
 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionLocalProvider
import androidx.compose.runtime.NonRestartableComposable
import androidx.compose.runtime.ReadOnlyComposable
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.Role
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.role
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.semantics
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp

 * Material Design assist chip
 * Chips help people enter information, make selections, filter content, or trigger actions. Chips
 * can show multiple interactive elements together in the same area, such as a list of selectable
 * movie times, or a series of email contacts
 * Assist chips represent smart or automated actions that can span multiple apps, such as opening a
 * calendar event from the home screen. Assist chips function as though the user asked an assistant
 * to complete the action. They should appear dynamically and contextually in a UI
 * @param onClick called when this chip is clicked
 * @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to this chip
 * @param enabled controls the enabled state of this chip. When `false`, this component will not
 * respond to user input, and it will appear visually disabled and disabled to accessibility
 * services
 * @param onLongClick callback to be called when the surface is long clicked (long-pressed)
 * @param leadingIcon optional icon at the start of the chip, preceding the [content] text
 * @param trailingIcon optional icon at the end of the chip
 * @param shape Defines the Chip's shape
 * @param colors Color to be used on background and content of the chip
 * @param scale Defines size of the chip relative to its original size
 * @param border Defines a border around the chip
 * @param glow Shadow to be shown behind the chip
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this chip. You can use this to change the chip's appearance
 * or preview the chip in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param content for this chip, ideally a Text composable
fun AssistChip(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    onLongClick: (() -> Unit)? = null,
    leadingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
    trailingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
    shape: ClickableChipShape = AssistChipDefaults.shape(),
    colors: ClickableChipColors = AssistChipDefaults.colors(),
    scale: ClickableChipScale = AssistChipDefaults.scale(),
    border: ClickableChipBorder = AssistChipDefaults.border(),
    glow: ClickableChipGlow = AssistChipDefaults.glow(),
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        onClick = onClick,
        enabled = enabled,
        onLongClick = onLongClick,
        label = content,
        labelTextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.labelLarge,
        leadingIcon = leadingIcon,
        trailingIcon = trailingIcon,
        shape = shape,
        colors = colors,
        scale = scale,
        border = border,
        glow = glow,
        minHeight = AssistChipDefaults.ContainerHeight,
        paddingValues = chipPadding(
            hasAvatar = false,
            hasLeadingIcon = leadingIcon != null,
            hasTrailingIcon = trailingIcon != null
        interactionSource = interactionSource

 * Material Design filter chip
 * Chips help people enter information, make selections, filter content, or trigger actions. Chips
 * can show multiple interactive elements together in the same area, such as a list of selectable
 * movie times, or a series of email contacts
 * Filter chips use tags or descriptive words to filter content. They can be a good alternative to
 * toggle buttons or checkboxes
 * Tapping on a filter chip toggles its selection state. A selection state [leadingIcon] can be
 * provided (e.g. a checkmark) to be appended at the starting edge of the chip's label
 * @param selected whether this chip is selected or not
 * @param onClick called when this chip is clicked
 * @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to this chip
 * @param enabled controls the enabled state of this chip. When `false`, this component will not
 * respond to user input, and it will appear visually disabled and disabled to accessibility
 * services
 * @param onLongClick callback to be called when the surface is long clicked (long-pressed)
 * @param leadingIcon optional icon at the start of the chip, preceding the [content] text
 * @param trailingIcon optional icon at the end of the chip
 * @param shape Defines the Chip's shape
 * @param colors Color to be used on background and content of the chip
 * @param scale Defines size of the chip relative to its original size
 * @param border Defines a border around the chip
 * @param glow Shadow to be shown behind the chip
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this chip. You can use this to change the chip's appearance
 * or preview the chip in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param content for this chip, ideally a Text composable
fun FilterChip(
    selected: Boolean,
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    onLongClick: (() -> Unit)? = null,
    leadingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
    trailingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
    shape: SelectableChipShape = FilterChipDefaults.shape(),
    colors: SelectableChipColors = FilterChipDefaults.colors(),
    scale: SelectableChipScale = FilterChipDefaults.scale(),
    border: SelectableChipBorder = FilterChipDefaults.border(),
    glow: SelectableChipGlow = FilterChipDefaults.glow(),
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
        selected = selected,
        modifier = modifier,
        onClick = onClick,
        enabled = enabled,
        onLongClick = onLongClick,
        label = content,
        labelTextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.labelLarge,
        leadingIcon = leadingIcon,
        avatar = null,
        trailingIcon = trailingIcon,
        shape = shape,
        colors = colors,
        scale = scale,
        border = border,
        glow = glow,
        minHeight = FilterChipDefaults.ContainerHeight,
        paddingValues = chipPadding(
            hasAvatar = false,
            hasLeadingIcon = leadingIcon != null,
            hasTrailingIcon = trailingIcon != null
        interactionSource = interactionSource

 * Chips help people enter information, make selections, filter content, or trigger actions. Chips
 * can show multiple interactive elements together in the same area, such as a list of selectable
 * movie times, or a series of email contacts
 * Input chips represent discrete pieces of information entered by a user
 * An Input Chip can have a leading icon or an avatar at its start. In case both are provided, the
 * avatar will take precedence and will be displayed
 * @param selected whether this chip is selected or not
 * @param onClick called when this chip is clicked
 * @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to this chip
 * @param enabled controls the enabled state of this chip. When `false`, this component will not
 * respond to user input, and it will appear visually disabled and disabled to accessibility
 * services
 * @param onLongClick callback to be called when the surface is long clicked (long-pressed)
 * @param leadingIcon optional icon at the start of the chip, preceding the [content] text
 * @param avatar optional avatar at the start of the chip, preceding the [content] text
 * @param trailingIcon optional icon at the end of the chip
 * @param shape Defines the Chip's shape
 * @param colors Color to be used on background and content of the chip
 * @param scale Defines size of the chip relative to its original size
 * @param border Defines a border around the chip
 * @param glow Shadow to be shown behind the chip
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this chip. You can use this to change the chip's appearance
 * or preview the chip in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param content for this chip, ideally a Text composable
fun InputChip(
    selected: Boolean,
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    onLongClick: (() -> Unit)? = null,
    leadingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
    avatar: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
    trailingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
    shape: SelectableChipShape = InputChipDefaults.shape(hasAvatar = avatar != null),
    colors: SelectableChipColors = InputChipDefaults.colors(),
    scale: SelectableChipScale = InputChipDefaults.scale(),
    border: SelectableChipBorder = InputChipDefaults.border(hasAvatar = avatar != null),
    glow: SelectableChipGlow = InputChipDefaults.glow(),
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
        selected = selected,
        modifier = modifier,
        onClick = onClick,
        enabled = enabled,
        onLongClick = onLongClick,
        label = content,
        labelTextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.labelLarge,
        leadingIcon = leadingIcon,
        avatar = avatar,
        trailingIcon = trailingIcon,
        shape = shape,
        colors = colors,
        scale = scale,
        border = border,
        glow = glow,
        minHeight = InputChipDefaults.ContainerHeight,
        paddingValues = chipPadding(
            hasAvatar = avatar != null,
            hasLeadingIcon = leadingIcon != null,
            hasTrailingIcon = trailingIcon != null
        interactionSource = interactionSource

 * Material Design suggestion chip
 * Chips help people enter information, make selections, filter content, or trigger actions. Chips
 * can show multiple interactive elements together in the same area, such as a list of selectable
 * movie times, or a series of email contacts
 * Suggestion chips help narrow a user's intent by presenting dynamically generated suggestions,
 * such as possible responses or search filters
 * @param onClick called when this chip is clicked
 * @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to this chip
 * @param enabled controls the enabled state of this chip. When `false`, this component will not
 * respond to user input, and it will appear visually disabled and disabled to accessibility
 * services
 * @param onLongClick callback to be called when the surface is long clicked (long-pressed)
 * @param shape Defines the Chip's shape
 * @param colors Color to be used on background and content of the chip
 * @param scale Defines size of the chip relative to its original size
 * @param border Defines a border around the chip
 * @param glow Shadow to be shown behind the chip
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this chip. You can use this to change the chip's appearance
 * or preview the chip in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param content content for this chip, ideally a Text composable
fun SuggestionChip(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    onLongClick: (() -> Unit)? = null,
    shape: ClickableChipShape = SuggestionChipDefaults.shape(),
    colors: ClickableChipColors = SuggestionChipDefaults.colors(),
    scale: ClickableChipScale = SuggestionChipDefaults.scale(),
    border: ClickableChipBorder = SuggestionChipDefaults.border(),
    glow: ClickableChipGlow = SuggestionChipDefaults.glow(),
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        onClick = onClick,
        enabled = enabled,
        onLongClick = onLongClick,
        label = content,
        labelTextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.labelLarge,
        leadingIcon = null,
        trailingIcon = null,
        shape = shape,
        colors = colors,
        scale = scale,
        border = border,
        glow = glow,
        minHeight = SuggestionChipDefaults.ContainerHeight,
        paddingValues = chipPadding(
            hasAvatar = false,
            hasLeadingIcon = false,
            hasTrailingIcon = false
        interactionSource = interactionSource

private fun ClickableChip(
    modifier: Modifier,
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    onLongClick: (() -> Unit)?,
    enabled: Boolean,
    label: @Composable () -> Unit,
    labelTextStyle: TextStyle,
    leadingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)?,
    trailingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)?,
    shape: ClickableChipShape,
    colors: ClickableChipColors,
    scale: ClickableChipScale,
    border: ClickableChipBorder,
    glow: ClickableChipGlow,
    minHeight: Dp,
    paddingValues: PaddingValues,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource?
) {
        modifier = modifier.semantics { role = Role.Button },
        onClick = onClick,
        onLongClick = onLongClick,
        enabled = enabled,
        shape = shape.toClickableSurfaceShape(),
        colors = colors.toClickableSurfaceColors(),
        scale = scale.toClickableSurfaceScale(),
        border = border.toClickableSurfaceBorder(),
        glow = glow.toClickableSurfaceGlow(),
        interactionSource = interactionSource
    ) {
            label = label,
            labelTextStyle = labelTextStyle,
            leadingIcon = leadingIcon,
            avatar = null,
            trailingIcon = trailingIcon,
            minHeight = minHeight,
            paddingValues = paddingValues

private fun SelectableChip(
    selected: Boolean,
    modifier: Modifier,
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    onLongClick: (() -> Unit)?,
    enabled: Boolean,
    label: @Composable () -> Unit,
    labelTextStyle: TextStyle,
    leadingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)?,
    avatar: @Composable (() -> Unit)?,
    trailingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)?,
    shape: SelectableChipShape,
    colors: SelectableChipColors,
    scale: SelectableChipScale,
    border: SelectableChipBorder,
    glow: SelectableChipGlow,
    minHeight: Dp,
    paddingValues: PaddingValues,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource?
) {
        selected = selected,
        onClick = onClick,
        modifier = modifier.semantics { role = Role.Checkbox },
        enabled = enabled,
        onLongClick = onLongClick,
        shape = shape.toSelectableSurfaceShape(),
        colors = colors.toSelectableSurfaceColors(),
        scale = scale.toSelectableSurfaceScale(),
        border = border.toSelectableSurfaceBorder(),
        glow = glow.toSelectableSurfaceGlow(),
        interactionSource = interactionSource
    ) {
            label = label,
            labelTextStyle = labelTextStyle,
            leadingIcon = leadingIcon,
            avatar = avatar,
            trailingIcon = trailingIcon,
            minHeight = minHeight,
            paddingValues = paddingValues

private fun ChipContent(
    label: @Composable () -> Unit,
    labelTextStyle: TextStyle,
    leadingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)?,
    avatar: @Composable (() -> Unit)?,
    trailingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)?,
    minHeight: Dp,
    paddingValues: PaddingValues
) {

            .defaultMinSize(minHeight = minHeight)
        horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Start,
        verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
    ) {
        androidx.compose.animation.AnimatedVisibility(visible = avatar != null) {
            Row {
        androidx.compose.animation.AnimatedVisibility(visible = leadingIcon != null) {
            Row {
            LocalTextStyle provides labelTextStyle,
            content = label
        trailingIcon?.let { nnTrailingIcon ->

 * Returns the [PaddingValues] for any TV chip component
private fun chipPadding(
    hasAvatar: Boolean,
    hasLeadingIcon: Boolean,
    hasTrailingIcon: Boolean
): PaddingValues {
    val start = if (hasAvatar) 4.dp else if (hasLeadingIcon) 12.dp else 16.dp
    val end = if (hasTrailingIcon) 12.dp else 16.dp
    val vertical = if (hasAvatar) 4.dp else 8.dp
    return PaddingValues(
        start = start,
        end = end,
        top = vertical,
        bottom = vertical

 * Contains the default values used by [AssistChip]
object AssistChipDefaults {
     * The height applied to an assist chip.
     * Note that you can override it by applying Modifier.height directly on a chip.
    val ContainerHeight = 36.dp

     * The size of an Assist chip icon
    val IconSize = 18.dp

     * The default [Shape] applied to an assist chip
    val ContainerShape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp)

    private const val DisabledBackgroundColorOpacity = 0.2f
    private const val DisabledContentColorOpacity = 0.8f

     * Creates a [ClickableChipShape] that represents the default container shapes used in an
     * [AssistChip]
     * @param shape the shape used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other [Interaction]s
     * @param focusedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param pressedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled pressed
     * @param disabledShape the shape used when the Chip is not enabled
     * @param focusedDisabledShape the shape used when the Chip is not enabled and focused
    fun shape(
        shape: Shape = ContainerShape,
        focusedShape: Shape = shape,
        pressedShape: Shape = shape,
        disabledShape: Shape = shape,
        focusedDisabledShape: Shape = disabledShape
    ) = ClickableChipShape(
        shape = shape,
        focusedShape = focusedShape,
        pressedShape = pressedShape,
        disabledShape = disabledShape,
        focusedDisabledShape = focusedDisabledShape

     * Creates a [ClickableChipColors] that represents the default container and content colors
     * used in an [AssistChip]
     * @param containerColor the container color of this Chip when enabled
     * @param contentColor the content color of this Chip when enabled
     * @param focusedContainerColor the container color of this Chip when enabled and focused
     * @param focusedContentColor the content color of this Chip when enabled and focused
     * @param pressedContainerColor the container color of this Chip when enabled and pressed
     * @param pressedContentColor the content color of this Chip when enabled and pressed
     * @param disabledContainerColor the container color of this Chip when not enabled
     * @param disabledContentColor the content color of this Chip when not enabled
    fun colors(
        containerColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
        contentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurfaceVariant,
        focusedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurface,
        focusedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.inverseOnSurface,
        pressedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurfaceVariant,
        pressedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surface,
        disabledContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceVariant.copy(
            alpha = DisabledBackgroundColorOpacity
        disabledContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.border.copy(
            alpha = DisabledContentColorOpacity
    ) = ClickableChipColors(
        containerColor = containerColor,
        contentColor = contentColor,
        focusedContainerColor = focusedContainerColor,
        focusedContentColor = focusedContentColor,
        pressedContainerColor = pressedContainerColor,
        pressedContentColor = pressedContentColor,
        disabledContainerColor = disabledContainerColor,
        disabledContentColor = disabledContentColor,

     * Creates a [ClickableChipScale] that represents the default scaleFactors used in an
     * [AssistChip].
     * scaleFactors are used to modify the size of a composable in different [Interaction]
     * states e.g. 1f (original) in default state, 1.2f (scaled up) in focused state,
     * 0.8f (scaled down) in pressed state, etc
     * @param scale the scaleFactor to be used for this Chip when enabled
     * @param focusedScale the scaleFactor to be used for this Chip when focused
     * @param pressedScale the scaleFactor to be used for this Chip when pressed
     * @param disabledScale the scaleFactor to be used for this Chip when disabled
     * @param focusedDisabledScale the scaleFactor to be used for this Chip when disabled and
     * focused
    fun scale(
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) scale: Float = 1f,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) focusedScale: Float = 1.1f,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) pressedScale: Float = scale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) disabledScale: Float = scale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) focusedDisabledScale: Float = disabledScale
    ) = ClickableChipScale(
        scale = scale,
        focusedScale = focusedScale,
        pressedScale = pressedScale,
        disabledScale = disabledScale,
        focusedDisabledScale = focusedDisabledScale

     * Creates a [ClickableChipBorder] that represents the default [Border]s applied on an
     * AssistChip in different [Interaction] states.
     * @param border the [Border] to be used for this Chip when enabled
     * @param focusedBorder the [Border] to be used for this Chip when focused
     * @param pressedBorder the [Border] to be used for this Chip when pressed
     * @param disabledBorder the [Border] to be used for this Chip when disabled
     * @param focusedDisabledBorder the [Border] to be used for this Chip when disabled and
     * focused
    fun border(
        border: Border = Border(
            border = BorderStroke(
                width = 1.dp,
                color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.border
            shape = ContainerShape
        focusedBorder: Border = Border.None,
        pressedBorder: Border = focusedBorder,
        disabledBorder: Border = Border(
            border = BorderStroke(
                width = 1.dp,
                color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceVariant
            shape = ContainerShape
        focusedDisabledBorder: Border = border
    ) = ClickableChipBorder(
        border = border,
        focusedBorder = focusedBorder,
        pressedBorder = pressedBorder,
        disabledBorder = disabledBorder,
        focusedDisabledBorder = focusedDisabledBorder

     * Creates a [ClickableChipGlow] that represents the default [Glow]s used in an [AssistChip]
     * @param glow the Glow behind this Button when enabled
     * @param focusedGlow the Glow behind this Button when focused
     * @param pressedGlow the Glow behind this Button when pressed
    fun glow(
        glow: Glow = Glow.None,
        focusedGlow: Glow = glow,
        pressedGlow: Glow = glow
    ) = ClickableChipGlow(
        glow = glow,
        focusedGlow = focusedGlow,
        pressedGlow = pressedGlow

 * Contains the default values used by [FilterChip].
object FilterChipDefaults {
     * The height applied to a filter chip.
     * Note that you can override it by applying Modifier.height directly on a chip.
    val ContainerHeight = 36.dp

     * The size of a Filter chip icon
    val IconSize = 18.dp

     * The default [Shape] applied to a filter chip
    val ContainerShape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp)

    private const val SelectedBackgroundColorOpacity = 0.4f
    private const val DisabledBackgroundColorOpacity = 0.2f
    private const val DisabledContentColorOpacity = 0.8f

     * Creates a [SelectableChipShape] that represents the default container shapes used in a
     * [FilterChip]
     * @param shape the shape used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other [Interaction]s
     * @param focusedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param pressedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled and pressed
     * @param selectedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled and selected
     * @param disabledShape the shape used when the Chip is not enabled
     * @param focusedSelectedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled, focused and selected
     * @param focusedDisabledShape the shape used when the Chip is not enabled and focused
     * @param pressedSelectedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled, pressed and selected
     * @param selectedDisabledShape the shape used when the Chip is not enabled and selected
     * @param focusedSelectedDisabledShape the shape used when the Chip is not enabled, focused
     * and selected
    fun shape(
        shape: Shape = ContainerShape,
        focusedShape: Shape = shape,
        pressedShape: Shape = shape,
        selectedShape: Shape = shape,
        disabledShape: Shape = shape,
        focusedSelectedShape: Shape = shape,
        focusedDisabledShape: Shape = disabledShape,
        pressedSelectedShape: Shape = shape,
        selectedDisabledShape: Shape = disabledShape,
        focusedSelectedDisabledShape: Shape = disabledShape
    ) = SelectableChipShape(
        shape = shape,
        focusedShape = focusedShape,
        pressedShape = pressedShape,
        selectedShape = selectedShape,
        disabledShape = disabledShape,
        focusedSelectedShape = focusedSelectedShape,
        focusedDisabledShape = focusedDisabledShape,
        pressedSelectedShape = pressedSelectedShape,
        selectedDisabledShape = selectedDisabledShape,
        focusedSelectedDisabledShape = focusedSelectedDisabledShape

     * Creates a [SelectableChipColors] that represents the default container and content colors
     * used in a [FilterChip]
     * @param containerColor the container color used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other
     * [Interaction]s
     * @param contentColor the content color used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other
     * [Interaction]s
     * @param focusedContainerColor the container color used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param focusedContentColor the content color used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param pressedContainerColor the container color used when the Chip is enabled and pressed
     * @param pressedContentColor the content color used when the Chip is enabled and pressed
     * @param selectedContainerColor the container color used when the Chip is enabled and selected
     * @param selectedContentColor the content color used when the Chip is enabled and selected
     * @param disabledContainerColor the container color used when the Chip is not enabled
     * @param disabledContentColor the content color used when the Chip is not enabled
     * @param focusedSelectedContainerColor the container color used when the Chip is enabled,
     * focused and selected
     * @param focusedSelectedContentColor the content color used when the Chip is enabled,
     * focused and selected
     * @param pressedSelectedContainerColor the container color used when the Chip is enabled,
     * pressed and selected
     * @param pressedSelectedContentColor the content color used when the Chip is enabled,
     * pressed and selected
    fun colors(
        containerColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
        contentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurfaceVariant,
        focusedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurface,
        focusedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.inverseOnSurface,
        pressedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurfaceVariant,
        pressedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surface,
        selectedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.secondaryContainer.copy(
            alpha = SelectedBackgroundColorOpacity
        selectedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSecondaryContainer,
        disabledContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceVariant.copy(
            alpha = DisabledBackgroundColorOpacity
        disabledContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.border.copy(
            alpha = DisabledContentColorOpacity
        focusedSelectedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer,
        focusedSelectedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onPrimary,
        pressedSelectedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.secondary,
        pressedSelectedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSecondary,
    ) = SelectableChipColors(
        containerColor = containerColor,
        contentColor = contentColor,
        focusedContainerColor = focusedContainerColor,
        focusedContentColor = focusedContentColor,
        pressedContainerColor = pressedContainerColor,
        pressedContentColor = pressedContentColor,
        selectedContainerColor = selectedContainerColor,
        selectedContentColor = selectedContentColor,
        disabledContainerColor = disabledContainerColor,
        disabledContentColor = disabledContentColor,
        focusedSelectedContainerColor = focusedSelectedContainerColor,
        focusedSelectedContentColor = focusedSelectedContentColor,
        pressedSelectedContainerColor = pressedSelectedContainerColor,
        pressedSelectedContentColor = pressedSelectedContentColor,

     * Creates a [SelectableChipScale] that represents the default scaleFactors used in a
     * [FilterChip]. scaleFactors are used to modify the size of a composable in different
     * [Interaction] states e.g. 1f (original) in default state, 1.2f (scaled up) in focused state,
     * 0.8f (scaled down) in pressed state, etc
     * @param scale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other
     * [Interaction]s
     * @param focusedScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param pressedScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is enabled and pressed
     * @param selectedScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is enabled and selected
     * @param disabledScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is not enabled
     * @param focusedSelectedScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is enabled, focused and
     * selected
     * @param focusedDisabledScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is not enabled and
     * focused
     * @param pressedSelectedScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is enabled, pressed and
     * selected
     * @param selectedDisabledScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is not enabled and
     * selected
     * @param focusedSelectedDisabledScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is not enabled,
     * focused and selected
    fun scale(
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) scale: Float = 1f,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) focusedScale: Float = 1.1f,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) pressedScale: Float = scale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) selectedScale: Float = scale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) disabledScale: Float = scale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) focusedSelectedScale: Float = focusedScale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) focusedDisabledScale: Float = disabledScale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) pressedSelectedScale: Float = scale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) selectedDisabledScale: Float = disabledScale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) focusedSelectedDisabledScale: Float = disabledScale
    ) = SelectableChipScale(
        scale = scale,
        focusedScale = focusedScale,
        pressedScale = pressedScale,
        selectedScale = selectedScale,
        disabledScale = disabledScale,
        focusedSelectedScale = focusedSelectedScale,
        focusedDisabledScale = focusedDisabledScale,
        pressedSelectedScale = pressedSelectedScale,
        selectedDisabledScale = selectedDisabledScale,
        focusedSelectedDisabledScale = focusedSelectedDisabledScale

     * Creates a [SelectableChipBorder] that represents the default [Border]s applied on a
     * [FilterChip] in different [Interaction] states
     * @param border the [Border] used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other
     * [Interaction]s
     * @param focusedBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param pressedBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is enabled and pressed
     * @param selectedBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is enabled and selected
     * @param disabledBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is not enabled
     * @param focusedSelectedBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is enabled, focused and
     * selected
     * @param focusedDisabledBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is not enabled and focused
     * @param pressedSelectedBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is enabled, pressed and
     * selected
     * @param selectedDisabledBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is not enabled and
     * selected
     * @param focusedSelectedDisabledBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is not enabled,
     * focused and selected
    fun border(
        border: Border = Border(
            border = BorderStroke(
                width = 1.dp,
                color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.border
            shape = ContainerShape
        focusedBorder: Border = Border.None,
        pressedBorder: Border = focusedBorder,
        selectedBorder: Border = Border(
            border = BorderStroke(
                width = 1.dp,
                color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.secondary
            shape = ContainerShape
        disabledBorder: Border = Border(
            border = BorderStroke(
                width = 1.dp,
                color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceVariant
            shape = ContainerShape
        focusedSelectedBorder: Border = Border(
            border = BorderStroke(
                width = 1.1.dp,
                color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer
            shape = ContainerShape
        focusedDisabledBorder: Border = border,
        pressedSelectedBorder: Border = Border.None,
        selectedDisabledBorder: Border = Border.None,
        focusedSelectedDisabledBorder: Border = border
    ) = SelectableChipBorder(
        border = border,
        focusedBorder = focusedBorder,
        pressedBorder = pressedBorder,
        selectedBorder = selectedBorder,
        disabledBorder = disabledBorder,
        focusedSelectedBorder = focusedSelectedBorder,
        focusedDisabledBorder = focusedDisabledBorder,
        pressedSelectedBorder = pressedSelectedBorder,
        selectedDisabledBorder = selectedDisabledBorder,
        focusedSelectedDisabledBorder = focusedSelectedDisabledBorder,

     * Creates a [SelectableChipGlow] that represents the default [Glow]s used in a [FilterChip]
     * @param glow the [Glow] used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other [Interaction]s
     * @param focusedGlow the [Glow] used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param pressedGlow the [Glow] used when the Chip is enabled and pressed
     * @param selectedGlow the [Glow] used when the Chip is enabled and selected
     * @param focusedSelectedGlow the [Glow] used when the Chip is enabled, focused and selected
     * @param pressedSelectedGlow the [Glow] used when the Chip is enabled, pressed and selected
    fun glow(
        glow: Glow = Glow.None,
        focusedGlow: Glow = glow,
        pressedGlow: Glow = glow,
        selectedGlow: Glow = glow,
        focusedSelectedGlow: Glow = focusedGlow,
        pressedSelectedGlow: Glow = glow
    ) = SelectableChipGlow(
        glow = glow,
        focusedGlow = focusedGlow,
        pressedGlow = pressedGlow,
        selectedGlow = selectedGlow,
        focusedSelectedGlow = focusedSelectedGlow,
        pressedSelectedGlow = pressedSelectedGlow

 * Contains the default values used by [InputChip].
object InputChipDefaults {
     * The height applied for an input chip.
     * Note that you can override it by applying Modifier.height directly on a chip.
    val ContainerHeight = 36.dp

     * The size of an Input chip icon
    val IconSize = 18.dp

     * The size of an Input chip avatar
    val AvatarSize = 28.dp

     * The default [Shape] applied to an input chip
    val ContainerShape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp)

     * The default [Shape] applied to an input chip with avatar
    val ContainerShapeWithAvatar = RoundedCornerShape(36.dp)

    private const val SelectedBackgroundColorOpacity = 0.4f
    private const val DisabledBackgroundColorOpacity = 0.2f
    private const val DisabledContentColorOpacity = 0.8f

     * Creates a [SelectableChipShape] that represents the default container shapes used in an
     * [InputChip]
     * @param hasAvatar changes the default shape based on whether the avatar composable is not
     * null in the Chip
     * @param shape the shape used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other
     * [Interaction]s
     * @param focusedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param pressedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled and pressed
     * @param selectedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled and selected
     * @param disabledShape the shape used when the Chip is not enabled
     * @param focusedSelectedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled, focused and selected
     * @param focusedDisabledShape the shape used when the Chip is not enabled and focused
     * @param pressedSelectedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled, pressed and selected
     * @param selectedDisabledShape the shape used when the Chip is not enabled and selected
     * @param focusedSelectedDisabledShape the shape used when the Chip is not enabled, focused
     * and selected
    fun shape(
        hasAvatar: Boolean,
        shape: Shape = if (hasAvatar) ContainerShapeWithAvatar else ContainerShape,
        focusedShape: Shape = shape,
        pressedShape: Shape = shape,
        selectedShape: Shape = shape,
        disabledShape: Shape = shape,
        focusedSelectedShape: Shape = shape,
        focusedDisabledShape: Shape = disabledShape,
        pressedSelectedShape: Shape = shape,
        selectedDisabledShape: Shape = disabledShape,
        focusedSelectedDisabledShape: Shape = disabledShape
    ) = SelectableChipShape(
        shape = shape,
        focusedShape = focusedShape,
        pressedShape = pressedShape,
        selectedShape = selectedShape,
        disabledShape = disabledShape,
        focusedSelectedShape = focusedSelectedShape,
        focusedDisabledShape = focusedDisabledShape,
        pressedSelectedShape = pressedSelectedShape,
        selectedDisabledShape = selectedDisabledShape,
        focusedSelectedDisabledShape = focusedSelectedDisabledShape

     * Creates a [SelectableChipColors] that represents the default container and content colors
     * used in an [InputChip]
     * @param containerColor the container color used when the Chip is enabled, and has no
     * other [Interaction]s
     * @param contentColor the content color used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other
     * [Interaction]s
     * @param focusedContainerColor the container color used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param focusedContentColor the content color used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param pressedContainerColor the container color used when the Chip is enabled and pressed
     * @param pressedContentColor the content color used when the Chip is enabled and pressed
     * @param selectedContainerColor the container color used when the Chip is enabled and selected
     * @param selectedContentColor the content color used when the Chip is enabled and selected
     * @param disabledContainerColor the container color used when the Chip is not enabled
     * @param disabledContentColor the content color used when the Chip is not enabled
     * @param focusedSelectedContainerColor the container color used when the Chip is enabled,
     * focused and selected
     * @param focusedSelectedContentColor the content color used when the Chip is enabled,
     * focused and selected
     * @param pressedSelectedContainerColor the container color used when the Chip is enabled,
     * pressed and selected
     * @param pressedSelectedContentColor the content color used when the Chip is enabled, pressed
     * and selected
    fun colors(
        containerColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
        contentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurfaceVariant,
        focusedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurface,
        focusedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.inverseOnSurface,
        pressedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurfaceVariant,
        pressedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surface,
        selectedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.secondaryContainer.copy(
            alpha = SelectedBackgroundColorOpacity
        selectedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSecondaryContainer,
        disabledContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceVariant.copy(
            alpha = DisabledBackgroundColorOpacity
        disabledContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.border.copy(
            alpha = DisabledContentColorOpacity
        focusedSelectedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer,
        focusedSelectedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onPrimary,
        pressedSelectedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.secondary,
        pressedSelectedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSecondary,
    ) = SelectableChipColors(
        containerColor = containerColor,
        contentColor = contentColor,
        focusedContainerColor = focusedContainerColor,
        focusedContentColor = focusedContentColor,
        pressedContainerColor = pressedContainerColor,
        pressedContentColor = pressedContentColor,
        selectedContainerColor = selectedContainerColor,
        selectedContentColor = selectedContentColor,
        disabledContainerColor = disabledContainerColor,
        disabledContentColor = disabledContentColor,
        focusedSelectedContainerColor = focusedSelectedContainerColor,
        focusedSelectedContentColor = focusedSelectedContentColor,
        pressedSelectedContainerColor = pressedSelectedContainerColor,
        pressedSelectedContentColor = pressedSelectedContentColor,

     * Creates a [SelectableChipScale] that represents the default scaleFactors used in an
     * [InputChip]. scaleFactors are used to modify the size of a composable in different
     * [Interaction] states e.g. 1f (original) in default state, 1.2f (scaled up) in focused state,
     * 0.8f (scaled down) in pressed state, etc
     * @param scale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other
     * [Interaction]s
     * @param focusedScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param pressedScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is enabled and pressed
     * @param selectedScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is enabled and selected
     * @param disabledScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is not enabled
     * @param focusedSelectedScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is enabled, focused and
     * selected
     * @param focusedDisabledScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is not enabled and
     * focused
     * @param pressedSelectedScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is enabled, pressed and
     * selected
     * @param selectedDisabledScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is not enabled and
     * selected
     * @param focusedSelectedDisabledScale the scaleFactor used when the Chip is not enabled,
     * focused and selected
    fun scale(
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) scale: Float = 1f,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) focusedScale: Float = 1.1f,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) pressedScale: Float = scale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) selectedScale: Float = scale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) disabledScale: Float = scale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) focusedSelectedScale: Float = focusedScale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) focusedDisabledScale: Float = disabledScale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) pressedSelectedScale: Float = scale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) selectedDisabledScale: Float = disabledScale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) focusedSelectedDisabledScale: Float = disabledScale
    ) = SelectableChipScale(
        scale = scale,
        focusedScale = focusedScale,
        pressedScale = pressedScale,
        selectedScale = selectedScale,
        disabledScale = disabledScale,
        focusedSelectedScale = focusedSelectedScale,
        focusedDisabledScale = focusedDisabledScale,
        pressedSelectedScale = pressedSelectedScale,
        selectedDisabledScale = selectedDisabledScale,
        focusedSelectedDisabledScale = focusedSelectedDisabledScale

     * Creates a [SelectableChipBorder] that represents the default [Border]s applied on an
     * [InputChip] in different [Interaction] states
     * @param hasAvatar changes the default border shape based on whether the avatar composable is
     * not null in the Chip
     * @param border the [Border] used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other
     * [Interaction]s
     * @param focusedBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param pressedBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is enabled and pressed
     * @param selectedBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is enabled and selected
     * @param disabledBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is not enabled
     * @param focusedSelectedBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is enabled, focused and
     * selected
     * @param focusedDisabledBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is not enabled and focused
     * @param pressedSelectedBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is enabled, pressed and
     * selected
     * @param selectedDisabledBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is not enabled and
     * selected
     * @param focusedSelectedDisabledBorder the [Border] used when the Chip is not enabled,
     * focused and selected
    fun border(
        hasAvatar: Boolean,
        border: Border = Border(
            border = BorderStroke(
                width = 1.dp,
                color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.border
            shape = if (hasAvatar) ContainerShapeWithAvatar else ContainerShape
        focusedBorder: Border = Border.None,
        pressedBorder: Border = focusedBorder,
        selectedBorder: Border = Border(
            border = BorderStroke(
                width = 1.dp,
                color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.secondary
            shape = if (hasAvatar) ContainerShapeWithAvatar else ContainerShape
        disabledBorder: Border = Border(
            border = BorderStroke(
                width = 1.dp,
                color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceVariant
            shape = if (hasAvatar) ContainerShapeWithAvatar else ContainerShape
        focusedSelectedBorder: Border = Border(
            border = BorderStroke(
                width = 1.1.dp,
                color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer
            shape = if (hasAvatar) ContainerShapeWithAvatar else ContainerShape
        focusedDisabledBorder: Border = border,
        pressedSelectedBorder: Border = Border.None,
        selectedDisabledBorder: Border = Border.None,
        focusedSelectedDisabledBorder: Border = border
    ) = SelectableChipBorder(
        border = border,
        focusedBorder = focusedBorder,
        pressedBorder = pressedBorder,
        selectedBorder = selectedBorder,
        disabledBorder = disabledBorder,
        focusedSelectedBorder = focusedSelectedBorder,
        focusedDisabledBorder = focusedDisabledBorder,
        pressedSelectedBorder = pressedSelectedBorder,
        selectedDisabledBorder = selectedDisabledBorder,
        focusedSelectedDisabledBorder = focusedSelectedDisabledBorder,

     * Creates a [SelectableChipGlow] that represents the default [Glow]s used in an [InputChip]
     * @param glow the [Glow] used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other [Interaction]s
     * @param focusedGlow the [Glow] used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param pressedGlow the [Glow] used when the Chip is enabled and pressed
     * @param selectedGlow the [Glow] used when the Chip is enabled and selected
     * @param focusedSelectedGlow the [Glow] used when the Chip is enabled, focused and selected
     * @param pressedSelectedGlow the [Glow] used when the Chip is enabled, pressed and selected
    fun glow(
        glow: Glow = Glow.None,
        focusedGlow: Glow = glow,
        pressedGlow: Glow = glow,
        selectedGlow: Glow = glow,
        focusedSelectedGlow: Glow = focusedGlow,
        pressedSelectedGlow: Glow = glow
    ) = SelectableChipGlow(
        glow = glow,
        focusedGlow = focusedGlow,
        pressedGlow = pressedGlow,
        selectedGlow = selectedGlow,
        focusedSelectedGlow = focusedSelectedGlow,
        pressedSelectedGlow = pressedSelectedGlow

 * Contains the default values used by [SuggestionChip].
object SuggestionChipDefaults {
     * The height applied to a suggestion chip.
     * Note that you can override it by applying Modifier.height directly on a chip.
    val ContainerHeight = 36.dp

     * The default [Shape] applied to a suggestion chip
    val ContainerShape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp)

    private const val DisabledBackgroundColorOpacity = 0.2f
    private const val DisabledContentColorOpacity = 0.8f

     * Creates a [ClickableChipShape] that represents the default container shapes used in a
     * [SuggestionChip]
     * @param shape the shape used when the Chip is enabled, and has no other [Interaction]s
     * @param focusedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled and focused
     * @param pressedShape the shape used when the Chip is enabled pressed
     * @param disabledShape the shape used when the Chip is not enabled
     * @param focusedDisabledShape the shape used when the Chip is not enabled and focused
    fun shape(
        shape: Shape = ContainerShape,
        focusedShape: Shape = shape,
        pressedShape: Shape = shape,
        disabledShape: Shape = shape,
        focusedDisabledShape: Shape = disabledShape
    ) = ClickableChipShape(
        shape = shape,
        focusedShape = focusedShape,
        pressedShape = pressedShape,
        disabledShape = disabledShape,
        focusedDisabledShape = focusedDisabledShape

     * Creates a [ClickableChipColors] that represents the default container and content colors
     * used in a [SuggestionChip]
     * @param containerColor the container color of this Chip when enabled
     * @param contentColor the content color of this Chip when enabled
     * @param focusedContainerColor the container color of this Chip when enabled and focused
     * @param focusedContentColor the content color of this Chip when enabled and focused
     * @param pressedContainerColor the container color of this Chip when enabled and pressed
     * @param pressedContentColor the content color of this Chip when enabled and pressed
     * @param disabledContainerColor the container color of this Chip when not enabled
     * @param disabledContentColor the content color of this Chip when not enabled
    fun colors(
        containerColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
        contentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurfaceVariant,
        focusedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurface,
        focusedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.inverseOnSurface,
        pressedContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurfaceVariant,
        pressedContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surface,
        disabledContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceVariant.copy(
            alpha = DisabledBackgroundColorOpacity
        disabledContentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.border.copy(
            alpha = DisabledContentColorOpacity
    ) = ClickableChipColors(
        containerColor = containerColor,
        contentColor = contentColor,
        focusedContainerColor = focusedContainerColor,
        focusedContentColor = focusedContentColor,
        pressedContainerColor = pressedContainerColor,
        pressedContentColor = pressedContentColor,
        disabledContainerColor = disabledContainerColor,
        disabledContentColor = disabledContentColor,

     * Creates a [ClickableChipScale] that represents the default scaleFactors used in a
     * [SuggestionChip].
     * scaleFactors are used to modify the size of a composable in different [Interaction]
     * states e.g. 1f (original) in default state, 1.2f (scaled up) in focused state,
     * 0.8f (scaled down) in pressed state, etc
     * @param scale the scaleFactor to be used for this Chip when enabled
     * @param focusedScale the scaleFactor to be used for this Chip when focused
     * @param pressedScale the scaleFactor to be used for this Chip when pressed
     * @param disabledScale the scaleFactor to be used for this Chip when disabled
     * @param focusedDisabledScale the scaleFactor to be used for this Chip when disabled and
     * focused
    fun scale(
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) scale: Float = 1f,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) focusedScale: Float = 1.1f,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) pressedScale: Float = scale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) disabledScale: Float = scale,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) focusedDisabledScale: Float = disabledScale
    ) = ClickableChipScale(
        scale = scale,
        focusedScale = focusedScale,
        pressedScale = pressedScale,
        disabledScale = disabledScale,
        focusedDisabledScale = focusedDisabledScale

     * Creates a [ClickableChipBorder] that represents the default [Border]s applied on a
     * [SuggestionChip] in different [Interaction] states
     * @param border the [Border] to be used for this Chip when enabled
     * @param focusedBorder the [Border] to be used for this Chip when focused
     * @param pressedBorder the [Border] to be used for this Chip when pressed
     * @param disabledBorder the [Border] to be used for this Chip when disabled
     * @param focusedDisabledBorder the [Border] to be used for this Chip when disabled and
     * focused
    fun border(
        border: Border = Border(
            border = BorderStroke(
                width = 1.dp,
                color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.border
            shape = ContainerShape
        focusedBorder: Border = Border.None,
        pressedBorder: Border = focusedBorder,
        disabledBorder: Border = Border(
            border = BorderStroke(
                width = 1.dp,
                color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceVariant
            shape = ContainerShape
        focusedDisabledBorder: Border = border
    ) = ClickableChipBorder(
        border = border,
        focusedBorder = focusedBorder,
        pressedBorder = pressedBorder,
        disabledBorder = disabledBorder,
        focusedDisabledBorder = focusedDisabledBorder

     * Creates a [ClickableChipGlow] that represents the default [Glow]s used in a [SuggestionChip]
     * @param glow the Glow behind this Button when enabled
     * @param focusedGlow the Glow behind this Button when focused
     * @param pressedGlow the Glow behind this Button when pressed
    fun glow(
        glow: Glow = Glow.None,
        focusedGlow: Glow = glow,
        pressedGlow: Glow = glow
    ) = ClickableChipGlow(
        glow = glow,
        focusedGlow = focusedGlow,
        pressedGlow = pressedGlow

 * The padding between the elements in the chip
internal val HorizontalElementsPadding = 8.dp