
 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.navigation

import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.navigation.serialization.generateRoutePattern
import java.util.regex.Matcher
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.KType
import kotlinx.serialization.InternalSerializationApi
import kotlinx.serialization.serializer

 * NavDeepLink encapsulates the parsing and matching of a navigation deep link.
 * This should be added to a [NavDestination] using
 * [NavDestination.addDeepLink].
public class NavDeepLink internal constructor(
     * The uri pattern from the NavDeepLink.
     * @see NavDeepLinkRequest.uri
    public val uriPattern: String?,
     * The action from the NavDeepLink.
     * @see NavDeepLinkRequest.action
    public val action: String?,
     * The mimeType from the NavDeepLink.
     * @see NavDeepLinkRequest.mimeType
    public val mimeType: String?
) {
    // path
    private val pathArgs = mutableListOf<String>()
    private var pathRegex: String? = null
    private val pathPattern by lazy {
        pathRegex?.let { Pattern.compile(it, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) }

    // query
    private val isParameterizedQuery by lazy {
        uriPattern != null && Uri.parse(uriPattern).query != null
    private val queryArgsMap by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) { parseQuery() }
    private var isSingleQueryParamValueOnly = false

    // fragment
    private val fragArgsAndRegex: Pair<MutableList<String>, String>? by
        lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) { parseFragment() }
    private val fragArgs by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
        fragArgsAndRegex?.first ?: mutableListOf()
    private val fragRegex by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
    private val fragPattern by lazy {
        fragRegex?.let { Pattern.compile(it, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) }

    // mime
    private var mimeTypeRegex: String? = null
    private val mimeTypePattern by lazy {
        mimeTypeRegex?.let { Pattern.compile(it) }

    /** Arguments present in the deep link, including both path and query arguments. */
    internal val argumentsNames: List<String>
        get() = pathArgs + queryArgsMap.values.flatMap { it.arguments } + fragArgs

    public var isExactDeepLink: Boolean = false
        internal set

    public constructor(uri: String) : this(uri, null, null)

    private fun buildRegex(
        uri: String,
        args: MutableList<String>,
        uriRegex: StringBuilder,
    ) {
        val matcher = FILL_IN_PATTERN.matcher(uri)
        var appendPos = 0
        while (matcher.find()) {
            val argName = as String
            // Use Pattern.quote() to treat the input string as a literal
            if (matcher.start() > appendPos) {
                uriRegex.append(Pattern.quote(uri.substring(appendPos, matcher.start())))
            appendPos = matcher.end()
        if (appendPos < uri.length) {
            // Use Pattern.quote() to treat the input string as a literal

    internal fun matches(uri: Uri): Boolean {
        return matches(NavDeepLinkRequest(uri, null, null))

    internal fun matches(deepLinkRequest: NavDeepLinkRequest): Boolean {
        if (!matchUri(deepLinkRequest.uri)) {
            return false
        return if (!matchAction(deepLinkRequest.action)) {
        } else matchMimeType(deepLinkRequest.mimeType)

    private fun matchUri(uri: Uri?): Boolean {
        // If the null status of both are not the same return false.
        return if (uri == null == (pathPattern != null)) {
        } else uri == null || pathPattern!!.matcher(uri.toString()).matches()
        // If both are null return true, otherwise see if they match

    private fun matchAction(action: String?): Boolean {
        // If the null status of both are not the same return false.
        return if (action == null == (this.action != null)) {
        } else action == null || this.action == action
        // If both are null return true, otherwise see if they match

    private fun matchMimeType(mimeType: String?): Boolean {
        // If the null status of both are not the same return false.
        return if (mimeType == null == (this.mimeType != null)) {
        } else mimeType == null || mimeTypePattern!!.matcher(mimeType).matches()

        // If both are null return true, otherwise see if they match

    public fun getMimeTypeMatchRating(mimeType: String): Int {
        return if (this.mimeType == null || !mimeTypePattern!!.matcher(mimeType).matches()) {
        } else MimeType(this.mimeType)

    /** Pattern.compile has no nullability for the regex parameter
     * May return null if any of the following:
     * 1. missing required arguments that don't have default values
     * 2. wrong value type (i.e. null for non-nullable arg)
     * 3. other exceptions from parsing an argument value
     * May return empty bundle if any of the following:
     * 1. deeplink has no arguments
     * 2. deeplink contains arguments with unknown default values (i.e. deeplink from safe args
     * with unknown default values)
    public fun getMatchingArguments(
        deepLink: Uri,
        arguments: Map<String, NavArgument?>
    ): Bundle? {
        // first check overall uri pattern for quick return if general pattern does not match
        val matcher = pathPattern?.matcher(deepLink.toString()) ?: return null
        if (!matcher.matches()) {
            return null
        // get matching path and query arguments and store in bundle
        val bundle = Bundle()
        if (!getMatchingPathArguments(matcher, bundle, arguments)) return null
        if (isParameterizedQuery && !getMatchingQueryArguments(deepLink, bundle, arguments)) {
            return null
        // no match on optional fragment should not prevent a link from matching otherwise
        getMatchingUriFragment(deepLink.fragment, bundle, arguments)

        // Check that all required arguments are present in bundle
        val missingRequiredArguments = arguments.missingRequiredArguments { argName ->
        if (missingRequiredArguments.isNotEmpty()) return null

        return bundle

     * Returns a bundle containing matching path and query arguments with the requested uri.
     * It returns empty bundle if this Deeplink's path pattern does not match with the uri.
    internal fun getMatchingPathAndQueryArgs(
        deepLink: Uri?,
        arguments: Map<String, NavArgument?>
    ): Bundle {
        val bundle = Bundle()
        if (deepLink == null) return bundle
        val matcher = pathPattern?.matcher(deepLink.toString()) ?: return bundle
        if (!matcher.matches()) {
            return bundle
        getMatchingPathArguments(matcher, bundle, arguments)
        if (isParameterizedQuery) getMatchingQueryArguments(deepLink, bundle, arguments)
        return bundle

    private fun getMatchingUriFragment(
        fragment: String?,
        bundle: Bundle,
        arguments: Map<String, NavArgument?>
    ) {
        // Base condition of a matching fragment is a complete match on regex pattern. If a
        // required fragment arg is present while regex does not match, this will be caught later
        // on as a non-match when we check for presence of required args in the bundle.
        val matcher = fragPattern?.matcher(fragment.toString()) ?: return
        if (!matcher.matches()) return

        this.fragArgs.mapIndexed { index, argumentName ->
            val value = Uri.decode( + 1))
            val argument = arguments[argumentName]
            try {
                parseArgument(bundle, argumentName, value, argument)
            } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
                // parse failed, quick return

    private fun getMatchingPathArguments(
        matcher: Matcher,
        bundle: Bundle,
        arguments: Map<String, NavArgument?>
    ): Boolean {
        this.pathArgs.mapIndexed { index, argumentName ->
            val value = Uri.decode( + 1))
            val argument = arguments[argumentName]
            try {
                parseArgument(bundle, argumentName, value, argument)
            } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
                // Failed to parse means this isn't a valid deep link
                // for the given URI - i.e., the URI contains a non-integer
                // value for an integer argument
                return false
        // parse success
        return true

    private fun getMatchingQueryArguments(
        deepLink: Uri,
        bundle: Bundle,
        arguments: Map<String, NavArgument?>
    ): Boolean {
        queryArgsMap.forEach { entry ->
            val paramName = entry.key
            val storedParam = entry.value

            var inputParams = deepLink.getQueryParameters(paramName)
            if (isSingleQueryParamValueOnly) {
                // If the deep link contains a single query param with no value,
                // we will treat everything after the '?' as the input parameter
                val argValue = deepLink.query
                if (argValue != null && argValue != deepLink.toString()) {
                    inputParams = listOf(argValue)
            if (!parseInputParams(inputParams, storedParam, bundle, arguments)) {
                // failed to parse input parameters
                return false
        // parse success
        return true

    private fun parseInputParams(
        inputParams: List<String>?,
        storedParam: ParamQuery,
        bundle: Bundle,
        arguments: Map<String, NavArgument?>,
    ): Boolean {
        inputParams?.forEach { inputParam ->
            val argMatcher = storedParam.paramRegex?.let {
                    it, Pattern.DOTALL
            if (argMatcher == null || !argMatcher.matches()) {
                return false

            val queryParamBundle = Bundle()
            try {
                storedParam.arguments.mapIndexed { index, argName ->
                    val value = + 1) ?: ""
                    val argument = arguments[argName]
                    if (parseArgumentForRepeatedParam(bundle, argName, value, argument)) {
                        // Passing in a value the exact same as the placeholder will be treated the
                        // as if no value was passed (unless value is based on String),
                        // being replaced if it is optional or throwing an error if it is required.
                        parseArgument(queryParamBundle, argName, value, argument)
            } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
                // Failed to parse means that at least one of the arguments that were supposed
                // to fill in the query parameter was not valid and therefore, we will exclude
                // that particular parameter from the argument bundle.
        // parse success
        return true

    internal fun calculateMatchingPathSegments(requestedLink: Uri?): Int {
        if (requestedLink == null || uriPattern == null) return 0

        val requestedPathSegments = requestedLink.pathSegments
        val uriPathSegments = Uri.parse(uriPattern).pathSegments

        val matches = requestedPathSegments.intersect(uriPathSegments)
        return matches.size

     * Parses [value] based on the NavArgument's NavType and stores the result
     * inside the [bundle]. Throws if parse fails.
    private fun parseArgument(
        bundle: Bundle,
        name: String,
        value: String,
        argument: NavArgument?
    ) {
        if (argument != null) {
            val type = argument.type
            type.parseAndPut(bundle, name, value)
        } else {
            bundle.putString(name, value)

    private fun parseArgumentForRepeatedParam(
        bundle: Bundle,
        name: String,
        value: String?,
        argument: NavArgument?
    ): Boolean {
        if (!bundle.containsKey(name)) {
            return true
        if (argument != null) {
            val type = argument.type
            val previousValue = type[bundle, name]
            type.parseAndPut(bundle, name, value, previousValue)
        return false

     * Used to maintain query parameters and the mArguments they match with.
    private class ParamQuery {
        var paramRegex: String? = null
        val arguments = mutableListOf<String>()

        fun addArgumentName(name: String) {

        fun getArgumentName(index: Int): String {
            return arguments[index]

        fun size(): Int {
            return arguments.size

    private class MimeType(mimeType: String) : Comparable<MimeType> {
        var type: String
        var subType: String
        override fun compareTo(other: MimeType): Int {
            var result = 0
            // matching just subtypes is 1
            // matching just types is 2
            // matching both is 3
            if (type == other.type) {
                result += 2
            if (subType == other.subType) {
            return result

        init {
            val typeAndSubType =
                mimeType.split("/".toRegex()).dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }
            type = typeAndSubType[0]
            subType = typeAndSubType[1]

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (other == null || other !is NavDeepLink) return false
        return uriPattern == other.uriPattern &&
            action == other.action &&
            mimeType == other.mimeType

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = 0
        result = 31 * result + uriPattern.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + action.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + mimeType.hashCode()
        return result

     * A builder for constructing [NavDeepLink] instances.
    public class Builder {

        public constructor()

        private var uriPattern: String? = null
        private var action: String? = null
        private var mimeType: String? = null

         * Set the uri pattern for the [NavDeepLink].
         * @param uriPattern The uri pattern to add to the NavDeepLink
         * @return This builder.
        public fun setUriPattern(uriPattern: String): Builder {
            this.uriPattern = uriPattern
            return this

         * Set the uri pattern for the [NavDeepLink].
         * Arguments extracted from destination [T] will be automatically appended to the base path
         * provided in [basePath].
         * Arguments are appended based on property name and in the same order as their declaration
         * order in [T]. They are appended as query parameters if the argument has either:
         * 1. a default value
         * 2. a [NavType] of [CollectionNavType]
         * Otherwise, the argument will be appended as path parameters. The final uriPattern
         * is generated by concatenating `uriPattern + path parameters + query parameters`.
         * For example, the `name` property in this class does not meet either conditions and will
         * be appended as a path param.
         * ```
         * @Serializable
         * class MyClass(val name: String)
         * ```
         * Given a uriPattern of "", the generated final uriPattern
         * will be `{name}`.
         * The `name` property in this class has a default value and will be appended as a query.
         * ```
         * @Serializable
         * class MyClass(val name: String = "default")
         * ```
         * Given a uriPattern of "", the final generated uriPattern
         * will be `{name}`
         * The append order is based on their declaration order in [T]
         * ```
         * @Serializable
         * class MyClass(val name: String = "default", val id: Int, val code: Int)
         * ```
         * Given a uriPattern of "", the final generated uriPattern
         * will be `{id}/{code}?name={name}`. In this example, `name` is appended
         * first as a query param, then `id` and `code` respectively as path params. The final
         * pattern is then concatenated with `uriPattern + path + query`.
         * @param T The destination's route from KClass
         * @param basePath The base uri path to append arguments onto
         * @param typeMap map of destination arguments' kotlin type [KType] to its respective custom
         * [NavType]. May be empty if [T] does not use custom NavTypes.
         * @return This builder.
        public inline fun <reified T : Any> setUriPattern(
            basePath: String,
            typeMap: Map<KType, @JvmSuppressWildcards NavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
        ): Builder = setUriPattern(basePath, T::class, typeMap)

        @RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP) // need to be public for reified delegation
        public fun <T : Any> setUriPattern(
            basePath: String,
            route: KClass<T>,
            typeMap: Map<KType, NavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
        ): Builder {
            this.uriPattern = route.serializer().generateRoutePattern(typeMap, basePath)
            return this

         * Set the action for the [NavDeepLink].
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the action is empty.
         * @param action the intent action for the NavDeepLink
         * @return This builder.
        public fun setAction(action: String): Builder {
            // if the action given at runtime is empty we should throw
            require(action.isNotEmpty()) { "The NavDeepLink cannot have an empty action." }
            this.action = action
            return this

         * Set the mimeType for the [NavDeepLink].
         * @param mimeType the mimeType for the NavDeepLink
         * @return This builder.
        public fun setMimeType(mimeType: String): Builder {
            this.mimeType = mimeType
            return this

         * Build the [NavDeepLink] specified by this builder.
         * @return the newly constructed NavDeepLink.
        public fun build(): NavDeepLink {
            return NavDeepLink(uriPattern, action, mimeType)

        internal companion object {
             * Creates a [NavDeepLink.Builder] with a set uri pattern.
             * @param uriPattern The uri pattern to add to the NavDeepLink
             * @return a [Builder] instance
            fun fromUriPattern(uriPattern: String): Builder {
                val builder = Builder()
                return builder

             * Creates a [NavDeepLink.Builder] with a set uri pattern.
             * Arguments extracted from destination [T] will be automatically appended to the
             * base path provided in [basePath]
             * @param T The destination's route from KClass
             * @param basePath The base uri path to append arguments onto
             * @param typeMap map of destination arguments' kotlin type [KType] to its
             * respective custom [NavType]. May be empty if [T] does not use custom NavTypes.
             * @return a [Builder] instance
            inline fun <reified T : Any> fromUriPattern(
                basePath: String,
                typeMap: Map<KType, @JvmSuppressWildcards NavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
            ): Builder {
                val builder = Builder()
                builder.setUriPattern(basePath, T::class, typeMap)
                return builder

             * Creates a [NavDeepLink.Builder] with a set action.
             * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the action is empty.
             * @param action the intent action for the NavDeepLink
             * @return a [Builder] instance
            fun fromAction(action: String): Builder {
                // if the action given at runtime is empty we should throw
                require(action.isNotEmpty()) { "The NavDeepLink cannot have an empty action." }
                val builder = Builder()
                return builder

             * Creates a [NavDeepLink.Builder] with a set mimeType.
             * @param mimeType the mimeType for the NavDeepLink
             * @return a [Builder] instance
            fun fromMimeType(mimeType: String): Builder {
                val builder = Builder()
                return builder

    private companion object {
        private val SCHEME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z]+[+\w\-.]*:")
        private val FILL_IN_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\{(.+?)\}")

    private fun parsePath() {
        if (uriPattern == null) return

        val uriRegex = StringBuilder("^")
        // append scheme pattern
        if (!SCHEME_PATTERN.matcher(uriPattern).find()) {
        // extract beginning of uriPattern until it hits either a query(?), a framgment(#), or
        // end of uriPattern
        var matcher = Pattern.compile("(\?|\#|$)").matcher(uriPattern)
        matcher.find().let {
            buildRegex(uriPattern.substring(0, matcher.start()), pathArgs, uriRegex)
            isExactDeepLink = !uriRegex.contains(".*") && !uriRegex.contains("([^/]+?)")
            // Match either the end of string if all params are optional or match the
            // question mark (or pound symbol) and 0 or more characters after it
        // we need to specifically escape any .* instances to ensure
        // they are still treated as wildcards in our final regex
        pathRegex = uriRegex.toString().replace(".*", "\E.*\Q")

    private fun parseQuery(): MutableMap<String, ParamQuery> {
        val paramArgMap = mutableMapOf<String, ParamQuery>()
        if (!isParameterizedQuery) return paramArgMap
        val uri = Uri.parse(uriPattern)

        for (paramName in uri.queryParameterNames) {
            val argRegex = StringBuilder()
            val queryParams = uri.getQueryParameters(paramName)
            require(queryParams.size <= 1) {
                "Query parameter $paramName must only be present once in $uriPattern. " +
                    "To support repeated query parameters, use an array type for your " +
                    "argument and the pattern provided in your URI will be used to " +
                    "parse each query parameter instance."
            val queryParam = queryParams.firstOrNull()
                ?: paramName.apply { isSingleQueryParamValueOnly = true }
            val matcher = FILL_IN_PATTERN.matcher(queryParam)
            var appendPos = 0
            val param = ParamQuery()
            // Build the regex for each query param
            while (matcher.find()) {
                // as String = "tab" (the extracted param arg from {tab})
                param.addArgumentName( as String)
                appendPos = matcher.end()
            if (appendPos < queryParam.length) {

            // Save the regex with wildcards unquoted, and add the param to the map with its
            // name as the key
            param.paramRegex = argRegex.toString().replace(".*", "\E.*\Q")
            paramArgMap[paramName] = param
        return paramArgMap

    private fun parseFragment(): Pair<MutableList<String>, String>? {
        if (uriPattern == null || Uri.parse(uriPattern).fragment == null) return null

        val fragArgs = mutableListOf<String>()
        val fragment = Uri.parse(uriPattern).fragment
        val fragRegex = StringBuilder()
        buildRegex(fragment!!, fragArgs, fragRegex)
        return fragArgs to fragRegex.toString()

    private fun parseMime() {
        if (mimeType == null) return

        val mimeTypePattern = Pattern.compile("^[\s\S]+/[\s\S]+$")
        val mimeTypeMatcher = mimeTypePattern.matcher(mimeType)
        require(mimeTypeMatcher.matches()) {
            "The given mimeType $mimeType does not match to required \"type/subtype\" format"

        // get the type and subtype of the mimeType
        val splitMimeType = MimeType(

        // the matching pattern can have the exact name or it can be wildcard literal (*)
        val regex = "^(${splitMimeType.type}|[*]+)/(${splitMimeType.subType}|[*]+)$"

        // if the deep link type or subtype is wildcard, allow anything
        mimeTypeRegex = regex.replace("*|[*]", "[\s\S]")

    init {