 * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.exoplayer.ima;

import static androidx.media3.common.AdPlaybackState.AD_STATE_AVAILABLE;
import static androidx.media3.common.AdPlaybackState.AD_STATE_PLAYED;
import static androidx.media3.common.AdPlaybackState.AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkState;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Util.msToUs;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Util.sum;
import static;
import static;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import androidx.annotation.CheckResult;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.AdOverlayInfo;
import androidx.media3.common.AdPlaybackState;
import androidx.media3.common.AdPlaybackState.AdGroup;
import androidx.media3.common.AdViewProvider;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.Player;
import androidx.media3.common.Timeline;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSchemeDataSource;
import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSourceUtil;
import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

/** Utilities for working with IMA SDK and IMA extension data types. */
/* package */ final class ImaUtil {

  /** Factory for objects provided by the IMA SDK. */
  public interface ImaFactory {
    /** Creates {@link ImaSdkSettings} for configuring the IMA SDK. */
    ImaSdkSettings createImaSdkSettings();
     * Creates {@link AdsRenderingSettings} for giving the {@link AdsManager} parameters that
     * control rendering of ads.
    AdsRenderingSettings createAdsRenderingSettings();
     * Creates an {@link AdDisplayContainer} to hold the player for video ads, a container for
     * non-linear ads, and slots for companion ads.
    AdDisplayContainer createAdDisplayContainer(ViewGroup container, VideoAdPlayer player);
    /** Creates an {@link AdDisplayContainer} to hold the player for audio ads. */
    AdDisplayContainer createAudioAdDisplayContainer(Context context, VideoAdPlayer player);
     * Creates a {@link FriendlyObstruction} to describe an obstruction considered "friendly" for
     * viewability measurement purposes.
    FriendlyObstruction createFriendlyObstruction(
        View view,
        FriendlyObstructionPurpose friendlyObstructionPurpose,
        @Nullable String reasonDetail);
    /** Creates an {@link AdsRequest} to contain the data used to request ads. */
    AdsRequest createAdsRequest();
    /** Creates an {@link AdsLoader} for requesting ads using the specified settings. */
    AdsLoader createAdsLoader(
        Context context, ImaSdkSettings imaSdkSettings, AdDisplayContainer adDisplayContainer);

  /** Stores configuration for ad loading and playback. */
  public static final class Configuration {

    public final long adPreloadTimeoutMs;
    public final int vastLoadTimeoutMs;
    public final int mediaLoadTimeoutMs;
    public final boolean focusSkipButtonWhenAvailable;
    public final boolean playAdBeforeStartPosition;
    public final int mediaBitrate;
    @Nullable public final Boolean enableContinuousPlayback;
    @Nullable public final List<String> adMediaMimeTypes;
    @Nullable public final Set<UiElement> adUiElements;
    @Nullable public final Collection<CompanionAdSlot> companionAdSlots;
    @Nullable public final AdErrorEvent.AdErrorListener applicationAdErrorListener;
    @Nullable public final AdEvent.AdEventListener applicationAdEventListener;
    @Nullable public final VideoAdPlayer.VideoAdPlayerCallback applicationVideoAdPlayerCallback;
    @Nullable public final ImaSdkSettings imaSdkSettings;
    public final boolean debugModeEnabled;

    public Configuration(
        long adPreloadTimeoutMs,
        int vastLoadTimeoutMs,
        int mediaLoadTimeoutMs,
        boolean focusSkipButtonWhenAvailable,
        boolean playAdBeforeStartPosition,
        int mediaBitrate,
        @Nullable Boolean enableContinuousPlayback,
        @Nullable List<String> adMediaMimeTypes,
        @Nullable Set<UiElement> adUiElements,
        @Nullable Collection<CompanionAdSlot> companionAdSlots,
        @Nullable AdErrorEvent.AdErrorListener applicationAdErrorListener,
        @Nullable AdEvent.AdEventListener applicationAdEventListener,
        @Nullable VideoAdPlayer.VideoAdPlayerCallback applicationVideoAdPlayerCallback,
        @Nullable ImaSdkSettings imaSdkSettings,
        boolean debugModeEnabled) {
      this.adPreloadTimeoutMs = adPreloadTimeoutMs;
      this.vastLoadTimeoutMs = vastLoadTimeoutMs;
      this.mediaLoadTimeoutMs = mediaLoadTimeoutMs;
      this.focusSkipButtonWhenAvailable = focusSkipButtonWhenAvailable;
      this.playAdBeforeStartPosition = playAdBeforeStartPosition;
      this.mediaBitrate = mediaBitrate;
      this.enableContinuousPlayback = enableContinuousPlayback;
      this.adMediaMimeTypes = adMediaMimeTypes;
      this.adUiElements = adUiElements;
      this.companionAdSlots = companionAdSlots;
      this.applicationAdErrorListener = applicationAdErrorListener;
      this.applicationAdEventListener = applicationAdEventListener;
      this.applicationVideoAdPlayerCallback = applicationVideoAdPlayerCallback;
      this.imaSdkSettings = imaSdkSettings;
      this.debugModeEnabled = debugModeEnabled;

  /** Stores configuration for playing server side ad insertion content. */
  public static final class ServerSideAdInsertionConfiguration {

    public final AdViewProvider adViewProvider;
    public final ImaSdkSettings imaSdkSettings;
    @Nullable public final AdEvent.AdEventListener applicationAdEventListener;
    @Nullable public final AdErrorEvent.AdErrorListener applicationAdErrorListener;
    public final ImmutableList<CompanionAdSlot> companionAdSlots;
    public final boolean focusSkipButtonWhenAvailable;
    public final boolean debugModeEnabled;

    public ServerSideAdInsertionConfiguration(
        AdViewProvider adViewProvider,
        ImaSdkSettings imaSdkSettings,
        @Nullable AdEvent.AdEventListener applicationAdEventListener,
        @Nullable AdErrorEvent.AdErrorListener applicationAdErrorListener,
        List<CompanionAdSlot> companionAdSlots,
        boolean focusSkipButtonWhenAvailable,
        boolean debugModeEnabled) {
      this.imaSdkSettings = imaSdkSettings;
      this.adViewProvider = adViewProvider;
      this.applicationAdEventListener = applicationAdEventListener;
      this.applicationAdErrorListener = applicationAdErrorListener;
      this.companionAdSlots = ImmutableList.copyOf(companionAdSlots);
      this.focusSkipButtonWhenAvailable = focusSkipButtonWhenAvailable;
      this.debugModeEnabled = debugModeEnabled;

  public static final int TIMEOUT_UNSET = -1;
  public static final int BITRATE_UNSET = -1;

   * Returns the IMA {@link FriendlyObstructionPurpose} corresponding to the given {@link
   * AdOverlayInfo#purpose}.
  public static FriendlyObstructionPurpose getFriendlyObstructionPurpose(
      @AdOverlayInfo.Purpose int purpose) {
    switch (purpose) {
      case AdOverlayInfo.PURPOSE_CONTROLS:
        return FriendlyObstructionPurpose.VIDEO_CONTROLS;
      case AdOverlayInfo.PURPOSE_CLOSE_AD:
        return FriendlyObstructionPurpose.CLOSE_AD;
      case AdOverlayInfo.PURPOSE_NOT_VISIBLE:
        return FriendlyObstructionPurpose.NOT_VISIBLE;
      case AdOverlayInfo.PURPOSE_OTHER:
        return FriendlyObstructionPurpose.OTHER;

   * Returns the microsecond ad group timestamps corresponding to the specified cue points.
   * @param cuePoints The cue points of the ads in seconds, provided by the IMA SDK.
   * @return The corresponding microsecond ad group timestamps.
  public static long[] getAdGroupTimesUsForCuePoints(List<Float> cuePoints) {
    if (cuePoints.isEmpty()) {
      return new long[] {0L};

    int count = cuePoints.size();
    long[] adGroupTimesUs = new long[count];
    int adGroupIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      double cuePoint = cuePoints.get(i);
      if (cuePoint == -1.0) {
        adGroupTimesUs[count - 1] = C.TIME_END_OF_SOURCE;
      } else {
        adGroupTimesUs[adGroupIndex++] = Math.round(C.MICROS_PER_SECOND * cuePoint);
    // Cue points may be out of order, so sort them.
    Arrays.sort(adGroupTimesUs, 0, adGroupIndex);
    return adGroupTimesUs;

  /** Returns an {@link AdsRequest} based on the specified ad tag {@link DataSpec}. */
  public static AdsRequest getAdsRequestForAdTagDataSpec(
      ImaFactory imaFactory, DataSpec adTagDataSpec) throws IOException {
    AdsRequest request = imaFactory.createAdsRequest();
    if (DataSchemeDataSource.SCHEME_DATA.equals(adTagDataSpec.uri.getScheme())) {
      DataSchemeDataSource dataSchemeDataSource = new DataSchemeDataSource();
      try {;
      } finally {
    } else {
    return request;

  /** Returns whether the ad error indicates that an entire ad group failed to load. */
  public static boolean isAdGroupLoadError(AdError adError) {
    // TODO: Find out what other errors need to be handled (if any), and whether each one relates to
    // a single ad, ad group or the whole timeline.
    return adError.getErrorCode() == AdError.AdErrorCode.VAST_LINEAR_ASSET_MISMATCH
        || adError.getErrorCode() == AdError.AdErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR;

  /** Returns the looper on which all IMA SDK interaction must occur. */
  public static Looper getImaLooper() {
    // IMA SDK callbacks occur on the main thread. This method can be used to check that the player
    // is using the same looper, to ensure all interaction with this class is on the main thread.
    return Looper.getMainLooper();

  /** Returns a human-readable representation of a video progress update. */
  @SuppressWarnings("RestrictedApi") // VideoProgressUpdate.equals() is annotated as hidden.
  public static String getStringForVideoProgressUpdate(VideoProgressUpdate videoProgressUpdate) {
    if (VideoProgressUpdate.VIDEO_TIME_NOT_READY.equals(videoProgressUpdate)) {
      return "not ready";
    } else {
      return Util.formatInvariant(
          "%d ms of %d ms",
          videoProgressUpdate.getCurrentTimeMs(), videoProgressUpdate.getDurationMs());

   * Expands a placeholder ad group with a single ad to the requested number of ads and sets the
   * duration of the inserted ad.
   * <p>The remaining ad group duration is propagated to the ad following the inserted ad. If the
   * inserted ad is the last ad, the remaining ad group duration is wrapped around to the first ad
   * in the group.
   * @param adGroupIndex The ad group index of the ad group to expand.
   * @param adIndexInAdGroup The ad index to set the duration.
   * @param adDurationUs The duration of the ad.
   * @param adGroupDurationUs The duration of the whole ad group.
   * @param adsInAdGroupCount The number of ads of the ad group.
   * @param adPlaybackState The ad playback state to modify.
   * @return The updated ad playback state.
  public static AdPlaybackState expandAdGroupPlaceholder(
      int adGroupIndex,
      long adGroupDurationUs,
      int adIndexInAdGroup,
      long adDurationUs,
      int adsInAdGroupCount,
      AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState) {
    checkArgument(adIndexInAdGroup < adsInAdGroupCount);
    long[] adDurationsUs =
            new long[adsInAdGroupCount], adIndexInAdGroup, adDurationUs, adGroupDurationUs);
    return adPlaybackState
        .withAdCount(adGroupIndex, adDurationsUs.length)
        .withAdDurationsUs(adGroupIndex, adDurationsUs);

   * Updates the duration of an ad in and ad group.
   * <p>The difference of the previous duration and the updated duration is propagated to the ad
   * following the updated ad. If the updated ad is the last ad, the remaining duration is wrapped
   * around to the first ad in the group.
   * <p>The remaining ad duration is only propagated if the destination ad has a duration of 0.
   * @param adGroupIndex The ad group index of the ad group to expand.
   * @param adIndexInAdGroup The ad index to set the duration.
   * @param adDurationUs The duration of the ad.
   * @param adPlaybackState The ad playback state to modify.
   * @return The updated ad playback state.
  public static AdPlaybackState updateAdDurationInAdGroup(
      int adGroupIndex, int adIndexInAdGroup, long adDurationUs, AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState) {
    AdGroup adGroup = adPlaybackState.getAdGroup(adGroupIndex);
    checkArgument(adIndexInAdGroup < adGroup.durationsUs.length);
    long[] adDurationsUs =
            Arrays.copyOf(adGroup.durationsUs, adGroup.durationsUs.length),
    return adPlaybackState.withAdDurationsUs(adGroupIndex, adDurationsUs);

   * Updates the duration of the given ad in the array.
   * <p>The remaining difference when subtracting {@code adDurationUs} from {@code
   * remainingDurationUs} is used as the duration of the next ad after {@code adIndex}. If the
   * updated ad is the last ad, the remaining duration is wrapped around to the first ad of the
   * group.
   * <p>The remaining ad duration is only propagated if the destination ad has a duration of 0.
   * @param adDurationsUs The array to edit.
   * @param adIndex The index of the ad in the durations array.
   * @param adDurationUs The new ad duration.
   * @param remainingDurationUs The remaining ad duration before updating the new ad duration.
   * @return The updated input array, for convenience.
  private static long[] updateAdDurationAndPropagate(
      long[] adDurationsUs, int adIndex, long adDurationUs, long remainingDurationUs) {
    adDurationsUs[adIndex] = adDurationUs;
    int nextAdIndex = (adIndex + 1) % adDurationsUs.length;
    if (adDurationsUs[nextAdIndex] == 0) {
      // Propagate the remaining duration to the next ad.
      adDurationsUs[nextAdIndex] = max(0, remainingDurationUs - adDurationUs);
    return adDurationsUs;

   * Gets the window start in microseconds since the Unix epoch for a window of a {@linkplain
   * Timeline timeline} of the {@code DashMediaSource}.
   * @param windowStartTimeMs The window start time, in milliseconds.
   * @param positionInFirstPeriodUs The position of the window in the first period.
   * @return The window start time, in microseconds.
  public static long getWindowStartTimeUs(long windowStartTimeMs, long positionInFirstPeriodUs) {
    // Revert us/ms truncation introduced in `DashMediaSource.DashTimeline`.
    return msToUs(windowStartTimeMs) + (positionInFirstPeriodUs % 1000);

   * Splits an {@link AdPlaybackState} into a separate {@link AdPlaybackState} for each period of a
   * content timeline.
   * <p>If a period is enclosed by an ad group, the period is considered an ad period. Splitting
   * results in a separate {@link AdPlaybackState ad playback state} for each period that has either
   * no ads or a single ad. In the latter case, the duration of the single ad is set to the duration
   * of the period consuming the entire duration of the period. Accordingly an ad period does not
   * contribute to the duration of the containing window.
   * @param adPlaybackState The ad playback state to be split.
   * @param contentTimeline The content timeline for each period of which to create an {@link
   *     AdPlaybackState}.
   * @return A map of ad playback states for each period UID in the content timeline.
  public static ImmutableMap<Object, AdPlaybackState> splitAdPlaybackStateForPeriods(
      AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState, Timeline contentTimeline) {
    Timeline.Period period = new Timeline.Period();
    Timeline.Window window = contentTimeline.getWindow(0, new Timeline.Window());
    int periodIndex = 0;
    long totalElapsedContentDurationUs = 0;
    Object adsId = checkNotNull(adPlaybackState.adsId);
    AdPlaybackState contentOnlyAdPlaybackState = new AdPlaybackState(adsId);
    if (window.isLive()) {
      long windowStartTimeUs =
          getWindowStartTimeUs(window.windowStartTimeMs, window.positionInFirstPeriodUs);
      totalElapsedContentDurationUs = windowStartTimeUs - window.positionInFirstPeriodUs;
      contentOnlyAdPlaybackState = contentOnlyAdPlaybackState.withLivePostrollPlaceholderAppended();
    Map<Object, AdPlaybackState> adPlaybackStates = new HashMap<>();
    for (int i = adPlaybackState.removedAdGroupCount; i < adPlaybackState.adGroupCount; i++) {
      AdGroup adGroup = adPlaybackState.getAdGroup(/* adGroupIndex= */ i);
      int mappedAdCount = 0;
      if (adGroup.timeUs == C.TIME_END_OF_SOURCE) {
        checkState(i == adPlaybackState.adGroupCount - 1);
        // The last ad group is a placeholder for a potential post roll. We can just stop here.
      // The ad group start timeUs is in content position. We need to add the ad
      // duration before the ad group to translate the start time to the position in the period.
      long adGroupDurationUs = sum(adGroup.durationsUs);
      long elapsedAdGroupAdDurationUs = 0;
      for (int j = periodIndex; j < contentTimeline.getPeriodCount(); j++) {
        contentTimeline.getPeriod(j, period, /* setIds= */ true);
        if (totalElapsedContentDurationUs < adGroup.timeUs) {
          // Period starts before the ad group, so it is a content period.
          adPlaybackStates.put(checkNotNull(period.uid), contentOnlyAdPlaybackState);
          totalElapsedContentDurationUs += period.durationUs;
          // Current period added as a content period. Advance and look at the next period.
        } else {
          long periodStartUs = totalElapsedContentDurationUs + elapsedAdGroupAdDurationUs;
          long periodDurationUs = period.durationUs;
          if ((periodDurationUs != C.TIME_UNSET
                  && periodStartUs + periodDurationUs <= adGroup.timeUs + adGroupDurationUs)
              || (periodDurationUs == C.TIME_UNSET
                  && elapsedAdGroupAdDurationUs < adGroupDurationUs
                  && periodStartUs < adGroup.timeUs + adGroupDurationUs)) {
            // Ad period found. The period either ends before the end of the ad group, or it is the
            // last period of a live stream and it starts in the ad group.
                    adsId, adGroup, periodStartUs, periodDurationUs, window.isLive()));
            // Current period added as an ad period. Advance and look at the next period.
            elapsedAdGroupAdDurationUs += periodDurationUs;
            if ((adGroup.originalCount > adGroup.count && adGroup.count == mappedAdCount)
                || periodStartUs + periodDurationUs == adGroup.timeUs + adGroupDurationUs) {
              // Periods have consumed the ad group. We're at the end of the ad group.
              if (window.isLive()) {
                // Add elapsed ad duration to elapsed content duration for live streams to account
                // for the content resume offset (relevant because we above compare against
                // `adGroup.timeUs`). Instead of `adGroup.contentResumeOffsetUs` we use
                // `elapsedAdGroupAdDurationUs` that is the sum of the actual period durations.
                totalElapsedContentDurationUs += elapsedAdGroupAdDurationUs;
              // Continue with next ad group.
          } else {
            // Period is after the current ad group. Continue with next ad group.
    // The remaining periods end after the last ad group, so these are content periods.
    for (int i = periodIndex; i < contentTimeline.getPeriodCount(); i++) {
      contentTimeline.getPeriod(i, period, /* setIds= */ true);
      adPlaybackStates.put(checkNotNull(period.uid), contentOnlyAdPlaybackState);
    return ImmutableMap.copyOf(adPlaybackStates);

  private static AdPlaybackState splitAdGroupForPeriod(
      Object adsId,
      AdGroup adGroup,
      long periodStartUs,
      long periodDurationUs,
      boolean isLiveStream) {
    AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState =
        new AdPlaybackState(checkNotNull(adsId), /* adGroupTimesUs...= */ 0)
            .withIsServerSideInserted(/* adGroupIndex= */ 0, true)
            .withAdCount(/* adGroupIndex= */ 0, /* adCount= */ 1);
    if (isLiveStream) {
      adPlaybackState = adPlaybackState.withLivePostrollPlaceholderAppended();
    long adGroupDurationUs = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < adGroup.count; i++) {
      long sanitizedDurationUs =
          periodDurationUs != C.TIME_UNSET ? periodDurationUs : adGroup.durationsUs[i];
      long periodEndUs = periodStartUs + sanitizedDurationUs;
      adGroupDurationUs += adGroup.durationsUs[i];
      // TODO(bachinger): Remove margin constant by making sure the VOD ad group times are adjusted
      //   to the actual DASH timeline periods.
      if (periodEndUs <= adGroup.timeUs + adGroupDurationUs + 10_000) {
        adPlaybackState =
                .withAdDurationsUs(/* adGroupIndex= */ 0, sanitizedDurationUs)
                    /* adGroupIndex= */ 0, isLiveStream ? sanitizedDurationUs : 0);
        // Map the state of the global ad state to the period specific ad state.
        switch (adGroup.states[i]) {
          case AD_STATE_AVAILABLE:
            adPlaybackState =
                adPlaybackState.withAvailableAd(/* adGroupIndex= */ 0, /* adIndexInAdGroup= */ 0);
          case AdPlaybackState.AD_STATE_PLAYED:
            adPlaybackState =
                adPlaybackState.withPlayedAd(/* adGroupIndex= */ 0, /* adIndexInAdGroup= */ 0);
          case AdPlaybackState.AD_STATE_SKIPPED:
            adPlaybackState =
                adPlaybackState.withSkippedAd(/* adGroupIndex= */ 0, /* adIndexInAdGroup= */ 0);
          case AdPlaybackState.AD_STATE_ERROR:
            adPlaybackState =
                adPlaybackState.withAdLoadError(/* adGroupIndex= */ 0, /* adIndexInAdGroup= */ 0);
            // Do nothing.
    return adPlaybackState;

   * Updates previously inserted ad durations with actual period durations from the timeline and
   * returns the updated {@linkplain AdPlaybackState ad playback state}.
   * <p>This method must only be called for multi period live streams and is useful in the case that
   * {@linkplain #addLiveAdBreak(long, long, int, long, int, AdPlaybackState) a live ad has been
   * inserted} while the duration of the corresponding period was still unknown. In this case the
   * {@linkplain Ad#getDuration() estimated ad duration} was used which must be corrected as soon as
   * the live window of the {@code contentTimeline} advances and the previously unknown period
   * duration is available.
   * <p>Roughly, the logic checks whether an ad group of the ad playback state fits in or overlaps
   * one or several periods in the content timeline. Starting at the first ad inside the window, the
   * ad duration is set to the duration of the corresponding period until a period with an unknown
   * duration or the end of the ad group is reached.
   * <p>If the previously playing ad period isn't available in the content timeline anymore, no
   * correction is applied. The resulting position discontinuity of {@link
   * Player#DISCONTINUITY_REASON_REMOVE} needs to be handled accordingly elsewhere.
   * @param contentTimeline The live content timeline.
   * @param adPlaybackState The ad playback state.
   * @return The (potentially) updated ad playback state.
  public static AdPlaybackState maybeCorrectPreviouslyUnknownAdDurations(
      Timeline contentTimeline, AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState) {
    Timeline.Window window = contentTimeline.getWindow(/* windowIndex= */ 0, new Timeline.Window());
    if (window.firstPeriodIndex == window.lastPeriodIndex || adPlaybackState.adGroupCount < 2) {
      // Single period with unknown duration, or only a postroll placeholder.
      return adPlaybackState;
    Timeline.Period period = new Timeline.Period();
    int lastPeriodIndex = window.lastPeriodIndex;
    if (contentTimeline.getPeriod(lastPeriodIndex, period).durationUs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
      contentTimeline.getPeriod(lastPeriodIndex, period);
    // Search for an unplayed ad group at or before the period start.
    long windowStartTimeUs =
        getWindowStartTimeUs(window.windowStartTimeMs, window.positionInFirstPeriodUs);
    long lastCompletePeriodStartTimeUs = windowStartTimeUs + period.positionInWindowUs;
    int adGroupIndex =
            lastCompletePeriodStartTimeUs, /* periodDurationUs= */ C.TIME_UNSET);
    if (adGroupIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET) {
      // No unplayed ads before the last period with a duration. Nothing to do.
      return adPlaybackState;
    AdPlaybackState.AdGroup adGroup = adPlaybackState.getAdGroup(adGroupIndex);

    long periodStartTimeUs = windowStartTimeUs - window.positionInFirstPeriodUs;
    if (adGroup.timeUs + adGroup.contentResumeOffsetUs <= periodStartTimeUs) {
      // Ad group ends before first period in window. Discontinuity of reason REMOVE.
      return adPlaybackState;
    // The ads at the start of the ad group may be out of the window already. Skip them.
    int firstAdIndexInWindow = 0;
    long adStartTimeUs = adGroup.timeUs;
    while (adStartTimeUs < periodStartTimeUs) {
      if (adGroup.states[firstAdIndexInWindow] == AD_STATE_AVAILABLE) {
        // The previously available ad is not in the timeline anymore. Discontinuity of reason
        return adPlaybackState;
      // Skip ad before first period of window.
      adStartTimeUs += adGroup.durationsUs[firstAdIndexInWindow++];
    int firstPeriodIndexInAdGroup = C.INDEX_UNSET;
    for (int i = window.firstPeriodIndex; i <= lastPeriodIndex; i++) {
      if (adGroup.timeUs <= periodStartTimeUs) {
        firstPeriodIndexInAdGroup = i;
      periodStartTimeUs += contentTimeline.getPeriod(/* periodIndex= */ i, period).durationUs;
    checkState(firstPeriodIndexInAdGroup != C.INDEX_UNSET);

    // Update all ad durations that we know and are not yet correct.
    for (int i = firstAdIndexInWindow; i < adGroup.durationsUs.length; i++) {
      int adPeriodIndex = firstPeriodIndexInAdGroup + (i - firstAdIndexInWindow);
      if (adPeriodIndex > lastPeriodIndex) {
      contentTimeline.getPeriod(adPeriodIndex, period);
      if (period.durationUs != adGroup.durationsUs[i]) {
        // Set the ad duration to the period duration.
        adPlaybackState =
                adGroupIndex, /* adIndexInAdGroup= */ i, period.durationUs, adPlaybackState);
    // Get the ad group again and set the new content resume offset after update.
    long adGroupDurationUs = sum(adPlaybackState.getAdGroup(adGroupIndex).durationsUs);
    return adPlaybackState.withContentResumeOffsetUs(adGroupIndex, adGroupDurationUs);

   * Returns the sum of the durations of all the ads in an ad pod, in microseconds.
   * <p>If all periods are contained in the current window and have a known duration, the sum of the
   * period durations is returned. If this is not possible, {@link AdPodInfo#getMaxDuration() the
   * SDK provided group duration} is used instead.
   * <p>Do not use this method with public timelines of VOD multi-period streams that have the ad
   * duration subtracted from period durations.
   * @param timeline The timeline.
   * @param adPodInfo The {@link AdPodInfo} from the SDK event.
   * @param adPeriodIndex The period index of the period corresponding to the {@linkplain
   *     AdPodInfo#getAdPosition() ad position in the ad pod info}.
   * @param window The window to be populated as the window containing the ad period.
   * @param period The period to be populated as the ad period.
   * @return The duration of the ad group, in microseconds.
  public static long getAdGroupDurationUsForLiveAdPeriodIndex(
      Timeline timeline,
      AdPodInfo adPodInfo,
      int adPeriodIndex,
      Timeline.Window window,
      Timeline.Period period) {
    timeline.getPeriod(adPeriodIndex, period);
    timeline.getWindow(period.windowIndex, window);
    int adIndexInAdGroup = adPodInfo.getAdPosition() - 1;
    int firstAdPeriodIndex = adPeriodIndex - adIndexInAdGroup;
    int lastAdPeriodIndex = adPeriodIndex + (adPodInfo.getTotalAds() - adIndexInAdGroup - 1);
    long adGroupDurationUs = C.TIME_UNSET;
    if (window.firstPeriodIndex <= firstAdPeriodIndex
        && lastAdPeriodIndex < window.lastPeriodIndex) {
      adGroupDurationUs = 0L;
      Timeline.Period currentPeriod = new Timeline.Period();
      for (int periodIndex = firstAdPeriodIndex; periodIndex <= lastAdPeriodIndex; periodIndex++) {
        long durationUs = timeline.getPeriod(periodIndex, currentPeriod).durationUs;
        if (durationUs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
          adGroupDurationUs = C.TIME_UNSET;
        adGroupDurationUs += durationUs;
    return adGroupDurationUs != C.TIME_UNSET
        ? adGroupDurationUs
        : secToUsRounded(adPodInfo.getMaxDuration());

   * Handles the case when an ad period has been removed from the timeline while being played.
   * <p>This makes sure no unplayed ads are left in the ad playback state after buffering or after
   * the player has been paused in a live stream. In such a case periods may be removed from the
   * timeline before playback transitions to the next period automatically.
   * @param currentPeriodIndex The index of the {@linkplain Player#getCurrentPeriodIndex() current
   *     period}.
   * @param timeline The timeline containing the current period.
   * @param adPlaybackState The ad playback state to query.
   * @return The updated ad playback state.
  public static AdPlaybackState handleAdPeriodRemovedFromTimeline(
      int currentPeriodIndex, Timeline timeline, AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState) {
    Timeline.Period currentPeriod = timeline.getPeriod(currentPeriodIndex, new Timeline.Period());
    Timeline.Window window = timeline.getWindow(currentPeriod.windowIndex, new Timeline.Window());
    long currentPeriodStartTimeUs =
        getWindowStartTimeUs(window.windowStartTimeMs, window.positionInFirstPeriodUs)
            + currentPeriod.positionInWindowUs;
    int adGroupIndex =
        adPlaybackState.getAdGroupIndexForPositionUs(currentPeriodStartTimeUs, C.TIME_UNSET);
    if (adGroupIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
      AdGroup adGroup = adPlaybackState.getAdGroup(adGroupIndex);
      if (adGroup.timeUs + adGroup.contentResumeOffsetUs <= currentPeriodStartTimeUs) {
        // current period starts after ad group.
        return markAdGroupAsPlayed(adGroupIndex, /* preserveDurations= */ true, adPlaybackState);
      int lastAvailableAdIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
      long adGroupDurationUs = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < adGroup.states.length; i++) {
        int state = adGroup.states[i];
        if (state == AD_STATE_AVAILABLE) {
          lastAvailableAdIndex = i;
        if (currentPeriodStartTimeUs <= adGroup.timeUs + adGroupDurationUs) {
          if (currentPeriodStartTimeUs == adGroup.timeUs + adGroupDurationUs) {
            // Found the ad matching the current period.
            if (state == AD_STATE_AVAILABLE || state == AD_STATE_PLAYED) {
              return adPlaybackState;
            if (state == AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE && lastAvailableAdIndex == i - 1) {
              // First unavailable ad in the group.
              if (currentPeriod.durationUs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
                // All ad data available except the last period. Will be corrected as normal.
                return adPlaybackState;
              // Else we can set the duration in the ad group as if we received the ad event.
              adPlaybackState =
                      /* adIndexInAdGroup= */ i,
                      /* adDurationUs= */ currentPeriod.durationUs,
              adGroup = adPlaybackState.getAdGroup(adGroupIndex);
              return adPlaybackState.withContentResumeOffsetUs(
                  adGroupIndex, sum(adGroup.durationsUs));
          // We can't calculate the index position of the current period within the ad group after
          // an ad period has been removed from the timeline. Give up.
          adPlaybackState =
              markAdGroupAsPlayed(adGroupIndex, /* preserveDurations= */ false, adPlaybackState);
          // Future SDK events belonging to the skipped ad group are handled in #addLiveAdBreak()
          // like when joining the live stream while an ad is playing and will insert a new separate
          // partial ad group.
          if (currentPeriod.durationUs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
            // Insert the current ad as a single ad group instead of the skipped ad group.
            return addLiveAdBreak(
                /* adDurationUs= */ currentPeriod.durationUs,
                /* adPositionInAdPod= */ 1,
                /* totalAdDurationUs= */ currentPeriod.durationUs,
                /* totalAdsInAdPod= */ 1,
          return adPlaybackState;
        if (state == AD_STATE_AVAILABLE || state == AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE) {
          adPlaybackState = adPlaybackState.withSkippedAd(adGroupIndex, /* adIndexInAdGroup= */ i);
        adGroupDurationUs += adGroup.durationsUs[i];
    return adPlaybackState;

  private static AdPlaybackState markAdGroupAsPlayed(
      int adGroupIndex, boolean preserveDurations, AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState) {
    AdGroup adGroup = adPlaybackState.getAdGroup(adGroupIndex);
    long[] newDurationsUs = new long[adGroup.durationsUs.length];
    for (int adIndex = 0; adIndex < newDurationsUs.length; adIndex++) {
      newDurationsUs[adIndex] = preserveDurations ? adGroup.durationsUs[adIndex] : 0;
      if (adGroup.states[adIndex] == AD_STATE_AVAILABLE
          || adGroup.states[adIndex] == AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE) {
        adPlaybackState =
            adPlaybackState.withSkippedAd(adGroupIndex, /* adIndexInAdGroup= */ adIndex);
    return adPlaybackState
        .withAdDurationsUs(adGroupIndex, newDurationsUs)
        .withContentResumeOffsetUs(adGroupIndex, sum(newDurationsUs));

   * Returns the {@code adGroupIndex} in the ad playback state corresponding to the given period
   * index in the timeline and the {@code adIndexInAdGroup} of the first unplayed ad in that ad
   * group.
   * @param currentMediaItemIndex The {@linkplain Player#getCurrentMediaItemIndex() current media
   *     item index}.
   * @param adPeriodIndex The index of the ad period in the timeline.
   * @param timeline The timeline that contains the period for the ad period index.
   * @param adPlaybackState The ad playback state that holds the ad group and ad information.
   * @return A pair with the ad group index (first) and the ad index in that ad group (second).
   * @exception IllegalStateException If no unplayed ad is found before or at the start time of the
   *     ad period.
  public static Pair<Integer, Integer> getAdGroupAndIndexInLiveMultiPeriodTimeline(
      int currentMediaItemIndex,
      int adPeriodIndex,
      Timeline timeline,
      AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState) {
    Timeline.Window window =
        timeline.getWindow(/* windowIndex= */ currentMediaItemIndex, new Timeline.Window());
    Timeline.Period period = new Timeline.Period();
    timeline.getPeriod(adPeriodIndex, period, /* setIds= */ true);
    long adPeriodStartTimeUs =
        getWindowStartTimeUs(window.windowStartTimeMs, window.positionInFirstPeriodUs)
            + period.positionInWindowUs;
    int adGroupIndex =
        adPlaybackState.getAdGroupIndexForPositionUs(adPeriodStartTimeUs, C.TIME_UNSET);
    if (adGroupIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
      AdGroup adGroup = adPlaybackState.getAdGroup(adGroupIndex);
      for (int k = 0; k < adGroup.states.length; k++) {
        if (adGroup.states[k] == AD_STATE_AVAILABLE || adGroup.states[k] == AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE) {
          return new Pair<>(/* adGroupIndex= */ adGroupIndex, /* adIndexInAdGroup= */ k);
    throw new IllegalStateException(
            "No unplayed ad group found before or at the start time us %d of the period with index"
                + " %d",
            adPeriodStartTimeUs, adPeriodIndex));

   * Returns the {@code adGroupIndex} and the {@code adIndexInAdGroup} for the given period index of
   * an ad period in a VOD multi-period timeline.
   * @param adPeriodIndex The period index of the ad period.
   * @param adPlaybackState The ad playback state that holds the ad group and ad information.
   * @param contentTimeline The timeline that contains the ad period.
   * @return A pair with the ad group index (first) and the ad index in that ad group (second).
  public static Pair<Integer, Integer> getAdGroupAndIndexInVodMultiPeriodTimeline(
      int adPeriodIndex, AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState, Timeline contentTimeline) {
    Timeline.Window window = contentTimeline.getWindow(/* windowIndex= */ 0, new Timeline.Window());
    checkArgument(contentTimeline.getWindowCount() == 1);
    int periodIndex = 0;
    long totalElapsedContentDurationUs = 0;
    if (window.isLive()) {
      long windowStartTimeUs =
          getWindowStartTimeUs(window.windowStartTimeMs, window.positionInFirstPeriodUs);
      totalElapsedContentDurationUs = windowStartTimeUs - window.positionInFirstPeriodUs;
    Timeline.Period period = new Timeline.Period();
    for (int i = adPlaybackState.removedAdGroupCount; i < adPlaybackState.adGroupCount; i++) {
      int adIndexInAdGroup = 0;
      AdGroup adGroup = adPlaybackState.getAdGroup(/* adGroupIndex= */ i);
      long adGroupDurationUs = sum(adGroup.durationsUs);
      long elapsedAdGroupAdDurationUs = 0;
      for (int j = periodIndex; j < min(contentTimeline.getPeriodCount(), adPeriodIndex + 1); j++) {
        contentTimeline.getPeriod(j, period, /* setIds= */ true);
        if (totalElapsedContentDurationUs < adGroup.timeUs) {
          // Period starts before the ad group, so it is a content period.
          totalElapsedContentDurationUs += period.durationUs;
        } else {
          long periodStartUs = totalElapsedContentDurationUs + elapsedAdGroupAdDurationUs;
          if (periodStartUs + period.durationUs <= adGroup.timeUs + adGroupDurationUs) {
            // The period ends before the end of the ad group, so it is an ad period.
            if (j == adPeriodIndex) {
              return new Pair<>(/* adGroupIndex= */ i, adIndexInAdGroup);
            elapsedAdGroupAdDurationUs += period.durationUs;
          } else {
            // Period is after the current ad group. Continue with next ad group.
            totalElapsedContentDurationUs +=
                min(elapsedAdGroupAdDurationUs, adGroup.contentResumeOffsetUs);
        // Increment the period index to the next unclassified period.
    throw new IllegalStateException();

   * Called when the SDK emits a {@code LOADED} event of an IMA SSAI live stream.
   * <p>For each ad, the SDK emits a {@code LOADED} event at the start of the ad. The {@code LOADED}
   * event provides the information of a certain ad (index and duration) and its ad pod (number of
   * ads and total ad duration) that is mapped to an ad in an {@linkplain AdGroup ad group} of an
   * {@linkplain AdPlaybackState ad playback state} to reflect ads in the ExoPlayer media structure.
   * <p>In the normal case (when all ad information is available completely and in time), the
   * life-cycle of a live ad group and its ads has these phases:
   * <ol>
   *   <li>When playing content and a {@code LOADED} event arrives, an ad group is inserted at the
   *       current position with the number of ads reported by the ad pod. The duration of the first
   *       ad is set and its state is set to {@link AdPlaybackState#AD_STATE_AVAILABLE}. The
   *       duration of the 2nd ad is set to the remaining duration of the total ad group duration.
   *       This pads out the duration of the ad group, so it doesn't end before the next ad event
   *       arrives. When inserting the ad group at the current position, the player immediately
   *       advances to play the inserted ad period.
   *   <li>When playing an ad group and a further {@code LOADED} event arrives, the ad state is
   *       inspected to find the {@linkplain AdPlaybackState#getAdGroupIndexForPositionUs(long,
   *       long) ad group currently being played}. We query for the first {@linkplain
   *       AdPlaybackState#AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE unavailable ad} of that ad group, override its
   *       placeholder duration, mark it {@linkplain AdPlaybackState#AD_STATE_AVAILABLE available}
   *       and propagate the remainder of the placeholder duration to the next ad. Repeating this
   *       step until all ads are configured and marked as available.
   *   <li>When playing an ad and a {@code LOADED} event arrives but no more ads are in {@link
   *       AdPlaybackState#AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE}, the group is expanded by inserting a new ad at the
   *       end of the ad group.
   *   <li>After playing an ad: When playback exits from an ad period to the next ad or back to
   *       content, {@link ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource} detects {@linkplain
   *       Player.Listener#onPositionDiscontinuity(Player.PositionInfo, Player.PositionInfo, int) a
   *       position discontinuity}, identifies {@linkplain Player.PositionInfo#adIndexInAdGroup the
   *       ad being exited} and {@linkplain AdPlaybackState#AD_STATE_PLAYED marks the ad as played}.
   * </ol>
   * <p>Some edge-cases need consideration. When a user joins a live stream during an ad being
   * played, ad information previous to the first received {@code LOADED} event is missing. Only ads
   * starting from the first ad with full information are inserted into the group (back to happy
   * path step 2).
   * <p>There is further a chance, that a (pre-fetch) event arrives after the ad group has already
   * ended. In such a case, the pre-fetch ad starts a new ad group with the remaining ads in the
   * same way as the during-ad-joiner case that can afterwards be expanded again (back to end of
   * happy path step 2).
   * @param currentContentPeriodPositionUs The current public content position, in microseconds.
   * @param adDurationUs The duration of the ad to be inserted, in microseconds.
   * @param adPositionInAdPod The ad position in the ad pod (Note: starts with index 1).
   * @param totalAdDurationUs The total duration of all ads as declared by the ad pod.
   * @param totalAdsInAdPod The total number of ads declared by the ad pod.
   * @param adPlaybackState The ad playback state with the current ad information.
   * @return The updated {@link AdPlaybackState}.
  public static AdPlaybackState addLiveAdBreak(
      long currentContentPeriodPositionUs,
      long adDurationUs,
      int adPositionInAdPod,
      long totalAdDurationUs,
      int totalAdsInAdPod,
      AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState) {
    checkArgument(adPositionInAdPod > 0);
    long mediaPeriodPositionUs =
            currentContentPeriodPositionUs, /* nextAdGroupIndex= */ C.INDEX_UNSET, adPlaybackState);
    // TODO(b/217187518) Support seeking backwards.
    int adGroupIndex =
            mediaPeriodPositionUs, /* periodDurationUs= */ C.TIME_UNSET);
    if (adGroupIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET) {
      int adIndexInAdGroup = adPositionInAdPod - 1;
      long[] adDurationsUs =
              new long[totalAdsInAdPod - adIndexInAdGroup],
              /* adIndex= */ 0,
      adPlaybackState =
              /* fromPositionUs= */ currentContentPeriodPositionUs,
              /* contentResumeOffsetUs= */ sum(adDurationsUs),
              /* adDurationsUs...= */ adDurationsUs);
      adGroupIndex =
              mediaPeriodPositionUs, /* periodDurationUs= */ C.TIME_UNSET);
      if (adGroupIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
        adPlaybackState =
                .withAvailableAd(adGroupIndex, /* adIndexInAdGroup= */ 0)
                .withOriginalAdCount(adGroupIndex, /* originalAdCount= */ totalAdsInAdPod);
    } else {
      AdGroup adGroup = adPlaybackState.getAdGroup(adGroupIndex);
      long[] newDurationsUs = Arrays.copyOf(adGroup.durationsUs, adGroup.count);
      int nextUnavailableAdIndex = getNextUnavailableAdIndex(adGroup);
      if (adGroup.originalCount < totalAdsInAdPod || nextUnavailableAdIndex == adGroup.count) {
        int adInAdGroupCount = max(totalAdsInAdPod, nextUnavailableAdIndex + 1);
        adPlaybackState =
                .withAdCount(adGroupIndex, adInAdGroupCount)
                .withOriginalAdCount(adGroupIndex, /* originalAdCount= */ adInAdGroupCount);
        newDurationsUs = Arrays.copyOf(newDurationsUs, adInAdGroupCount);
        newDurationsUs[nextUnavailableAdIndex] = totalAdDurationUs;
            /* fromIndex= */ nextUnavailableAdIndex + 1,
            /* toIndex= */ adInAdGroupCount,
            /* val= */ 0L);
      long remainingDurationUs = max(adDurationUs, newDurationsUs[nextUnavailableAdIndex]);
          newDurationsUs, nextUnavailableAdIndex, adDurationUs, remainingDurationUs);
      adPlaybackState =
              .withAdDurationsUs(adGroupIndex, newDurationsUs)
              .withAvailableAd(adGroupIndex, nextUnavailableAdIndex)
              .withContentResumeOffsetUs(adGroupIndex, sum(newDurationsUs));
    return adPlaybackState;

   * Splits the ad group at an available ad at a given split index.
   * <p>When splitting, the ads from and after the split index are removed from the existing ad
   * group. Then the ad events of all removed available ads are replicated to get the exact same
   * result as if the new ad group was created by SDK ad events.
   * @param adGroup The ad group to split.
   * @param adGroupIndex The index of the ad group in the ad playback state.
   * @param splitIndexExclusive The first index that should be part of the newly created ad group.
   * @param adPlaybackState The ad playback state to modify.
   * @return The ad playback state with the split ad group.
  public static AdPlaybackState splitAdGroup(
      AdGroup adGroup, int adGroupIndex, int splitIndexExclusive, AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState) {
    checkArgument(splitIndexExclusive > 0 && splitIndexExclusive < adGroup.count);
    // Remove the ads from the ad group.
    for (int i = 0; i < adGroup.count - splitIndexExclusive; i++) {
      adPlaybackState = adPlaybackState.withLastAdRemoved(adGroupIndex);
    AdGroup previousAdGroup = adPlaybackState.getAdGroup(adGroupIndex);
    long newAdGroupTimeUs = previousAdGroup.timeUs + previousAdGroup.contentResumeOffsetUs;
    // Replicate ad events for each available ad that has been removed.
    int[] removedStates = Arrays.copyOfRange(adGroup.states, splitIndexExclusive, adGroup.count);
    long[] removedDurationsUs =
        Arrays.copyOfRange(adGroup.durationsUs, splitIndexExclusive, adGroup.count);
    long remainingAdDurationUs = sum(removedDurationsUs);
    for (int i = 0; i < removedStates.length && removedStates[i] == AD_STATE_AVAILABLE; i++) {
      adPlaybackState =
              /* adDurationUs= */ removedDurationsUs[i],
              /* adPositionInAdPod= */ i + 1,
              /* totalAdDurationUs= */ remainingAdDurationUs,
              /* totalAdsInAdPod= */ removedDurationsUs.length,
      remainingAdDurationUs -= removedDurationsUs[i];
    return adPlaybackState;

  private static int getNextUnavailableAdIndex(AdGroup adGroup) {
    for (int i = 0; i < adGroup.states.length; i++) {
      if (adGroup.states[i] == AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE) {
        return i;
    return adGroup.states.length;

   * Converts a time in seconds to the corresponding time in microseconds.
   * <p>Fractional values are rounded to the nearest microsecond using {@link RoundingMode#HALF_UP}.
   * @param timeSec The time in seconds.
   * @return The corresponding time in microseconds.
  public static long secToUsRounded(double timeSec) {
    return DoubleMath.roundToLong(
        BigDecimal.valueOf(timeSec).scaleByPowerOfTen(6).doubleValue(), RoundingMode.HALF_UP);

   * Converts a time in seconds to the corresponding time in milliseconds.
   * <p>Fractional values are rounded to the nearest millisecond using {@link RoundingMode#HALF_UP}.
   * @param timeSec The time in seconds.
   * @return The corresponding time in milliseconds.
  public static long secToMsRounded(double timeSec) {
    return DoubleMath.roundToLong(
        BigDecimal.valueOf(timeSec).scaleByPowerOfTen(3).doubleValue(), RoundingMode.HALF_UP);

  private ImaUtil() {}