
 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * The list of warnings that are produced by Room.
 * You can use these values inside a [SuppressWarnings] annotation to disable the warnings.
// If you change this, don't forget to change
@SuppressWarnings("unused", "WeakerAccess")
public open class RoomWarnings {
    public companion object {
         * The warning dispatched by Room when the return value of a [Query] method does not
         * exactly match the fields in the query result.
        public const val CURSOR_MISMATCH: String = "ROOM_CURSOR_MISMATCH"

         * The warning dispatched by Room when the object in the provided method's multimap return
         * type does not implement equals() and hashCode().
        public const val DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_EQUALS_HASHCODE: String =

         * Reported when Room cannot verify database queries during compilation due to lack of
         * tmp dir access in JVM.
        public const val MISSING_JAVA_TMP_DIR: String = "ROOM_MISSING_JAVA_TMP_DIR"

         * Reported when Room cannot verify database queries during compilation. This usually
         * happens when it cannot find the SQLite JDBC driver on the host machine.
         * Room can function without query verification but its functionality will be limited.
        public const val CANNOT_CREATE_VERIFICATION_DATABASE: String =

         * Reported when an [Entity] field that is annotated with [Embedded] has a
         * sub field which is annotated with [PrimaryKey] but the [PrimaryKey] is dropped
         * while composing it into the parent object.
        public const val PRIMARY_KEY_FROM_EMBEDDED_IS_DROPPED: String =

         * Reported when an [Entity] field that is annotated with [Embedded] has a
         * sub field which has a [ColumnInfo] annotation with `index = true`.
         * You can re-define the index in the containing [Entity].
        public const val INDEX_FROM_EMBEDDED_FIELD_IS_DROPPED: String =

         * Reported when an [Entity] that has a [Embedded] field whose type is another
         * [Entity] and that [Entity] has some indices defined.
         * These indices will NOT be created in the containing [Entity]. If you want to preserve
         * them, you can re-define them in the containing [Entity].
        public const val INDEX_FROM_EMBEDDED_ENTITY_IS_DROPPED: String =

         * Reported when an [Entity]'s parent declares an [Index]. Room does not
         * automatically inherit these indices to avoid hidden costs or unexpected constraints.
         * If you want your child class to have the indices of the parent, you must re-declare
         * them in the child class. Alternatively, you can set [Entity.inheritSuperIndices]
         * to `true`.
        public const val INDEX_FROM_PARENT_IS_DROPPED: String =

         * Reported when an [Entity] inherits a field from its super class and the field has a
         * [ColumnInfo] annotation with `index = true`.
         * These indices are dropped for the [Entity] and you would need to re-declare them if
         * you want to keep them. Alternatively, you can set [Entity.inheritSuperIndices]
         * to `true`.
        public const val INDEX_FROM_PARENT_FIELD_IS_DROPPED: String =

         * Reported when a [Relation] [Entity]'s SQLite column type does not match the type
         * in the parent. Room will still do the matching using `String` representations.

         * Reported when a `room.schemaLocation` argument is not provided into the annotation
         * processor.
         * You can either set [Database.exportSchema] to `false` or provide
         * `room.schemaLocation` to the annotation processor. You are strongly advised to provide it
         * and also commit them into your version control system.

         * When there is a foreign key from Entity A to Entity B, it is a good idea to index the
         * reference columns in B, otherwise, each modification on Entity A will trigger a full table
         * scan on Entity B.
         * If Room cannot find a proper index in the child entity (Entity B in this case), Room will
         * print this warning.
        public const val MISSING_INDEX_ON_FOREIGN_KEY_CHILD: String =

         * Reported when a junction entity whose column is used in a `@Relation` field with a
         * `@Junction` does not contain an index. If the column is not covered by any index then a
         * full table scan might be performed when resolving the relationship.
         * It is recommended that columns on entities used as junctions contain indices, otherwise Room
         * will print this warning.

         * Reported when a POJO has multiple constructors, one of which is a no-arg constructor. Room
         * will pick that one by default but will print this warning in case the constructor choice is
         * important. You can always guide Room to use the right constructor using the @Ignore
         * annotation.

         * Reported when a @Query method returns a POJO that has relations but the method is not
         * annotated with @Transaction. Relations are run as separate queries and if the query is not
         * run inside a transaction, it might return inconsistent results from the database.
        public const val RELATION_QUERY_WITHOUT_TRANSACTION: String =

         * Reported when an `@Entity` field's type do not exactly match the getter type.
         * For instance, in the following class:
         * ```
         * @Entity
         * class Foo {
         *     ...
         *     private val value: Boolean
         *     public fun getValue(): Boolean {
         *         return value == null ? false : value
         *     }
         * }
         * ```
         * Trying to insert this entity into database will always set `value` column to
         * `false` when `Foo.value` is `null` since Room will use the `getValue`
         * method to read the value. So even thought the database column is nullable, it will never
         * be inserted as `null` if inserted as a `Foo` instance.
        public const val MISMATCHED_GETTER: String = "ROOM_MISMATCHED_GETTER_TYPE"

         * Reported when an `@Entity` field's type do not exactly match the setter type.
         * For instance, in the following class:
         * ```
         * @Entity
         * class Foo {
         *     ...
         *     private val value: Boolean
         *     public fun setValue(value: Boolean) {
         *         this.value = value
         *     }
         * }
         * ```
         * If Room reads this entity from the database, it will always set `Foo.value` to
         * `false` when the column value is `null` since Room will use the `setValue`
         * method to write the value.
        public const val MISMATCHED_SETTER: String = "ROOM_MISMATCHED_SETTER_TYPE"

         * Reported when there is an ambiguous column on the result of a multimap query.

    @Deprecated("This type should not be instantiated as it contains only static methods. ")
    public constructor()