
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.ui.focus

import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusDirection.Down
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusDirection.Left
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusDirection.Right
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusDirection.Up
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusState.Active
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusState.ActiveParent
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusState.Captured
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusState.Disabled
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusState.Inactive
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect
import androidx.compose.ui.node.ModifiedFocusNode
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEach
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.max

private const val invalidFocusDirection = "This function should only be used for 2-D focus search"

 *  Perform a search among the immediate children of this [node][ModifiedFocusNode] in the
 *  specified [direction][FocusDirection] and return the node that is to be focused next. If one
 *  of the children is currently focused, we start from that point and search in the specified
 *  [direction][FocusDirection]. If none of the children are currently focused, we pick the
 *  top-left or bottom right based on the specified [direction][FocusDirection].
internal fun ModifiedFocusNode.twoDimensionalFocusSearch(
    direction: FocusDirection
): ModifiedFocusNode? {
    return when (focusState) {
        Inactive -> this
        Disabled -> null
        ActiveParent -> {
            val focusedChild = focusedChild
            checkNotNull(focusedChild) { "ActiveParent must have a focusedChild" }

            // If this node contains the focused child, pick one of the other children.
            // Otherwise, this is an intermediate parent. Continue searching among the children of
            // the child that has focus.
            if (focusedChild.focusState.isFocused) {
                focusableChildren().findBestCandidate(focusedChild.focusRect(), direction)
            } else {
        Active, Captured -> {
            // The 2-D focus search starts form the root. If we reached here, it means that there
            // was no intermediate node that was ActiveParent. This is an initial focus scenario.
            // We need to search among this node's children to find the best focus candidate.
            val focusableChildren = focusableChildren()

            // If there are aren't multiple children to choose from, return the first child.
            if (focusableChildren.size <= 1) {
                return focusableChildren.firstOrNull()

            // To start the search, we pick one of the four corners of this node as the initially
            // focused rectangle.
            val initialFocusRect = when (direction) {
                Right, Down -> focusRect().topLeft()
                Left, Up -> focusRect().bottomRight()
                else -> error(invalidFocusDirection)
            focusableChildren.findBestCandidate(initialFocusRect, direction)

// Iterate through this list of focus nodes and find best candidate in the specified direction.
// TODO(b/182319711): For Left/Right focus moves, Consider finding the first candidate in the beam
//  and then only comparing candidates in the beam. If nothing is in the beam, then consider all
//  valid candidates.
private fun List<ModifiedFocusNode>.findBestCandidate(
    focusRect: Rect,
    direction: FocusDirection
): ModifiedFocusNode? {
    // Pick an impossible rectangle as the initial best candidate Rect.
    var bestCandidate = when (direction) {
        Left -> focusRect.translate(focusRect.width + 1, 0f)
        Right -> focusRect.translate(-(focusRect.width + 1), 0f)
        Up -> focusRect.translate(0f, focusRect.height + 1)
        Down -> focusRect.translate(0f, -(focusRect.height + 1))
        else -> error(invalidFocusDirection)

    var searchResult: ModifiedFocusNode? = null
    fastForEach { candidateNode ->
        val candidateRect = candidateNode.focusRect()
        if (isBetterCandidate(candidateRect, bestCandidate, focusRect, direction)) {
            bestCandidate = candidateRect
            searchResult = candidateNode
    return searchResult

// Is this Rect a better candidate than currentCandidateRect for a focus search in a particular
// direction from a source rect? This is the core routine that determines the order of focus
// searching.
private fun isBetterCandidate(
    proposedCandidate: Rect,
    currentCandidate: Rect,
    focusedRect: Rect,
    direction: FocusDirection
): Boolean {

    // Is this Rect a candidate for the next focus given the direction? This checks whether the
    // rect is at least partially to the direction of (e.g left of) from source. Includes an edge
    // case for an empty rect (which is used in some cases when searching from a point on the
    // screen).
    fun Rect.isCandidate() = when (direction) {
        Left -> (focusedRect.right > right || focusedRect.left >= right) && focusedRect.left > left
        Right -> (focusedRect.left < left || focusedRect.right <= left) && focusedRect.right < right
        Up -> (focusedRect.bottom > bottom || >= bottom) && > top
        Down -> ( < top || focusedRect.bottom <= top) && focusedRect.bottom < bottom
        else -> error(invalidFocusDirection)

    // The distance from the edge furthest in the given direction of source to the edge nearest
    // in the given direction of dest. If the dest is not in the direction from source, return 0.
    fun Rect.majorAxisDistance(): Float {
        val majorAxisDistance = when (direction) {
            Left -> focusedRect.left - right
            Right -> left - focusedRect.right
            Up -> - bottom
            Down -> top - focusedRect.bottom
            else -> error(invalidFocusDirection)
        return max(0.0f, majorAxisDistance)

    // Find the distance on the minor axis w.r.t the direction to the nearest edge of the
    // destination rectangle.
    fun Rect.minorAxisDistance() = when (direction) {
        // the distance between the center verticals
        Left, Right -> ( + focusedRect.height / 2) - (top + height / 2)
        // the distance between the center horizontals
        Up, Down -> (focusedRect.left + focusedRect.width / 2) - (left + width / 2)
        else -> error(invalidFocusDirection)

    // Fudge-factor opportunity: how to calculate distance given major and minor axis distances.
    // Warning: This fudge factor is finely tuned, run all focus tests if you dare tweak it.
    fun weightedDistance(candidate: Rect): Long {
        val majorAxisDistance = candidate.majorAxisDistance().absoluteValue.toLong()
        val minorAxisDistance = candidate.minorAxisDistance().absoluteValue.toLong()
        return 13 * majorAxisDistance * majorAxisDistance + minorAxisDistance * minorAxisDistance

    return when {
        // to be a better candidate, need to at least be a candidate in the first place.
        !proposedCandidate.isCandidate() -> false

        // If the currentCandidate is not a candidate, proposedCandidate is better.
        !currentCandidate.isCandidate() -> true

        // if proposedCandidate is better by beam, it wins.
        beamBeats(focusedRect, proposedCandidate, currentCandidate, direction) -> true

        // if currentCandidate is better, then the proposedCandidate can't be.
        beamBeats(focusedRect, currentCandidate, proposedCandidate, direction) -> false

        else -> weightedDistance(proposedCandidate) < weightedDistance(currentCandidate)

 * A rectangle may be a better candidate by virtue of being exclusively in the beam of the source
 * rect.
 * @return Whether rect1 is a better candidate than rect2 by virtue of it being in the source's
 * beam.
private fun beamBeats(source: Rect, rect1: Rect, rect2: Rect, direction: FocusDirection): Boolean {
    // Do the "beams" w.r.t the given direction's axis of rect1 and rect2 overlap?
    fun Rect.inSourceBeam() = when (direction) {
        Left, Right -> this.bottom > && < source.bottom
        Up, Down -> this.right > source.left && this.left < source.right
        else -> error(invalidFocusDirection)

    // Whether the rect is in the direction of search.
    fun Rect.isInDirectionOfSearch() = when (direction) {
        Left -> source.left >= right
        Right -> source.right <= left
        Up -> >= bottom
        Down -> source.bottom <= top
        else -> error(invalidFocusDirection)

    // The distance from the edge furthest in the given direction of source to the edge nearest
    // in the given direction of dest. If the dest is not in the direction from source, return 0.
    fun Rect.majorAxisDistance(): Float {
        val majorAxisDistance = when (direction) {
            Left -> source.left - right
            Right -> left - source.right
            Up -> - bottom
            Down -> top - source.bottom
            else -> error(invalidFocusDirection)
        return max(0.0f, majorAxisDistance)

    // The distance along the major axis w.r.t the direction from the edge of source to the far
    // edge of dest. If the dest is not in the direction from source, return 1 (to break ties
    // with Rect.majorAxisDistance).
    fun Rect.majorAxisDistanceToFarEdge(): Float {
        val majorAxisDistance = when (direction) {
            Left -> source.left - left
            Right -> right - source.right
            Up -> - top
            Down -> bottom - source.bottom
            else -> error(invalidFocusDirection)
        return max(1.0f, majorAxisDistance)

    return when {
        // if rect1 isn't exclusively in the src beam, it doesn't win
        rect2.inSourceBeam() || !rect1.inSourceBeam() -> false

        // We know rect1 is in the beam, and rect2 is not. If Rect2 is not in the direction of
        // search, rect1 wins (since rect2 could be reached by going in another direction).
        !rect2.isInDirectionOfSearch() -> true

        // for horizontal directions, being exclusively in beam always wins
        direction == Left || direction == Right -> true

        // for vertical directions, beams only beat up to a point:
        // now, as long as rect2 isn't completely closer, rect1 wins
        // e.g for direction down, completely closer means for rect2's top
        // edge to be closer to the source's top edge than rect1's bottom edge.
        else -> rect1.majorAxisDistance() < rect2.majorAxisDistanceToFarEdge()

private fun Rect.topLeft() = Rect(left, top, left, top)
private fun Rect.bottomRight() = Rect(right, bottom, right, bottom)