
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.wear.compose.material

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberUpdatedState
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalLayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.Role
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp

 * Base level Wear Material [Chip] that offers a single slot to take any content.
 * Is used as the container for more opinionated [Chip] components that take specific content such
 * as icons and labels.
 * The [Chip] is Stadium shaped and has a max height designed to take no more than two lines of text
 * of [Typography.button] style. The [Chip] can have an icon or image horizontally
 * parallel to the two lines of text.
 * The [Chip] can have different styles with configurable content colors, background colors
 * including gradients, these are provided by [ChipColors] implementations.
 * The recommended set of [ChipColors] styles can be obtained from [ChipDefaults], e.g.
 * [ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors] to get a color scheme for a primary [Chip] which by default
 * will have a solid background of [Colors.primary] and content color of
 * [Colors.onPrimary].
 * Chips can be enabled or disabled. A disabled chip will not respond to click events.
 * For more information, see the
 * [Chips](
 * guide.
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the chip
 * @param colors [ChipColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this chip in different states. See [ChipDefaults.chipColors].
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the chip
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the chip. When `false`, this chip will not
 * be clickable
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param shape Defines the chip's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material Theme
 * @param interactionSource The [MutableInteractionSource] representing the stream of
 * [Interaction]s for this Chip. You can create and pass in your own remembered
 * [MutableInteractionSource] if you want to observe [Interaction]s and customize the
 * appearance / behavior of this Chip in different [Interaction]s.
 * @param role The type of user interface element. Accessibility services might use this
 * to describe the element or do customizations
@Deprecated("This overload is provided for backwards compatibility with Compose for Wear OS 1.0." +
    "A newer overload is available with an additional border parameter.",
    level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public fun Chip(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    colors: ChipColors,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ChipDefaults.ContentPadding,
    shape: Shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.small,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
    role: Role? = Role.Button,
    content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
) = Chip(
    onClick = onClick,
    colors = colors,
    border = ChipDefaults.chipBorder(),
    modifier = modifier,
    enabled = enabled,
    contentPadding = contentPadding,
    shape = shape,
    interactionSource = interactionSource,
    role = role,
    content = content)

 * Base level Wear Material [Chip] that offers a single slot to take any content.
 * Is used as the container for more opinionated [Chip] components that take specific content such
 * as icons and labels.
 * The [Chip] is Stadium shaped and has a max height designed to take no more than two lines of text
 * of [Typography.button] style. The [Chip] can have an icon or image horizontally
 * parallel to the two lines of text.
 * The [Chip] can have different styles with configurable content colors, background colors
 * including gradients, these are provided by [ChipColors] implementations.
 * The recommended set of [ChipColors] styles can be obtained from [ChipDefaults], e.g.
 * [ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors] to get a color scheme for a primary [Chip] which by default
 * will have a solid background of [Colors.primary] and content color of
 * [Colors.onPrimary].
 * Chips can be enabled or disabled. A disabled chip will not respond to click events.
 * For more information, see the
 * [Chips](
 * guide.
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the chip
 * @param colors [ChipColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this chip in different states. See [ChipDefaults.chipColors].
 * @param border [ChipBorder] that will be used to resolve the border for this chip in different
 * states. See [ChipDefaults.chipBorder].
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the chip
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the chip. When `false`, this chip will not
 * be clickable
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param shape Defines the chip's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material Theme
 * @param interactionSource The [MutableInteractionSource] representing the stream of
 * [Interaction]s for this Chip. You can create and pass in your own remembered
 * [MutableInteractionSource] if you want to observe [Interaction]s and customize the
 * appearance / behavior of this Chip in different [Interaction]s.
 * @param role The type of user interface element. Accessibility services might use this
 * to describe the element or do customizations
public fun Chip(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    colors: ChipColors,
    border: ChipBorder,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ChipDefaults.ContentPadding,
    shape: Shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.small,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
    role: Role? = Role.Button,
    content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
) {
        modifier = modifier.height(ChipDefaults.Height),
        onClick = onClick,
        background = { colors.background(enabled = it) },
        border = { border.borderStroke(enabled = it) },
        enabled = enabled,
        contentPadding = contentPadding,
        shape = shape,
        interactionSource = interactionSource,
        role = role,
        content = provideScopeContent(
            colors.contentColor(enabled = enabled),

 * Wear Material [Chip] that offers three slots and a specific layout for an icon, label and
 * secondaryLabel. The icon and secondaryLabel are optional. The items are laid out with the icon,
 * if provided, at the start of a row, with a column next containing the two label slots.
 * The [Chip] is Stadium shaped and has a max height designed to take no more than two lines of text
 * of [Typography.button] style. If no secondary label is provided then the label
 * can be two lines of text. The label and secondary label should be consistently aligned.
 * If a icon is provided then the labels should be "start" aligned, e.g. left aligned in ltr so that
 * the text starts next to the icon.
 * The [Chip] can have different styles with configurable content colors, background colors
 * including gradients, these are provided by [ChipColors] implementations.
 * The recommended set of [ChipColors] styles can be obtained from [ChipDefaults], e.g.
 * [ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors] to get a color scheme for a primary [Chip] which by default
 * will have a solid background of [Colors.primary] and content color of
 * [Colors.onPrimary].
 * Chips can be enabled or disabled. A disabled chip will not respond to click events.
 * Example of a [Chip] with icon and a label only with longer text:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.ChipWithIconAndLabel
 * Example of a [Chip] with icon, label and secondary label:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.ChipWithIconAndLabels
 * For more information, see the
 * [Chips](
 * guide.
 * @param label A slot for providing the chip's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "start" or "center" aligned if not.
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the chip
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the chip
 * @param secondaryLabel A slot for providing the chip's secondary label. The contents are expected
 * to be text which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "start" or "center" aligned if
 * not. label and secondaryLabel contents should be consistently aligned.
 * @param icon A slot for providing the chip's icon. The contents are expected to be a horizontally
 * and vertically aligned icon of size [ChipDefaults.IconSize] or [ChipDefaults.LargeIconSize]. In
 * order to correctly render when the Chip is not enabled the icon must set its alpha value to
 * [LocalContentAlpha].
 * @param colors [ChipColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this chip in different states. See [ChipDefaults.chipColors]. Defaults to
 * [ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors]
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the chip. When `false`, this chip will not
 * be clickable
 * @param interactionSource The [MutableInteractionSource] representing the stream of
 * [Interaction]s for this Chip. You can create and pass in your own remembered
 * [MutableInteractionSource] if you want to observe [Interaction]s and customize the
 * appearance / behavior of this Chip in different [Interaction]s.

 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
@Deprecated("This overload is provided for backwards compatibility with Compose for Wear OS 1.0." +
    "A newer overload is available with an additional shape parameter.",
    level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public fun Chip(
    label: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    secondaryLabel: (@Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    icon: (@Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    colors: ChipColors = ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors(),
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ChipDefaults.ContentPadding,
) = Chip(

 * Wear Material [Chip] that offers three slots and a specific layout for an icon, label and
 * secondaryLabel. The icon and secondaryLabel are optional. The items are laid out with the icon,
 * if provided, at the start of a row, with a column next containing the two label slots.
 * The [Chip] is Stadium shaped and has a max height designed to take no more than two lines of text
 * of [Typography.button] style. If no secondary label is provided then the label
 * can be two lines of text. The label and secondary label should be consistently aligned.
 * If a icon is provided then the labels should be "start" aligned, e.g. left aligned in ltr so that
 * the text starts next to the icon.
 * The [Chip] can have different styles with configurable content colors, background colors
 * including gradients, these are provided by [ChipColors] implementations.
 * The recommended set of [ChipColors] styles can be obtained from [ChipDefaults], e.g.
 * [ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors] to get a color scheme for a primary [Chip] which by default
 * will have a solid background of [Colors.primary] and content color of
 * [Colors.onPrimary].
 * Chips can be enabled or disabled. A disabled chip will not respond to click events.
 * Example of a [Chip] with icon and a label only with longer text:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.ChipWithIconAndLabel
 * Example of a [Chip] with icon, label and secondary label:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.ChipWithIconAndLabels
 * For more information, see the
 * [Chips](
 * guide.
 * @param label A slot for providing the chip's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "start" or "center" aligned if not.
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the chip
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the chip
 * @param secondaryLabel A slot for providing the chip's secondary label. The contents are expected
 * to be text which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "start" or "center" aligned if
 * not. label and secondaryLabel contents should be consistently aligned.
 * @param icon A slot for providing the chip's icon. The contents are expected to be a horizontally
 * and vertically aligned icon of size [ChipDefaults.IconSize] or [ChipDefaults.LargeIconSize]. In
 * order to correctly render when the Chip is not enabled the icon must set its alpha value to
 * [LocalContentAlpha].
 * @param colors [ChipColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this chip in different states. See [ChipDefaults.chipColors]. Defaults to
 * [ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors]
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the chip. When `false`, this chip will not
 * be clickable
 * @param interactionSource The [MutableInteractionSource] representing the stream of
 * [Interaction]s for this Chip. You can create and pass in your own remembered
 * [MutableInteractionSource] if you want to observe [Interaction]s and customize the
 * appearance / behavior of this Chip in different [Interaction]s.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param shape Defines the chip's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material Theme
 * @param border [ChipBorder] that will be used to resolve the chip border in different states.
 * See [ChipDefaults.chipBorder].
public fun Chip(
    label: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    secondaryLabel: (@Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    icon: (@Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    colors: ChipColors = ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors(),
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ChipDefaults.ContentPadding,
    shape: Shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.small,
    border: ChipBorder = ChipDefaults.chipBorder()
) {
        modifier = modifier.height(ChipDefaults.Height),
        label = provideScopeContent(
            colors.contentColor(enabled = enabled),
        onClick = onClick,
        background = { colors.background(enabled = it) },
        secondaryLabel = secondaryLabel?.let { provideScopeContent(
            colors.secondaryContentColor(enabled = enabled),
            textStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.caption2,
        ) },
        icon = icon?.let {
            provideIcon(colors.iconColor(enabled = enabled), icon)
        enabled = enabled,
        interactionSource = interactionSource,
        contentPadding = contentPadding,
        shape = shape,
        border = { border.borderStroke(enabled = it) },
        defaultIconSpacing = ChipDefaults.IconSpacing,
        role = Role.Button

 * Wear Material [OutlinedChip] that offers three slots and a specific layout for an icon, label and
 * secondaryLabel. The icon and secondaryLabel are optional. The items are laid out with the icon,
 * if provided, at the start of a row, with a column next containing the two label slots.
 * The [OutlinedChip] is Stadium shaped and has a max height designed to take no more than two lines
 * of text of [Typography.button] style. If no secondary label is provided then the label
 * can be two lines of text. The label and secondary label should be consistently aligned.
 * If a icon is provided then the labels should be "start" aligned, e.g. left aligned in ltr so that
 * the text starts next to the icon.
 * the [OutlinedChip] has a transparent background, a thin border and contents which are
 * colored with the theme primary color. Colors can be obtained and customized using
 * [ChipDefaults.outlinedChipColors()].
 * Chips can be enabled or disabled. A disabled chip will not respond to click events.
 * Example of a [OutlinedChip] with icon and a label only with longer text:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.OutlinedChipWithIconAndLabel
 * For more information, see the
 * [Chips](
 * guide.
 * @param label A slot for providing the chip's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "start" or "center" aligned if not.
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the chip
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the chip
 * @param secondaryLabel A slot for providing the chip's secondary label. The contents are expected
 * to be text which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "start" or "center" aligned if
 * not. label and secondaryLabel contents should be consistently aligned.
 * @param icon A slot for providing the chip's icon. The contents are expected to be a horizontally
 * and vertically aligned icon of size [ChipDefaults.IconSize] or [ChipDefaults.LargeIconSize]. In
 * order to correctly render when the Chip is not enabled the icon must set its alpha value to
 * [LocalContentAlpha].
 * @param colors [ChipColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this chip in different states.
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the chip. When `false`, this chip will not
 * be clickable
 * @param interactionSource The [MutableInteractionSource] representing the stream of
 * [Interaction]s for this Chip. You can create and pass in your own remembered
 * [MutableInteractionSource] if you want to observe [Interaction]s and customize the
 * appearance / behavior of this Chip in different [Interaction]s.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param shape Defines the chip's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material Theme
 * @param border [ChipBorder] that will be used to resolve the chip border in different states.
public fun OutlinedChip(
    label: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    secondaryLabel: (@Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    icon: (@Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    colors: ChipColors = ChipDefaults.outlinedChipColors(),
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ChipDefaults.ContentPadding,
    shape: Shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.small,
    border: ChipBorder = ChipDefaults.outlinedChipBorder()
) =
        label = label,
        onClick = onClick,
        modifier = modifier,
        secondaryLabel = secondaryLabel,
        icon = icon,
        colors = colors,
        enabled = enabled,
        interactionSource = interactionSource,
        contentPadding = contentPadding,
        shape = shape,
        border = border

 * A compact Wear Material Chip that offers two slots and a specific layout for an icon and label.
 * Both the icon and label are optional however it is expected that at least one will be provided.
 * The [CompactChip] is Stadium shaped and has a max height designed to take no more than one line
 * of text of [Typography.caption1] style and/or one icon. The default max height is
 * [ChipDefaults.CompactChipHeight]. This includes a visible chip height of 32.dp and
 * 8.dp of padding above and below the chip in order to meet accessibility guidelines that
 * request a minimum of 48.dp height and width of tappable area.
 * If a icon is provided then the labels should be "start" aligned, e.g. left aligned in ltr so that
 * the text starts next to the icon.
 * The items are laid out as follows.
 * 1. If a label is provided then the chip will be laid out with the optional icon at the start of a
 * row followed by the label with a default max height of [ChipDefaults.CompactChipHeight].
 * 2. If only an icon is provided it will be laid out vertically and horizontally centered with a
 * default height of [ChipDefaults.CompactChipHeight] and the default width of
 * [ChipDefaults.IconOnlyCompactChipWidth]
 * If neither icon nor label is provided then the chip will displayed like an icon only chip but
 * with no contents and [ChipColors.background()] color.
 * The [CompactChip] can have different styles with configurable content colors, background colors
 * including gradients, these are provided by [ChipColors] implementations.
 * The recommended set of [ChipColors] styles can be obtained from [ChipDefaults], e.g.
 * [ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors] to get a color scheme for a primary [Chip] which by default
 * will have a solid background of [Colors.primary] and content color of
 * [Colors.onPrimary].
 * Chips can be enabled or disabled. A disabled chip will not respond to click events.
 * Example of a [CompactChip] with icon and single line of label text:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.CompactChipWithIconAndLabel
 * Example of a [CompactChip] with a label, note that the text is center aligned:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.CompactChipWithLabel
 * Example of a [CompactChip] with an icon only, note that the recommended icon size is 24x24 when
 * only an icon is displayed:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.CompactChipWithIcon
 * For more information, see the
 * [Chips](
 * guide.
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the chip
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the chip
 * @param label A slot for providing the chip's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "center" aligned if not.
 * @param icon A slot for providing the chip's icon. The contents are expected to be a horizontally
 * and vertically aligned icon of size [ChipDefaults.SmallIconSize] when used with a label or
 * [ChipDefaults.IconSize] when used as the only content in the CompactChip. In order to correctly
 * render when the Chip is not enabled the icon must set its alpha value to [LocalContentAlpha].
 * @param colors [ChipColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this chip in different states. See [ChipDefaults.chipColors]. Defaults to
 * [ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors]
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the chip. When `false`, this chip will not
 * be clickable
 * @param interactionSource The [MutableInteractionSource] representing the stream of
 * [Interaction]s for this Chip. You can create and pass in your own remembered
 * [MutableInteractionSource] if you want to observe [Interaction]s and customize the
 * appearance / behavior of this Chip in different [Interaction]s.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
@Deprecated("This overload is provided for backwards compatibility with Compose for Wear OS 1.0." +
    "A newer overload is available with an additional shape parameter.",
    level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public fun CompactChip(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    label: (@Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    icon: (@Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    colors: ChipColors = ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors(),
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ChipDefaults.CompactChipContentPadding,
) = CompactChip(

 * A compact Wear Material Chip that offers two slots and a specific layout for an icon and label.
 * Both the icon and label are optional however it is expected that at least one will be provided.
 * The [CompactChip] is Stadium shaped and has a max height designed to take no more than one line
 * of text of [Typography.caption1] style and/or one icon. The default max height is
 * [ChipDefaults.CompactChipHeight]. This includes a visible chip height of 32.dp and
 * 8.dp of padding above and below the chip in order to meet accessibility guidelines that
 * request a minimum of 48.dp height and width of tappable area.
 * If a icon is provided then the labels should be "start" aligned, e.g. left aligned in ltr so that
 * the text starts next to the icon.
 * The items are laid out as follows.
 * 1. If a label is provided then the chip will be laid out with the optional icon at the start of a
 * row followed by the label with a default max height of [ChipDefaults.CompactChipHeight].
 * 2. If only an icon is provided it will be laid out vertically and horizontally centered with a
 * default height of [ChipDefaults.CompactChipHeight] and the default width of
 * [ChipDefaults.IconOnlyCompactChipWidth]
 * If neither icon nor label is provided then the chip will displayed like an icon only chip but
 * with no contents and [ChipColors.background()] color.
 * The [CompactChip] can have different styles with configurable content colors, background colors
 * including gradients, these are provided by [ChipColors] implementations.
 * The recommended set of [ChipColors] styles can be obtained from [ChipDefaults], e.g.
 * [ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors] to get a color scheme for a primary [Chip] which by default
 * will have a solid background of [Colors.primary] and content color of
 * [Colors.onPrimary].
 * Chips can be enabled or disabled. A disabled chip will not respond to click events.
 * Example of a [CompactChip] with icon and single line of label text:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.CompactChipWithIconAndLabel
 * Example of a [CompactChip] with a label, note that the text is center aligned:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.CompactChipWithLabel
 * Example of a [CompactChip] with an icon only, note that the recommended icon size is 24x24 when
 * only an icon is displayed:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.CompactChipWithIcon
 * For more information, see the
 * [Chips](
 * guide.
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the chip
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the chip
 * @param label A slot for providing the chip's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "center" aligned if not.
 * @param icon A slot for providing the chip's icon. The contents are expected to be a horizontally
 * and vertically aligned icon of size [ChipDefaults.SmallIconSize] when used with a label or
 * [ChipDefaults.IconSize] when used as the only content in the CompactChip. In order to correctly
 * render when the Chip is not enabled the icon must set its alpha value to [LocalContentAlpha].
 * @param colors [ChipColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this chip in different states. See [ChipDefaults.chipColors]. Defaults to
 * [ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors]
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the chip. When `false`, this chip will not
 * be clickable
 * @param interactionSource The [MutableInteractionSource] representing the stream of
 * [Interaction]s for this Chip. You can create and pass in your own remembered
 * [MutableInteractionSource] if you want to observe [Interaction]s and customize the
 * appearance / behavior of this Chip in different [Interaction]s.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param shape Defines the chip's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material Theme
 * @param border [ChipBorder] that will be used to resolve the border for this chip in different
 * states. See [ChipDefaults.chipBorder].
public fun CompactChip(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    label: (@Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    icon: (@Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    colors: ChipColors = ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors(),
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ChipDefaults.CompactChipContentPadding,
    shape: Shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.small,
    border: ChipBorder = ChipDefaults.chipBorder()
) {
        modifier = modifier.height(ChipDefaults.CompactChipHeight),
        onClick = onClick,
        background = { colors.background(enabled = it) },
        label = label?.let { provideScopeContent(
            colors.contentColor(enabled = enabled),
        ) },
        icon = icon?.let { provideIcon(
            colors.iconColor(enabled = enabled),
        ) },
        enabled = enabled,
        interactionSource = interactionSource,
        contentPadding = contentPadding,
        shape = shape,
        border = { border.borderStroke(enabled = it) },
        defaultIconOnlyCompactChipWidth = ChipDefaults.IconOnlyCompactChipWidth,
        defaultCompactChipTapTargetPadding = ChipDefaults.CompactChipTapTargetPadding,
        defaultIconSpacing = ChipDefaults.IconSpacing,
        role = Role.Button,

 * A compact Outlined Wear Material Chip that offers two slots and a specific layout for an icon and
 * label. Both the icon and label are optional however it is expected that at least one will be
 * provided.
 * The [CompactChip] is Stadium shaped and has a max height designed to take no more than one line
 * of text of [Typography.caption1] style and/or one icon. The default max height is
 * [ChipDefaults.CompactChipHeight]. This includes a visible chip height of 32.dp and
 * 8.dp of padding above and below the chip in order to meet accessibility guidelines that
 * request a minimum of 48.dp height and width of tappable area.
 * If a icon is provided then the labels should be "start" aligned, e.g. left aligned in ltr so that
 * the text starts next to the icon.
 * The items are laid out as follows.
 * 1. If a label is provided then the chip will be laid out with the optional icon at the start of a
 * row followed by the label with a default max height of [ChipDefaults.CompactChipHeight].
 * 2. If only an icon is provided it will be laid out vertically and horizontally centered with a
 * default height of [ChipDefaults.CompactChipHeight] and the default width of
 * [ChipDefaults.IconOnlyCompactChipWidth]
 * If neither icon nor label is provided then the chip will displayed like an icon only chip but
 * with no contents and [ChipColors.background()] color.
 * the [OutlinedCompactChip] has a transparent background, a thin border and contents which are
 * colored with the theme primary color. Colors can be obtained and customized using
 * [ChipDefaults.outlinedChipColors()].
 * Chips can be enabled or disabled. A disabled chip will not respond to click events.
 * Example of a [OutlinedCompactChip] with icon and single line of label text:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.OutlinedCompactChipWithIconAndLabel
 * For more information, see the
 * [Chips](
 * guide.
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the chip
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the chip
 * @param label A slot for providing the chip's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "center" aligned if not.
 * @param icon A slot for providing the chip's icon. The contents are expected to be a horizontally
 * and vertically aligned icon of size [ChipDefaults.SmallIconSize] when used with a label or
 * [ChipDefaults.IconSize] when used as the only content in the CompactChip. In order to correctly
 * render when the Chip is not enabled the icon must set its alpha value to [LocalContentAlpha].
 * @param colors [ChipColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this chip in different states. See [ChipDefaults.outlinedChipColors]. Defaults to
 * [ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors]
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the chip. When `false`, this chip will not
 * be clickable
 * @param interactionSource The [MutableInteractionSource] representing the stream of
 * [Interaction]s for this Chip. You can create and pass in your own remembered
 * [MutableInteractionSource] if you want to observe [Interaction]s and customize the
 * appearance / behavior of this Chip in different [Interaction]s.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param shape Defines the chip's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material Theme
 * @param border [ChipBorder] that will be used to resolve the border for this chip in different
 * states. See [ChipDefaults.outlinedChipBorder].
public fun OutlinedCompactChip(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    label: (@Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    icon: (@Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    colors: ChipColors = ChipDefaults.outlinedChipColors(),
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ChipDefaults.CompactChipContentPadding,
    shape: Shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.small,
    border: ChipBorder = ChipDefaults.outlinedChipBorder()
) =
        onClick = onClick,
        modifier = modifier,
        label = label,
        icon = icon,
        colors = colors,
        enabled = enabled,
        interactionSource = interactionSource,
        contentPadding = contentPadding,
        shape = shape,
        border = border

 * Represents the background and content colors used in a chip in different states.
 * See [ChipDefaults.primaryChipColors] for the default colors used in a primary styled [Chip].
 * See [ChipDefaults.secondaryChipColors] for the default colors used in a secondary styled [Chip].
public interface ChipColors {
     * Represents the background treatment for this chip, depending on [enabled]. Backgrounds can
     * be solid, transparent or have a gradient applied.
     * @param enabled Whether the chip is enabled
    public fun background(enabled: Boolean): State<Painter>

     * Represents the content color for this chip, depending on [enabled].
     * @param enabled Whether the chip is enabled
    public fun contentColor(enabled: Boolean): State<Color>

     * Represents the secondary content color for this chip, depending on [enabled].
     * @param enabled Whether the chip is enabled
    public fun secondaryContentColor(enabled: Boolean): State<Color>

     * Represents the icon color for this chip, depending on [enabled].
     * @param enabled Whether the chip is enabled
    public fun iconColor(enabled: Boolean): State<Color>

 * Represents the border stroke used in a [Chip] in different states.
public interface ChipBorder {
     * Represents the border stroke for this chip, depending on [enabled] or null if no border
     * @param enabled Whether the chip is enabled
    public fun borderStroke(enabled: Boolean): State<BorderStroke?>

 * Contains the default values used by [Chip]
public object ChipDefaults {

     * Creates a [ChipColors] that represents the default background and content colors for a
     * primary [Chip]. Primary chips have a colored background with a contrasting content color. If
     * a chip is disabled then the colors will have an alpha([ContentAlpha.disabled]) value applied.
     * @param backgroundColor The background color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Chip] when enabled, used
     * for secondaryLabel content
     * @param iconColor The icon color of this [Chip] when enabled, used for icon content
    public fun primaryChipColors(
        backgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
        contentColor: Color = contentColorFor(backgroundColor),
        secondaryContentColor: Color = contentColor,
        iconColor: Color = contentColor
    ): ChipColors {
        // For light background colors, the default disabled content colors do not provide
        // sufficient contrast. Instead, we default to using background for disabled content.
        // See b/254025377
        return chipColors(
            backgroundColor = backgroundColor,
            contentColor = contentColor,
            secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
            iconColor = iconColor,
            disabledContentColor = MaterialTheme.colors.background,
            disabledSecondaryContentColor = MaterialTheme.colors.background,
            disabledIconColor = MaterialTheme.colors.background,

     * Creates a [ChipColors] that represents the background and content colors for a primary [Chip]
     * with a linear gradient for a background. The gradient will be between startBackgroundColor
     * and endBackgroundColor. Gradient backgrounds are typically used for chips showing an on-going
     * activity, such as a music track that is playing.
     * Gradient background chips should have a content color that contrasts with the background
     * gradient. If a chip is disabled then the colors will have an alpha([ContentAlpha.disabled])
     * value applied.
     * @param startBackgroundColor The background color used at the start of the gradient of this
     * [Chip] when enabled
     * @param endBackgroundColor The background color used at the end of the gradient of this [Chip]
     * when enabled
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Chip] when enabled, used
     * for secondaryLabel content
     * @param iconColor The icon color of this [Chip] when enabled, used for icon content
     * @param gradientDirection Whether the chips gradient should be start to end (indicated by
     * [LayoutDirection.Ltr]) or end to start (indicated by [LayoutDirection.Rtl]).
    public fun gradientBackgroundChipColors(
        startBackgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary.copy(alpha = 0.5f)
        endBackgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface.copy(alpha = 0f)
        contentColor: Color = contentColorFor(endBackgroundColor),
        secondaryContentColor: Color = contentColor,
        iconColor: Color = contentColor,
        gradientDirection: LayoutDirection = LocalLayoutDirection.current
    ): ChipColors {
        val backgroundColors: List<Color>
        val disabledBackgroundColors: List<Color>
        if (gradientDirection == LayoutDirection.Ltr) {
            backgroundColors = listOf(
            disabledBackgroundColors = listOf(
                startBackgroundColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
                endBackgroundColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled)
        } else {
            backgroundColors = listOf(
            disabledBackgroundColors = listOf(
                endBackgroundColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
                startBackgroundColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
        return DefaultChipColors(
            backgroundPainter = BrushPainter(Brush.linearGradient(backgroundColors)),
            contentColor = contentColor,
            secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
            iconColor = iconColor,
            disabledBackgroundPainter = BrushPainter(
            disabledContentColor = contentColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
            disabledSecondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor.copy(
                alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled
            disabledIconColor = iconColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),

     * Creates a [ChipColors] that represents the default background and content colors for a
     * secondary [Chip]. Secondary chips have a muted background with a contrasting content color.
     * If a chip is disabled then the colors will have an alpha([ContentAlpha.disabled]) value
     * applied.
     * @param backgroundColor The background color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Chip] when enabled, used
     * for secondaryLabel content
     * @param iconColor The icon color of this [Chip] when enabled, used for icon content
    public fun secondaryChipColors(
        backgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface,
        contentColor: Color = contentColorFor(backgroundColor),
        secondaryContentColor: Color = contentColor,
        iconColor: Color = contentColor
    ): ChipColors {
        return chipColors(
            backgroundColor = backgroundColor,
            contentColor = contentColor,
            secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
            iconColor = iconColor

     * Creates a [ChipColors] that represents the default background (transparent) and content
     * colors for a child [Chip]. Child chips have a transparent background and use a default
     * content color of [Colors.onSurface].
     * If a chip is disabled then the colors will have an alpha([ContentAlpha.disabled]) value
     * applied.
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Chip] when enabled, used
     * for secondaryLabel content
     * @param iconColor The icon color of this [Chip] when enabled, used for icon content
    public fun childChipColors(
        contentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface,
        secondaryContentColor: Color = contentColor,
        iconColor: Color = contentColor
    ): ChipColors {
        return chipColors(
            backgroundColor = Color.Transparent,
            contentColor = contentColor,
            secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
            iconColor = iconColor,
            disabledBackgroundColor = Color.Transparent

     * Creates a [ChipColors] for an image background [Chip]. Image background chips have an image
     * as the background of the chip typically with a scrim over the image to ensure that the
     * content is visible, and use a default content color of [Colors.onBackground].
     * @param backgroundImagePainter The [Painter] to use to draw the background of the [Chip]
     * @param backgroundImageScrimBrush The [Brush] to use to paint a scrim over the background
     * image to ensure that any text drawn over the image is legible
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Chip] when enabled, used
     * for secondaryLabel content
     * @param iconColor The icon color of this [Chip] when enabled, used for icon content
    public fun imageBackgroundChipColors(
        backgroundImagePainter: Painter,
        backgroundImageScrimBrush: Brush = Brush.linearGradient(
            colors = listOf(
                MaterialTheme.colors.surface.copy(alpha = 1.0f),
                MaterialTheme.colors.surface.copy(alpha = 0f)
        contentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onBackground,
        secondaryContentColor: Color = contentColor,
        iconColor: Color = contentColor,
    ): ChipColors {
        val backgroundPainter =
            remember(backgroundImagePainter, backgroundImageScrimBrush) {
                    imagePainter = backgroundImagePainter,
                    brush = backgroundImageScrimBrush

        val disabledContentAlpha = ContentAlpha.disabled
        val disabledBackgroundPainter =
            remember(backgroundImagePainter, backgroundImageScrimBrush, disabledContentAlpha) {
                    imagePainter = backgroundImagePainter,
                    brush = backgroundImageScrimBrush,
                    alpha = disabledContentAlpha,
        return DefaultChipColors(
            backgroundPainter = backgroundPainter,
            contentColor = contentColor,
            secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
            iconColor = iconColor,
            disabledBackgroundPainter = disabledBackgroundPainter,
            disabledContentColor = contentColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
            disabledSecondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor.copy(
                alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled
            disabledIconColor = iconColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),

     * Creates a [ChipColors] for an outline [Chip]. Outline chips have a transparent background
     * with a thin border.
     * If a chip is disabled then the colors will have an alpha([ContentAlpha.disabled]) value
     * applied.
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Chip] when enabled, used
     * for secondaryLabel content
     * @param iconColor The icon color of this [Chip] when enabled, used for icon content
    public fun outlinedChipColors(
        contentColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
        secondaryContentColor: Color = contentColor,
        iconColor: Color = contentColor,
    ): ChipColors {
        return chipColors(
            backgroundColor = Color.Transparent,
            contentColor = contentColor,
            secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
            iconColor = iconColor,
            disabledBackgroundColor = Color.Transparent,

     * Creates a default (no border) [ChipBorder] for a [Chip]
     * @param borderStroke The border for this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param disabledBorderStroke The border to use for this [Chip] when disabled
    public fun chipBorder(
        borderStroke: BorderStroke? = null,
        disabledBorderStroke: BorderStroke? = null
    ): ChipBorder {
        return DefaultChipBorder(
            borderStroke = borderStroke,
            disabledBorderStroke = disabledBorderStroke

     * Creates a [ChipBorder] for an [OutlinedChip]
     * @param borderColor The color to use for the border for this [OutlinedChip] when enabled
     * @param disabledBorderColor The color to use for the border for this [OutlinedChip] when
     * disabled
     * @param borderWidth The width to use for the border for this [OutlinedChip]
    public fun outlinedChipBorder(
        borderColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primaryVariant.copy(alpha = 0.6f),
        disabledBorderColor: Color = borderColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
        borderWidth: Dp = 1.dp
    ): ChipBorder {
        return DefaultChipBorder(
            borderStroke = BorderStroke(borderWidth, borderColor),
            disabledBorderStroke = BorderStroke(borderWidth, disabledBorderColor)

    private val ChipHorizontalPadding = 14.dp
    private val ChipVerticalPadding = 6.dp

     * The default content padding used by [Chip]
    public val ContentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(
        start = ChipHorizontalPadding,
        top = ChipVerticalPadding,
        end = ChipHorizontalPadding,
        bottom = ChipVerticalPadding

    private val CompactChipHorizontalPadding = 12.dp
    private val CompactChipVerticalPadding = 0.dp

     * The default content padding used by [CompactChip]
    public val CompactChipContentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(
        start = CompactChipHorizontalPadding,
        top = CompactChipVerticalPadding,
        end = CompactChipHorizontalPadding,
        bottom = CompactChipVerticalPadding

     * The default height applied for the [Chip].
     * Note that you can override it by applying Modifier.heightIn directly on [Chip].
    internal val Height = 52.dp

     * The height applied for the [CompactChip]. This includes a visible chip height of 32.dp and
     * 8.dp of padding above and below the chip in order to meet accessibility guidelines that
     * request a minimum of 48.dp height and width of tappable area.
     * Note that you can override it by adjusting Modifier.height and Modifier.padding directly on
     * [CompactChip].
    internal val CompactChipHeight = 48.dp

     * The default padding to be provided around a [CompactChip] in order to ensure that its
     * tappable area meets minimum UX guidance.
    public val CompactChipTapTargetPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(
        top = 8.dp,
        bottom = 8.dp

     * The default width applied for the [CompactChip] when it has no label provided.
     * Note that you can override it by applying Modifier.width directly on [CompactChip].
    internal val IconOnlyCompactChipWidth = 52.dp

     * The default size of the icon when used inside a [Chip].
    public val IconSize: Dp = 24.dp

     * The size of the icon when used inside a Large "Avatar" [Chip].
    public val LargeIconSize: Dp = 32.dp

     * The size of the icon when used inside a "Compact" [Chip].
    public val SmallIconSize: Dp = 20.dp

     * The default size of the spacing between an icon and a text when they are used inside a
     * [Chip].
    internal val IconSpacing = 6.dp

     * Creates a [ChipColors] that represents the default background and content colors used in
     * a [Chip].
     * @param backgroundColor The background color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The content color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param iconColor The content color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param disabledBackgroundColor The background color of this [Chip] when not enabled
     * @param disabledContentColor The content color of this [Chip] when not enabled
     * @param disabledSecondaryContentColor The content color of this [Chip] when not enabled
     * @param disabledIconColor The content color of this [Chip] when not enabled
    public fun chipColors(
        backgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
        contentColor: Color = contentColorFor(backgroundColor),
        secondaryContentColor: Color = contentColor,
        iconColor: Color = contentColor,
        disabledBackgroundColor: Color = backgroundColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
        disabledContentColor: Color = contentColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
        disabledSecondaryContentColor: Color =
            secondaryContentColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
        disabledIconColor: Color = iconColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled),
    ): ChipColors = DefaultChipColors(
        backgroundColor = backgroundColor,
        contentColor = contentColor,
        secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
        iconColor = iconColor,
        disabledBackgroundColor = disabledBackgroundColor,
        disabledContentColor = disabledContentColor,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor = disabledSecondaryContentColor,
        disabledIconColor = disabledIconColor

     * Creates a [ChipColors] where all of the values are explicitly defined.
     * @param backgroundPainter The background painter of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The content color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param iconColor The content color of this [Chip] when enabled
     * @param disabledBackgroundPainter The background painter of this [Chip] when not enabled
     * @param disabledContentColor The content color of this [Chip] when not enabled
     * @param disabledSecondaryContentColor The content color of this [Chip] when not enabled
     * @param disabledIconColor The content color of this [Chip] when not enabled
    public fun chipColors(
        backgroundPainter: Painter,
        contentColor: Color,
        secondaryContentColor: Color,
        iconColor: Color,
        disabledBackgroundPainter: Painter,
        disabledContentColor: Color,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor: Color,
        disabledIconColor: Color,
    ): ChipColors = DefaultChipColors(
        backgroundPainter = backgroundPainter,
        contentColor = contentColor,
        secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
        iconColor = iconColor,
        disabledBackgroundPainter = disabledBackgroundPainter,
        disabledContentColor = disabledContentColor,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor = disabledSecondaryContentColor,
        disabledIconColor = disabledIconColor

 * Default [ChipColors] implementation.
internal class DefaultChipColors(
    private val backgroundPainter: Painter,
    private val contentColor: Color,
    private val secondaryContentColor: Color,
    private val iconColor: Color,
    private val disabledBackgroundPainter: Painter,
    private val disabledContentColor: Color,
    private val disabledSecondaryContentColor: Color,
    private val disabledIconColor: Color
) : ChipColors {

        backgroundColor: Color,
        contentColor: Color,
        secondaryContentColor: Color,
        iconColor: Color,
        disabledBackgroundColor: Color,
        disabledContentColor: Color,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor: Color,
        disabledIconColor: Color
    ) : this(

    override fun background(enabled: Boolean): State<Painter> {
        return rememberUpdatedState(
            if (enabled) backgroundPainter else disabledBackgroundPainter

    override fun contentColor(enabled: Boolean): State<Color> {
        return rememberUpdatedState(
            if (enabled) contentColor else disabledContentColor

    override fun secondaryContentColor(enabled: Boolean): State<Color> {
        return rememberUpdatedState(
            if (enabled) secondaryContentColor else disabledSecondaryContentColor

    override fun iconColor(enabled: Boolean): State<Color> {
        return rememberUpdatedState(if (enabled) iconColor else disabledIconColor)

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other == null) return false
        if (this::class != other::class) return false

        other as DefaultChipColors

        if (backgroundPainter != other.backgroundPainter) return false
        if (contentColor != other.contentColor) return false
        if (secondaryContentColor != other.secondaryContentColor) return false
        if (iconColor != other.iconColor) return false
        if (disabledBackgroundPainter != other.disabledBackgroundPainter) return false
        if (disabledContentColor != other.disabledContentColor) return false
        if (disabledSecondaryContentColor != other.disabledSecondaryContentColor) return false
        if (disabledIconColor != other.disabledIconColor) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = backgroundPainter.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + contentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + secondaryContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + iconColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledBackgroundPainter.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledSecondaryContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledIconColor.hashCode()
        return result

 * Default [ChipBorder] implementation.
private class DefaultChipBorder(
    private val borderStroke: BorderStroke? = null,
    private val disabledBorderStroke: BorderStroke? = null
) : ChipBorder {
    override fun borderStroke(enabled: Boolean): State<BorderStroke?> {
        return rememberUpdatedState(if (enabled) borderStroke else disabledBorderStroke)

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other == null) return false
        if (this::class != other::class) return false

        other as DefaultChipBorder

        if (borderStroke != other.borderStroke) return false
        if (disabledBorderStroke != other.disabledBorderStroke) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = borderStroke.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledBorderStroke.hashCode()
        return result