
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.Saver
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.listSaver
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.rememberSaveable
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutCoordinates
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.OnGloballyPositionedModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Remeasurement
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.RemeasurementModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
import kotlin.coroutines.resume
import kotlin.coroutines.suspendCoroutine
import kotlin.math.abs

 * Creates a [LazyListState] that is remembered across compositions.
 * Changes to the provided initial values will **not** result in the state being recreated or
 * changed in any way if it has already been created.
 * @param initialFirstVisibleItemIndex the initial value for [LazyListState.firstVisibleItemIndex]
 * @param initialFirstVisibleItemScrollOffset the initial value for
 * [LazyListState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset]
fun rememberLazyListState(
    initialFirstVisibleItemIndex: Int = 0,
    initialFirstVisibleItemScrollOffset: Int = 0
): LazyListState {
    return rememberSaveable(saver = LazyListState.Saver) {

 * A state object that can be hoisted to control and observe scrolling.
 * In most cases, this will be created via [rememberLazyListState].
 * @param firstVisibleItemIndex the initial value for [LazyListState.firstVisibleItemIndex]
 * @param firstVisibleItemScrollOffset the initial value for
 * [LazyListState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset]
class LazyListState constructor(
    firstVisibleItemIndex: Int = 0,
    firstVisibleItemScrollOffset: Int = 0
) : ScrollableState {
     * The holder class for the current scroll position.
    private val scrollPosition =
        LazyListScrollPosition(firstVisibleItemIndex, firstVisibleItemScrollOffset)

    private val animateScrollScope = LazyListAnimateScrollScope(this)

     * The index of the first item that is visible.
     * Note that this property is observable and if you use it in the composable function it will
     * be recomposed on every change causing potential performance issues.
     * If you want to run some side effects like sending an analytics event or updating a state
     * based on this value consider using "snapshotFlow":
     * @sample
     * If you need to use it in the composition then consider wrapping the calculation into a
     * derived state in order to only have recompositions when the derived value changes:
     * @sample
    val firstVisibleItemIndex: Int get() = scrollPosition.index.value

     * The scroll offset of the first visible item. Scrolling forward is positive - i.e., the
     * amount that the item is offset backwards.
     * Note that this property is observable and if you use it in the composable function it will
     * be recomposed on every scroll causing potential performance issues.
     * @see firstVisibleItemIndex for samples with the recommended usage patterns.
    val firstVisibleItemScrollOffset: Int get() = scrollPosition.scrollOffset

    /** Backing state for [layoutInfo] */
    private val layoutInfoState = mutableStateOf<LazyListLayoutInfo>(EmptyLazyListLayoutInfo)

     * The object of [LazyListLayoutInfo] calculated during the last layout pass. For example,
     * you can use it to calculate what items are currently visible.
     * Note that this property is observable and is updated after every scroll or remeasure.
     * If you use it in the composable function it will be recomposed on every change causing
     * potential performance issues including infinity recomposition loop.
     * Therefore, avoid using it in the composition.
     * If you want to run some side effects like sending an analytics event or updating a state
     * based on this value consider using "snapshotFlow":
     * @sample
    val layoutInfo: LazyListLayoutInfo get() = layoutInfoState.value

     * [InteractionSource] that will be used to dispatch drag events when this
     * list is being dragged. If you want to know whether the fling (or animated scroll) is in
     * progress, use [isScrollInProgress].
    val interactionSource: InteractionSource get() = internalInteractionSource

    internal val internalInteractionSource: MutableInteractionSource = MutableInteractionSource()

     * The amount of scroll to be consumed in the next layout pass.  Scrolling forward is negative
     * - that is, it is the amount that the items are offset in y
    internal var scrollToBeConsumed = 0f
        private set

     * Needed for [animateScrollToItem].  Updated on every measure.
    internal var density: Density by mutableStateOf(Density(1f, 1f))

     * The ScrollableController instance. We keep it as we need to call stopAnimation on it once
     * we reached the end of the list.
    private val scrollableState = ScrollableState { -onScroll(-it) }

     * Only used for testing to confirm that we're not making too many measure passes
    internal var numMeasurePasses: Int = 0
        private set

     * Only used for testing to disable prefetching when needed to test the main logic.
    internal var prefetchingEnabled: Boolean = true

     * The index scheduled to be prefetched (or the last prefetched index if the prefetch is done).
    private var indexToPrefetch = -1

     * The handle associated with the current index from [indexToPrefetch].
    private var currentPrefetchHandle: LazyLayoutPrefetchState.PrefetchHandle? = null

     * Keeps the scrolling direction during the previous calculation in order to be able to
     * detect the scrolling direction change.
    private var wasScrollingForward = false

     * The [Remeasurement] object associated with our layout. It allows us to remeasure
     * synchronously during scroll.
    internal var remeasurement: Remeasurement? by mutableStateOf(null)
        private set

     * The modifier which provides [remeasurement].
    internal val remeasurementModifier = object : RemeasurementModifier {
        override fun onRemeasurementAvailable(remeasurement: Remeasurement) {
            this@LazyListState.remeasurement = remeasurement

     * Provides a modifier which allows to delay some interactions (e.g. scroll)
     * until layout is ready.
    internal val awaitLayoutModifier = AwaitFirstLayoutModifier()

    internal val placementAnimator = LazyListItemPlacementAnimator()

    internal val beyondBoundsInfo = LazyLayoutBeyondBoundsInfo()

     * Constraints passed to the prefetcher for premeasuring the prefetched items.
    internal var premeasureConstraints by mutableStateOf(Constraints())

     * Stores currently pinned items which are always composed.
    internal val pinnedItems = LazyLayoutPinnedItemList()

     * Instantly brings the item at [index] to the top of the viewport, offset by [scrollOffset]
     * pixels.
     * @param index the index to which to scroll. Must be non-negative.
     * @param scrollOffset the offset that the item should end up after the scroll. Note that
     * positive offset refers to forward scroll, so in a top-to-bottom list, positive offset will
     * scroll the item further upward (taking it partly offscreen).
    suspend fun scrollToItem(
        /*@IntRange(from = 0)*/
        index: Int,
        scrollOffset: Int = 0
    ) {
        scroll {
            snapToItemIndexInternal(index, scrollOffset)

    internal fun snapToItemIndexInternal(index: Int, scrollOffset: Int) {
        scrollPosition.requestPosition(DataIndex(index), scrollOffset)
        // placement animation is not needed because we snap into a new position.

     * Call this function to take control of scrolling and gain the ability to send scroll events
     * via [ScrollScope.scrollBy]. All actions that change the logical scroll position must be
     * performed within a [scroll] block (even if they don't call any other methods on this
     * object) in order to guarantee that mutual exclusion is enforced.
     * If [scroll] is called from elsewhere, this will be canceled.
    override suspend fun scroll(
        scrollPriority: MutatePriority,
        block: suspend ScrollScope.() -> Unit
    ) {
        scrollableState.scroll(scrollPriority, block)

    override fun dispatchRawDelta(delta: Float): Float =

    override val isScrollInProgress: Boolean
        get() = scrollableState.isScrollInProgress

    override var canScrollForward: Boolean by mutableStateOf(false)
        private set
    override var canScrollBackward: Boolean by mutableStateOf(false)
        private set

    // TODO: Coroutine scrolling APIs will allow this to be private again once we have more
    //  fine-grained control over scrolling
    internal fun onScroll(distance: Float): Float {
        if (distance < 0 && !canScrollForward || distance > 0 && !canScrollBackward) {
            return 0f
        check(abs(scrollToBeConsumed) <= 0.5f) {
            "entered drag with non-zero pending scroll: $scrollToBeConsumed"
        scrollToBeConsumed += distance

        // scrollToBeConsumed will be consumed synchronously during the forceRemeasure invocation
        // inside measuring we do scrollToBeConsumed.roundToInt() so there will be no scroll if
        // we have less than 0.5 pixels
        if (abs(scrollToBeConsumed) > 0.5f) {
            val preScrollToBeConsumed = scrollToBeConsumed
            if (prefetchingEnabled) {
                notifyPrefetch(preScrollToBeConsumed - scrollToBeConsumed)

        // here scrollToBeConsumed is already consumed during the forceRemeasure invocation
        if (abs(scrollToBeConsumed) <= 0.5f) {
            // We consumed all of it - we'll hold onto the fractional scroll for later, so report
            // that we consumed the whole thing
            return distance
        } else {
            val scrollConsumed = distance - scrollToBeConsumed
            // We did not consume all of it - return the rest to be consumed elsewhere (e.g.,
            // nested scrolling)
            scrollToBeConsumed = 0f // We're not consuming the rest, give it back
            return scrollConsumed

    private fun notifyPrefetch(delta: Float) {
        if (!prefetchingEnabled) {
        val info = layoutInfo
        if (info.visibleItemsInfo.isNotEmpty()) {
            val scrollingForward = delta < 0
            val indexToPrefetch = if (scrollingForward) {
                info.visibleItemsInfo.last().index + 1
            } else {
                info.visibleItemsInfo.first().index - 1
            if (indexToPrefetch != this.indexToPrefetch &&
                indexToPrefetch in 0 until info.totalItemsCount
            ) {
                if (wasScrollingForward != scrollingForward) {
                    // the scrolling direction has been changed which means the last prefetched
                    // is not going to be reached anytime soon so it is safer to dispose it.
                    // if this item is already visible it is safe to call the method anyway
                    // as it will be no-op
                this.wasScrollingForward = scrollingForward
                this.indexToPrefetch = indexToPrefetch
                currentPrefetchHandle = prefetchState.schedulePrefetch(
                    indexToPrefetch, premeasureConstraints

    private fun cancelPrefetchIfVisibleItemsChanged(info: LazyListLayoutInfo) {
        if (indexToPrefetch != -1 && info.visibleItemsInfo.isNotEmpty()) {
            val expectedPrefetchIndex = if (wasScrollingForward) {
                info.visibleItemsInfo.last().index + 1
            } else {
                info.visibleItemsInfo.first().index - 1
            if (indexToPrefetch != expectedPrefetchIndex) {
                indexToPrefetch = -1
                currentPrefetchHandle = null

    internal val prefetchState = LazyLayoutPrefetchState()

     * Animate (smooth scroll) to the given item.
     * @param index the index to which to scroll. Must be non-negative.
     * @param scrollOffset the offset that the item should end up after the scroll. Note that
     * positive offset refers to forward scroll, so in a top-to-bottom list, positive offset will
     * scroll the item further upward (taking it partly offscreen).
    suspend fun animateScrollToItem(
        /*@IntRange(from = 0)*/
        index: Int,
        scrollOffset: Int = 0
    ) {
        animateScrollScope.animateScrollToItem(index, scrollOffset)

     *  Updates the state with the new calculated scroll position and consumed scroll.
    internal fun applyMeasureResult(result: LazyListMeasureResult) {
        scrollToBeConsumed -= result.consumedScroll
        layoutInfoState.value = result

        canScrollForward = result.canScrollForward
        canScrollBackward = (result.firstVisibleItem?.index ?: 0) != 0 ||
            result.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset != 0



     * When the user provided custom keys for the items we can try to detect when there were
     * items added or removed before our current first visible item and keep this item
     * as the first visible one even given that its index has been changed.
    internal fun updateScrollPositionIfTheFirstItemWasMoved(itemProvider: LazyListItemProvider) {

    companion object {
         * The default [Saver] implementation for [LazyListState].
        val Saver: Saver<LazyListState, *> = listSaver(
            save = { listOf(it.firstVisibleItemIndex, it.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset) },
            restore = {
                    firstVisibleItemIndex = it[0],
                    firstVisibleItemScrollOffset = it[1]

private object EmptyLazyListLayoutInfo : LazyListLayoutInfo {
    override val visibleItemsInfo = emptyList<LazyListItemInfo>()
    override val viewportStartOffset = 0
    override val viewportEndOffset = 0
    override val totalItemsCount = 0
    override val viewportSize = IntSize.Zero
    override val orientation = Orientation.Vertical
    override val reverseLayout = false
    override val beforeContentPadding = 0
    override val afterContentPadding = 0
    override val mainAxisItemSpacing = 0

internal class AwaitFirstLayoutModifier : OnGloballyPositionedModifier {
    private var wasPositioned = false
    private var continuation: Continuation<Unit>? = null

    suspend fun waitForFirstLayout() {
        if (!wasPositioned) {
            val oldContinuation = continuation
            suspendCoroutine<Unit> { continuation = it }

    override fun onGloballyPositioned(coordinates: LayoutCoordinates) {
        if (!wasPositioned) {
            wasPositioned = true
            continuation = null