
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.constraintlayout.compose

import androidx.compose.animation.core.Animatable
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.SideEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.neverEqualPolicy
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberCoroutineScope
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.drawBehind
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.scale
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasurePolicy
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MultiMeasureLayout
import androidx.compose.ui.node.Ref
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalLayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.semantics
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.TextUnit
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.Optimizer
import java.util.EnumSet
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch

 * Measure flags for MotionLayout
enum class MotionLayoutFlag(@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") value: Long) {

enum class MotionLayoutDebugFlags {

 * Layout that interpolate its children layout given two sets of constraint and
 * a progress (from 0 to 1)
inline fun MotionLayout(
    start: ConstraintSet,
    end: ConstraintSet,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    transition: Transition? = null,
    progress: Float,
    debug: EnumSet<MotionLayoutDebugFlags> = EnumSet.of(MotionLayoutDebugFlags.NONE),
    optimizationLevel: Int = Optimizer.OPTIMIZATION_STANDARD,
    motionLayoutFlags: Set<MotionLayoutFlag> = setOf<MotionLayoutFlag>(),
    crossinline content: @Composable MotionLayoutScope.() -> Unit
) {
    val motionProgress = createAndUpdateMotionProgress(progress = progress)
    val showDebug = debug.firstOrNull() == MotionLayoutDebugFlags.SHOW_ALL
        start = start,
        end = end,
        transition = transition as? TransitionImpl,
        motionProgress = motionProgress,
        informationReceiver = null,
        optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel,
        showBounds = showDebug,
        showPaths = showDebug,
        showKeyPositions = showDebug,
        modifier = modifier,
        content = content

 * Layout that animates the default transition of a [MotionScene] with a progress value (from 0 to
 * 1).
inline fun MotionLayout(
    motionScene: MotionScene,
    progress: Float,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    transitionName: String = "default",
    debug: EnumSet<MotionLayoutDebugFlags> = EnumSet.of(MotionLayoutDebugFlags.NONE),
    optimizationLevel: Int = Optimizer.OPTIMIZATION_STANDARD,
    motionLayoutFlags: Set<MotionLayoutFlag> = setOf<MotionLayoutFlag>(),
    crossinline content: @Composable (MotionLayoutScope.() -> Unit),
) {
        motionScene = motionScene,
        progress = progress,
        debug = debug,
        modifier = modifier,
        optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel,
        transitionName = transitionName,
        motionLayoutFlags = motionLayoutFlags,
        content = content

 * Layout that takes a MotionScene and animates by providing a [constraintSetName] to animate to.
 * During recomposition, MotionLayout will interpolate from whichever ConstraintSet it is currently
 * in, to [constraintSetName].
 * Typically the first value of [constraintSetName] should match the start ConstraintSet in the
 * default transition, or be null.
 * Animation is run by [animationSpec], and will only start another animation once any other ones
 * are finished. Use [finishedAnimationListener] to know when a transition has stopped.
inline fun MotionLayout(
    motionScene: MotionScene,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    constraintSetName: String? = null,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = tween(),
    debug: EnumSet<MotionLayoutDebugFlags> = EnumSet.of(MotionLayoutDebugFlags.NONE),
    optimizationLevel: Int = Optimizer.OPTIMIZATION_STANDARD,
    motionLayoutFlags: Set<MotionLayoutFlag> = setOf<MotionLayoutFlag>(),
    noinline finishedAnimationListener: (() -> Unit)? = null,
    crossinline content: @Composable (MotionLayoutScope.() -> Unit)
) {
        motionScene = motionScene,
        constraintSetName = constraintSetName,
        animationSpec = animationSpec,
        debugFlag = debug.firstOrNull() ?: MotionLayoutDebugFlags.NONE,
        modifier = modifier,
        optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel,
        finishedAnimationListener = finishedAnimationListener,
        motionLayoutFlags = motionLayoutFlags,
        content = content

inline fun MotionLayout(
    start: ConstraintSet,
    end: ConstraintSet,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    transition: Transition? = null,
    progress: Float,
    debug: EnumSet<MotionLayoutDebugFlags> = EnumSet.of(MotionLayoutDebugFlags.NONE),
    informationReceiver: LayoutInformationReceiver? = null,
    optimizationLevel: Int = Optimizer.OPTIMIZATION_STANDARD,
    motionLayoutFlags: Set<MotionLayoutFlag> = setOf<MotionLayoutFlag>(),
    crossinline content: @Composable (MotionLayoutScope.() -> Unit)
) {
    val motionProgress = createAndUpdateMotionProgress(progress = progress)
    val showDebug = debug.firstOrNull() == MotionLayoutDebugFlags.SHOW_ALL
        start = start,
        end = end,
        transition = transition as? TransitionImpl,
        motionProgress = motionProgress,
        informationReceiver = informationReceiver,
        optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel,
        showBounds = showDebug,
        showPaths = showDebug,
        showKeyPositions = showDebug,
        modifier = modifier,
        content = content

@Suppress("UnavailableSymbol", "UNUSED_PARAMETER")
internal inline fun MotionLayoutCore(
    motionScene: MotionScene,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    constraintSetName: String? = null,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = tween(),
    debugFlag: MotionLayoutDebugFlags = MotionLayoutDebugFlags.NONE,
    optimizationLevel: Int = Optimizer.OPTIMIZATION_STANDARD,
    motionLayoutFlags: Set<MotionLayoutFlag> = setOf<MotionLayoutFlag>(),
    noinline finishedAnimationListener: (() -> Unit)? = null,
    crossinline content: @Composable (MotionLayoutScope.() -> Unit)
) {
    val needsUpdate = remember {

    val transition = remember(motionScene, needsUpdate.value) {

    val initialStart = remember(motionScene, needsUpdate.value) {
        val startId = transition?.getStartConstraintSetId() ?: "start"
    val initialEnd = remember(motionScene, needsUpdate.value) {
        val endId = transition?.getEndConstraintSetId() ?: "end"

    if (initialStart == null || initialEnd == null) {

    var start: ConstraintSet by remember(motionScene) {
    var end: ConstraintSet by remember(motionScene) {

    val targetConstraintSet = remember(motionScene, constraintSetName) {
        constraintSetName?.let { motionScene.getConstraintSetInstance(constraintSetName) }

    val progress = remember { Animatable(0f) }

    var animateToEnd by remember(motionScene) { mutableStateOf(true) }

    val channel = remember { Channel<ConstraintSet>(Channel.CONFLATED) }

    if (targetConstraintSet != null) {
        SideEffect {

        LaunchedEffect(motionScene, channel) {
            for (constraints in channel) {
                val newConstraintSet = channel.tryReceive().getOrNull() ?: constraints
                val animTargetValue = if (animateToEnd) 1f else 0f
                val currentSet = if (animateToEnd) start else end
                if (newConstraintSet != currentSet) {
                    if (animateToEnd) {
                        end = newConstraintSet
                    } else {
                        start = newConstraintSet
                    progress.animateTo(animTargetValue, animationSpec)
                    animateToEnd = !animateToEnd

    val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
    val motionProgress = remember {
        MotionProgress.fromState(progress.asState()) {
            scope.launch { progress.snapTo(it) }
        start = start,
        end = end,
        transition = transition as? TransitionImpl,
        motionProgress = motionProgress,
        informationReceiver = motionScene as? LayoutInformationReceiver,
        optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel,
        showBounds = debugFlag == MotionLayoutDebugFlags.SHOW_ALL,
        showPaths = debugFlag == MotionLayoutDebugFlags.SHOW_ALL,
        showKeyPositions = debugFlag == MotionLayoutDebugFlags.SHOW_ALL,
        modifier = modifier,
        content = content

internal inline fun MotionLayoutCore(
    motionScene: MotionScene,
    progress: Float,
    transitionName: String,
    optimizationLevel: Int,
    motionLayoutFlags: Set<MotionLayoutFlag>,
    debug: EnumSet<MotionLayoutDebugFlags>,
    modifier: Modifier,
    crossinline content: @Composable MotionLayoutScope.() -> Unit,
) {
    val transition = remember(motionScene, transitionName) {

    val start = remember(motionScene, transition) {
        val startId = transition?.getStartConstraintSetId() ?: "start"
    val end = remember(motionScene, transition) {
        val endId = transition?.getEndConstraintSetId() ?: "end"
    if (start == null || end == null) {

        start = start,
        end = end,
        transition = transition,
        progress = progress,
        debug = debug,
        informationReceiver = motionScene as? LayoutInformationReceiver,
        modifier = modifier,
        optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel,
        motionLayoutFlags = motionLayoutFlags,
        content = content

inline fun MotionLayout(
    motionScene: MotionScene,
    motionLayoutState: MotionLayoutState,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    optimizationLevel: Int = Optimizer.OPTIMIZATION_STANDARD,
    crossinline content: @Composable MotionLayoutScope.() -> Unit
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel,
        motionLayoutState = motionLayoutState as MotionLayoutStateImpl,
        motionScene = motionScene,
        transitionName = "default",
        content = content

internal inline fun MotionLayoutCore(
    motionScene: MotionScene,
    transitionName: String,
    motionLayoutState: MotionLayoutStateImpl,
    optimizationLevel: Int,
    modifier: Modifier,
    crossinline content: @Composable MotionLayoutScope.() -> Unit
) {
    val transition = remember(motionScene, transitionName) {

    val start = remember(motionScene, transition) {
        val startId = transition?.getStartConstraintSetId() ?: "start"
    val end = remember(motionScene, transition) {
        val endId = transition?.getEndConstraintSetId() ?: "end"

    if (start == null || end == null) {
    val showDebug = motionLayoutState.debugMode == MotionLayoutDebugFlags.SHOW_ALL
        start = start,
        end = end,
        transition = transition as? TransitionImpl,
        motionProgress = motionLayoutState.motionProgress,
        informationReceiver = motionScene as? JSONMotionScene,
        optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel,
        showBounds = showDebug,
        showPaths = showDebug,
        showKeyPositions = showDebug,
        modifier = modifier,
        content = content

internal inline fun MotionLayoutCore(
    start: ConstraintSet,
    end: ConstraintSet,
    @SuppressWarnings("HiddenTypeParameter") transition: TransitionImpl?,
    motionProgress: MotionProgress,
    informationReceiver: LayoutInformationReceiver?,
    optimizationLevel: Int,
    showBounds: Boolean,
    showPaths: Boolean,
    showKeyPositions: Boolean,
    modifier: Modifier,
    crossinline content: @Composable MotionLayoutScope.() -> Unit
) {
    // TODO: Merge this snippet with UpdateWithForcedIfNoUserChange
    val needsUpdate = remember { mutableStateOf(0L) }
    needsUpdate.value // Read the value to allow recomposition from informationReceiver

        motionProgress = motionProgress,
        informationReceiver = informationReceiver

     * MutableState used to track content recompositions. It's reassigned at the content's
     * composition scope, so that any function reading it is recomposed with the content.
     * NeverEqualPolicy is used so that we don't have to assign any particular value to trigger a
     * State change.
    val contentTracker = remember { mutableStateOf(Unit, neverEqualPolicy()) }
    val compositionSource =
        remember { Ref<CompositionSource>().apply { value = CompositionSource.Unknown } }
    val density = LocalDensity.current
    val layoutDirection = LocalLayoutDirection.current
    val measurer = remember { MotionMeasurer(density) }
    val scope = remember { MotionLayoutScope(measurer, motionProgress) }

    remember(start, end, transition) {
            start = start,
            end = end,
            layoutDirection = layoutDirection,
            transition = transition ?: TransitionImpl.EMPTY,
            progress = motionProgress.currentProgress
        true // Remember is required to return a non-Unit value

    val measurePolicy = motionLayoutMeasurePolicy(
        contentTracker = contentTracker,
        compositionSource = compositionSource,
        constraintSetStart = start,
        constraintSetEnd = end,
        transition = transition ?: TransitionImpl.EMPTY,
        motionProgress = motionProgress,
        measurer = measurer,
        optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel


    val forcedDebug = informationReceiver?.getForcedDrawDebug()
    val forcedScaleFactor = measurer.forcedScaleFactor

    var doShowBounds = showBounds
    var doShowPaths = showPaths
    var doShowKeyPositions = showKeyPositions

    if (forcedDebug != null) {
        doShowBounds = forcedDebug === MotionLayoutDebugFlags.SHOW_ALL
        doShowPaths = doShowBounds
        doShowKeyPositions = doShowBounds

        modifier = modifier
                measurer = measurer,
                scaleFactor = forcedScaleFactor,
                showBounds = doShowBounds,
                showPaths = doShowPaths,
                showKeyPositions = doShowKeyPositions
                key = transition ?: TransitionImpl.EMPTY,
                motionProgress = motionProgress,
                measurer = measurer
            .semantics { designInfoProvider = measurer },
        measurePolicy = measurePolicy,
        content = {
            // Perform a reassignment to the State tracker, this will force readers to recompose at
            // the same pass as the content. The only expected reader is our MeasurePolicy.
            contentTracker.value = Unit

            if (compositionSource.value == CompositionSource.Unknown) {
                // Set the content as the original composition source if the MotionLayout was not
                // recomposed by the caller or by itself
                compositionSource.value = CompositionSource.Content

class MotionLayoutScope @Suppress("ShowingMemberInHiddenClass")
@PublishedApi internal constructor(
    private val measurer: MotionMeasurer,
    private val motionProgress: MotionProgress
) {

    inner class CustomProperties internal constructor(private val id: String) {
         * Return the current [Color] value of the custom property [name], of the [id] layout.
         * Returns [Color.Unspecified] if the property does not exist.
        fun color(name: String): Color {
            return measurer.getCustomColor(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress)

         * Return the current [Color] value of the custom property [name], of the [id] layout.
         * Returns [Color.Unspecified] if the property does not exist.
        fun float(name: String): Float {
            return measurer.getCustomFloat(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress)

         * Return the current [Int] value of the custom property [name], of the [id] layout.
         * Returns `0` if the property does not exist.
        fun int(name: String): Int {
            return measurer.getCustomFloat(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress).toInt()

         * Return the current [Dp] value of the custom property [name], of the [id] layout.
         * Returns [Dp.Unspecified] if the property does not exist.
        fun distance(name: String): Dp {
            return measurer.getCustomFloat(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress).dp

         * Return the current [TextUnit] value of the custom property [name], of the [id] layout.
         * Returns [TextUnit.Unspecified] if the property does not exist.
        fun fontSize(name: String): TextUnit {
            return measurer.getCustomFloat(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress).sp

    @ExperimentalMotionApi // TODO: Remove for 1.2.0-alphaXX with all dependent functions
    inner class MotionProperties internal constructor(
        id: String,
        tag: String?
    ) {
        private var myId = id
        private var myTag = tag

        fun id(): String {
            return myId

        fun tag(): String? {
            return myTag

        fun color(name: String): Color {
            return measurer.getCustomColor(myId, name, motionProgress.currentProgress)

        fun float(name: String): Float {
            return measurer.getCustomFloat(myId, name, motionProgress.currentProgress)

        fun int(name: String): Int {
            return measurer.getCustomFloat(myId, name, motionProgress.currentProgress).toInt()

        fun distance(name: String): Dp {
            return measurer.getCustomFloat(myId, name, motionProgress.currentProgress).dp

        fun fontSize(name: String): TextUnit {
            return measurer.getCustomFloat(myId, name, motionProgress.currentProgress).sp

        "Unnecessary composable, name is also inconsistent for custom properties",
    fun motionProperties(id: String): State<MotionProperties> =
    // TODO: There's no point on returning a [State] object, and probably no point on this being
        //  a Composable
        remember(id) {
            mutableStateOf(MotionProperties(id, null))

    @Deprecated("Deprecated for naming consistency", ReplaceWith("customProperties(id)"))
    fun motionProperties(id: String, tag: String): MotionProperties {
        return MotionProperties(id, tag)

    @Deprecated("Deprecated for naming consistency", ReplaceWith("customColor(id, name)"))
    fun motionColor(id: String, name: String): Color {
        return measurer.getCustomColor(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress)

    @Deprecated("Deprecated for naming consistency", ReplaceWith("customFloat(id, name)"))
    fun motionFloat(id: String, name: String): Float {
        return measurer.getCustomFloat(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress)

    @Deprecated("Deprecated for naming consistency", ReplaceWith("customInt(id, name)"))
    fun motionInt(id: String, name: String): Int {
        return measurer.getCustomFloat(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress).toInt()

    @Deprecated("Deprecated for naming consistency", ReplaceWith("customDistance(id, name)"))
    fun motionDistance(id: String, name: String): Dp {
        return measurer.getCustomFloat(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress).dp

    @Deprecated("Deprecated for naming consistency", ReplaceWith("customFontSize(id, name)"))
    fun motionFontSize(id: String, name: String): TextUnit {
        return measurer.getCustomFloat(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress).sp

     * Returns a [CustomProperties] instance to access the values of custom properties defined for
     * [id] in different return types: Color, Float, Int, Dp, TextUnit.
     * &nbsp;
     * Note that there are no type guarantees when setting or getting custom properties, so be
     * mindful of the value type used for it in the MotionScene.
    fun customProperties(id: String): CustomProperties = CustomProperties(id)

     * Return the current [Color] value of the custom property [name], of the [id] layout.
     * Returns [Color.Unspecified] if the property does not exist.
     * &nbsp;
     * This is a short version of: `customProperties(id).color(name)`.
    fun customColor(id: String, name: String): Color {
        return measurer.getCustomColor(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress)

     * Return the current [Color] value of the custom property [name], of the [id] layout.
     * Returns [Color.Unspecified] if the property does not exist.
     * &nbsp;
     * This is a short version of: `customProperties(id).float(name)`.
    fun customFloat(id: String, name: String): Float {
        return measurer.getCustomFloat(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress)

     * Return the current [Int] value of the custom property [name], of the [id] layout.
     * Returns `0` if the property does not exist.
     * &nbsp;
     * This is a short version of: `customProperties(id).int(name)`.
    fun customInt(id: String, name: String): Int {
        return measurer.getCustomFloat(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress).toInt()

     * Return the current [Dp] value of the custom property [name], of the [id] layout.
     * Returns [Dp.Unspecified] if the property does not exist.
     * &nbsp;
     * This is a short version of: `customProperties(id).distance(name)`.
    fun customDistance(id: String, name: String): Dp {
        return measurer.getCustomFloat(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress).dp

     * Return the current [TextUnit] value of the custom property [name], of the [id] layout.
     * Returns [TextUnit.Unspecified] if the property does not exist.
     * &nbsp;
     * This is a short version of: `customProperties(id).fontSize(name)`.
    fun customFontSize(id: String, name: String): TextUnit {
        return measurer.getCustomFloat(id, name, motionProgress.currentProgress).sp

internal fun motionLayoutMeasurePolicy(
    contentTracker: State<Unit>,
    compositionSource: Ref<CompositionSource>,
    constraintSetStart: ConstraintSet,
    constraintSetEnd: ConstraintSet,
    @SuppressWarnings("HiddenTypeParameter") transition: TransitionImpl,
    motionProgress: MotionProgress,
    measurer: MotionMeasurer,
    optimizationLevel: Int,
): MeasurePolicy =
    MeasurePolicy { measurables, constraints ->
        // Do a state read, to guarantee that we control measure when the content recomposes without
        // notifying our Composable caller

        val layoutSize = measurer.performInterpolationMeasure(
            compositionSource.value ?: CompositionSource.Unknown
        compositionSource.value = CompositionSource.Unknown // Reset after measuring

        layout(layoutSize.width, layoutSize.height) {
            with(measurer) {

 * Updates [motionProgress] from changes in [LayoutInformationReceiver.getForcedProgress].
 * User changes, (reflected in [MotionProgress.currentProgress]) take priority.
internal fun UpdateWithForcedIfNoUserChange(
    motionProgress: MotionProgress,
    informationReceiver: LayoutInformationReceiver?
) {
    if (informationReceiver == null) {
    val currentUserProgress = motionProgress.currentProgress
    val forcedProgress = informationReceiver.getForcedProgress()

    // Save the initial progress
    val lastUserProgress = remember { Ref<Float>().apply { value = currentUserProgress } }

    if (!forcedProgress.isNaN() && lastUserProgress.value == currentUserProgress) {
        // Use the forced progress if the user progress hasn't changed
    } else {
    lastUserProgress.value = currentUserProgress

 * Creates a [MotionProgress] that may be manipulated internally, but can also be updated by user
 * calls with different [progress] values.
 * @param progress User progress, if changed, updates the underlying [MotionProgress]
 * @return A [MotionProgress] instance that may change from internal or external calls
internal fun createAndUpdateMotionProgress(progress: Float): MotionProgress {
    val motionProgress = remember {
    val last = remember { Ref<Float>().apply { value = progress } }
    if (last.value != progress) {
        // Update on progress change
        last.value = progress
    return motionProgress

internal fun Modifier.motionDebug(
    measurer: MotionMeasurer,
    scaleFactor: Float,
    showBounds: Boolean,
    showPaths: Boolean,
    showKeyPositions: Boolean
): Modifier {
    var debugModifier: Modifier = this
    if (!scaleFactor.isNaN()) {
        debugModifier = debugModifier.scale(scaleFactor)
    if (showBounds || showKeyPositions || showPaths) {
        debugModifier = debugModifier.drawBehind {
            with(measurer) {
                    drawBounds = showBounds,
                    drawPaths = showPaths,
                    drawKeyPositions = showKeyPositions
    return debugModifier

 * Indicates where the composition was initiated.
 * The source will help us identify possible pathways for optimization.
 * E.g.: If the content was not recomposed, we can assume that previous measurements are still valid,
 * so there's no need to recalculate the entire interpolation, only the current frame.
internal enum class CompositionSource {
    // TODO: Add an explicit option for Composition initiated internally


     * Content recomposed, need to remeasure everything: **start**, **end** and **interpolated**
     * states.