
 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.apptarget

import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.apptarget.task.GenerateKeepRulesForBaselineProfilesTask
import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.utils.AgpFeature
import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.utils.AgpPlugin
import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.utils.AgpPluginId
import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.utils.BUILD_TYPE_BASELINE_PROFILE_PREFIX
import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.utils.BUILD_TYPE_BENCHMARK_PREFIX
import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.utils.Dependencies
import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.utils.MAX_AGP_VERSION_RECOMMENDED_EXCLUSIVE
import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.utils.MIN_AGP_VERSION_REQUIRED_INCLUSIVE
import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.utils.camelCase
import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.utils.copyBuildTypeSources
import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.utils.copySigningConfigIfNotSpecified
import androidx.baselineprofile.gradle.utils.createExtendedBuildTypes
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project

 * This is the app target plugin for baseline profile generation. In order to generate baseline
 * profiles three plugins are needed: one is applied to the app or the library that should consume
 * the baseline profile when building (consumer), one is applied to the module that should supply
 * the under test app (app target) and the last one is applied to a test module containing the ui
 * test that generate the baseline profile on the device (producer).
class BaselineProfileAppTargetPlugin : Plugin<Project> {
    override fun apply(project: Project) = BaselineProfileAppTargetAgpPlugin(project).onApply()

private class BaselineProfileAppTargetAgpPlugin(private val project: Project) : AgpPlugin(
    project = project,
    supportedAgpPlugins = setOf(
) {

    private val ApplicationExtension.debugSigningConfig
        get() = buildTypes.getByName("debug").signingConfig

    private val dependencies = Dependencies(project)

    // Benchmark build type to the original ones. Ex: benchmarkRelease -> release
    private val benchmarkExtendedToOriginalTypeMap = mutableMapOf<String, String>()

    // This is the opposite. Ex: release -> benchmarkRelease
    private val benchmarkOriginalToExtendedTypeMap by lazy {
        benchmarkExtendedToOriginalTypeMap.toList().associate { Pair(it.second, it.first) }

    // Baseline Profile build type to the original ones. Ex: nonMinifiedRelease -> release
    private val baselineProfileExtendedToOriginalTypeMap = mutableMapOf<String, String>()

    // This is the opposite. Ex: release -> nonMinifiedRelease
    private val baselineProfileOriginalToExtendedTypeMap by lazy {
        baselineProfileExtendedToOriginalTypeMap.toList().associate { Pair(it.second, it.first) }

    override fun onAgpPluginNotFound(pluginIds: Set<AgpPluginId>) {

        // If no supported plugin was found throw an exception.
        throw IllegalStateException(
            The module ${} does not have the `` plugin
            applied. The `androidx.baselineprofile.apptarget` plugin supports only
            android application modules. Please review your build.gradle to ensure this
            plugin is applied to the correct module.

    override fun onAgpPluginFound(pluginIds: Set<AgpPluginId>) {

        // If the library plugin was found throw an exception. It's possible the developer meant
        // to generate a baseline profile for a library and we can give further information.
        if (pluginIds.contains(AgpPluginId.ID_ANDROID_LIBRARY_PLUGIN)) {
            throw IllegalStateException(
            The module ${} does not have the `` plugin
            but has the `` plugin. If you're trying to generate a
            baseline profile for a library, you'll need to apply the
            `androidx.baselineprofile.apptarget` to an android application that
            has the `` plugin applied. This should be a sample app
            running the code of the library for which you want to generate the profile.
            Please review your build.gradle to ensure this plugin is applied to the
            correct module.

        // Otherwise, just log the plugin was applied.
            .debug("[BaselineProfileAppTargetPlugin] afterEvaluate check: app plugin was applied")

    override fun onApplicationFinalizeDsl(extension: ApplicationExtension) {

        // Different build types are created according to the AGP version
        if (supportsFeature(AgpFeature.TEST_MODULE_SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_BUILD_TYPES)) {
        } else {

    override fun onApplicationBeforeVariants(variantBuilder: ApplicationVariantBuilder) {

        // Process all the extended build types for both baseline profile and benchmark to
        // disable unit tests.
        if (variantBuilder.buildType in baselineProfileExtendedToOriginalTypeMap.keys ||
            variantBuilder.buildType in benchmarkExtendedToOriginalTypeMap.keys
        ) {

            if (supportsFeature(AgpFeature.APPLICATION_VARIANT_HAS_UNIT_TEST_BUILDER)) {
                (variantBuilder as? HasUnitTestBuilder)?.enableUnitTest = false
            } else {
                variantBuilder.enableUnitTest = false
                variantBuilder.unitTestEnabled = false

    override fun onApplicationVariants(variant: ApplicationVariant) {

        // Extending the build type won't also copy the build type specific dependencies, that
        // need to be copied separately for both baseline profile and benchmark variants.
        // Note that the maps used here are organized like: `release` -> `nonMinifiedRelease` and
        // `release` -> `benchmark`.
        data class MappingAndPrefix(val mapping: Map<String, String>, val prefix: String)
        ).forEach {
            if (variant.buildType !in it.mapping.keys) {

            // This would be, for example, `release`.
            val originalBuildTypeName = variant.buildType
                ?: throw IllegalStateException(
                    // Note that this exception cannot happen due to user configuration.
                    "Variant `${}` does not have a build type."

            // This would be, for example, `nonMinifiedRelease`.
            val extendedBuildTypeName = it.mapping[originalBuildTypeName]
                ?: throw IllegalStateException(
                    // Note that this exception cannot happen due to user configuration.
                    "Build type `${variant.buildType}` was not extended."

            // Copy build type specific dependencies
                fromPrefix = originalBuildTypeName,
                toPrefix = extendedBuildTypeName

            // Copy variant specific dependencies
                fromPrefix =,
                toPrefix = camelCase(variant.flavorName ?: "", extendedBuildTypeName)

            // Note that we don't need to copy flavor specific dependencies because they're applied
            // to all the build types, including the extended ones.

        // This behavior is only for AGP 8.0: since we cannot support multiple build types in the
        // same gradle invocation (including `assemble` or `build` due to b/265438201), we use a
        // single build type for both benchmark and baseline profile in the producer module.
        // This build type is minified but not obfuscated. Here we add a fixed proguard file that
        // disables the obfuscation. Also we want to skip the build types that were NOT created by
        // this plugin.
        if (agpVersion() < AndroidPluginVersion(8, 1, 0) &&
            variant.buildType in baselineProfileExtendedToOriginalTypeMap.keys
        ) {
                    .flatMap { it.keepRuleFile }

    private fun createBuildTypesWithAgp80(extension: ApplicationExtension) {

        // Creates baseline profile build types extending the currently existing ones.
        // They're named `<BUILD_TYPE_BASELINE_PROFILE_PREFIX><originalBuildTypeName>`.
        // Note that if the build type already does not exist, the `newConfigureBlock` is applied,
        // while if it exist the `overrideConfigureBlock` is applied.
            project = project,
            extensionBuildTypes = extension.buildTypes,
            extendedBuildTypeToOriginalBuildTypeMapping = baselineProfileExtendedToOriginalTypeMap,
            newBuildTypePrefix = BUILD_TYPE_BASELINE_PROFILE_PREFIX,
            filterBlock = {
                // Create baseline profile build types only for non debuggable builds.
            newConfigureBlock = { base, ext ->

                // Properties applied when the build type does not exist.
                ext.isJniDebuggable = false
                ext.isDebuggable = false
                ext.isProfileable = true
                ext.enableAndroidTestCoverage = false
                ext.enableUnitTestCoverage = false

                ext.isMinifyEnabled = base.isMinifyEnabled
                ext.isShrinkResources = base.isShrinkResources

                copySigningConfigIfNotSpecified(base, ext, extension.debugSigningConfig)
            overrideConfigureBlock = { base, ext ->

                // Properties applied when the build type exists.
                ext.isProfileable = true
                ext.enableAndroidTestCoverage = false
                ext.enableUnitTestCoverage = false

                copySigningConfigIfNotSpecified(base, ext, extension.debugSigningConfig)

        // Copies the source sets for the newly created build types
            extensionSourceSets = extension.sourceSets,
            fromToMapping = baselineProfileExtendedToOriginalTypeMap

    private fun createBuildTypesWithAgp81AndAbove(extension: ApplicationExtension) {

        // Creates baseline profile build types extending the currently existing ones.
        // They're named `<BUILD_TYPE_BASELINE_PROFILE_PREFIX><originalBuildTypeName>`.
        // Note that if the build type already does not exist, the `newConfigureBlock` is applied,
        // while if it exist the `overrideConfigureBlock` is applied.
            project = project,
            extendedBuildTypeToOriginalBuildTypeMapping = baselineProfileExtendedToOriginalTypeMap,
            extensionBuildTypes = extension.buildTypes,
            newBuildTypePrefix = BUILD_TYPE_BASELINE_PROFILE_PREFIX,
            filterBlock = {
                // Create baseline profile build types only for non debuggable builds.
            newConfigureBlock = { base, ext ->

                // Properties applied when the build type does not exist.
                ext.isJniDebuggable = false
                ext.isDebuggable = false
                ext.isMinifyEnabled = false
                ext.isShrinkResources = false
                ext.isProfileable = true
                ext.enableAndroidTestCoverage = false
                ext.enableUnitTestCoverage = false

                // Since minifyEnabled is `false`, no need to copy proguard files.

                copySigningConfigIfNotSpecified(base, ext, extension.debugSigningConfig)
            overrideConfigureBlock = { base, ext ->

                // Properties applied when the build type exists.
                // For baseline profile build type it's the same of `newConfigureBlock`.
                ext.isJniDebuggable = false
                ext.isDebuggable = false
                ext.isMinifyEnabled = false
                ext.isShrinkResources = false
                ext.isProfileable = true
                ext.enableAndroidTestCoverage = false
                ext.enableUnitTestCoverage = false

                // Since minifyEnabled is `false`, no need to copy proguard files.

                copySigningConfigIfNotSpecified(base, ext, extension.debugSigningConfig)

        // Copies the source sets for the newly created build types
            extensionSourceSets = extension.sourceSets,
            fromToMapping = baselineProfileExtendedToOriginalTypeMap

        // Creates benchmark build types extending the currently existing ones.
        // They're named `<BUILD_TYPE_BENCHMARK_PREFIX><originalBuildTypeName>`.
        // Note that if the build type already does not exist, the `newConfigureBlock` is applied,
        // while if it exist the `overrideConfigureBlock` is applied.
            project = project,
            extensionBuildTypes = extension.buildTypes,
            newBuildTypePrefix = BUILD_TYPE_BENCHMARK_PREFIX,
            extendedBuildTypeToOriginalBuildTypeMapping = benchmarkExtendedToOriginalTypeMap,
            filterBlock = {
                // Create benchmark type for non debuggable types, and without considering
                // baseline profiles build types.
                !it.isDebuggable && !in baselineProfileExtendedToOriginalTypeMap
            newConfigureBlock = { base, ext ->

                // Properties applied when the build type does not exist.
                ext.isJniDebuggable = false
                ext.isDebuggable = false
                ext.isMinifyEnabled = base.isMinifyEnabled
                ext.isShrinkResources = base.isShrinkResources
                ext.isProfileable = true
                ext.enableAndroidTestCoverage = false
                ext.enableUnitTestCoverage = false

                copySigningConfigIfNotSpecified(base, ext, extension.debugSigningConfig)
            overrideConfigureBlock = { base, ext ->

                // Properties applied when the build type exists.
                ext.enableAndroidTestCoverage = false
                ext.enableUnitTestCoverage = false

                copySigningConfigIfNotSpecified(base, ext, extension.debugSigningConfig)

        // Copies the source sets for the newly created build types
            extensionSourceSets = extension.sourceSets,
            fromToMapping = benchmarkExtendedToOriginalTypeMap