
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.room.compiler.processing.util.compiler

import androidx.room.compiler.processing.util.compiler.steps.RawDiagnosticMessage
import javax.tools.Diagnostic
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.CompilerMessageSeverity
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.CompilerMessageSourceLocation
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.MessageCollector

 * Custom message collector for Kotlin compilation that collects messages into
 * [RawDiagnosticMessage] objects.
 * Neither KAPT nor KSP report location in the `location` parameter of the callback, instead,
 * they embed location into the messages. This collector parses these messages to recover the
 * location.
internal class DiagnosticsMessageCollector(
    private val stepName: String
) : MessageCollector {
    private val diagnostics = mutableListOf<RawDiagnosticMessage>()

    fun getDiagnostics(): List<RawDiagnosticMessage> = diagnostics

    override fun clear() {

     * Returns `true` if this collector has any warning messages.
    fun hasWarnings() = diagnostics.any {
        it.kind == Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING || it.kind == Diagnostic.Kind.MANDATORY_WARNING

    override fun hasErrors(): Boolean {
        return diagnostics.any {
            it.kind == Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR

    override fun report(
        severity: CompilerMessageSeverity,
        message: String,
        location: CompilerMessageSourceLocation?
    ) {
        val diagnosticKind =
            if (stepName == "kapt" && getJavaVersion() >= 17) {
                // Workaround for KT-54030
                message.getSeverityFromPrefix() ?: severity.kind
            } else {
        doReport(diagnosticKind, message, location)

    private fun doReport(
        diagnosticKind: Diagnostic.Kind,
        message: String,
        location: CompilerMessageSourceLocation?
    ) {
        if (message == KSP_ADDITIONAL_ERROR_MESSAGE) {
            // ignore this as it will impact error counts.
        // Both KSP and KAPT reports null location but instead put the location into the message.
        // We parse it back here to recover the location.
        val (strippedMessage, rawLocation) = if (location == null) {
            message.parseLocation() ?: (message.stripPrefixes() to null)
        } else {
            message.stripPrefixes() to location.toRawLocation()
                kind = diagnosticKind,
                message = strippedMessage,
                location = rawLocation

     * Parses the location out of a diagnostic message.
     * Note that this is tailor made for KSP and KAPT where the location is reported in the first
     * line of the message.
     * If location is found, this method will return the location along with the message without
     * location. Otherwise, it will return `null`.
    private fun String.parseLocation(): Pair<String, RawDiagnosticMessage.Location>? {
        val firstLine = lineSequence().firstOrNull() ?: return null
        val match = KSP_LOCATION_REGEX.find(firstLine)
            ?: KAPT_LOCATION_AND_KIND_REGEX.find(firstLine)
            ?: return null
        if (match.groups.size < 4) return null
        return substring(match.range.last + 1) to RawDiagnosticMessage.Location(
            path = match.groupValues[1],
            line = match.groupValues[3].toInt(),

     * Removes prefixes added by kapt / ksp from the message
    private fun String.stripPrefixes(): String {
        return stripKind().stripKspPrefix()

     * KAPT prepends the message kind to the message, we'll remove it here.
    private fun String.stripKind(): String {
        val firstLine = lineSequence().firstOrNull() ?: return this
        val match = KIND_REGEX.find(firstLine) ?: return this
        return substring(match.range.last + 1)

     * KSP prepends ksp to each message, we'll strip it here.
    private fun String.stripKspPrefix(): String {
        val firstLine = lineSequence().firstOrNull() ?: return this
        val match = KSP_PREFIX_REGEX.find(firstLine) ?: return this
        return substring(match.range.last + 1)

    private fun CompilerMessageSourceLocation.toRawLocation(): RawDiagnosticMessage.Location {
        return RawDiagnosticMessage.Location(
            line = this.line,
            path = this.path

    private val CompilerMessageSeverity.kind
        get() = when (this) {
            CompilerMessageSeverity.EXCEPTION -> Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR
            CompilerMessageSeverity.LOGGING -> Diagnostic.Kind.NOTE
            CompilerMessageSeverity.STRONG_WARNING -> Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING
            else -> Diagnostic.Kind.OTHER

    private fun String.getSeverityFromPrefix(): Diagnostic.Kind? {
        val kindMatch =
            // The (\w+) for the kind prefix is is the 4th capture group
                // The (\w+) is the 1st capture group
                ?: KIND_REGEX.find(this)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)
                ?: return null
        return if (kindMatch.equals("error", ignoreCase = true)) {
        } else if (kindMatch.equals("warning", ignoreCase = true)) {
        } else if (kindMatch.equals("note", ignoreCase = true)) {
        } else {

    private fun getJavaVersion(): Int =
        System.getProperty("java.specification.version")?.substringAfter('.')?.toIntOrNull() ?: 6

    companion object {
        // example: foo/bar/Subject.kt:2: warning: the real message
        private val KAPT_LOCATION_AND_KIND_REGEX = """^(.*\.(kt|java)):(\d+): (\w+): """.toRegex()
        // example: [ksp] /foo/bar/Subject.kt:3: the real message
        private val KSP_LOCATION_REGEX = """^\[ksp] (.*\.(kt|java)):(\d+): """.toRegex()

        // detect things like "Note: " to be stripped from the message.
        // We could limit this to known diagnostic kinds (instead of matching \w:) but it is always
        // added so not really necessary until we hit a parser bug :)
        // example: "error: the real message"
        private val KIND_REGEX = """^(\w+): """.toRegex()
        // example: "[ksp] the real message"
        private val KSP_PREFIX_REGEX = """^\[ksp] """.toRegex()

        // KSP always prints an additional error if any other error occurred.
        // We drop that additional message to provide a more consistent error count with KAPT/javac.
        private const val KSP_ADDITIONAL_ERROR_MESSAGE =
            "Error occurred in KSP, check log for detail"