
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.runtime.savedinstancestate

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.ExperimentalComposeApi
import androidx.compose.runtime.Providers
import androidx.compose.runtime.key
import androidx.compose.runtime.onActive
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember

    "This is an experimental API. This means that the API is not yet stable and can be" +
        "changed before being promoted to stable."
annotation class ExperimentalRestorableStateHolder

 * Allows to save the state defined with [savedInstanceState] and [rememberSavedInstanceState]
 * for the subtree before disposing it to make it possible to compose it back next time with the
 * restored state. It allows different navigation patterns to keep the ui state like scroll
 * position for the currently not composed screens from the backstack.
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.savedinstancestate.samples.SimpleNavigationWithRestorableStateSample
 * The content should be composed using [RestorableStateProvider] while providing a key representing
 * this content. Next time [RestorableStateProvider] will be used with the same key its state will be
 * restored.
 * @param T type of the keys. Note that on Android you can only use types which can be stored
 * inside the Bundle.
interface RestorableStateHolder<T : Any> {
     * Put your content associated with a [key] inside the [content]. This will automatically
     * save all the states defined with [savedInstanceState] and [rememberSavedInstanceState]
     * before disposing the content and will restore the states when you compose with this key
     * again.
     * @param key to be used for saving and restoring the states for the subtree. Note that on
     * Android you can only use types which can be stored inside the Bundle.
    fun RestorableStateProvider(key: T, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

     * Removes the saved state associated with the passed [key].
    fun removeState(key: T)

 * Creates and remembers the instance of [RestorableStateHolder].
 * @param T type of the keys. Note that on Android you can only use types which can be stored
 * inside the Bundle.
fun <T : Any> rememberRestorableStateHolder(): RestorableStateHolder<T> =
        saver = RestorableStateHolderImpl.Saver()
    ) {
    }.apply {
        parentSavedStateRegistry = AmbientUiSavedStateRegistry.current

private class RestorableStateHolderImpl<T : Any>(
    private val savedStates: MutableMap<T, Map<String, List<Any?>>> = mutableMapOf()
) : RestorableStateHolder<T> {
    private val registryHolders = mutableMapOf<T, RegistryHolder>()
    var parentSavedStateRegistry: UiSavedStateRegistry? = null

    override fun RestorableStateProvider(key: T, content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
        key(key) {
            val registryHolder = remember {
                require(parentSavedStateRegistry?.canBeSaved(key) ?: true) {
                    "Type of the key used for withRestorableState is not supported. On Android " +
                        "you can only use types which can be stored inside the Bundle."
                AmbientUiSavedStateRegistry provides registryHolder.registry,
                content = content
            onActive {
                require(key !in registryHolders) { "Key $key was used multiple times " }
                savedStates -= key
                registryHolders[key] = registryHolder
                onDispose {
                    registryHolders -= key

    private fun saveAll(): MutableMap<T, Map<String, List<Any?>>> {
        val map = savedStates.toMutableMap()
        registryHolders.values.forEach { it.saveTo(map) }
        return map

    override fun removeState(key: T) {
        val registryHolder = registryHolders[key]
        if (registryHolder != null) {
            registryHolder.shouldSave = false
        } else {
            savedStates -= key

    inner class RegistryHolder constructor(
        val key: T
    ) {
        var shouldSave = true
        val registry: UiSavedStateRegistry = UiSavedStateRegistry(savedStates[key]) {
            parentSavedStateRegistry?.canBeSaved(it) ?: true

        fun saveTo(map: MutableMap<T, Map<String, List<Any?>>>) {
            if (shouldSave) {
                map[key] = registry.performSave()

    companion object {
        private val Saver: Saver<RestorableStateHolderImpl<Any>, *> = Saver(
            save = { it.saveAll() },
            restore = { RestorableStateHolderImpl(it) }

        fun <T : Any> Saver() = Saver as Saver<RestorableStateHolderImpl<T>, *>