
 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.camera.viewfinder.core

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.Context
import android.os.SystemClock
import android.view.GestureDetector
import android.view.MotionEvent
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewConfiguration
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import androidx.annotation.IntRange
import androidx.annotation.Px
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.annotation.UiThread
import androidx.camera.viewfinder.core.ZoomGestureDetector.OnZoomGestureListener
import androidx.camera.viewfinder.core.ZoomGestureDetector.ZoomEvent
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.hypot
import kotlin.math.roundToInt

 * Detector that interprets [MotionEvent]s and notify users when a zooming gesture has occurred.
 * To use this class to do pinch-to-zoom on the viewfinder:
 * - In the [OnZoomGestureListener.onZoomEvent], when receiving [ZoomEvent.Move], get the
 * [ZoomEvent.Move.scaleFactor] and use the value with `CameraControl.setZoomRatio` if the factor is
 * in the range of `ZoomState.getMinZoomRatio` and `ZoomState.getMaxZoomRatio`. Then create an
 * instance of the `ZoomGestureDetector` with the [OnZoomGestureListener].
 * - In the [View.onTouchEvent], call [onTouchEvent] and pass the [MotionEvent]s to the
 * `ZoomGestureDetector`.
 * @constructor Creates a ZoomGestureDetector for detecting zooming gesture.
 * @param context The application context.
 * @param spanSlop The distance in pixels touches can wander before a gesture to be interpreted
 * as zooming.
 * @param minSpan The distance in pixels between touches that must be reached for a gesture to be
 * interpreted as zooming.
 * @param listener The listener to receive the callback.
 * @sample androidx.camera.viewfinder.core.samples.onTouchEventSample
@RequiresApi(21) // TODO(b/200306659): Remove and replace with annotation on package-info.java
class ZoomGestureDetector @SuppressLint("ExecutorRegistration") @JvmOverloads constructor(
    private val context: Context,
    @Px private val spanSlop: Int = ViewConfiguration.get(context).scaledTouchSlop * 2,
    @Px private val minSpan: Int = DEFAULT_MIN_SPAN,
    private val listener: OnZoomGestureListener
) {
     * The zoom event that contains extended info about event state.
     * @param eventTime The event time in milliseconds of the current event being processed, in
     * [SystemClock.uptimeMillis] time base.
     * @param focusX The X coordinate of the current gesture's focal point in pixels.
     * @param focusY The Y coordinate of the current gesture's focal point in pixels.
    abstract class ZoomEvent private constructor(
        @IntRange(from = 0) val eventTime: Long,
        @Px @IntRange(from = 0) val focusX: Int,
        @Px @IntRange(from = 0) val focusY: Int
    ) {
         * The beginning of a zoom gesture. Reported by new pointers going down.
         * @param eventTime The event time in milliseconds of the current event being processed, in
         * [SystemClock.uptimeMillis] time base.
         * @param focusX The X coordinate of the current gesture's focal point in pixels.
         * @param focusY The Y coordinate of the current gesture's focal point in pixels.
        class Begin(
            @IntRange(from = 0) eventTime: Long,
            @Px @IntRange(from = 0) focusX: Int,
            @Px @IntRange(from = 0) focusY: Int
        ) : ZoomEvent(eventTime, focusX, focusY)

         * The moving events of a gesture in progress. Reported by pointer motion.
         * @param eventTime The event time in milliseconds of the current event being processed, in
         * [SystemClock.uptimeMillis] time base.
         * @param focusX The X coordinate of the current gesture's focal point in pixels.
         * @param focusY The Y coordinate of the current gesture's focal point in pixels.
         * @param scaleFactor The scaling factor from the previous zoom event to the current event.
         * The value will be less than `1.0` when zooming out (larger FOV) and will be larger than
         * `1.0` when zooming in (narrower FOV).
        class Move(
            @IntRange(from = 0) eventTime: Long,
            @Px @IntRange(from = 0) focusX: Int,
            @Px @IntRange(from = 0) focusY: Int,
            @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false) val scaleFactor: Float
        ) : ZoomEvent(eventTime, focusX, focusY)

         * The end of a zoom gesture. Reported by existing pointers going up.
         * @param eventTime The event time in milliseconds of the current event being processed, in
         * [SystemClock.uptimeMillis] time base.
         * @param focusX The X coordinate of the current gesture's focal point in pixels.
         * @param focusY The Y coordinate of the current gesture's focal point in pixels.
         * @param scaleFactor The scaling factor from the previous zoom event to the current event.
         * The value will be less than `1.0` when zooming out (larger FOV) and will be larger than
         * `1.0` when zooming in (narrower FOV).
        class End(
            @IntRange(from = 0) eventTime: Long,
            @Px @IntRange(from = 0) focusX: Int,
            @Px @IntRange(from = 0) focusY: Int,
            @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false) val scaleFactor: Float
        ) : ZoomEvent(eventTime, focusX, focusY)

     * The listener for receiving notifications when gestures occur.
     * An application will receive events in the following order:
     * - One [ZoomEvent.Begin]
     * - Zero or more [ZoomEvent.Move]
     * - One [ZoomEvent.End]
    fun interface OnZoomGestureListener {
         * Responds to the events of a zooming gesture.
         * Return `true` to indicate the event is handled by the listener.
         * - For [ZoomEvent.Begin] events, the detector will ignore the rest of the gesture if
         * it's not handled. For example, if a gesture is beginning with a focal point outside of a
         * region where it makes sense, [ZoomEvent.Begin] event may return `false` to ignore the
         * rest of the gesture.
         * - For [ZoomEvent.Move] events, the detector will continue to accumulate movement if
         * it's not handled. This can be useful if an application, for example, only wants to update
         * scaling factors if the change is greater than `0.01`.
         * - For [ZoomEvent.End] events, the return value is ignored and the zoom gesture will
         * end regardless of what is returned.
         * Once receiving [ZoomEvent.End] event, [ZoomEvent.End.focusX] and [ZoomEvent.End.focusY]
         * will return focal point of the pointers remaining on the screen.
         * @param zoomEvent The zoom event that contains extended info about event state.
         * @return Whether or not the detector should consider this event as handled.
        fun onZoomEvent(zoomEvent: ZoomEvent): Boolean

     * The X coordinate of the current gesture's focal point in pixels. If a gesture is in progress,
     * the focal point is between each of the pointers forming the gesture.
     * If [isInProgress] would return `false`, the result of this function is undefined.
    private var focusX = 0

     * The Y coordinate of the current gesture's focal point in pixels. If a gesture is in progress,
     * the focal point is between each of the pointers forming the gesture.
     * If [isInProgress] would return `false`, the result of this function is undefined.
    private var focusY = 0

     * Whether the quick zoom gesture, in which the user performs a double tap followed by a swipe,
     * should perform zooming.
     * If not set, this is enabled by default.
    var isQuickZoomEnabled: Boolean = true

     * Whether the stylus zoom gesture, in which the user uses a stylus and presses the button,
     * should perform zooming.
     * If not set, this is enabled by default.
    var isStylusZoomEnabled = true

     * The average distance in pixels between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress
     * through the focal point.
    private var currentSpan = 0f

     * The previous average distance in pixels between each of the pointers forming the gesture in
     * progress through the focal point.
    private var previousSpan = 0f

     * The average X distance in pixels between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress
     * through the focal point.
    private var currentSpanX = 0f

     * The average Y distance in pixels between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress
     * through the focal point.
    private var currentSpanY = 0f

     * The previous average X distance in pixels between each of the pointers forming the gesture in
     * progress through the focal point.
    private var previousSpanX = 0f

     * The previous average Y distance in pixels between each of the pointers forming the gesture in
     * progress through the focal point.
    private var previousSpanY = 0f

     * The event time in milliseconds of the current event being processed.
    private var eventTime: Long = 0

     * Whether a zoom gesture is in progress.
    private var isInProgress = false

    private var initialSpan = 0f
    private var prevTime: Long = 0
    private var anchoredZoomStartX = 0f
    private var anchoredZoomStartY = 0f
    private var anchoredZoomMode = ANCHORED_ZOOM_MODE_NONE
    private var gestureDetector: GestureDetector =
        GestureDetector(context, object : GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() {
            override fun onDoubleTap(e: MotionEvent): Boolean {
                // Double tap: start watching for a swipe
                anchoredZoomStartX = e.x
                anchoredZoomStartY = e.y
                anchoredZoomMode = ANCHORED_ZOOM_MODE_DOUBLE_TAP
                return true
    private var eventBeforeOrAboveStartingGestureEvent = false

     * Accepts [MotionEvent]s and dispatches events to a [OnZoomGestureListener] when appropriate.
     * Applications should pass a complete and consistent event stream to this method.
     * A complete and consistent event stream involves all [MotionEvent]s from the initial
     * [MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN] to the final [MotionEvent.ACTION_UP] or
     * [MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL].
     * @param event The event to process.
     * @return `true` if the event was processed and the detector wants to receive the
     * rest of the [MotionEvent]s in this event stream. Return it in the [View.onTouchEvent] for a
     * normal use case.
    fun onTouchEvent(event: MotionEvent): Boolean {
        eventTime = event.eventTime

        val action = event.actionMasked

        // Forward the event to check for double tap gesture
        if (isQuickZoomEnabled) {

        val count = event.pointerCount
        val isStylusButtonDown = (event.buttonState and MotionEvent.BUTTON_STYLUS_PRIMARY) != 0

        val anchoredZoomCancelled =
            anchoredZoomMode == ANCHORED_ZOOM_MODE_STYLUS && !isStylusButtonDown
        val streamComplete = action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP ||
            action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL ||

        if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN || streamComplete) {
            // Reset any scale in progress with the listener.
            // If it's an ACTION_DOWN we're beginning a new event stream.
            // This means the app probably didn't give us all the events.
            if (isInProgress) {
                listener.onZoomEvent(ZoomEvent.End(eventTime, focusX, focusY, getScaleFactor()))
                isInProgress = false
                initialSpan = 0f
                anchoredZoomMode = ANCHORED_ZOOM_MODE_NONE
            } else if (inAnchoredZoomMode() && streamComplete) {
                isInProgress = false
                initialSpan = 0f
                anchoredZoomMode = ANCHORED_ZOOM_MODE_NONE
            if (streamComplete) {
                return true

        if (!isInProgress &&
            isStylusZoomEnabled &&
            !inAnchoredZoomMode() &&
            !streamComplete &&
            isStylusButtonDown) {
            // Start of a button zoom gesture
            anchoredZoomStartX = event.x
            anchoredZoomStartY = event.y
            anchoredZoomMode = ANCHORED_ZOOM_MODE_STYLUS
            initialSpan = 0f

        val configChanged = action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN ||
            action == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP ||
            action == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN ||

        val pointerUp = action == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP
        val skipIndex = if (pointerUp) event.actionIndex else -1

        // Determine focal point
        var sumX = 0f
        var sumY = 0f
        val div = if (pointerUp) count - 1 else count
        val focusXFloat: Float
        val focusYFloat: Float
        if (inAnchoredZoomMode()) {
            // In anchored scale mode, the focal pt is always where the double tap
            // or button down gesture started
            focusXFloat = anchoredZoomStartX
            focusYFloat = anchoredZoomStartY
            eventBeforeOrAboveStartingGestureEvent = if (event.y < focusYFloat) {
            } else {
        } else {
            for (i in 0 until count) {
                if (skipIndex == i) continue
                sumX += event.getX(i)
                sumY += event.getY(i)
            focusXFloat = sumX / div
            focusYFloat = sumY / div

        // Determine average deviation from focal point
        var devSumX = 0f
        var devSumY = 0f
        for (i in 0 until count) {
            if (skipIndex == i) continue

            // Convert the resulting diameter into a radius.
            devSumX += abs(event.getX(i) - focusXFloat)
            devSumY += abs(event.getY(i) - focusYFloat)
        val devX = devSumX / div
        val devY = devSumY / div

        // Span is the average distance between touch points through the focal point;
        // i.e. the diameter of the circle with a radius of the average deviation from
        // the focal point.
        val spanX = devX * 2
        val spanY = devY * 2
        val span: Float = if (inAnchoredZoomMode()) {
        } else {
            hypot(spanX, spanY)

        // Dispatch begin/end events as needed.
        // If the configuration changes, notify the app to reset its current state by beginning
        // a fresh zoom event stream.
        val wasInProgress = isInProgress
        focusX = focusXFloat.roundToInt()
        focusY = focusYFloat.roundToInt()
        if (!inAnchoredZoomMode() && isInProgress && (span < minSpan || configChanged)) {
            listener.onZoomEvent(ZoomEvent.End(eventTime, focusX, focusY, getScaleFactor()))
            isInProgress = false
            initialSpan = span
        if (configChanged) {
            currentSpanX = spanX
            previousSpanX = currentSpanX
            currentSpanY = spanY
            previousSpanY = currentSpanY
            currentSpan = span
            previousSpan = currentSpan
            initialSpan = previousSpan
        val minSpan = if (inAnchoredZoomMode()) spanSlop else minSpan
        if (!isInProgress &&
            span >= minSpan &&
            (wasInProgress || abs(span - initialSpan) > spanSlop)) {
            currentSpanX = spanX
            previousSpanX = currentSpanX
            currentSpanY = spanY
            previousSpanY = currentSpanY
            currentSpan = span
            previousSpan = currentSpan
            prevTime = eventTime
            isInProgress = listener.onZoomEvent(ZoomEvent.Begin(eventTime, focusX, focusY))

        // Handle motion; focal point and span/scale factor are changing.
        if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
            currentSpanX = spanX
            currentSpanY = spanY
            currentSpan = span

            var updatePrev = true

            if (isInProgress) {
                updatePrev = listener.onZoomEvent(
                    ZoomEvent.Move(eventTime, focusX, focusY, getScaleFactor())

            if (updatePrev) {
                previousSpanX = currentSpanX
                previousSpanY = currentSpanY
                previousSpan = currentSpan
                prevTime = eventTime
        return true

    private fun inAnchoredZoomMode(): Boolean {
        return anchoredZoomMode != ANCHORED_ZOOM_MODE_NONE

    private fun getScaleFactor(): Float {
        if (inAnchoredZoomMode()) {
            // Drag is moving up; the further away from the gesture start, the smaller the span
            // should be, the closer, the larger the span, and therefore the larger the scale
            val scaleUp = eventBeforeOrAboveStartingGestureEvent &&
                currentSpan < previousSpan ||
                !eventBeforeOrAboveStartingGestureEvent &&
                currentSpan > previousSpan
            val spanDiff = (abs(1 - currentSpan / previousSpan) * SCALE_FACTOR)
            return if (previousSpan <= spanSlop) 1.0f
            else if (scaleUp) 1.0f + spanDiff
            else 1.0f - spanDiff
        return if (previousSpan > 0) currentSpan / previousSpan else 1.0f

    val timeDelta: Long
         * Returns the time difference in milliseconds between the previous accepted zooming event
         * and the current zooming event.
         * @return Time difference since the last zooming event in milliseconds.
        get() = eventTime - prevTime

    companion object {
        // The default minimum span that the detector interprets a zooming event with. It's set to 0
        // to give the most responsiveness.
        // TODO(b/314702145): define a different span if appropriate.
        private const val DEFAULT_MIN_SPAN = 0
        private const val SCALE_FACTOR = .5f
        private const val ANCHORED_ZOOM_MODE_NONE = 0
        private const val ANCHORED_ZOOM_MODE_DOUBLE_TAP = 1
        private const val ANCHORED_ZOOM_MODE_STYLUS = 2