
 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.material3

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.ReadOnlyComposable
import java.util.Locale

 * Creates a [CalendarModel] to be used by the date picker.
internal expect fun CalendarModel(): CalendarModel

 * Formats a UTC timestamp into a string with a given date format skeleton.
 * A skeleton is similar to, and uses the same format characters as described in
 * [Unicode Technical Standard #35](
 * One difference is that order is irrelevant. For example, "MMMMd" will return "MMMM d" in the
 * en_US locale, but "d. MMMM" in the de_CH locale.
 * @param utcTimeMillis a UTC timestamp to format (milliseconds from epoch)
 * @param skeleton a date format skeleton
 * @param locale the [Locale] to use when formatting the given timestamp
internal expect fun formatWithSkeleton(
    utcTimeMillis: Long,
    skeleton: String,
    locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()
): String

 * A composable function that returns the default [Locale].
 * When running on an Android platform, it will be recomposed when the `Configuration` gets updated.
internal expect fun defaultLocale(): Locale

internal interface CalendarModel {

     * A [CalendarDate] representing the current day.
    val today: CalendarDate

     * Hold the first day of the week at the current `Locale` as an integer. The integer value
     * follows the ISO-8601 standard and refer to Monday as 1, and Sunday as 7.
    val firstDayOfWeek: Int

     * Holds a list of weekday names, starting from Monday as the first day in the list.
     * Each item in this list is a [Pair] that holds the full name of the day, and its short
     * abbreviation letter(s).
     * Newer APIs (i.e. API 26+), a [Pair] will hold a full name and the first letter of the
     * day.
     * Older APIs that predate API 26 will hold a full name and the first three letters of the day.
    val weekdayNames: List<Pair<String, String>>

     * Returns a [DateInputFormat] for the given [Locale].
     * The input format represents the date with two digits for the day and the month, and
     * four digits for the year.
     * For example, the input format patterns, including delimiters, will hold 10-characters strings
     * in one of the following variations:
     *  - yyyy/MM/dd
     *  - yyyy-MM-dd
     *  - yyyy.MM.dd
     *  - dd/MM/yyyy
     *  - dd-MM-yyyy
     *  - dd.MM.yyyy
     *  - MM/dd/yyyy
    fun getDateInputFormat(locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()): DateInputFormat

     * Returns a [CalendarDate] from a given _UTC_ time in milliseconds.
     * The returned date will hold milliseconds value that represent the start of the day, which may
     * be different than the one provided to this function.
     * @param timeInMillis UTC milliseconds from the epoch
    fun getCanonicalDate(timeInMillis: Long): CalendarDate

     * Returns a [CalendarMonth] from a given _UTC_ time in milliseconds.
     * @param timeInMillis UTC milliseconds from the epoch for the first day the month
    fun getMonth(timeInMillis: Long): CalendarMonth

     * Returns a [CalendarMonth] from a given [CalendarDate].
     * Note: This function ignores the [CalendarDate.dayOfMonth] value and just uses the date's
     * year and month to resolve a [CalendarMonth].
     * @param date a [CalendarDate] to resolve into a month
    fun getMonth(date: CalendarDate): CalendarMonth

     * Returns a [CalendarMonth] from a given [year] and [month].
     * @param year the month's year
     * @param month an integer representing a month (e.g. JANUARY as 1, December as 12)
    fun getMonth(year: Int, /* @IntRange(from = 1, to = 12) */ month: Int): CalendarMonth

     * Returns a day of week from a given [CalendarDate].
     * @param date a [CalendarDate] to resolve
    fun getDayOfWeek(date: CalendarDate): Int

     * Returns a [CalendarMonth] that is computed by adding a number of months, given as
     * [addedMonthsCount], to a given month.
     * @param from the [CalendarMonth] to add to
     * @param addedMonthsCount the number of months to add
    fun plusMonths(from: CalendarMonth, addedMonthsCount: Int): CalendarMonth

     * Returns a [CalendarMonth] that is computed by subtracting a number of months, given as
     * [subtractedMonthsCount], from a given month.
     * @param from the [CalendarMonth] to subtract from
     * @param subtractedMonthsCount the number of months to subtract
    fun minusMonths(from: CalendarMonth, subtractedMonthsCount: Int): CalendarMonth

     * Formats a [CalendarMonth] into a string with a given date format skeleton.
     * @param month a [CalendarMonth] to format
     * @param skeleton a date format skeleton
     * @param locale the [Locale] to use when formatting the given month
    fun formatWithSkeleton(
        month: CalendarMonth,
        skeleton: String,
        locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()
    ): String =
        formatWithSkeleton(month.startUtcTimeMillis, skeleton, locale)

     * Formats a [CalendarDate] into a string with a given date format skeleton.
     * @param date a [CalendarDate] to format
     * @param skeleton a date format skeleton
     * @param locale the [Locale] to use when formatting the given date
    fun formatWithSkeleton(
        date: CalendarDate,
        skeleton: String,
        locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()
    ): String = formatWithSkeleton(date.utcTimeMillis, skeleton, locale)

     * Formats a UTC timestamp into a string with a given date format pattern.
     * @param utcTimeMillis a UTC timestamp to format (milliseconds from epoch)
     * @param pattern a date format pattern
     * @param locale the [Locale] to use when formatting the given timestamp
    fun formatWithPattern(utcTimeMillis: Long, pattern: String, locale: Locale): String

     * Parses a date string into a [CalendarDate].
     * @param date a date string
     * @param pattern the expected date pattern to be used for parsing the date string
     * @return a [CalendarDate], or a `null` in case the parsing failed
    fun parse(date: String, pattern: String): CalendarDate?

 * Represents a calendar date.
 * @param year the date's year
 * @param month the date's month
 * @param dayOfMonth the date's day of month
 * @param utcTimeMillis the date representation in _UTC_ milliseconds from the epoch
internal data class CalendarDate(
    val year: Int,
    val month: Int,
    val dayOfMonth: Int,
    val utcTimeMillis: Long
) : Comparable<CalendarDate> {
    override operator fun compareTo(other: CalendarDate): Int =

     * Formats the date into a string with the given skeleton format and a [Locale].
    fun format(
        calendarModel: CalendarModel,
        skeleton: String,
        locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()
    ): String =
        calendarModel.formatWithSkeleton(this, skeleton, locale)

 * Represents a calendar month.
 * @param year the month's year
 * @param month the calendar month as an integer (e.g. JANUARY as 1, December as 12)
 * @param numberOfDays the number of days in the month
 * @param daysFromStartOfWeekToFirstOfMonth the number of days from the start of the week to the
 * first day of the month
 * @param startUtcTimeMillis the first day of the month in _UTC_ milliseconds from the epoch
internal data class CalendarMonth(
    val year: Int,
    val month: Int,
    val numberOfDays: Int,
    val daysFromStartOfWeekToFirstOfMonth: Int,
    val startUtcTimeMillis: Long
) {

     * The last _UTC_ milliseconds from the epoch of the month (i.e. the last millisecond of the
     * last day of the month)
    val endUtcTimeMillis: Long = startUtcTimeMillis + (numberOfDays * MillisecondsIn24Hours) - 1

     * Returns the position of a [CalendarMonth] within given years range.
    fun indexIn(years: IntRange): Int {
        return (year - years.first) * 12 + month - 1

     * Formats the month into a string with the given skeleton format and a [Locale].
    fun format(
        calendarModel: CalendarModel,
        skeleton: String,
        locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()
    ): String =
        calendarModel.formatWithSkeleton(this, skeleton, locale)

 * Holds the date input format pattern information.
 * This data class hold the delimiter that is used by the current [Locale] when representing dates
 * in a short format, as well as a date pattern with and without a delimiter.
internal data class DateInputFormat(
    val patternWithDelimiters: String,
    val delimiter: Char
) {
    val patternWithoutDelimiters: String = patternWithDelimiters.replace(delimiter.toString(), "")

 * Receives a given local date format string and returns a string that can be displayed to the user
 * and parsed by the date parser.
 * This function:
 *  - Removes all characters that don't match `d`, `M` and `y`, or any of the date format delimiters
 *    `.`, `/` and `-`.
 *  - Ensures that the format is for two digits day and month, and four digits year.
 * The output of this cleanup is always a 10 characters string in one of the following variations:
 *  - yyyy/MM/dd
 *  - yyyy-MM-dd
 *  - yyyy.MM.dd
 *  - dd/MM/yyyy
 *  - dd-MM-yyyy
 *  - dd.MM.yyyy
 *  - MM/dd/yyyy
internal fun datePatternAsInputFormat(localeFormat: String): DateInputFormat {
    val patternWithDelimiters = localeFormat.replace(Regex("[^dMy/\-.]"), "")
        .replace(Regex("d{1,2}"), "dd")
        .replace(Regex("M{1,2}"), "MM")
        .replace(Regex("y{1,4}"), "yyyy")
        .replace("My", "M/y") // Edge case for the Kako locale
        .removeSuffix(".") // Removes a dot suffix that appears in some formats

    val delimiterRegex = Regex("[/\-.]")
    val delimiterMatchResult = delimiterRegex.find(patternWithDelimiters)
    val delimiterIndex = delimiterMatchResult!!.groups[0]!!.range.first
    val delimiter = patternWithDelimiters.substring(delimiterIndex, delimiterIndex + 1)
    return DateInputFormat(
        patternWithDelimiters = patternWithDelimiters,
        delimiter = delimiter[0]

internal const val DaysInWeek: Int = 7
internal const val MillisecondsIn24Hours = 86400000L