
package androidx.wear.compose.material

import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.CubicBezierEasing
import androidx.compose.animation.core.LinearEasing
import androidx.compose.animation.core.Spring
import androidx.compose.animation.core.SpringSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.VectorConverter
import androidx.compose.animation.core.animateFloat
import androidx.compose.animation.core.animateValue
import androidx.compose.animation.core.infiniteRepeatable
import androidx.compose.animation.core.keyframes
import androidx.compose.animation.core.rememberInfiniteTransition
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.drawWithCache
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Size
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.wear.compose.material.ProgressIndicatorDefaults.BaseRotationAngle
import androidx.wear.compose.material.ProgressIndicatorDefaults.ButtonCircularIndicatorDiameter
import androidx.wear.compose.material.ProgressIndicatorDefaults.CircularEasing
import androidx.wear.compose.material.ProgressIndicatorDefaults.HeadAndTailAnimationDuration
import androidx.wear.compose.material.ProgressIndicatorDefaults.HeadAndTailDelayDuration
import androidx.wear.compose.material.ProgressIndicatorDefaults.IndeterminateCircularIndicatorDiameter
import androidx.wear.compose.material.ProgressIndicatorDefaults.IndeterminateStrokeWidth
import androidx.wear.compose.material.ProgressIndicatorDefaults.JumpRotationAngle
import androidx.wear.compose.material.ProgressIndicatorDefaults.RotationAngleOffset
import androidx.wear.compose.material.ProgressIndicatorDefaults.RotationDuration
import androidx.wear.compose.material.ProgressIndicatorDefaults.RotationsPerCycle
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

 * Determinate <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Material Design circular progress indicator</a>.
 * Progress indicators express the proportion of completion of an ongoing task.
 * [Progress Indicator doc](
 * ![Progress indicator image](
 * There is no animation between [progress] values by default, but progress can be animated
 * with the recommended [ProgressIndicatorDefaults.ProgressAnimationSpec],
 * as in the following example:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.CircularProgressIndicatorWithAnimation
 * [CircularProgressIndicator] supports a gap in the circular track between
 * [endAngle] and [startAngle], which leaves room for other content,
 * such as [TimeText] at the top of the screen. Example:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.CircularProgressIndicatorFullscreenWithGap
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the CircularProgressIndicator
 * @param progress The progress of this progress indicator where 0.0 represents no progress and 1.0
 * represents completion. Values outside of this range are coerced into the range 0..1.
 * @param startAngle The starting position of the progress arc,
 * measured clockwise in degrees (0 to 360) from the 3 o'clock position. For example, 0 and 360
 * represent 3 o'clock, 90 and 180 represent 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock respectively.
 * Default is 270 degrees (top of the screen)
 * @param endAngle The ending position of the progress arc,
 * measured clockwise in degrees (0 to 360) from the 3 o'clock position. For example, 0 and 360
 * represent 3 o'clock, 90 and 180 represent 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock respectively.
 * By default equal to [startAngle]
 * @param indicatorColor The color of the progress indicator bar.
 * @param trackColor The color of the background progress track.
 * @param strokeWidth The stroke width for the progress indicator.
public fun CircularProgressIndicator(
    @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
    progress: Float,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    startAngle: Float = 270f,
    endAngle: Float = startAngle,
    indicatorColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
    trackColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onBackground.copy(alpha = 0.1f),
    strokeWidth: Dp = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.StrokeWidth,
) {
    // Canvas internally uses Spacer.drawBehind.
    // Using Spacer.drawWithCache to optimize the stroke allocations.
            .drawWithCache {
                val backgroundSweep = 360f - ((startAngle - endAngle) % 360 + 360) % 360
                val progressSweep = backgroundSweep * progress.coerceIn(0f..1f)
                val stroke = Stroke(width = strokeWidth.toPx(), cap = StrokeCap.Round)

                onDrawWithContent {
                    // Draw a background

                    // Draw a progress

 * Indeterminate <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Material Design circular progress indicator</a>.
 * Indeterminate progress indicator expresses an unspecified wait time and spins indefinitely.
 * [Progress Indicator doc](
 * ![Progress indicator image](
 * Example of indeterminate progress indicator:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material.samples.IndeterminateCircularProgressIndicator
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the CircularProgressIndicator
 * @param startAngle The starting position of the progress arc,
 * measured clockwise in degrees (0 to 360) from the 3 o'clock position. For example, 0 and 360
 * represent 3 o'clock, 90 and 180 represent 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock respectively.
 * Default is 270 degrees (top of the screen)
 * @param indicatorColor The color of the progress indicator bar.
 * @param trackColor The color of the background progress track
 * @param strokeWidth The stroke width for the progress indicator.
public fun CircularProgressIndicator(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    startAngle: Float = 270f,
    indicatorColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onBackground,
    trackColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onBackground
        .copy(alpha = 0.3f),
    strokeWidth: Dp = IndeterminateStrokeWidth,
) {
    val transition = rememberInfiniteTransition()
    // The current rotation around the circle, so we know where to start the rotation from
    val currentRotation by transition.animateValue(
            animation = tween(
                durationMillis = RotationDuration * RotationsPerCycle,
                easing = LinearEasing
    // How far forward (degrees) the base point should be from the start point
    val baseRotation by transition.animateFloat(
            animation = tween(
                durationMillis = RotationDuration,
                easing = LinearEasing
    // How far forward (degrees) both the head and tail should be from the base point
    val endAngle by transition.animateFloat(
            animation = keyframes {
                durationMillis = HeadAndTailAnimationDuration + HeadAndTailDelayDuration
                0f at 0 using CircularEasing
                JumpRotationAngle at HeadAndTailAnimationDuration

    val startProgressAngle by transition.animateFloat(
            animation = keyframes {
                durationMillis = HeadAndTailAnimationDuration + HeadAndTailDelayDuration
                0f at HeadAndTailDelayDuration using CircularEasing
                JumpRotationAngle at durationMillis

    // Canvas internally uses Spacer.drawBehind.
    // Using Spacer.drawWithCache to optimize the stroke allocations.
                val stroke = Stroke(width = strokeWidth.toPx(), cap = StrokeCap.Round)

                val currentRotationAngleOffset = (currentRotation * RotationAngleOffset) % 360f
                // How long a line to draw using the start angle as a reference point
                val sweep = abs(endAngle - startProgressAngle)

                // Offset by the constant offset and the per rotation offset
                val offset = (startAngle + currentRotationAngleOffset + baseRotation) % 360f

                onDrawWithContent {
                    drawCircularIndicator(0f, 360f, trackColor, stroke)
                        startProgressAngle + offset,

 * Contains the default values used for [CircularProgressIndicator].
public object ProgressIndicatorDefaults {
     * Default stroke width for [CircularProgressIndicator]
     * This can be customized with the `strokeWidth` parameter on [CircularProgressIndicator]
    public val StrokeWidth = 4.dp

     * Default stroke width for indeterminate [CircularProgressIndicator]
     * This can be customized with the `strokeWidth` parameter on [CircularProgressIndicator]
    public val IndeterminateStrokeWidth = 3.dp

     * Stroke width for full screen [CircularProgressIndicator]
     * This can be customized with the `strokeWidth` parameter on [CircularProgressIndicator]
    public val FullScreenStrokeWidth = 5.dp

     * The default [AnimationSpec] that should be used when animating between progress in a
     * determinate progress indicator.
    public val ProgressAnimationSpec = SpringSpec(
        dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioNoBouncy,
        stiffness = Spring.StiffnessVeryLow,
        // The default threshold is 0.01, or 1% of the overall progress range, which is quite
        // large and noticeable.
        visibilityThreshold = 1 / 1000f

    // CircularProgressIndicator Material specs
    // Diameter of the indicator circle
    internal val ButtonCircularIndicatorDiameter = 40.dp

    // CircularProgressIndicator Material specs
    // Diameter of the indicator circle
    internal val IndeterminateCircularIndicatorDiameter = 24.dp

    // The animation comprises of 5 rotations around the circle forming a 5 pointed star.
    // After the 5th rotation, we are back at the beginning of the circle.
    internal const val RotationsPerCycle = 5

    // Each rotation is 1 and 1/3 seconds, but 1332ms divides more evenly
    internal const val RotationDuration = 1332

    // How far the base point moves around the circle, in degrees
    internal const val BaseRotationAngle = 286f

    // How far the head and tail should jump forward during one rotation past the base point,
    // in degrees
    internal const val JumpRotationAngle = 290f

    // Each rotation we want to offset the start position by this much, so we continue where
    // the previous rotation ended. This is the maximum angle covered during one rotation.
    internal const val RotationAngleOffset = (BaseRotationAngle + JumpRotationAngle) % 360f

    // The head animates for the first half of a rotation, then is static for the second half
    // The tail is static for the first half and then animates for the second half
    internal const val HeadAndTailAnimationDuration = (RotationDuration * 0.5).toInt()
    internal const val HeadAndTailDelayDuration = HeadAndTailAnimationDuration

    // The easing for the head and tail jump
    internal val CircularEasing = CubicBezierEasing(0.4f, 0f, 0.2f, 1f)

private fun DrawScope.drawCircularIndicator(
    startAngle: Float,
    sweep: Float,
    color: Color,
    stroke: Stroke
) {
    // To draw this circle we need a rect with edges that line up with the midpoint of the stroke.
    // To do this we need to remove half the stroke width from the total diameter for both sides.
    val diameter = min(size.width, size.height)
    val diameterOffset = stroke.width / 2
    val arcDimen = diameter - 2 * diameterOffset
        color = color,
        startAngle = startAngle,
        sweepAngle = sweep,
        useCenter = false,
        topLeft = Offset(
            diameterOffset + (size.width - diameter) / 2,
            diameterOffset + (size.height - diameter) / 2
        size = Size(arcDimen, arcDimen),
        style = stroke

private fun DrawScope.drawIndeterminateCircularIndicator(
    startAngle: Float,
    sweep: Float,
    color: Color,
    stroke: Stroke
) {
    // When the start and end angles are in the same place, we still want to draw a small sweep, so
    // the stroke caps get added on both ends and we draw the correct minimum length arc
    val adjustedSweep = max(sweep, 0.1f)

    drawCircularIndicator(startAngle, adjustedSweep, color, stroke)

private operator fun Size.minus(offset: Float): Size =
    Size(this.width - offset, this.height - offset)