 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.



import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;

import java.util.concurrent.Executor;

 * Configuration for an image capture use case.
@RequiresApi(21) // TODO(b/200306659): Remove and replace with annotation on
public final class ImageCaptureConfig implements UseCaseConfig<ImageCapture>, ImageOutputConfig,
        IoConfig {

    // Option Declarations:
    // *********************************************************************************************

    public static final Option<Integer> OPTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE_MODE =
            Option.create("camerax.core.imageCapture.captureMode", int.class);
    public static final Option<Integer> OPTION_FLASH_MODE =
            Option.create("camerax.core.imageCapture.flashMode", int.class);
    public static final Option<CaptureBundle> OPTION_CAPTURE_BUNDLE =
            Option.create("camerax.core.imageCapture.captureBundle", CaptureBundle.class);
    public static final Option<Integer> OPTION_BUFFER_FORMAT =
            Option.create("camerax.core.imageCapture.bufferFormat", Integer.class);
    public static final Option<Integer> OPTION_OUTPUT_FORMAT =
            Option.create("camerax.core.imageCapture.outputFormat", Integer.class);
    public static final Option<Integer> OPTION_MAX_CAPTURE_STAGES =
            Option.create("camerax.core.imageCapture.maxCaptureStages", Integer.class);
    public static final Option<ImageReaderProxyProvider> OPTION_IMAGE_READER_PROXY_PROVIDER =
    public static final Option<Boolean> OPTION_USE_SOFTWARE_JPEG_ENCODER =
            Option.create("camerax.core.imageCapture.useSoftwareJpegEncoder", boolean.class);
    public static final Option<Integer> OPTION_FLASH_TYPE =
            Option.create("camerax.core.imageCapture.flashType", int.class);
    public static final Option<Integer> OPTION_JPEG_COMPRESSION_QUALITY =
            Option.create("camerax.core.imageCapture.jpegCompressionQuality", int.class);
    public static final Option<ImageCapture.ScreenFlash> OPTION_SCREEN_FLASH =
            Option.create("camerax.core.imageCapture.screenFlash", ImageCapture.ScreenFlash.class);
    public static final Option<ResolutionSelector> OPTION_POSTVIEW_RESOLUTION_SELECTOR =

    public static final Option<Boolean> OPTION_POSTVIEW_ENABLED =

    // *********************************************************************************************

    private final OptionsBundle mConfig;

    /** Creates a new configuration instance. */
    public ImageCaptureConfig(@NonNull OptionsBundle config) {
        mConfig = config;

    public Config getConfig() {
        return mConfig;

     * Returns whether a {@link CaptureMode} option has been set in this configuration.
     * @return true if a {@link CaptureMode} option has been set in this configuration, false
     * otherwise.
    public boolean hasCaptureMode() {
        return containsOption(OPTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE_MODE);

     * Returns the {@link CaptureMode}.
     * @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
    public int getCaptureMode() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE_MODE);

     * Returns the {@link ImageCapture.FlashMode}.
     * @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
     * @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
    public int getFlashMode(@ImageCapture.FlashMode int valueIfMissing) {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_FLASH_MODE, valueIfMissing);

     * Returns the {@link ImageCapture.FlashMode}.
     * @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
    public int getFlashMode() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_FLASH_MODE);

     * Returns the {@link CaptureBundle}.
     * @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
     * @return The stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in this
     * configuration.
    public CaptureBundle getCaptureBundle(@Nullable CaptureBundle valueIfMissing) {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_CAPTURE_BUNDLE, valueIfMissing);

     * Returns the {@link CaptureBundle}.
     * @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
    public CaptureBundle getCaptureBundle() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_CAPTURE_BUNDLE);

     * Returns the {@link ImageFormat} of the capture in memory.
     * @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
     * @return The stored value or <code>ValueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in this
     * configuration.
    public Integer getBufferFormat(@Nullable Integer valueIfMissing) {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_BUFFER_FORMAT, valueIfMissing);

     * Returns the {@link ImageFormat} of the capture in memory.
     * @return The stored value, if it exists in the configuration.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
    public Integer getBufferFormat() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_BUFFER_FORMAT);

     * Retrieves the format of the image that is fed as input.
     * <p>This should be YUV_420_888, when processing is run on the image. Otherwise it is JPEG.
    public int getInputFormat() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_INPUT_FORMAT);

     * Returns the max number of {@link CaptureStage}.
     * @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
     * @return The stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in
     * this configuration.
    public int getMaxCaptureStages(int valueIfMissing) {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_MAX_CAPTURE_STAGES, valueIfMissing);

     * Returns the max number of {@link CaptureStage}.
     * @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
    public int getMaxCaptureStages() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_MAX_CAPTURE_STAGES);

     * Gets the caller provided {@link ImageReaderProxy}.
    public ImageReaderProxyProvider getImageReaderProxyProvider() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_IMAGE_READER_PROXY_PROVIDER, null);

     * Returns whether ImageCapture should use a software JPEG encoder, if available.
    public boolean isSoftwareJpegEncoderRequested() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_USE_SOFTWARE_JPEG_ENCODER, false);

     * Returns the {@link ImageCapture.FlashType}.
     * @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
     * @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
    public int getFlashType(@ImageCapture.FlashType int valueIfMissing) {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_FLASH_TYPE, valueIfMissing);

     * Returns the {@link ImageCapture.FlashType}.
     * @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
    public int getFlashType() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_FLASH_TYPE);

     * Returns the JPEG compression quality setting.
     * @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
     * @return The stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in this
     * configuration.
    @IntRange(from = 1, to = 100)
    public int getJpegQuality(@IntRange(from = 1, to = 100) int valueIfMissing) {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_JPEG_COMPRESSION_QUALITY, valueIfMissing);

     * Returns the JPEG compression quality setting.
     * @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
    @IntRange(from = 1, to = 100)
    public int getJpegQuality() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_JPEG_COMPRESSION_QUALITY);

     * Gets the caller provided {@link ImageCapture.ScreenFlash} instance.
    public ImageCapture.ScreenFlash getScreenFlash() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_SCREEN_FLASH, null);

     * @return the {@link ResolutionSelector} used to determine the size of the postview.
    public ResolutionSelector getPostviewResolutionSelector() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_POSTVIEW_RESOLUTION_SELECTOR, null);

     * @return if postview is enabled.
    public boolean isPostviewEnabled() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_POSTVIEW_ENABLED, false);

    // Implementations of IO default methods

     * Returns the executor that will be used for IO tasks.
     * <p> This executor will be used for any IO tasks specifically for ImageCapture, such as
     * {@link ImageCapture#takePicture(ImageCapture.OutputFileOptions, Executor,
     * ImageCapture.OnImageSavedCallback)}. If no executor is set, then a default Executor
     * specifically for IO will be used instead.
     * @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
     * @return The stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in this
     * configuration.
    public Executor getIoExecutor(@Nullable Executor valueIfMissing) {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_IO_EXECUTOR, valueIfMissing);

     * Returns the executor that will be used for IO tasks.
     * <p> This executor will be used for any IO tasks specifically for ImageCapture, such as
     * {@link ImageCapture#takePicture(ImageCapture.OutputFileOptions, Executor,
     * ImageCapture.OnImageSavedCallback)}. If no executor is set, then a default Executor
     * specifically for IO will be used instead.
     * @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
    public Executor getIoExecutor() {
        return retrieveOption(OPTION_IO_EXECUTOR);