
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.benchmark.macro

import android.os.Build
import android.util.Log
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.benchmark.DeviceInfo
import androidx.benchmark.Shell
import androidx.benchmark.macro.CompilationMode.BaselineProfile
import androidx.benchmark.macro.CompilationMode.SpeedProfile
import androidx.profileinstaller.ProfileInstallReceiver
import androidx.profileinstaller.ProfileInstaller
import org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException

 * Type of compilation to use for a Macrobenchmark.
 * Every Macrobenchmark has compilation reset before running, so that previous runs do not interfere
 * with the next. This compilation mode dictates any pre-compilation that occurs before repeatedly
 * running the setup / measure blocks of the benchmark.
 * If [SpeedProfile] is used, the following occur before measurement:
 * 1. Compilation is reset
 * 2. The setup / measure loop will be run a configurable number of profiling iterations to capture
 * a profile
 * 3. The app is compiled with `cmd package compile -f -m speed-profile <package>`
 * * [None] skips steps 2 and 3 above.
 * * [BaselineProfile] has an alternate implementation of 2, where it installs profile information
 * bundled within the APK.
 * * [Speed] skips 2 (since it AOT compiles the full app), and uses `speed` instead of
 * `speed-profile` for 3.
 * While some of these modes directly map to
 * [Android Runtime compilation modes](
 * (which can be passed to
 * [`cmd compile`](,
 * there isn't a direct mapping.
public sealed class CompilationMode(
    // for modes other than [None], is argument passed `cmd package compile`
    private val compileArgument: String?
) {
    internal fun compileArgument(): String {
        if (compileArgument == null) {
            throw UnsupportedOperationException("No compileArgument for mode $this")
        return compileArgument

     * No pre-compilation - entire app will be allowed to Just-In-Time compile as it runs.
     * Note that later iterations may perform differently, as app code is jitted.
    public object None : CompilationMode(null) {
        public override fun toString(): String = "None"

     * Partial pre-compilation, based on configurable number of profiling iterations.
     * The compilation itself is performed with `cmd package compile -f -m speed-profile <package>`
    public class SpeedProfile(
        public val warmupIterations: Int = 3
    ) : CompilationMode("speed-profile") {
        public override fun toString(): String = "SpeedProfile(iterations=$warmupIterations)"

     * Partial pre-compilation based on bundled baseline profile.
     * Note: this mode is only supported for APKs that have the profileinstaller library
     * included, and have been built by AGP 7.0+ to package the baseline profile in the APK.
     * The compilation itself is performed with `cmd package compile -f -m speed-profile <package>`
    public object BaselineProfile : CompilationMode("speed-profile") {
        public override fun toString(): String = "BaselineProfile"

     * Full ahead-of-time compilation.
     * Equates to `cmd package compile -f -m speed <package>`
    public object Speed : CompilationMode("speed") {
        public override fun toString(): String = "Speed"

     * No JIT / pre-compilation, all app code runs on the interpreter.
     * Note: this mode will only be supported on rooted devices with jit disabled. For this reason,
     * it's only available for internal benchmarking.
     * @suppress
    public object Interpreted : CompilationMode(null) {
        public override fun toString(): String = "Interpreted"

 * Compiles the application with the given mode.
 * For more information:
internal fun CompilationMode.compile(packageName: String, block: () -> Unit) {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 24) {
        // All supported versions prior to 24 were full AOT
        // TODO: clarify this with CompilationMode errors on these versions

    // Clear profile between runs.
    Log.d(TAG, "Clearing profiles for $packageName")
    Shell.executeCommand("cmd package compile --reset $packageName")
    if (this == CompilationMode.None || this == CompilationMode.Interpreted) {
        return // nothing to do
    } else if (this == CompilationMode.BaselineProfile) {
        // For baseline profiles, if the ProfileInstaller library is included in the APK, then we
        // triggering this broadcast will cause the baseline profile to get installed
        // synchronously, instead of waiting for the
        val action = ProfileInstallReceiver.ACTION_INSTALL_PROFILE
        // Use an explicit broadcast given the app was force-stopped.
        val name =
        val result = Shell.executeCommand("am broadcast -a $action $packageName/$name")
            .substringAfter("Broadcast completed: result=")
        when (result) {
            // 0 is returned by the platform by default, and also if no broadcast receiver
            // receives the broadcast.
            0 -> {
                throw RuntimeException(
                    "The baseline profile install broadcast was not received. This most likely " +
                        "means that the profileinstaller library is not in the target APK. It " +
                        "must be in order to use CompilationMode.BaselineProfile."
            ProfileInstaller.RESULT_INSTALL_SUCCESS -> {
                // success !
            ProfileInstaller.RESULT_ALREADY_INSTALLED -> {
                throw RuntimeException(
                    "Unable to install baseline profiles. This most likely means that the latest " +
                        "version of the profileinstaller library is not being used. Please " +
                        "use the latest profileinstaller library version."
            ProfileInstaller.RESULT_UNSUPPORTED_ART_VERSION -> {
                throw RuntimeException("Baseline profiles aren't supported on this device version")
            ProfileInstaller.RESULT_BASELINE_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND -> {
                throw RuntimeException("No baseline profile was found in the target apk.")
            ProfileInstaller.RESULT_PARSE_EXCEPTION -> {
                throw RuntimeException("Baseline Profile wasn't successfully installed")
            else -> {
                throw RuntimeException(
                    "unrecognized ProfileInstaller result code: $result"
        // Kill Process
        Log.d(TAG, "Killing process $packageName")
        Shell.executeCommand("am force-stop $packageName")
        // Compile
        Log.d(TAG, "$packageName is compiled.")
    } else if (this is SpeedProfile) {
        repeat(this.warmupIterations) {
        // For speed profile compilation, ART team recommended to wait for 5 secs when app
        // is in the foreground, dump the profile, wait for another 5 secs before
        // speed-profile compilation.
        val response = Shell.executeCommand("killall -s SIGUSR1 $packageName")
        if (response.isNotBlank()) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Received dump profile response $response")
            throw RuntimeException("Failed to dump profile for $packageName ($response)")

 * Returns true if the CompilationMode can be run with the device's current VM settings.
 * Used by jetpack-internal benchmarks to skip CompilationModes that would self-suppress.
 * @suppress
public fun CompilationMode.isSupportedWithVmSettings(): Boolean {
    val getProp = Shell.executeCommand("getprop dalvik.vm.extra-opts")
    val vmRunningInterpretedOnly = getProp.contains("-Xusejit:false")

    // true if requires interpreted, false otherwise
    val interpreted = this == CompilationMode.Interpreted
    return vmRunningInterpretedOnly == interpreted

internal fun CompilationMode.assumeSupportedWithVmSettings() {
    if (!isSupportedWithVmSettings()) {
        throw AssumptionViolatedException(
            when {
                DeviceInfo.isRooted && this == CompilationMode.Interpreted ->
                        To run benchmarks with CompilationMode $this,
                        you must disable jit on your device with the following command:
                        `adb shell setprop dalvik.vm.extra-opts -Xusejit:false; adb shell stop; adb shell start`                         
                DeviceInfo.isRooted && this != CompilationMode.Interpreted ->
                        To run benchmarks with CompilationMode $this,
                        you must enable jit on your device with the following command:
                        `adb shell setprop dalvik.vm.extra-opts \"\"; adb shell stop; adb shell start` 
                else ->
                    "You must toggle usejit on the VM to use CompilationMode $this, this requires" +
                        "rooting your device."

 * Compiles the application.
internal fun CompilationMode.compilePackage(packageName: String) {
    Log.d(TAG, "Compiling $packageName ($this)")
    val response = Shell.executeCommand(
        "cmd package compile -f -m ${compileArgument()} $packageName"
    if (!response.contains("Success")) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Received compile cmd response: $response")
        throw RuntimeException("Failed to compile $packageName ($response)")