
package androidx.benchmark

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.util.Log
import androidx.benchmark.CpuEventCounter.Event
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

internal class MicrobenchmarkPhase(
    val label: String,
    val measurementCount: Int,
    val loopMode: LoopMode,

    val metrics: Array<MetricCapture> = arrayOf(TimeCapture()),

    val profiler: Profiler? = null,
    val gcBeforePhase: Boolean = false,
    val thermalThrottleSleepsMax: Int = 0,
) {
    val metricsContainer = MetricsContainer(metrics, measurementCount)
    private var thermalThrottleSleepsRemaining = thermalThrottleSleepsMax
    var thermalThrottleSleepSeconds = 0L

    init {
        if (loopMode.warmupManager != null) {
            check(metricsContainer.names.first() == "timeNs" && metricsContainer.names.size <= 2) {
                "If warmup is enabled, expect to only capture one or two metrics"

     * @return If true, finishing the phase was successful, otherwise must be retried
    fun tryEnd(): Boolean {
        return if (thermalThrottleSleepsRemaining > 0 && sleepIfThermalThrottled()) {
            false // don't start next phase, do-over
        } else {
            if (thermalThrottleSleepsMax > 0 && thermalThrottleSleepsRemaining == 0) {
                // If we ran out of throttle detection retries, it's possible the throttle baseline
                // is incorrect. Force next benchmark to recompute it.
            true // start next phase

    @SuppressLint("BanThreadSleep") // we all need sleep to cool off sometimes
    private fun sleepIfThermalThrottled(): Boolean = when {
        ThrottleDetector.isDeviceThermalThrottled() -> {
            val startTimeNs = System.nanoTime()
            inMemoryTrace("Sleep due to Thermal Throttle") {
            val sleepTimeNs = System.nanoTime() - startTimeNs
            thermalThrottleSleepSeconds += TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(sleepTimeNs)
        else -> false

    internal sealed class LoopMode(
        val warmupManager: WarmupManager? = null
    ) {
         * Warmup looping mode - reports a single iteration, but there is specialized code in
        class Warmup(warmupManager: WarmupManager) : LoopMode(warmupManager) {
            // always return one iter per measurement as we remeasure warmup after each loop
            override fun getIterations(warmupEstimatedIterationTimeNs: Long): Int = 1

         * Each repeat of the phase will run a predefined number of iterations
        class FixedIterations(private val iterations: Int) : LoopMode() {
            override fun getIterations(warmupEstimatedIterationTimeNs: Long): Int = iterations
        class Duration(private val targetRepeatDurationNs: Long) : LoopMode() {
            override fun getIterations(warmupEstimatedIterationTimeNs: Long): Int {
                check(warmupEstimatedIterationTimeNs >= 0) {
                    "Cannot dynamically determine repeat duration, warmup has not run!"
                return (targetRepeatDurationNs / warmupEstimatedIterationTimeNs.coerceAtLeast(1))
                    .coerceIn(MIN_TEST_ITERATIONS, MAX_TEST_ITERATIONS)

        abstract fun getIterations(warmupEstimatedIterationTimeNs: Long): Int

        companion object {
            internal const val MAX_TEST_ITERATIONS = 1_000_000
            internal const val MIN_TEST_ITERATIONS = 1

    companion object {
        private val THROTTLE_BACKOFF_S = Arguments.thermalThrottleSleepDurationSeconds

        // static instance ensures there's only one, and we don't leak native memory
        internal val cpuEventCounter: CpuEventCounter by lazy {
            // As this is only ever enabled by experimental arguments, we force enable this
            // permanently once the first benchmark uses it, for local runs only.
            CpuEventCounter.forceEnable()?.let { errorMessage ->
                throw IllegalStateException(errorMessage)

        fun dryRunModePhase() = MicrobenchmarkPhase(
            label = "Benchmark DryRun Timing",
            measurementCount = 1,
            loopMode = LoopMode.FixedIterations(1),

        fun startupModePhase() = MicrobenchmarkPhase(
            label = "Benchmark Startup Timing (experimental)",
            measurementCount = 10,
            loopMode = LoopMode.FixedIterations(1),

        fun warmupPhase(
            warmupManager: WarmupManager,
            collectCpuEventInstructions: Boolean,
        ) = MicrobenchmarkPhase(
            label = "Benchmark Warmup",
            measurementCount = 1,
            loopMode = LoopMode.Warmup(warmupManager),
            metrics = if (collectCpuEventInstructions) {
                    CpuEventCounterCapture(cpuEventCounter, listOf(Event.Instructions))
            } else {
            gcBeforePhase = true

        fun timingMeasurementPhase(
            loopMode: LoopMode,
            measurementCount: Int,
            simplifiedTimingOnlyMode: Boolean,
            metrics: Array<MetricCapture>
        ) = MicrobenchmarkPhase(
            label = "Benchmark Time",
            measurementCount = measurementCount,
            loopMode = loopMode,
            metrics = metrics,
            thermalThrottleSleepsMax = if (simplifiedTimingOnlyMode) 0 else 2

        fun profiledTimingPhase(
            profiler: Profiler,
            metrics: Array<MetricCapture>,
            loopModeOverride: LoopMode?,
            measurementCountOverride: Int?
        ): MicrobenchmarkPhase {
            val measurementCount = measurementCountOverride
                ?: if (profiler.requiresSingleMeasurementIteration) 1 else 50
            return MicrobenchmarkPhase(
                label = "Benchmark Profiled Time",
                measurementCount = measurementCount,
                loopMode = loopModeOverride ?: if (profiler.requiresSingleMeasurementIteration) {
                } else {
                        if (profiler.requiresExtraRuntime) {
                            BenchmarkState.SAMPLED_PROFILER_DURATION_NS / measurementCount
                        } else {
                profiler = profiler,
                metrics = metrics

        fun allocationMeasurementPhase(loopMode: LoopMode) = MicrobenchmarkPhase(
            label = "Benchmark Allocations",
            measurementCount = 5,
            loopMode = loopMode,
            metrics = arrayOf(AllocationCountCapture())

     * Configuration for phase and looping behavior in a microbenchmark.
     * Note that many arguments can override subsequent ones in the list (e.g. dryRunMode=true
     * ignores all subsequent args).
    class Config(
        val dryRunMode: Boolean,
        val startupMode: Boolean,
        val simplifiedTimingOnlyMode: Boolean,
        val profiler: Profiler?,
        val profilerPerfCompareMode: Boolean,
        val warmupCount: Int?,
        val measurementCount: Int?,
        val metrics: Array<MetricCapture>,
    ) {
        val warmupManager = WarmupManager(overrideCount = warmupCount)
        init {
            require(warmupCount == null || warmupCount > 0) {
                "warmupCount ($warmupCount) must null or positive"
            require(measurementCount == null || measurementCount > 0) {
                "measurementCount ($measurementCount) must be null or positive"

        fun generatePhases(): List<MicrobenchmarkPhase> {
            return if (dryRunMode) {
            } else if (startupMode) {
            } else {
                val timingMeasurementCount = measurementCount ?: 50

                val profiler = if (simplifiedTimingOnlyMode) null else profiler
                // note that it's currently important that allocation runs for the same target
                // duration as timing, since we only report a single value for
                // "repeatIterations" in the output JSON. If we ever want to avoid loopMode
                // sharing between these phases, we should update that JSON representation.
                val loopMode = if (profilerPerfCompareMode) {
                    // single fixed iteration as a compromise choice that can be matched between
                    // measurement and profiler, and not produce overwhelming method tracing capture
                    // durations/file sizes
                } else {
                        warmupManager = warmupManager,
                        // Collect the instructions metric to ensure that behavior and timing aren't
                        // significantly skewed between warmup and timing phases. For example, if
                        // only timing phase has a complex impl of pause/resume, then behavior
                        // changes drastically, and the warmupManager will estimate a far faster
                        // impl of `measureRepeated { runWithTimingDisabled }`
                        collectCpuEventInstructions = metrics.any {
                            it is CpuEventCounterCapture && it.names.isNotEmpty()
                    // Regular timing phase
                        measurementCount = timingMeasurementCount,
                        loopMode = loopMode,
                        metrics = metrics,
                        simplifiedTimingOnlyMode = simplifiedTimingOnlyMode
                    if (simplifiedTimingOnlyMode || profiler == null) {
                    } else {
                        if (profilerPerfCompareMode) {
                            // benchmark the profiler, matching the timing phases for fair compare
                                profiler = profiler,
                                metrics = arrayOf(TimeCapture("profilerTimeNs")),
                                loopModeOverride = loopMode,
                                measurementCountOverride = timingMeasurementCount
                        } else {
                            // standard profiling
                                metrics = emptyArray(),
                                loopModeOverride = null,
                                measurementCountOverride = null
                    if (simplifiedTimingOnlyMode) {
                        null // skip allocations
                    } else {
            }.also {
                if (simplifiedTimingOnlyMode) {
                    // can't use thermal throttle checks with simplifiedTimingOnlyMode,
                    // since we're already checking for throttling
                    check(it.all { phase -> phase.thermalThrottleSleepsMax == 0 }) {
                        "Thermal throttle check banned within simplifiedTimingOnlyMode"