
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


package androidx.paging

import androidx.annotation.CheckResult
import androidx.paging.TerminalSeparatorType.FULLY_COMPLETE
import java.util.concurrent.Executor
import kotlinx.coroutines.asCoroutineDispatcher
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext

private inline fun <T : Any, R : Any> PagingData<T>.transform(
    crossinline transform: suspend (PageEvent<T>) -> PageEvent<R>
) = PagingData(
    flow = { transform(it) },
    uiReceiver = uiReceiver,
    hintReceiver = hintReceiver,

 * Returns a [PagingData] containing the result of applying the given [transform] to each
 * element, as it is loaded.
public fun <T : Any, R : Any> PagingData<T>.map(
    transform: suspend (T) -> R
): PagingData<R> = transform { }

 * Returns a [PagingData] containing the result of applying the given [transform] to each
 * element, as it is loaded.
 * @see
public fun <T : Any, R : Any> PagingData<T>.map(
    executor: Executor,
    transform: (T) -> R,
): PagingData<R> = transform { event ->
    withContext(executor.asCoroutineDispatcher()) { { transform(it) }

 * Returns a [PagingData] of all elements returned from applying the given [transform]
 * to each element, as it is loaded.
public fun <T : Any, R : Any> PagingData<T>.flatMap(
    transform: suspend (T) -> Iterable<R>
): PagingData<R> = transform { it.flatMap(transform) }

 * Returns a [PagingData] of all elements returned from applying the given [transform]
 * to each element, as it is loaded.
 * @see flatMap
public fun <T : Any, R : Any> PagingData<T>.flatMap(
    executor: Executor,
    transform: (T) -> Iterable<R>
): PagingData<R> = transform { event ->
    withContext(executor.asCoroutineDispatcher()) {
        event.flatMap { transform(it) }

 * Returns a [PagingData] containing only elements matching the given [predicate]
public fun <T : Any> PagingData<T>.filter(
    predicate: suspend (T) -> Boolean
): PagingData<T> = transform { it.filter(predicate) }

 * Returns a [PagingData] containing only elements matching the given [predicate].
 * @see filter
public fun <T : Any> PagingData<T>.filter(
    executor: Executor,
    predicate: (T) -> Boolean
): PagingData<T> = transform { event ->
    withContext(executor.asCoroutineDispatcher()) {
        event.filter { predicate(it) }

 * Returns a [PagingData] containing each original element, with an optional separator
 * generated by [generator], given the elements before and after (or null, in boundary
 * conditions).
 * Note that this transform is applied asynchronously, as pages are loaded. Potential
 * separators between pages are only computed once both pages are loaded.
 * @param terminalSeparatorType [TerminalSeparatorType] used to configure when the header and
 * footer are added.
 * @param generator Generator function used to construct a separator item given the item before
 * and the item after. For terminal separators (header and footer), the arguments passed to the
 * generator, `before` and `after`, will be `null` respectively. In cases where the fully paginated
 * list is empty, a single separator will be added where both `before` and `after` items are `null`.
 * @sample androidx.paging.samples.insertSeparatorsSample
 * @sample androidx.paging.samples.insertSeparatorsUiModelSample
public fun <T : R, R : Any> PagingData<T>.insertSeparators(
    terminalSeparatorType: TerminalSeparatorType = FULLY_COMPLETE,
    generator: suspend (T?, T?) -> R?,
): PagingData<R> {
    // This function must be an extension method, as it indirectly imposes a constraint on
    // the type of T (because T extends R). Ideally it would be declared not be an
    // extension, to make this method discoverable for Java callers, but we need to support
    // the common UI model pattern for separators:
    //     class UiModel
    //     class ItemModel: UiModel
    //     class SeparatorModel: UiModel
    return PagingData(
        flow = flow.insertEventSeparators(terminalSeparatorType, generator),
        uiReceiver = uiReceiver,
        hintReceiver = hintReceiver

// NOTE: samples in the doc below are manually imported from Java code in the samples
// project, since Java cannot be linked with @sample.
 * Returns a [PagingData] containing each original element, with an optional separator
 * generated by [generator], given the elements before and after (or null, in boundary
 * conditions).
 * Note that this transform is applied asynchronously, as pages are loaded. Potential
 * separators between pages are only computed once both pages are loaded.
 * **Kotlin callers should instead use the suspending extension function variant of
 * insertSeparators**
 * ```
 * /*
 *  * Create letter separators in an alphabetically sorted list.
 *  *
 *  * For example, if the input is:
 *  *     "apple", "apricot", "banana", "carrot"
 *  *
 *  * The operator would output:
 *  *     "A", "apple", "apricot", "B", "banana", "C", "carrot"
 *  */
 * ->
 *         // map outer stream, so we can perform transformations on each paging generation
 *         PagingDataTransforms.insertSeparators(pagingData, bgExecutor,
 *                 (@Nullable String before, @Nullable String after) -> {
 *                     if (after != null && (before == null
 *                             || before.charAt(0) != after.charAt(0))) {
 *                         // separator - after is first item that starts with its first
 *                         // letter
 *                         return Character.toString(
 *                                 Character.toUpperCase(after.charAt(0)));
 *                     } else {
 *                         // no separator - either end of list, or first
 *                         // letters of items are the same
 *                         return null;
 *                     }
 *                 }));
 * /*
 *  * Create letter separators in an alphabetically sorted list of Items, with UiModel
 *  * objects.
 *  *
 *  * For example, if the input is (each an `Item`):
 *  *     "apple", "apricot", "banana", "carrot"
 *  *
 *  * The operator would output a list of UiModels corresponding to:
 *  *     "A", "apple", "apricot", "B", "banana", "C", "carrot"
 *  */
 * -> {
 *     // map outer stream, so we can perform transformations on each paging generation
 *     // first convert items in stream to UiModel.Item
 *     PagingData<UiModel.ItemModel> itemModelPagingData =
 *             itemPagingData, bgExecutor, UiModel.ItemModel::new);
 *     // Now insert UiModel.Separators, which makes the PagingData of generic type UiModel
 *     return PagingDataTransforms.insertSeparators(
 *             itemModelPagingData, bgExecutor,
 *             (@Nullable UiModel.ItemModel before, @Nullable UiModel.ItemModel after) -> {
 *                 if (after != null && (before == null
 *                         || before.item.label.charAt(0) != after.item.label.charAt(0))) {
 *                     // separator - after is first item that starts with its first letter
 *                     return new UiModel.SeparatorModel(
 *                             Character.toUpperCase(after.item.label.charAt(0)));
 *                 } else {
 *                     // no separator - either end of list, or first
 *                     // letters of items are the same
 *                     return null;
 *                 }
 *             });
 * });
 * public class UiModel {
 *     static class ItemModel extends UiModel {
 *         public Item item;
 *         ItemModel(Item item) {
 *             this.item = item;
 *         }
 *     }
 *     static class SeparatorModel extends UiModel {
 *         public char character;
 *         SeparatorModel(char character) {
 *             this.character = character;
 *         }
 *     }
 * }
 * ```
 * @param terminalSeparatorType [TerminalSeparatorType] used to configure when the header and
 * footer are added.
 * @param executor [Executor] to run the [generator] function in.
 * @param generator Generator function used to construct a separator item given the item before
 * and the item after. For terminal separators (header and footer), the arguments passed to the
 * generator, `before` and `after`, will be `null` respectively. In cases where the fully paginated
 * list is empty, a single separator will be added where both `before` and `after` items are `null`.
public fun <R : Any, T : R> PagingData<T>.insertSeparators(
    terminalSeparatorType: TerminalSeparatorType = FULLY_COMPLETE,
    executor: Executor,
    generator: (T?, T?) -> R?,
): PagingData<R> {
    return insertSeparators(terminalSeparatorType) { before, after ->
        withContext(executor.asCoroutineDispatcher()) {
            generator(before, after)

 * Returns a [PagingData] containing each original element, with the passed header [item] added
 * to the start of the list.
 * The header [item] is added to a loaded page which marks the end of the data stream in the
 * [LoadType.PREPEND] direction by returning null in [PagingSource.LoadResult.Page.prevKey]. It
 * will be removed if the first page in the list is dropped, which can happen in the case of loaded
 * pages exceeding [PagedList.Config.maxSize].
 * Note: This operation is not idempotent, calling it multiple times will continually add
 * more headers to the start of the list, which can be useful if multiple header items are
 * required.
 * @param terminalSeparatorType [TerminalSeparatorType] used to configure when the header and
 * footer are added.
 * @param item The header to add to the front of the list once it is fully loaded in the
 * [LoadType.PREPEND] direction.
 * @see [insertFooterItem]
public fun <T : Any> PagingData<T>.insertHeaderItem(
    terminalSeparatorType: TerminalSeparatorType = FULLY_COMPLETE,
    item: T,
): PagingData<T> = insertSeparators(terminalSeparatorType) { before, _ ->
    if (before == null) item else null

 * Returns a [PagingData] containing each original element, with the passed footer [item] added
 * to the end of the list.
 * The footer [item] is added to a loaded page which marks the end of the data stream in the
 * [LoadType.APPEND] direction, either by returning null in [PagingSource.LoadResult.Page.nextKey].
 * It will be removed if the last page in the list is dropped, which can happen in the case of
 * loaded pages exceeding [PagedList.Config.maxSize].
 * Note: This operation is not idempotent, calling it multiple times will continually add
 * more footers to the end of the list, which can be useful if multiple footer items are
 * required.
 * @param terminalSeparatorType [TerminalSeparatorType] used to configure when the header and
 * footer are added.
 * @param item The footer to add to the end of the list once it is fully loaded in the
 * [LoadType.APPEND] direction.
 * @see [insertHeaderItem]
public fun <T : Any> PagingData<T>.insertFooterItem(
    terminalSeparatorType: TerminalSeparatorType = FULLY_COMPLETE,
    item: T,
): PagingData<T> = insertSeparators(terminalSeparatorType) { _, after ->
    if (after == null) item else null