
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.util

import androidx.compose.ui.ExperimentalComposeUiApi
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputChange
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.changedToDownIgnoreConsumed
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Velocity
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEach
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.sign
import kotlin.math.sqrt

private const val AssumePointerMoveStoppedMilliseconds: Int = 40
private const val HistorySize: Int = 20

// TODO(b/204895043): Keep value in sync with VelocityPathFinder.HorizonMilliSeconds
private const val HorizonMilliseconds: Int = 100

 * Computes a pointer's velocity.
 * The input data is provided by calling [addPosition]. Adding data is cheap.
 * To obtain a velocity, call [calculateVelocity]. This will compute the velocity
 * based on the data added so far. Only call this when you need to use the velocity,
 * as it is comparatively expensive.
 * The quality of the velocity estimation will be better if more data points
 * have been received.
class VelocityTracker {
    private val xVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker1D() // non-differential, Lsq2 1D velocity tracker
    private val yVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker1D() // non-differential, Lsq2 1D velocity tracker

    internal var currentPointerPositionAccumulator = Offset.Zero

     * Adds a position at the given time to the tracker.
     * Call [resetTracking] to remove added [Offset]s.
     * @see resetTracking
    // TODO(shepshapard): VelocityTracker needs to be updated to be passed vectors instead of
    //   positions. For velocity tracking, the only thing that is important is the change in
    //   position over time.
    fun addPosition(timeMillis: Long, position: Offset) {
        xVelocityTracker.addDataPoint(timeMillis, position.x)
        yVelocityTracker.addDataPoint(timeMillis, position.y)

     * Computes the estimated velocity of the pointer at the time of the last provided data point.
     * This can be expensive. Only call this when you need the velocity.
    fun calculateVelocity(): Velocity {
        return Velocity(xVelocityTracker.calculateVelocity(), yVelocityTracker.calculateVelocity())

     * Clears the tracked positions added by [addPosition].
    fun resetTracking() {

 * A velocity tracker calculating velocity in 1 dimension.
 * Add displacement data points using [addDataPoint], and obtain velocity using [calculateVelocity].
 * Note: for calculating touch-related or other 2 dimensional/planar velocities, please use
 * [VelocityTracker], which handles velocity tracking across both X and Y dimensions at once.
class VelocityTracker1D internal constructor(
    // whether the data points added to the tracker represent differential values
    // (i.e. change in the  tracked object's displacement since the previous data point).
    // If false, it means that the data points added to the tracker will be considered as absolute
    // values (e.g. positional values).
    val isDataDifferential: Boolean = false,
    // The velocity tracking strategy that this instance uses for all velocity calculations.
    private val strategy: Strategy = Strategy.Lsq2,
) {

    init {
        if (isDataDifferential && strategy.equals(Strategy.Lsq2)) {
            throw IllegalStateException("Lsq2 not (yet) supported for differential axes")

     * Constructor to create a new velocity tracker. It allows to specify whether or not the tracker
     * should consider the data ponits provided via [addDataPoint] as differential or
     * non-differential.
     * Differential data ponits represent change in displacement. For instance, differential data
     * points of [2, -1, 5] represent: the object moved by "2" units, then by "-1" units, then by
     * "5" units. An example use case for differential data points is when tracking velocity for an
     * object whose displacements (or change in positions) over time are known.
     * Non-differential data ponits represent position of the object whose velocity is tracked. For
     * instance, non-differential data points of [2, -1, 5] represent: the object was at position
     * "2", then at position "-1", then at position "5". An example use case for non-differential
     * data points is when tracking velocity for an object whose positions on a geometrical axis
     * over different instances of time are known.
     * @param isDataDifferential [true] if the data ponits provided to the constructed tracker
     * are differential. [false] otherwise.
    constructor(isDataDifferential: Boolean) : this(isDataDifferential, Strategy.Impulse)

    private val minSampleSize: Int = when (strategy) {
        Strategy.Impulse -> 2
        Strategy.Lsq2 -> 3

     * A strategy used for velocity calculation. Each strategy has a different philosophy that could
     * result in notably different velocities than the others, so make careful choice or change of
     * strategy whenever you want to make one.
    internal enum class Strategy {
         * Least squares strategy. Polynomial fit at degree 2.
         * Note that the implementation of this strategy currently supports only non-differential
         * data points.

         * Impulse velocity tracking strategy, that calculates velocity using the mathematical
         * relationship between kinetic energy and velocity.
    // Circular buffer; current sample at index.
    private val samples: Array<DataPointAtTime?> = arrayOfNulls(HistorySize)
    private var index: Int = 0

    // Reusable arrays to avoid allocation inside calculateVelocity.
    private val reusableDataPointsArray = FloatArray(HistorySize)
    private val reusableTimeArray = FloatArray(HistorySize)

     * Adds a data point for velocity calculation at a given time, [timeMillis]. The data ponit
     * represents an amount of a change in position (for differential data points), or an absolute
     * position (for non-differential data points). Whether or not the tracker handles differential
     * data points is decided by [isDataDifferential], which is set once and finally during
     * the construction of the tracker.
     * Use the same units for the data points provided. For example, having some data points in `cm`
     * and some in `m` will result in incorrect velocity calculations, as this method (and the
     * tracker) has no knowledge of the units used.
    fun addDataPoint(timeMillis: Long, dataPoint: Float) {
        index = (index + 1) % HistorySize
        samples.set(index, timeMillis, dataPoint)

     * Computes the estimated velocity at the time of the last provided data point. The units of
     * velocity will be `units/second`, where `units` is the units of the data points provided via
     * [addDataPoint].
     * This can be expensive. Only call this when you need the velocity.
    fun calculateVelocity(): Float {
        val dataPoints = reusableDataPointsArray
        val time = reusableTimeArray
        var sampleCount = 0
        var index: Int = index

        // The sample at index is our newest sample.  If it is null, we have no samples so return.
        val newestSample: DataPointAtTime = samples[index] ?: return 0f

        var previousSample: DataPointAtTime = newestSample

        // Starting with the most recent PointAtTime sample, iterate backwards while
        // the samples represent continuous motion.
        do {
            val sample: DataPointAtTime = samples[index] ?: break

            val age: Float = (newestSample.time - sample.time).toFloat()
            val delta: Float =
                abs(sample.time - previousSample.time).toFloat()
            previousSample = sample
            if (age > HorizonMilliseconds || delta > AssumePointerMoveStoppedMilliseconds) {

            dataPoints[sampleCount] = sample.dataPoint
            time[sampleCount] = -age
            index = (if (index == 0) HistorySize else index) - 1

            sampleCount += 1
        } while (sampleCount < HistorySize)

        if (sampleCount >= minSampleSize) {
            // Choose computation logic based on strategy.
            return when (strategy) {
                Strategy.Impulse -> {
                    calculateImpulseVelocity(dataPoints, time, sampleCount, isDataDifferential)
                Strategy.Lsq2 -> {
                    calculateLeastSquaresVelocity(dataPoints, time, sampleCount)
            } * 1000 // Multiply by "1000" to convert from units/ms to units/s

        // We're unable to make a velocity estimate but we did have at least one
        // valid pointer position.
        return 0f

     * Clears data points added by [addDataPoint].
    fun resetTracking() {
        samples.fill(element = null)
        index = 0

     * Calculates velocity based on [Strategy.Lsq2]. The provided [time] entries are in "ms", and
     * should be provided in reverse chronological order. The returned velocity is in "units/ms",
     * where "units" is unit of the [dataPoints].
    private fun calculateLeastSquaresVelocity(
        dataPoints: FloatArray,
        time: FloatArray,
        sampleCount: Int
    ): Float {
        // The 2nd coefficient is the derivative of the quadratic polynomial at
        // x = 0, and that happens to be the last timestamp that we end up
        // passing to polyFitLeastSquares.
        try {
            return polyFitLeastSquares(time, dataPoints, sampleCount, 2)[1]
        } catch (exception: IllegalArgumentException) {
            return 0f

 * Extension to simplify either creating a new [DataPointAtTime] at an array index (if the index
 * was never populated), or to update an existing [DataPointAtTime] (if the index had an existing
 * element). This helps to have zero allocations on average, and avoid performance hit that can be
 * caused by creating lots of objects.
private fun Array<DataPointAtTime?>.set(index: Int, time: Long, dataPoint: Float) {
    val currentEntry = this[index]
    if (currentEntry == null) {
        this[index] = DataPointAtTime(time, dataPoint)
    } else {
        currentEntry.time = time
        currentEntry.dataPoint = dataPoint

 * Track the positions and timestamps inside this event change.
 * For optimal tracking, this should be called for the DOWN event and all MOVE
 * events, including any touch-slop-captured MOVE event.
 * Since Compose uses relative positions inside PointerInputChange, this should be
 * taken into consideration when using this method. Right now, we use the first down
 * to initialize an accumulator and use subsequent deltas to simulate an actual movement
 * from relative positions in PointerInputChange. This is required because VelocityTracker
 * requires data that can be fit into a curve, which might not happen with relative positions
 * inside a moving target for instance.
 * @param event Pointer change to track.
fun VelocityTracker.addPointerInputChange(event: PointerInputChange) {

    // Register down event as the starting point for the accumulator
    if (event.changedToDownIgnoreConsumed()) {
        currentPointerPositionAccumulator = event.position

    // To calculate delta, for each step we want to  do currentPosition - previousPosition.
    // Initially the previous position is the previous position of the current event
    var previousPointerPosition = event.previousPosition
    event.historical.fastForEach {
        // Historical data happens within event.position and event.previousPosition
        // That means, event.previousPosition < historical data < event.position
        // Initially, the first delta will happen between the previousPosition and
        // the first position in historical delta. For subsequent historical data, the
        // deltas happen between themselves. That's why we need to update previousPointerPosition
        // everytime.
        val historicalDelta = it.position - previousPointerPosition
        previousPointerPosition = it.position

        // Update the current position with the historical delta and add it to the tracker
        currentPointerPositionAccumulator += historicalDelta
        addPosition(it.uptimeMillis, currentPointerPositionAccumulator)

    // For the last position in the event
    // If there's historical data, the delta is event.position - lastHistoricalPoint
    // If there's no historical data, the delta is event.position - event.previousPosition
    val delta = event.position - previousPointerPosition
    currentPointerPositionAccumulator += delta
    addPosition(event.uptimeMillis, currentPointerPositionAccumulator)

internal data class DataPointAtTime(var time: Long, var dataPoint: Float)

 *  TODO (shepshapard): If we want to support varying weights for each position, we could accept a
 *  3rd FloatArray of weights for each point and use them instead of the [DefaultWeight].
private const val DefaultWeight = 1f

 * Fits a polynomial of the given degree to the data points.
 * If the [degree] is larger than or equal to the number of points, a polynomial will be returned
 * with coefficients of the value 0 for all degrees larger than or equal to the number of points.
 * For example, if 2 data points are provided and a quadratic polynomial (degree of 2) is requested,
 * the resulting polynomial ax^2 + bx + c is guaranteed to have a = 0;
 * Throws an IllegalArgumentException if:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>[degree] is not a positive integer.
 *   <li>[sampleCount] is zero.
 * </ul>
internal fun polyFitLeastSquares(
    /** The x-coordinates of each data point. */
    x: FloatArray,
    /** The y-coordinates of each data point. */
    y: FloatArray,
    /** number of items in each array */
    sampleCount: Int,
    degree: Int
): FloatArray {
    if (degree < 1) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("The degree must be at positive integer")
    if (sampleCount == 0) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("At least one point must be provided")

    val truncatedDegree =
        if (degree >= sampleCount) {
            sampleCount - 1
        } else {

    val coefficients = FloatArray(degree + 1)
    // Shorthands for the purpose of notation equivalence to original C++ code.
    val m: Int = sampleCount
    val n: Int = truncatedDegree + 1

    // Expand the X vector to a matrix A, pre-multiplied by the weights.
    val a = Matrix(n, m)
    for (h in 0 until m) {
        a.set(0, h, DefaultWeight)
        for (i in 1 until n) {
            a.set(i, h, a.get(i - 1, h) * x[h])

    // Apply the Gram-Schmidt process to A to obtain its QR decomposition.

    // Orthonormal basis, column-major ordVectorer.
    val q = Matrix(n, m)
    // Upper triangular matrix, row-major order.
    val r = Matrix(n, n)
    for (j in 0 until n) {
        for (h in 0 until m) {
            q.set(j, h, a.get(j, h))
        for (i in 0 until j) {
            val dot: Float = q.getRow(j) * q.getRow(i)
            for (h in 0 until m) {
                q.set(j, h, q.get(j, h) - dot * q.get(i, h))

        val norm: Float = q.getRow(j).norm()
        if (norm < 0.000001) {
            // TODO(b/129494471): Determine what this actually means and see if there are
            // alternatives to throwing an Exception here.

            // Vectors are linearly dependent or zero so no solution.
            throw IllegalArgumentException(
                "Vectors are linearly dependent or zero so no " +
                    "solution. TODO(shepshapard), actually determine what this means"

        val inverseNorm: Float = 1.0f / norm
        for (h in 0 until m) {
            q.set(j, h, q.get(j, h) * inverseNorm)
        for (i in 0 until n) {
            r.set(j, i, if (i < j) 0.0f else q.getRow(j) * a.getRow(i))

    // Solve R B = Qt W Y to find B. This is easy because R is upper triangular.
    // We just work from bottom-right to top-left calculating B's coefficients.
    val wy = Vector(m)
    for (h in 0 until m) {
        wy[h] = y[h] * DefaultWeight
    for (i in n - 1 downTo 0) {
        coefficients[i] = q.getRow(i) * wy
        for (j in n - 1 downTo i + 1) {
            coefficients[i] -= r.get(i, j) * coefficients[j]
        coefficients[i] /= r.get(i, i)

    return coefficients

 * Calculates velocity based on the Impulse strategy. The provided [time] entries are in "ms", and
 * should be provided in reverse chronological order. The returned velocity is in "units/ms",
 * where "units" is unit of the [dataPoints].
 * Calculates the resulting velocity based on the total immpulse provided by the data ponits.
 * The moving object in these calculations is the touchscreen (if we are calculating touch
 * velocity), or any input device from which the data points are generated. We refer to this
 * object as the "subject" below.
 * Initial condition is discussed below, but for now suppose that v(t=0) = 0
 * The kinetic energy of the object at the release is E=0.5*m*v^2
 * Then vfinal = sqrt(2E/m). The goal is to calculate E.
 * The kinetic energy at the release is equal to the total work done on the object by the finger.
 * The total work W is the sum of all dW along the path.
 * dW = F*dx, where dx is the piece of path traveled.
 * Force is change of momentum over time, F = dp/dt = m dv/dt.
 * Then substituting:
 * dW = m (dv/dt) * dx = m * v * dv
 * Summing along the path, we get:
 * W = sum(dW) = sum(m * v * dv) = m * sum(v * dv)
 * Since the mass stays constant, the equation for final velocity is:
 * vfinal = sqrt(2*sum(v * dv))
 * Here,
 * dv : change of velocity = (v[i+1]-v[i])
 * dx : change of distance = (x[i+1]-x[i])
 * dt : change of time = (t[i+1]-t[i])
 * v : instantaneous velocity = dx/dt
 * The final formula is:
 * vfinal = sqrt(2) * sqrt(sum((v[i]-v[i-1])*|v[i]|)) for all i
 * The absolute value is needed to properly account for the sign. If the velocity over a
 * particular segment descreases, then this indicates braking, which means that negative
 * work was done. So for two positive, but decreasing, velocities, this contribution would be
 * negative and will cause a smaller final velocity.
 * Initial condition
 * There are two ways to deal with initial condition:
 * 1) Assume that v(0) = 0, which would mean that the subject is initially at rest.
 * This is not entirely accurate. We are only taking the past X ms of touch data, where X is
 * currently equal to 100. However, a touch event that created a fling probably lasted for longer
 * than that, which would mean that the user has already been interacting with the subject, and
 * it has probably already been moving.
 * 2) Assume that the subject has already been moving at a certain velocity, calculate this
 * initial velocity and the equivalent energy, and start with this initial energy.
 * Consider an example where we have the following data, consisting of 3 points:
 *                 time: t0, t1, t2
 *                 x   : x0, x1, x2
 *                 v   :  0, v1, v2
 * Here is what will happen in each of these scenarios:
 * 1) By directly applying the formula above with the v(0) = 0 boundary condition, we will get
 * vfinal = sqrt(2*(|v1|*(v1-v0) + |v2|*(v2-v1))). This can be simplified since v0=0
 * vfinal = sqrt(2*(|v1|*v1 + |v2|*(v2-v1))) = sqrt(2*(v1^2 + |v2|*(v2 - v1)))
 * since velocity is a real number
 * 2) If we treat the subject as already moving, then it must already have an energy (per mass)
 * equal to 1/2*v1^2. Then the initial energy should be 1/2*v1*2, and only the second segment
 * will contribute to the total kinetic energy (since we can effectively consider that v0=v1).
 * This will give the following expression for the final velocity:
 * vfinal = sqrt(2*(1/2*v1^2 + |v2|*(v2-v1)))
 * This analysis can be generalized to an arbitrary number of samples.
 * Comparing the two equations above, we see that the only mathematical difference
 * is the factor of 1/2 in front of the first velocity term.
 * This boundary condition would allow for the "proper" calculation of the case when all of the
 * samples are equally spaced in time and distance, which should suggest a constant velocity.
 * Note that approach 2) is sensitive to the proper ordering of the data in time, since
 * the boundary condition must be applied to the oldest sample to be accurate.
private fun calculateImpulseVelocity(
    dataPoints: FloatArray,
    time: FloatArray,
    sampleCount: Int,
    isDataDifferential: Boolean
): Float {
    if (sampleCount < 2) {
        return 0f
    if (sampleCount == 2) {
        if (time[0] == time[1]) {
            return 0f
        val dataPointsDelta =
            // For differential data ponits, each measurement reflects the amount of change in the
            // subject's position. However, the first sample is discarded in computation because we
            // don't know the time duration over which this change has occurred.
            if (isDataDifferential) dataPoints[0]
            else dataPoints[0] - dataPoints[1]
        return dataPointsDelta / (time[0] - time[1])
    var work = 0f
    for (i in (sampleCount - 1) downTo 1) {
        if (time[i] == time[i - 1]) {
        val vPrev = kineticEnergyToVelocity(work)
        val dataPointsDelta =
            if (isDataDifferential) -dataPoints[i - 1]
            else dataPoints[i] - dataPoints[i - 1]
        val vCurr = dataPointsDelta / (time[i] - time[i - 1])
        work += (vCurr - vPrev) * abs(vCurr)
        if (i == (sampleCount - 1)) {
            work = (work * 0.5f)
    return kineticEnergyToVelocity(work)

 * Calculates the velocity for a given [kineticEnergy], using the formula:
 *          Kinetic Energy = 0.5 * mass * (velocity)^2
 * where a mass of "1" is used.
private fun kineticEnergyToVelocity(kineticEnergy: Float): Float {
    return sign(kineticEnergy) * sqrt(2 * abs(kineticEnergy))

private class Vector(
    val length: Int
) {
    val elements: FloatArray = FloatArray(length)

    operator fun get(i: Int) = elements[i]

    operator fun set(i: Int, value: Float) {
        elements[i] = value

    operator fun times(a: Vector): Float {
        var result = 0.0f
        for (i in 0 until length) {
            result += this[i] * a[i]
        return result

    fun norm(): Float = sqrt(this * this)

private class Matrix(rows: Int, cols: Int) {
    private val elements: Array<Vector> = Array(rows) { Vector(cols) }

    fun get(row: Int, col: Int): Float {
        return elements[row][col]

    fun set(row: Int, col: Int, value: Float) {
        elements[row][col] = value

    fun getRow(row: Int): Vector {
        return elements[row]