
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.material

import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.TweenSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.animateFloatAsState
import androidx.compose.material.ModalBottomSheetState.Companion.Saver
import androidx.compose.material.ModalBottomSheetValue.Expanded
import androidx.compose.material.ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded
import androidx.compose.material.ModalBottomSheetValue.Hidden
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.key
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberCoroutineScope
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.Saver
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.rememberSaveable
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollConnection
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollSource
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.nestedScroll
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.pointerInput
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.collapse
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.contentDescription
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.dismiss
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.expand
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.onClick
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.semantics
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Velocity
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch

 * Possible values of [ModalBottomSheetState].
enum class ModalBottomSheetValue {
     * The bottom sheet is not visible.

     * The bottom sheet is visible at full height.

     * The bottom sheet is partially visible at 50% of the screen height. This state is only
     * enabled if the height of the bottom sheet is more than 50% of the screen height.

 * State of the [ModalBottomSheetLayout] composable.
 * @param initialValue The initial value of the state. <b>Must not be set to
 * [ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded] if [isSkipHalfExpanded] is set to true.</b>
 * @param animationSpec The default animation that will be used to animate to a new state.
 * @param confirmValueChange Optional callback invoked to confirm or veto a pending state change.
 * @param isSkipHalfExpanded Whether the half expanded state, if the sheet is tall enough, should
 * be skipped. If true, the sheet will always expand to the [Expanded] state and move to the
 * [Hidden] state when hiding the sheet, either programmatically or by user interaction.
 * <b>Must not be set to true if the initialValue is [ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded].</b>
 * If supplied with [ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded] for the initialValue, an
 * [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
fun ModalBottomSheetState(
    initialValue: ModalBottomSheetValue,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SwipeableDefaults.AnimationSpec,
    confirmValueChange: (ModalBottomSheetValue) -> Boolean = { true },
    isSkipHalfExpanded: Boolean = false
) = ModalBottomSheetState(
    initialValue = initialValue,
    animationSpec = animationSpec,
    isSkipHalfExpanded = isSkipHalfExpanded,
    confirmStateChange = confirmValueChange

 * State of the [ModalBottomSheetLayout] composable.
 * @param initialValue The initial value of the state. <b>Must not be set to
 * [ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded] if [isSkipHalfExpanded] is set to true.</b>
 * @param animationSpec The default animation that will be used to animate to a new state.
 * @param isSkipHalfExpanded Whether the half expanded state, if the sheet is tall enough, should
 * be skipped. If true, the sheet will always expand to the [Expanded] state and move to the
 * [Hidden] state when hiding the sheet, either programmatically or by user interaction.
 * <b>Must not be set to true if the initialValue is [ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded].</b>
 * If supplied with [ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded] for the initialValue, an
 * [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
 * @param confirmStateChange Optional callback invoked to confirm or veto a pending state change.
class ModalBottomSheetState @Deprecated(
    message = "This constructor is deprecated. confirmStateChange has been renamed to " +
    replaceWith = ReplaceWith("ModalBottomSheetState(" +
        "initialValue, animationSpec, confirmStateChange, isSkipHalfExpanded)")
) constructor(
    initialValue: ModalBottomSheetValue,
    internal val animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SwipeableDefaults.AnimationSpec,
    internal val isSkipHalfExpanded: Boolean = false,
    confirmStateChange: (ModalBottomSheetValue) -> Boolean
) {

    internal val swipeableState = SwipeableV2State(
        initialValue = initialValue,
        animationSpec = animationSpec,
        confirmValueChange = confirmStateChange,
        positionalThreshold = PositionalThreshold,
        velocityThreshold = VelocityThreshold

    val currentValue: ModalBottomSheetValue
        get() = swipeableState.currentValue

    val targetValue: ModalBottomSheetValue
        get() = swipeableState.targetValue

     * Whether the bottom sheet is visible.
    val isVisible: Boolean
        get() = swipeableState.currentValue != Hidden

    internal val hasHalfExpandedState: Boolean
        get() = swipeableState.hasAnchorForValue(HalfExpanded)

        message = "This constructor is deprecated. confirmStateChange has been renamed to " +
        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("ModalBottomSheetState(" +
            "initialValue, animationSpec, confirmStateChange, false)")
        initialValue: ModalBottomSheetValue,
        animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float>,
        confirmStateChange: (ModalBottomSheetValue) -> Boolean
    ) : this(initialValue, animationSpec, isSkipHalfExpanded = false, confirmStateChange)

    init {
        if (isSkipHalfExpanded) {
            require(initialValue != HalfExpanded) {
                "The initial value must not be set to HalfExpanded if skipHalfExpanded is set to" +
                    " true."

     * Show the bottom sheet with animation and suspend until it's shown. If the sheet is taller
     * than 50% of the parent's height, the bottom sheet will be half expanded. Otherwise it will be
     * fully expanded.
     * @throws [CancellationException] if the animation is interrupted
    suspend fun show() {
        val targetValue = when {
            hasHalfExpandedState -> HalfExpanded
            else -> Expanded

     * Half expand the bottom sheet if half expand is enabled with animation and suspend until it
     * animation is complete or cancelled
     * @throws [CancellationException] if the animation is interrupted
    internal suspend fun halfExpand() {
        if (!hasHalfExpandedState) {

     * Fully expand the bottom sheet with animation and suspend until it if fully expanded or
     * animation has been cancelled.
     * *
     * @throws [CancellationException] if the animation is interrupted
    internal suspend fun expand() {
        if (!swipeableState.hasAnchorForValue(Expanded)) {

     * Hide the bottom sheet with animation and suspend until it if fully hidden or animation has
     * been cancelled.
     * @throws [CancellationException] if the animation is interrupted
    suspend fun hide() = animateTo(Hidden)

    internal suspend fun animateTo(
        target: ModalBottomSheetValue,
        velocity: Float = swipeableState.lastVelocity
    ) = swipeableState.animateTo(target, velocity)

    internal suspend fun snapTo(target: ModalBottomSheetValue) = swipeableState.snapTo(target)

    internal fun trySnapTo(target: ModalBottomSheetValue): Boolean {
        return swipeableState.trySnapTo(target)

    internal fun requireOffset() = swipeableState.requireOffset()

    internal val lastVelocity: Float get() = swipeableState.lastVelocity

    internal val isAnimationRunning: Boolean get() = swipeableState.isAnimationRunning

    companion object {
         * The default [Saver] implementation for [ModalBottomSheetState].
         * Saves the [currentValue] and recreates a [ModalBottomSheetState] with the saved value as
         * initial value.
        fun Saver(
            animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float>,
            confirmValueChange: (ModalBottomSheetValue) -> Boolean,
            skipHalfExpanded: Boolean,
        ): Saver<ModalBottomSheetState, *> = Saver(
            save = { it.currentValue },
            restore = {
                    initialValue = it,
                    animationSpec = animationSpec,
                    isSkipHalfExpanded = skipHalfExpanded,
                    confirmValueChange = confirmValueChange

         * The default [Saver] implementation for [ModalBottomSheetState].
         * Saves the [currentValue] and recreates a [ModalBottomSheetState] with the saved value as
         * initial value.
            message = "This function is deprecated. confirmStateChange has been renamed to " +
            replaceWith = ReplaceWith("Saver(animationSpec, confirmStateChange, " +
        fun Saver(
            animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float>,
            skipHalfExpanded: Boolean,
            confirmStateChange: (ModalBottomSheetValue) -> Boolean
        ): Saver<ModalBottomSheetState, *> = Saver(
            animationSpec = animationSpec,
            confirmValueChange = confirmStateChange,
            skipHalfExpanded = skipHalfExpanded

 * Create a [ModalBottomSheetState] and [remember] it.
 * @param initialValue The initial value of the state.
 * @param animationSpec The default animation that will be used to animate to a new state.
 * @param confirmValueChange Optional callback invoked to confirm or veto a pending state change.
 * @param skipHalfExpanded Whether the half expanded state, if the sheet is tall enough, should
 * be skipped. If true, the sheet will always expand to the [Expanded] state and move to the
 * [Hidden] state when hiding the sheet, either programmatically or by user interaction.
 * <b>Must not be set to true if the [initialValue] is [ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded].</b>
 * If supplied with [ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded] for the [initialValue], an
 * [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
fun rememberModalBottomSheetState(
    initialValue: ModalBottomSheetValue,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SwipeableDefaults.AnimationSpec,
    confirmValueChange: (ModalBottomSheetValue) -> Boolean = { true },
    skipHalfExpanded: Boolean = false,
): ModalBottomSheetState {
    // Key the rememberSaveable against the initial value. If it changed we don't want to attempt
    // to restore as the restored value could have been saved with a now invalid set of anchors.
    // b/152014032
    return key(initialValue) {
            initialValue, animationSpec, skipHalfExpanded, confirmValueChange,
            saver = Saver(
                animationSpec = animationSpec,
                skipHalfExpanded = skipHalfExpanded,
                confirmValueChange = confirmValueChange
        ) {
                initialValue = initialValue,
                animationSpec = animationSpec,
                isSkipHalfExpanded = skipHalfExpanded,
                confirmValueChange = confirmValueChange

 * Create a [ModalBottomSheetState] and [remember] it.
 * @param initialValue The initial value of the state.
 * @param animationSpec The default animation that will be used to animate to a new state.
 * @param skipHalfExpanded Whether the half expanded state, if the sheet is tall enough, should
 * be skipped. If true, the sheet will always expand to the [Expanded] state and move to the
 * [Hidden] state when hiding the sheet, either programmatically or by user interaction.
 * <b>Must not be set to true if the [initialValue] is [ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded].</b>
 * If supplied with [ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded] for the [initialValue], an
 * [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
 * @param confirmStateChange Optional callback invoked to confirm or veto a pending state change.
    message = "This function is deprecated. confirmStateChange has been renamed to " +
    replaceWith = ReplaceWith("rememberModalBottomSheetState(" +
        "initialValue, animationSpec, confirmStateChange, false)")
fun rememberModalBottomSheetState(
    initialValue: ModalBottomSheetValue,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SwipeableDefaults.AnimationSpec,
    skipHalfExpanded: Boolean,
    confirmStateChange: (ModalBottomSheetValue) -> Boolean,
): ModalBottomSheetState = rememberModalBottomSheetState(
    initialValue = initialValue,
    animationSpec = animationSpec,
    confirmValueChange = confirmStateChange,
    skipHalfExpanded = skipHalfExpanded

 * Create a [ModalBottomSheetState] and [remember] it.
 * @param initialValue The initial value of the state.
 * @param animationSpec The default animation that will be used to animate to a new state.
 * @param confirmStateChange Optional callback invoked to confirm or veto a pending state change.
    message = "This function is deprecated. confirmStateChange has been renamed to " +
    replaceWith = ReplaceWith("rememberModalBottomSheetState(" +
        "initialValue, animationSpec, confirmValueChange = confirmStateChange)")
fun rememberModalBottomSheetState(
    initialValue: ModalBottomSheetValue,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SwipeableDefaults.AnimationSpec,
    confirmStateChange: (ModalBottomSheetValue) -> Boolean,
): ModalBottomSheetState = rememberModalBottomSheetState(
    initialValue = initialValue,
    animationSpec = animationSpec,
    skipHalfExpanded = false,
    confirmValueChange = confirmStateChange

 * <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Material Design modal bottom sheet</a>.
 * Modal bottom sheets present a set of choices while blocking interaction with the rest of the
 * screen. They are an alternative to inline menus and simple dialogs, providing
 * additional room for content, iconography, and actions.
 * ![Modal bottom sheet image](
 * A simple example of a modal bottom sheet looks like this:
 * @sample androidx.compose.material.samples.ModalBottomSheetSample
 * @param sheetContent The content of the bottom sheet.
 * @param modifier Optional [Modifier] for the entire component.
 * @param sheetState The state of the bottom sheet.
 * @param sheetShape The shape of the bottom sheet.
 * @param sheetElevation The elevation of the bottom sheet.
 * @param sheetBackgroundColor The background color of the bottom sheet.
 * @param sheetContentColor The preferred content color provided by the bottom sheet to its
 * children. Defaults to the matching content color for [sheetBackgroundColor], or if that is not
 * a color from the theme, this will keep the same content color set above the bottom sheet.
 * @param scrimColor The color of the scrim that is applied to the rest of the screen when the
 * bottom sheet is visible. If the color passed is [Color.Unspecified], then a scrim will no
 * longer be applied and the bottom sheet will not block interaction with the rest of the screen
 * when visible.
 * @param content The content of rest of the screen.
fun ModalBottomSheetLayout(
    sheetContent: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    sheetState: ModalBottomSheetState =
    sheetShape: Shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.large,
    sheetElevation: Dp = ModalBottomSheetDefaults.Elevation,
    sheetBackgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface,
    sheetContentColor: Color = contentColorFor(sheetBackgroundColor),
    scrimColor: Color = ModalBottomSheetDefaults.scrimColor,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
    val orientation = Orientation.Vertical
    val anchorChangeHandler = remember(sheetState, scope) {
            state = sheetState,
            animateTo = { target, velocity ->
                scope.launch { sheetState.animateTo(target, velocity = velocity) }
            snapTo = { target ->
                val didSnapSynchronously = sheetState.trySnapTo(target)
                if (!didSnapSynchronously) scope.launch { sheetState.snapTo(target) }
    BoxWithConstraints(modifier) {
        val fullHeight = constraints.maxHeight.toFloat()
        Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
                color = scrimColor,
                onDismiss = {
                    if (sheetState.swipeableState.confirmValueChange(Hidden)) {
                        scope.launch { sheetState.hide() }
                visible = sheetState.swipeableState.targetValue != Hidden
                .align(Alignment.TopCenter) // We offset from the top so we'll center from there
                .widthIn(max = MaxModalBottomSheetWidth)
                    remember(sheetState.swipeableState, orientation) {
                            state = sheetState.swipeableState,
                            orientation = orientation
                .offset {
                    state = sheetState.swipeableState,
                    orientation = orientation,
                    enabled = sheetState.swipeableState.currentValue != Hidden,
                    state = sheetState.swipeableState,
                    possibleValues = setOf(Hidden, HalfExpanded, Expanded),
                    anchorChangeHandler = anchorChangeHandler
                ) { state, sheetSize ->
                    when (state) {
                        Hidden -> fullHeight
                        HalfExpanded -> when {
                            sheetSize.height < fullHeight / 2f -> null
                            sheetState.isSkipHalfExpanded -> null
                            else -> fullHeight / 2f

                        Expanded -> if (sheetSize.height != 0) {
                            max(0f, fullHeight - sheetSize.height)
                        } else null
                .semantics {
                    if (sheetState.isVisible) {
                        dismiss {
                            if (sheetState.swipeableState.confirmValueChange(Hidden)) {
                                scope.launch { sheetState.hide() }
                        if (sheetState.swipeableState.currentValue == HalfExpanded) {
                            expand {
                                if (sheetState.swipeableState.confirmValueChange(Expanded)) {
                                    scope.launch { sheetState.expand() }
                        } else if (sheetState.hasHalfExpandedState) {
                            collapse {
                                if (sheetState.swipeableState.confirmValueChange(HalfExpanded)) {
                                    scope.launch { sheetState.halfExpand() }
            shape = sheetShape,
            elevation = sheetElevation,
            color = sheetBackgroundColor,
            contentColor = sheetContentColor
        ) {
            Column(content = sheetContent)

private fun Scrim(
    color: Color,
    onDismiss: () -> Unit,
    visible: Boolean
) {
    if (color.isSpecified) {
        val alpha by animateFloatAsState(
            targetValue = if (visible) 1f else 0f,
            animationSpec = TweenSpec()
        val closeSheet = getString(Strings.CloseSheet)
        val dismissModifier = if (visible) {
                .pointerInput(onDismiss) { detectTapGestures { onDismiss() } }
                .semantics(mergeDescendants = true) {
                    contentDescription = closeSheet
                    onClick { onDismiss(); true }
        } else {

        ) {
            drawRect(color = color, alpha = alpha)

 * Contains useful Defaults for [ModalBottomSheetLayout].
object ModalBottomSheetDefaults {

     * The default elevation used by [ModalBottomSheetLayout].
    val Elevation = 16.dp

     * The default scrim color used by [ModalBottomSheetLayout].
    val scrimColor: Color
        get() = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = 0.32f)

private fun ConsumeSwipeWithinBottomSheetBoundsNestedScrollConnection(
    state: SwipeableV2State<*>,
    orientation: Orientation
): NestedScrollConnection = object : NestedScrollConnection {
    override fun onPreScroll(available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource): Offset {
        val delta = available.toFloat()
        return if (delta < 0 && source == NestedScrollSource.Drag) {
        } else {

    override fun onPostScroll(
        consumed: Offset,
        available: Offset,
        source: NestedScrollSource
    ): Offset {
        return if (source == NestedScrollSource.Drag) {
        } else {

    override suspend fun onPreFling(available: Velocity): Velocity {
        val toFling = available.toFloat()
        val currentOffset = state.requireOffset()
        return if (toFling < 0 && currentOffset > state.minOffset) {
            state.settle(velocity = toFling)
            // since we go to the anchor with tween settling, consume all for the best UX
        } else {

    override suspend fun onPostFling(consumed: Velocity, available: Velocity): Velocity {
        state.settle(velocity = available.toFloat())
        return available

    private fun Float.toOffset(): Offset = Offset(
        x = if (orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) this else 0f,
        y = if (orientation == Orientation.Vertical) this else 0f

    private fun Velocity.toFloat() = if (orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) x else y

    private fun Offset.toFloat(): Float = if (orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) x else y

private fun ModalBottomSheetAnchorChangeHandler(
    state: ModalBottomSheetState,
    animateTo: (target: ModalBottomSheetValue, velocity: Float) -> Unit,
    snapTo: (target: ModalBottomSheetValue) -> Unit,
) = AnchorChangeHandler<ModalBottomSheetValue> { previousTarget, previousAnchors, newAnchors ->
    val previousTargetOffset = previousAnchors[previousTarget]
    val newTarget = when (previousTarget) {
        Hidden -> Hidden
        HalfExpanded, Expanded -> {
            val hasHalfExpandedState = newAnchors.containsKey(HalfExpanded)
            val newTarget = if (hasHalfExpandedState) HalfExpanded
                else if (newAnchors.containsKey(Expanded)) Expanded else Hidden
    val newTargetOffset = newAnchors.getValue(newTarget)
    if (newTargetOffset != previousTargetOffset) {
        if (state.isAnimationRunning) {
            // Re-target the animation to the new offset if it changed
            animateTo(newTarget, state.lastVelocity)
        } else {
            // Snap to the new offset value of the target if no animation was running

private val PositionalThreshold: Density.(Float) -> Float = { 56.dp.toPx() }
private val VelocityThreshold = 125.dp
private val MaxModalBottomSheetWidth = 640.dp