
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.benchmark

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.os.Build
import android.os.Looper
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream
import android.os.SystemClock
import android.util.Log
import androidx.annotation.CheckResult
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.tracing.trace
import java.nio.charset.Charset

 * Wrappers for UiAutomation.executeShellCommand to handle compat behavior, and add additional
 * features like script execution (with piping), stdin/stderr.
object Shell {
     * Returns true if the line from ps output contains the given process/package name.
     * NOTE: On API 25 and earlier, the processName of unbundled executables will include the
     * relative path they were invoked from:
     * ```
     * root      10065 10061 14848  3932  poll_sched 7bcaf1fc8c S /data/local/tmp/tracebox
     * root      10109 1     11552  1140  poll_sched 78c86eac8c S ./tracebox
     * ```
     * On higher API levels, the process name will simply be e.g. "tracebox".
     * As this function is also used for package names (which never have a leading `/`), we
     * simply check for either.
    private fun psLineContainsProcess(psOutputLine: String, processName: String): Boolean {
        return psOutputLine.endsWith(" $processName") || psOutputLine.endsWith("/$processName")

     * Equivalent of [psLineContainsProcess], but to be used with full process name string
     * (e.g. from pgrep)
    private fun fullProcessNameMatchesProcess(
        fullProcessName: String,
        processName: String
    ): Boolean {
        return fullProcessName == processName || fullProcessName.endsWith("/$processName")

    fun connectUiAutomation() {
            ShellImpl // force initialization

     * Run a command, and capture stdout, dropping / ignoring stderr
     * Below L, returns null
    fun optionalCommand(command: String): String? {
        return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
        } else {

     * Function for reading shell-accessible proc files, like scaling_max_freq, which can't be
     * read directly by the app process.
    fun catProcFileLong(path: String): Long? {
        return optionalCommand("cat $path")
            ?.run {
                try {
                } catch (exception: NumberFormatException) {
                    // silently catch exception, as it may be not readable (e.g. due to offline)

     * Get a checksum for a given path
     * Note: Does not check for stderr, as this method is used during ShellImpl init, so stderr not
     * yet available
    internal fun getChecksum(path: String): String {
        val sum = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
            ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("md5sum $path").substringBefore(" ")
        } else {
            // this isn't good, but it's good enough for API 22
            return getFileSizeLsUnsafe(path) ?: ""
        if (sum.isBlank()) {
            if (!ShellImpl.isSessionRooted) {
                val lsOutput = ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("ls -l $path")
                throw IllegalStateException(
                    "Checksum for $path was blank. Adb session is not rooted, if root owns file, " +
                        "you may need to \"adb root\" and delete the file: $lsOutput"
            } else {
                throw IllegalStateException("Checksum for $path was blank.")
        return sum

     * Waits for the file size of the [path] to be table for at least [stableIterations].
    @SuppressLint("BanThreadSleep") // Need polling to wait for file content to be flushed
    fun waitForFileFlush(
        path: String,
        stableIterations: Int,
        maxInitialFlushWaitIterations: Int,
        maxStableFlushWaitIterations: Int,
        pollDurationMs: Long,
        triggerFileFlush: () -> Unit
    ) {
        var lastKnownSize = getFileSizeUnsafe(path)


        // first, wait for initial dump from flush, which can be a long amount of time
        var currentSize = getFileSizeUnsafe(path)
        var iteration = 0
        while (iteration < maxInitialFlushWaitIterations && currentSize == lastKnownSize) {
            currentSize = getFileSizeUnsafe(path)

        // wait for stabilization, which should take much less time and happen quickly
        iteration = 0
        lastKnownSize = 0
        var stable = 0
        while (iteration < maxStableFlushWaitIterations) {
            currentSize = getFileSizeUnsafe(path)
            if (currentSize > 0) {
                if (currentSize == lastKnownSize) {
                    stable += 1
                    if (stable == stableIterations) {
                } else {
                    // reset
                    stable = 0
                    lastKnownSize = currentSize
            iteration += 1

     * Gets the file size for a given path.
    internal fun getFileSizeUnsafe(path: String): Long {
        // API 23 comes with the helpful stat command
        val fileSize = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
            // Using executeCommandUnsafe for perf reasons, but this API is still safe, given
            // we validate the outputs.
            ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("stat -c %s $path")
        } else {
        require(fileSize != null) {
            "Unable to obtain file size for the file $path"
        return fileSize

     * Only use this API on API 22 or lower.
     * This command uses [ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe] for performance reasons. The caller
     * should always validate the outputs for a given invocation.
     * @return `null` when the file [path] cannot be found.
    private fun getFileSizeLsUnsafe(path: String): String? {
        val result = ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("ls -l $path")
        return if (result.isBlank()) null else result.split(Regex("\s+"))[3]

     * Copy file and make executable
     * Note: this operation does checksum validation of dst, since it's used during setup of the
     * shell script used to capture stderr, so stderr isn't available.
    private fun moveToTmpAndMakeExecutable(src: String, dst: String) {
        ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("cp $src $dst")
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
            ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("chmod +x $dst")
        } else {
            // chmod with support for +x only added in API 23
            // While 777 is technically more permissive, this is only used for scripts and temporary
            // files in tests, so we don't worry about permissions / access here
            ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("chmod 777 $dst")

        // validate checksums instead of checking stderr, since it's not yet safe to
        // read from stderr. This detects the problem where root left a stale executable
        // that can't be modified by shell at the dst path
        val srcSum = getChecksum(src)
        val dstSum = getChecksum(dst)
        if (srcSum != dstSum) {
            throw IllegalStateException(
                "Failed to verify copied executable $dst, " +
                    "md5 sums $srcSum, $dstSum don't match. Check if root owns" +
                    " $dst and if so, delete it with `adb root`-ed shell session."

     * Writes the inputStream to an executable file with the given name in `/data/local/tmp`
     * Note: this operation does not validate command success, since it's used during setup of shell
     * scripting code used to parse stderr. This means callers should validate.
    fun createRunnableExecutable(name: String, inputStream: InputStream): String {
        // dirUsableByAppAndShell is writable, but we can't execute there (as of Q),
        // so we copy to /data/local/tmp
        val writableExecutableFile = File.createTempFile(
            /* prefix */ "temporary_$name",
            /* suffix */ null,
            /* directory */ Outputs.dirUsableByAppAndShell
        val runnableExecutablePath = "/data/local/tmp/$name"

        try {
            writableExecutableFile.outputStream().use {
            if (Outputs.forceFilesForShellAccessible) {
                // executable must be readable by shell to be moved, and for some reason
                // doesn't inherit shell readability from dirUsableByAppAndShell
                writableExecutableFile.setReadable(true, false)
                src = writableExecutableFile.absolutePath,
                dst = runnableExecutablePath
        } finally {

        return runnableExecutablePath

     * Returns true if the shell session is rooted or su is usable, and thus root commands can be
     * run (e.g. atrace commands with root-only tags)
    fun isSessionRooted(): Boolean {
        return ShellImpl.isSessionRooted || ShellImpl.isSuAvailable

    fun getprop(propertyName: String): String {
        return executeScriptCaptureStdout("getprop $propertyName").trim()

     * Convenience wrapper around [] which adds
     * scripting functionality like piping and redirects, and which throws if stdout or stder was
     * produced.
     * Unlike `executeShellCommand()`, this method supports arbitrary multi-line shell
     * expressions, as it creates and executes a shell script in `/data/local/tmp/`.
     * Note that shell scripting capabilities differ based on device version. To see which utilities
     * are available on which platform versions,see
     * [Android's shell and utilities](
     * @param script Script content to run
     * @param stdin String to pass in as stdin to first command in script
     * @return Stdout string
    fun executeScriptSilent(script: String, stdin: String? = null) {
        val output = executeScriptCaptureStdoutStderr(script, stdin)
        check(output.isBlank()) { "Expected no stdout/stderr from $script, saw $output" }

     * Convenience wrapper around [] which adds
     * scripting functionality like piping and redirects, and which captures stdout and throws if
     * stderr was produced.
     * Unlike `executeShellCommand()`, this method supports arbitrary multi-line shell
     * expressions, as it creates and executes a shell script in `/data/local/tmp/`.
     * Note that shell scripting capabilities differ based on device version. To see which utilities
     * are available on which platform versions,see
     * [Android's shell and utilities](
     * @param script Script content to run
     * @param stdin String to pass in as stdin to first command in script
     * @return Stdout string
    fun executeScriptCaptureStdout(script: String, stdin: String? = null): String {
        val output = executeScriptCaptureStdoutStderr(script, stdin)
        check(output.stderr.isBlank()) { "Expected no stderr from $script, saw ${output.stderr}" }
        return output.stdout

     * Returns one apk (or more, if multi-apk/bundle) path for the given package
     * The result of `pm path <package>` is one or more lines like:
     * ```
     * package: </path/to/apk1>
     * package: </path/to/apk2>
     * ```
     * Note - to test multi-apk behavior locally, you can build and install a module like
     * `benchmark:integration-tests:macrobenchmark-target` with the instructions below:
     * ```
     * ./gradlew benchmark:integ:macrobenchmark-target:bundleRelease
     * java -jar bundletool.jar build-apks --local-testing --bundle=../../out/androidx/benchmark/integration-tests/macrobenchmark-target/build/outputs/bundle/release/macrobenchmark-target-release.aab --output=out.apks --overwrite --ks=/path/to/androidx/frameworks/support/development/keystore/debug.keystore --connected-device --ks-key-alias=AndroidDebugKey --ks-pass=pass:android
     * java -jar bundletool.jar install-apks --apks=out.apks
     * ```
    fun pmPath(packageName: String): List<String> {
        return executeScriptCaptureStdout("pm path $packageName").split("\n")
            .mapNotNull {
                val delimiter = "package:"
                val index = it.indexOf(delimiter)
                if (index != -1) {
                    it.substring(index + delimiter.length).trim()
                } else {

    data class Output(val stdout: String, val stderr: String) {
         * Returns true if both stdout and stderr are blank
         * This can be used with silent-if-successful shell commands:
         * ```
         * check(Shell.executeScriptWithStderr("mv $src $dest").isBlank()) { "Oh no mv failed!" }
         * ```
        fun isBlank(): Boolean = stdout.isBlank() && stderr.isBlank()

     * Convenience wrapper around [] which adds
     * scripting functionality like piping and redirects, and which captures both stdout and stderr.
     * Unlike `executeShellCommand()`, this method supports arbitrary multi-line shell
     * expressions, as it creates and executes a shell script in `/data/local/tmp/`.
     * Note that shell scripting capabilities differ based on device version. To see which utilities
     * are available on which platform versions,see
     * [Android's shell and utilities](
     * @param script Script content to run
     * @param stdin String to pass in as stdin to first command in script
     * @return Output object containing stdout and stderr of full script, and stderr of last command
    fun executeScriptCaptureStdoutStderr(
        script: String,
        stdin: String? = null
    ): Output {
        return trace("executeScript $script".take(127)) {
                .createShellScript(script = script, stdin = stdin)

     * Direct execution of executeShellCommand which doesn't account for scripting functionality,
     * and doesn't capture stderr.
     * Only use this function if you do not care about failure / errors.
    fun executeCommandCaptureStdoutOnly(command: String): String {
        return ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe(command)

     * Creates a executable shell script that can be started. Similar to [executeScriptCaptureStdoutStderr]
     * but allows deferring and caching script execution.
     * @param script Script content to run
     * @param stdin String to pass in as stdin to first command in script
     * @return ShellScript that can be started.
    fun createShellScript(
        script: String,
        stdin: String? = null
    ): ShellScript {
        return ShellImpl
                script = script,
                stdin = stdin

    fun isPackageAlive(packageName: String): Boolean {
        return getPidsForProcess(packageName).isNotEmpty()

    fun getPidsForProcess(processName: String): List<Int> {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
            return pgrepLF(pattern = processName)
                .mapNotNull { (pid, fullProcessName) ->
                    // aggressive safety - ensure target isn't subset of another running package
                    if (fullProcessNameMatchesProcess(fullProcessName, processName)) {
                    } else {

        // NOTE: `pidof $processName` would work too, but filtering by process
        // (the whole point of the command) doesn't work pre API 24

        // Can't use ps -A pre API 26, arg isn't supported.
        // Grep device side, since ps output by itself gets truncated
        // NOTE: `ps | grep` is slow (multiple seconds), so avoid whenever possible!
        return executeScriptCaptureStdout("ps | grep $processName")
            .map { it.trim() }
            .filter { psLineContainsProcess(psOutputLine = it, processName = processName) }
            .map {
                // map to int - split, and take 2nd column (PID)

     * pgrep -l -f <pattern>
     * pgrep is *fast*, way faster than ps | grep, but requires API 23
     * -l, --list-name           list PID and process name
     * -f, --full                use full process name to match
     * @return List of processes - pid & full process name
    private fun pgrepLF(pattern: String): List<Pair<Int, String>> {
        // Note: we use the unsafe variant for performance, since this is a
        // common operation, and pgrep is stable after API 23 see [ShellBehaviorTest#pgrep]
        return ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("pgrep -l -f $pattern")
            .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
            .map {
                val (pidString, process) = it.trim().split(" ")
                Pair(pidString.toInt(), process)

    fun getRunningProcessesForPackage(packageName: String): List<String> {
        require(!packageName.contains(":")) { "Package $packageName must not contain ':'" }

        // pgrep is nice and fast, but requires API 23
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
            return pgrepLF(pattern = packageName)
                .mapNotNull { (_, process) ->
                    // aggressive safety - ensure target isn't subset of another running package
                    if (process == packageName || process.startsWith("$packageName:")) {
                    } else {

        // Grep device side, since ps output by itself gets truncated
        // NOTE: Can't use ps -A pre API 26, arg isn't supported, but would need
        // to pass it on 26 to see all processes.
        // NOTE: `ps | grep` is slow (multiple seconds), so avoid whenever possible!
        return executeScriptCaptureStdout("ps | grep $packageName")
            .map {
                // get process name from end
                it.substringAfterLast(" ")
            .filter {
                // allow primary or sub process
                it == packageName || it.startsWith("$packageName:")

     * Checks if a process is alive, given a specified pid **and** process name.
     * Both must match in order to return true.
    fun isProcessAlive(pid: Int, processName: String): Boolean {
        // unsafe, since this behavior is well tested, and performance here is important
        // See [ShellBehaviorTest#ps]
        return ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("ps $pid")
            .any { psLineContainsProcess(psOutputLine = it, processName = processName) }

    data class ProcessPid(val processName: String, val pid: Int) {
        fun isAlive() = isProcessAlive(pid, processName)

    fun terminateProcessesAndWait(
        waitPollPeriodMs: Long,
        waitPollMaxCount: Int,
        processName: String
    ) {
        val processes = getPidsForProcess(processName).map { pid ->
            ProcessPid(pid = pid, processName = processName)
            waitPollPeriodMs = waitPollPeriodMs,
            waitPollMaxCount = waitPollMaxCount,

    fun terminateProcessesAndWait(
        waitPollPeriodMs: Long,
        waitPollMaxCount: Int,
        vararg processes: ProcessPid
    ) {
        processes.forEach {
            // NOTE: we don't fail on stdout/stderr, since killing processes can be racy, and
            // killing one can kill others. Instead, validation of process death happens below.
            val stopOutput = executeScriptCaptureStdoutStderr("kill -TERM ${}")
            Log.d(BenchmarkState.TAG, "kill -TERM command output - $stopOutput")

        var runningProcesses = processes.toList()
        repeat(waitPollMaxCount) {
            runningProcesses = runningProcesses.filter { isProcessAlive(, it.processName) }
            if (runningProcesses.isEmpty()) {
            inMemoryTrace("wait for $runningProcesses to die") {
            Log.d(BenchmarkState.TAG, "Waiting $waitPollPeriodMs ms for $runningProcesses to die")
        throw IllegalStateException("Failed to stop $runningProcesses")

    fun pathExists(absoluteFilePath: String): Boolean {
        return ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("ls $absoluteFilePath").trim() == absoluteFilePath

    fun amBroadcast(broadcastArguments: String): Int? {
        // unsafe here for perf, since we validate the return value so we don't need to check stderr
        return ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("am broadcast $broadcastArguments")
            .substringAfter("Broadcast completed: result=")

    fun disablePackages(appPackages: List<String>) {
        // Additionally use `am force-stop` to force JobScheduler to drop all jobs.
        val command = appPackages.joinToString(separator = "\n") { appPackage ->
                am force-stop $appPackage
                pm disable-user $appPackage

    fun enablePackages(appPackages: List<String>) {
        val command = appPackages.joinToString(separator = "\n") { appPackage ->
            "pm enable $appPackage"

    fun disableBackgroundDexOpt() {
        // Cancels the active job if any
        ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("cmd package bg-dexopt-job --cancel")
        ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("cmd package bg-dexopt-job --disable")

    fun enableBackgroundDexOpt() {
        ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("cmd package bg-dexopt-job --enable")

    fun isSELinuxEnforced(): Boolean {
        return when (val value = executeScriptCaptureStdout("getenforce").trim()) {
            "Permissive" -> false
            "Disabled" -> false
            "Enforcing" -> true
            else -> throw IllegalStateException("unexpected result from getenforce: $value")

private object ShellImpl {
    init {
        require(Looper.getMainLooper().thread != Thread.currentThread()) {
            "ShellImpl must not be initialized on the UI thread - UiAutomation must not be " +
                "connected on the main thread!"

    private val uiAutomation = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().uiAutomation

     * When true, the session is already rooted and all commands run as root by default.
    var isSessionRooted = false

     * When true, su is available for running commands and scripts as root.
    var isSuAvailable = false

    init {
        // These variables are used in executeCommand and executeScript, so we keep them as var
        // instead of val and use a separate initializer
        isSessionRooted = executeCommandUnsafe("id").contains("uid=0(root)")
        // use a script below, since direct `su` command failure brings down this process
        // on some API levels (and can fail even on userdebug builds)
        isSuAvailable = createShellScript(
            script = "su root id",
            stdin = null

     * Reimplementation of UiAutomator's Device.executeShellCommand,
     * to avoid the UiAutomator dependency, and add tracing
     * NOTE: this does not capture stderr, and is thus unsafe. Only use this when the more complex
     * Shell.executeScript APIs aren't appropriate (such as in their implementation)
    fun executeCommandUnsafe(cmd: String): String = trace("executeCommand $cmd".take(127)) {
        return@trace executeCommandNonBlockingUnsafe(cmd).fullyReadInputStream()

    fun executeCommandNonBlockingUnsafe(cmd: String): ParcelFileDescriptor =
        trace("executeCommandNonBlocking $cmd".take(127)) {
            return@trace uiAutomation.executeShellCommand(
                if (!isSessionRooted && isSuAvailable) {
                    "su root $cmd"
                } else {

    fun createShellScript(
        script: String,
        stdin: String?
    ): ShellScript = trace("createShellScript") {

        // dirUsableByAppAndShell is writable, but we can't execute there (as of Q),
        // so we copy to /data/local/tmp
        val externalDir = Outputs.dirUsableByAppAndShell
        val scriptContentFile = File.createTempFile("temporaryScript", null, externalDir)

        if (Outputs.forceFilesForShellAccessible) {
            // script content must be readable by shell, and for some reason doesn't
            // inherit shell readability from dirUsableByAppAndShell
            scriptContentFile.setReadable(true, false)

        // only create/read/delete stdin/stderr files if they are needed
        val stdinFile = stdin?.run {
            File.createTempFile("temporaryStdin", null, externalDir)
        // we use a path on /data/local/tmp (as opposed to externalDir) because some shell
        // commands fail to redirect stderr to externalDir (notably, `am start`).
        // This also means we need to `cat` the file to read it, and `rm` to remove it.
        val stderrPath = "/data/local/tmp/" + + "_stderr"

        try {
            return@trace ShellScript(
                stdinFile = stdinFile,
                scriptContentFile = scriptContentFile,
                stderrPath = stderrPath
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            throw Exception("Can't create shell script", e)

class ShellScript internal constructor(
    private val stdinFile: File?,
    private val scriptContentFile: File,
    private val stderrPath: String
) {
    private var cleanedUp: Boolean = false

     * Starts the shell script previously created.
     * @return a [StartedShellScript] that contains streams to read output streams.
    fun start(): StartedShellScript = trace("ShellScript#start") {
        val stdoutDescriptor = ShellImpl.executeCommandNonBlockingUnsafe(
                scriptContentPath = scriptContentFile.absolutePath,
                stderrPath = stderrPath,
                stdinPath = stdinFile?.absolutePath
        val stderrDescriptorFn = {
                ShellImpl.executeCommandUnsafe("cat $stderrPath")

        return@trace StartedShellScript(
            stdoutDescriptor = stdoutDescriptor,
            stderrDescriptorFn = stderrDescriptorFn,
            cleanUpBlock = ::cleanUp

     * Manually clean up the shell script temporary files from the temp folder.
    fun cleanUp() = trace("ShellScript#cleanUp") {
        if (cleanedUp) {

        // NOTE: while we could theoretically remove some of these files from the script, this isn't
        // safe when the script is called multiple times, expecting the intermediates to remain.
        // We need a rm to clean up the stderr file anyway (b/c it's not ready until stdout is
        // complete), so we just delete everything here, all at once.
            "rm -f " + listOfNotNull(
            ).joinToString(" ")
        cleanedUp = true

    companion object {
         * Usage args: ```path/to/ <scriptFile> <stderrFile> [inputFile]```
        private val scriptWrapperPath = Shell.createRunnableExecutable(
            // use separate paths to prevent access errors after `adb unroot`
            if (ShellImpl.isSessionRooted) "" else "",
                ### shell script which passes in stdin as needed, and captures stderr in a file
                # $1 == script content (not executable)
                # $2 == stderr
                # $3 == stdin (optional)
                if [[ $3 -eq "0" ]]; then
                    /system/bin/sh $1 2> $2
                    cat $3 | /system/bin/sh $1 2> $2

        fun scriptWrapperCommand(
            scriptContentPath: String,
            stderrPath: String,
            stdinPath: String?
        ): String = listOfNotNull(
        ).joinToString(" ")

class StartedShellScript internal constructor(
    private val stdoutDescriptor: ParcelFileDescriptor,
    private val stderrDescriptorFn: (() -> (String)),
    private val cleanUpBlock: () -> Unit
) : Closeable {

     * Returns a [Sequence] of [String] containing the lines written by the process to stdOut.
    fun stdOutLineSequence(): Sequence<String> =

     * Cleans up this shell script.
    override fun close() = cleanUpBlock()

     * Reads the full process output and cleans up the generated script
    fun getOutputAndClose(): Shell.Output {
        val output = Shell.Output(
            stdout = stdoutDescriptor.fullyReadInputStream(),
            stderr = stderrDescriptorFn.invoke()
        return output

internal fun ParcelFileDescriptor.fullyReadInputStream(): String {
    AutoCloseInputStream(this).use { inputStream ->
        return inputStream.readBytes().toString(Charset.defaultCharset())