
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.paging

import androidx.annotation.IntRange
import androidx.annotation.MainThread
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.paging.LoadType.APPEND
import androidx.paging.LoadType.PREPEND
import androidx.paging.LoadType.REFRESH
import androidx.paging.PageEvent.Drop
import androidx.paging.PageEvent.Insert
import androidx.paging.PageEvent.StaticList
import androidx.paging.PagePresenter.ProcessPageEventCallback
import androidx.paging.internal.BUGANIZER_URL
import androidx.paging.internal.appendMediatorStatesIfNotNull
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableSharedFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asSharedFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import kotlinx.coroutines.yield

/** @suppress */
public abstract class PagingDataDiffer<T : Any>(
    private val differCallback: DifferCallback,
    private val mainContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Main,
    cachedPagingData: PagingData<T>? = null,
) {
    private var hintReceiver: HintReceiver? = null
    private var uiReceiver: UiReceiver? = null
    private var presenter: PagePresenter<T> = PagePresenter.initial(cachedPagingData?.cachedEvent())
    private val combinedLoadStatesCollection = MutableCombinedLoadStateCollection().apply {
        cachedPagingData?.cachedEvent()?.let { set(it.sourceLoadStates, it.mediatorLoadStates) }
    private val onPagesUpdatedListeners = CopyOnWriteArrayList<() -> Unit>()

    private val collectFromRunner = SingleRunner()

     * Track whether [lastAccessedIndex] points to a loaded item in the list or a placeholder
     * after applying transformations to loaded pages. `true` if [lastAccessedIndex] points to a
     * placeholder, `false` if [lastAccessedIndex] points to a loaded item after transformations.
     * [lastAccessedIndexUnfulfilled] is used to track whether resending [lastAccessedIndex] as a
     * hint is necessary, since in cases of aggressive filtering, an index may be unfulfilled
     * after being sent to [PageFetcher], which is only capable of handling prefetchDistance
     * before transformations.
    private var lastAccessedIndexUnfulfilled: Boolean = false

     * Track last index access so it can be forwarded to new generations after DiffUtil runs and
     * it is transformed to an index in the new list.
    private var lastAccessedIndex: Int = 0

    private val processPageEventCallback = object : ProcessPageEventCallback {
        override fun onChanged(position: Int, count: Int) {
            differCallback.onChanged(position, count)

        override fun onInserted(position: Int, count: Int) {
            differCallback.onInserted(position, count)

        override fun onRemoved(position: Int, count: Int) {
            differCallback.onRemoved(position, count)

        // for state updates from LoadStateUpdate events
        override fun onStateUpdate(source: LoadStates, mediator: LoadStates?) {
            dispatchLoadStates(source, mediator)

        // for state updates from Drop events
        override fun onStateUpdate(
            loadType: LoadType,
            fromMediator: Boolean,
            loadState: LoadState
        ) {
            // CombinedLoadStates is de-duplicated within set()
            combinedLoadStatesCollection.set(loadType, fromMediator, loadState)

    internal fun dispatchLoadStates(source: LoadStates, mediator: LoadStates?) {
        // CombinedLoadStates is de-duplicated within set()
            sourceLoadStates = source,
            remoteLoadStates = mediator

     * @param onListPresentable Call this synchronously right before dispatching updates to signal
     * that this [PagingDataDiffer] should now consider [newList] as the presented list for
     * presenter-level APIs such as [snapshot] and [peek]. This should be called before notifying
     * any callbacks that the user would expect to be synchronous with presenter updates, such as
     * `ListUpdateCallback`, in case it's desirable to inspect presenter state within those
     * callbacks.
     * @return Transformed result of [lastAccessedIndex] as an index of [newList] using the diff
     * result between [previousList] and [newList]. Null if [newList] or [previousList] lists are
     * empty, where it does not make sense to transform [lastAccessedIndex].
    public abstract suspend fun presentNewList(
        previousList: NullPaddedList<T>,
        newList: NullPaddedList<T>,
        lastAccessedIndex: Int,
        onListPresentable: () -> Unit,
    ): Int?

    public open fun postEvents(): Boolean = false

    public suspend fun collectFrom(pagingData: PagingData<T>) {
        collectFromRunner.runInIsolation {
            uiReceiver = pagingData.uiReceiver
            pagingData.flow.collect { event ->
                log(VERBOSE) { "Collected $event" }
                withContext(mainContext) {
                     * The hint receiver of a new generation is set only after it has been
                     * presented. This ensures that:
                     * 1. while new generation is still loading, access hints (and jump hints) will
                     * be sent to current generation.
                     * 2. the access hint sent from presentNewList will have the correct
                     * placeholders and indexInPage adjusted according to new presenter's most
                     * recent state
                     * Ensuring that viewport hints are sent to the correct generation helps
                     * synchronize fetcher/presenter in the correct calculation of the
                     * next anchorPosition.
                    if (event is Insert && event.loadType == REFRESH) {
                            pages = event.pages,
                            placeholdersBefore = event.placeholdersBefore,
                            placeholdersAfter = event.placeholdersAfter,
                            dispatchLoadStates = true,
                            sourceLoadStates = event.sourceLoadStates,
                            mediatorLoadStates = event.mediatorLoadStates,
                            newHintReceiver = pagingData.hintReceiver
                    } else if (event is StaticList) {
                            pages = listOf(
                                    originalPageOffset = 0,
                                    data =,
                            placeholdersBefore = 0,
                            placeholdersAfter = 0,
                            dispatchLoadStates = event.sourceLoadStates != null ||
                                event.mediatorLoadStates != null,
                            sourceLoadStates = event.sourceLoadStates,
                            mediatorLoadStates = event.mediatorLoadStates,
                            newHintReceiver = pagingData.hintReceiver
                    } else {
                        if (postEvents()) {

                        // Send event to presenter to be shown to the UI.
                        presenter.processEvent(event, processPageEventCallback)

                        // Reset lastAccessedIndexUnfulfilled if a page is dropped, to avoid
                        // infinite loops when maxSize is insufficiently large.
                        if (event is Drop) {
                            lastAccessedIndexUnfulfilled = false

                        // If index points to a placeholder after transformations, resend it unless
                        // there are no more items to load.
                        if (event is Insert) {
                            val source = combinedLoadStatesCollection.stateFlow.value?.source
                            checkNotNull(source) {
                                "PagingDataDiffer.combinedLoadStatesCollection.stateFlow should" +
                                    "not hold null CombinedLoadStates after Insert event."
                            val prependDone = source.prepend.endOfPaginationReached
                            val appendDone = source.append.endOfPaginationReached
                            val canContinueLoading = !(event.loadType == PREPEND && prependDone) &&
                                    !(event.loadType == APPEND && appendDone)

                             *  If the insert is empty due to aggressive filtering, another hint
                             *  must be sent to fetcher-side to notify that PagingDataDiffer
                             *  received the page, since fetcher estimates prefetchDistance based on
                             *  page indices presented by PagingDataDiffer and we cannot rely on a
                             *  new item being bound to trigger another hint since the presented
                             *  page is empty.
                            val emptyInsert = event.pages.all { }
                            if (!canContinueLoading) {
                                // Reset lastAccessedIndexUnfulfilled since endOfPaginationReached
                                // means there are no more pages to load that could fulfill this
                                // index.
                                lastAccessedIndexUnfulfilled = false
                            } else if (lastAccessedIndexUnfulfilled || emptyInsert) {
                                val shouldResendHint = emptyInsert ||
                                    lastAccessedIndex < presenter.placeholdersBefore ||
                                    lastAccessedIndex > presenter.placeholdersBefore +

                                if (shouldResendHint) {
                                } else {
                                    // lastIndex fulfilled, so reset lastAccessedIndexUnfulfilled.
                                    lastAccessedIndexUnfulfilled = false

                    // Notify page updates after presenter processes them.
                    // Note: This is not redundant with LoadStates because it does not de-dupe
                    // in cases where LoadState does not change, which would happen on cached
                    // PagingData collections.
                    if (event is Insert || event is Drop || event is StaticList) {
                        onPagesUpdatedListeners.forEach { it() }

     * Returns the presented item at the specified position, notifying Paging of the item access to
     * trigger any loads necessary to fulfill [prefetchDistance][PagingConfig.prefetchDistance].
     * @param index Index of the presented item to return, including placeholders.
     * @return The presented item at position [index], `null` if it is a placeholder.
    public operator fun get(@IntRange(from = 0) index: Int): T? {
        lastAccessedIndexUnfulfilled = true
        lastAccessedIndex = index

        log(VERBOSE) { "Accessing item index[$index]" }
        return presenter.get(index)

     * Returns the presented item at the specified position, without notifying Paging of the item
     * access that would normally trigger page loads.
     * @param index Index of the presented item to return, including placeholders.
     * @return The presented item at position [index], `null` if it is a placeholder
    public fun peek(@IntRange(from = 0) index: Int): T? {
        return presenter.get(index)

     * Returns a new [ItemSnapshotList] representing the currently presented items, including any
     * placeholders if they are enabled.
    public fun snapshot(): ItemSnapshotList<T> = presenter.snapshot()

     * Retry any failed load requests that would result in a [LoadState.Error] update to this
     * [PagingDataDiffer].
     * Unlike [refresh], this does not invalidate [PagingSource], it only retries failed loads
     * within the same generation of [PagingData].
     * [LoadState.Error] can be generated from two types of load requests:
     *  * [PagingSource.load] returning [PagingSource.LoadResult.Error]
     *  * [RemoteMediator.load] returning [RemoteMediator.MediatorResult.Error]
    public fun retry() {
        log(DEBUG) { "Retry signal received" }

     * Refresh the data presented by this [PagingDataDiffer].
     * [refresh] triggers the creation of a new [PagingData] with a new instance of [PagingSource]
     * to represent an updated snapshot of the backing dataset. If a [RemoteMediator] is set,
     * calling [refresh] will also trigger a call to [RemoteMediator.load] with [LoadType] [REFRESH]
     * to allow [RemoteMediator] to check for updates to the dataset backing [PagingSource].
     * Note: This API is intended for UI-driven refresh signals, such as swipe-to-refresh.
     * Invalidation due repository-layer signals, such as DB-updates, should instead use
     * [PagingSource.invalidate].
     * @see PagingSource.invalidate
     * @sample androidx.paging.samples.refreshSample
    public fun refresh() {
        log(DEBUG) { "Refresh signal received" }

     * @return Total number of presented items, including placeholders.
    public val size: Int
        get() = presenter.size

     * A hot [Flow] of [CombinedLoadStates] that emits a snapshot whenever the loading state of the
     * current [PagingData] changes.
     * This flow is conflated. It buffers the last update to [CombinedLoadStates] and immediately
     * delivers the current load states on collection, unless this [PagingDataDiffer] has not been
     * hooked up to a [PagingData] yet, and thus has no state to emit.
     * @sample androidx.paging.samples.loadStateFlowSample
    public val loadStateFlow: StateFlow<CombinedLoadStates?> =

    private val _onPagesUpdatedFlow: MutableSharedFlow<Unit> = MutableSharedFlow(
        replay = 0,
        extraBufferCapacity = 64,
        onBufferOverflow = DROP_OLDEST,

     * A hot [Flow] that emits after the pages presented to the UI are updated, even if the
     * actual items presented don't change.
     * An update is triggered from one of the following:
     *   * [collectFrom] is called and initial load completes, regardless of any differences in
     *     the loaded data
     *   * A [Page][androidx.paging.PagingSource.LoadResult.Page] is inserted
     *   * A [Page][androidx.paging.PagingSource.LoadResult.Page] is dropped
     * Note: This is a [SharedFlow][kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlow] configured to replay
     * 0 items with a buffer of size 64. If a collector lags behind page updates, it may
     * trigger multiple times for each intermediate update that was presented while your collector
     * was still working. To avoid this behavior, you can
     * [conflate][kotlinx.coroutines.flow.conflate] this [Flow] so that you only receive the latest
     * update, which is useful in cases where you are simply updating UI and don't care about
     * tracking the exact number of page updates.
    public val onPagesUpdatedFlow: Flow<Unit>
        get() = _onPagesUpdatedFlow.asSharedFlow()

    init {
        addOnPagesUpdatedListener {

     * Add a listener which triggers after the pages presented to the UI are updated, even if the
     * actual items presented don't change.
     * An update is triggered from one of the following:
     *   * [collectFrom] is called and initial load completes, regardless of any differences in
     *     the loaded data
     *   * A [Page][androidx.paging.PagingSource.LoadResult.Page] is inserted
     *   * A [Page][androidx.paging.PagingSource.LoadResult.Page] is dropped
     * @param listener called after pages presented are updated.
     * @see removeOnPagesUpdatedListener
    public fun addOnPagesUpdatedListener(listener: () -> Unit) {

     * Remove a previously registered listener for updates to presented pages.
     * @param listener Previously registered listener.
     * @see addOnPagesUpdatedListener
    public fun removeOnPagesUpdatedListener(listener: () -> Unit) {

     * Add a [CombinedLoadStates] listener to observe the loading state of the current [PagingData].
     * As new [PagingData] generations are submitted and displayed, the listener will be notified to
     * reflect the current [CombinedLoadStates].
     * When a new listener is added, it will be immediately called with the current
     * [CombinedLoadStates], unless this [PagingDataDiffer] has not been hooked up to a [PagingData]
     * yet, and thus has no state to emit.
     * @param listener [LoadStates] listener to receive updates.
     * @see removeLoadStateListener
     * @sample androidx.paging.samples.addLoadStateListenerSample
    public fun addLoadStateListener(listener: (CombinedLoadStates) -> Unit) {

     * Remove a previously registered [CombinedLoadStates] listener.
     * @param listener Previously registered listener.
     * @see addLoadStateListener
    public fun removeLoadStateListener(listener: (CombinedLoadStates) -> Unit) {

    private suspend fun presentNewList(
        pages: List<TransformablePage<T>>,
        placeholdersBefore: Int,
        placeholdersAfter: Int,
        dispatchLoadStates: Boolean,
        sourceLoadStates: LoadStates?,
        mediatorLoadStates: LoadStates?,
        newHintReceiver: HintReceiver,
    ) {
        require(!dispatchLoadStates || sourceLoadStates != null) {
            "Cannot dispatch LoadStates in PagingDataDiffer without source LoadStates set."

        lastAccessedIndexUnfulfilled = false

        val newPresenter = PagePresenter(
            pages = pages,
            placeholdersBefore = placeholdersBefore,
            placeholdersAfter = placeholdersAfter,
        var onListPresentableCalled = false
        val transformedLastAccessedIndex = presentNewList(
            previousList = presenter,
            newList = newPresenter,
            lastAccessedIndex = lastAccessedIndex,
            onListPresentable = {
                presenter = newPresenter
                onListPresentableCalled = true
                hintReceiver = newHintReceiver
                log(DEBUG) {
                    appendMediatorStatesIfNotNull(mediatorLoadStates) {
                        """Presenting data:
                            |   first item: ${pages.firstOrNull()?.data?.firstOrNull()}
                            |   last item: ${pages.lastOrNull()?.data?.lastOrNull()}
                            |   placeholdersBefore: $placeholdersBefore
                            |   placeholdersAfter: $placeholdersAfter
                            |   hintReceiver: $newHintReceiver
                            |   sourceLoadStates: $sourceLoadStates
        check(onListPresentableCalled) {
            """Missing call to onListPresentable after new list was presented. If you are seeing
                | this exception, it is generally an indication of an issue with Paging.
                | Please file a bug so we can fix it at:
                | $BUGANIZER_URL""".trimMargin()

        // We may want to skip dispatching load states if triggered by a static list which wants to
        // preserve the previous state.
        if (dispatchLoadStates) {
            // Dispatch LoadState updates as soon as we are done diffing, but after
            // setting presenter.
            dispatchLoadStates(sourceLoadStates!!, mediatorLoadStates)

        if (transformedLastAccessedIndex == null) {
            // Send an initialize hint in case the new list is empty, which would
            // prevent a ViewportHint.Access from ever getting sent since there are
            // no items to bind from initial load.
        } else {
            // Transform the last loadAround index from the old list to the new list
            // by passing it through the DiffResult, and pass it forward as a
            // ViewportHint within the new list to the next generation of Pager.
            // This ensures prefetch distance for the last ViewportHint from the old
            // list is respected in the new list, even if invalidation interrupts
            // the prepend / append load that would have fulfilled it in the old
            // list.
            lastAccessedIndex = transformedLastAccessedIndex

 * Callback for the presenter/adapter to listen to the state of pagination data.
 * Note that these won't map directly to PageEvents, since PageEvents can cause several adapter
 * events that should all be dispatched to the presentation layer at once - as part of the same
 * frame.
 * @suppress
public interface DifferCallback {
    public fun onChanged(position: Int, count: Int)
    public fun onInserted(position: Int, count: Int)
    public fun onRemoved(position: Int, count: Int)

 * Payloads used to dispatch change events.
 * Could become a public API post 3.0 in case developers want to handle it more effectively.
 * Sending these change payloads is critical for the common case where DefaultItemAnimator won't
 * animate them and re-use the same view holder if possible.
public enum class DiffingChangePayload {