
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.opengl.EGL14
import android.opengl.EGLConfig
import android.opengl.EGLContext
import android.opengl.EGLSurface
import android.opengl.GLES20
import androidx.opengl.EGLExt
import androidx.opengl.EGLExt.Companion.EGL_KHR_SURFACELESS_CONTEXT

 * Class responsible for configuration of EGL related resources. This includes
 * initialization of the corresponding EGL Display as well as EGL Context, among
 * other EGL related facilities.
class EGLManager(eglSpec: EGLSpec = EGLSpec.V14) {

    private var mEglConfig: EGLConfig? = null

     * Offscreen pixel buffer surface
    private var mPBufferSurface: EGLSurface = EGL14.EGL_NO_SURFACE
    private var mEglContext: EGLContext = EGL14.EGL_NO_CONTEXT
    private var mWideColorGamutSupport = false
    private var mEglVersion = EGLVersion.Unknown
    private val mEglSpec = eglSpec
    private var mEglExtensions: Set<String>? = null
    private var mIsSingleBuffered: Boolean = false
    private var mQueryResult: IntArray? = null

     * Initialize the EGLManager. This initializes the default display as well
     * as queries the supported extensions
    fun initialize() {
        mEglContext.let {
            if (it === EGL14.EGL_NO_CONTEXT) {
                mEglVersion = eglSpec.eglInitialize()
                mEglExtensions =

     * Attempt to load an [EGLConfig] instance from the given
     * [EGLConfigAttributes]. If the [EGLConfig] could not be loaded
     * this returns null
    fun loadConfig(configAttributes: EGLConfigAttributes): EGLConfig? =

     * Creates an [EGLContext] from the given [EGLConfig] returning
     * null if the context could not be created
     * @throws EGLException if the default surface could not be made current after context creation
    fun createContext(config: EGLConfig): EGLContext {
        val eglContext = eglSpec.eglCreateContext(config)
        if (eglContext !== EGL14.EGL_NO_CONTEXT) {
            val pbBufferSurface: EGLSurface =
                if (isExtensionSupported(EGL_KHR_SURFACELESS_CONTEXT)) {
                } else {
                    val configAttrs = EGLConfigAttributes {
                        EGL14.EGL_WIDTH to 1
                        EGL14.EGL_HEIGHT to 1
                    eglSpec.eglCreatePBufferSurface(config, configAttrs)
            if (!eglSpec.eglMakeCurrent(eglContext, pbBufferSurface, pbBufferSurface)) {
                throw EGLException(eglSpec.eglGetError(), "Unable to make default surface current")
            mPBufferSurface = pbBufferSurface
            mEglContext = eglContext
            mEglConfig = config
        } else {
            mPBufferSurface = EGL14.EGL_NO_SURFACE
            mEglContext = EGL14.EGL_NO_CONTEXT
            mEglConfig = null
        return eglContext

     * Release the resources allocated by EGLManager. This will destroy the corresponding
     * EGLContext instance if it was previously initialized.
     * The configured EGLVersion as well as EGLExtensions
    fun release() {
        mEglContext.let {
            if (it != EGL14.EGL_NO_CONTEXT) {
                mPBufferSurface.let { pbBufferSurface ->
                    if (pbBufferSurface != EGL14.EGL_NO_SURFACE) {
                mPBufferSurface = EGL14.EGL_NO_SURFACE
                mEglVersion = EGLVersion.Unknown
                mEglContext = EGL14.EGL_NO_CONTEXT
                mEglConfig = null
                mEglExtensions = null

    val eglSpec: EGLSpec
        get() = mEglSpec

     * Returns the EGL version that is supported. This parameter is configured
     * after [initialize] is invoked.
    val eglVersion: EGLVersion
        get() = mEglVersion

     * Returns the current EGLContext. This parameter is configured after [initialize] is invoked
    val eglContext: EGLContext?
        get() = mEglContext

     * Returns the [EGLConfig] used to load the current [EGLContext].
     * This is configured after [createContext] is invoked.
    val eglConfig: EGLConfig?
        get() = mEglConfig

     * Determines whether the extension with the provided name is supported. The string
     * provided is expected to be one of the named extensions defined within the OpenGL
     * extension documentation.
     * See [EGLExt] for additional documentation for given extension name constants
     * and descriptions.
     * The set of supported extensions is configured after [initialize] is invoked.
     * Attempts to query support for any extension beforehand will return false.
    fun isExtensionSupported(extensionName: String): Boolean =
        mEglExtensions?.contains(extensionName) ?: false

     * Binds the current context to the given draw and read surfaces.
     * The draw surface is used for all operations except for any pixel data read back or
     * copy operations which are taken from the read surface.
     * The same EGLSurface may be specified for both draw and read surfaces.
     * If the context is not previously configured, the only valid parameters for the
     * draw and read surfaces is [EGL14.EGL_NO_SURFACE]. This is useful to make sure there is
     * always a surface specified and to release the current context without assigning a new one.
     * See
     * @param drawSurface Surface used for all operations that involve writing pixel information
     * @param readSurface Surface used for pixel data read back or copy operations. By default this
     * is the same as [drawSurface]
    fun makeCurrent(drawSurface: EGLSurface, readSurface: EGLSurface = drawSurface): Boolean {
        val result = eglSpec.eglMakeCurrent(mEglContext, drawSurface, readSurface)
        if (result) {
        return result

     * Post EGL surface color buffer to a native window. If the current drawing surface
     * is single buffered this will flush the buffer
    fun swapAndFlushBuffers() {
        if (mIsSingleBuffered) {

     * Returns the default surface. This can be an offscreen pixel buffer surface or
     * [EGL14.EGL_NO_SURFACE] if the surfaceless context extension is supported.
    val defaultSurface: EGLSurface
        get() = mPBufferSurface

     * Returns the current surface used for drawing pixel content
    val currentDrawSurface: EGLSurface
        get() = eglSpec.eglGetCurrentDrawSurface()

     * Returns the current surface used for reading back or copying pixels
    val currentReadSurface: EGLSurface
        get() = eglSpec.eglGetCurrentReadSurface()

     * Helper method to query properties of the given surface
    private fun querySurface(surface: EGLSurface) {
        val resultArray = mQueryResult ?: IntArray(1).also { mQueryResult = it }
        if (eglSpec.eglQuerySurface(surface, EGL14.EGL_RENDER_BUFFER, resultArray, 0)) {
            mIsSingleBuffered = resultArray[0] == EGL14.EGL_SINGLE_BUFFER

    companion object {
        private const val TAG = "EglManager"