
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.benchmark.macro.junit4

import android.Manifest
import androidx.annotation.IntRange
import androidx.benchmark.Arguments
import androidx.benchmark.macro.CompilationMode
import androidx.benchmark.macro.MacrobenchmarkScope
import androidx.benchmark.macro.Metric
import androidx.benchmark.macro.StartupMode
import androidx.benchmark.macro.macrobenchmarkWithStartupMode
import androidx.benchmark.perfetto.ExperimentalPerfettoCaptureApi
import androidx.benchmark.perfetto.PerfettoConfig
import androidx.test.rule.GrantPermissionRule
import org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue
import org.junit.rules.RuleChain
import org.junit.rules.TestRule
import org.junit.runner.Description
import org.junit.runners.model.Statement

 * JUnit rule for benchmarking large app operations like startup, scrolling, or animations.
 * ```
 *     @get:Rule
 *     val benchmarkRule = MacrobenchmarkRule()
 *     @Test
 *     fun startup() = benchmarkRule.measureRepeated(
 *         packageName = ""
 *         metrics = listOf(StartupTimingMetric()),
 *         iterations = 5,
 *         startupMode = StartupMode.COLD,
 *         setupBlock = {
 *           pressHome()
 *         }
 *     ) { // this = MacrobenchmarkScope
 *         val intent = Intent()
 *         intent.setPackage("mypackage.myapp")
 *         intent.setAction("mypackage.myapp.myaction")
 *         startActivityAndWait(intent)
 *     }
 * ```
 * See the [Macrobenchmark Guide](
 * for more information on macrobenchmarks.
public class MacrobenchmarkRule : TestRule {
    private lateinit var currentDescription: Description

     * Measure behavior of the specified [packageName] given a set of [metrics].
     * This performs a macrobenchmark with the below control flow:
     * ```
     *     resetAppCompilation()
     *     compile(compilationMode)
     *     repeat(iterations) {
     *         setupBlock()
     *         captureTraceAndMetrics {
     *             measureBlock()
     *         }
     *     }
     * ```
     * @param packageName ApplicationId / Application manifest package name of the app for
     *   which profiles are generated.
     * @param metrics List of metrics to measure.
     * @param compilationMode Mode of compilation used before capturing measurement, such as
     * [CompilationMode.Partial], defaults to [CompilationMode.DEFAULT].
     * @param startupMode Optional mode to force app launches performed with
     * [MacrobenchmarkScope.startActivityAndWait] (and similar variants) to be of the assigned
     * type. For example, `COLD` launches kill the process before the measureBlock, to ensure
     * startups will go through full process creation. Generally, leave as null for non-startup
     * benchmarks.
     * @param iterations Number of times the [measureBlock] will be run during measurement. Note
     * that total iteration count may not match, due to warmup iterations needed for the
     * [compilationMode].
     * @param setupBlock The block performing app actions each iteration, prior to the
     * [measureBlock]. For example, navigating to a UI where scrolling will be measured.
     * @param measureBlock The block performing app actions to benchmark each iteration.
    fun measureRepeated(
        packageName: String,
        metrics: List<Metric>,
        compilationMode: CompilationMode = CompilationMode.DEFAULT,
        startupMode: StartupMode? = null,
        @IntRange(from = 1)
        iterations: Int,
        setupBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit = {},
        measureBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit
    ) {
            uniqueName = currentDescription.toUniqueName(),
            className = currentDescription.className,
            testName = currentDescription.methodName,
            packageName = packageName,
            metrics = metrics,
            compilationMode = compilationMode,
            iterations = iterations,
            startupMode = startupMode,
            perfettoConfig = null,
            setupBlock = setupBlock,
            measureBlock = measureBlock

     * Measure behavior of the specified [packageName] given a set of [metrics], with a custom
     * [PerfettoConfig].
     * This performs a macrobenchmark with the below control flow:
     * ```
     *     resetAppCompilation()
     *     compile(compilationMode)
     *     repeat(iterations) {
     *         setupBlock()
     *         captureTraceAndMetrics {
     *             measureBlock()
     *         }
     *     }
     * ```
     * Note that a custom [PerfettoConfig]s may result in built-in [Metric]s not working.
     * You can see the PerfettoConfig used by a trace (as a text proto) by opening the trace in
     * [](, and selecting `Info and Stats` view on the left
     * panel. You can also generate a custom text proto config by selecting `Record new trace` on
     * the same panel, selecting recording options, and then clicking `Recording command` to access
     * the generated text proto.
     * @param packageName ApplicationId / Application manifest package name of the app for
     *   which profiles are generated.
     * @param metrics List of metrics to measure.
     * @param compilationMode Mode of compilation used before capturing measurement, such as
     * [CompilationMode.Partial], defaults to [CompilationMode.DEFAULT].
     * @param startupMode Optional mode to force app launches performed with
     * [MacrobenchmarkScope.startActivityAndWait] (and similar variants) to be of the assigned
     * type. For example, `COLD` launches kill the process before the measureBlock, to ensure
     * startups will go through full process creation. Generally, leave as null for non-startup
     * benchmarks.
     * @param iterations Number of times the [measureBlock] will be run during measurement. Note
     * that total iteration count may not match, due to warmup iterations needed for the
     * [compilationMode].
     * @param perfettoConfig Configuration for Perfetto trace capture during each iteration. Note
     * that insufficient or invalid configs may result in built-in [Metric]s not working.
     * @param setupBlock The block performing app actions each iteration, prior to the
     * [measureBlock]. For example, navigating to a UI where scrolling will be measured.
     * @param measureBlock The block performing app actions to benchmark each iteration.
    fun measureRepeated(
        packageName: String,
        metrics: List<Metric>,
        @IntRange(from = 1)
        iterations: Int,
        perfettoConfig: PerfettoConfig,
        compilationMode: CompilationMode = CompilationMode.DEFAULT,
        startupMode: StartupMode? = null,
        setupBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit = {},
        measureBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit,
    ) {
            uniqueName = currentDescription.toUniqueName(),
            className = currentDescription.className,
            testName = currentDescription.methodName,
            packageName = packageName,
            metrics = metrics,
            compilationMode = compilationMode,
            iterations = iterations,
            perfettoConfig = perfettoConfig,
            startupMode = startupMode,
            setupBlock = setupBlock,
            measureBlock = measureBlock

    override fun apply(base: Statement, description: Description): Statement {
        // Grant external storage, as it may be needed for test output directory.
        return RuleChain
            .apply(base, description)

    private fun applyInternal(base: Statement, description: Description) = object : Statement() {
        override fun evaluate() {
            assumeTrue(Arguments.RuleType.Macrobenchmark in Arguments.enabledRules)
            currentDescription = description

    private fun Description.toUniqueName() = testClass.simpleName + "_" + methodName