
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.material.ripple

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.ProvidableCompositionLocal
import androidx.compose.runtime.staticCompositionLocalOf

 * Defines the appearance for Ripples. You can define a new theme and apply it using
 * [LocalRippleTheme]. See [defaultRippleColor] and [defaultRippleAlpha] for default values
 * that can be used when creating your own [RippleTheme].
 * @see rememberRipple
public interface RippleTheme {
     * @return the default ripple color at the call site's position in the hierarchy.
     * This color will be used when a color is not explicitly set in the ripple itself.
     * @see defaultRippleColor
    public fun defaultColor(): Color

     * @return the [RippleAlpha] used to calculate the alpha for the ripple depending on the
     * [Interaction] for a given component. This will be set as the alpha channel for
     * [defaultColor] or the color explicitly provided to the ripple.
     * @see defaultRippleAlpha
    public fun rippleAlpha(): RippleAlpha

    public companion object {
         * Represents the default color that will be used for a ripple if a color has not been
         * explicitly set on the ripple instance.
         * @param contentColor the color of content (text or iconography) in the component that
         * contains the ripple.
         * @param lightTheme whether the theme is light or not
        public fun defaultRippleColor(
            contentColor: Color,
            lightTheme: Boolean
        ): Color {
            val contentLuminance = contentColor.luminance()
            // If we are on a colored surface (typically indicated by low luminance content), the
            // ripple color should be white.
            return if (!lightTheme && contentLuminance < 0.5) {
                // Otherwise use contentColor
            } else {

         * Represents the default [RippleAlpha] that will be used for a ripple to indicate different
         * states.
         * @param contentColor the color of content (text or iconography) in the component that
         * contains the ripple.
         * @param lightTheme whether the theme is light or not
        public fun defaultRippleAlpha(contentColor: Color, lightTheme: Boolean): RippleAlpha {
            return when {
                lightTheme -> {
                    if (contentColor.luminance() > 0.5) {
                    } else {
                else -> {

 * RippleAlpha defines the alpha of the ripple / state layer for a given [Interaction].
public fun interface RippleAlpha {
     * @return the alpha of the ripple for the given [interaction]. Return `0f` if this
     * particular interaction should not show a corresponding ripple / state layer.
    public fun alphaForInteraction(interaction: Interaction): Float

 * CompositionLocal used for providing [RippleTheme] down the tree.
 * See [RippleTheme.defaultRippleColor] and [RippleTheme.defaultRippleAlpha] functions for the
 * default implementations for color and alpha.
    "Renamed to LocalRippleTheme",
    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
public val AmbientRippleTheme: ProvidableCompositionLocal<RippleTheme> get() = LocalRippleTheme

 * CompositionLocal used for providing [RippleTheme] down the tree.
 * See [RippleTheme.defaultRippleColor] and [RippleTheme.defaultRippleAlpha] functions for the
 * default implementations for color and alpha.
public val LocalRippleTheme: ProvidableCompositionLocal<RippleTheme> =
    staticCompositionLocalOf { DebugRippleTheme }

private sealed class DefaultRippleAlpha(
    val pressed: Float,
    val focused: Float,
    val dragged: Float,
    val hovered: Float
) : RippleAlpha {
    override fun alphaForInteraction(interaction: Interaction): Float = when (interaction) {
        Interaction.Pressed -> pressed
        Interaction.Dragged -> dragged
        else -> 0f

 * Alpha values for high luminance content in a light theme.
 * This content will typically be placed on colored surfaces, so it is important that the
 * contrast here is higher to meet accessibility standards, and increase legibility.
 * These levels are typically used for text / iconography in primary colored tabs /
 * bottom navigation / etc.
private object LightThemeHighContrastRippleAlpha : DefaultRippleAlpha(
    pressed = 0.24f,
    focused = 0.24f,
    dragged = 0.16f,
    hovered = 0.08f

 * Alpha levels for low luminance content in a light theme.
 * This content will typically be placed on grayscale surfaces, so the contrast here can be lower
 * without sacrificing accessibility and legibility.
 * These levels are typically used for body text on the main surface (white in light theme, grey
 * in dark theme) and text / iconography in surface colored tabs / bottom navigation / etc.
private object LightThemeLowContrastRippleAlpha : DefaultRippleAlpha(
    pressed = 0.12f,
    focused = 0.12f,
    dragged = 0.08f,
    hovered = 0.04f

 * Alpha levels for all content in a dark theme.
private object DarkThemeRippleAlpha : DefaultRippleAlpha(
    pressed = 0.10f,
    focused = 0.12f,
    dragged = 0.08f,
    hovered = 0.04f

 * Simple debug indication that will assume black content color and light theme. You should
 * instead provide your own theme with meaningful values - this exists as an alternative to
 * crashing if no theme is provided.
private object DebugRippleTheme : RippleTheme {
    override fun defaultColor() = RippleTheme.defaultRippleColor(Color.Black, lightTheme = true)

    override fun rippleAlpha(): RippleAlpha = RippleTheme.defaultRippleAlpha(
        lightTheme = true