
 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.core.telecom

 * CallControlCallback relays call updates (that require a response) from the Telecom framework out
 * to the application. This can include operations which the app must implement on a Call due to the
 * presence of other calls on the device, requests relayed from a Bluetooth device, or from another
 * calling surface.
 * <p>
 * All CallControlCallbacks are transactional, meaning that a client must
 * complete the suspend fun with a [Boolean] response in order to complete the
 * CallControlCallback. If the operation has been completed, the [suspend fun] should return
 * true. Otherwise, the suspend fun should be returned with a false to represent the
 * CallControlCallback cannot be completed on the client side.
 * <p>
 * Note: Each CallEventCallback has a timeout of 5000 milliseconds. Failing to complete the
 * suspend fun before the timeout will result in a failed transaction.
interface CallControlCallback {
     * Telecom is informing your VoIP application to set the call active.  Telecom is requesting
     * this on behalf of an system service (e.g. Automotive service) or a device (e.g. Wearable).
     * @return true to indicate your VoIP application can set the call (that corresponds to this
     * CallControlCallback) to active. Otherwise, return false to indicate your application is
     * unable to process the request and telecom will cancel the external request.
    suspend fun onSetActive(): Boolean

     * Telecom is informing your VoIP application to set the call inactive. This is the same as
     * holding a call for two endpoints but can be extended to setting a meeting inactive. Telecom
     * is requesting this on behalf of an system service (e.g. Automotive service) or a device (e.g.
     * Wearable).
     * Note: Your app must stop using the microphone and playing incoming media when returning.
     * @return true to indicate your VoIP application can transition the call state to inactive.
     * Otherwise, return false to indicate your application is  unable to process the request and
     * telecom will cancel the external request.
    suspend fun onSetInactive(): Boolean

     * Telecom is informing your VoIP application to answer an incoming call and set it to active.
     * Telecom is requesting this on behalf of an system service (e.g. Automotive service) or a
     * device (e.g. Wearable).
     * @param callType that call is requesting to be answered as.
     * @return true to indicate your VoIP application can answer the call with the given
     * [CallAttributesCompat.Companion.CallType]. Otherwise, return false to indicate your application is
     * unable to process the request and telecom will cancel the external request.
    suspend fun onAnswer(@CallAttributesCompat.Companion.CallType callType: Int): Boolean

     * Telecom is informing your VoIP application to disconnect the call. Telecom is requesting this
     * on behalf of an system service (e.g. Automotive service) or a device (e.g. Wearable).
     * @param disconnectCause represents the cause for disconnecting the call.
     * @return true when your VoIP application has disconnected the call. Otherwise, return false to
     * indicate your application is unable to process the request. However, telecom will still
     * disconnect and untrack the call.
    suspend fun onDisconnect(disconnectCause: android.telecom.DisconnectCause): Boolean