
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.ui.gesture

import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.composed
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEvent
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEventPass
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputFilter
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.consumeDownChange
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.consumePositionChange
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.debugInspectorInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEach

 * Observes various events sent by [rawScaleGestureFilter].  Implement and pass into
 * [rawScaleGestureFilter] so that [rawScaleGestureFilter] may call the functions when events
 * occur.
interface RawScaleObserver {

     * Override to be notified when scaling has started.
     * This will be called when scaling occurs (and when the associated [rawScaleGestureFilter]
     * is allowed to start). Always called just before [onScale] and isn't called again until
     * after [onStop].
     * @see rawScaleGestureFilter
     * @see onScale
     * @see onStop
    fun onStart() {}

     * Override to be notified when scaling has occurred.
     * When overridden, return the amount of scaling, expressed as a scale factor, that should be
     * consumed.  For example, if the [scaleFactor] is 1.5 and the client wants to consume all of
     * the scaling, it should return 1.5.  If it wants to consume none of the scaling, it should
     * return 1.
     * Always called just after [onStart] (and for every subsequent scale).
     * @param scaleFactor The ratio of newSize / oldSize that the scaling gesture has expressed
     * between pointers last position and current position (this value is not cumulative over the
     * lifetime of of the gesture). For example, if 2 fingers are 10 pixel apart, and then move
     * such that they are 20 pixels apart, the scaleFactor will be 2.  If 2 fingers that are 20
     * pixels apart move such that they are 10 pixels apart, the scaleFactor will be .5.
     * @return The amount scaling that was actually used.  This value should also be a scaleFactor
     * that is in the range of S to 1, where S is the value of [scaleFactor].  (If you are
     * scaling an image, just return the scaleFactor that the image actually scaled.  For
     * example, if [scaleFactor] is 2, and the image can only scale to 1.5, return 1.5). If you
     * don't want bother with "nested scaling" (you simply want to consume all of the pointer
     * movement related to scaling), just return the value of [scaleFactor].
    fun onScale(scaleFactor: Float) = 1f

     * Override to be notified when scaling has stopped.
     * This is called once no pointers remain.
     * Only called after [onStart] and one or more calls to [onScale]
    fun onStop() {}

     * Override to be notified when the scale has been cancelled.
     * This is called if [onStart] has ben called and then a cancellation event has occurs
     * (for example, due to the gesture detector being removed from the tree) before [onStop] is
     * called.
    fun onCancel() {}

 * This gesture detector detects scaling.
 * Scaling is when the average distance between a set of pointers changes over time.  It is
 * also known as pinch, or pinch to zoom.
 * Note: By default, this gesture detector will start as soon as the average distance between
 * pointers changes by just a little bit. It is likely that you don't want to use this gesture
 * detector directly, but instead use a scale gesture detector that is less aggressive about
 * starting (such as [rawScaleGestureFilter] which waits for a pointer to have passed touch slop
 * before starting).
 * Scaling begins when the average distance between a set of pointers changes and either
 * [canStartScaling] is null or returns true.  When scaling begins, [RawScaleObserver.onStart] is
 * called followed immediately by a call to [RawScaleObserver.onScale].
 * [RawScaleObserver.onScale] is then continuously called whenever the movement of all pointers
 * denotes scaling. The gesture stops with either a call to [RawScaleObserver.onStop] or
 * [RawScaleObserver.onCancel], either of which will only be called if [RawScaleObserver.onStart]
 * was previously called. [RawScaleObserver.onStop] is called when no pointers remain.
 * [RawScaleObserver.onCancel] is called due to a system cancellation event.
 * @param scaleObserver The callback interface to report all events related to scaling.
 * @param canStartScaling If set, before scaling is started ([RawScaleObserver.onStart] is called),
 * canStartScaling is called for each pointer event to check to see if it is allowed to start.
fun Modifier.rawScaleGestureFilter(
    scaleObserver: RawScaleObserver,
    canStartScaling: (() -> Boolean)? = null
): Modifier = composed(
    inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
        name = "rawScaleGestureFilter"
        properties["scaleObserver"] = scaleObserver
        properties["canStartScaling"] = canStartScaling
) {
    val filter = remember { RawScaleGestureFilter() }
    // TODO(b/129784010): Consider also allowing onStart, onScale, and onEnd to be set individually.
    filter.scaleObserver = scaleObserver
    filter.canStartScaling = canStartScaling

internal class RawScaleGestureFilter : PointerInputFilter() {
    private var active = false
    lateinit var scaleObserver: RawScaleObserver
    var canStartScaling: (() -> Boolean)? = null

    override fun onPointerEvent(
        pointerEvent: PointerEvent,
        pass: PointerEventPass,
        bounds: IntSize
    ) {
        val changes = pointerEvent.changes

        if (pass == PointerEventPass.Initial && active) {
            // If we are currently scaling, we want to prevent any children from reacting to any
            // down change.
            changes.fastForEach {

        if (pass == PointerEventPass.Main) {

            val currentlyDownChanges = changes.filter {
                it.pressed && it.previousPressed

            val scaleObserver = scaleObserver

            if (currentlyDownChanges.isEmpty()) {
                if (active) {
                    active = false
            } else {
                val dimensionInformation =
                val scalePercentage = dimensionInformation.calculateScaleFactor()

                // If all of the pointers somehow report the same number, scalePercentage could
                // end up as NaN (because the average distance that each pointer is to the
                // center of them all will be 0, which means that the scalePercentage should be
                // infinite, which clearly isn't correct).
                if (!scalePercentage.isNaN() && scalePercentage != 1f) {

                    if (!active && canStartScaling?.invoke() != false) {
                        active = true

                    if (active) {

                        val scalePercentageUsed = scaleObserver.onScale(scalePercentage)

                        val percentageOfChangeUsed =
                            (scalePercentageUsed - 1) / (scalePercentage - 1)

                        if (percentageOfChangeUsed > 0f) {
                            for (i in currentlyDownChanges.indices) {

                                val xVectorToAverageChange =
                                    ) * percentageOfChangeUsed

                                val yVectorToAverageChange =
                                    ) * percentageOfChangeUsed


    override fun onCancel() {
        if (active) {
            active = false