
 * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.constraintlayout.compose

import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import androidx.compose.animation.core.Animatable
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationSpec
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.MutableState
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberCoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.isActive
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch

 * Class used to read and manipulate the state of a MotionLayout Composable.
interface MotionLayoutState {
    // TODO: Add API to listen to finished Transition animation
    // TODO: Add API to know if MotionLayout is on an ongoing animation

     * Observable value for the animation progress of the current MotionLayout Transition.
     * Where 0.0f is the start of the Transition.
     * And 1.0f is the end of the Transition.
     * Beware that reading a 0 or 1 does not imply that a Transition animation has ended.
    val currentProgress: Float

     * Observable value to indicate if MotionLayout is in a debugging mode.
     * False by default.
    val isInDebugMode: Boolean

     * Change the debugging mode.
     * Note that this causes an internal recomposition of the MotionLayout modifiers, cancelling
     * events like swipe handling. Also, debugging may add overhead to measuring and/or drawing.
     * Set [MotionLayoutDebugFlags.NONE] to deactivate any ongoing debugging.
     * @see MotionLayoutDebugFlags
    fun setDebugMode(motionDebugFlag: MotionLayoutDebugFlags)

     * Set the animation progress to the given [newProgress] without animating. The value change
     * will be instant.
     * Calls to this method will cancel any ongoing animation.
    fun snapTo(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) newProgress: Float)

     * Animate the progress to the given [newProgress] using [animationSpec].
     * Repeated calls to this method will cancel previous ongoing animations.
    fun animateTo(
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) newProgress: Float,
        animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float>

 * Implementation of [MotionLayoutState] with additional properties used by MotionLayout internals.
internal class MotionLayoutStateImpl(
    initialProgress: Float,
    initialDebugMode: MotionLayoutDebugFlags,
    private val motionCoroutineScope: CoroutineScope
) : MotionLayoutState {
     * The underlying object that holds the progress value for a [MotionLayout] Composable.
     * Manipulated using the [Animatable] API, exposed internally with
     * [motionProgress]; and externally with [currentProgress], [animateTo] and [snapTo].
    private val animatableProgress = Animatable(initialProgress)

     * Channel to allow scheduling Animation Commands into [motionCoroutineScope].
    private val channel = Channel<MotionAnimationCommand>(capacity = Channel.UNLIMITED).also {
        motionCoroutineScope.launch {
            while (coroutineContext.isActive) {
                // Wait for the next Command
                val stateCommand = it.receive()

                // Handle the command with `launch` to avoid blocking this scope, when a new Command
                // is received and launched, Animatable will cancel any running animations from
                // previous Commands
                launch {
                    when (stateCommand) {
                        is MotionAnimationCommand.Animate -> {
                                targetValue = stateCommand.newProgress,
                                animationSpec = stateCommand.animationSpec
                        is MotionAnimationCommand.Snap -> {
                            animatableProgress.snapTo(targetValue = stateCommand.newProgress)

     * [MutableState] for the debug mode.
    private val debugModeState: MutableState<MotionLayoutDebugFlags> =

     * Internal observable debug mode.
     * @see MotionLayoutDebugFlags
    internal val debugMode: MotionLayoutDebugFlags
        get() = debugModeState.value

     * Object used by MotionLayout internals to read and update the progress.
    internal val motionProgress: MotionProgress =
        MotionProgress.fromState(animatableProgress.asState(), ::snapTo)

    override val currentProgress: Float
        get() = animatableProgress.value

    override val isInDebugMode: Boolean
        get() = debugModeState.value == MotionLayoutDebugFlags.SHOW_ALL

    override fun setDebugMode(motionDebugFlag: MotionLayoutDebugFlags) {
        debugModeState.value = motionDebugFlag

    override fun snapTo(newProgress: Float) {

    override fun animateTo(newProgress: Float, animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float>) {
        channel.trySend(MotionAnimationCommand.Animate(newProgress, animationSpec))

 * Returns a [MotionLayoutState], when passed to a [MotionLayout] Composable it can be used to
 * observe and animate its internal progress value.
 * - To animate on click:
 * ```
 * @Composable
 * fun MyComposable() {
 *   val motionState = rememberMotionLayoutState()
 *   Column {
 *     MotionLayout(motionLayoutState = motionState, motionScene = MotionScene(<your-json>)) {
 *       <your-composables>
 *     }
 *     Button(
 *       // Animate the associated MotionLayout to end (progress = 1f)
 *       onClick = { motionState.animateTo(1f, spring()) }
 *     ) {
 *       Text(text = "Send")
 *     }
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * - Use the current progress value:
 * ```
 * @Composable
 * fun MyComposable() {
 *   val motionState = rememberMotionLayoutState()
 *   Column {
 *     MotionLayout(motionLayoutState = motionState, motionScene = MotionScene(<your-json>)) {
 *       <your-composables>
 *     }
 *     // Text will recompose during MotionLayout animation with the current progress value
 *     Text(text = "Value: ${motionState.currentProgress}")
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * Returns the same instance if [key] is equal to the previous composition, otherwise produces and
 * remembers a new instance (with the given initial values).
fun rememberMotionLayoutState(
    key: Any = Unit,
    initialProgress: Float = 0f,
    initialDebugMode: MotionLayoutDebugFlags = MotionLayoutDebugFlags.NONE
): MotionLayoutState {
    val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
    return remember(key) {
            initialProgress = initialProgress,
            initialDebugMode = initialDebugMode,
            motionCoroutineScope = coroutineScope

 * Convenience interface used for [], to handle calls to [Animatable].
internal interface MotionAnimationCommand {

     * Required parameters used for [Animatable.animateTo].
    class Animate(
        val newProgress: Float,
        val animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float>
    ) : MotionAnimationCommand

     * Required parameters used for [Animatable.snapTo].
    class Snap(val newProgress: Float) : MotionAnimationCommand

 * Internal representation to read and set values for the progress.
internal interface MotionProgress {
    val currentProgress: Float

    fun updateProgress(newProgress: Float)

    companion object {
        fun fromMutableState(mutableProgress: MutableState<Float>): MotionProgress =
            fromState(mutableProgress) { mutableProgress.value = it }

        fun fromState(
            progressState: State<Float>,
            onUpdate: (newProgress: Float) -> Unit
        ): MotionProgress =
            object : MotionProgress {
                override val currentProgress: Float
                    get() = progressState.value

                override fun updateProgress(newProgress: Float) {