
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.runtime

import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.coroutineContext
import androidx.compose.runtime.internal.JvmDefaultWithCompatibility

 * Provides a time source for display frames and the ability to perform an action on the next frame.
 * This may be used for matching timing with the refresh rate of a display or otherwise
 * synchronizing work with a desired frame rate.
interface MonotonicFrameClock : CoroutineContext.Element {
     * Suspends until a new frame is requested, immediately invokes [onFrame] with the frame time
     * in nanoseconds in the calling context of frame dispatch, then resumes with the result from
     * [onFrame].
     * `frameTimeNanos` should be used when calculating animation time deltas from frame to frame
     * as it may be normalized to the target time for the frame, not necessarily a direct,
     * "now" value.
     * The time base of the value provided by [withFrameNanos] is implementation defined.
     * Time values provided are strictly monotonically increasing; after a call to [withFrameNanos]
     * completes it must not provide the same value again for a subsequent call.
    suspend fun <R> withFrameNanos(onFrame: (frameTimeNanos: Long) -> R): R

    override val key: CoroutineContext.Key<*> get() = Key

    companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<MonotonicFrameClock>

 * Suspends until a new frame is requested, immediately invokes [onFrame] with the frame time
 * in milliseconds in the calling context of frame dispatch, then resumes with the result from
 * [onFrame].
 * `frameTimeMillis` should be used when calculating animation time deltas from frame to frame
 * as it may be normalized to the target time for the frame, not necessarily a direct,
 * "now" value.
 * The time base of the value provided by [MonotonicFrameClock.withFrameMillis] is
 * implementation defined. Time values provided are monotonically increasing; after a call to
 * [withFrameMillis] completes it must not provide a smaller value for a subsequent call.
suspend inline fun <R> MonotonicFrameClock.withFrameMillis(
    crossinline onFrame: (frameTimeMillis: Long) -> R
): R = withFrameNanos { onFrame(it / 1_000_000L) }

 * Suspends until a new frame is requested, immediately invokes [onFrame] with the frame time
 * in nanoseconds in the calling context of frame dispatch, then resumes with the result from
 * [onFrame].
 * `frameTimeNanos` should be used when calculating animation time deltas from frame to frame
 * as it may be normalized to the target time for the frame, not necessarily a direct,
 * "now" value.
 * The time base of the value provided by [withFrameNanos] is implementation defined.
 * Time values provided are strictly monotonically increasing; after a call to [withFrameNanos]
 * completes it must not provide the same value again for a subsequent call.
 * This function will invoke [MonotonicFrameClock.withFrameNanos] using the calling
 * [CoroutineContext]'s [MonotonicFrameClock] and will throw an [IllegalStateException] if one is
 * not present in the [CoroutineContext].
suspend fun <R> withFrameNanos(onFrame: (frameTimeNanos: Long) -> R): R =

 * Suspends until a new frame is requested, immediately invokes [onFrame] with the frame time
 * in milliseconds in the calling context of frame dispatch, then resumes with the result from
 * [onFrame].
 * `frameTimeMillis` should be used when calculating animation time deltas from frame to frame
 * as it may be normalized to the target time for the frame, not necessarily a direct,
 * "now" value.
 * The time base of the value provided by [MonotonicFrameClock.withFrameMillis] is
 * implementation defined. Time values provided are monotonically increasing; after a call to
 * [withFrameMillis] completes it must not provide a smaller value for a subsequent call.
 * This function will invoke [MonotonicFrameClock.withFrameNanos] using the calling
 * [CoroutineContext]'s [MonotonicFrameClock] and will throw an [IllegalStateException] if one is
 * not present in the [CoroutineContext].
suspend fun <R> withFrameMillis(onFrame: (frameTimeMillis: Long) -> R): R =

 * Returns the [MonotonicFrameClock] for this [CoroutineContext] or throws [IllegalStateException]
 * if one is not present.
val CoroutineContext.monotonicFrameClock: MonotonicFrameClock
    get() = this[MonotonicFrameClock] ?: error(
        "A MonotonicFrameClock is not available in this CoroutineContext. Callers should supply " +
            "an appropriate MonotonicFrameClock using withContext."