
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.ui.layout

import androidx.compose.runtime.Applier
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.ComposeNode
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composition
import androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionContext
import androidx.compose.runtime.DisposableEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.ReusableContentHost
import androidx.compose.runtime.SideEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.currentComposer
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberCompositionContext
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberUpdatedState
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.Snapshot
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.SubcomposeLayoutState.PrecomposedSlotHandle
import androidx.compose.ui.UiComposable
import androidx.compose.ui.materialize
import androidx.compose.ui.node.ComposeUiNode
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.LayoutState
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.UsageByParent
import androidx.compose.ui.node.requireOwner
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalLayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalViewConfiguration
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.createSubcomposition
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection

 * Analogue of [Layout] which allows to subcompose the actual content during the measuring stage
 * for example to use the values calculated during the measurement as params for the composition
 * of the children.
 * Possible use cases:
 * * You need to know the constraints passed by the parent during the composition and can't solve
 * your use case with just custom [Layout] or [LayoutModifier].
 * See [].
 * * You want to use the size of one child during the composition of the second child.
 * * You want to compose your items lazily based on the available size. For example you have a
 * list of 100 items and instead of composing all of them you only compose the ones which are
 * currently visible(say 5 of them) and compose next items when the component is scrolled.
 * @sample androidx.compose.ui.samples.SubcomposeLayoutSample
 * @param modifier [Modifier] to apply for the layout.
 * @param measurePolicy Measure policy which provides ability to subcompose during the measuring.
fun SubcomposeLayout(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    measurePolicy: SubcomposeMeasureScope.(Constraints) -> MeasureResult
) {
        state = remember { SubcomposeLayoutState() },
        modifier = modifier,
        measurePolicy = measurePolicy

 * Analogue of [Layout] which allows to subcompose the actual content during the measuring stage
 * for example to use the values calculated during the measurement as params for the composition
 * of the children.
 * Possible use cases:
 * * You need to know the constraints passed by the parent during the composition and can't solve
 * your use case with just custom [Layout] or [LayoutModifier].
 * See [].
 * * You want to use the size of one child during the composition of the second child.
 * * You want to compose your items lazily based on the available size. For example you have a
 * list of 100 items and instead of composing all of them you only compose the ones which are
 * currently visible(say 5 of them) and compose next items when the component is scrolled.
 * @sample androidx.compose.ui.samples.SubcomposeLayoutSample
 * @param state the state object to be used by the layout.
 * @param modifier [Modifier] to apply for the layout.
 * @param measurePolicy Measure policy which provides ability to subcompose during the measuring.
fun SubcomposeLayout(
    state: SubcomposeLayoutState,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    measurePolicy: SubcomposeMeasureScope.(Constraints) -> MeasureResult
) {
    val compositionContext = rememberCompositionContext()
    val materialized = currentComposer.materialize(modifier)
    val density = LocalDensity.current
    val layoutDirection = LocalLayoutDirection.current
    val viewConfiguration = LocalViewConfiguration.current
    ComposeNode<LayoutNode, Applier<Any>>(
        factory = LayoutNode.Constructor,
        update = {
            set(state, state.setRoot)
            set(compositionContext, state.setCompositionContext)
            set(measurePolicy, state.setMeasurePolicy)
            set(density, ComposeUiNode.SetDensity)
            set(layoutDirection, ComposeUiNode.SetLayoutDirection)
            set(viewConfiguration, ComposeUiNode.SetViewConfiguration)
            set(materialized, ComposeUiNode.SetModifier)
    if (!currentComposer.skipping) {
        SideEffect {
    val stateHolder = rememberUpdatedState(state)
    DisposableEffect(Unit) {
        onDispose {

 * The receiver scope of a [SubcomposeLayout]'s measure lambda which adds ability to dynamically
 * subcompose a content during the measuring on top of the features provided by [MeasureScope].
interface SubcomposeMeasureScope : MeasureScope {
     * Performs subcomposition of the provided [content] with given [slotId].
     * @param slotId unique id which represents the slot we are composing into. If you have fixed
     * amount or slots you can use enums as slot ids, or if you have a list of items maybe an
     * index in the list or some other unique key can work. To be able to correctly match the
     * content between remeasures you should provide the object which is equals to the one you
     * used during the previous measuring.
     * @param content the composable content which defines the slot. It could emit multiple
     * layouts, in this case the returned list of [Measurable]s will have multiple elements.
    fun subcompose(slotId: Any?, content: @Composable () -> Unit): List<Measurable>

 * State used by [SubcomposeLayout].
 * [slotReusePolicy] the policy defining what slots should be retained to be reused later.
class SubcomposeLayoutState(
    private val slotReusePolicy: SubcomposeSlotReusePolicy
) {
     * State used by [SubcomposeLayout].
    constructor() : this(NoOpSubcomposeSlotReusePolicy)

     * State used by [SubcomposeLayout].
     * @param maxSlotsToRetainForReuse when non-zero the layout will keep active up to this count
     * slots which we were used but not used anymore instead of disposing them. Later when you try to
     * compose a new slot instead of creating a completely new slot the layout would reuse the
     * previous slot which allows to do less work especially if the slot contents are similar.
        "This constructor is deprecated",
    constructor(maxSlotsToRetainForReuse: Int) : this(

    private var _state: LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState? = null
    private val state: LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState
        get() = requireNotNull(_state) {
            "SubcomposeLayoutState is not attached to SubcomposeLayout"

    // Pre-allocated lambdas to update LayoutNode
    internal val setRoot: LayoutNode.(SubcomposeLayoutState) -> Unit = {
        _state =
            subcompositionsState ?: LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState(this, slotReusePolicy).also {
                subcompositionsState = it
        state.slotReusePolicy = slotReusePolicy
    internal val setCompositionContext:
        LayoutNode.(CompositionContext) -> Unit =
        { state.compositionContext = it }
    internal val setMeasurePolicy:
        LayoutNode.(SubcomposeMeasureScope.(Constraints) -> MeasureResult) -> Unit =
        { measurePolicy = state.createMeasurePolicy(it) }

     * Composes the content for the given [slotId]. This makes the next scope.subcompose(slotId)
     * call during the measure pass faster as the content is already composed.
     * If the [slotId] was precomposed already but after the future calculations ended up to not be
     * needed anymore (meaning this slotId is not going to be used during the measure pass
     * anytime soon) you can use [PrecomposedSlotHandle.dispose] on a returned object to dispose the
     * content.
     * @param slotId unique id which represents the slot we are composing into.
     * @param content the composable content which defines the slot.
     * @return [PrecomposedSlotHandle] instance which allows you to dispose the content.
    fun precompose(slotId: Any?, content: @Composable () -> Unit): PrecomposedSlotHandle =
        state.precompose(slotId, content)

    internal fun forceRecomposeChildren() = state.forceRecomposeChildren()

    internal fun disposeCurrentNodes() = state.disposeCurrentNodes()

     * Instance of this interface is returned by [precompose] function.
    interface PrecomposedSlotHandle {

         * This function allows to dispose the content for the slot which was precomposed
         * previously via [precompose].
         * If this slot was already used during the regular measure pass via
         * [SubcomposeMeasureScope.subcompose] this function will do nothing.
         * This could be useful if after the future calculations this item is not anymore expected to
         * be used during the measure pass anytime soon.
        fun dispose()

         * The amount of placeables composed into this slot.
        val placeablesCount: Int get() = 0

         * Performs synchronous measure of the placeable at the given [index].
         * @param index the placeable index. Should be smaller than [placeablesCount].
         * @param constraints Constraints to measure this placeable with.
        fun premeasure(index: Int, constraints: Constraints) {}

 * This policy allows [SubcomposeLayout] to retain some of slots which we were used but not
 * used anymore instead of disposing them. Next time when you try to compose a new slot instead of
 * creating a completely new slot the layout would reuse the kept slot. This allows to do less
 * work especially if the slot contents are similar.
interface SubcomposeSlotReusePolicy {
     * This function will be called with [slotIds] set populated with the slot ids available to
     * reuse. In the implementation you can remove slots you don't want to retain.
    fun getSlotsToRetain(slotIds: SlotIdsSet)

     * Returns true if the content previously composed with [reusableSlotId] is compatible with
     * the content which is going to be composed for [slotId].
     * Slots could be considered incompatible if they display completely different types of the UI.
    fun areCompatible(slotId: Any?, reusableSlotId: Any?): Boolean

     * Set containing slot ids currently available to reuse. Used by [getSlotsToRetain].
     * This class works exactly as [MutableSet], but doesn't allow to add new items in it.
    class SlotIdsSet internal constructor(
        private val set: MutableSet<Any?> = mutableSetOf()
    ) : Collection<Any?> by set {

        internal fun add(slotId: Any?) = set.add(slotId)

        override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<Any?> = set.iterator()

         * Removes a [slotId] from this set, if it is present.
         * @return `true` if the slot id was removed, `false` if the set was not modified.
        fun remove(slotId: Any?): Boolean = set.remove(slotId)

         * Removes all slot ids from [slotIds] that are also contained in this set.
         * @return `true` if any slot id was removed, `false` if the set was not modified.
        fun removeAll(slotIds: Collection<Any?>): Boolean = set.remove(slotIds)

         * Removes all slot ids that match the given [predicate].
         * @return `true` if any slot id was removed, `false` if the set was not modified.
        fun removeAll(predicate: (Any?) -> Boolean): Boolean = set.removeAll(predicate)

         * Retains only the slot ids that are contained in [slotIds].
         * @return `true` if any slot id was removed, `false` if the set was not modified.
        fun retainAll(slotIds: Collection<Any?>): Boolean = set.retainAll(slotIds)

         * Retains only slotIds that match the given [predicate].
         * @return `true` if any slot id was removed, `false` if the set was not modified.
        fun retainAll(predicate: (Any?) -> Boolean): Boolean = set.retainAll(predicate)

         * Removes all slot ids from this set.
        fun clear() = set.clear()

 * Creates [SubcomposeSlotReusePolicy] which retains the fixed amount of slots.
 * @param maxSlotsToRetainForReuse the [SubcomposeLayout] will retain up to this amount of slots.
fun SubcomposeSlotReusePolicy(maxSlotsToRetainForReuse: Int): SubcomposeSlotReusePolicy =

 * The inner state containing all the information about active slots and their compositions.
 * It is stored inside LayoutNode object as in fact we need to keep 1-1 mapping between this state
 * and the node: when we compose a slot we first create a virtual LayoutNode child to this node
 * and then save the extra information inside this state.
 * Keeping this state inside LayoutNode also helps us to retain the pool of reusable slots even
 * when a new SubcomposeLayoutState is applied to SubcomposeLayout and even when the
 * SubcomposeLayout's LayoutNode is reused via the ReusableComposeNode mechanism.
internal class LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState(
    private val root: LayoutNode,
    slotReusePolicy: SubcomposeSlotReusePolicy
) {
    var compositionContext: CompositionContext? = null

    var slotReusePolicy: SubcomposeSlotReusePolicy = slotReusePolicy
        set(value) {
            if (field !== value) {
                field = value
                // apply the new policy

    private var currentIndex = 0
    private val nodeToNodeState = mutableMapOf<LayoutNode, NodeState>()
    // this map contains active slotIds (without precomposed or reusable nodes)
    private val slotIdToNode = mutableMapOf<Any?, LayoutNode>()
    private val scope = Scope()
    private val precomposeMap = mutableMapOf<Any?, LayoutNode>()
    private val reusableSlotIdsSet = SubcomposeSlotReusePolicy.SlotIdsSet()

     * `root.foldedChildren` list consist of:
     * 1) all the active children (used during the last measure pass)
     * 2) `reusableCount` nodes in the middle of the list which were active and stopped being
     * used. now we keep them (up to `maxCountOfSlotsToReuse`) in order to reuse next time we
     * will need to compose a new item
     * 4) `precomposedCount` nodes in the end of the list which were precomposed and
     * are waiting to be used during the next measure passes.
    private var reusableCount = 0
    private var precomposedCount = 0

    fun subcompose(slotId: Any?, content: @Composable () -> Unit): List<Measurable> {
        val layoutState = root.layoutState
        check(layoutState == LayoutState.Measuring || layoutState == LayoutState.LayingOut) {
            "subcompose can only be used inside the measure or layout blocks"

        val node = slotIdToNode.getOrPut(slotId) {
            val precomposed = precomposeMap.remove(slotId)
            if (precomposed != null) {
                check(precomposedCount > 0)
            } else {
                takeNodeFromReusables(slotId) ?: createNodeAt(currentIndex)

        val itemIndex = root.foldedChildren.indexOf(node)
        require(itemIndex >= currentIndex) {
            "Key \"$slotId\" was already used. If you are using LazyColumn/Row please make " +
                "sure you provide a unique key for each item."
        if (currentIndex != itemIndex) {
            move(itemIndex, currentIndex)

        subcompose(node, slotId, content)
        return node.childMeasurables

    private fun subcompose(node: LayoutNode, slotId: Any?, content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
        val nodeState = nodeToNodeState.getOrPut(node) {
            NodeState(slotId, {})
        val hasPendingChanges = nodeState.composition?.hasInvalidations ?: true
        if (nodeState.content !== content || hasPendingChanges || nodeState.forceRecompose) {
            nodeState.content = content
            subcompose(node, nodeState)
            nodeState.forceRecompose = false

    private fun subcompose(node: LayoutNode, nodeState: NodeState) {
        Snapshot.withoutReadObservation {
            ignoreRemeasureRequests {
                val content = nodeState.content
                nodeState.composition = subcomposeInto(
                    existing = nodeState.composition,
                    container = node,
                    parent = compositionContext ?: error("parent composition reference not set"),
                    // Do not optimize this by passing nodeState.content directly; the additional
                    // composable function call from the lambda expression affects the scope of
                    // recomposition and recomposition of siblings.
                    composable = {
                        ReusableContentHost(, content)

    private fun subcomposeInto(
        existing: Composition?,
        container: LayoutNode,
        parent: CompositionContext,
        composable: @Composable () -> Unit
    ): Composition {
        return if (existing == null || existing.isDisposed) {
            createSubcomposition(container, parent)
        } else {
            .apply {

    private fun getSlotIdAtIndex(index: Int): Any? {
        val node = root.foldedChildren[index]
        return nodeToNodeState[node]!!.slotId

    fun disposeOrReuseStartingFromIndex(startIndex: Int) {
        reusableCount = 0
        val lastReusableIndex = root.foldedChildren.size - precomposedCount - 1
        var needApplyNotification = false
        if (startIndex <= lastReusableIndex) {
            // construct the set of available slot ids
            for (i in startIndex..lastReusableIndex) {

            // iterating backwards so it is easier to remove items
            var i = lastReusableIndex
            Snapshot.withoutReadObservation {
                while (i >= startIndex) {
                    val node = root.foldedChildren[i]
                    val nodeState = nodeToNodeState[node]!!
                    val slotId = nodeState.slotId
                    if (reusableSlotIdsSet.contains(slotId)) {
                        node.measuredByParent = UsageByParent.NotUsed
                        if ( {
                   = false
                            needApplyNotification = true
                    } else {
                        ignoreRemeasureRequests {
                            root.removeAt(i, 1)
                    // remove it from slotIdToNode so it is not considered active
        if (needApplyNotification) {


    fun makeSureStateIsConsistent() {
        require(nodeToNodeState.size == root.foldedChildren.size) {
            "Inconsistency between the count of nodes tracked by the state (${nodeToNodeState
                .size}) and the children count on the SubcomposeLayout (${root.foldedChildren
                .size}). Are you trying to use the state of the disposed SubcomposeLayout?"
        require(root.foldedChildren.size - reusableCount - precomposedCount >= 0) {
            "Incorrect state. Total children ${root.foldedChildren.size}. Reusable children " +
                "$reusableCount. Precomposed children $precomposedCount"
        require(precomposeMap.size == precomposedCount) {
            "Incorrect state. Precomposed children $precomposedCount. Map size " +

    private fun takeNodeFromReusables(slotId: Any?): LayoutNode? {
        if (reusableCount == 0) {
            return null
        val reusableNodesSectionEnd = root.foldedChildren.size - precomposedCount
        val reusableNodesSectionStart = reusableNodesSectionEnd - reusableCount
        var index = reusableNodesSectionEnd - 1
        var chosenIndex = -1
        // first try to find a node with exactly the same slotId
        while (index >= reusableNodesSectionStart) {
            if (getSlotIdAtIndex(index) == slotId) {
                // we have a node with the same slotId
                chosenIndex = index
            } else {
        if (chosenIndex == -1) {
            // try to find a first compatible slotId from the end of the section
            index = reusableNodesSectionEnd - 1
            while (index >= reusableNodesSectionStart) {
                val node = root.foldedChildren[index]
                val nodeState = nodeToNodeState[node]!!
                if (slotReusePolicy.areCompatible(slotId, nodeState.slotId)) {
                    nodeState.slotId = slotId
                    chosenIndex = index
        return if (chosenIndex == -1) {
            // no compatible nodes found
        } else {
            if (index != reusableNodesSectionStart) {
                // we need to rearrange the items
                move(index, reusableNodesSectionStart, 1)
            val node = root.foldedChildren[reusableNodesSectionStart]
            val nodeState = nodeToNodeState[node]!!
   = true
            nodeState.forceRecompose = true

    fun createMeasurePolicy(
        block: SubcomposeMeasureScope.(Constraints) -> MeasureResult
    ): MeasurePolicy = object : LayoutNode.NoIntrinsicsMeasurePolicy(error = NoIntrinsicsMessage) {
        override fun MeasureScope.measure(
            measurables: List<Measurable>,
            constraints: Constraints
        ): MeasureResult {
            scope.layoutDirection = layoutDirection
            scope.density = density
            scope.fontScale = fontScale
            currentIndex = 0
            val result = scope.block(constraints)
            val indexAfterMeasure = currentIndex
            return object : MeasureResult {
                override val width: Int
                    get() = result.width
                override val height: Int
                    get() = result.height
                override val alignmentLines: Map<AlignmentLine, Int>
                    get() = result.alignmentLines

                override fun placeChildren() {
                    currentIndex = indexAfterMeasure

    private val NoIntrinsicsMessage = "Asking for intrinsic measurements of SubcomposeLayout " +
        "layouts is not supported. This includes components that are built on top of " +
        "SubcomposeLayout, such as lazy lists, BoxWithConstraints, TabRow, etc. To mitigate " +
        "this:\n" +
        "- if intrinsic measurements are used to achieve 'match parent' sizing,, consider " +
        "replacing the parent of the component with a custom layout which controls the order in " +
        "which children are measured, making intrinsic measurement not needed\n" +
        "- adding a size modifier to the component, in order to fast return the queried " +
        "intrinsic measurement."

    fun precompose(slotId: Any?, content: @Composable () -> Unit): PrecomposedSlotHandle {
        if (!slotIdToNode.containsKey(slotId)) {
            val node = precomposeMap.getOrPut(slotId) {
                val reusedNode = takeNodeFromReusables(slotId)
                if (reusedNode != null) {
                    // now move this node to the end where we keep precomposed items
                    val nodeIndex = root.foldedChildren.indexOf(reusedNode)
                    move(nodeIndex, root.foldedChildren.size, 1)
                } else {
                    createNodeAt(root.foldedChildren.size).also {
            subcompose(node, slotId, content)
        return object : PrecomposedSlotHandle {
            override fun dispose() {
                val node = precomposeMap.remove(slotId)
                if (node != null) {
                    check(precomposedCount > 0)
                    val itemIndex = root.foldedChildren.indexOf(node)
                    // make sure this item is in the precomposed items range
                    check(itemIndex >= root.foldedChildren.size - precomposedCount)
                    // move this item into the reusable section
                    val reusableStart = root.foldedChildren.size - precomposedCount - reusableCount
                    move(itemIndex, reusableStart, 1)

            override val placeablesCount: Int
                get() = precomposeMap[slotId]?.children?.size ?: 0

            override fun premeasure(index: Int, constraints: Constraints) {
                val node = precomposeMap[slotId]
                if (node != null && node.isAttached) {
                    val size = node.children.size
                    if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
                        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(
                            "Index ($index) is out of bound of [0, $size)"
                    root.ignoreRemeasureRequests {
                        node.requireOwner().measureAndLayout(node.children[index], constraints)

    fun forceRecomposeChildren() {
        nodeToNodeState.forEach { (_, nodeState) ->
            nodeState.forceRecompose = true
        if (!root.measurePending) {

    private fun createNodeAt(index: Int) = LayoutNode(isVirtual = true).also { node ->
        ignoreRemeasureRequests {
            root.insertAt(index, node)

    private fun move(from: Int, to: Int, count: Int = 1) {
        ignoreRemeasureRequests {
            root.move(from, to, count)

    private inline fun ignoreRemeasureRequests(block: () -> Unit) =

    fun disposeCurrentNodes() {
        root.ignoreRemeasureRequests {
            nodeToNodeState.values.forEach {
        precomposedCount = 0
        reusableCount = 0

    private class NodeState(
        var slotId: Any?,
        var content: @Composable () -> Unit,
        var composition: Composition? = null
    ) {
        var forceRecompose = false
        var active by mutableStateOf(true)

    private inner class Scope : SubcomposeMeasureScope {
        // MeasureScope delegation
        override var layoutDirection: LayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Rtl
        override var density: Float = 0f
        override var fontScale: Float = 0f

        override fun subcompose(slotId: Any?, content: @Composable () -> Unit) =
            this@LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState.subcompose(slotId, content)

private class FixedCountSubcomposeSlotReusePolicy(
    private val maxSlotsToRetainForReuse: Int
) : SubcomposeSlotReusePolicy {

    override fun getSlotsToRetain(slotIds: SubcomposeSlotReusePolicy.SlotIdsSet) {
        if (slotIds.size > maxSlotsToRetainForReuse) {
            var count = 0
            with(slotIds.iterator()) {
                // keep first maxSlotsToRetainForReuse items
                while (hasNext()) {
                    if (count > maxSlotsToRetainForReuse) {

    override fun areCompatible(slotId: Any?, reusableSlotId: Any?): Boolean = true

private object NoOpSubcomposeSlotReusePolicy : SubcomposeSlotReusePolicy {
    override fun getSlotsToRetain(slotIds: SubcomposeSlotReusePolicy.SlotIdsSet) {

    override fun areCompatible(slotId: Any?, reusableSlotId: Any?) = false