
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.ui.focus

import androidx.compose.runtime.collection.MutableVector
import androidx.compose.ui.ExperimentalComposeUiApi
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusDirection.Companion.Down
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusDirection.Companion.Enter
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusDirection.Companion.Left
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusDirection.Companion.Right
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusDirection.Companion.Up
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusRequester.Companion.Cancel
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusRequester.Companion.Default
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusStateImpl.Active
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusStateImpl.ActiveParent
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusStateImpl.Captured
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusStateImpl.Inactive
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect
import androidx.compose.ui.node.DelegatableNode
import androidx.compose.ui.node.Nodes
import androidx.compose.ui.node.visitChildren
import androidx.compose.ui.node.visitSubtreeIf
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.max

private const val InvalidFocusDirection = "This function should only be used for 2-D focus search"
private const val NoActiveChild = "ActiveParent must have a focusedChild"

 *  Perform a search among the immediate children of this [node][FocusTargetModifierNode] in the
 *  specified [direction][FocusDirection] and return the node that is to be focused next. If one
 *  of the children is currently focused, we start from that point and search in the specified
 *  [direction][FocusDirection]. If none of the children are currently focused, we pick the
 *  top-left or bottom right based on the specified [direction][FocusDirection].
 *  @return The value of [onFound] if a [focusTarget] was found, false if no [focusTarget] was
 *  found, and null if focus search was cancelled using [FocusRequester.Cancel] or if a custom
 *  focus search destination didn't point to any [focusTarget].
internal fun FocusTargetModifierNode.twoDimensionalFocusSearch(
    direction: FocusDirection,
    onFound: (FocusTargetModifierNode) -> Boolean
): Boolean? {
    when (focusStateImpl) {
        Inactive -> return if (fetchFocusProperties().canFocus) onFound.invoke(this) else false
        ActiveParent -> {
            val focusedChild = activeChild ?: error(NoActiveChild)
            // For 2D focus search we only search among siblings. You have to use DPad Center or
            // call moveFocus(In) to move focus to a child. So twoDimensionalFocus Search delegates
            // search to a child only if it "has focus". If this node "is focused", we just skip the
            // children and search among the siblings of the focused item by calling
            // "searchChildren" on this node.
            when (focusedChild.focusStateImpl) {

                ActiveParent -> {
                    // If the focusedChild is an intermediate parent, we search among its children.
                    val found = focusedChild.twoDimensionalFocusSearch(direction, onFound)
                    if (found != false) return found

                    // If we don't find a match, we exit this Parent.
                    // First check if this node has a custom focus exit.
                        .fetchFocusProperties().exit(direction).takeUnless { it == Default }?.let {
                            return if (it == Cancel) null else it.findFocusTarget(onFound)

                    // If we don't have a custom exit property,
                    // we search among the siblings of the parent.
                    return generateAndSearchChildren(focusedChild.activeNode(), direction, onFound)
                // Search for the next eligible sibling.
                Active, Captured ->
                    return generateAndSearchChildren(focusedChild, direction, onFound)
                Inactive -> error(NoActiveChild)
        Active, Captured -> {
            // The 2-D focus search starts from the root. If we reached here, it means that there
            // was no intermediate node that was ActiveParent. This is an initial focus scenario.
            // We need to search among this node's children to find the best focus candidate.
            return findChildCorrespondingToFocusEnter(direction, onFound)

 * Search through the children and find a child that corresponds to a moveFocus(Enter).
 * An enter can be triggered explicitly by using the DPadCenter or can be triggered
 * implicitly when we encounter a focus group during focus search.
 * @param direction The [direction][FocusDirection] that triggered Focus Enter.
 * @param onFound the callback that is run when the child is found.
 * @return true if we find a suitable child, false otherwise.
internal fun FocusTargetModifierNode.findChildCorrespondingToFocusEnter(
    direction: FocusDirection,
    onFound: (FocusTargetModifierNode) -> Boolean
): Boolean {

    // Check if a custom FocusEnter is specified.
    fetchFocusProperties().enter(direction).takeUnless { it == Default }?.let {
        return if (it == Cancel) false else it.findFocusTarget(onFound)

    val focusableChildren = MutableVector<FocusTargetModifierNode>()

    // If there are aren't multiple children to choose from, return the first child.
    if (focusableChildren.size <= 1) {
        return focusableChildren.firstOrNull()?.let { onFound.invoke(it) } ?: false

    // For the purpose of choosing an appropriate child, we convert moveFocus(Enter)
    // to Left or Right based on LayoutDirection. If this was an implicit enter, we use the
    // direction that triggered the implicit enter.
    val requestedDirection = when (direction) {
        // TODO(b/244528858) choose different items for moveFocus(Enter) based on LayoutDirection.
        Enter -> Right
        else -> direction

    // To start the search, we pick one of the four corners of this node as the initially
    // focused rectangle.
    val initialFocusRect = when (requestedDirection) {
        Right, Down -> focusRect().topLeft()
        Left, Up -> focusRect().bottomRight()
        else -> error(InvalidFocusDirection)
    val nextCandidate = focusableChildren.findBestCandidate(initialFocusRect, requestedDirection)
    return nextCandidate?.let { onFound.invoke(it) } ?: false

// Search among your children for the next child.
// If the next child is not found, generate more children by requesting a beyondBoundsLayout.
private fun FocusTargetModifierNode.generateAndSearchChildren(
    focusedItem: FocusTargetModifierNode,
    direction: FocusDirection,
    onFound: (FocusTargetModifierNode) -> Boolean
): Boolean {
    // Search among the currently available children.
    if (searchChildren(focusedItem, direction, onFound)) {
        return true

    // Generate more items until searchChildren() finds a result.
    return searchBeyondBounds(direction) {
        // Search among the added children. (The search continues as long as we return null).
        searchChildren(focusedItem, direction, onFound).takeIf { found ->
            // Stop searching when we find a result or if we don't have any more content.
            found || !hasMoreContent
    } ?: false

private fun FocusTargetModifierNode.searchChildren(
    focusedItem: FocusTargetModifierNode,
    direction: FocusDirection,
    onFound: (FocusTargetModifierNode) -> Boolean
): Boolean {
    val children = MutableVector<FocusTargetModifierNode>().apply {
        visitChildren(Nodes.FocusTarget) {
    while (children.isNotEmpty()) {
        val nextItem = children.findBestCandidate(focusedItem.focusRect(), direction)
            ?: return false

        // If the result is not deactivated, this is a valid next item.
        if (nextItem.fetchFocusProperties().canFocus) return onFound.invoke(nextItem)

        // If the result is deactivated, and the deactivated node has a custom Enter, we use it.
        nextItem.fetchFocusProperties().enter(direction).takeUnless { it == Default }?.let {
            return if (it == Cancel) false else it.findFocusTarget(onFound)

        // If the result is deactivated, and there is no custom enter, we search among its children.
        if (nextItem.generateAndSearchChildren(focusedItem, direction, onFound)) return true

        // If there are no results among the children of the deactivated node,
        // repeat the search by excluding this deactivated node.
    return false

 * Returns all [FocusTargetModifierNode] children that are not Deactivated. Any
 * child that is deactivated will add activated children instead, unless the deactivated
 * node has a custom Enter specified.
private fun DelegatableNode.collectAccessibleChildren(
    accessibleChildren: MutableVector<FocusTargetModifierNode>
) {
    visitSubtreeIf(Nodes.FocusTarget) {
        // TODO(b/278765590): Find the root issue why visitChildren returns unattached nodes.
        if (!it.isAttached) return@visitSubtreeIf false

        if (it.fetchFocusProperties().canFocus) {
            return@visitSubtreeIf false

        // If we encounter a deactivated child, we mimic a moveFocus(Enter).
        it.fetchFocusProperties().enter(Enter).takeUnless { it == Default }?.let {
            // If the user declined a custom enter, omit this part of the tree.
            if (it != Cancel) {
                it.focusRequesterNodes.forEach { node ->
            return@visitSubtreeIf false

        // If there is no custom enter, we consider all the children.
        return@visitSubtreeIf true

// Iterate through this list of focus nodes and find best candidate in the specified direction.
// TODO(b/182319711): For Left/Right focus moves, Consider finding the first candidate in the beam
//  and then only comparing candidates in the beam. If nothing is in the beam, then consider all
//  valid candidates.
@Suppress("ModifierFactoryExtensionFunction", "ModifierFactoryReturnType")
private fun MutableVector<FocusTargetModifierNode>.findBestCandidate(
    focusRect: Rect,
    direction: FocusDirection
): FocusTargetModifierNode? {
    // Pick an impossible rectangle as the initial best candidate Rect.
    var bestCandidate = when (direction) {
        Left -> focusRect.translate(focusRect.width + 1, 0f)
        Right -> focusRect.translate(-(focusRect.width + 1), 0f)
        Up -> focusRect.translate(0f, focusRect.height + 1)
        Down -> focusRect.translate(0f, -(focusRect.height + 1))
        else -> error(InvalidFocusDirection)

    var searchResult: FocusTargetModifierNode? = null
    forEach { candidateNode ->
        if (candidateNode.isEligibleForFocusSearch) {
            val candidateRect = candidateNode.focusRect()
            if (isBetterCandidate(candidateRect, bestCandidate, focusRect, direction)) {
                bestCandidate = candidateRect
                searchResult = candidateNode
    return searchResult

// Is this Rect a better candidate than currentCandidateRect for a focus search in a particular
// direction from a source rect? This is the core routine that determines the order of focus
// searching.
private fun isBetterCandidate(
    proposedCandidate: Rect,
    currentCandidate: Rect,
    focusedRect: Rect,
    direction: FocusDirection
): Boolean {

    // Is this Rect a candidate for the next focus given the direction? This checks whether the
    // rect is at least partially to the direction of (e.g left of) from source. Includes an edge
    // case for an empty rect (which is used in some cases when searching from a point on the
    // screen).
    fun Rect.isCandidate() = when (direction) {
        Left -> (focusedRect.right > right || focusedRect.left >= right) && focusedRect.left > left
        Right -> (focusedRect.left < left || focusedRect.right <= left) && focusedRect.right < right
        Up -> (focusedRect.bottom > bottom || >= bottom) && > top
        Down -> ( < top || focusedRect.bottom <= top) && focusedRect.bottom < bottom
        else -> error(InvalidFocusDirection)

    // The distance from the edge furthest in the given direction of source to the edge nearest
    // in the given direction of dest. If the dest is not in the direction from source, return 0.
    fun Rect.majorAxisDistance(): Float {
        val majorAxisDistance = when (direction) {
            Left -> focusedRect.left - right
            Right -> left - focusedRect.right
            Up -> - bottom
            Down -> top - focusedRect.bottom
            else -> error(InvalidFocusDirection)
        return max(0.0f, majorAxisDistance)

    // Find the distance on the minor axis w.r.t the direction to the nearest edge of the
    // destination rectangle.
    fun Rect.minorAxisDistance() = when (direction) {
        // the distance between the center verticals
        Left, Right -> ( + focusedRect.height / 2) - (top + height / 2)
        // the distance between the center horizontals
        Up, Down -> (focusedRect.left + focusedRect.width / 2) - (left + width / 2)
        else -> error(InvalidFocusDirection)

    // Fudge-factor opportunity: how to calculate distance given major and minor axis distances.
    // Warning: This fudge factor is finely tuned, run all focus tests if you dare tweak it.
    fun weightedDistance(candidate: Rect): Long {
        val majorAxisDistance = candidate.majorAxisDistance().absoluteValue.toLong()
        val minorAxisDistance = candidate.minorAxisDistance().absoluteValue.toLong()
        return 13 * majorAxisDistance * majorAxisDistance + minorAxisDistance * minorAxisDistance

    return when {
        // to be a better candidate, need to at least be a candidate in the first place.
        !proposedCandidate.isCandidate() -> false

        // If the currentCandidate is not a candidate, proposedCandidate is better.
        !currentCandidate.isCandidate() -> true

        // if proposedCandidate is better by beam, it wins.
        beamBeats(focusedRect, proposedCandidate, currentCandidate, direction) -> true

        // if currentCandidate is better, then the proposedCandidate can't be.
        beamBeats(focusedRect, currentCandidate, proposedCandidate, direction) -> false

        else -> weightedDistance(proposedCandidate) < weightedDistance(currentCandidate)

 * A rectangle may be a better candidate by virtue of being exclusively in the beam of the source
 * rect.
 * @return Whether rect1 is a better candidate than rect2 by virtue of it being in the source's
 * beam.
private fun beamBeats(
    source: Rect,
    rect1: Rect,
    rect2: Rect,
    direction: FocusDirection
): Boolean {
    // Do the "beams" w.r.t the given direction's axis of rect1 and rect2 overlap?
    fun Rect.inSourceBeam() = when (direction) {
        Left, Right -> this.bottom > && < source.bottom
        Up, Down -> this.right > source.left && this.left < source.right
        else -> error(InvalidFocusDirection)

    // Whether the rect is in the direction of search.
    fun Rect.isInDirectionOfSearch() = when (direction) {
        Left -> source.left >= right
        Right -> source.right <= left
        Up -> >= bottom
        Down -> source.bottom <= top
        else -> error(InvalidFocusDirection)

    // The distance from the edge furthest in the given direction of source to the edge nearest
    // in the given direction of dest. If the dest is not in the direction from source, return 0.
    fun Rect.majorAxisDistance(): Float {
        val majorAxisDistance = when (direction) {
            Left -> source.left - right
            Right -> left - source.right
            Up -> - bottom
            Down -> top - source.bottom
            else -> error(InvalidFocusDirection)
        return max(0.0f, majorAxisDistance)

    // The distance along the major axis w.r.t the direction from the edge of source to the far
    // edge of dest. If the dest is not in the direction from source, return 1 (to break ties
    // with Rect.majorAxisDistance).
    fun Rect.majorAxisDistanceToFarEdge(): Float {
        val majorAxisDistance = when (direction) {
            Left -> source.left - left
            Right -> right - source.right
            Up -> - top
            Down -> bottom - source.bottom
            else -> error(InvalidFocusDirection)
        return max(1.0f, majorAxisDistance)

    return when {
        // if rect1 isn't exclusively in the src beam, it doesn't win
        rect2.inSourceBeam() || !rect1.inSourceBeam() -> false

        // We know rect1 is in the beam, and rect2 is not. If Rect2 is not in the direction of
        // search, rect1 wins (since rect2 could be reached by going in another direction).
        !rect2.isInDirectionOfSearch() -> true

        // for horizontal directions, being exclusively in beam always wins
        direction == Left || direction == Right -> true

        // for vertical directions, beams only beat up to a point:
        // now, as long as rect2 isn't completely closer, rect1 wins
        // e.g for direction down, completely closer means for rect2's top
        // edge to be closer to the source's top edge than rect1's bottom edge.
        else -> rect1.majorAxisDistance() < rect2.majorAxisDistanceToFarEdge()

private fun Rect.topLeft() = Rect(left, top, left, top)
private fun Rect.bottomRight() = Rect(right, bottom, right, bottom)

// Find the active descendant.
@Suppress("ModifierFactoryExtensionFunction", "ModifierFactoryReturnType")
private fun FocusTargetModifierNode.activeNode(): FocusTargetModifierNode {
    check(focusState == ActiveParent)
    return findActiveFocusNode() ?: error(NoActiveChild)