
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.benchmark.macro

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.os.Build
import android.util.Log
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
import androidx.benchmark.Arguments
import androidx.benchmark.DeviceInfo
import androidx.benchmark.InstrumentationResults
import androidx.benchmark.Outputs
import androidx.benchmark.Shell
import androidx.benchmark.inMemoryTrace

 * Collects baseline profiles using a given [profileBlock], while additionally
 * waiting until they are stable.
fun collect(
    uniqueName: String,
    packageName: String,
    stableIterations: Int,
    maxIterations: Int,
    strictStability: Boolean = false,
    includeInStartupProfile: Boolean,
    filterPredicate: ((String) -> Boolean),
    profileBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit
) {
    val scope = buildMacrobenchmarkScope(packageName)
    val startTime = System.nanoTime()
    // Ensure the device is awake
    val killProcessBlock = scope.killProcessBlock()
    // always kill the process at beginning of a collection.

    try {
        var stableCount = 1
        var lastProfile: String? = null
        var iteration = 1
        val finalMaxIterations = if (Arguments.dryRunMode) 1 else maxIterations

        while (iteration <= finalMaxIterations) {
            inMemoryTrace("generate profile for $packageName ($iteration)") {
                val mode = CompilationMode.Partial(
                    baselineProfileMode = BaselineProfileMode.Disable,
                    warmupIterations = 1
                if (iteration == 1) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Resetting compiled state for $packageName for stable profiles.")
                        packageName = packageName,
                        allowCompilationSkipping = false,
                        killProcessBlock = killProcessBlock
                    ) {
                        scope.iteration = iteration
                } else {
                    // Don't reset for subsequent iterations
                    Log.d(TAG, "Killing package $packageName")
                        packageName = packageName,
                        killProcessBlock = killProcessBlock
                    ) {
                        scope.iteration = iteration
                        Log.d(TAG, "Compile iteration (${scope.iteration}) for $packageName")
            val unfilteredProfile = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 33) {
            } else {

            // Check stability
            val lastRuleSet = lastProfile?.lines()?.toSet() ?: emptySet()
            val existingRuleSet = unfilteredProfile.lines().toSet()
            if (lastRuleSet != existingRuleSet) {
                if (iteration != 1) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Unstable profiles during iteration $iteration")
                lastProfile = unfilteredProfile
                stableCount = 1
            } else {
                    "Profiles stable in iteration $iteration (for $stableCount iterations)"
                stableCount += 1
                if (stableCount == stableIterations) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Baseline profile for $packageName is stable.")
            iteration += 1

        if (strictStability && !Arguments.dryRunMode) {
            check(stableCount == stableIterations) {
                "Baseline profiles for $packageName are not stable after $maxIterations."

        check(!lastProfile.isNullOrBlank()) {
            "Generated Profile is empty, before filtering. Ensure your profileBlock" +
                " invokes the target app, and runs a non-trivial amount of code"

        val profile = filterProfileRulesToTargetP(
            profile = lastProfile,
            sortRules = true,
            filterPredicate = filterPredicate
            profile = profile,
            uniqueFilePrefix = uniqueName,
            startTime = startTime,
            includeInStartupProfile = includeInStartupProfile
    } finally {

 * Builds a [MacrobenchmarkScope] instance after checking for the necessary pre-requisites.
private fun buildMacrobenchmarkScope(packageName: String): MacrobenchmarkScope {
        Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 33 ||
            (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28 && Shell.isSessionRooted())
    ) {
        "Baseline Profile collection requires API 33+, or a rooted" +
            " device running API 28 or higher and rooted adb session (via `adb root`)."
    getInstalledPackageInfo(packageName) // throws clearly if not installed
    return MacrobenchmarkScope(
        launchWithClearTask = true

 * Builds a function that can kill the target process using the provided [MacrobenchmarkScope].
private fun MacrobenchmarkScope.killProcessBlock(): () -> Unit {
    val killProcessBlock = {
        // When generating baseline profiles we want to default to using
        // killProcess if the session is rooted. This is so we can collect
        // baseline profiles for System Apps.
        this.killProcess(useKillAll = Shell.isSessionRooted())
    return killProcessBlock

 * Reports the results after having collected baseline profiles.
private fun reportResults(
    profile: String,
    uniqueFilePrefix: String,
    startTime: Long,
    includeInStartupProfile: Boolean
) {
    // Write a file with a timestamp to be able to disambiguate between runs with the same
    // unique name.

    val (fileName, tsFileName) =
        if (includeInStartupProfile && Arguments.enableStartupProfiles) {
        } else {

    val absolutePath = Outputs.writeFile(fileName) { it.writeText(profile) }
    val tsAbsolutePath = Outputs.writeFile(tsFileName) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Pull Baseline Profile with: `adb pull \"${it.absolutePath}\" .`")

    val totalRunTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime
    val results = Summary(
        totalRunTime = totalRunTime,
        profilePath = absolutePath,
        profileTsPath = tsAbsolutePath
    InstrumentationResults.instrumentationReport {
        // Ideally would link trace as a profiler result for consistency with other codepaths,
        // but we don't to change BP's custom link appearance to the default simple one
            testName = uniqueFilePrefix,
            message = summaryRecord(results),
        Log.d(TAG, "Total Run Time Ns: $totalRunTime")

 * Use `pm dump-profiles` to get profile from the target app,
 * which puts results in `/data/misc/profman/`
 * Does not require root.
private fun extractProfile(packageName: String): String {

    val dumpCommand = "pm dump-profiles --dump-classes-and-methods $packageName"
    val stdout = Shell.executeScriptCaptureStdout(dumpCommand).trim()
    val expected = "Profile saved to '/data/misc/profman/$'"

    // Output of profman was empty in previous version and can be `expected` on newer versions.
    check(stdout.isBlank() || stdout == expected) {
        "Expected `pm dump-profiles` stdout to be either black or `$expected` but was $stdout"

    val fileName = "$"
        "mv /data/misc/profman/$fileName ${Outputs.dirUsableByAppAndShell}/"

    val rawRuleOutput = File(Outputs.dirUsableByAppAndShell, fileName)
    try {
        return rawRuleOutput.readText()
    } finally {

 * Use profman to extract profiles from the current or reference profile
 * Requires root.
private fun extractProfileRooted(packageName: String): String {
    // The path of the reference profile
    val referenceProfile = "/data/misc/profiles/ref/$packageName/"
    // The path to the primary profile
    val currentProfile = "/data/misc/profiles/cur/0/$packageName/"
    Log.d(TAG, "Reference profile location: $referenceProfile")

    @Suppress("SimplifiableCallChain") // join+block makes ordering unclear
    val mergedProfile = Shell.pmPath(packageName).map { apkPath ->
        Log.d(TAG, "APK Path: $apkPath")
        // Convert to HRF
        Log.d(TAG, "Converting to human readable profile format")
        // Look at reference profile first, and then fallback to current profile
        profmanGetProfileRules(apkPath, listOf(referenceProfile, currentProfile))
    }.joinToString(separator = "\n")
    if (mergedProfile.isBlank()) {
        throw IllegalStateException("No profiles found for all apks in app")

    return mergedProfile

private fun profmanGetProfileRules(apkPath: String, pathOptions: List<String>): String {
    // When compiling with CompilationMode.SpeedProfile, ART stores the profile in one of
    // 2 locations. The `ref` profile path, or the `current` path.
    // The `current` path is eventually merged  into the `ref` path after background dexopt.
    val profiles = pathOptions.mapNotNull { currentPath ->
        Log.d(TAG, "Using profile location: $currentPath")
        val profile = Shell.executeScriptCaptureStdout(
            "profman --dump-classes-and-methods --profile-file=$currentPath --apk=$apkPath"
        profile.ifBlank { null }
    if (profiles.isEmpty()) {
        Log.d(TAG, "No profiles found for $apkPath")
        return ""

    // Merge rules
    val rules = mutableSetOf<String>()
    profiles.forEach { profile ->
        profile.lines().forEach { rule ->
    val builder = StringBuilder()
    rules.forEach {
    return builder.toString()

internal fun filterProfileRulesToTargetP(
    profile: String,
    sortRules: Boolean = true,
    filterPredicate: ((String) -> Boolean)
): String {
    val rules = profile.lines()
    var filteredRules = rules.filterNot { rule ->
        // We want to filter out rules that are not supported on P. (b/216508418)
        // These include rules that have array qualifiers and inline cache specifiers.
        if (rule.startsWith("[")) { // Array qualifier
        } else rule.contains("+") // Inline cache specifier

    if (sortRules) {
        filteredRules = filteredRules.mapNotNull { ProfileRule.parse(it) }
            .map { it.underlying }
    return filteredRules.joinToString(separator = "\n")

private fun summaryRecord(record: Summary): String {
    val summary = StringBuilder()

    // Links

    // Link to a path with timestamp to prevent studio from caching the file
    val relativePath = Outputs.relativePathFor(record.profileTsPath)
        .replace("(", "\(")
        .replace(")", "\)")

            Total run time Ns: ${record.totalRunTime}.
            Baseline profile [results](file://$relativePath)

    // Add commands that can be used to pull these files.
                To copy the profile use:
                adb ${deviceSpecifier}pull "${record.profilePath}" .
    return summary.toString()

 * adb device specifier, blank if can't be defined. Includes right side space.
internal val deviceSpecifier by lazy {
    if (DeviceInfo.isEmulator) {
        // emulators have serials that aren't usable via ADB -s,
        // so we just specify emulator and hope there's only one
        "-e "
    } else {
        val getpropOutput = Shell.executeScriptCaptureStdoutStderr("getprop ro.serialno")
        if (getpropOutput.stdout.isBlank() || getpropOutput.stderr.isNotBlank()) {
            "" // failed to get serial
        } else {
            "-s ${getpropOutput.stdout.trim()} "

private data class Summary(
    val totalRunTime: Long,
    val profilePath: String,
    val profileTsPath: String,