
 * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.ui.text.font

import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.ui.text.ExperimentalTextApi

 * The interface of the font resource.
 * @see ResourceFont
interface Font {
     * The weight of the font. The system uses this to match a font to a font request
     * that is given in a [androidx.compose.ui.text.SpanStyle].
    val weight: FontWeight

     * The style of the font, normal or italic. The system uses this to match a font to a
     * font request that is given in a [androidx.compose.ui.text.SpanStyle].
    val style: FontStyle

     * Interface used to load a font resource.
        "Replaced with FontFamily.Resolver during the introduction of async fonts, " +
            "all usages should be replaced. Custom subclasses can be converted into a " +
            "FontFamily.Resolver by calling createFontFamilyResolver(myFontFamilyResolver, context)"
    interface ResourceLoader {
         * Loads resource represented by the [Font] object.
         * @throws Exception if font cannot be loaded
         * @throws IllegalStateException if font cannot be loaded
         * @param font [Font] to be loaded
         * @return platform specific typeface
            "Replaced by FontFamily.Resolver, this method should not be called",
            ReplaceWith("FontFamily.Resolver.resolve(font, )"),
        fun load(font: Font): Any

     * Loading strategy for this font.
    val loadingStrategy: FontLoadingStrategy
        get() = FontLoadingStrategy.Blocking

    companion object {
         * This is the global timeout for fetching an [FontLoadingStrategy.Async] font.
         * This defines the "loading" window for a font. After this timeout, a font load may no
         * longer trigger text reflow and is considered "resolved."
         * Each async font is given separate loading window and goes through these states:
         * ```
         * (initial) -> (loading with timeout) -> (resolved)
         * ```
         * - In the initial state, a fallback typeface is used to display text, which will reflow if
         * the font successfully loads.
         * - In the loading state, the font continues to use the fallback typeface and may cause one
         * text reflow by finishing load. After a successful load it is considered resolved and will
         * not cause another text reflow.
         * - If the font fails to load by the timeout, the failure is permanent, and the font will
         * never attempt to load again. Failure never causes text reflow.
         * After a font is in resolved, it will never cause text reflow unless it is evicted from
         * the font cache and re-enters initial.
         * This timeout is not configurable, and timers are maintained globally.
        const val MaximumAsyncTimeoutMillis = 15_000L

 * Interface used to load a font resource into a platform-specific typeface.
internal interface PlatformFontLoader {
     * Loads the resource represented by the [Font] in a blocking manner for use in the current
     * frame.
     * This method may safely throw if a font fails to load, or return null.
     * This method will be called on a UI-critical thread, however the font has been determined
     * to be critical to the current frame display and blocking for file system reads is
     * permitted.
     * @throws Exception subclass may optionally be thrown if font cannot be loaded
     * @param font [Font] to be loaded
     * @return platform specific typeface, or null if not available
    fun loadBlocking(font: Font): Any?

     * Loads resource represented by the [Font] object in a non-blocking manner which causes
     * text reflow when the font resolves.
     * This method may safely throw if the font cannot be loaded, or return null.
     * This method will be called on a UI-critical thread and should not block the thread beyond
     * loading local fonts from disk. Loading fonts from sources slower than the local file
     * system such as a network access should not block the calling thread.
     * @throws Exception subclass may optionally be thrown if font cannot be loaded
     * @param font [Font] to be loaded
     * @return platform specific typeface, or null if not available
    suspend fun awaitLoad(font: Font): Any?

     * If this loader returns different results for the same [Font] than the platform default
     * loader return a non-null object that uniquely identifies this loader for caching. This
     * cache key will be retained in global maps, and should ensure that it does not create a
     * memory leak.
     * Loaders that return the same results for all fonts as the platform default may return
     * null.
     * This cache key ensures that [FontFamily.Resolver] can lookup cache
     * results per-loader.
    val cacheKey: Any?

 * Defines a font to be used while rendering text with resource ID.
 * @sample androidx.compose.ui.text.samples.CustomFontFamilySample
 * @param resId The resource ID of the font file in font resources. i.e. "R.font.myfont".
 * @param weight The weight of the font. The system uses this to match a font to a font request
 * that is given in a [androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle].
 * @param style The style of the font, normal or italic. The system uses this to match a font to a
 * font request that is given in a [androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle].
 * @param loadingStrategy Load strategy for this font
 * @see FontFamily
class ResourceFont internal constructor(
    val resId: Int,
    override val weight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
    override val style: FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
    val variationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(weight, style),
    loadingStrategy: FontLoadingStrategy = FontLoadingStrategy.Async
) : Font {

    @Suppress("OPT_IN_MARKER_ON_WRONG_TARGET", "CanBePrimaryConstructorProperty")
    override val loadingStrategy: FontLoadingStrategy = loadingStrategy

    fun copy(
        resId: Int = this.resId,
        weight: FontWeight = this.weight,
        style: FontStyle =
    ): ResourceFont = copy(resId, weight, style, loadingStrategy = loadingStrategy)

    fun copy(
        resId: Int = this.resId,
        weight: FontWeight = this.weight,
        style: FontStyle =,
        loadingStrategy: FontLoadingStrategy = this.loadingStrategy,
        variationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = this.variationSettings
    ): ResourceFont {
        return ResourceFont(
            resId = resId,
            weight = weight,
            style = style,
            variationSettings = variationSettings,
            loadingStrategy = loadingStrategy

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other !is ResourceFont) return false
        if (resId != other.resId) return false
        if (weight != other.weight) return false
        if (style != return false
        if (variationSettings != other.variationSettings) return false
        if (loadingStrategy != other.loadingStrategy) return false
        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = resId
        result = 31 * result + weight.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + style.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + loadingStrategy.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + variationSettings.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "ResourceFont(resId=$resId, weight=$weight, style=$style, " +

 * Creates a Font with using resource ID.
 * By default, this will load fonts using [FontLoadingStrategy.Blocking], which blocks the first
 * frame they are used until the font is loaded. This is the correct behavior for small fonts
 * available locally.
 * @param resId The resource ID of the font file in font resources. i.e. "R.font.myfont".
 * @param weight The weight of the font. The system uses this to match a font to a font request
 * that is given in a [androidx.compose.ui.text.SpanStyle].
 * @param style The style of the font, normal or italic. The system uses this to match a font to a
 * font request that is given in a [androidx.compose.ui.text.SpanStyle].
 * Fonts made with this factory are local fonts, and will block the first frame for loading. To
 * allow async font loading use [Font(resId, weight, style, isLocal)][Font]
 * @see FontFamily
// TODO(b/219783755): Remove this when safe after Compose 1.3
    "Maintained for binary compatibility until Compose 1.3.",
    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
        "Font(resId, weight, style)"
fun Font(
    resId: Int,
    weight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
    style: FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal
): Font = ResourceFont(resId, weight, style, loadingStrategy = FontLoadingStrategy.Blocking)

 * Creates a Font with using resource ID.
 * Allows control over [FontLoadingStrategy] strategy. You may supply
 * [FontLoadingStrategy.Blocking], or [FontLoadingStrategy.OptionalLocal] for fonts that are
 * expected on the first frame.
 * [FontLoadingStrategy.Async], will load the font in the background and cause text reflow when
 * loading completes. Fonts loaded from a remote source via resources should use
 * [FontLoadingStrategy.Async].
 * @param resId The resource ID of the font file in font resources. i.e. "R.font.myfont".
 * @param weight The weight of the font. The system uses this to match a font to a font request
 * that is given in a [androidx.compose.ui.text.SpanStyle].
 * @param style The style of the font, normal or italic. The system uses this to match a font to a
 * font request that is given in a [androidx.compose.ui.text.SpanStyle].
 * @param loadingStrategy Load strategy for this font, may be async for async resource fonts
 * @see FontFamily
fun Font(
    resId: Int,
    weight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
    style: FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
    loadingStrategy: FontLoadingStrategy = FontLoadingStrategy.Blocking
): Font = ResourceFont(resId, weight, style, FontVariation.Settings(), loadingStrategy)

fun Font(
    resId: Int,
    weight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
    style: FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
    loadingStrategy: FontLoadingStrategy = FontLoadingStrategy.Blocking,
    variationSettings: FontVariation.Settings = FontVariation.Settings(weight, style)
): Font = ResourceFont(resId, weight, style, variationSettings, loadingStrategy)

 * Create a [FontFamily] from this single [Font].
fun Font.toFontFamily() = FontFamily(this)