 * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.exoplayer;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static java.lang.Math.max;

import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.Pair;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.AdPlaybackState;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.Player.RepeatMode;
import androidx.media3.common.Timeline;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions;
import androidx.media3.common.util.HandlerWrapper;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.MediaPeriod;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.MediaSource.MediaPeriodId;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.trackselection.TrackSelector;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.trackselection.TrackSelectorResult;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.Allocator;

 * Holds a queue of media periods, from the currently playing media period at the front to the
 * loading media period at the end of the queue, with methods for controlling loading and updating
 * the queue. Also has a reference to the media period currently being read.
/* package */ final class MediaPeriodQueue {

   * Initial renderer position offset used for the first item in the queue, in microseconds.
   * <p>Choosing a positive value, larger than any reasonable single media duration, ensures three
   * things:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>Media that accidentally or intentionally starts with small negative timestamps doesn't
   *       send samples with negative timestamps to decoders. This makes rendering more robust as
   *       many decoders are known to have problems with negative timestamps.
   *   <li>Enqueueing media after the initial item with a non-zero start offset (e.g. content after
   *       ad breaks or live streams) is virtually guaranteed to stay in the positive timestamp
   *       range even when seeking back. This prevents renderer resets that are required if the
   *       allowed timestamp range may become negative.
   *   <li>Choosing a large value with zeros at all relevant digits simplifies debugging as the
   *       original timestamp of the media is still visible.
   * </ul>
  public static final long INITIAL_RENDERER_POSITION_OFFSET_US = 1_000_000_000_000L;

   * Limits the maximum number of periods to buffer ahead of the current playing period. The
   * buffering policy normally prevents buffering too far ahead, but the policy could allow too many
   * small periods to be buffered if the period count were not limited.
  private static final int MAXIMUM_BUFFER_AHEAD_PERIODS = 100;

  private final Timeline.Period period;
  private final Timeline.Window window;
  private final AnalyticsCollector analyticsCollector;
  private final HandlerWrapper analyticsCollectorHandler;

  private long nextWindowSequenceNumber;
  private @RepeatMode int repeatMode;
  private boolean shuffleModeEnabled;
  @Nullable private MediaPeriodHolder playing;
  @Nullable private MediaPeriodHolder reading;
  @Nullable private MediaPeriodHolder loading;
  private int length;
  @Nullable private Object oldFrontPeriodUid;
  private long oldFrontPeriodWindowSequenceNumber;

   * Creates a new media period queue.
   * @param analyticsCollector An {@link AnalyticsCollector} to be informed of queue changes.
   * @param analyticsCollectorHandler The {@link Handler} to call {@link AnalyticsCollector} methods
   *     on.
  public MediaPeriodQueue(
      AnalyticsCollector analyticsCollector, HandlerWrapper analyticsCollectorHandler) {
    this.analyticsCollector = analyticsCollector;
    this.analyticsCollectorHandler = analyticsCollectorHandler;
    period = new Timeline.Period();
    window = new Timeline.Window();

   * Sets the {@link RepeatMode} and returns whether the repeat mode change has been fully handled.
   * If not, it is necessary to seek to the current playback position.
   * @param timeline The current timeline.
   * @param repeatMode The new repeat mode.
   * @return Whether the repeat mode change has been fully handled.
  public boolean updateRepeatMode(Timeline timeline, @RepeatMode int repeatMode) {
    this.repeatMode = repeatMode;
    return updateForPlaybackModeChange(timeline);

   * Sets whether shuffling is enabled and returns whether the shuffle mode change has been fully
   * handled. If not, it is necessary to seek to the current playback position.
   * @param timeline The current timeline.
   * @param shuffleModeEnabled Whether shuffling mode is enabled.
   * @return Whether the shuffle mode change has been fully handled.
  public boolean updateShuffleModeEnabled(Timeline timeline, boolean shuffleModeEnabled) {
    this.shuffleModeEnabled = shuffleModeEnabled;
    return updateForPlaybackModeChange(timeline);

  /** Returns whether {@code mediaPeriod} is the current loading media period. */
  public boolean isLoading(MediaPeriod mediaPeriod) {
    return loading != null && loading.mediaPeriod == mediaPeriod;

   * If there is a loading period, reevaluates its buffer.
   * @param rendererPositionUs The current renderer position.
  public void reevaluateBuffer(long rendererPositionUs) {
    if (loading != null) {

  /** Returns whether a new loading media period should be enqueued, if available. */
  public boolean shouldLoadNextMediaPeriod() {
    return loading == null
        || (!
            && loading.isFullyBuffered()
            && != C.TIME_UNSET
            && length < MAXIMUM_BUFFER_AHEAD_PERIODS);

   * Returns the {@link MediaPeriodInfo} for the next media period to load.
   * @param rendererPositionUs The current renderer position.
   * @param playbackInfo The current playback information.
   * @return The {@link MediaPeriodInfo} for the next media period to load, or {@code null} if not
   *     yet known.
  public MediaPeriodInfo getNextMediaPeriodInfo(
      long rendererPositionUs, PlaybackInfo playbackInfo) {
    return loading == null
        ? getFirstMediaPeriodInfo(playbackInfo)
        : getFollowingMediaPeriodInfo(playbackInfo.timeline, loading, rendererPositionUs);

   * Enqueues a new media period holder based on the specified information as the new loading media
   * period, and returns it.
   * @param rendererCapabilities The renderer capabilities.
   * @param trackSelector The track selector.
   * @param allocator The allocator.
   * @param mediaSourceList The list of media sources.
   * @param info Information used to identify this media period in its timeline period.
   * @param emptyTrackSelectorResult A {@link TrackSelectorResult} with empty selections for each
   *     renderer.
  public MediaPeriodHolder enqueueNextMediaPeriodHolder(
      RendererCapabilities[] rendererCapabilities,
      TrackSelector trackSelector,
      Allocator allocator,
      MediaSourceList mediaSourceList,
      MediaPeriodInfo info,
      TrackSelectorResult emptyTrackSelectorResult) {
    long rendererPositionOffsetUs =
        loading == null
            : (loading.getRendererOffset() + - info.startPositionUs);
    MediaPeriodHolder newPeriodHolder =
        new MediaPeriodHolder(
    if (loading != null) {
    } else {
      playing = newPeriodHolder;
      reading = newPeriodHolder;
    oldFrontPeriodUid = null;
    loading = newPeriodHolder;
    return newPeriodHolder;

   * Returns the loading period holder which is at the end of the queue, or null if the queue is
   * empty.
  public MediaPeriodHolder getLoadingPeriod() {
    return loading;

   * Returns the playing period holder which is at the front of the queue, or null if the queue is
   * empty.
  public MediaPeriodHolder getPlayingPeriod() {
    return playing;

  /** Returns the reading period holder, or null if the queue is empty. */
  public MediaPeriodHolder getReadingPeriod() {
    return reading;

   * Continues reading from the next period holder in the queue.
   * @return The updated reading period holder.
  public MediaPeriodHolder advanceReadingPeriod() {
    Assertions.checkState(reading != null && reading.getNext() != null);
    reading = reading.getNext();
    return reading;

   * Dequeues the playing period holder from the front of the queue and advances the playing period
   * holder to be the next item in the queue.
   * @return The updated playing period holder, or null if the queue is or becomes empty.
  public MediaPeriodHolder advancePlayingPeriod() {
    if (playing == null) {
      return null;
    if (playing == reading) {
      reading = playing.getNext();
    if (length == 0) {
      loading = null;
      oldFrontPeriodUid = playing.uid;
      oldFrontPeriodWindowSequenceNumber =;
    playing = playing.getNext();
    return playing;

   * Removes all period holders after the given period holder. This process may also remove the
   * currently reading period holder. If that is the case, the reading period holder is set to be
   * the same as the playing period holder at the front of the queue.
   * @param mediaPeriodHolder The media period holder that shall be the new end of the queue.
   * @return Whether the reading period has been removed.
  public boolean removeAfter(MediaPeriodHolder mediaPeriodHolder) {
    Assertions.checkState(mediaPeriodHolder != null);
    if (mediaPeriodHolder.equals(loading)) {
      return false;
    boolean removedReading = false;
    loading = mediaPeriodHolder;
    while (mediaPeriodHolder.getNext() != null) {
      mediaPeriodHolder = mediaPeriodHolder.getNext();
      if (mediaPeriodHolder == reading) {
        reading = playing;
        removedReading = true;
    return removedReading;

  /** Clears the queue. */
  public void clear() {
    if (length == 0) {
    MediaPeriodHolder front = Assertions.checkStateNotNull(playing);
    oldFrontPeriodUid = front.uid;
    oldFrontPeriodWindowSequenceNumber =;
    while (front != null) {
      front = front.getNext();
    playing = null;
    loading = null;
    reading = null;
    length = 0;

   * Updates media periods in the queue to take into account the latest timeline, and returns
   * whether the timeline change has been fully handled. If not, it is necessary to seek to the
   * current playback position. The method assumes that the first media period in the queue is still
   * consistent with the new timeline.
   * @param timeline The new timeline.
   * @param rendererPositionUs The current renderer position in microseconds.
   * @param maxRendererReadPositionUs The maximum renderer position up to which renderers have read
   *     the current reading media period in microseconds, or {@link C#TIME_END_OF_SOURCE} if they
   *     have read to the end.
   * @return Whether the timeline change has been handled completely.
  public boolean updateQueuedPeriods(
      Timeline timeline, long rendererPositionUs, long maxRendererReadPositionUs) {
    // TODO: Merge this into setTimeline so that the queue gets updated as soon as the new timeline
    // is set, once all cases handled by ExoPlayerImplInternal.handleMediaSourceListInfoRefreshed
    // can be handled here.
    MediaPeriodHolder previousPeriodHolder = null;
    MediaPeriodHolder periodHolder = playing;
    while (periodHolder != null) {
      MediaPeriodInfo oldPeriodInfo =;

      // Get period info based on new timeline.
      MediaPeriodInfo newPeriodInfo;
      if (previousPeriodHolder == null) {
        // The id and start position of the first period have already been verified by
        // ExoPlayerImplInternal.handleMediaSourceListInfoRefreshed. Just update duration,
        // isLastInTimeline and isLastInPeriod flags.
        newPeriodInfo = getUpdatedMediaPeriodInfo(timeline, oldPeriodInfo);
      } else {
        newPeriodInfo =
            getFollowingMediaPeriodInfo(timeline, previousPeriodHolder, rendererPositionUs);
        if (newPeriodInfo == null) {
          // We've loaded a next media period that is not in the new timeline.
          return !removeAfter(previousPeriodHolder);
        if (!canKeepMediaPeriodHolder(oldPeriodInfo, newPeriodInfo)) {
          // The new media period has a different id or start position.
          return !removeAfter(previousPeriodHolder);

      // Use the new period info, but keep the old requested content position to avoid overriding it
      // by the default content position generated in getFollowingMediaPeriodInfo. =

      if (!areDurationsCompatible(oldPeriodInfo.durationUs, newPeriodInfo.durationUs)) {
        // The period duration changed. Remove all subsequent periods and check whether we read
        // beyond the new duration.
        long newDurationInRendererTime =
            newPeriodInfo.durationUs == C.TIME_UNSET
                ? Long.MAX_VALUE
                : periodHolder.toRendererTime(newPeriodInfo.durationUs);
        boolean isReadingAndReadBeyondNewDuration =
            periodHolder == reading
                && !
                && (maxRendererReadPositionUs == C.TIME_END_OF_SOURCE
                    || maxRendererReadPositionUs >= newDurationInRendererTime);
        boolean readingPeriodRemoved = removeAfter(periodHolder);
        return !readingPeriodRemoved && !isReadingAndReadBeyondNewDuration;

      previousPeriodHolder = periodHolder;
      periodHolder = periodHolder.getNext();
    return true;

   * Returns new media period info based on specified {@code mediaPeriodInfo} but taking into
   * account the current timeline. This method must only be called if the period is still part of
   * the current timeline.
   * @param timeline The current timeline used to update the media period.
   * @param info Media period info for a media period based on an old timeline.
   * @return The updated media period info for the current timeline.
  public MediaPeriodInfo getUpdatedMediaPeriodInfo(Timeline timeline, MediaPeriodInfo info) {
    MediaPeriodId id =;
    boolean isLastInPeriod = isLastInPeriod(id);
    boolean isLastInWindow = isLastInWindow(timeline, id);
    boolean isLastInTimeline = isLastInTimeline(timeline, id, isLastInPeriod);
    timeline.getPeriodByUid(, period);
    long endPositionUs =
        id.isAd() || id.nextAdGroupIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET
            ? C.TIME_UNSET
            : period.getAdGroupTimeUs(id.nextAdGroupIndex);
    long durationUs =
            ? period.getAdDurationUs(id.adGroupIndex, id.adIndexInAdGroup)
            : (endPositionUs == C.TIME_UNSET || endPositionUs == C.TIME_END_OF_SOURCE
                ? period.getDurationUs()
                : endPositionUs);
    boolean isFollowedByTransitionToSameStream =
            ? period.isServerSideInsertedAdGroup(id.adGroupIndex)
            : (id.nextAdGroupIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET
                && period.isServerSideInsertedAdGroup(id.nextAdGroupIndex));
    return new MediaPeriodInfo(

   * Resolves the specified timeline period and position to a {@link MediaPeriodId} that should be
   * played, returning an identifier for an ad group if one needs to be played before the specified
   * position, or an identifier for a content media period if not.
   * @param timeline The timeline the period is part of.
   * @param periodUid The uid of the timeline period to play.
   * @param positionUs The next content position in the period to play.
   * @return The identifier for the first media period to play, taking into account unplayed ads.
  public MediaPeriodId resolveMediaPeriodIdForAds(
      Timeline timeline, Object periodUid, long positionUs) {
    long windowSequenceNumber = resolvePeriodIndexToWindowSequenceNumber(timeline, periodUid);
    return resolveMediaPeriodIdForAds(
        timeline, periodUid, positionUs, windowSequenceNumber, window, period);

   * Resolves the specified timeline period and position to a {@link MediaPeriodId} that should be
   * played, returning an identifier for an ad group if one needs to be played before the specified
   * position, or an identifier for a content media period if not.
   * @param timeline The timeline the period is part of.
   * @param periodUid The uid of the timeline period to play.
   * @param positionUs The next content position in the period to play.
   * @param windowSequenceNumber The sequence number of the window in the buffered sequence of
   *     windows this period is part of.
   * @param period A scratch {@link Timeline.Period}.
   * @return The identifier for the first media period to play, taking into account unplayed ads.
  private static MediaPeriodId resolveMediaPeriodIdForAds(
      Timeline timeline,
      Object periodUid,
      long positionUs,
      long windowSequenceNumber,
      Timeline.Window window,
      Timeline.Period period) {
    timeline.getPeriodByUid(periodUid, period);
    timeline.getWindow(period.windowIndex, window);
    int periodIndex = timeline.getIndexOfPeriod(periodUid);
    // Skip ignorable server side inserted ad periods.
    while ((period.durationUs == 0
            && period.getAdGroupCount() > 0
            && period.isServerSideInsertedAdGroup(period.getRemovedAdGroupCount())
            && period.getAdGroupIndexForPositionUs(0) == C.INDEX_UNSET)
        && periodIndex++ < window.lastPeriodIndex) {
      timeline.getPeriod(periodIndex, period, /* setIds= */ true);
      periodUid = checkNotNull(period.uid);
    timeline.getPeriodByUid(periodUid, period);
    int adGroupIndex = period.getAdGroupIndexForPositionUs(positionUs);
    if (adGroupIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET) {
      int nextAdGroupIndex = period.getAdGroupIndexAfterPositionUs(positionUs);
      return new MediaPeriodId(periodUid, windowSequenceNumber, nextAdGroupIndex);
    } else {
      int adIndexInAdGroup = period.getFirstAdIndexToPlay(adGroupIndex);
      return new MediaPeriodId(periodUid, adGroupIndex, adIndexInAdGroup, windowSequenceNumber);

   * Resolves the specified timeline period and position to a {@link MediaPeriodId} that should be
   * played after a period position change, returning an identifier for an ad group if one needs to
   * be played before the specified position, or an identifier for a content media period if not.
   * @param timeline The timeline the period is part of.
   * @param periodUid The uid of the timeline period to play.
   * @param positionUs The next content position in the period to play.
   * @return The identifier for the first media period to play, taking into account unplayed ads.
  public MediaPeriodId resolveMediaPeriodIdForAdsAfterPeriodPositionChange(
      Timeline timeline, Object periodUid, long positionUs) {
    long windowSequenceNumber = resolvePeriodIndexToWindowSequenceNumber(timeline, periodUid);
    // Check for preceding ad periods in multi-period window.
    timeline.getPeriodByUid(periodUid, period);
    timeline.getWindow(period.windowIndex, window);
    Object periodUidToPlay = periodUid;
    boolean seenAdPeriod = false;
    for (int i = timeline.getIndexOfPeriod(periodUid); i >= window.firstPeriodIndex; i--) {
      timeline.getPeriod(/* periodIndex= */ i, period, /* setIds= */ true);
      boolean isAdPeriod = period.getAdGroupCount() > 0;
      seenAdPeriod |= isAdPeriod;
      if (period.getAdGroupIndexForPositionUs(period.durationUs) != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
        // Roll forward to preceding un-played ad period.
        periodUidToPlay = checkNotNull(period.uid);
      if (seenAdPeriod && (!isAdPeriod || period.durationUs != 0)) {
        // Stop for any periods except un-played ads with no content.
    return resolveMediaPeriodIdForAds(
        timeline, periodUidToPlay, positionUs, windowSequenceNumber, window, period);

  // Internal methods.

  private void notifyQueueUpdate() {
    ImmutableList.Builder<MediaPeriodId> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
    @Nullable MediaPeriodHolder period = playing;
    while (period != null) {
      period = period.getNext();
    @Nullable MediaPeriodId readingPeriodId = reading == null ? null :;
        () -> analyticsCollector.updateMediaPeriodQueueInfo(, readingPeriodId));

   * Resolves the specified period uid to a corresponding window sequence number. Either by reusing
   * the window sequence number of an existing matching media period or by creating a new window
   * sequence number.
   * @param timeline The timeline the period is part of.
   * @param periodUid The uid of the timeline period.
   * @return A window sequence number for a media period created for this timeline period.
  private long resolvePeriodIndexToWindowSequenceNumber(Timeline timeline, Object periodUid) {
    int windowIndex = timeline.getPeriodByUid(periodUid, period).windowIndex;
    if (oldFrontPeriodUid != null) {
      int oldFrontPeriodIndex = timeline.getIndexOfPeriod(oldFrontPeriodUid);
      if (oldFrontPeriodIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
        int oldFrontWindowIndex = timeline.getPeriod(oldFrontPeriodIndex, period).windowIndex;
        if (oldFrontWindowIndex == windowIndex) {
          // Try to match old front uid after the queue has been cleared.
          return oldFrontPeriodWindowSequenceNumber;
    MediaPeriodHolder mediaPeriodHolder = playing;
    while (mediaPeriodHolder != null) {
      if (mediaPeriodHolder.uid.equals(periodUid)) {
        // Reuse window sequence number of first exact period match.
      mediaPeriodHolder = mediaPeriodHolder.getNext();
    mediaPeriodHolder = playing;
    while (mediaPeriodHolder != null) {
      int indexOfHolderInTimeline = timeline.getIndexOfPeriod(mediaPeriodHolder.uid);
      if (indexOfHolderInTimeline != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
        int holderWindowIndex = timeline.getPeriod(indexOfHolderInTimeline, period).windowIndex;
        if (holderWindowIndex == windowIndex) {
          // As an alternative, try to match other periods of the same window.
      mediaPeriodHolder = mediaPeriodHolder.getNext();
    // If no match is found, create new sequence number.
    long windowSequenceNumber = nextWindowSequenceNumber++;
    if (playing == null) {
      // If the queue is empty, save it as old front uid to allow later reuse.
      oldFrontPeriodUid = periodUid;
      oldFrontPeriodWindowSequenceNumber = windowSequenceNumber;
    return windowSequenceNumber;

   * Returns whether a period described by {@code oldInfo} can be kept for playing the media period
   * described by {@code newInfo}.
  private boolean canKeepMediaPeriodHolder(MediaPeriodInfo oldInfo, MediaPeriodInfo newInfo) {
    return oldInfo.startPositionUs == newInfo.startPositionUs &&;

   * Returns whether a duration change of a period is compatible with keeping the following periods.
  private boolean areDurationsCompatible(long previousDurationUs, long newDurationUs) {
    return previousDurationUs == C.TIME_UNSET || previousDurationUs == newDurationUs;

   * Updates the queue for any playback mode change, and returns whether the change was fully
   * handled. If not, it is necessary to seek to the current playback position.
   * @param timeline The current timeline.
  private boolean updateForPlaybackModeChange(Timeline timeline) {
    // Find the last existing period holder that matches the new period order.
    MediaPeriodHolder lastValidPeriodHolder = playing;
    if (lastValidPeriodHolder == null) {
      return true;
    int currentPeriodIndex = timeline.getIndexOfPeriod(lastValidPeriodHolder.uid);
    while (true) {
      int nextPeriodIndex =
              currentPeriodIndex, period, window, repeatMode, shuffleModeEnabled);
      while (lastValidPeriodHolder.getNext() != null
          && ! {
        lastValidPeriodHolder = lastValidPeriodHolder.getNext();

      MediaPeriodHolder nextMediaPeriodHolder = lastValidPeriodHolder.getNext();
      if (nextPeriodIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET || nextMediaPeriodHolder == null) {
      int nextPeriodHolderPeriodIndex = timeline.getIndexOfPeriod(nextMediaPeriodHolder.uid);
      if (nextPeriodHolderPeriodIndex != nextPeriodIndex) {
      lastValidPeriodHolder = nextMediaPeriodHolder;
      currentPeriodIndex = nextPeriodIndex;

    // Release any period holders that don't match the new period order.
    boolean readingPeriodRemoved = removeAfter(lastValidPeriodHolder);

    // Update the period info for the last holder, as it may now be the last period in the timeline. = getUpdatedMediaPeriodInfo(timeline,;

    // If renderers may have read from a period that's been removed, it is necessary to restart.
    return !readingPeriodRemoved;

   * Returns the first {@link MediaPeriodInfo} to play, based on the specified playback position.
  private MediaPeriodInfo getFirstMediaPeriodInfo(PlaybackInfo playbackInfo) {
    return getMediaPeriodInfo(

   * Returns the {@link MediaPeriodInfo} for the media period following {@code mediaPeriodHolder}'s
   * media period.
   * @param timeline The current timeline.
   * @param mediaPeriodHolder The media period holder.
   * @param rendererPositionUs The current renderer position in microseconds.
   * @return The following media period's info, or {@code null} if it is not yet possible to get the
   *     next media period info.
  private MediaPeriodInfo getFollowingMediaPeriodInfo(
      Timeline timeline, MediaPeriodHolder mediaPeriodHolder, long rendererPositionUs) {
    // TODO: This method is called repeatedly from ExoPlayerImplInternal.maybeUpdateLoadingPeriod
    // but if the timeline is not ready to provide the next period it can't return a non-null value
    // until the timeline is updated. Store whether the next timeline period is ready when the
    // timeline is updated, to avoid repeatedly checking the same timeline.
    MediaPeriodInfo mediaPeriodInfo =;
    // The expected delay until playback transitions to the new period is equal the duration of
    // media that's currently buffered (assuming no interruptions). This is used to project forward
    // the start position for transitions to new windows.
    long bufferedDurationUs =
        mediaPeriodHolder.getRendererOffset() + mediaPeriodInfo.durationUs - rendererPositionUs;
    if (mediaPeriodInfo.isLastInTimelinePeriod) {
      int currentPeriodIndex = timeline.getIndexOfPeriod(;
      int nextPeriodIndex =
              currentPeriodIndex, period, window, repeatMode, shuffleModeEnabled);
      if (nextPeriodIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET) {
        // We can't create a next period yet.
        return null;
      // We either start a new period in the same window or the first period in the next window.
      long startPositionUs = 0;
      long contentPositionUs = 0;
      int nextWindowIndex =
          timeline.getPeriod(nextPeriodIndex, period, /* setIds= */ true).windowIndex;
      Object nextPeriodUid = checkNotNull(period.uid);
      long windowSequenceNumber =;
      if (timeline.getWindow(nextWindowIndex, window).firstPeriodIndex == nextPeriodIndex) {
        // We're starting to buffer a new window. When playback transitions to this window we'll
        // want it to be from its default start position, so project the default start position
        // forward by the duration of the buffer, and start buffering from this point.
        contentPositionUs = C.TIME_UNSET;
        Pair<Object, Long> defaultPositionUs =
                /* windowPositionUs= */ C.TIME_UNSET,
                /* defaultPositionProjectionUs= */ max(0, bufferedDurationUs));
        if (defaultPositionUs == null) {
          return null;
        nextPeriodUid = defaultPositionUs.first;
        startPositionUs = defaultPositionUs.second;
        @Nullable MediaPeriodHolder nextMediaPeriodHolder = mediaPeriodHolder.getNext();
        if (nextMediaPeriodHolder != null && nextMediaPeriodHolder.uid.equals(nextPeriodUid)) {
          windowSequenceNumber =;
        } else {
          windowSequenceNumber = nextWindowSequenceNumber++;

      MediaPeriodId periodId =
              timeline, nextPeriodUid, startPositionUs, windowSequenceNumber, window, period);
      if (contentPositionUs != C.TIME_UNSET
          && mediaPeriodInfo.requestedContentPositionUs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
        boolean isPrecedingPeriodAnAd =
            timeline.getPeriodByUid(, period).getAdGroupCount() > 0
                && period.isServerSideInsertedAdGroup(period.getRemovedAdGroupCount());
        // Handle the requested content position for period transitions within the same window.
        if (periodId.isAd() && isPrecedingPeriodAnAd) {
          // Propagate the requested position to the following ad period in the same window.
          contentPositionUs = mediaPeriodInfo.requestedContentPositionUs;
        } else if (isPrecedingPeriodAnAd) {
          // Use the requested content position of the preceding ad period as the start position.
          startPositionUs = mediaPeriodInfo.requestedContentPositionUs;
      return getMediaPeriodInfo(timeline, periodId, contentPositionUs, startPositionUs);

    MediaPeriodId currentPeriodId =;
    timeline.getPeriodByUid(currentPeriodId.periodUid, period);
    if (currentPeriodId.isAd()) {
      int adGroupIndex = currentPeriodId.adGroupIndex;
      int adCountInCurrentAdGroup = period.getAdCountInAdGroup(adGroupIndex);
      if (adCountInCurrentAdGroup == C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
        return null;
      int nextAdIndexInAdGroup =
          period.getNextAdIndexToPlay(adGroupIndex, currentPeriodId.adIndexInAdGroup);
      if (nextAdIndexInAdGroup < adCountInCurrentAdGroup) {
        // Play the next ad in the ad group if it's available.
        return getMediaPeriodInfoForAd(
      } else {
        // Play content from the ad group position.
        long startPositionUs = mediaPeriodInfo.requestedContentPositionUs;
        if (startPositionUs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
          // If we're transitioning from an ad group to content starting from its default position,
          // project the start position forward as if this were a transition to a new window.
          Pair<Object, Long> defaultPositionUs =
                  /* windowPositionUs= */ C.TIME_UNSET,
                  /* defaultPositionProjectionUs= */ max(0, bufferedDurationUs));
          if (defaultPositionUs == null) {
            return null;
          startPositionUs = defaultPositionUs.second;
        long minStartPositionUs =
                timeline, currentPeriodId.periodUid, currentPeriodId.adGroupIndex);
        return getMediaPeriodInfoForContent(
            max(minStartPositionUs, startPositionUs),
    } else {
      // Play the next ad group if it's still available.
      int adIndexInAdGroup = period.getFirstAdIndexToPlay(currentPeriodId.nextAdGroupIndex);
      boolean isPlayedServerSideInsertedAd =
              && period.getAdState(currentPeriodId.nextAdGroupIndex, adIndexInAdGroup)
                  == AdPlaybackState.AD_STATE_PLAYED;
      if (adIndexInAdGroup == period.getAdCountInAdGroup(currentPeriodId.nextAdGroupIndex)
          || isPlayedServerSideInsertedAd) {
        // The next ad group has no ads left to play or is a played SSAI ad group. Play content from
        // the end position instead.
        long startPositionUs =
                timeline, currentPeriodId.periodUid, currentPeriodId.nextAdGroupIndex);
        return getMediaPeriodInfoForContent(
            /* requestedContentPositionUs= */ mediaPeriodInfo.durationUs,
      return getMediaPeriodInfoForAd(
          /* contentPositionUs= */ mediaPeriodInfo.durationUs,

  private MediaPeriodInfo getMediaPeriodInfo(
      Timeline timeline, MediaPeriodId id, long requestedContentPositionUs, long startPositionUs) {
    timeline.getPeriodByUid(id.periodUid, period);
    if (id.isAd()) {
      return getMediaPeriodInfoForAd(
    } else {
      return getMediaPeriodInfoForContent(

  private MediaPeriodInfo getMediaPeriodInfoForAd(
      Timeline timeline,
      Object periodUid,
      int adGroupIndex,
      int adIndexInAdGroup,
      long contentPositionUs,
      long windowSequenceNumber) {
    MediaPeriodId id =
        new MediaPeriodId(periodUid, adGroupIndex, adIndexInAdGroup, windowSequenceNumber);
    long durationUs =
            .getPeriodByUid(id.periodUid, period)
            .getAdDurationUs(id.adGroupIndex, id.adIndexInAdGroup);
    long startPositionUs =
        adIndexInAdGroup == period.getFirstAdIndexToPlay(adGroupIndex)
            ? period.getAdResumePositionUs()
            : 0;
    boolean isFollowedByTransitionToSameStream =
    if (durationUs != C.TIME_UNSET && startPositionUs >= durationUs) {
      // Ensure start position doesn't exceed duration.
      startPositionUs = max(0, durationUs - 1);
    return new MediaPeriodInfo(
        /* endPositionUs= */ C.TIME_UNSET,
        /* isLastInTimelinePeriod= */ false,
        /* isLastInTimelineWindow= */ false,
        /* isFinal= */ false);

  private MediaPeriodInfo getMediaPeriodInfoForContent(
      Timeline timeline,
      Object periodUid,
      long startPositionUs,
      long requestedContentPositionUs,
      long windowSequenceNumber) {
    timeline.getPeriodByUid(periodUid, period);
    int nextAdGroupIndex = period.getAdGroupIndexAfterPositionUs(startPositionUs);
    boolean clipPeriodAtContentDuration = false;
    if (nextAdGroupIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET) {
      // Clip SSAI streams when at the end of the period.
      clipPeriodAtContentDuration =
          period.getAdGroupCount() > 0
              && period.isServerSideInsertedAdGroup(period.getRemovedAdGroupCount());
    } else if (period.isServerSideInsertedAdGroup(nextAdGroupIndex)
        && period.getAdGroupTimeUs(nextAdGroupIndex) == period.durationUs) {
      if (period.hasPlayedAdGroup(nextAdGroupIndex)) {
        // Clip period before played SSAI post-rolls.
        nextAdGroupIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
        clipPeriodAtContentDuration = true;
    MediaPeriodId id = new MediaPeriodId(periodUid, windowSequenceNumber, nextAdGroupIndex);
    boolean isLastInPeriod = isLastInPeriod(id);
    boolean isLastInWindow = isLastInWindow(timeline, id);
    boolean isLastInTimeline = isLastInTimeline(timeline, id, isLastInPeriod);
    boolean isFollowedByTransitionToSameStream =
        nextAdGroupIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET && period.isServerSideInsertedAdGroup(nextAdGroupIndex);
    long endPositionUs =
        nextAdGroupIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET
            ? period.getAdGroupTimeUs(nextAdGroupIndex)
            : clipPeriodAtContentDuration ? period.durationUs : C.TIME_UNSET;
    long durationUs =
        endPositionUs == C.TIME_UNSET || endPositionUs == C.TIME_END_OF_SOURCE
            ? period.durationUs
            : endPositionUs;
    if (durationUs != C.TIME_UNSET && startPositionUs >= durationUs) {
      // Ensure start position doesn't exceed duration.
      boolean endAtLastFrame = isLastInTimeline || !clipPeriodAtContentDuration;
      startPositionUs = max(0, durationUs - (endAtLastFrame ? 1 : 0));
    return new MediaPeriodInfo(

  private boolean isLastInPeriod(MediaPeriodId id) {
    return !id.isAd() && id.nextAdGroupIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET;

  private boolean isLastInWindow(Timeline timeline, MediaPeriodId id) {
    if (!isLastInPeriod(id)) {
      return false;
    int windowIndex = timeline.getPeriodByUid(id.periodUid, period).windowIndex;
    int periodIndex = timeline.getIndexOfPeriod(id.periodUid);
    return timeline.getWindow(windowIndex, window).lastPeriodIndex == periodIndex;

  private boolean isLastInTimeline(
      Timeline timeline, MediaPeriodId id, boolean isLastMediaPeriodInPeriod) {
    int periodIndex = timeline.getIndexOfPeriod(id.periodUid);
    int windowIndex = timeline.getPeriod(periodIndex, period).windowIndex;
    return !timeline.getWindow(windowIndex, window).isDynamic
        && timeline.isLastPeriod(periodIndex, period, window, repeatMode, shuffleModeEnabled)
        && isLastMediaPeriodInPeriod;

  private long getMinStartPositionAfterAdGroupUs(
      Timeline timeline, Object periodUid, int adGroupIndex) {
    timeline.getPeriodByUid(periodUid, period);
    long startPositionUs = period.getAdGroupTimeUs(adGroupIndex);
    if (startPositionUs == C.TIME_END_OF_SOURCE) {
      return period.durationUs;
    return startPositionUs + period.getContentResumeOffsetUs(adGroupIndex);