
 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.hardware.HardwareBuffer
import android.opengl.GLES20
import android.opengl.Matrix
import android.os.Build
import android.util.Log
import android.view.SurfaceHolder
import android.view.SurfaceView
import androidx.annotation.IntRange
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread
import androidx.hardware.DefaultFlags
import androidx.hardware.DefaultNumBuffers
import androidx.hardware.HardwareBufferFormat
import androidx.hardware.HardwareBufferUsage
import androidx.hardware.SyncFenceCompat
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
import java.lang.IllegalStateException
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch

 * Class responsible for supporting rendering to frame buffer objects that are backed by
 * [HardwareBuffer] instances. This provides for more flexibility in OpenGL rendering as it supports
 * configuration of the number of buffers within the underlying swap chain, pixel format of the
 * buffers as well as fine grained control over synchronization of buffer content.
class GLFrameBufferRenderer internal constructor(
    private val surfaceControlProvider: SurfaceControlProvider,
    callback: Callback,
    private val mFormat: Int,
    private val mUsage: Long,
    private val mMaxBuffers: Int,
    private val mSyncStrategy: SyncStrategy,
    glRenderer: GLRenderer?
) {

     * Builder used to create a [GLFrameBufferRenderer] with various configurations
    class Builder {
        private var mBufferFormat = HardwareBuffer.RGBA_8888
        private var mUsageFlags = DefaultFlags
        private var mMaxBuffers = DefaultNumBuffers
        private var mGLRenderer: GLRenderer? = null
        private var mSyncStrategy: SyncStrategy = SyncStrategy.ALWAYS
        private val mSurfaceControlProvider: SurfaceControlProvider
        private val mCallback: Callback

         * Create a new [GLFrameBufferRenderer.Builder] with the provided [SurfaceView] to
         * be the parent of the [SurfaceControlCompat] that is presented on screen.
         * @param surfaceView SurfaceView to be the parent of the [SurfaceControlCompat] instance
         * used for presenting rendered content on screen
         * @param callback Callback used to render content within the corresponding buffers as well
         * as optionally configuring [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction] to present contents to the
         * display
        constructor(surfaceView: SurfaceView, callback: Callback) {
            mSurfaceControlProvider = SurfaceViewProvider(surfaceView)
            mCallback = callback

         * Creates a new [GLFrameBufferRenderer.Builder] with the provided [SurfaceControlCompat]
         * as the parent [SurfaceControlCompat] for presenting contents to the display.
         * It is the responsibility of the caller to release the provided [SurfaceControlCompat]
         * instance as the [GLFrameBufferRenderer] will consume but not release it.
         * @param parentSurfaceControl Parent [SurfaceControlCompat] instance.
         * @param width Logical width of the content to render. This dimension matches what is
         * provided from [SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceChanged].
         * @param height Logical height of the content to render. This dimension matches what is
         * provided from [SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceChanged].
         * @param transformHint Hint used to specify how to pre-rotate content to optimize
         * consumption of content by the display without having to introduce an additional GPU pass
         * to handle rotation.
        internal constructor(
            parentSurfaceControl: SurfaceControlCompat,
            width: Int,
            height: Int,
            transformHint: Int,
            callback: Callback
        ) {
            mSurfaceControlProvider = DefaultSurfaceControlProvider(
            mCallback = callback

         * Specify the [SyncStrategy] used for determining when to create [SyncFenceCompat]
         * objects in order to handle synchronization. The [SyncFenceCompat] instance created
         * according to the algorithm specified in the provided [SyncStrategy] will be passed
         * to the corresponding [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction.setBuffer] call in order to
         * ensure the underlying buffer is not presented by the display until the fence signals.
         * @param syncStrategy [SyncStrategy] used to determine when to create synchronization
         * boundaries for buffer consumption. The default is [SyncStrategy.ALWAYS], indicating a
         * fence should always be created after a request to render has been made.
         * @return The builder instance
        fun setSyncStrategy(syncStrategy: SyncStrategy): Builder {
            mSyncStrategy = syncStrategy
            return this

         * Specify the buffer format of the underlying buffers being rendered into by the created
         * [GLFrameBufferRenderer]. The set of valid formats is implementation-specific and may
         * depend on additional EGL extensions. The particular valid combinations for a given
         * Android version and implementation should be documented by that version.
         * [HardwareBuffer.RGBA_8888] and [HardwareBuffer.RGBX_8888] are guaranteed to be supported.
         * However, consumers are recommended to query the desired HardwareBuffer configuration
         * using [HardwareBuffer.isSupported].
         * See:
         * @param format Pixel format of the buffers to be rendered into. The default is RGBA_8888.
         * @return The builder instance
        fun setBufferFormat(@HardwareBufferFormat format: Int): Builder {
            mBufferFormat = format
            return this

         * Specify the maximum number of buffers used within the swap chain of the
         * [GLFrameBufferRenderer].
         * If 1 is specified, then the created [GLFrameBufferRenderer] is running in "single buffer
         * mode". In this case consumption of the buffer content would need to be coordinated with
         * the [SyncFenceCompat] instance specified by the corresponding [SyncStrategy] algorithm
         * @see [setSyncStrategy].
         * @param numBuffers The number of buffers within the swap chain to be consumed by the
         * created [GLFrameBufferRenderer]. This must be greater than zero. The default number
         * of buffers used is 3.
         * @return The builder instance
        fun setMaxBuffers(@IntRange(from = 1, to = 64) numBuffers: Int): Builder {
            require(numBuffers > 0) { "Must have at least 1 buffer" }
            mMaxBuffers = numBuffers
            return this

         * Specify the usage flags to be configured on the underlying [HardwareBuffer] instances
         * created by the [GLFrameBufferRenderer].
         * @param usageFlags Usage flags to be configured on the created [HardwareBuffer] instances
         * that the [GLFrameBufferRenderer] will render into. Must be one of [HardwareBufferUsage].
         * Note that the provided flags here are combined with the following mandatory default flags,
         * [HardwareBuffer.USAGE_GPU_SAMPLED_IMAGE], [HardwareBuffer.USAGE_GPU_COLOR_OUTPUT] and
         * [HardwareBuffer.USAGE_COMPOSER_OVERLAY]
         * @return The builder instance
        fun setUsageFlags(@HardwareBufferUsage usageFlags: Long): Builder {
            mUsageFlags = usageFlags or DefaultFlags
            return this

         * Configure the [GLRenderer] instance to be used by the [GLFrameBufferRenderer].
         * By default this parameter is null indicating that the [GLFrameBufferRenderer] will
         * create and manage its own [GLRenderer]. This is useful to share the same OpenGL
         * resources and thread across multiple [GLFrameBufferRenderer] instances.
         * @param glRenderer The [GLRenderer] used for leveraging OpenGL resources including the
         * GL thread
         * @return The builder instance
        fun setGLRenderer(glRenderer: GLRenderer?): Builder {
            mGLRenderer = glRenderer
            return this

         * Create the [GLFrameBufferRenderer] with the specified parameters on this [Builder]
         * instance
         * @return The newly created [GLFrameBufferRenderer]
        fun build(): GLFrameBufferRenderer {
            return GLFrameBufferRenderer(

    private var mSurfaceControl: SurfaceControlCompat? = null
    private var mBufferPool: FrameBufferPool? = null
    private var mRenderTarget: GLRenderer.RenderTarget? = null

    private val mIsManagingGLRenderer: Boolean
    private var mIsReleased = false
    private val mContextCallbacks = object : GLRenderer.EGLContextCallback {
        override fun onEGLContextCreated(eglManager: EGLManager) {
            // NO-OP

        override fun onEGLContextDestroyed(eglManager: EGLManager) {

    private val mGLRenderer: GLRenderer

    init {
        if (mMaxBuffers < 1) {
            throw IllegalArgumentException("FrameBufferRenderer must have at least 1 buffer")
        val renderer = if (glRenderer == null) {
            mIsManagingGLRenderer = true
            GLRenderer().apply { start() }
        } else {
            mIsManagingGLRenderer = false
            if (!glRenderer.isRunning()) {
                throw IllegalStateException("The provided GLRenderer must be running prior to " +
                    "creation of GLFrameBufferRenderer, " +
                    "did you forget to call GLRenderer#start()?")
        mGLRenderer = renderer
        surfaceControlProvider.createSurfaceControl(object : SurfaceControlProvider.Callback {
            override fun onSurfaceControlDestroyed() {

            override fun onSurfaceControlCreated(
                surfaceControl: SurfaceControlCompat,
                width: Int,
                height: Int,
                bufferTransformer: BufferTransformer,
                inverseTransform: Int
            ) {
                val frameBufferPool = FrameBufferPool(
                val renderCallback = createFrameBufferRenderer(
                mBufferPool = frameBufferPool
                mSurfaceControl = surfaceControl
                mRenderTarget = renderer.createRenderTarget(width, height, renderCallback)

            override fun requestRender(renderComplete: Runnable?) {

     * Queue a [Runnable] to be executed on the GL rendering thread. Note it is important
     * this [Runnable] does not block otherwise it can stall the GL thread.
     * @param runnable to be executed
    fun execute(runnable: Runnable) {
        if (isValid()) {
        } else {
            Log.w(TAG, "Attempt to execute runnable after " +
                    "GLFrameBufferRenderer has been released")

     * Returns the [HardwareBufferFormat] of the buffers that are being rendered into by this
     * [GLFrameBufferRenderer]
    val bufferFormat: Int
        get() = mFormat

     * Returns the current usage flag hints of the buffers that are being rendered into by this
     * [GLFrameBufferRenderer]
    val usageFlags: Long
        get() = mUsage

     * Returns the [GLRenderer] used for issuing requests to render into the underlying buffers
     * with OpenGL.
    val glRenderer: GLRenderer
        get() = mGLRenderer

     * Returns the [SyncStrategy] used for determining when to create [SyncFenceCompat]
     * objects in order to handle synchronization. The [SyncFenceCompat] instance created
     * according to the algorithm specified in the provided [SyncStrategy] will be passed
     * to the corresponding [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction.setBuffer] call in order to
     * ensure the underlying buffer is not presented by the display until the fence signals.
    val syncStrategy: SyncStrategy
        get() = mSyncStrategy

     * Returns the number of buffers within the swap chain used for rendering with this
     * [GLFrameBufferRenderer]
    val maxBuffers: Int
        get() = mMaxBuffers

    private var mCurrentFrameBuffer: FrameBuffer? = null

    internal fun createFrameBufferRenderer(
        surfaceControl: SurfaceControlCompat,
        inverseTransform: Int,
        bufferTransformer: BufferTransformer,
        frameBufferPool: FrameBufferPool,
        callback: Callback
    ): FrameBufferRenderer = FrameBufferRenderer(
        object : FrameBufferRenderer.RenderCallback {

            private val width = bufferTransformer.logicalWidth
            private val height = bufferTransformer.logicalHeight

            private val bufferInfo = BufferInfo().apply {
                this.width = bufferTransformer.bufferWidth
                this.height = bufferTransformer.bufferHeight

            override fun obtainFrameBuffer(egl: EGLSpec): FrameBuffer {
                val currentFrameBuffer = mCurrentFrameBuffer
                // Single buffer mode if we already allocated 1 buffer just return the previous one
                return if (mMaxBuffers == 1 && currentFrameBuffer != null) {
                } else {
                    frameBufferPool.obtain(egl).also {
                        bufferInfo.frameBufferId = it.frameBuffer
                        mCurrentFrameBuffer = it

            override fun onDraw(eglManager: EGLManager) {
                val buffer = mCurrentFrameBuffer
                if (buffer != null && !buffer.isClosed) {

            override fun onDrawComplete(
                frameBuffer: FrameBuffer,
                syncFenceCompat: SyncFenceCompat?
            ) {
                if (surfaceControl.isValid() && !frameBuffer.isClosed) {
                    val transaction = SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction()
                        .setVisibility(surfaceControl, true)
                        .setBuffer(surfaceControl, frameBuffer.hardwareBuffer, syncFenceCompat) {
                                releaseFence ->
                            if (mGLRenderer.isRunning()) {
                                mGLRenderer.execute {
                                    callback.onBufferReleased(frameBuffer, releaseFence)
                            if (mMaxBuffers > 1 || frameBufferPool.isClosed) {
                                // Release the previous buffer only if we are not in single buffered
                                // mode
                                frameBufferPool.release(frameBuffer, releaseFence)
                    if (inverseTransform != BufferTransformHintResolver.UNKNOWN_TRANSFORM) {
                        transaction.setBufferTransform(surfaceControl, inverseTransform)

    internal fun drawAsync(onComplete: Runnable? = null) {
        val renderTarget = mRenderTarget
        val renderer = mGLRenderer
        if (renderTarget != null && renderer.isRunning()) {
            // Register a callback in case the GLRenderer is torn down while we are waiting
            // for rendering to complete. In this case invoke the drawFinished callback
            // either if the render is complete or if the GLRenderer is torn down, whatever
            // comes first
            val eglContextCallback = object : GLRenderer.EGLContextCallback {
                override fun onEGLContextCreated(eglManager: EGLManager) {
                    // NO-OP

                override fun onEGLContextDestroyed(eglManager: EGLManager) {
            mRenderTarget?.requestRender {
        } else {

     * Release resources associated with the [GLFrameBufferRenderer]. After this method is invoked,
     * the [GLFrameBufferRenderer] is in an invalid state and can no longer handle rendering
     * content.
     * @param cancelPending Flag to indicate that in process requests should be completed before
     * the [GLFrameBufferRenderer] is released.
     * @param onReleaseCallback Optional callback to be invoked on the underlying OpenGL thread when
     * releasing resources has been completed
    fun release(cancelPending: Boolean, onReleaseCallback: (() -> Unit)? = null) {
        if (!mIsReleased) {
            detachTargets(cancelPending, onReleaseCallback)

            if (mIsManagingGLRenderer) {

            mIsReleased = true
        } else {
            Log.w(TAG, "Attempt to release already released GLFrameBufferRenderer")

    internal fun detachTargets(cancelPending: Boolean, onReleaseComplete: (() -> Unit)? = null) {
        val frameBufferPool = mBufferPool
        val renderTarget = mRenderTarget

        mGLRenderer.execute {
            mCurrentFrameBuffer?.let { buffer -> frameBufferPool?.release(buffer) }
        mBufferPool = null
        mSurfaceControl = null
        mRenderTarget = null

     * Determines whether or not the [GLFrameBufferRenderer] is in a valid state. That is the
     * [release] method has not been called.
     * If this returns false, then subsequent calls to [render], and
     * [release] are ignored
     * @return `true` if this [GLFrameBufferRenderer] has been released, `false` otherwise
    fun isValid(): Boolean = !mIsReleased

     * Render content to a buffer and present the result to the display.
     * If this [GLFrameBufferRenderer] has been released, that is [isValid] returns `false`, this
     * call is ignored.
    fun render() {
        if (!mIsReleased) {
        } else {
            Log.w(TAG, "renderer is released, ignoring request")

     * [GLFrameBufferRenderer] callbacks that are invoked to render OpenGL content within the
     * underlying buffers. This includes an optional callback to be used to configure the
     * underlying [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction] used to present content to the display
    interface Callback {

         * Callback invoked on the thread backed by the [GLRenderer] to render content into a
         * buffer with the specified parameters.
         * @param eglManager [EGLManager] useful in configuring EGL objects to be used when issuing
         * OpenGL commands to render into the front buffered layer
         * @param width Logical width of the content to render. This dimension matches what is
         * provided from [SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceChanged]
         * @param height Logical height of the content to render. This dimension matches what is
         * provided from [SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceChanged]
         * @param bufferInfo [BufferInfo] about the buffer that is being rendered into. This
         * includes the width and height of the buffer which can be different than the corresponding
         * dimensions of the [SurfaceView] provided to the [GLFrameBufferRenderer] as pre-rotation
         * can occasionally swap width and height parameters in order to avoid GPU composition to
         * rotate content. This should be used as input to [GLES20.glViewport].
         * Additionally this also contains a frame buffer identifier that can be used to retarget
         * rendering operations to the original destination after rendering into intermediate
         * scratch buffers.
         * @param transform Matrix that should be applied to the rendering in this callback.
         * This should be consumed as input to any vertex shader implementations. Buffers are
         * pre-rotated in advance in order to avoid unnecessary overhead of GPU composition to
         * rotate content in the same install orientation of the display.
         * This is a 4 x 4 matrix is represented as a flattened array of 16 floating point values.
         * Consumers are expected to leverage [Matrix.multiplyMM] with this parameter alongside
         * any additional transformations that are to be applied.
         * For example:
         * ```
         * val myMatrix = FloatArray(16)
         * Matrix.orthoM(
         *      myMatrix, // matrix
         *      0, // offset starting index into myMatrix
         *      0f, // left
         *      bufferInfo.width.toFloat(), // right
         *      0f, // bottom
         *      bufferInfo.height.toFloat(), // top
         *      -1f, // near
         *      1f, // far
         * )
         * val result = FloatArray(16)
         * Matrix.multiplyMM(result, 0, myMatrix, 0, transform, 0)
         * ```
         * @sample
        fun onDrawFrame(
            eglManager: EGLManager,
            width: Int,
            height: Int,
            bufferInfo: BufferInfo,
            transform: FloatArray

         * Optional callback invoked the thread backed by the [GLRenderer] when rendering to a
         * buffer is complete but before the buffer is submitted to the hardware compositor.
         * This provides consumers a mechanism for synchronizing the transaction with other
         * [SurfaceControlCompat] objects that maybe rendered within the scene.
         * @param targetSurfaceControl Handle to the [SurfaceControlCompat] where the
         * buffer is presented. This can be used to configure various properties
         * of the [SurfaceControlCompat] like z-ordering or visibility with the corresponding
         * [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction].
         * @param transaction Current [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction] to apply updated buffered
         * content to the front buffered layer.
         * @param frameBuffer The buffer that has been rendered into and is ready to be displayed.
         * The [HardwareBuffer] backing this [FrameBuffer] is already configured to be presented
         * for the targetSurfaceControl. That is [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction.setBuffer] is
         * already invoked with the given [HardwareBuffer] and optional [SyncFenceCompat] instance
         * before this method is invoked.
         * @param syncFence Optional [SyncFenceCompat] is used to determine when rendering
         * is done and reflected within the given frameBuffer.
        fun onDrawComplete(
            targetSurfaceControl: SurfaceControlCompat,
            transaction: SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction,
            frameBuffer: FrameBuffer,
            syncFence: SyncFenceCompat?
        ) {
            // NO-OP

         * Optional callback invoked the thread backed by the [GLRenderer] when the provided
         * framebuffer is released. That is the given [FrameBuffer] instance is no longer being
         * presented and is not visible.
         * @param frameBuffer The buffer that is no longer being presented and has returned to the
         * buffer allocation pool
         * @param releaseFence Optional fence that must be waited upon before the [FrameBuffer] can
         * be reused. The framework will invoke this callback early to improve performance and
         * signal the fence when it is ready to be re-used.
        fun onBufferReleased(frameBuffer: FrameBuffer, releaseFence: SyncFenceCompat?) {
            // NO-OP

     * Provider interface used to delegate creation and potential lifecycle callbacks associated
     * with the corresponding [SurfaceControlCompat] instance
    internal interface SurfaceControlProvider {

         * Request a [SurfaceControlCompat] to be created and invokes the corresponding callback
         * when the created [SurfaceControlCompat] instance is ready for consumption
        fun createSurfaceControl(callback: Callback)

         * Release resources associated with the [SurfaceControlProvider]
        fun release()

         * Callbacks invoked by the [SurfaceControlProvider] to consumers of the created
         * [SurfaceControlCompat] instance
        interface Callback {

             * Callback invoked when resources associated with the created [SurfaceControlCompat]
             * instance should be destroyed
            fun onSurfaceControlDestroyed()

             * Callback invoked when the [SurfaceControlCompat] is created. This includes
             * the logical width/height as well as a [BufferTransformer] instance that provides
             * the metadata necessary to pre-rotate content
            fun onSurfaceControlCreated(
                surfaceControl: SurfaceControlCompat,
                width: Int,
                height: Int,
                bufferTransformer: BufferTransformer,
                inverseTransform: Int

             * Requests the consumer of the [SurfaceControlCompat] instance to render content
             * to be presented by the [SurfaceControlCompat] instance and invoke a callback when
             * rendering is complete.
            fun requestRender(renderComplete: Runnable? = null)

     * Default [SurfaceControlProvider] instance that returns the dependencies given to it
     * to the consumer of the [SurfaceControlCompat]
    internal class DefaultSurfaceControlProvider(
        private val surfaceControl: SurfaceControlCompat,
        private val width: Int,
        private val height: Int,
        private val transformHint: Int,
    ) : SurfaceControlProvider {

        private val bufferTransformer = BufferTransformer()

        private var mSurfaceControlCallback: SurfaceControlProvider.Callback? = null

        override fun createSurfaceControl(callback: SurfaceControlProvider.Callback) {
            val inverse = bufferTransformer.invertBufferTransform(transformHint)
            bufferTransformer.computeTransform(width, height, inverse)
            mSurfaceControlCallback = callback

        override fun release() {
            // NO-OP

     * [SurfaceControlProvider] instance that creates a [SurfaceControlCompat] instance with the
     * provided SurfaceView as the parent of the created [SurfaceControlCompat]. This implementation
     * handles all lifecycle callbacks associated with the underlying SurfaceHolder.Callback
     * attached to the holder on the given SurfaceView.
    internal class SurfaceViewProvider(
        private var surfaceView: SurfaceView?
    ) : SurfaceControlProvider {
        private val mTransformResolver = BufferTransformHintResolver()

        private var mSurfaceControl: SurfaceControlCompat? = null
        private var mSurfaceHolderCallback: SurfaceHolder.Callback2? = null
        private var mSurfaceControlCallback: SurfaceControlProvider.Callback? = null

        internal fun createSurfaceControl(
            surfaceView: SurfaceView,
            callback: SurfaceControlProvider.Callback
        ) {

            val width = surfaceView.width
            val height = surfaceView.height
            val transformHint = mTransformResolver.getBufferTransformHint(surfaceView)
            val bufferTransformer = BufferTransformer()
            val inverse = bufferTransformer.invertBufferTransform(transformHint)
            bufferTransformer.computeTransform(surfaceView.width, surfaceView.height, inverse)
            val surfaceControl = SurfaceControlCompat.Builder()


            mSurfaceControl = surfaceControl
            mSurfaceControlCallback = callback

        override fun createSurfaceControl(callback: SurfaceControlProvider.Callback) {
            surfaceView?.let { target ->
                val surfaceHolderCallback = object : SurfaceHolder.Callback2 {
                    override fun surfaceCreated(holder: SurfaceHolder) {
                        // NO-OP wait for surfaceChanged callback

                    override fun surfaceChanged(
                        holder: SurfaceHolder,
                        surfaceFormat: Int,
                        width: Int,
                        height: Int
                    ) {
                        createSurfaceControl(target, callback)

                    override fun surfaceDestroyed(p0: SurfaceHolder) {

                    override fun surfaceRedrawNeeded(p0: SurfaceHolder) {
                        val latch = CountDownLatch(1)
                        callback.requestRender { latch.countDown() }

                    override fun surfaceRedrawNeededAsync(
                        holder: SurfaceHolder,
                        drawingFinished: Runnable
                    ) {
                val holder = target.holder
                if (holder.surface != null && holder.surface.isValid) {
                    createSurfaceControl(target, callback)
                mSurfaceHolderCallback = surfaceHolderCallback

        fun destroySurfaceControl(callback: SurfaceControlProvider.Callback) {

        private fun releaseSurfaceControl() {
            mSurfaceControl?.let { surfaceControl ->
                if (surfaceControl.isValid()) {
                        .reparent(surfaceControl, null)
                mSurfaceControl = null

        override fun release() {
            surfaceView = null

    internal companion object {
        internal val TAG = "GLFrameBufferRenderer"