
 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.core.telecom

import android.os.ParcelUuid
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow

 * DSL interface to provide and receive updates about a call session. The CallControlScope should be
 * used to provide updates (via the CallControlScope suspend functions) and receive updates
 * (via the lambda functions) about the call.  The CallControlScope will run for the duration of the
 * call. To see an example implementation of the CallControlScope, please refer to the sample app on
 * [github.](
 * Example usage:
 *    // initiate a call and control via the CallControlScope
 *    mCallsManager.addCall(
 *        callAttributes,
 *        onAnswerLambda,
 *        onDisconnectLambda,
 *        onSetActiveLambda,
 *        onSetInActiveLambda
 *        ) {
 *        // This block represents the CallControlScope. Once Telecom has added the call to the
 *        // system, your application can start changing the call state (via setActive(), etc.),
 *        // collect the flows.
 *          // Your application should gate ALL CallControlScope suspend functions with UI logic or
 *          // logic that signals the call state is ready to be changed
 *          launch {
 *                 when (val res = setActive() ) {
 *                   is CallControlResult.Success -> {
 *                     // Telecom can place the active
 *                     // update your call state and handle UI
 *                   }
 *                   is CallControlResult.Error -> {
 *                     // Telecom cannot set your VoIP call active. Maybe there is an ongoing
 *                     // active call that cannot be held. Check the failure code to determine the
 *                     // recommended next action
 *                     handleErrorCode( res.errorCode )
 *                   }
 *                  }
 *                }
 *           }
 *          // Collect updates
 *          launch {
 *             currentCallEndpoint.collect { // access the new [CallEndpoint] here }
 *          }
 *          launch {
 *             availableEndpoints.collect { // access the available [CallEndpoint]s here }
 *          }
 *          launch {
 *             isMuted.collect { // access to the mute state }
 *          }
 *      }
 * **Note:** Each [Flow] must be wrapped in an individual launch block or the [Flow] will not be
 * collected.
interface CallControlScope : CoroutineScope {
     * @return the 128-bit universally unique identifier Telecom assigned to this CallControlScope.
     * This id can be helpful for debugging when dumping the telecom system.
    fun getCallId(): ParcelUuid

     * Inform Telecom that your app wants to make this call active. This method should be called
     * when either an outgoing call is ready to go active or a held call is ready to go active
     * again. For incoming calls that are ready to be answered, use [answer].
     * @return Telecom will return [CallControlResult.Success] if your app is able to set the call
     * active. Otherwise [CallControlResult.Error] will be returned (ex. another call is active and
     * telecom cannot set this call active until the other call is held or disconnected) with an
     * error code indicating why setActive failed.
    suspend fun setActive(): CallControlResult

     * Inform Telecom that your app wants to make this call inactive. This the same as hold for two
     * call endpoints but can be extended to setting a meeting to inactive.
     * @return Telecom will return [CallControlResult.Success] if your app is able to set the call
     * inactive. Otherwise,  [CallControlResult.Error] will be returned with an error code
     * indicating why setInActive failed.
    suspend fun setInactive(): CallControlResult

     * Inform Telecom that your app wants to make this incoming call active.  For outgoing calls
     * and calls that have been placed on hold, use [setActive].
     * @param [callType] that call is to be answered as.
     * @return Telecom will return [CallControlResult.Success] if your app is able to answer the
     * call. Otherwise [CallControlResult.Error] will be returned with an  error code indicating
     * why answer failed (ex. another call is active and telecom cannot set this call active until
     * the other call is held or disconnected). This means that your app cannot answer this call at
     * this time.
    suspend fun answer(@CallAttributesCompat.Companion.CallType callType: Int): CallControlResult

     * Inform Telecom that your app wishes to disconnect the call and remove the call from telecom
     * tracking.
     * @param disconnectCause represents the cause for disconnecting the call.  The only valid
     *                        codes for the [android.telecom.DisconnectCause] passed in are:
     *                        <ul>
     *                        <li>[DisconnectCause#LOCAL]</li>
     *                        <li>[DisconnectCause#REMOTE]</li>
     *                        <li>[DisconnectCause#REJECTED]</li>
     *                        <li>[DisconnectCause#MISSED]</li>
     *                        </ul>
     * @return [CallControlResult.Success] will be returned if Telecom is able to disconnect
     * the call successfully. Otherwise [CallControlResult.Error] will be returned with an error
     * code indicating why disconnect failed.
    suspend fun disconnect(disconnectCause: android.telecom.DisconnectCause): CallControlResult

     * Request a [CallEndpointCompat] change. Clients should not define their own [CallEndpointCompat] when
     * requesting a change. Instead, the new [endpoint] should be one of the valid [CallEndpointCompat]s
     * provided by [availableEndpoints].
     * @param endpoint The [CallEndpointCompat] to change to.
     * @return [CallControlResult.Success] will be returned if Telecom is able to switch to the
     * requested endpoint successfully.  Otherwise, [CallControlResult.Error] will be returned with
     * an error code indicating why disconnect failed.
    suspend fun requestEndpointChange(endpoint: CallEndpointCompat): CallControlResult

     * Collect the new [CallEndpointCompat] through which call media flows (i.e. speaker,
     * bluetooth, etc.).
    val currentCallEndpoint: Flow<CallEndpointCompat>

     * Collect the set of available [CallEndpointCompat]s reported by Telecom.
    val availableEndpoints: Flow<List<CallEndpointCompat>>

     * Collect the current mute state of the call. This Flow is updated every time the mute state
     * changes.
    val isMuted: Flow<Boolean>