
 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.material3

import androidx.compose.animation.core.LinearEasing
import androidx.compose.animation.core.LinearOutSlowInEasing
import androidx.compose.animation.core.Transition
import androidx.compose.animation.core.animateFloat
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.animation.core.updateTransition
import androidx.compose.material3.tokens.PlainTooltipTokens
import androidx.compose.material3.tokens.RichTooltipTokens
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionLocalProvider
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.SideEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberCoroutineScope
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.composed
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEventPass
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEventTimeoutCancellationException
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.pointerInput
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.debugInspectorInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.LiveRegionMode
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.liveRegion
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.onLongClick
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.semantics
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.window.Popup
import androidx.compose.ui.window.PopupPositionProvider
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.suspendCancellableCoroutine

// TODO: add link to m3 doc once created by designer at the top
 * Plain tooltip that provides a descriptive message for an anchor.
 * Tooltip that is invoked when the anchor is long pressed:
 * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.PlainTooltipSample
 * If control of when the tooltip is shown is desired please see
 * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.PlainTooltipWithManualInvocationSample
 * @param tooltip the composable that will be used to populate the tooltip's content.
 * @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to the tooltip.
 * @param tooltipState handles the state of the tooltip's visibility.
 * @param shape the [Shape] that should be applied to the tooltip container.
 * @param containerColor [Color] that will be applied to the tooltip's container.
 * @param contentColor [Color] that will be applied to the tooltip's content.
 * @param content the composable that the tooltip will anchor to.
fun PlainTooltipBox(
    tooltip: @Composable () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    tooltipState: PlainTooltipState = remember { PlainTooltipState() },
    shape: Shape = TooltipDefaults.plainTooltipContainerShape,
    containerColor: Color = TooltipDefaults.plainTooltipContainerColor,
    contentColor: Color = TooltipDefaults.plainTooltipContentColor,
    content: @Composable TooltipBoxScope.() -> Unit
) {
    val tooltipAnchorPadding = with(LocalDensity.current) { TooltipAnchorPadding.roundToPx() }
    val positionProvider = remember { PlainTooltipPositionProvider(tooltipAnchorPadding) }

        tooltipContent = {
                textColor = contentColor,
                content = tooltip
        modifier = modifier,
        tooltipState = tooltipState,
        shape = shape,
        containerColor = containerColor,
        tooltipPositionProvider = positionProvider,
        elevation = 0.dp,
        maxWidth = PlainTooltipMaxWidth,
        content = content

// TODO: add link to m3 doc once created by designer
 * Rich text tooltip that allows the user to pass in a title, text, and action.
 * Tooltips are used to provide a descriptive message for an anchor.
 * Tooltip that is invoked when the anchor is long pressed:
 * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.RichTooltipSample
 * If control of when the tooltip is shown is desired please see
 * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.RichTooltipWithManualInvocationSample
 * @param text the message to be displayed in the center of the tooltip.
 * @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to the tooltip.
 * @param tooltipState handles the state of the tooltip's visibility.
 * @param title An optional title for the tooltip.
 * @param action An optional action for the tooltip.
 * @param shape the [Shape] that should be applied to the tooltip container.
 * @param colors [RichTooltipColors] that will be applied to the tooltip's container and content.
 * @param content the composable that the tooltip will anchor to.
fun RichTooltipBox(
    text: @Composable () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    tooltipState: RichTooltipState = remember { RichTooltipState() },
    title: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
    action: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
    shape: Shape = TooltipDefaults.richTooltipContainerShape,
    colors: RichTooltipColors = TooltipDefaults.richTooltipColors(),
    content: @Composable TooltipBoxScope.() -> Unit
) {
    val tooltipAnchorPadding = with(LocalDensity.current) { TooltipAnchorPadding.roundToPx() }
    val positionProvider = remember { RichTooltipPositionProvider(tooltipAnchorPadding) }

    SideEffect {
        // Make the rich tooltip persistent if an action is provided.
        tooltipState.isPersistent = (action != null)

        tooltipContent = {
                colors = colors,
                title = title,
                text = text,
                action = action
        shape = shape,
        containerColor = colors.containerColor,
        tooltipPositionProvider = positionProvider,
        tooltipState = tooltipState,
        elevation = RichTooltipTokens.ContainerElevation,
        maxWidth = RichTooltipMaxWidth,
        modifier = modifier,
        content = content

private fun TooltipBox(
    tooltipContent: @Composable () -> Unit,
    tooltipPositionProvider: PopupPositionProvider,
    modifier: Modifier,
    shape: Shape,
    tooltipState: TooltipState,
    containerColor: Color,
    elevation: Dp,
    maxWidth: Dp,
    content: @Composable TooltipBoxScope.() -> Unit,
) {
    val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
    val longPressLabel = getString(string = Strings.TooltipLongPressLabel)

    val scope = remember {
        object : TooltipBoxScope {
            override fun Modifier.tooltipAnchor(): Modifier {
                val onLongPress = {
                    coroutineScope.launch {
                return pointerInput(tooltipState) {
                        awaitEachGesture {
                            val longPressTimeout = viewConfiguration.longPressTimeoutMillis
                            val pass = PointerEventPass.Initial

                            // wait for the first down press
                            awaitFirstDown(pass = pass)

                            try {
                                // listen to if there is up gesture within the longPressTimeout limit
                                withTimeout(longPressTimeout) {
                                    waitForUpOrCancellation(pass = pass)
                            } catch (_: PointerEventTimeoutCancellationException) {
                                // handle long press - Show the tooltip

                                // consume the children's click handling
                                val event = awaitPointerEvent(pass = pass)
                                event.changes.forEach { it.consume() }
                    }.semantics(mergeDescendants = true) {
                            label = longPressLabel,
                            action = {

    Box {
        val transition = updateTransition(tooltipState.isVisible, label = "Tooltip transition")
        if (transition.currentState || transition.targetState) {
                popupPositionProvider = tooltipPositionProvider,
                onDismissRequest = {
                    if (tooltipState.isVisible) {
                        coroutineScope.launch { tooltipState.dismiss() }
            ) {
                    modifier = modifier
                            minWidth = TooltipMinWidth,
                            maxWidth = maxWidth,
                            minHeight = TooltipMinHeight
                        .semantics { liveRegion = LiveRegionMode.Polite },
                    shape = shape,
                    color = containerColor,
                    shadowElevation = elevation,
                    tonalElevation = elevation,
                    content = tooltipContent


private fun PlainTooltipImpl(
    textColor: Color,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    Box(modifier = Modifier.padding(PlainTooltipContentPadding)) {
        val textStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.fromToken(PlainTooltipTokens.SupportingTextFont)
            LocalContentColor provides textColor,
            LocalTextStyle provides textStyle,
            content = content

private fun RichTooltipImpl(
    colors: RichTooltipColors,
    text: @Composable () -> Unit,
    title: (@Composable () -> Unit)?,
    action: (@Composable () -> Unit)?
) {
    val actionLabelTextStyle =
    val subheadTextStyle =
    val supportingTextStyle =
        modifier = Modifier.padding(horizontal = RichTooltipHorizontalPadding)
    ) {
        title?.let {
                modifier = Modifier.paddingFromBaseline(top = HeightToSubheadFirstLine)
            ) {
                    LocalContentColor provides colors.titleContentColor,
                    LocalTextStyle provides subheadTextStyle,
                    content = it
            modifier = Modifier.textVerticalPadding(title != null, action != null)
        ) {
                LocalContentColor provides colors.contentColor,
                LocalTextStyle provides supportingTextStyle,
                content = text
        action?.let {
                modifier = Modifier
                    .requiredHeightIn(min = ActionLabelMinHeight)
                    .padding(bottom = ActionLabelBottomPadding)
            ) {
                    LocalContentColor provides colors.actionContentColor,
                    LocalTextStyle provides actionLabelTextStyle,
                    content = it

 * Tooltip defaults that contain default values for both [PlainTooltipBox] and [RichTooltipBox]
object TooltipDefaults {
     * The default [Shape] for a [PlainTooltipBox]'s container.
    val plainTooltipContainerShape: Shape
        @Composable get() = PlainTooltipTokens.ContainerShape.toShape()

     * The default [Color] for a [PlainTooltipBox]'s container.
    val plainTooltipContainerColor: Color
        @Composable get() = PlainTooltipTokens.ContainerColor.toColor()

     * The default [color] for the content within the [PlainTooltipBox].
    val plainTooltipContentColor: Color
        @Composable get() = PlainTooltipTokens.SupportingTextColor.toColor()

     * The default [Shape] for a [RichTooltipBox]'s container.
    val richTooltipContainerShape: Shape @Composable get() =

     * Method to create a [RichTooltipColors] for [RichTooltipBox]
     * using [RichTooltipTokens] to obtain the default colors.
    fun richTooltipColors(
        containerColor: Color = RichTooltipTokens.ContainerColor.toColor(),
        contentColor: Color = RichTooltipTokens.SupportingTextColor.toColor(),
        titleContentColor: Color = RichTooltipTokens.SubheadColor.toColor(),
        actionContentColor: Color = RichTooltipTokens.ActionLabelTextColor.toColor(),
    ): RichTooltipColors =
            containerColor = containerColor,
            contentColor = contentColor,
            titleContentColor = titleContentColor,
            actionContentColor = actionContentColor

class RichTooltipColors(
    val containerColor: Color,
    val contentColor: Color,
    val titleContentColor: Color,
    val actionContentColor: Color
) {
    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other !is RichTooltipColors) return false

        if (containerColor != other.containerColor) return false
        if (contentColor != other.contentColor) return false
        if (titleContentColor != other.titleContentColor) return false
        if (actionContentColor != other.actionContentColor) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = containerColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + contentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + titleContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + actionContentColor.hashCode()
        return result

private class PlainTooltipPositionProvider(
    val tooltipAnchorPadding: Int
) : PopupPositionProvider {
    override fun calculatePosition(
        anchorBounds: IntRect,
        windowSize: IntSize,
        layoutDirection: LayoutDirection,
        popupContentSize: IntSize
    ): IntOffset {
        val x = anchorBounds.left + (anchorBounds.width - popupContentSize.width) / 2

        // Tooltip prefers to be above the anchor,
        // but if this causes the tooltip to overlap with the anchor
        // then we place it below the anchor
        var y = - popupContentSize.height - tooltipAnchorPadding
        if (y < 0)
            y = anchorBounds.bottom + tooltipAnchorPadding
        return IntOffset(x, y)

private data class RichTooltipPositionProvider(
    val tooltipAnchorPadding: Int
) : PopupPositionProvider {
    override fun calculatePosition(
        anchorBounds: IntRect,
        windowSize: IntSize,
        layoutDirection: LayoutDirection,
        popupContentSize: IntSize
    ): IntOffset {
        var x = anchorBounds.right
        // Try to shift it to the left of the anchor
        // if the tooltip would collide with the right side of the screen
        if (x + popupContentSize.width > windowSize.width) {
            x = anchorBounds.left - popupContentSize.width
            // Center if it'll also collide with the left side of the screen
            if (x < 0) x = anchorBounds.left + (anchorBounds.width - popupContentSize.width) / 2

        // Tooltip prefers to be above the anchor,
        // but if this causes the tooltip to overlap with the anchor
        // then we place it below the anchor
        var y = - popupContentSize.height - tooltipAnchorPadding
        if (y < 0)
            y = anchorBounds.bottom + tooltipAnchorPadding
        return IntOffset(x, y)

private fun Modifier.textVerticalPadding(
    subheadExists: Boolean,
    actionExists: Boolean
): Modifier {
    return if (!subheadExists && !actionExists) {
        this.padding(vertical = PlainTooltipVerticalPadding)
    } else {
            .paddingFromBaseline(top = HeightFromSubheadToTextFirstLine)
            .padding(bottom = TextBottomPadding)

private fun Modifier.animateTooltip(
    transition: Transition<Boolean>
): Modifier = composed(
    inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
        name = "animateTooltip"
        properties["transition"] = transition
) {
    val scale by transition.animateFloat(
        transitionSpec = {
            if (false isTransitioningTo true) {
                // show tooltip
                    durationMillis = TooltipFadeInDuration,
                    easing = LinearOutSlowInEasing
            } else {
                // dismiss tooltip
                    durationMillis = TooltipFadeOutDuration,
                    easing = LinearOutSlowInEasing
        label = "tooltip transition: scaling"
    ) { if (it) 1f else 0.8f }

    val alpha by transition.animateFloat(
        transitionSpec = {
            if (false isTransitioningTo true) {
                // show tooltip
                    durationMillis = TooltipFadeInDuration,
                    easing = LinearEasing
            } else {
                // dismiss tooltip
                    durationMillis = TooltipFadeOutDuration,
                    easing = LinearEasing
        label = "tooltip transition: alpha"
    ) { if (it) 1f else 0f }

        scaleX = scale,
        scaleY = scale,
        alpha = alpha

 * Scope of [PlainTooltipBox] and RichTooltipBox
interface TooltipBoxScope {
     * [Modifier] that should be applied to the anchor composable when showing the tooltip
     * after long pressing the anchor composable is desired. It appends a long click to
     * the composable that this modifier is chained with.
    fun Modifier.tooltipAnchor(): Modifier

 * The state that is associated with an instance of a tooltip.
 * Each instance of tooltips should have its own [TooltipState] it
 * will be used to synchronize the tooltips shown via [TooltipSync].
internal sealed interface TooltipState {
     * [Boolean] that will be used to update the visibility
     * state of the associated tooltip.
    val isVisible: Boolean

     * Show the tooltip associated with the current [TooltipState].
     * When this method is called all of the other tooltips currently
     * being shown will dismiss.
    suspend fun show()

     * Dismiss the tooltip associated with
     * this [TooltipState] if it's currently being shown.
    suspend fun dismiss()

 * The [TooltipState] that should be used with [RichTooltipBox]
class RichTooltipState : TooltipState {
     * [Boolean] that will be used to update the visibility
     * state of the associated tooltip.
    override var isVisible: Boolean by mutableStateOf(false)
        internal set

     * If isPersistent is true, then the tooltip will only be dismissed when the user clicks
     * outside the bounds of the tooltip or if [TooltipState.dismiss] is called. When isPersistent
     * is false, the tooltip will dismiss after a short duration. If an action composable is
     * provided to the [RichTooltipBox] that the [RichTooltipState] is associated with, then the
     * isPersistent will be set to true.
    internal var isPersistent: Boolean by mutableStateOf(false)

     * Show the tooltip associated with the current [RichTooltipState].
     * It will persist or dismiss after a short duration depending on [isPersistent].
     * When this method is called, all of the other tooltips currently
     * being shown will dismiss.
    override suspend fun show() {
            state = this,
            persistent = isPersistent

     * Dismiss the tooltip associated with
     * this [RichTooltipState] if it's currently being shown.
    override suspend fun dismiss() {

 * The [TooltipState] that should be used with [RichTooltipBox]
class PlainTooltipState : TooltipState {
     * [Boolean] that will be used to update the visibility
     * state of the associated tooltip.
    override var isVisible by mutableStateOf(false)
        internal set

     * Show the tooltip associated with the current [PlainTooltipState].
     * It will dismiss after a short duration. When this method is called,
     * all of the other tooltips currently being shown will dismiss.
    override suspend fun show() {
            state = this,
            persistent = false

     * Dismiss the tooltip associated with
     * this [PlainTooltipState] if it's currently being shown.
    override suspend fun dismiss() {

 * Object used to synchronize
 * multiple [TooltipState]s, ensuring that there will
 * only be one tooltip shown on the screen at any given time.
private object TooltipSync {
    val mutatorMutex: MutatorMutex = MutatorMutex()
    var mutexOwner: TooltipState? = null

     * Shows the tooltip associated with [TooltipState],
     * it dismisses any tooltip currently being shown.
    suspend fun show(
        state: TooltipState,
        persistent: Boolean
    ) {
        val runBlock: suspend () -> Unit
        val cleanUp: () -> Unit

        when (state) {
            is PlainTooltipState -> {
                 * Show associated tooltip for [TooltipDuration] amount of time.
                runBlock = {
                    state.isVisible = true
                 * When the mutex is taken, we just dismiss the associated tooltip.
                cleanUp = { state.isVisible = false }
            is RichTooltipState -> {
                 * Show associated tooltip for [TooltipDuration] amount of time
                 * or until tooltip is explicitly dismissed depending on [persistent].
                runBlock = {
                    if (persistent) {
                        suspendCancellableCoroutine<Unit> {
                            state.isVisible = true
                    } else {
                        state.isVisible = true
                 * When the mutex is taken, we just dismiss the associated tooltip.
                cleanUp = { state.isVisible = false }

        mutatorMutex.mutate(MutatePriority.Default) {
            try {
                mutexOwner = state
            } finally {
                mutexOwner = null
                // timeout or cancellation has occurred
                // and we close out the current tooltip.

     * Dismisses the tooltip currently
     * being shown by freeing up the lock.
    suspend fun dismissCurrentTooltip(
        state: TooltipState
    ) {
        if (state == mutexOwner) {
            mutatorMutex.mutate(MutatePriority.UserInput) {
                /* Do nothing, we're just freeing up the mutex */

private val TooltipAnchorPadding = 4.dp
internal val TooltipMinHeight = 24.dp
internal val TooltipMinWidth = 40.dp
private val PlainTooltipMaxWidth = 200.dp
private val PlainTooltipVerticalPadding = 4.dp
private val PlainTooltipHorizontalPadding = 8.dp
private val PlainTooltipContentPadding =
    PaddingValues(PlainTooltipHorizontalPadding, PlainTooltipVerticalPadding)
private val RichTooltipMaxWidth = 320.dp
internal val RichTooltipHorizontalPadding = 16.dp
private val HeightToSubheadFirstLine = 28.dp
private val HeightFromSubheadToTextFirstLine = 24.dp
private val TextBottomPadding = 16.dp
private val ActionLabelMinHeight = 36.dp
private val ActionLabelBottomPadding = 8.dp
internal const val TooltipDuration = 1500L
// No specification for fade in and fade out duration, so aligning it with the behavior for snack bar
internal const val TooltipFadeInDuration = 150
private const val TooltipFadeOutDuration = 75