
 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.benchmark.perfetto

import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP
import androidx.benchmark.InstrumentationResults
import androidx.benchmark.Outputs
import androidx.benchmark.Profiler
import androidx.benchmark.inMemoryTrace
import androidx.benchmark.macro.perfetto.server.PerfettoHttpServer
import kotlin.time.Duration
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language
import perfetto.protos.ComputeMetricArgs
import perfetto.protos.ComputeMetricResult
import perfetto.protos.QueryResult
import perfetto.protos.TraceMetrics

 * Kotlin API for [Perfetto Trace Processor](,
 * which enables SQL querying against the data stored in a Perfetto trace.
 * This includes synchronous and async trace sections, kernel-level scheduling timing,
 * binder events... If it's displayed in Android Studio system trace or
 * [](, it can be queried from this API.
 * ```
 * // Collect the duration of all slices named "activityStart" in the trace
 * val activityStartDurationNs = PerfettoTraceProcessor.runServer {
 *     loadTrace(trace) {
 *         query("SELECT dur FROM slice WHERE name LIKE \"activityStart\"").toList {
 *             it.long("dur")
 *         }
 *     }
 * }
 * ```
 * Note that traces generally hold events from multiple apps, services and processes, so it's
 * recommended to filter potentially common trace events to the process you're interested in. See
 * the following example which queries `Choreographer#doFrame` slices (labelled spans of time) only
 * for a given package name:
 * ```
 * query("""
 *     |SELECT
 *     |,slice.ts,slice.dur
 *     |FROM slice
 *     |    INNER JOIN thread_track on slice.track_id =
 *     |    INNER JOIN thread USING(utid)
 *     |    INNER JOIN process USING(upid)
 *     |WHERE
 *     | LIKE "Choreographer#doFrame%" AND
 *     | LIKE "$packageName"
 *     """.trimMargin()
 * )
 * ```
 * See also Perfetto project documentation:
 * * [Trace Processor overview](
 * * [Common queries](
 * @see PerfettoTrace
class PerfettoTraceProcessor {
    companion object {
        private val SERVER_START_TIMEOUT_MS = 60.seconds
        internal const val PORT = 9001

         * The actual [File] path to the `trace_processor_shell`.
         * Lazily copies the `trace_processor_shell` and enables parsing of the Perfetto trace files.
        internal val shellPath: String by lazy {
            // Checks for ABI support

         * Starts a Perfetto trace processor shell server in http mode, loads a trace and executes
         * the given block. It stops the server after the block is complete
         * Uses a default timeout of 5 seconds
         * @param block Command to execute using trace processor
        fun <T> runServer(
            block: PerfettoTraceProcessor.() -> T
        ): T = runServer(SERVER_START_TIMEOUT_MS, block)

         * Starts a Perfetto trace processor shell server in http mode, loads a trace and executes
         * the given block. It stops the server after the block is complete
         * @param timeout waiting for the server to start. If less or equal to zero use 5 seconds
         * @param block Command to execute using trace processor
        fun <T> runServer(
            timeout: Duration,
            block: PerfettoTraceProcessor.() -> T
        ): T = inMemoryTrace("PerfettoTraceProcessor#runServer") {
            var actualTimeout = timeout
            if (actualTimeout <= Duration.ZERO) {
                actualTimeout = SERVER_START_TIMEOUT_MS

            var perfettoTraceProcessor: PerfettoTraceProcessor? = null
            try {

                // Initializes the server process
                perfettoTraceProcessor =

                // Executes the query block
                return@inMemoryTrace inMemoryTrace("PerfettoTraceProcessor#runServer#block") {
            } finally {

        fun <T> runSingleSessionServer(
            absoluteTracePath: String,
            block: Session.() -> T
        ) = runServer {
            loadTrace(PerfettoTrace(absoluteTracePath)) {

     * Loads a PerfettoTrace into the trace processor server to query data out of the trace.
    fun <T> loadTrace(
        trace: PerfettoTrace,
        block: Session.() -> T
    ): T {
        // TODO: unload trace after block
        try {
            return block.invoke(Session(this))
        } catch (t: Throwable) {
            // TODO: move this behavior to an extension function in benchmark when
            //  this class moves out of benchmark group
            // TODO: consider a label argument to control logging like this in the success case as
            //  well, which lets us get rid of FileLinkingRule (which doesn't work well anyway)
            if (trace.path.startsWith(Outputs.outputDirectory.absolutePath)) {
                // only link trace with failure to Studio if it's an output file
                InstrumentationResults.instrumentationReport {
                    val label = "Trace with processing error: ${t.message?.take(50)?.trim()}..."
                        profilerResults = listOf(
                                label = label,
                                absolutePath = trace.path
            throw t

     * Handle to query sql data from a [PerfettoTrace].
     * @see query
    class Session internal constructor(
        private val traceProcessor: PerfettoTraceProcessor
    ) {
         * Computes the given metric on the previously loaded trace.
        @RestrictTo(LIBRARY_GROUP) // avoids exposing Proto API
        fun getTraceMetrics(metric: String): TraceMetrics {
            val computeResult = queryAndVerifyMetricResult(
            return TraceMetrics.ADAPTER.decode(computeResult.metrics!!)

         * Computes the given metrics, returning the results as a binary proto.
         * The proto format definition for decoding this binary format can be found
         * [here](
         * See [perfetto metric docs](
         * for an overview on trace based metrics.
        fun queryMetricsProtoBinary(metrics: List<String>): ByteArray {
            val computeResult = queryAndVerifyMetricResult(
            return computeResult.metrics!!.toByteArray()

         * Computes the given metrics, returning the results as JSON text.
         * The proto format definition for these metrics can be found
         * [here](
         * See [perfetto metric docs](
         * for an overview on trace based metrics.
        fun queryMetricsJson(metrics: List<String>): String {
            val computeResult = queryAndVerifyMetricResult(
            check(computeResult.metrics_as_json != null)
            return computeResult.metrics_as_json

         * Computes the given metrics, returning the result as proto text.
         * The proto format definition for these metrics can be found
         * [here](
         * See [perfetto metric docs](
         * for an overview on trace based metrics.
        fun queryMetricsProtoText(metrics: List<String>): String {
            val computeResult = queryAndVerifyMetricResult(
            check(computeResult.metrics_as_prototext != null)
            return computeResult.metrics_as_prototext

        private fun queryAndVerifyMetricResult(
            metrics: List<String>,
            format: ComputeMetricArgs.ResultFormat
        ): ComputeMetricResult {
            val nameString = metrics.joinToString()
            require(metrics.none { it.contains(" ") }) {
                "Metrics must not constain spaces, metrics: $nameString"

            inMemoryTrace("PerfettoTraceProcessor#getTraceMetrics $nameString") {
                require(traceProcessor.perfettoHttpServer.isRunning()) {
                    "Perfetto trace_shell_process is not running."

                // Compute metrics
                val computeResult = traceProcessor.perfettoHttpServer.computeMetric(metrics, format)
                if (computeResult.error != null) {
                    throw IllegalStateException(computeResult.error)

                return computeResult

         * Computes the given query on the currently loaded trace.
         * Each row returned by a query is returned by the `Sequence` as a [Row]. To extract data
         * from a `Row`, query by column name. The following example does this for name, timestamp,
         * and duration of slices:
         * ```
         * // Runs the provided callback on each activityStart instance in the trace,
         * // providing name, start timestamp (in ns) and duration (in ns)
         * fun PerfettoTraceProcessor.Session.forEachActivityStart(callback: (String, Long, Long) -> Unit) {
         *     query("SELECT name,ts,dur FROM slice WHERE name LIKE \"activityStart\"").forEach {
         *         callback(it.string("name"), it.long("ts"), it.long("dur")
         *         // or, used as a map:
         *         //callback(it["name"] as String, it["ts"] as Long, it["dur"] as Long)
         *     }
         * }
         * ```
         * @see PerfettoTraceProcessor
         * @see PerfettoTraceProcessor.Session
        fun query(@Language("sql") query: String): Sequence<Row> {
            inMemoryTrace("PerfettoTraceProcessor#query $query".take(127)) {
                require(traceProcessor.perfettoHttpServer.isRunning()) {
                    "Perfetto trace_shell_process is not running."
                val queryResult = traceProcessor.perfettoHttpServer.rawQuery(query) {
                    // Note: check for errors as part of decode, so it's immediate
                    // instead of lazily in QueryResultIterator
                    QueryResult.decodeAndCheckError(query, it)
                return Sequence { QueryResultIterator(queryResult) }

        private fun QueryResult.Companion.decodeAndCheckError(
            query: String,
            inputStream: InputStream
        ) = ADAPTER.decode(inputStream).also {
            check(it.error == null) {
                throw IllegalStateException("Error with query: --$query--, error=${it.error}")

         * Computes the given query on the currently loaded trace, returning the resulting protobuf
         * bytes as a [ByteArray].
         * Use [Session.query] if you do not wish to parse the Proto result yourself.
         * The `QueryResult` protobuf definition can be found
         * [in the Perfetto project](,
         * which can be used to decode the result returned here with a protobuf parsing library.
         * Note that this method does not check for errors in the protobuf, that is the caller's
         * responsibility.
         * @see Session.query
        fun rawQuery(@Language("sql") query: String): ByteArray {
            inMemoryTrace("PerfettoTraceProcessor#query $query".take(127)) {
                require(traceProcessor.perfettoHttpServer.isRunning()) {
                    "Perfetto trace_shell_process is not running."
                return traceProcessor.perfettoHttpServer.rawQuery(query) { it.readBytes() }

         * Query a trace for a list of slices - name, timestamp, and duration.
         * Note that sliceNames may include wildcard matches, such as `foo%`
        @RestrictTo(LIBRARY_GROUP) // Slice API not currently exposed, since it doesn't track table
        fun querySlices(
            vararg sliceNames: String,
            packageName: String?,
        ): List<Slice> {
            require(traceProcessor.perfettoHttpServer.isRunning()) {
                "Perfetto trace_shell_process is not running."

            val whereClause = sliceNames
                    separator = " OR ",
                    prefix = if (packageName == null) {
                    } else {
                        processNameLikePkg(packageName) + " AND ("
                    postfix = ")"
                ) {
                    "slice_name LIKE \"$it\""
            val innerJoins = if (packageName != null) {
                INNER JOIN thread_track ON slice.track_id =
                INNER JOIN thread USING(utid)
                INNER JOIN process USING(upid)
            } else {

            val processTrackInnerJoins = """
                INNER JOIN process_track ON slice.track_id =
                INNER JOIN process USING(upid)

            return query(
                query = """
                    SELECT AS slice_name,ts,dur
                    FROM slice
                    WHERE $whereClause
                    SELECT AS slice_name,ts,dur
                    FROM slice
                    WHERE $whereClause
                    ORDER BY ts
            ).map { row ->
                // Using an explicit mapper here to account for the aliasing of `slice_name`
                    name = row.string("slice_name"),
                    ts = row.long("ts"),
                    dur = row.long("dur")

    private val perfettoHttpServer: PerfettoHttpServer = PerfettoHttpServer()
    private var traceLoaded = false

    private fun startServer(timeout: Duration): PerfettoTraceProcessor =
        inMemoryTrace("PerfettoTraceProcessor#startServer") {
            return@inMemoryTrace this

    private fun stopServer() = inMemoryTrace("PerfettoTraceProcessor#stopServer") {

     * Loads a trace in the current instance of the trace processor, clearing any previous loaded
     * trace if existing.
    private fun loadTraceImpl(absoluteTracePath: String) {
        inMemoryTrace("PerfettoTraceProcessor#loadTraceImpl") {
            require(!absoluteTracePath.contains(" ")) {
                "Trace path must not contain spaces: $absoluteTracePath"

            val traceFile = File(absoluteTracePath)
            require(traceFile.exists() && traceFile.isFile) {
                "Trace path must exist and not be a directory: $absoluteTracePath"

            // In case a previous trace was loaded, ensures to clear
            if (traceLoaded) {

            val parseResults = perfettoHttpServer.parse(FileInputStream(traceFile))
            parseResults.forEach { if (it.error != null) throw IllegalStateException(it.error) }

            // Notifies the server that it won't receive any more trace parts

            traceLoaded = true

     * Clears the current loaded trace.
    private fun clearTrace() = inMemoryTrace("PerfettoTraceProcessor#clearTrace") {
        traceLoaded = false

 * Helper for fuzzy matching process name to package
internal fun processNameLikePkg(pkg: String): String {
    return """( LIKE "$pkg" OR LIKE "$pkg:%")"""