
 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.navigation

import android.content.Context
import android.util.AttributeSet
import androidx.annotation.IdRes
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.collection.SparseArrayCompat
import androidx.collection.forEach
import androidx.collection.size
import androidx.collection.valueIterator
import androidx.core.content.res.use
import androidx.navigation.common.R
import androidx.navigation.serialization.generateRouteWithArgs
import java.lang.StringBuilder
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlinx.serialization.ExperimentalSerializationApi
import kotlinx.serialization.InternalSerializationApi
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.serializer

 * NavGraph is a collection of [NavDestination] nodes fetchable by ID.
 * A NavGraph serves as a 'virtual' destination: while the NavGraph itself will not appear
 * on the back stack, navigating to the NavGraph will cause the
 * [starting destination][getStartDestination] to be added to the back stack.
 * Construct a new NavGraph. This NavGraph is not valid until you
 * [add a destination][addDestination] and [set the starting destination][setStartDestination].
 * @param navGraphNavigator The [NavGraphNavigator] which this destination will be associated
 *                          with. Generally retrieved via a
 *                          [NavController]'s[NavigatorProvider.getNavigator] method.
public open class NavGraph(navGraphNavigator: Navigator<out NavGraph>) :
    NavDestination(navGraphNavigator), Iterable<NavDestination> {

    public val nodes: SparseArrayCompat<NavDestination> = SparseArrayCompat<NavDestination>()
    private var startDestId = 0
    private var startDestIdName: String? = null

    override fun onInflate(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) {
        super.onInflate(context, attrs)
        ).use {
            startDestinationId = it.getResourceId(R.styleable.NavGraphNavigator_startDestination, 0)
            startDestIdName = getDisplayName(context, startDestId)

    public override fun matchDeepLink(navDeepLinkRequest: NavDeepLinkRequest): DeepLinkMatch? {
        // First search through any deep links directly added to this NavGraph
        val bestMatch = super.matchDeepLink(navDeepLinkRequest)
        // Then search through all child destinations for a matching deep link
        val bestChildMatch = mapNotNull { child ->

        return listOfNotNull(bestMatch, bestChildMatch).maxOrNull()

     * Only searches through deep links added directly to this graph. Does not recursively search
     * through its children as [matchDeepLink] does.
    public fun matchDeepLinkExcludingChildren(request: NavDeepLinkRequest): DeepLinkMatch? =

     * Adds a destination to this NavGraph. The destination must have an
     * [] id} set.
     * The destination must not have a [parent][NavDestination.parent] set. If
     * the destination is already part of a [navigation graph][NavGraph], call
     * [remove] before calling this method.
     * @param node destination to add
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if destination does not have an id, the destination has
     * the same id as the graph, or the destination already has a parent.
    public fun addDestination(node: NavDestination) {
        val id =
        val innerRoute = node.route
        require(id != 0 || innerRoute != null) {
            "Destinations must have an id or route. Call setId(), setRoute(), or include an " +
                "android:id or app:route in your navigation XML."
        if (route != null) {
            require(innerRoute != route) {
                "Destination $node cannot have the same route as graph $this"
        require(id != { "Destination $node cannot have the same id as graph $this" }
        val existingDestination = nodes[id]
        if (existingDestination === node) {
        check(node.parent == null) {
            "Destination already has a parent set. Call NavGraph.remove() to remove the previous " +
        if (existingDestination != null) {
            existingDestination.parent = null
        node.parent = this
        nodes.put(, node)

     * Adds multiple destinations to this NavGraph. Each destination must have an
     * [] id} set.
     * Each destination must not have a [parent][NavDestination.parent] set. If any
     * destination is already part of a [navigation graph][NavGraph], call [remove] before
     * calling this method.
     * @param nodes destinations to add
    public fun addDestinations(nodes: Collection<NavDestination?>) {
        for (node in nodes) {
            if (node == null) {

     * Adds multiple destinations to this NavGraph. Each destination must have an
     * [] id} set.
     * Each destination must not have a [parent][NavDestination.parent] set. If any
     * destination is already part of a [navigation graph][NavGraph], call [remove] before
     * calling this method.
     * @param nodes destinations to add
    public fun addDestinations(vararg nodes: NavDestination) {
        for (node in nodes) {

     * Finds a destination in the collection by ID. This will recursively check the
     * [parent][parent] of this navigation graph if node is not found in this navigation graph.
     * @param resId ID to locate
     * @return the node with ID resId
    public fun findNode(@IdRes resId: Int): NavDestination? {
        return findNode(resId, true)

     * Finds a destination in the collection by route. This will recursively check the
     * [parent][parent] of this navigation graph if node is not found in this navigation graph.
     * @param route Route to locate
     * @return the node with route
    public fun findNode(route: String?): NavDestination? {
        return if (!route.isNullOrBlank()) findNode(route, true) else null

     * Finds a destination in the collection by route from [KClass]. This will recursively check the
     * [parent][parent] of this navigation graph if node is not found in this navigation graph.
     * @param T Route from a [KClass] to locate
     * @return the node with route - the node must have been created with a route from [KClass]
    public inline fun <reified T> findNode(): NavDestination? {
        return findNode(serializer<T>().hashCode())

     * Finds a destination in the collection by route from Object. This will recursively check the
     * [parent][parent] of this navigation graph if node is not found in this navigation graph.
     * @param route Route to locate
     * @return the node with route - the node must have been created with a route from [KClass]
    public fun <T> findNode(route: T?): NavDestination? {
        return if (route != null) findNode(route!!::class.serializer().hashCode()) else null

    public fun findNode(@IdRes resId: Int, searchParents: Boolean): NavDestination? {
        val destination = nodes[resId]
        // Search the parent for the NavDestination if it is not a child of this navigation graph
        // and searchParents is true
        return destination
            ?: if (searchParents && parent != null) parent!!.findNode(resId) else null

    public fun findNode(route: String, searchParents: Boolean): NavDestination? {
        val destination = nodes.valueIterator().asSequence().firstOrNull {
            // first try matching with routePattern
            // if not found with routePattern, try matching with route args
            it.route.equals(route) || it.matchDeepLink(route) != null

        // Search the parent for the NavDestination if it is not a child of this navigation graph
        // and searchParents is true
        return destination
            ?: if (searchParents && parent != null) parent!!.findNode(route) else null

    // searches through child nodes, does not search through parents
    public fun findChildNode(
        @IdRes resId: Int,
    ): NavDestination? {
        // first search through children directly added to graph
        var destination = nodes[resId]
        if (destination != null) return destination

        // then search through child graphs
        destination = nodes.valueIterator().asSequence().firstNotNullOfOrNull { child ->
            if (child is NavGraph) {
            } else null
        return destination

     * @throws NoSuchElementException if there no more elements
    public final override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<NavDestination> {
        return object : MutableIterator<NavDestination> {
            private var index = -1
            private var wentToNext = false
            override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
                return index + 1 < nodes.size()

            override fun next(): NavDestination {
                if (!hasNext()) {
                    throw NoSuchElementException()
                wentToNext = true
                return nodes.valueAt(++index)

            override fun remove() {
                check(wentToNext) { "You must call next() before you can remove an element" }
                with(nodes) {
                    valueAt(index).parent = null
                wentToNext = false

     * Add all destinations from another collection to this one. As each destination has at most
     * one parent, the destinations will be removed from the given NavGraph.
     * @param other collection of destinations to add. All destinations will be removed from this
     * graph after being added to this graph.
    public fun addAll(other: NavGraph) {
        val iterator = other.iterator()
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            val destination =

     * Remove a given destination from this NavGraph
     * @param node the destination to remove.
    public fun remove(node: NavDestination) {
        val index = nodes.indexOfKey(
        if (index >= 0) {
            nodes.valueAt(index).parent = null

     * Clear all destinations from this navigation graph.
    public fun clear() {
        val iterator = iterator()
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

    override val displayName: String
        get() = if (id != 0) super.displayName else "the root navigation"

     * Gets the starting destination for this NavGraph. When navigating to the NavGraph, this
     * destination is the one the user will initially see.
     * @return the start destination
    @Deprecated("Use getStartDestinationId instead.", ReplaceWith("startDestinationId"))
    public fun getStartDestination(): Int = startDestinationId

     * The starting destination id for this NavGraph. When navigating to the NavGraph, the
     * destination represented by this id is the one the user will initially see.
    public var startDestinationId: Int
        get() = startDestId
        private set(startDestId) {
            require(startDestId != id) {
                "Start destination $startDestId cannot use the same id as the graph $this"
            if (startDestinationRoute != null) {
                startDestinationRoute = null
            this.startDestId = startDestId
            startDestIdName = null

     * Sets the starting destination for this NavGraph.
     * This will clear any previously set [startDestinationRoute].
     * @param startDestId The id of the destination to be shown when navigating to this
     *                    NavGraph.
    public fun setStartDestination(startDestId: Int) {
        startDestinationId = startDestId

     * Sets the starting destination for this NavGraph.
     * This will override any previously set [startDestinationId]
     * @param startDestRoute The route of the destination to be shown when navigating to this
     *                    NavGraph.
    public fun setStartDestination(startDestRoute: String) {
        startDestinationRoute = startDestRoute

     * Sets the starting destination for this NavGraph.
     * This will override any previously set [startDestinationId]
     * @param T The route of the destination as a [KClass] to be shown when navigating
     * to this NavGraph.
    public inline fun <reified T : Any> setStartDestination() {
        setStartDestination(serializer<T>()) { startDestination ->

     * Sets the starting destination for this NavGraph.
     * This will override any previously set [startDestinationId]
     * @param startDestRoute The route of the destination as an object to be shown when navigating
     * to this NavGraph.
    public fun <T : Any> setStartDestination(startDestRoute: T) {
        setStartDestination(startDestRoute::class.serializer()) { startDestination ->
            val args = startDestination.arguments.mapValues {

    // unfortunately needs to be public so reified setStartDestination can access this
    public fun <T> setStartDestination(
        serializer: KSerializer<T>,
        parseRoute: (NavDestination) -> String,
    ) {
        val id = serializer.hashCode()
        val startDest = findNode(id)
        checkNotNull(startDest) {
            "Cannot find startDestination ${serializer.descriptor.serialName} from NavGraph. " +
                "Ensure the starting NavDestination was added with route from KClass."
        // when dest id is based on serializer, we expect the dest route to have been generated
        // and set
        startDestinationRoute = parseRoute(startDest)
        // bypass startDestinationId setter so we don't set route back to null
        this.startDestId = id

     * The route for the starting destination for this NavGraph. When navigating to the
     * NavGraph, the destination represented by this route is the one the user will initially see.
    public var startDestinationRoute: String? = null
        private set(startDestRoute) {
            startDestId = if (startDestRoute == null) {
            } else {
                require(startDestRoute != route) {
                    "Start destination $startDestRoute cannot use the same route as the graph $this"
                require(startDestRoute.isNotBlank()) {
                    "Cannot have an empty start destination route"
                val internalRoute = createRoute(startDestRoute)
            field = startDestRoute

    public val startDestDisplayName: String
        get() {
            if (startDestIdName == null) {
                startDestIdName = startDestinationRoute ?: startDestId.toString()
            return startDestIdName!!

    public override fun toString(): String {
        val sb = StringBuilder()
        val startDestination = findNode(startDestinationRoute) ?: findNode(startDestinationId)
        sb.append(" startDestination=")
        if (startDestination == null) {
            when {
                startDestinationRoute != null -> sb.append(startDestinationRoute)
                startDestIdName != null -> sb.append(startDestIdName)
                else -> sb.append("0x${Integer.toHexString(startDestId)}")
        } else {
        return sb.toString()

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other == null || other !is NavGraph) return false
        return super.equals(other) &&
            nodes.size == other.nodes.size &&
            startDestinationId == other.startDestinationId &&
            nodes.valueIterator().asSequence().all { it == other.nodes.get( }

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = startDestinationId
        nodes.forEach { key, value ->
            result = 31 * result + key
            result = 31 * result + value.hashCode()
        return result

    public companion object {
         * Finds the actual start destination of the graph, handling cases where the graph's starting
         * destination is itself a NavGraph.
         * @return the actual startDestination of the given graph.
        public fun NavGraph.findStartDestination(): NavDestination =
            generateSequence(findNode(startDestinationId)) {
                if (it is NavGraph) {
                } else {

 * Returns the destination with `id`.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no destination is found with that id.
public inline operator fun NavGraph.get(@IdRes id: Int): NavDestination =
    findNode(id) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No destination for $id was found in $this")

 * Returns the destination with `route`.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no destination is found with that route.
public inline operator fun NavGraph.get(route: String): NavDestination =
        ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No destination for $route was found in $this")

 * Returns the destination with `route` from [KClass].
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no destination is found with that route.

public inline operator fun <reified T : Any> NavGraph.get(route: KClass<T>): NavDestination =
        ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No destination for $route was found in $this")

 * Returns the destination with `route` from an Object.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no destination is found with that route.
public inline operator fun <T : Any> NavGraph.get(route: T): NavDestination =
        ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No destination for $route was found in $this")

/** Returns `true` if a destination with `id` is found in this navigation graph. */
public operator fun NavGraph.contains(@IdRes id: Int): Boolean = findNode(id) != null

/** Returns `true` if a destination with `route` is found in this navigation graph. */
public operator fun NavGraph.contains(route: String): Boolean = findNode(route) != null

/** Returns `true` if a destination with `route` is found in this navigation graph. */
public inline operator fun <reified T : Any> NavGraph.contains(route: KClass<T>): Boolean =
    findNode<T>() != null

/** Returns `true` if a destination with `route` is found in this navigation graph. */
public operator fun <T : Any> NavGraph.contains(route: T): Boolean = findNode(route) != null

 * Adds a destination to this NavGraph. The destination must have an
 * [id][] set.
 * The destination must not have a [parent][NavDestination.parent] set. If
 * the destination is already part of a [NavGraph], call
 * [NavGraph.remove] before calling this method.</p>
 * @param node destination to add
public inline operator fun NavGraph.plusAssign(node: NavDestination) {

 * Add all destinations from another collection to this one. As each destination has at most
 * one parent, the destinations will be removed from the given NavGraph.
 * @param other collection of destinations to add. All destinations will be removed from the
 * parameter graph after being added to this graph.
public inline operator fun NavGraph.plusAssign(other: NavGraph) {

/** Removes `node` from this navigation graph. */
public inline operator fun NavGraph.minusAssign(node: NavDestination) {