
 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.compose.material3

import androidx.compose.foundation.BorderStroke
import androidx.compose.foundation.border
import androidx.compose.foundation.clickable
import androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.Interaction
import androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.Box
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.BoxScope
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.Column
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.IntrinsicSize
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.PaddingValues
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.Row
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.RowScope
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.Spacer
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.defaultMinSize
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.fillMaxHeight
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.fillMaxSize
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.height
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.padding
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.size
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.width
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.wrapContentSize
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.clip
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.paint
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Brush
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.painter.ColorPainter
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.painter.Painter
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.takeOrElse
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.ContentScale
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.Role
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.wear.compose.material3.tokens.ChildButtonTokens
import androidx.wear.compose.material3.tokens.CompactButtonTokens
import androidx.wear.compose.material3.tokens.FilledButtonTokens
import androidx.wear.compose.material3.tokens.FilledTonalButtonTokens
import androidx.wear.compose.material3.tokens.ImageButtonTokens
import androidx.wear.compose.material3.tokens.OutlinedButtonTokens

 * Base level Wear Material3 [Button] that offers a single slot to take any content.
 * Used as the container for more opinionated [Button] components that take specific
 * content such as icons and labels.
 * The [Button] is stadium-shaped by default and its standard height is designed to take 2 lines of
 * text of [Typography.labelMedium] style. With localisation and/or large font sizes, the text can
 * extend to a maximum of 3 lines in which case, the [Button] height adjusts to accommodate the
 * contents.
 * [Button] takes the [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors] color scheme by default,
 * with colored background, contrasting content color and no border. This is a high-emphasis button
 * for the primary, most important or most common action on a screen.
 * Other recommended buttons with [ButtonColors] for different levels of emphasis are:
 * [FilledTonalButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors],
 * [OutlinedButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors] and
 * [ChildButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors].
 * Buttons can also take an image background using [ButtonDefaults.imageBackgroundButtonColors].
 * Button can be enabled or disabled. A disabled button will not respond to click events.
 * TODO(b/261838497) Add Material3 UX guidance links
 * Example of a [Button]:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.SimpleButtonSample
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the button
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the button
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the button. When `false`, this button will not
 * be clickable
 * @param shape Defines the button's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material3 Theme
 * @param colors [ButtonColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this button in different states. See [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors].
 * @param border Optional [BorderStroke] that will be used to resolve the border for this
 * button in different states.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this button. You can use this to change the button's appearance
 * or preview the button in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param content Slot for composable body content displayed on the Button
fun Button(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = FilledButtonTokens.ContainerShape.value,
    colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(),
    border: BorderStroke? = null,
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ButtonDefaults.ContentPadding,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
) = ButtonImpl(
    onClick = onClick,
    modifier = modifier.buttonSizeModifier(),
    enabled = enabled,
    shape = shape,
    labelFont = FilledButtonTokens.LabelFont.value,
    colors = colors,
    border = border,
    contentPadding = contentPadding,
    interactionSource = interactionSource,
    content = content

 * Base level Wear Material3 [FilledTonalButton] that offers a single slot to take any content.
 * Used as the container for more opinionated [FilledTonalButton] components that take specific
 * content such as icons and labels.
 * The [FilledTonalButton] is Stadium-shaped by default and has a max height designed to take no
 * more than two lines of text of [Typography.labelMedium] style.
 * With localisation and/or large font sizes, the text can extend to a maximum of 3 lines in which
 * case, the [FilledTonalButton] height adjusts to accommodate the contents.
 * The [FilledTonalButton] can have an icon or image horizontally parallel to the two lines of text.
 * [FilledTonalButton] takes the [ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors] color scheme by default,
 * with muted background, contrasting content color and no border. This is a medium-emphasis button
 * for important actions that don't distract from other onscreen elements, such as final or
 * unblocking actions in a flow with less emphasis than [Button].
 * Other recommended buttons with [ButtonColors] for different levels of emphasis are:
 * [Button] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors],
 * [OutlinedButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors] and
 * [ChildButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors].
 * Buttons can also take an image background using [ButtonDefaults.imageBackgroundButtonColors].
 * Button can be enabled or disabled. A disabled button will not respond to click events.
 * TODO(b/261838497) Add Material3 UX guidance links
 * Example of a [FilledTonalButton]:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.SimpleFilledTonalButtonSample
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the button
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the button
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the button. When `false`, this button will not
 * be clickable
 * @param shape Defines the button's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material3 Theme
 * @param colors [ButtonColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this button in different states. See [ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors].
 * @param border Optional [BorderStroke] that will be used to resolve the border for this
 * button in different states.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this button. You can use this to change the button's appearance
 * or preview the button in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param content Slot for composable body content displayed on the Button
fun FilledTonalButton(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = FilledTonalButtonTokens.ContainerShape.value,
    colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors(),
    border: BorderStroke? = null,
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ButtonDefaults.ContentPadding,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
) = ButtonImpl(
    onClick = onClick,
    modifier = modifier.buttonSizeModifier(),
    enabled = enabled,
    shape = shape,
    labelFont = FilledTonalButtonTokens.LabelFont.value,
    colors = colors,
    border = border,
    contentPadding = contentPadding,
    interactionSource = interactionSource,
    content = content

 * Base level Wear Material3 [OutlinedButton] that offers a single slot to take any content. Used as
 * the container for more opinionated [OutlinedButton] components that take specific content such
 * as icons and labels.
 * The [OutlinedButton] is Stadium-shaped by default and has a max height designed to take no more
 * than two lines of text of [Typography.labelMedium] style.
 * With localisation and/or large font sizes, the text can extend to a maximum of 3 lines in which
 * case, the [OutlinedButton] height adjusts to accommodate the contents.
 * The [OutlinedButton] can have an icon or image horizontally parallel to the two lines of text.
 * [OutlinedButton] takes the [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors] color scheme by default,
 * with a transparent background and a thin border. This is a medium-emphasis button
 * for important, non-primary actions that need attention.
 * Other recommended buttons with [ButtonColors] for different levels of emphasis are:
 * [Button] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors],
 * [FilledTonalButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors],
 * [ChildButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors].
 * Buttons can also take an image background using [ButtonDefaults.imageBackgroundButtonColors].
 * Button can be enabled or disabled. A disabled button will not respond to click events.
 * TODO(b/261838497) Add Material3 UX guidance links
 * Example of an [OutlinedButton]:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.SimpleOutlinedButtonSample
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the button
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the button
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the button. When `false`, this button will not
 * be clickable
 * @param shape Defines the button's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material3 Theme
 * @param colors [ButtonColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this button in different states. See [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors].
 * @param border Optional [BorderStroke] that will be used to resolve the border for this
 * button in different states. See [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonBorder].
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this button. You can use this to change the button's appearance
 * or preview the button in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param content Slot for composable body content displayed on the OutlinedButton
fun OutlinedButton(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = OutlinedButtonTokens.ContainerShape.value,
    colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors(),
    border: BorderStroke? = ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonBorder(enabled),
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ButtonDefaults.ContentPadding,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
) = ButtonImpl(
    onClick = onClick,
    modifier = modifier.buttonSizeModifier(),
    enabled = enabled,
    shape = shape,
    labelFont = OutlinedButtonTokens.LabelFont.value,
    colors = colors,
    border = border,
    contentPadding = contentPadding,
    interactionSource = interactionSource,
    content = content

 * Base level Wear Material3 [ChildButton] that offers a single slot to take any content. Used as
 * the container for more opinionated [ChildButton] components that take specific content such
 * as icons and labels.
 * The [ChildButton] is stadium-shaped by default and its standard height is designed to
 * take 2 lines of text of [Typography.labelMedium] style.
 * With localisation and/or large font sizes, the text can extend to a maximum of 3 lines in which
 * case, the [ChildButton] height adjusts to accommodate the contents.
 * The [ChildButton] can have an icon or image horizontally parallel to the two lines of text.
 * [ChildButton] takes the [ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors] color scheme by default,
 * with a transparent background and no border. This is a low-emphasis button for optional
 * or supplementary actions with the least amount of prominence.
 * Other recommended buttons with [ButtonColors] for different levels of emphasis are:
 * [Button] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors],
 * [FilledTonalButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors],
 * [OutlinedButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors] and
 * Buttons can also take an image background using [ButtonDefaults.imageBackgroundButtonColors].
 * Button can be enabled or disabled. A disabled button will not respond to click events.
 * TODO(b/261838497) Add Material3 UX guidance links
 * Example of a [ChildButton]:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.SimpleChildButtonSample
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the button
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the button
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the button. When `false`, this button will not
 * be clickable
 * @param shape Defines the button's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material3 Theme
 * @param colors [ButtonColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this button in different states. See [ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors].
 * @param border Optional [BorderStroke] that will be used to resolve the border for this
 * button in different states.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this button. You can use this to change the button's appearance
 * or preview the button in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param content Slot for composable body content displayed on the ChildButton
fun ChildButton(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = ChildButtonTokens.ContainerShape.value,
    colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors(),
    border: BorderStroke? = null,
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ButtonDefaults.ContentPadding,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
) = ButtonImpl(
    onClick = onClick,
    modifier = modifier.buttonSizeModifier(),
    enabled = enabled,
    shape = shape,
    labelFont = OutlinedButtonTokens.LabelFont.value,
    colors = colors,
    border = border,
    contentPadding = contentPadding,
    interactionSource = interactionSource,
    content = content

 * Wear Material3 [Button] that offers three slots and a specific layout for an
 * icon, label and secondaryLabel. The icon and secondaryLabel are optional.
 * The items are laid out with the icon, if provided, at the start of a row, with a column next
 * containing the two label slots.
 * The [Button] is stadium-shaped by default and its standard height is designed to take 2 lines of
 * text of [Typography.labelMedium] style - either a two-line label or both a single line label
 * and a secondary label.
 * With localisation and/or large font sizes, the [Button] height adjusts to
 * accommodate the contents. The label and secondary label should be consistently aligned.
 * If a icon is provided then the labels should be "start" aligned, e.g. left aligned in ltr so that
 * the text starts next to the icon.
 * [Button] takes the [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors] color scheme by default,
 * with colored background, contrasting content color and no border. This is a high-emphasis button
 * for the primary, most important or most common action on a screen.
 * Other recommended buttons with [ButtonColors] for different levels of emphasis are:
 * [FilledTonalButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors],
 * [OutlinedButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors] and
 * [ChildButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors].
 * Buttons can also take an image background using [ButtonDefaults.imageBackgroundButtonColors].
 * [Button] can be enabled or disabled. A disabled button will not respond to click events.
 * TODO(b/261838497) Add Material3 UX guidance links
 * Example of a [Button] with an icon and secondary label:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.ButtonSample
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the button
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the button
 * @param secondaryLabel A slot for providing the button's secondary label. The contents are
 * expected to be text which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and
 * "start" or "center" aligned if not.
 * label and secondaryLabel contents should be consistently aligned.
 * @param icon A slot for providing the button's icon. The contents are expected to be a
 * horizontally and vertically aligned icon of size [ButtonDefaults.IconSize] or
 * [ButtonDefaults.LargeIconSize].
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the button. When `false`, this button will not
 * be clickable
 * @param shape Defines the button's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material3 Theme
 * @param colors [ButtonColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this button in different states. See [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors]. Defaults to
 * [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors]
 * @param border Optional [BorderStroke] that will be used to resolve the button border in
 * different states.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this button. You can use this to change the button's appearance
 * or preview the button in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param label A slot for providing the button's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "start" or "center" aligned if not.
fun Button(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    secondaryLabel: (@Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    icon: (@Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = FilledButtonTokens.ContainerShape.value,
    colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(),
    border: BorderStroke? = null,
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ButtonDefaults.ContentPadding,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    label: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
) = ButtonImpl(
    onClick = onClick,
    modifier = modifier.buttonSizeModifier(),
    secondaryLabel = secondaryLabel,
    icon = icon,
    enabled = enabled,
    shape = shape,
    labelFont = FilledButtonTokens.LabelFont.value,
    secondaryLabelFont = FilledButtonTokens.SecondaryLabelFont.value,
    colors = colors,
    border = border,
    contentPadding = contentPadding,
    interactionSource = interactionSource,
    label = label

 * Wear Material3 [FilledTonalButton] that offers three slots and a specific layout for an
 * icon, label and secondaryLabel. The icon and secondaryLabel are optional.
 * The items are laid out with the icon, if provided, at the start of a row, with a column next
 * containing the two label slots.
 * The [FilledTonalButton] is stadium-shaped by default and its standard height is designed to take
 * 2 lines of text of [Typography.labelMedium] style - either a two-line label or both a single
 * line label and a secondary label.
 * With localisation and/or large font sizes, the [FilledTonalButton] height adjusts
 * to accommodate the contents. The label and secondary label should be consistently aligned.
 * If a icon is provided then the labels should be "start" aligned, e.g. left aligned in ltr so that
 * the text starts next to the icon.
 * If a icon is provided then the labels should be "start" aligned, e.g. left aligned in ltr so that
 * the text starts next to the icon.
 * [FilledTonalButton] takes the [ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors] color scheme by default,
 * with muted background, contrasting content color and no border. This is a medium-emphasis button
 * for important actions that don't distract from other onscreen elements, such as final or
 * unblocking actions in a flow with less emphasis than [Button].
 * Other recommended buttons with [ButtonColors] for different levels of emphasis are:
 * [Button] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors],
 * [OutlinedButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors] and
 * [ChildButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors].
 * Buttons can also take an image background using [ButtonDefaults.imageBackgroundButtonColors].
 * [FilledTonalButton] can be enabled or disabled. A disabled button will not respond to
 * click events.
 * TODO(b/261838497) Add Material3 UX guidance links
 * Example of a [FilledTonalButton] with an icon and secondary label:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.FilledTonalButtonSample
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the button
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the button
 * @param secondaryLabel A slot for providing the button's secondary label. The contents are
 * expected to be text which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and
 * "start" or "center" aligned if not.
 * label and secondaryLabel contents should be consistently aligned.
 * @param icon A slot for providing the button's icon. The contents are expected to be a
 * horizontally and vertically aligned icon of size [ButtonDefaults.IconSize] or
 * [ButtonDefaults.LargeIconSize].
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the button. When `false`, this button will not
 * be clickable
 * @param shape Defines the button's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material3 Theme
 * @param colors [ButtonColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this button in different states. See [ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors].
 * @param border Optional [BorderStroke] that will be used to resolve the button border in
 * different states.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this button. You can use this to change the button's appearance
 * or preview the button in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param label A slot for providing the button's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "start" or "center" aligned if not.
fun FilledTonalButton(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    secondaryLabel: (@Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    icon: (@Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = FilledTonalButtonTokens.ContainerShape.value,
    colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors(),
    border: BorderStroke? = null,
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ButtonDefaults.ContentPadding,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    label: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
) = ButtonImpl(
    onClick = onClick,
    modifier = modifier.buttonSizeModifier(),
    secondaryLabel = secondaryLabel,
    icon = icon,
    enabled = enabled,
    shape = shape,
    labelFont = FilledTonalButtonTokens.LabelFont.value,
    secondaryLabelFont = FilledTonalButtonTokens.SecondaryLabelFont.value,
    colors = colors,
    border = border,
    contentPadding = contentPadding,
    interactionSource = interactionSource,
    label = label

 * Wear Material3 [OutlinedButton] that offers three slots and a specific layout for an
 * icon, label and secondaryLabel. The icon and secondaryLabel are optional.
 * The items are laid out with the icon, if provided, at the start of a row, with a column next
 * containing the two label slots.
 * The [OutlinedButton] is stadium-shaped by default and its standard height is designed to take
 * 2 lines of text of [Typography.labelMedium] style - either a two-line label or both a single
 * line label and a secondary label.
 * With localisation and/or large font sizes, the [OutlinedButton] height adjusts to
 * accommodate the contents. The label and secondary label should be consistently aligned.
 * If a icon is provided then the labels should be "start" aligned, e.g. left aligned in ltr so that
 * the text starts next to the icon.
 * [OutlinedButton] takes the [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors] color scheme by default,
 * with a transparent background and a thin border. This is a medium-emphasis button
 * for important, non-primary actions that need attention.
 * Other recommended buttons with [ButtonColors] for different levels of emphasis are:
 * [Button] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors],
 * [FilledTonalButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors],
 * [ChildButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors].
 * Buttons can also take an image background using [ButtonDefaults.imageBackgroundButtonColors].
 * [OutlinedButton] can be enabled or disabled. A disabled button will not respond to click events.
 * TODO(b/261838497) Add Material3 UX guidance links
 * Example of an [OutlinedButton] with an icon and secondary label:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.OutlinedButtonSample
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the button
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the button
 * @param secondaryLabel A slot for providing the button's secondary label. The contents are
 * expected to be text which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and
 * "start" or "center" aligned if not.
 * label and secondaryLabel contents should be consistently aligned.
 * @param icon A slot for providing the button's icon. The contents are expected to be a
 * horizontally and vertically aligned icon of size [ButtonDefaults.IconSize] or
 * [ButtonDefaults.LargeIconSize].
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the button. When `false`, this button will not
 * be clickable
 * @param shape Defines the button's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material3 Theme
 * @param colors [ButtonColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this button in different states. See [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors].
 * @param border Optional [BorderStroke] that will be used to resolve the button border in
 * different states. See [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonBorder].
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this button. You can use this to change the button's appearance
 * or preview the button in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param label A slot for providing the button's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "start" or "center" aligned if not.
fun OutlinedButton(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    secondaryLabel: (@Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    icon: (@Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = OutlinedButtonTokens.ContainerShape.value,
    colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors(),
    border: BorderStroke? = ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonBorder(enabled),
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ButtonDefaults.ContentPadding,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    label: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
) = ButtonImpl(
    onClick = onClick,
    modifier = modifier.buttonSizeModifier(),
    secondaryLabel = secondaryLabel,
    icon = icon,
    enabled = enabled,
    shape = shape,
    labelFont = OutlinedButtonTokens.LabelFont.value,
    secondaryLabelFont = OutlinedButtonTokens.SecondaryLabelFont.value,
    colors = colors,
    border = border,
    contentPadding = contentPadding,
    interactionSource = interactionSource,
    label = label

 * Wear Material3 [ChildButton] that offers three slots and a specific layout for an icon, label and
 * secondaryLabel. The icon and secondaryLabel are optional. The items are laid out with the icon,
 * if provided, at the start of a row, with a column next containing the two label slots.
 * The [ChildButton] is stadium-shaped by default and its standard height is designed to take
 * 2 lines of text of [Typography.labelMedium] style - either a two-line label or both a single
 * line label and a secondary label.
 * With localisation and/or large font sizes, the [ChildButton] height adjusts to
 * accommodate the contents. The label and secondary label should be consistently aligned.
 * If a icon is provided then the labels should be "start" aligned, e.g. left aligned in ltr so that
 * the text starts next to the icon.
 * [ChildButton] takes the [ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors] color scheme by default,
 * with a transparent background and no border. This is a low-emphasis button for optional
 * or supplementary actions with the least amount of prominence.
 * Other recommended buttons with [ButtonColors] for different levels of emphasis are:
 * [Button] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors],
 * [FilledTonalButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors],
 * [OutlinedButton] which defaults to [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors].
 * Buttons can also take an image background using [ButtonDefaults.imageBackgroundButtonColors].
 * [Button] can be enabled or disabled. A disabled button will not respond to click events.
 * TODO(b/261838497) Add Material3 UX guidance links
 * Example of a [ChildButton] with an icon and secondary label:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.ChildButtonSample
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the button
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the button
 * @param secondaryLabel A slot for providing the button's secondary label. The contents are
 * expected to be text which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and
 * "start" or "center" aligned if not.
 * label and secondaryLabel contents should be consistently aligned.
 * @param icon A slot for providing the button's icon. The contents are expected to be a
 * horizontally and vertically aligned icon of size [ButtonDefaults.IconSize] or
 * [ButtonDefaults.LargeIconSize].
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the button. When `false`, this button will not
 * be clickable
 * @param shape Defines the button's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material3 Theme
 * @param colors [ButtonColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this button in different states. See [ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors].
 * @param border Optional [BorderStroke] that will be used to resolve the button border in
 * different states.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this button. You can use this to change the button's appearance
 * or preview the button in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param label A slot for providing the button's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "start" or "center" aligned if not.
fun ChildButton(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    secondaryLabel: (@Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    icon: (@Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = ChildButtonTokens.ContainerShape.value,
    colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors(),
    border: BorderStroke? = null,
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ButtonDefaults.ContentPadding,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    label: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
) = ButtonImpl(
    onClick = onClick,
    modifier = modifier.buttonSizeModifier(),
    secondaryLabel = secondaryLabel,
    icon = icon,
    enabled = enabled,
    shape = shape,
    labelFont = ChildButtonTokens.LabelFont.value,
    secondaryLabelFont = ChildButtonTokens.SecondaryLabelFont.value,
    colors = colors,
    border = border,
    contentPadding = contentPadding,
    interactionSource = interactionSource,
    label = label

 * A Wear Material3 [CompactButton] that offers two slots and a specific layout for an
 * icon and label. Both the icon and label are optional however it is expected that at least one
 * will be provided.
 * The [CompactButton] is Stadium shaped and has a max height designed to take no more
 * than one line of text and/or one icon. The default max height
 * is [ButtonDefaults.CompactButtonHeight]. This includes a visible button height of 32.dp
 * and 8.dp of padding above and below the button in order to meet accessibility guidelines that
 * request a minimum of 48.dp height and width of tappable area.
 * If an icon is provided then the labels should be "start" aligned, e.g. left aligned in
 * left-to-right mode so that the text starts next to the icon.
 * The items are laid out as follows.
 * 1. If a label is provided then the button will be laid out with the optional icon at the
 * start of a row followed by the label with a default max height of
 * [ButtonDefaults.CompactButtonHeight].
 * 2. If only an icon is provided it will be laid out vertically and horizontally centered with a
 * default height of [ButtonDefaults.CompactButtonHeight] and the default width of
 * [ButtonDefaults.IconOnlyCompactButtonWidth]
 * If neither icon nor label is provided then the button will displayed like an icon only button but
 * with no contents or background color.
 * [CompactButton] takes the [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors] color scheme by default,
 * with colored background, contrasting content color and no border. This is a high-emphasis button
 * for the primary, most important or most common action on a screen.
 * Other recommended [ButtonColors] for different levels of emphasis are:
 * [ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors], [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors] and
 * [ButtonDefaults.childButtonColors].
 * Buttons can also take an image background using [ButtonDefaults.imageBackgroundButtonColors].
 * [CompactButton] can be enabled or disabled. A disabled button will not respond
 * to click events.
 * TODO(b/261838497) Add Material3 samples and UX guidance links
 * Example of a [CompactButton] with an icon and a label
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.CompactButtonSample
 * Example of a [CompactButton] with an icon and label and with
 * [ButtonDefaults.filledTonalButtonColors]
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.FilledTonalCompactButtonSample
 * Example of a [CompactButton] with an icon and label and with
 * [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonBorder] and [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonColors]
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.OutlinedCompactButtonSample
 * @param onClick Will be called when the user clicks the button
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the button
 * @param label A slot for providing the button's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned if there is an icon preset and "center" aligned if not.
 * @param icon A slot for providing the button's icon. The contents are expected to be a
 * horizontally and vertically aligned icon of size [ButtonDefaults.SmallIconSize] when used
 * with a label or [ButtonDefaults.IconSize] when used as the only content in the button.
 * @param colors [ButtonColors] that will be used to resolve the background and content color for
 * this button in different states. See [ButtonDefaults.buttonColors].
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the button. When `false`, this button will not
 * be clickable
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this button. You can use this to change the button's appearance
 * or preview the button in different states. Note that if `null` is provided, interactions will
 * still happen internally.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content
 * @param shape Defines the button's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material3 Theme
 * @param border Optional [BorderStroke] that will be used to resolve the border for this
 * button in different states.
fun CompactButton(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    icon: (@Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = CompactButtonTokens.ContainerShape.value,
    colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(),
    border: BorderStroke? = null,
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ButtonDefaults.CompactButtonContentPadding,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    label: (@Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
) {
    if (label != null) {
            onClick = onClick,
            modifier = modifier
            secondaryLabel = null,
            icon = icon,
            enabled = enabled,
            shape = shape,
            labelFont = CompactButtonTokens.LabelFont.value,
            secondaryLabelFont = null,
            colors = colors,
            border = border,
            contentPadding = contentPadding,
            interactionSource = interactionSource,
            label = label
    } else {
        // Icon only compact buttons have their own layout with a specific width and center aligned
        // content. We use the base simple single slot Button under the covers.
            onClick = onClick,
            modifier = modifier
            enabled = enabled,
            shape = shape,
            labelFont = CompactButtonTokens.LabelFont.value,
            colors = colors,
            border = border,
            contentPadding = contentPadding,
            interactionSource = interactionSource,
        ) {
            // Use a box to fill and center align the icon into the single slot of the
            // Button
            Box(modifier = Modifier
                .wrapContentSize(align = Alignment.Center)) {
                if (icon != null) {

 * Contains the default values used by [Button]
object ButtonDefaults {

     * Creates a [ButtonColors] with a muted background and contrasting content color,
     * the defaults for medium emphasis buttons like [FilledTonalButton].
     * Use [filledTonalButtonColors] for important actions that don't distract from
     * other onscreen elements, such as final or unblocking actions in a flow with less emphasis
     * than [buttonColors].
     * If a button is disabled then the content will have an alpha([DisabledContentAlpha])
     * value applied and container will have alpha ([DisabledContainerAlpha]) value applied.
    fun filledTonalButtonColors() = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.defaultFilledTonalButtonColors

     * Creates a [ButtonColors] with a muted background and contrasting content color,
     * the defaults for medium emphasis buttons like [FilledTonalButton].
     * Use [filledTonalButtonColors] for important actions that don't distract from
     * other onscreen elements, such as final or unblocking actions in a flow with less emphasis
     * than [buttonColors].
     * If a button is disabled then the content will have an alpha([DisabledContentAlpha])
     * value applied and container will have alpha ([DisabledContainerAlpha]) value applied.
     * @param containerColor The background color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Button] when enabled, used
     * for secondaryLabel content
     * @param iconColor The icon color of this [Button] when enabled, used for icon content
     * @param disabledContainerColor The background color of this [Button] when not enabled
     * @param disabledContentColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled
     * @param disabledSecondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Button] when not
     * enabled
     * @param disabledIconColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled
    fun filledTonalButtonColors(
        containerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        contentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        secondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        iconColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledIconColor: Color = Color.Unspecified
    ): ButtonColors = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.defaultFilledTonalButtonColors.copy(
        containerColor = containerColor,
        contentColor = contentColor,
        secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
        iconColor = iconColor,
        disabledContainerColor = disabledContainerColor,
        disabledContentColor = disabledContentColor,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor = disabledSecondaryContentColor,
        disabledIconColor = disabledIconColor

     * Creates a [ButtonColors] with a transparent background (typically paired with
     * [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonBorder]), the defaults for medium emphasis buttons
     * like [OutlinedButton], for important, non-primary actions that need attention.
     * If a button is disabled then the content will have an alpha([DisabledContentAlpha])
     * value applied and container will have an alpha([DisabledContainerAlpha]) applied.
    fun outlinedButtonColors() = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.defaultOutlinedButtonColors

     * Creates a [ButtonColors] with a transparent background (typically paired with
     * [ButtonDefaults.outlinedButtonBorder]), the defaults for medium emphasis buttons
     * like [OutlinedButton], for important, non-primary actions that need attention.
     * If a button is disabled then the content will have an alpha([DisabledContentAlpha])
     * value applied and container will have an alpha([DisabledContainerAlpha]) applied.
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Button] when enabled, used
     * for secondaryLabel content
     * @param iconColor The icon color of this [Button] when enabled, used for icon content
     * @param disabledContentColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled
     * @param disabledSecondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Button] when not
     * enabled
     * @param disabledIconColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled
    fun outlinedButtonColors(
        contentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        secondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        iconColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledIconColor: Color = Color.Unspecified
    ): ButtonColors = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.defaultOutlinedButtonColors.copy(
        containerColor = Color.Transparent,
        contentColor = contentColor,
        secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
        iconColor = iconColor,
        disabledContainerColor = Color.Transparent,
        disabledContentColor = disabledContentColor,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor = disabledSecondaryContentColor,
        disabledIconColor = disabledIconColor

     * Creates a [ButtonColors] with transparent background, the defaults for low emphasis
     * buttons like [ChildButton]. Use [childButtonColors] for optional or supplementary
     * actions with the least amount of prominence.
     * If a button is disabled then the content will have an alpha([DisabledContentAlpha])
     * value applied and container will have an alpha([DisabledContainerAlpha]) value applied.
    fun childButtonColors() = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.defaultChildButtonColors

     * Creates a [ButtonColors] with transparent background, the defaults for low emphasis
     * buttons like [ChildButton]. Use [childButtonColors] for optional or supplementary
     * actions with the least amount of prominence.
     * If a button is disabled then the content will have an alpha([DisabledContentAlpha])
     * value applied and container will have an alpha([DisabledContainerAlpha]) value applied.
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Button] when enabled, used
     * for secondaryLabel content
     * @param iconColor The icon color of this [Button] when enabled, used for icon content
     * @param disabledContentColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled
     * @param disabledSecondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Button] when not
     * enabled
     * @param disabledIconColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled

    fun childButtonColors(
        contentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        secondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        iconColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledIconColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
    ): ButtonColors = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.defaultChildButtonColors.copy(
        containerColor = Color.Transparent,
        contentColor = contentColor,
        secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
        iconColor = iconColor,
        disabledContainerColor = Color.Transparent,
        disabledContentColor = disabledContentColor,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor = disabledSecondaryContentColor,
        disabledIconColor = disabledIconColor

     * Creates a [ButtonColors] for a [Button] with an image background, typically with a scrim
     * over the image to ensure that the content is visible. Uses a default content color
     * of [ColorScheme.onSurface].
     * @param backgroundImagePainter The [Painter] to use to draw the background of the [Button]
     * @param backgroundImageScrimBrush The [Brush] to use to paint a scrim over the background
     * image to ensure that any text drawn over the image is legible
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Button] when enabled, used
     * for secondaryLabel content
     * @param iconColor The icon color of this [Button] when enabled, used for icon content
     * @param disabledContentColor The content color of this [Button] when disabled
     * @param disabledSecondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [Button] when
     * disabled, used for secondary label content
     * @param disabledIconColor The icon color of this [Button] when disabled, used for icon content
    fun imageBackgroundButtonColors(
        backgroundImagePainter: Painter,
        backgroundImageScrimBrush: Brush = Brush.linearGradient(
            colors = listOf(
                    alpha = ImageButtonTokens.GradientStartOpacity
                    alpha = ImageButtonTokens.GradientEndOpacity
        contentColor: Color = ImageButtonTokens.ContentColor.value,
        secondaryContentColor: Color = ImageButtonTokens.SecondaryContentColor.value,
        iconColor: Color = ImageButtonTokens.IconColor.value,
        disabledContentColor: Color = ImageButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor.value.toDisabledColor(
            disabledAlpha = ImageButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity
        disabledSecondaryContentColor: Color = ImageButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor.value
                disabledAlpha = ImageButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity
        disabledIconColor: Color = ImageButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor.value.toDisabledColor(
            disabledAlpha = ImageButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity
    ): ButtonColors {
        val backgroundPainter =
            remember(backgroundImagePainter, backgroundImageScrimBrush) {
                    imagePainter = backgroundImagePainter,
                    brush = backgroundImageScrimBrush

        val disabledContentAlpha = ImageButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity
        val disabledBackgroundPainter =
            remember(backgroundImagePainter, backgroundImageScrimBrush, disabledContentAlpha) {
                    imagePainter = backgroundImagePainter,
                    brush = backgroundImageScrimBrush,
                    alpha = disabledContentAlpha,
        return ButtonColors(
            containerPainter = backgroundPainter,
            contentColor = contentColor,
            secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
            iconColor = iconColor,
            disabledContainerPainter = disabledBackgroundPainter,
            disabledContentColor = disabledContentColor,
            disabledSecondaryContentColor = disabledSecondaryContentColor,
            disabledIconColor = disabledIconColor,

     * Creates a [BorderStroke], such as for an [OutlinedButton]
     * @param enabled Controls the color of the border based on the enabled/disabled state of the
     * button
     * @param borderColor The color to use for the border for this outline when enabled
     * @param disabledBorderColor The color to use for the border for this outline when
     * disabled
     * @param borderWidth The width to use for the border for this outline. It is strongly
     * recommended to use the default width as this outline is a key characteristic
     * of Wear Material3.
    fun outlinedButtonBorder(
        enabled: Boolean,
        borderColor: Color = OutlinedButtonTokens.ContainerBorderColor.value,
        disabledBorderColor: Color =
                disabledAlpha = OutlinedButtonTokens.DisabledContainerBorderOpacity
        borderWidth: Dp = OutlinedButtonTokens.ContainerBorderWidth
    ): BorderStroke {
        return remember {
            BorderStroke(borderWidth, if (enabled) borderColor else disabledBorderColor)

     * Creates a [ButtonColors] that represents the default background and content colors used in
     * a [Button].
    fun buttonColors(): ButtonColors = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.defaultButtonColors

     * Creates a [ButtonColors] that represents the default background and content colors used in
     * a [Button].
     * @param containerColor The background color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param iconColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param disabledContainerColor The background color of this [Button] when not enabled
     * @param disabledContentColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled
     * @param disabledSecondaryContentColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled
     * @param disabledIconColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled
    fun buttonColors(
        containerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        contentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        secondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        iconColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledIconColor: Color = Color.Unspecified
    ): ButtonColors = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.defaultButtonColors.copy(
        containerColor = containerColor,
        contentColor = contentColor,
        secondaryContentColor = secondaryContentColor,
        iconColor = iconColor,
        disabledContainerColor = disabledContainerColor,
        disabledContentColor = disabledContentColor,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor = disabledSecondaryContentColor,
        disabledIconColor = disabledIconColor

    val ButtonHorizontalPadding = 14.dp
    val ButtonVerticalPadding = 6.dp

     * The default content padding used by [Button]
    val ContentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(
        horizontal = ButtonHorizontalPadding,
        vertical = ButtonVerticalPadding,

     * The default size of the icon when used inside a [Button].
    val IconSize: Dp = FilledButtonTokens.IconSize

     * The size of the icon when used inside a Large "Avatar" [Button].
    val LargeIconSize: Dp = FilledButtonTokens.IconLargeSize

     * The default height applied for the [Button].
     * Note that you can override it by applying Modifier.heightIn directly on [Button].
    val Height = FilledButtonTokens.ContainerHeight

    val CompactButtonHorizontalPadding = 12.dp
    val CompactButtonVerticalPadding = 0.dp

     * The default content padding used by [CompactButton]
    val CompactButtonContentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(
        start = CompactButtonHorizontalPadding,
        top = CompactButtonVerticalPadding,
        end = CompactButtonHorizontalPadding,
        bottom = CompactButtonVerticalPadding

     * The height applied for the [CompactButton]. This includes a
     * visible button height of 32.dp and 8.dp of padding above and below the button
     * in order to meet accessibility guidelines that
     * request a minimum of 48.dp height and width of tappable area.
     * Note that you can override it by adjusting Modifier.height and Modifier.padding directly on
     * [CompactButton].
    val CompactButtonHeight = CompactButtonTokens.ContainerHeight

     * The size of the icon when used inside a "[CompactButton].
    val SmallIconSize: Dp = CompactButtonTokens.IconSize

     * The default padding to be provided around a [CompactButton] in order to ensure that its
     * tappable area meets minimum UX guidance.
    val CompactButtonTapTargetPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(
        top = 8.dp,
        bottom = 8.dp

    private val ColorScheme.defaultFilledButtonColors: ButtonColors
        get() {
            return defaultFilledButtonColorsCached ?: ButtonColors(
                containerColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.ContainerColor),
                contentColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.LabelColor),
                secondaryContentColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.SecondaryLabelColor),
                iconColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.IconColor),
                disabledContainerColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContainerColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContainerOpacity),
                disabledContentColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity),
                disabledSecondaryContentColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity),
                disabledIconColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity)
            ).also {
                defaultFilledButtonColorsCached = it

    private val ColorScheme.defaultFilledTonalButtonColors: ButtonColors
        get() {
            return defaultFilledTonalButtonColorsCached ?: ButtonColors(
                containerColor = fromToken(FilledTonalButtonTokens.ContainerColor),
                contentColor = fromToken(FilledTonalButtonTokens.LabelColor),
                secondaryContentColor = fromToken(FilledTonalButtonTokens.SecondaryLabelColor),
                iconColor = fromToken(FilledTonalButtonTokens.IconColor),
                disabledContainerColor = fromToken(FilledTonalButtonTokens.DisabledContainerColor)
                        disabledAlpha = FilledTonalButtonTokens.DisabledContainerOpacity
                disabledContentColor = fromToken(FilledTonalButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                        disabledAlpha = FilledTonalButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity
                disabledSecondaryContentColor =
                        disabledAlpha = FilledTonalButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity
                disabledIconColor = fromToken(FilledTonalButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = FilledTonalButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity)
            ).also {
                defaultFilledTonalButtonColorsCached = it

    private val ColorScheme.defaultOutlinedButtonColors: ButtonColors
        get() {
            return defaultOutlinedButtonColorsCached ?: ButtonColors(
                containerColor = Color.Transparent,
                contentColor = fromToken(OutlinedButtonTokens.LabelColor),
                secondaryContentColor = fromToken(OutlinedButtonTokens.SecondaryLabelColor),
                iconColor = fromToken(OutlinedButtonTokens.IconColor),
                disabledContainerColor = Color.Transparent,
                disabledContentColor = fromToken(OutlinedButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = OutlinedButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity),
                disabledSecondaryContentColor = fromToken(OutlinedButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = OutlinedButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity),
                disabledIconColor = fromToken(OutlinedButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = OutlinedButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity)
            ).also {
                defaultOutlinedButtonColorsCached = it

    private val ColorScheme.defaultChildButtonColors: ButtonColors
        get() {
            return defaultChildButtonColorsCached ?: ButtonColors(
                containerColor = Color.Transparent,
                contentColor = fromToken(ChildButtonTokens.LabelColor),
                secondaryContentColor = fromToken(ChildButtonTokens.SecondaryLabelColor),
                iconColor = fromToken(ChildButtonTokens.IconColor),
                disabledContainerColor = Color.Transparent,
                disabledContentColor = fromToken(ChildButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = ChildButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity),
                disabledSecondaryContentColor = fromToken(ChildButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = ChildButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity),
                disabledIconColor = fromToken(ChildButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = ChildButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity),
            ).also {
                defaultChildButtonColorsCached = it

    private val ColorScheme.defaultButtonColors: ButtonColors
        get() {
            return defaultButtonColorsCached ?: ButtonColors(
                containerColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.ContainerColor),
                contentColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.LabelColor),
                secondaryContentColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.SecondaryLabelColor),
                iconColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.IconColor),
                disabledContainerColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContainerColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContainerOpacity),
                disabledContentColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity),
                disabledSecondaryContentColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity),
                disabledIconColor = fromToken(FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContentColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = FilledButtonTokens.DisabledContentOpacity)
            ).also {
                defaultButtonColorsCached = it

     * The default width applied for the [CompactButton] when it has no label provided.
     * Note that you can override it by applying Modifier.width directly on [CompactButton].
    internal val IconOnlyCompactButtonWidth = CompactButtonTokens.IconOnlyWidth

     * The default size of the spacing between an icon and a text when they are used inside a
     * [Button].
    internal val IconSpacing = 6.dp

 * Represents the container and content colors used in buttons
 * in different states.
 * @param containerPainter [Painter] to use to draw the background of the [Button] when enabled.
 * @param contentColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled.
 * @param secondaryContentColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled.
 * @param iconColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled.
 * @param disabledContainerPainter [Painter] to use to draw the background of the [Button] when not enabled.
 * @param disabledContentColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled.
 * @param disabledSecondaryContentColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled.
 * @param disabledIconColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled.
class ButtonColors constructor(
    val containerPainter: Painter,
    val contentColor: Color,
    val secondaryContentColor: Color,
    val iconColor: Color,
    val disabledContainerPainter: Painter,
    val disabledContentColor: Color,
    val disabledSecondaryContentColor: Color,
    val disabledIconColor: Color,
) {
     * Creates a [ButtonColors] where all of the values are explicitly defined.
     * @param containerColor The background color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param contentColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param secondaryContentColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param iconColor The content color of this [Button] when enabled
     * @param disabledContainerColor The background color of this [Button] when not enabled
     * @param disabledContentColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled
     * @param disabledSecondaryContentColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled
     * @param disabledIconColor The content color of this [Button] when not enabled
        containerColor: Color,
        contentColor: Color,
        secondaryContentColor: Color,
        iconColor: Color,
        disabledContainerColor: Color,
        disabledContentColor: Color,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor: Color,
        disabledIconColor: Color,
    ) : this(

    internal fun copy(
        containerColor: Color,
        contentColor: Color,
        secondaryContentColor: Color,
        iconColor: Color,
        disabledContainerColor: Color,
        disabledContentColor: Color,
        disabledSecondaryContentColor: Color,
        disabledIconColor: Color,
    ) = ButtonColors(
        if (containerColor != Color.Unspecified) ColorPainter(containerColor)
        else this.containerPainter,
        contentColor.takeOrElse { this.contentColor },
        secondaryContentColor.takeOrElse { this.secondaryContentColor },
        iconColor.takeOrElse { this.iconColor },
        if (disabledContainerColor != Color.Unspecified) ColorPainter(disabledContainerColor)
        else this.disabledContainerPainter,
        disabledContentColor.takeOrElse { this.disabledContentColor },
        disabledSecondaryContentColor.takeOrElse { this.disabledSecondaryContentColor },
        disabledIconColor.takeOrElse { this.disabledIconColor }

     * Represents the container color for this button, depending on [enabled].
     * @param enabled whether the button is enabled
    internal fun containerPainter(enabled: Boolean): Painter {
        return if (enabled) containerPainter else disabledContainerPainter

     * Represents the content color for this button, depending on [enabled].
     * @param enabled whether the button is enabled
    internal fun contentColor(enabled: Boolean): Color {
        return if (enabled) contentColor else disabledContentColor

     * Represents the secondary content color for this button, depending on [enabled].
     * @param enabled Whether the button is enabled
    internal fun secondaryContentColor(enabled: Boolean): Color {
        return if (enabled) secondaryContentColor else disabledSecondaryContentColor

     * Represents the icon color for this button, depending on [enabled].
     * @param enabled Whether the button is enabled
    internal fun iconColor(enabled: Boolean): Color {
        return if (enabled) iconColor else disabledIconColor

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other == null || other !is ButtonColors) return false

        if (containerPainter != other.containerPainter) return false
        if (contentColor != other.contentColor) return false
        if (secondaryContentColor != other.secondaryContentColor) return false
        if (iconColor != other.iconColor) return false
        if (disabledContainerPainter != other.disabledContainerPainter) return false
        if (disabledContentColor != other.disabledContentColor) return false
        if (disabledSecondaryContentColor != other.disabledSecondaryContentColor) return false
        if (disabledIconColor != other.disabledIconColor) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = containerPainter.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + contentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + secondaryContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + iconColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledContainerPainter.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledSecondaryContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledIconColor.hashCode()
        return result

private fun Modifier.buttonSizeModifier(): Modifier =
        .defaultMinSize(minHeight = ButtonDefaults.Height)

private fun Modifier.compactButtonModifier(): Modifier =

 * Button with label. This allows to use the token values for
 * individual buttons instead of relying on common values.
private fun ButtonImpl(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean,
    shape: Shape,
    labelFont: TextStyle,
    colors: ButtonColors,
    border: BorderStroke?,
    contentPadding: PaddingValues,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource?,
    content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit
) {
    val borderModifier = if (border != null)
            border = border,
            shape = shape
        ) else modifier
        modifier = borderModifier
            .clip(shape = shape)
            .width(intrinsicSize = IntrinsicSize.Max)
                painter = colors.containerPainter(enabled = enabled),
                contentScale = ContentScale.Crop
                enabled = enabled,
                onClick = onClick,
                role = Role.Button,
                indication = rippleOrFallbackImplementation(),
                interactionSource = interactionSource,
        content = provideScopeContent(
            colors.contentColor(enabled = enabled),

 * Button with icon, label and secondary label. This allows to use the token values for
 * individual buttons instead of relying on common values.
private fun ButtonImpl(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier,
    secondaryLabel: (@Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)?,
    icon: (@Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)?,
    enabled: Boolean,
    shape: Shape,
    labelFont: TextStyle,
    secondaryLabelFont: TextStyle?,
    colors: ButtonColors,
    border: BorderStroke?,
    contentPadding: PaddingValues,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource?,
    label: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit
) {
        onClick = onClick,
        modifier = modifier,
        enabled = enabled,
        shape = shape,
        labelFont = labelFont,
        colors = colors,
        border = border,
        contentPadding = contentPadding,
        interactionSource = interactionSource,
    ) {
            verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
            // Fill the container height but not its width as buttons have fixed size height but we
            // want them to be able to fit their content
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxHeight()
        ) {
            if (icon != null) {
                    modifier = Modifier.wrapContentSize(align = Alignment.Center),
                    content = provideScopeContent(colors.iconColor(enabled), icon)
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier.size(ButtonDefaults.IconSpacing))
            Column {
                    content = provideScopeContent(
                if (secondaryLabel != null && secondaryLabelFont != null) {
                    Spacer(modifier = Modifier.size(2.dp))
                        content = provideScopeContent(