (parent instanceof ViewGroup) {
                final ViewGroup group = (ViewGroup) parent;

     * Control how the popup operates with an input method: one of
     * or {@link #INPUT_METHOD_NOT_NEEDED}.
     * <p>If the popup is showing, calling this method will take effect only
     * the next time the popup is shown or through a manual call to the {@link #show()}
     * method.</p>
     * @see #getInputMethodMode()
     * @see #show()
    public void setInputMethodMode(int mode) {

     * Return the current value in {@link #setInputMethodMode(int)}.
     * @see #setInputMethodMode(int)
    public int getInputMethodMode() {
        return mPopup.getInputMethodMode();

     * Set the selected position of the list.
     * Only valid when {@link #isShowing()} == {@code true}.
     * @param position List position to set as selected.
    public void setSelection(int position) {
        DropDownListView list = mDropDownList;
        if (isShowing() && list != null) {

            if (list.getChoiceMode() != ListView.CHOICE_MODE_NONE) {
                list.setItemChecked(position, true);

     * Clear any current list selection.
     * Only valid when {@link #isShowing()} == {@code true}.
    public void clearListSelection() {
        final DropDownListView list = mDropDownList;
        if (list != null) {
            // WARNING: Please read the comment where mListSelectionHidden is declared

     * @return {@code true} if the popup is currently showing, {@code false} otherwise.
    public boolean isShowing() {
        return mPopup.isShowing();

     * @return {@code true} if this popup is configured to assume the user does not need
     * to interact with the IME while it is showing, {@code false} otherwise.
    public boolean isInputMethodNotNeeded() {
        return mPopup.getInputMethodMode() == INPUT_METHOD_NOT_NEEDED;

     * Perform an item click operation on the specified list adapter position.
     * @param position Adapter position for performing the click
     * @return true if the click action could be performed, false if not.
     *         (e.g. if the popup was not showing, this method would return false.)
    public boolean performItemClick(int position) {
        if (isShowing()) {
            if (mItemClickListener != null) {
                final DropDownListView list = mDropDownList;
                final View child = list.getChildAt(position - list.getFirstVisiblePosition());
                final ListAdapter adapter = list.getAdapter();
                mItemClickListener.onItemClick(list, child, position, adapter.getItemId(position));
            return true;
        return false;

     * @return The currently selected item or null if the popup is not showing.
    public @Nullable Object getSelectedItem() {
        if (!isShowing()) {
            return null;
        return mDropDownList.getSelectedItem();

     * @return The position of the currently selected item or {@link ListView#INVALID_POSITION}
     * if {@link #isShowing()} == {@code false}.
     * @see ListView#getSelectedItemPosition()
    public int getSelectedItemPosition() {
        if (!isShowing()) {
            return ListView.INVALID_POSITION;
        return mDropDownList.getSelectedItemPosition();

     * @return The ID of the currently selected item or {@link ListView#INVALID_ROW_ID}
     * if {@link #isShowing()} == {@code false}.
     * @see ListView#getSelectedItemId()
    public long getSelectedItemId() {
        if (!isShowing()) {
            return ListView.INVALID_ROW_ID;
        return mDropDownList.getSelectedItemId();

     * @return The View for the currently selected item or null if
     * {@link #isShowing()} == {@code false}.
     * @see ListView#getSelectedView()
    public @Nullable View getSelectedView() {
        if (!isShowing()) {
            return null;
        return mDropDownList.getSelectedView();

     * @return The {@link ListView} displayed within the popup window.
     * Only valid when {@link #isShowing()} == {@code true}.
    public @Nullable ListView getListView() {
        return mDropDownList;

    @NonNull DropDownListView createDropDownListView(Context context, boolean hijackFocus) {
        return new DropDownListView(context, hijackFocus);

     * The maximum number of list items that can be visible and still have
     * the list expand when touched.
     * @param max Max number of items that can be visible and still allow the list to expand.
    void setListItemExpandMax(int max) {
        mListItemExpandMaximum = max;

     * Filter key down events. By forwarding key down events to this function,
     * views using non-modal ListPopupWindow can have it handle key selection of items.
     * @param keyCode keyCode param passed to the host view's onKeyDown
     * @param event event param passed to the host view's onKeyDown
     * @return true if the event was handled, false if it was ignored.
     * @see #setModal(boolean)
     * @see #onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent)
    public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, @NonNull KeyEvent event) {
        // when the drop down is shown, we drive it directly
        if (isShowing()) {
            // the key events are forwarded to the list in the drop down view
            // note that ListView handles space but we don't want that to happen
            // also if selection is not currently in the drop down, then don't
            // let center or enter presses go there since that would cause it
            // to select one of its items
            if (keyCode != KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE
                    && (mDropDownList.getSelectedItemPosition() >= 0
                    || !isConfirmKey(keyCode))) {
                int curIndex = mDropDownList.getSelectedItemPosition();
                boolean consumed;

                final boolean below = !mPopup.isAboveAnchor();

                final ListAdapter adapter = mAdapter;

                boolean allEnabled;
                int firstItem = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                int lastItem = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

                if (adapter != null) {
                    allEnabled = adapter.areAllItemsEnabled();
                    firstItem = allEnabled ? 0 :
                            mDropDownList.lookForSelectablePosition(0, true);
                    lastItem = allEnabled ? adapter.getCount() - 1 :
                            mDropDownList.lookForSelectablePosition(adapter.getCount() - 1, false);

                if ((below && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP && curIndex <= firstItem) ||
                        (!below && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN && curIndex >= lastItem)) {
                    // When the selection is at the top, we block the key
                    // event to prevent focus from moving.
                    return true;
                } else {
                    // WARNING: Please read the comment where mListSelectionHidden
                    //          is declared

                consumed = mDropDownList.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Key down: code=" + keyCode + " list consumed=" + consumed);

                if (consumed) {
                    // If it handled the key event, then the user is
                    // navigating in the list, so we should put it in front.
                    // Here's a little trick we need to do to make sure that
                    // the list view is actually showing its focus indicator,
                    // by ensuring it has focus and getting its window out
                    // of touch mode.

                    switch (keyCode) {
                        // avoid passing the focus from the text view to the
                        // next component
                        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER:
                        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER:
                        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN:
                        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP:
                            return true;
                } else {
                    if (below && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) {
                        // when the selection is at the bottom, we block the
                        // event to avoid going to the next focusable widget
                        if (curIndex == lastItem) {
                            return true;
                    } else if (!below && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP &&
                            curIndex == firstItem) {
                        return true;

        return false;

     * Filter key up events. By forwarding key up events to this function,
     * views using non-modal ListPopupWindow can have it handle key selection of items.
     * @param keyCode keyCode param passed to the host view's onKeyUp
     * @param event event param passed to the host view's onKeyUp
     * @return true if the event was handled, false if it was ignored.
     * @see #setModal(boolean)
     * @see #onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent)
    public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, @NonNull KeyEvent event) {
        if (isShowing() && mDropDownList.getSelectedItemPosition() >= 0) {
            boolean consumed = mDropDownList.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
            if (consumed && isConfirmKey(keyCode)) {
                // if the list accepts the key events and the key event was a click, the text view
                // gets the selected item from the drop down as its content
            return consumed;
        return false;

     * Filter pre-IME key events. By forwarding {@link View#onKeyPreIme(int, KeyEvent)}
     * events to this function, views using ListPopupWindow can have it dismiss the popup
     * when the back key is pressed.
     * @param keyCode keyCode param passed to the host view's onKeyPreIme
     * @param event event param passed to the host view's onKeyPreIme
     * @return true if the event was handled, false if it was ignored.
     * @see #setModal(boolean)
    public boolean onKeyPreIme(int keyCode, @NonNull KeyEvent event) {
        if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK && isShowing()) {
            // special case for the back key, we do not even try to send it
            // to the drop down list but instead, consume it immediately
            final View anchorView = mDropDownAnchorView;
            if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) {
                KeyEvent.DispatcherState state = anchorView.getKeyDispatcherState();
                if (state != null) {
                    state.startTracking(event, this);
                return true;
            } else if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) {
                KeyEvent.DispatcherState state = anchorView.getKeyDispatcherState();
                if (state != null) {
                if (event.isTracking() && !event.isCanceled()) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Returns an {@link OnTouchListener} that can be added to the source view
     * to implement drag-to-open behavior. Generally, the source view should be
     * the same view that was passed to {@link #setAnchorView}.
     * <p>
     * When the listener is set on a view, touching that view and dragging
     * outside of its bounds will open the popup window. Lifting will select the
     * currently touched list item.
     * <p>
     * Example usage:
     * <pre>
     * ListPopupWindow myPopup = new ListPopupWindow(context);
     * myPopup.setAnchor(myAnchor);
     * OnTouchListener dragListener = myPopup.createDragToOpenListener(myAnchor);
     * myAnchor.setOnTouchListener(dragListener);
     * </pre>
     * @param src the view on which the resulting listener will be set
     * @return a touch listener that controls drag-to-open behavior
    public OnTouchListener createDragToOpenListener(View src) {
        return new ForwardingListener(src) {
            public ListPopupWindow getPopup() {
                return ListPopupWindow.this;

     * <p>Builds the popup window's content and returns the height the popup
     * should have. Returns -1 when the content already exists.</p>
     * @return the content's height or -1 if content already exists
    private int buildDropDown() {
        ViewGroup dropDownView;
        int otherHeights = 0;

        if (mDropDownList == null) {
            Context context = mContext;

             * This Runnable exists for the sole purpose of checking if the view layout has got
             * completed and if so call showDropDown to display the drop down. This is used to show
             * the drop down as soon as possible after user opens up the search dialog, without
             * waiting for the normal UI pipeline to do its job which is slower than this method.
            mShowDropDownRunnable = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    // View layout should be all done before displaying the drop down.
                    View view = getAnchorView();
                    if (view != null && view.getWindowToken() != null) {

            mDropDownList = createDropDownListView(context, !mModal);
            if (mDropDownListHighlight != null) {
            mDropDownList.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() {
                public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
                        int position, long id) {

                    if (position != -1) {
                        DropDownListView dropDownList = mDropDownList;

                        if (dropDownList != null) {

                public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parent) {

            if (mItemSelectedListener != null) {

            dropDownView = mDropDownList;

            View hintView = mPromptView;
            if (hintView != null) {
                // if a hint has been specified, we accommodate more space for it and
                // add a text view in the drop down menu, at the bottom of the list
                LinearLayout hintContainer = new LinearLayout(context);

                LinearLayout.LayoutParams hintParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
                        ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 0, 1.0f

                switch (mPromptPosition) {
                    case POSITION_PROMPT_BELOW:
                        hintContainer.addView(dropDownView, hintParams);

                    case POSITION_PROMPT_ABOVE:
                        hintContainer.addView(dropDownView, hintParams);

                        Log.e(TAG, "Invalid hint position " + mPromptPosition);

                // Measure the hint's height to find how much more vertical
                // space we need to add to the drop down's height.
                final int widthSize;
                final int widthMode;
                if (mDropDownWidth >= 0) {
                    widthMode = MeasureSpec.AT_MOST;
                    widthSize = mDropDownWidth;
                } else {
                    widthMode = MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED;
                    widthSize = 0;
                final int widthSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(widthSize, widthMode);
                final int heightSpec = MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED;
                hintView.measure(widthSpec, heightSpec);

                hintParams = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) hintView.getLayoutParams();
                otherHeights = hintView.getMeasuredHeight() + hintParams.topMargin
                        + hintParams.bottomMargin;

                dropDownView = hintContainer;

        } else {
            dropDownView = (ViewGroup) mPopup.getContentView();
            final View view = mPromptView;
            if (view != null) {
                LinearLayout.LayoutParams hintParams =
                        (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
                otherHeights = view.getMeasuredHeight() + hintParams.topMargin
                        + hintParams.bottomMargin;

        // getMaxAvailableHeight() subtracts the padding, so we put it back
        // to get the available height for the whole window.
        final int padding;
        final Drawable background = mPopup.getBackground();
        if (background != null) {
            padding = + mTempRect.bottom;

            // If we don't have an explicit vertical offset, determine one from
            // the window background so that content will line up.
            if (!mDropDownVerticalOffsetSet) {
                mDropDownVerticalOffset =;
        } else {
            padding = 0;

        // Max height available on the screen for a popup.
        final boolean ignoreBottomDecorations =
                mPopup.getInputMethodMode() == PopupWindow.INPUT_METHOD_NOT_NEEDED;
        final int maxHeight = getMaxAvailableHeight(getAnchorView(), mDropDownVerticalOffset,
        if (mDropDownAlwaysVisible || mDropDownHeight == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
            return maxHeight + padding;

        final int childWidthSpec;
        switch (mDropDownWidth) {
            case ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT:
                childWidthSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(
                                - (mTempRect.left + mTempRect.right),
            case ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT:
                childWidthSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(
                                - (mTempRect.left + mTempRect.right),
                childWidthSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(mDropDownWidth, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);

        // Add padding only if the list has items in it, that way we don't show
        // the popup if it is not needed.
        final int listContent = mDropDownList.measureHeightOfChildrenCompat(childWidthSpec,
                0, DropDownListView.NO_POSITION, maxHeight - otherHeights, -1);
        if (listContent > 0) {
            final int listPadding = mDropDownList.getPaddingTop()
                    + mDropDownList.getPaddingBottom();
            otherHeights += padding + listPadding;

        return listContent + otherHeights;

     * a submenu correctly.
    public void setOverlapAnchor(boolean overlapAnchor) {
        mOverlapAnchorSet = true;
        mOverlapAnchor = overlapAnchor;

    private class PopupDataSetObserver extends DataSetObserver {
        PopupDataSetObserver() {

        public void onChanged() {
            if (isShowing()) {
                // Resize the popup to fit new content

        public void onInvalidated() {

    private class ListSelectorHider implements Runnable {
        ListSelectorHider() {

        public void run() {

    private class ResizePopupRunnable implements Runnable {
        ResizePopupRunnable() {

        public void run() {
            if (mDropDownList != null && mDropDownList.isAttachedToWindow()
                    && mDropDownList.getCount() > mDropDownList.getChildCount()
                    && mDropDownList.getChildCount() <= mListItemExpandMaximum) {

    private class PopupTouchInterceptor implements OnTouchListener {
        PopupTouchInterceptor() {

        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            final int action = event.getAction();
            final int x = (int) event.getX();
            final int y = (int) event.getY();

            if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN &&
                    mPopup != null && mPopup.isShowing() &&
                    (x >= 0 && x < mPopup.getWidth() && y >= 0 && y < mPopup.getHeight())) {
                mHandler.postDelayed(mResizePopupRunnable, EXPAND_LIST_TIMEOUT);
            } else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
            return false;

    private class PopupScrollListener implements ListView.OnScrollListener {
        PopupScrollListener() {

        public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount,
                int totalItemCount) {


        public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
            if (scrollState == SCROLL_STATE_TOUCH_SCROLL &&
                    !isInputMethodNotNeeded() && mPopup.getContentView() != null) {

    private static boolean isConfirmKey(int keyCode) {
        return keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER;

    private void setPopupClipToScreenEnabled(boolean clip) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 28) {
            if (sSetClipToWindowEnabledMethod != null) {
                try {
                    sSetClipToWindowEnabledMethod.invoke(mPopup, clip);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.i(TAG, "Could not call setClipToScreenEnabled() on PopupWindow. Oh well.");
        } else {
            Api29Impl.setIsClippedToScreen(mPopup, clip);

    private int getMaxAvailableHeight(View anchor, int yOffset, boolean ignoreBottomDecorations) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 23) {
            if (sGetMaxAvailableHeightMethod != null) {
                try {
                    return (int) sGetMaxAvailableHeightMethod.invoke(mPopup, anchor, yOffset,
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.i(TAG, "Could not call getMaxAvailableHeightMethod(View, int, boolean)"
                            + " on PopupWindow. Using the public version.");
            return mPopup.getMaxAvailableHeight(anchor, yOffset);
        } else {
            return Api24Impl.getMaxAvailableHeight(mPopup, anchor, yOffset,

    static class Api29Impl {
        private Api29Impl() {
            // This class is not instantiable.

        static void setEpicenterBounds(PopupWindow popupWindow, Rect bounds) {

        static void setIsClippedToScreen(PopupWindow popupWindow, boolean enabled) {

    static class Api24Impl {
        private Api24Impl() {
            // This class is not instantiable.

        static int getMaxAvailableHeight(PopupWindow popupWindow, View anchor, int yOffset,
                boolean ignoreBottomDecorations) {
            return popupWindow.getMaxAvailableHeight(anchor, yOffset, ignoreBottomDecorations);