 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.test.utils;

import android.os.Looper;
import android.view.Surface;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.AudioAttributes;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.IllegalSeekPositionException;
import androidx.media3.common.PlaybackParameters;
import androidx.media3.common.Player;
import androidx.media3.common.Timeline;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions;
import androidx.media3.common.util.ConditionVariable;
import androidx.media3.common.util.HandlerWrapper;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Log;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.ExoPlaybackException;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.ExoPlayer;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.PlayerMessage;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.PlayerMessage.Target;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.MediaSource;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.ShuffleOrder;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.trackselection.DefaultTrackSelector;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.trackselection.DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters;
import androidx.media3.test.utils.ActionSchedule.ActionNode;
import androidx.media3.test.utils.ActionSchedule.PlayerRunnable;
import androidx.media3.test.utils.ActionSchedule.PlayerTarget;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

/** Base class for actions to perform during playback tests. */
public abstract class Action {

  private final String tag;
  @Nullable private final String description;

   * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
   * @param description A description to be logged when the action is executed, or null if no
   *     logging is required.
  public Action(String tag, @Nullable String description) {
    this.tag = tag;
    this.description = description;

   * Executes the action and schedules the next.
   * @param player The player to which the action should be applied.
   * @param trackSelector The track selector to which the action should be applied.
   * @param surface The surface to use when applying actions, or {@code null} if no surface is
   *     needed.
   * @param handler The handler to use to pass to the next action.
   * @param nextAction The next action to schedule immediately after this action finished, or {@code
   *     null} if there's no next action.
  public final void doActionAndScheduleNext(
      ExoPlayer player,
      DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector,
      @Nullable Surface surface,
      HandlerWrapper handler,
      @Nullable ActionNode nextAction) {
    if (description != null) {
      Log.i(tag, description);
    doActionAndScheduleNextImpl(player, trackSelector, surface, handler, nextAction);

   * Called by {@link #doActionAndScheduleNext(ExoPlayer, DefaultTrackSelector, Surface,
   * HandlerWrapper, ActionNode)} to perform the action and to schedule the next action node.
   * @param player The player to which the action should be applied.
   * @param trackSelector The track selector to which the action should be applied.
   * @param surface The surface to use when applying actions, or {@code null} if no surface is
   *     needed.
   * @param handler The handler to use to pass to the next action.
   * @param nextAction The next action to schedule immediately after this action finished, or {@code
   *     null} if there's no next action.
  protected void doActionAndScheduleNextImpl(
      ExoPlayer player,
      DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector,
      @Nullable Surface surface,
      HandlerWrapper handler,
      @Nullable ActionNode nextAction) {
    doActionImpl(player, trackSelector, surface);
    if (nextAction != null) {
      nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler);

   * Called by {@link #doActionAndScheduleNextImpl(ExoPlayer, DefaultTrackSelector, Surface,
   * HandlerWrapper, ActionNode)} to perform the action.
   * @param player The player to which the action should be applied.
   * @param trackSelector The track selector to which the action should be applied.
   * @param surface The surface to use when applying actions, or {@code null} if no surface is
   *     needed.
  protected abstract void doActionImpl(
      ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface);

  /** Calls {@link Player#seekTo(long)} or {@link Player#seekTo(int, long)}. */
  public static final class Seek extends Action {

    @Nullable private final Integer windowIndex;
    private final long positionMs;
    private final boolean catchIllegalSeekException;

     * Action calls {@link Player#seekTo(long)}.
     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param positionMs The seek position.
    public Seek(String tag, long positionMs) {
      super(tag, "Seek:" + positionMs);
      this.windowIndex = null;
      this.positionMs = positionMs;
      catchIllegalSeekException = false;

     * Action calls {@link Player#seekTo(int, long)}.
     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param windowIndex The window to seek to.
     * @param positionMs The seek position.
     * @param catchIllegalSeekException Whether {@link IllegalSeekPositionException} should be
     *     silently caught or not.
    public Seek(String tag, int windowIndex, long positionMs, boolean catchIllegalSeekException) {
      super(tag, "Seek:" + positionMs);
      this.windowIndex = windowIndex;
      this.positionMs = positionMs;
      this.catchIllegalSeekException = catchIllegalSeekException;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      try {
        if (windowIndex == null) {
        } else {
          player.seekTo(windowIndex, positionMs);
      } catch (IllegalSeekPositionException e) {
        if (!catchIllegalSeekException) {
          throw e;

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#setMediaSources(List, int, long)}. */
  public static final class SetMediaItems extends Action {

    private final int windowIndex;
    private final long positionMs;
    private final MediaSource[] mediaSources;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param windowIndex The window index to start playback from.
     * @param positionMs The position in milliseconds to start playback from.
     * @param mediaSources The media sources to populate the playlist with.
    public SetMediaItems(
        String tag, int windowIndex, long positionMs, MediaSource... mediaSources) {
      super(tag, "SetMediaItems");
      this.windowIndex = windowIndex;
      this.positionMs = positionMs;
      this.mediaSources = mediaSources;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      player.setMediaSources(Arrays.asList(mediaSources), windowIndex, positionMs);

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#addMediaSources(List)}. */
  public static final class AddMediaItems extends Action {

    private final MediaSource[] mediaSources;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param mediaSources The media sources to be added to the playlist.
    public AddMediaItems(String tag, MediaSource... mediaSources) {
      super(tag, /* description= */ "AddMediaItems");
      this.mediaSources = mediaSources;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#setMediaSources(List, boolean)}. */
  public static final class SetMediaItemsResetPosition extends Action {

    private final boolean resetPosition;
    private final MediaSource[] mediaSources;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param resetPosition Whether the position should be reset.
     * @param mediaSources The media sources to populate the playlist with.
    public SetMediaItemsResetPosition(
        String tag, boolean resetPosition, MediaSource... mediaSources) {
      super(tag, "SetMediaItems");
      this.resetPosition = resetPosition;
      this.mediaSources = mediaSources;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      player.setMediaSources(Arrays.asList(mediaSources), resetPosition);

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#moveMediaItem(int, int)}. */
  public static class MoveMediaItem extends Action {

    private final int currentIndex;
    private final int newIndex;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param currentIndex The current index of the media item.
     * @param newIndex The new index of the media item.
    public MoveMediaItem(String tag, int currentIndex, int newIndex) {
      super(tag, "MoveMediaItem");
      this.currentIndex = currentIndex;
      this.newIndex = newIndex;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      player.moveMediaItem(currentIndex, newIndex);

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#removeMediaItem(int)}. */
  public static class RemoveMediaItem extends Action {

    private final int index;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param index The index of the item to remove.
    public RemoveMediaItem(String tag, int index) {
      super(tag, "RemoveMediaItem");
      this.index = index;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#removeMediaItems(int, int)}. */
  public static class RemoveMediaItems extends Action {

    private final int fromIndex;
    private final int toIndex;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param fromIndex The start if the range of media items to remove.
     * @param toIndex The end of the range of media items to remove (exclusive).
    public RemoveMediaItems(String tag, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
      super(tag, "RemoveMediaItem");
      this.fromIndex = fromIndex;
      this.toIndex = toIndex;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      player.removeMediaItems(fromIndex, toIndex);

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#clearMediaItems()}}. */
  public static class ClearMediaItems extends Action {

    /** @param tag A tag to use for logging. */
    public ClearMediaItems(String tag) {
      super(tag, "ClearMediaItems");

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {

  /** Calls {@link Player#stop()} or {@link Player#stop(boolean)}. */
  public static final class Stop extends Action {

    private static final String STOP_ACTION_TAG = "Stop";

    @Nullable private final Boolean reset;

     * Action will call {@link Player#stop()}.
     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
    public Stop(String tag) {
      super(tag, STOP_ACTION_TAG);
      this.reset = null;

     * Action will call {@link Player#stop(boolean)}.
     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param reset The value to pass to {@link Player#stop(boolean)}.
    public Stop(String tag, boolean reset) {
      super(tag, STOP_ACTION_TAG);
      this.reset = reset;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      if (reset == null) {
      } else {

  /** Calls {@link Player#setPlayWhenReady(boolean)}. */
  public static final class SetPlayWhenReady extends Action {

    private final boolean playWhenReady;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param playWhenReady The value to pass.
    public SetPlayWhenReady(String tag, boolean playWhenReady) {
      super(tag, playWhenReady ? "Play" : "Pause");
      this.playWhenReady = playWhenReady;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {

   * Updates the {@link Parameters} of a {@link DefaultTrackSelector} to specify whether the
   * renderer at a given index should be disabled.
  public static final class SetRendererDisabled extends Action {

    private final int rendererIndex;
    private final boolean disabled;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param rendererIndex The index of the renderer.
     * @param disabled Whether the renderer should be disabled.
    public SetRendererDisabled(String tag, int rendererIndex, boolean disabled) {
      super(tag, "SetRendererDisabled:" + rendererIndex + ":" + disabled);
      this.rendererIndex = rendererIndex;
      this.disabled = disabled;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
          trackSelector.buildUponParameters().setRendererDisabled(rendererIndex, disabled));

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#clearVideoSurface()}. */
  public static final class ClearVideoSurface extends Action {

    /** @param tag A tag to use for logging. */
    public ClearVideoSurface(String tag) {
      super(tag, "ClearVideoSurface");

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#setVideoSurface(Surface)}. */
  public static final class SetVideoSurface extends Action {

    /** @param tag A tag to use for logging. */
    public SetVideoSurface(String tag) {
      super(tag, "SetVideoSurface");

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#setAudioAttributes(AudioAttributes, boolean)}. */
  public static final class SetAudioAttributes extends Action {

    private final AudioAttributes audioAttributes;
    private final boolean handleAudioFocus;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param audioAttributes The attributes to use for audio playback.
     * @param handleAudioFocus True if the player should handle audio focus, false otherwise.
    public SetAudioAttributes(
        String tag, AudioAttributes audioAttributes, boolean handleAudioFocus) {
      super(tag, "SetAudioAttributes");
      this.audioAttributes = audioAttributes;
      this.handleAudioFocus = handleAudioFocus;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      player.setAudioAttributes(audioAttributes, handleAudioFocus);

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#prepare()}. */
  public static final class Prepare extends Action {
    /** @param tag A tag to use for logging. */
    public Prepare(String tag) {
      super(tag, "Prepare");

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {

  /** Calls {@link Player#setRepeatMode(int)}. */
  public static final class SetRepeatMode extends Action {

    @Player.RepeatMode private final int repeatMode;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param repeatMode The repeat mode.
    public SetRepeatMode(String tag, @Player.RepeatMode int repeatMode) {
      super(tag, "SetRepeatMode:" + repeatMode);
      this.repeatMode = repeatMode;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#setShuffleOrder(ShuffleOrder)} . */
  public static final class SetShuffleOrder extends Action {

    private final ShuffleOrder shuffleOrder;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param shuffleOrder The shuffle order.
    public SetShuffleOrder(String tag, ShuffleOrder shuffleOrder) {
      super(tag, "SetShufflerOrder");
      this.shuffleOrder = shuffleOrder;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {

  /** Calls {@link Player#setShuffleModeEnabled(boolean)}. */
  public static final class SetShuffleModeEnabled extends Action {

    private final boolean shuffleModeEnabled;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param shuffleModeEnabled Whether shuffling is enabled.
    public SetShuffleModeEnabled(String tag, boolean shuffleModeEnabled) {
      super(tag, "SetShuffleModeEnabled:" + shuffleModeEnabled);
      this.shuffleModeEnabled = shuffleModeEnabled;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {

  /** Calls {@link ExoPlayer#createMessage(Target)} and {@link PlayerMessage#send()}. */
  public static final class SendMessages extends Action {

    private final Target target;
    private final int windowIndex;
    private final long positionMs;
    private final boolean deleteAfterDelivery;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param target A message target.
     * @param positionMs The position at which the message should be sent, in milliseconds.
    public SendMessages(String tag, Target target, long positionMs) {
          /* windowIndex= */ C.INDEX_UNSET,
          /* deleteAfterDelivery= */ true);

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param target A message target.
     * @param windowIndex The window index at which the message should be sent, or {@link
     *     C#INDEX_UNSET} for the current window.
     * @param positionMs The position at which the message should be sent, in milliseconds.
     * @param deleteAfterDelivery Whether the message will be deleted after delivery.
    public SendMessages(
        String tag, Target target, int windowIndex, long positionMs, boolean deleteAfterDelivery) {
      super(tag, "SendMessages"); = target;
      this.windowIndex = windowIndex;
      this.positionMs = positionMs;
      this.deleteAfterDelivery = deleteAfterDelivery;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        final ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      if (target instanceof PlayerTarget) {
        ((PlayerTarget) target).setPlayer(player);
      PlayerMessage message = player.createMessage(target);
      if (windowIndex != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
        message.setPosition(windowIndex, positionMs);
      } else {

  /** Calls {@link Player#setPlaybackParameters(PlaybackParameters)}. */
  public static final class SetPlaybackParameters extends Action {

    private final PlaybackParameters playbackParameters;

     * Creates a set playback parameters action instance.
     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param playbackParameters The playback parameters.
    public SetPlaybackParameters(String tag, PlaybackParameters playbackParameters) {
      super(tag, "SetPlaybackParameters:" + playbackParameters);
      this.playbackParameters = playbackParameters;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {

  /** Throws a playback exception on the playback thread. */
  public static final class ThrowPlaybackException extends Action {

    private final ExoPlaybackException exception;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param exception The exception to throw.
    public ThrowPlaybackException(String tag, ExoPlaybackException exception) {
      super(tag, "ThrowPlaybackException:" + exception);
      this.exception = exception;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
              (messageType, payload) -> {
                throw exception;

   * Schedules a play action to be executed, waits until the player reaches the specified position,
   * and pauses the player again.
  public static final class PlayUntilPosition extends Action {

    private final int windowIndex;
    private final long positionMs;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param windowIndex The window index at which the player should be paused again.
     * @param positionMs The position in that window at which the player should be paused again.
    public PlayUntilPosition(String tag, int windowIndex, long positionMs) {
      super(tag, "PlayUntilPosition:" + windowIndex + ":" + positionMs);
      this.windowIndex = windowIndex;
      this.positionMs = positionMs;

    protected void doActionAndScheduleNextImpl(
        ExoPlayer player,
        DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector,
        @Nullable Surface surface,
        HandlerWrapper handler,
        @Nullable ActionNode nextAction) {
      // Schedule a message on the playback thread to ensure the player is paused immediately.
      Looper applicationLooper = Util.getCurrentOrMainLooper();
              (messageType, payload) -> {
                // Block playback thread until pause command has been sent from test thread.
                ConditionVariable blockPlaybackThreadCondition = new ConditionVariable();
                    .createHandler(applicationLooper, /* callback= */ null)
                        () -> {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                  // Ignore.
          .setPosition(windowIndex, positionMs)
      if (nextAction != null) {
        // Schedule another message on this test thread to continue action schedule.
                (messageType, payload) ->
                    nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler))
            .setPosition(windowIndex, positionMs)

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      // Not triggered.

  /** Waits for {@link Player.Listener#onTimelineChanged(Timeline, int)}. */
  public static final class WaitForTimelineChanged extends Action {

    @Nullable private final Timeline expectedTimeline;
    private final boolean ignoreExpectedReason;
    @Player.TimelineChangeReason private final int expectedReason;

     * Creates action waiting for a timeline change for a given reason.
     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param expectedTimeline The expected timeline or {@code null} if any timeline change is
     *     relevant.
     * @param expectedReason The expected timeline change reason.
    public WaitForTimelineChanged(
        String tag,
        @Nullable Timeline expectedTimeline,
        @Player.TimelineChangeReason int expectedReason) {
      super(tag, "WaitForTimelineChanged");
      this.expectedTimeline = expectedTimeline != null ? new NoUidTimeline(expectedTimeline) : null;
      this.ignoreExpectedReason = false;
      this.expectedReason = expectedReason;

     * Creates action waiting for any timeline change for any reason.
     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
    public WaitForTimelineChanged(String tag) {
      super(tag, "WaitForTimelineChanged");
      this.expectedTimeline = null;
      this.ignoreExpectedReason = true;
      this.expectedReason = Player.TIMELINE_CHANGE_REASON_PLAYLIST_CHANGED;

    protected void doActionAndScheduleNextImpl(
        ExoPlayer player,
        DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector,
        @Nullable Surface surface,
        HandlerWrapper handler,
        @Nullable ActionNode nextAction) {
      if (nextAction == null) {
      Player.Listener listener =
          new Player.Listener() {
            public void onTimelineChanged(
                Timeline timeline, @Player.TimelineChangeReason int reason) {
              if ((expectedTimeline == null || new NoUidTimeline(timeline).equals(expectedTimeline))
                  && (ignoreExpectedReason || expectedReason == reason)) {
                nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler);
      Timeline currentTimeline = new NoUidTimeline(player.getCurrentTimeline());
      if (currentTimeline.equals(expectedTimeline)) {
        nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler);

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      // Not triggered.

   * Waits for {@link Player.Listener#onPositionDiscontinuity(Player.PositionInfo,
   * Player.PositionInfo, int)}.
  public static final class WaitForPositionDiscontinuity extends Action {

    /** @param tag A tag to use for logging. */
    public WaitForPositionDiscontinuity(String tag) {
      super(tag, "WaitForPositionDiscontinuity");

    protected void doActionAndScheduleNextImpl(
        ExoPlayer player,
        DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector,
        @Nullable Surface surface,
        HandlerWrapper handler,
        @Nullable ActionNode nextAction) {
      if (nextAction == null) {
          new Player.Listener() {
            public void onPositionDiscontinuity(
                Player.PositionInfo oldPosition,
                Player.PositionInfo newPosition,
                @Player.DiscontinuityReason int reason) {
              nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler);

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      // Not triggered.

   * Waits for a specified playWhenReady value, returning either immediately or after a call to
   * {@link Player.Listener#onPlayWhenReadyChanged(boolean, int)}.
  public static final class WaitForPlayWhenReady extends Action {

    private final boolean targetPlayWhenReady;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param playWhenReady The playWhenReady value to wait for.
    public WaitForPlayWhenReady(String tag, boolean playWhenReady) {
      super(tag, "WaitForPlayWhenReady");
      targetPlayWhenReady = playWhenReady;

    protected void doActionAndScheduleNextImpl(
        ExoPlayer player,
        DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector,
        @Nullable Surface surface,
        HandlerWrapper handler,
        @Nullable ActionNode nextAction) {
      if (nextAction == null) {
      if (targetPlayWhenReady == player.getPlayWhenReady()) {
        nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler);
      } else {
            new Player.Listener() {
              public void onPlayWhenReadyChanged(
                  boolean playWhenReady, @Player.PlayWhenReadyChangeReason int reason) {
                if (targetPlayWhenReady == playWhenReady) {
                  nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler);

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      // Not triggered.

   * Waits for a specified playback state, returning either immediately or after a call to {@link
   * Player.Listener#onPlaybackStateChanged(int)}.
  public static final class WaitForPlaybackState extends Action {

    @Player.State private final int targetPlaybackState;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param targetPlaybackState The playback state to wait for.
    public WaitForPlaybackState(String tag, @Player.State int targetPlaybackState) {
      super(tag, "WaitForPlaybackState");
      this.targetPlaybackState = targetPlaybackState;

    protected void doActionAndScheduleNextImpl(
        ExoPlayer player,
        DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector,
        @Nullable Surface surface,
        HandlerWrapper handler,
        @Nullable ActionNode nextAction) {
      if (nextAction == null) {
      if (targetPlaybackState == player.getPlaybackState()) {
        nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler);
      } else {
            new Player.Listener() {
              public void onPlaybackStateChanged(@Player.State int playbackState) {
                if (targetPlaybackState == playbackState) {
                  nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler);

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      // Not triggered.

   * Waits for a player message to arrive. If the target already received a message, the action
   * returns immediately.
  public static final class WaitForMessage extends Action {

    private final PlayerTarget playerTarget;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param playerTarget The target to observe.
    public WaitForMessage(String tag, PlayerTarget playerTarget) {
      super(tag, "WaitForMessage");
      this.playerTarget = playerTarget;

    protected void doActionAndScheduleNextImpl(
        ExoPlayer player,
        DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector,
        @Nullable Surface surface,
        HandlerWrapper handler,
        @Nullable ActionNode nextAction) {
      if (nextAction == null) {
      PlayerTarget.Callback callback =
          () -> nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler);


    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      // Not triggered.

   * Waits for a specified loading state, returning either immediately or after a call to {@link
   * Player.Listener#onIsLoadingChanged(boolean)}.
  public static final class WaitForIsLoading extends Action {

    private final boolean targetIsLoading;

     * @param tag A tag to use for logging.
     * @param targetIsLoading The loading state to wait for.
    public WaitForIsLoading(String tag, boolean targetIsLoading) {
      super(tag, "WaitForIsLoading");
      this.targetIsLoading = targetIsLoading;

    protected void doActionAndScheduleNextImpl(
        ExoPlayer player,
        DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector,
        @Nullable Surface surface,
        HandlerWrapper handler,
        @Nullable ActionNode nextAction) {
      if (nextAction == null) {
      if (targetIsLoading == player.isLoading()) {
        nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler);
      } else {
            new Player.Listener() {
              public void onIsLoadingChanged(boolean isLoading) {
                if (targetIsLoading == isLoading) {
                  nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler);

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      // Not triggered.

  /** Waits until the player acknowledged all pending player commands. */
  public static final class WaitForPendingPlayerCommands extends Action {

    /** @param tag A tag to use for logging. */
    public WaitForPendingPlayerCommands(String tag) {
      super(tag, "WaitForPendingPlayerCommands");

    protected void doActionAndScheduleNextImpl(
        ExoPlayer player,
        DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector,
        @Nullable Surface surface,
        HandlerWrapper handler,
        @Nullable ActionNode nextAction) {
      if (nextAction == null) {
      // Send message to player that will arrive after all other pending commands. Thus, the message
      // execution on the app thread will also happen after all other pending command
      // acknowledgements have arrived back on the app thread.
              (type, data) -> nextAction.schedule(player, trackSelector, surface, handler))

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      // Not triggered.

  /** Calls {@code}. */
  public static final class ExecuteRunnable extends Action {

    private final Runnable runnable;

    /** @param tag A tag to use for logging. */
    public ExecuteRunnable(String tag, Runnable runnable) {
      super(tag, "ExecuteRunnable");
      this.runnable = runnable;

    protected void doActionImpl(
        ExoPlayer player, DefaultTrackSelector trackSelector, @Nullable Surface surface) {
      if (runnable instanceof PlayerRunnable) {
        ((PlayerRunnable) runnable).setPlayer(player);