 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice.StateCallback;
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.InputConfiguration;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.SessionConfiguration;
import android.util.Range;
import android.util.Size;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

 * Configurations needed for a capture session.
 * <p>The SessionConfig contains all the {@link android.hardware.camera2} parameters that are
 * required to initialize a {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession} and issue a {@link
 * CaptureRequest}.
@RequiresApi(21) // TODO(b/200306659): Remove and replace with annotation on
public final class SessionConfig {
    public static final int DEFAULT_SESSION_TYPE = SessionConfiguration.SESSION_REGULAR;
    /** The set of {@link OutputConfig} that data from the camera will be put into. */
    private final List<OutputConfig> mOutputConfigs;
    /** The {@link OutputConfig} for the postview. */
    private final OutputConfig mPostviewOutputConfig;
    /** The state callback for a {@link CameraDevice}. */
    private final List<CameraDevice.StateCallback> mDeviceStateCallbacks;
    /** The state callback for a {@link CameraCaptureSession}. */
    private final List<CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback> mSessionStateCallbacks;
    /** The callbacks used in single requests. */
    private final List<CameraCaptureCallback> mSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks;
    private final List<ErrorListener> mErrorListeners;
    /** The configuration for building the {@link CaptureRequest} used for repeating requests. */
    private final CaptureConfig mRepeatingCaptureConfig;
    /** The type of the session */
    private final int mSessionType;

     * Immutable class to store an input configuration that is used to create a reprocessable
     * capture session.
    private InputConfiguration mInputConfiguration;

     * The output configuration associated with the {@link DeferrableSurface} that will be used to
     * create the configuration needed to open a camera session. In camera2 this will be used to
     * create the corresponding {@link android.hardware.camera2.params.OutputConfiguration}.
    @SuppressWarnings("AutoValueImmutableFields")  // avoid extra dependency for ImmutableList.
    public abstract static class OutputConfig {
        public static final int SURFACE_GROUP_ID_NONE = -1;

         * Returns the surface associated with the {@link OutputConfig}.
        public abstract DeferrableSurface getSurface();

         * Returns the shared surfaces. If non-empty, surface sharing will be enabled and the
         * shared surfaces will share the same memory buffer as the main surface returned in
         * {@link #getSurface()}.
        public abstract List<DeferrableSurface> getSharedSurfaces();

         * Returns the physical camera ID. By default it would be null. For cameras consisting of
         * multiple physical cameras, this allows output to be redirected to specific physical
         * camera.
        public abstract String getPhysicalCameraId();

         * Returns the surface group ID. Default value is {@link #SURFACE_GROUP_ID_NONE} meaning
         * it doesn't belong to any surface group. A surface group ID is used to identify which
         * surface group this output surface belongs to. Output streams with the same
         * non-negative group ID won't receive the camera output simultaneously therefore it
         * could reduce the overall memory footprint.
        public abstract int getSurfaceGroupId();

         * Returns the dynamic range for this output configuration.
         * <p>The dynamic range will determine the dynamic range encoding and profile for pixels in
         * the surfaces associated with this output configuration.
         * <p>If not set, this defaults to {@link DynamicRange#SDR}.
        public abstract DynamicRange getDynamicRange();

         * Creates the {@link Builder} instance with specified {@link DeferrableSurface}.
        public static Builder builder(@NonNull DeferrableSurface surface) {
            return new AutoValue_SessionConfig_OutputConfig.Builder()

         * Builder to create the {@link OutputConfig}
        public abstract static class Builder {
             * Sets the surface associated with the {@link OutputConfig}.
            public abstract Builder setSurface(@NonNull DeferrableSurface surface);

             * Sets the shared surfaces. After being set, surface sharing will be enabled and the
             * shared surfaces will share the same memory buffer as the main surface returned in
             * {@link #getSurface()}.
            public abstract Builder setSharedSurfaces(@NonNull List<DeferrableSurface> surface);

             * Sets the physical camera ID. For cameras consisting of multiple physical cameras,
             * this allows output to be redirected to specific physical camera.
            public abstract Builder setPhysicalCameraId(@Nullable String cameraId);

             * Sets the surface group ID. A surface group ID is used to identify which surface group
             * this output surface belongs to. Output streams with the same non-negative group ID
             * won't receive the camera output simultaneously therefore it could be used to reduce
             * the overall memory footprint.
            public abstract Builder setSurfaceGroupId(int surfaceGroupId);

             * Returns the dynamic range for this output configuration.
             * <p>The dynamic range will determine the dynamic range encoding and profile for
             * pixels in the surfaces associated with this output configuration.
            public abstract Builder setDynamicRange(@NonNull DynamicRange dynamicRange);

             * Creates the instance.
            public abstract OutputConfig build();

     * Private constructor for a SessionConfig.
     * <p>In practice, the {@link SessionConfig.BaseBuilder} will be used to construct a
     * SessionConfig.
     * @param outputConfigs          The list of {@link OutputConfig} where data will be put into.
     * @param deviceStateCallbacks   The state callbacks for a {@link CameraDevice}.
     * @param sessionStateCallbacks  The state callbacks for a {@link CameraCaptureSession}.
     * @param repeatingCaptureConfig The configuration for building the {@link CaptureRequest}.
     * @param inputConfiguration     The input configuration to create a reprocessable capture
     *                               session.
     * @param sessionType            The session type for the {@link CameraCaptureSession}.
            List<OutputConfig> outputConfigs,
            List<StateCallback> deviceStateCallbacks,
            List<CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback> sessionStateCallbacks,
            List<CameraCaptureCallback> singleCameraCaptureCallbacks,
            List<ErrorListener> errorListeners,
            CaptureConfig repeatingCaptureConfig,
            @Nullable InputConfiguration inputConfiguration,
            int sessionType,
            @Nullable OutputConfig postviewOutputConfig) {
        mOutputConfigs = outputConfigs;
        mDeviceStateCallbacks = Collections.unmodifiableList(deviceStateCallbacks);
        mSessionStateCallbacks = Collections.unmodifiableList(sessionStateCallbacks);
        mSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks =
        mErrorListeners = Collections.unmodifiableList(errorListeners);
        mRepeatingCaptureConfig = repeatingCaptureConfig;
        mInputConfiguration = inputConfiguration;
        mSessionType = sessionType;
        mPostviewOutputConfig = postviewOutputConfig;

    /** Returns an instance of a session configuration with minimal configurations. */
    public static SessionConfig defaultEmptySessionConfig() {
        return new SessionConfig(
                new ArrayList<OutputConfig>(),
                new ArrayList<CameraDevice.StateCallback>(0),
                new ArrayList<CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback>(0),
                new ArrayList<CameraCaptureCallback>(0),
                new ArrayList<>(0),
                new CaptureConfig.Builder().build(),
                /* inputConfiguration */ null,
                /* postviewOutputConfig */ null);

    public InputConfiguration getInputConfiguration() {
        return mInputConfiguration;

     * Returns all {@link DeferrableSurface}s that are used to configure the session. It includes
     * both the {@link DeferrableSurface} of the all {@link OutputConfig}s and its shared
     * surfaces.
    public List<DeferrableSurface> getSurfaces() {
        List<DeferrableSurface> deferrableSurfaces = new ArrayList<>();
        for (OutputConfig outputConfig : mOutputConfigs) {
            for (DeferrableSurface sharedSurface : outputConfig.getSharedSurfaces()) {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(deferrableSurfaces);

    public List<OutputConfig> getOutputConfigs() {
        return mOutputConfigs;

    public OutputConfig getPostviewOutputConfig() {
        return mPostviewOutputConfig;

    public Config getImplementationOptions() {
        return mRepeatingCaptureConfig.getImplementationOptions();

    public int getTemplateType() {
        return mRepeatingCaptureConfig.getTemplateType();

    public int getSessionType() {
        return mSessionType;

    public Range<Integer> getExpectedFrameRateRange() {
        return mRepeatingCaptureConfig.getExpectedFrameRateRange();

    /** Obtains all registered {@link CameraDevice.StateCallback} callbacks. */
    public List<CameraDevice.StateCallback> getDeviceStateCallbacks() {
        return mDeviceStateCallbacks;

    /** Obtains all registered {@link CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback} callbacks. */
    public List<CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback> getSessionStateCallbacks() {
        return mSessionStateCallbacks;

    /** Obtains all registered {@link CameraCaptureCallback} callbacks for repeating requests. */
    public List<CameraCaptureCallback> getRepeatingCameraCaptureCallbacks() {
        return mRepeatingCaptureConfig.getCameraCaptureCallbacks();

    /** Obtains all registered {@link ErrorListener} callbacks. */
    public List<ErrorListener> getErrorListeners() {
        return mErrorListeners;

    /** Obtains all registered {@link CameraCaptureCallback} callbacks for single requests. */
    public List<CameraCaptureCallback> getSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks() {
        return mSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks;

    public CaptureConfig getRepeatingCaptureConfig() {
        return mRepeatingCaptureConfig;

    public enum SessionError {
         * A {@link DeferrableSurface} contained in the config needs to be reset.
         * <p>The surface is no longer valid, for example the surface has already been closed.
        /** An unknown error has occurred. */

     * Callback for errors that occur when accessing the session config.
    public interface ErrorListener {
         * Called when an error has occurred.
         * @param sessionConfig The {@link SessionConfig} that generated the error.
         * @param error         The error that was generated.
        void onError(@NonNull SessionConfig sessionConfig, @NonNull SessionError error);

     * Interface for unpacking a configuration into a SessionConfig.Builder
     * <p>TODO(b/120949879): This will likely be removed once SessionConfig is refactored to
     * remove camera2 dependencies.
    public interface OptionUnpacker {

         * Apply the options from the config onto the builder
         * @param resolution the suggested resolution
         * @param config  the set of options to apply
         * @param builder the builder on which to apply the options
        void unpack(
                @NonNull Size resolution,
                @NonNull UseCaseConfig<?> config,
                @NonNull SessionConfig.Builder builder);

     * Base builder for easy modification/rebuilding of a {@link SessionConfig}.
    static class BaseBuilder {
        // Use LinkedHashSet to preserve the adding order for bug fixing and testing.
        final Set<OutputConfig> mOutputConfigs = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        final CaptureConfig.Builder mCaptureConfigBuilder = new CaptureConfig.Builder();
        final List<CameraDevice.StateCallback> mDeviceStateCallbacks = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback> mSessionStateCallbacks = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<ErrorListener> mErrorListeners = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<CameraCaptureCallback> mSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks = new ArrayList<>();
        InputConfiguration mInputConfiguration;
        int mSessionType = DEFAULT_SESSION_TYPE;
        OutputConfig mPostviewOutputConfig;

     * Builder for easy modification/rebuilding of a {@link SessionConfig}.
    public static class Builder extends BaseBuilder {
         * Creates a {@link Builder} from a {@link UseCaseConfig}.
         * <p>Populates the builder with all the properties defined in the base configuration.
        public static Builder createFrom(
                @NonNull UseCaseConfig<?> config,
                @NonNull Size resolution) {
            OptionUnpacker unpacker = config.getSessionOptionUnpacker(null);
            if (unpacker == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Implementation is missing option unpacker for "
                                + config.getTargetName(config.toString()));

            Builder builder = new Builder();

            // Unpack the configuration into this builder
            unpacker.unpack(resolution, config, builder);
            return builder;

         * Set the input configuration for reprocessable capture session.
         * @param inputConfiguration The input configuration.
        public Builder setInputConfiguration(@Nullable InputConfiguration inputConfiguration) {
            mInputConfiguration = inputConfiguration;
            return this;

         * Set the template characteristics of the SessionConfig.
         * @param templateType Template constant that must match those defined by {@link
         *                     CameraDevice}
         *                     <p>TODO(b/120949879): This is camera2 implementation detail that
         *                     should be moved
        public Builder setTemplateType(int templateType) {
            return this;

         * Sets the session type.
        public Builder setSessionType(int sessionType) {
            mSessionType = sessionType;
            return this;

         * Set the expected frame rate range of the SessionConfig.
         * @param expectedFrameRateRange The frame rate range calculated from the UseCases for
         *                               {@link CameraDevice}
        public Builder setExpectedFrameRateRange(@NonNull Range<Integer> expectedFrameRateRange) {
            return this;

         * Set the preview stabilization mode of the SessionConfig.
         * @param mode {@link StabilizationMode}
        public Builder setPreviewStabilization(@StabilizationMode.Mode int mode) {
            if (mode != StabilizationMode.UNSPECIFIED) {
            return this;

         * Set the video stabilization mode of the SessionConfig.
         * @param mode {@link StabilizationMode}
        public Builder setVideoStabilization(@StabilizationMode.Mode int mode) {
            if (mode != StabilizationMode.UNSPECIFIED) {
            return this;

         * Adds a tag to the SessionConfig with a key. For tracking the source.
        public Builder addTag(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Object tag) {
            mCaptureConfigBuilder.addTag(key, tag);
            return this;

         * Adds a {@link CameraDevice.StateCallback} callback.
        // TODO(b/120949879): This is camera2 implementation detail that should be moved
        public Builder addDeviceStateCallback(
                @NonNull CameraDevice.StateCallback deviceStateCallback) {
            if (mDeviceStateCallbacks.contains(deviceStateCallback)) {
                return this;
            return this;

         * Adds all {@link CameraDevice.StateCallback} callbacks.
        public Builder addAllDeviceStateCallbacks(
                @NonNull Collection<CameraDevice.StateCallback> deviceStateCallbacks) {
            for (CameraDevice.StateCallback callback : deviceStateCallbacks) {
            return this;

         * Adds a {@link CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback} callback.
        // TODO(b/120949879): This is camera2 implementation detail that should be moved
        public Builder addSessionStateCallback(
                @NonNull CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback sessionStateCallback) {
            if (mSessionStateCallbacks.contains(sessionStateCallback)) {
                return this;
            return this;

         * Adds all {@link CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback} callbacks.
        public Builder addAllSessionStateCallbacks(
                @NonNull List<CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback> sessionStateCallbacks) {
            for (CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback callback : sessionStateCallbacks) {
            return this;

         * Adds a {@link CameraCaptureCallback} callback for repeating requests.
         * <p>This callback does not call for single requests.
        public Builder addRepeatingCameraCaptureCallback(
                @NonNull CameraCaptureCallback cameraCaptureCallback) {
            return this;

         * Adds all {@link CameraCaptureCallback} callbacks.
         * <p>These callbacks do not call for single requests.
        public Builder addAllRepeatingCameraCaptureCallbacks(
                @NonNull Collection<CameraCaptureCallback> cameraCaptureCallbacks) {
            return this;

         * Adds a {@link CameraCaptureCallback} callback for single and repeating requests.
         * <p>Listeners added here are available in both the
         * {@link #getRepeatingCameraCaptureCallbacks()} and
         * {@link #getSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks()} methods.
        public Builder addCameraCaptureCallback(
                @NonNull CameraCaptureCallback cameraCaptureCallback) {
            if (!mSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks.contains(cameraCaptureCallback)) {
            return this;

         * Adds all {@link CameraCaptureCallback} callbacks for single and repeating requests.
         * <p>Listeners added here are available in both the
         * {@link #getRepeatingCameraCaptureCallbacks()} and
         * {@link #getSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks()} methods.
        public Builder addAllCameraCaptureCallbacks(
                @NonNull Collection<CameraCaptureCallback> cameraCaptureCallbacks) {
            for (CameraCaptureCallback c : cameraCaptureCallbacks) {
                if (!mSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks.contains(c)) {
            return this;

         * Removes a previously added {@link CameraCaptureCallback} callback for single and/or
         * repeating requests.
         * @param cameraCaptureCallback The callback to remove.
         * @return {@code true} if the callback was successfully removed. {@code false} if the
         * callback wasn't present in this builder.
        public boolean removeCameraCaptureCallback(
                @NonNull CameraCaptureCallback cameraCaptureCallback) {
            boolean removedFromRepeating =
            boolean removedFromSingle =
            return removedFromRepeating || removedFromSingle;

        /** Obtain all {@link CameraCaptureCallback} callbacks for single requests. */
        public List<CameraCaptureCallback> getSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks() {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(mSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks);

         * Adds all {@link ErrorListener} listeners repeating requests.
        public Builder addErrorListener(@NonNull ErrorListener errorListener) {
            return this;

         * Add a surface to the set that the session repeatedly writes data to.
         * <p>The dynamic range of this surface will default to {@link DynamicRange#SDR}. To
         * manually set the dynamic range, use {@link #addSurface(DeferrableSurface, DynamicRange)}.
        public Builder addSurface(@NonNull DeferrableSurface surface) {
            return addSurface(surface, DynamicRange.SDR, null);

         * Add a surface with the provided dynamic range to the set that the session repeatedly
         * writes data to.
        public Builder addSurface(@NonNull DeferrableSurface surface,
                @NonNull DynamicRange dynamicRange,
                @Nullable String physicalCameraId) {
            OutputConfig outputConfig = OutputConfig.builder(surface)
            return this;

         * Adds an {@link OutputConfig} to create the capture session with. The surface set in
         * the {@link OutputConfig} will be added to the repeating request.
        public Builder addOutputConfig(@NonNull OutputConfig outputConfig) {
            for (DeferrableSurface sharedSurface : outputConfig.getSharedSurfaces()) {
            return this;

         * Add a surface for the session which only used for single captures.
         * <p>The dynamic range of this surface will default to {@link DynamicRange#SDR}. To
         * manually set the dynamic range, use
         * {@link #addNonRepeatingSurface(DeferrableSurface, DynamicRange)}.
        public Builder addNonRepeatingSurface(@NonNull DeferrableSurface surface) {
            return addNonRepeatingSurface(surface, DynamicRange.SDR);

         * Add a surface with the provided dynamic range for the session which only used for
         * single captures.
        public Builder addNonRepeatingSurface(@NonNull DeferrableSurface surface,
                @NonNull DynamicRange dynamicRange) {
            OutputConfig outputConfig = OutputConfig.builder(surface)
            return this;

         * Sets the postview surface.
        public Builder setPostviewSurface(@NonNull DeferrableSurface surface) {
            mPostviewOutputConfig = OutputConfig.builder(surface).build();
            return this;

        /** Remove a surface from the set which the session repeatedly writes to. */
        public Builder removeSurface(@NonNull DeferrableSurface surface) {
            OutputConfig outputConfigToRemove = null;
            for (OutputConfig config : mOutputConfigs) {
                if (config.getSurface().equals(surface)) {
                    outputConfigToRemove = config;

            if (outputConfigToRemove != null) {
            return this;

        /** Clears all surfaces from the set which the session writes to. */
        public Builder clearSurfaces() {
            return this;

        /** Set the {@link Config} for options that are implementation specific. */
        public Builder setImplementationOptions(@NonNull Config config) {
            return this;

        /** Add a set of {@link Config} to the implementation specific options. */
        public Builder addImplementationOptions(@NonNull Config config) {
            return this;

         * Builds an instance of a SessionConfig that has all the combined parameters of the
         * SessionConfig that have been added to the Builder.
        public SessionConfig build() {
            return new SessionConfig(
                    new ArrayList<>(mOutputConfigs),
                    new ArrayList<>(mDeviceStateCallbacks),
                    new ArrayList<>(mSessionStateCallbacks),
                    new ArrayList<>(mSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks),
                    new ArrayList<>(mErrorListeners),

     * Builder for combining multiple instances of {@link SessionConfig}. This will check if all
     * the parameters for the {@link SessionConfig} are compatible with each other
    public static final class ValidatingBuilder extends BaseBuilder {
        // Current supported session template values and the bigger index in the list, the
        // priority is higher.
        private static final List<Integer> SUPPORTED_TEMPLATE_PRIORITY = Arrays.asList(
                // TODO(230673983): Based on the framework assumptions, we prioritize video capture
                //  and disable ZSL (fallback to regular) if both use cases are bound.

        private static final String TAG = "ValidatingBuilder";
        private final SurfaceSorter mSurfaceSorter = new SurfaceSorter();
        private boolean mValid = true;
        private boolean mTemplateSet = false;

         * Add an implementation option to the ValidatingBuilder's CaptureConfigBuilder. If it
         * already has an option with the same key, write it over.
        public <T> void addImplementationOption(@NonNull Config.Option<T> option,
                @NonNull T value) {
            mCaptureConfigBuilder.addImplementationOption(option, value);

         * Add the SessionConfig to the set of SessionConfig that have been aggregated by the
         * ValidatingBuilder
        public void add(@NonNull SessionConfig sessionConfig) {
            CaptureConfig captureConfig = sessionConfig.getRepeatingCaptureConfig();

            // Check template
            if (captureConfig.getTemplateType() != CaptureConfig.TEMPLATE_TYPE_NONE) {
                mTemplateSet = true;


            TagBundle tagBundle = sessionConfig.getRepeatingCaptureConfig().getTagBundle();

            // Check device state callbacks

            // Check session state callbacks

            // Check camera capture callbacks for repeating requests.

            // Check camera capture callbacks for single requests.


            // Check input configuration for reprocessable capture session.
            if (sessionConfig.getInputConfiguration() != null) {
                mInputConfiguration = sessionConfig.getInputConfiguration();

            // Check surfaces

            // Check capture request surfaces

            if (!getSurfaces().containsAll(mCaptureConfigBuilder.getSurfaces())) {
                String errorMessage =
                        "Invalid configuration due to capture request surfaces are not a subset "
                                + "of surfaces";
                Logger.d(TAG, errorMessage);
                mValid = false;

            if (sessionConfig.getSessionType() != mSessionType
                    && sessionConfig.getSessionType() != DEFAULT_SESSION_TYPE
                    && mSessionType != DEFAULT_SESSION_TYPE) {
                String errorMessage =
                        "Invalid configuration due to that two non-default session types are set";
                Logger.d(TAG, errorMessage);
                mValid = false;
            } else {
                if (sessionConfig.getSessionType() != DEFAULT_SESSION_TYPE) {
                    mSessionType = sessionConfig.getSessionType();

            if (sessionConfig.mPostviewOutputConfig != null) {
                if (mPostviewOutputConfig != sessionConfig.mPostviewOutputConfig
                        && mPostviewOutputConfig != null) {
                    String errorMessage =
                            "Invalid configuration due to that two different postview output "
                                    + "configs are set";
                    Logger.d(TAG, errorMessage);
                    mValid = false;
                } else {
                    mPostviewOutputConfig = sessionConfig.mPostviewOutputConfig;

            // The conflicting of options is handled in addImplementationOptions where it could
            // throw an IllegalArgumentException if the conflict cannot be resolved.

        private void setOrVerifyExpectFrameRateRange(
                @NonNull Range<Integer> expectedFrameRateRange) {
            if (expectedFrameRateRange.equals(StreamSpec.FRAME_RATE_RANGE_UNSPECIFIED)) {

            if (mCaptureConfigBuilder.getExpectedFrameRateRange().equals(
                    StreamSpec.FRAME_RATE_RANGE_UNSPECIFIED)) {

            if (!mCaptureConfigBuilder.getExpectedFrameRateRange().equals(expectedFrameRateRange)) {
                mValid = false;
                Logger.d(TAG, "Different ExpectedFrameRateRange values");

        private void setPreviewStabilizationMode(@StabilizationMode.Mode int mode) {
            if (mode != StabilizationMode.UNSPECIFIED) {

        private void setVideoStabilizationMode(@StabilizationMode.Mode int mode) {
            if (mode != StabilizationMode.UNSPECIFIED) {

        private List<DeferrableSurface> getSurfaces() {
            List<DeferrableSurface> surfaces = new ArrayList<>();
            for (OutputConfig outputConfig : mOutputConfigs) {
                for (DeferrableSurface sharedSurface : outputConfig.getSharedSurfaces()) {
            return surfaces;

        /** Clears all surfaces from the set which the session writes to. */
        public void clearSurfaces() {

        /** Check if the set of SessionConfig that have been combined are valid */
        public boolean isValid() {
            return mTemplateSet && mValid;

         * Builds an instance of a SessionConfig that has all the combined parameters of the
         * SessionConfig that have been added to the ValidatingBuilder.
        public SessionConfig build() {
            if (!mValid) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported session configuration combination");

            List<OutputConfig> outputConfigs = new ArrayList<>(mOutputConfigs);

            return new SessionConfig(
                    new ArrayList<>(mDeviceStateCallbacks),
                    new ArrayList<>(mSessionStateCallbacks),
                    new ArrayList<>(mSingleCameraCaptureCallbacks),
                    new ArrayList<>(mErrorListeners),

        private int selectTemplateType(int type1, int type2) {
            return SUPPORTED_TEMPLATE_PRIORITY.indexOf(type1)
                    >= SUPPORTED_TEMPLATE_PRIORITY.indexOf(type2) ? type1 : type2;