
 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


package androidx.navigation.serialization

import androidx.navigation.NamedNavArgument
import androidx.navigation.NavType
import androidx.navigation.navArgument
import kotlin.reflect.KType
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.PolymorphicSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.capturedKClass

 * Generates a route pattern for use in Navigation functions such as [::navigate] from
 * a serializer of class T where T is a concrete class or object.
 * The generated route pattern contains the path, path args, and query args.
 * See [RouteBuilder.Builder.computeParamType] for logic on how parameter type (path or query)
 * is computed.
 * @param [typeMap] A mapping of KType to the custom NavType<*>. For example given
 * an argument of "val userId: UserId", the map should contain [typeOf<UserId>() to MyNavType].
internal fun <T> KSerializer<T>.generateRoutePattern(
    typeMap: Map<KType, NavType<*>>? = null
): String {
    assertNotAbstractClass {
        throw IllegalArgumentException(
            "Cannot generate route pattern from polymorphic class " +
                "${descriptor.capturedKClass?.simpleName}. Routes can only be generated from " +
                "concrete classes or objects."

    val map = mutableMapOf<String, NavType<Any?>>()
    for (i in 0 until descriptor.elementsCount) {
        val argName = descriptor.getElementName(i)
        val type = descriptor.getElementDescriptor(i).computeNavType(typeMap)
        map[argName] = type
    val builder = RouteBuilder.Pattern(this, map)
    for (elementIndex in 0 until descriptor.elementsCount) {

 * Returns a list of [NamedNavArgument].
 * By default this method only supports conversion to NavTypes that are declared in
 * [NavType.Companion] class. To convert non-natively supported types, the custom NavType must be
 * provided via [typeMap].
 * Short summary of NavArgument generation principles:
 * 1. NavArguments will only be generated on variables with kotlin backing fields
 * 2. Arg Name is based on variable name
 * 3. Nullability is based on variable Type's nullability
 * 4. defaultValuePresent is based on whether variable has default value
 * This generator does not check for validity as a NavType.
 * This means if a NavType is not nullable (i.e. Int), and the KType was Int?, it relies on the
 * navArgument builder to throw exception.
 * @param [typeMap] A mapping of KType to the custom NavType<*>. For example given
 * an argument of "val userId: UserId", the map should
 * contain [typeOf<UserId>() to MyNavType]. Custom NavTypes take priority over native
 * NavTypes. This means you can override native NavTypes such as [NavType.IntType] with your own
 * implementation of NavType<Int>.
internal fun <T> KSerializer<T>.generateNavArguments(
    typeMap: Map<KType, NavType<*>>? = null
): List<NamedNavArgument> {
    assertNotAbstractClass {
        throw IllegalArgumentException(
            "Cannot generate NavArguments for polymorphic serializer $this. Arguments " +
                "can only be generated from concrete classes or objects."

    return List(descriptor.elementsCount) { index ->
        val name = descriptor.getElementName(index)
        navArgument(name) {
            val element = descriptor.getElementDescriptor(index)
            val isNullable = element.isNullable
            type = element.computeNavType(typeMap)
            if (type == UNKNOWN) {
                throw IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Cannot cast $name of type ${element.serialName} to a NavType. Make sure " +
                        "to provide custom NavType for this argument."
            nullable = isNullable
            if (descriptor.isElementOptional(index)) {
                // Navigation mostly just cares about defaultValuePresent state for
                // non-nullable args to verify DeepLinks at a later stage.
                // We know that non-nullable types cannot have null values, so it is
                // safe to mark this as true without knowing actual value.
                unknownDefaultValuePresent = true

 * Generates a route filled in with argument value for use in Navigation functions such as
 * [::navigate] from a destination instance of type T.
 * The generated route pattern contains the path, path args, and query args.
 * See [RouteBuilder.Builder.computeParamType] for logic on how parameter type (path or query)
 * is computed.
internal fun <T : Any> KSerializer<T>.generateRouteWithArgs(
    destination: T,
    typeMap: Map<String, NavType<Any?>>
): String = RouteEncoder(this, typeMap).encodeRouteWithArgs(destination)

private fun <T> KSerializer<T>.assertNotAbstractClass(handler: () -> Unit) {
    // abstract class
    if (this is PolymorphicSerializer) {

private fun SerialDescriptor.computeNavType(
    typeMap: Map<KType, NavType<*>>? = null
): NavType<Any?> {
    val customType = typeMap?.keys
        ?.find { kType -> matchKType(kType) }
        ?.let { typeMap[it] } as? NavType<Any?>
    return customType ?: getNavType()