
 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.compose.material3

import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.wear.compose.material3.tokens.MotionTokens
import androidx.wear.compose.material3.tokens.SplitToggleButtonTokens
import androidx.wear.compose.material3.tokens.ToggleButtonTokens
import androidx.wear.compose.materialcore.animateSelectionColor

 * The Wear Material [ToggleButton] offers four slots and a specific layout for an icon, a
 * label, a secondaryLabel and toggle control (such as [Checkbox] or [Switch]).
 * The icon and secondaryLabel are optional.
 * The items are laid out in a row with the optional icon at the start, a column containing the two
 * label slots in the middle and a slot for the toggle control at the end.
 * The [ToggleButton] is Stadium shaped and has a max height designed to take no more than
 * two lines of text.
 * With localisation and/or large font sizes, the [ToggleButton] height adjusts to
 * accommodate the contents. The label and secondary label should be start aligned.
 * Samples:
 * Example of a ToggleButton with a Checkbox:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.ToggleButtonWithCheckbox
 * Example of a ToggleButton with a Switch:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.ToggleButtonWithSwitch
 * [ToggleButton] can be enabled or disabled. A disabled button will not respond to click events.
 * The recommended set of [ToggleButton] colors can be obtained from
 * [ToggleButtonDefaults], e.g. [ToggleButtonDefaults.toggleButtonColors].
 * @param checked Boolean flag indicating whether this button is currently checked.
 * @param onCheckedChange Callback to be invoked when this buttons checked status is changed.
 * @param toggleControl A slot for providing the button's toggle control.
 * Two built-in types of toggle control are supported: [Checkbox] and [Switch].
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the [ToggleButton].
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the button. When `false`, this button will not
 * be clickable.
 * @param shape Defines the button's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material Theme.
 * @param colors [ToggleButtonColors] that will be used to resolve the background and
 * content color for this button in different states.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content.
 * @param interactionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this button's "toggleable" tap area. You can use this to change the
 * button's appearance or preview the button in different states. Note that if `null` is provided,
 * interactions will still happen internally.
 * @param icon An optional slot for providing an icon to indicate the purpose of the button. The
 * contents are expected to be a horizontally and vertically center aligned icon of size
 * 24.dp.
 * @param secondaryLabel A slot for providing the button's secondary label. The contents are
 * expected to be text which is "start" aligned.
 * @param label A slot for providing the button's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned.
fun ToggleButton(
    checked: Boolean,
    onCheckedChange: (Boolean) -> Unit,
    toggleControl: @Composable ToggleControlScope.() -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = ToggleButtonTokens.ContainerShape.value,
    colors: ToggleButtonColors = ToggleButtonDefaults.toggleButtonColors(),
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ToggleButtonDefaults.ContentPadding,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    icon: @Composable (BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    secondaryLabel: @Composable (RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    label: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit
) =
        checked = checked,
        onCheckedChange = onCheckedChange,
        label = provideScopeContent(
            contentColor = colors.contentColor(enabled = enabled, checked),
            textStyle = ToggleButtonTokens.LabelFont.value,
            content = label
        toggleControl = {
            val scope = remember(enabled, checked) { ToggleControlScope(enabled, checked) }
        selectionControl = null,
        modifier = modifier
                minHeight = if (secondaryLabel == null) MIN_HEIGHT_WITHOUT_SECONDARY_LABEL
                else MIN_HEIGHT
        icon = provideNullableScopeContent(
            contentColor = colors.iconColor(enabled = enabled, checked),
            content = icon
        secondaryLabel = provideNullableScopeContent(
            contentColor = colors.secondaryContentColor(enabled = enabled, checked),
            textStyle = ToggleButtonTokens.SecondaryLabelFont.value,
            content = secondaryLabel
        background = { isEnabled, isChecked ->
            val backgroundColor =
                colors.containerColor(enabled = isEnabled, checked = isChecked).value

        enabled = enabled,
        interactionSource = interactionSource,
        contentPadding = contentPadding,
        shape = shape,
        toggleControlWidth = TOGGLE_CONTROL_WIDTH,
        toggleControlHeight = TOGGLE_CONTROL_HEIGHT,
        labelSpacerSize = ToggleButtonDefaults.LabelSpacerSize,
        toggleControlSpacing = TOGGLE_CONTROL_SPACING,
        iconSpacing = ICON_SPACING,
        ripple = rippleOrFallbackImplementation()

 * The Wear Material [SplitToggleButton] offers three slots and a specific layout for a label,
 * secondaryLabel and toggle control. The secondaryLabel is optional. The items are laid out
 * with a column containing the two label slots and a slot for the toggle control at the
 * end.
 * The [SplitToggleButton] is Stadium shaped and has a max height designed to take no more than
 * two lines of text.
 * With localisation and/or large font sizes, the [SplitToggleButton] height adjusts to
 * accommodate the contents. The label and secondary label should be start aligned.
 * A [SplitToggleButton] has two tappable areas, one tap area for the labels and another for the
 * toggle control. The [onClick] listener will be associated with the main body of the split toggle
 * button with the [onCheckedChange] listener associated with the toggle control area only.
 * Samples:
 * Example of a SplitToggleButton with a Checkbox:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.SplitToggleButtonWithCheckbox
 * Example of a SplitToggleButton with a Switch:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.material3.samples.SplitToggleButtonWithSwitch
 * For a SplitToggleButton the background of the tappable background area behind the toggle control
 * will have a visual effect applied to provide a "divider" between the two tappable areas.
 * The recommended set of colors can be obtained from
 * [ToggleButtonDefaults], e.g. [ToggleButtonDefaults.splitToggleButtonColors].
 * [SplitToggleButton] can be enabled or disabled. A disabled button will not respond to
 * click events.
 * @param checked Boolean flag indicating whether this button is currently checked.
 * @param onCheckedChange Callback to be invoked when this buttons checked status is
 * changed.
 * @param onClick Click listener called when the user clicks the main body of the button, the area
 * behind the labels.
 * @param toggleControl A slot for providing the button's toggle control.
 * Two built-in types of toggle control are supported: [Checkbox] and [Switch].
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the button.
 * @param enabled Controls the enabled state of the button. When `false`, this button will not
 * be clickable.
 * @param shape Defines the button's shape. It is strongly recommended to use the default as this
 * shape is a key characteristic of the Wear Material Theme.
 * @param colors [SplitToggleButtonColors] that will be used to resolve the background and
 * content color for this button in different states.
 * @param contentPadding The spacing values to apply internally between the container and the
 * content.
 * @param checkedInteractionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this button's "toggleable" tap area. You can use this to change the
 * button's appearance or preview the button in different states. Note that if `null` is provided,
 * interactions will still happen internally.
 * @param clickInteractionSource an optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and
 * emitting [Interaction]s for this button's "clickable" tap area. You can use this to change the
 * button's appearance or preview the button in different states. Note that if `null` is provided,
 * interactions will still happen internally.
 * @param secondaryLabel A slot for providing the button's secondary label. The contents are
 * expected to be "start" aligned.
 * @param label A slot for providing the button's main label. The contents are expected to be text
 * which is "start" aligned.
fun SplitToggleButton(
    checked: Boolean,
    onCheckedChange: (Boolean) -> Unit,
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    toggleControl: @Composable ToggleControlScope.() -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = SplitToggleButtonTokens.ContainerShape.value,
    colors: SplitToggleButtonColors = ToggleButtonDefaults.splitToggleButtonColors(),
    checkedInteractionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    clickInteractionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ToggleButtonDefaults.ContentPadding,
    secondaryLabel: @Composable (RowScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
    label: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit
) = androidx.wear.compose.materialcore.SplitToggleButton(
    checked = checked,
    onCheckedChange = onCheckedChange,
    label = provideScopeContent(
        contentColor = colors.contentColor(enabled = enabled, checked = checked),
        textStyle = SplitToggleButtonTokens.LabelFont.value,
        content = label
    onClick = onClick,
    toggleControl = {
        val scope = remember(enabled, checked) { ToggleControlScope(enabled, checked) }
    selectionControl = null,
    modifier = modifier
        .defaultMinSize(minHeight = MIN_HEIGHT)
    secondaryLabel = provideNullableScopeContent(
        contentColor = colors.secondaryContentColor(enabled = enabled, checked = checked),
        textStyle = SplitToggleButtonTokens.SecondaryLabelFont.value,
        content = secondaryLabel
    backgroundColor = { isEnabled, isChecked ->
            enabled = isEnabled,
            checked = isChecked
    splitBackgroundColor = { isEnabled, isChecked ->
            enabled = isEnabled,
            checked = isChecked
    enabled = enabled,
    checkedInteractionSource = checkedInteractionSource,
    clickInteractionSource = clickInteractionSource,
    contentPadding = contentPadding,
    shape = shape,
    labelSpacerSize = ToggleButtonDefaults.LabelSpacerSize,
    ripple = rippleOrFallbackImplementation()

 * Contains the default values used by [ToggleButton]s and [SplitToggleButton]s
object ToggleButtonDefaults {

     * Creates a [ToggleButtonColors] for use in a [ToggleButton].
    fun toggleButtonColors() = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.defaultToggleButtonColors

     * Creates a [ToggleButtonColors] for use in a [ToggleButton].
     * @param checkedContainerColor The container color of the [ToggleButton]
     * when enabled and checked.
     * @param checkedContentColor The content color of the [ToggleButton]
     * when enabled and checked.
     * @param checkedSecondaryContentColor The secondary content color of the [ToggleButton]
     * when enabled and checked, used for secondaryLabel content.
     * @param checkedIconColor The icon color of the [ToggleButton]
     * when enabled and checked.
     * @param uncheckedContainerColor  The container color of the [ToggleButton]
     * when enabled and unchecked.
     * @param uncheckedContentColor The content color of a [ToggleButton]
     * when enabled and unchecked.
     * @param uncheckedSecondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this [ToggleButton]
     * when enabled and unchecked, used for secondaryLabel content
     * @param uncheckedIconColor The icon color of the [ToggleButton]
     * when enabled and unchecked.
     * @param disabledCheckedContainerColor The container color of the [ToggleButton]
     * when disabled and checked.
     * @param disabledCheckedContentColor The content color of the [ToggleButton]
     * when disabled and checked.
     * @param disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor The secondary content color of the
     * [ToggleButton] when disabled and checked, used for secondaryLabel content.
     * @param disabledCheckedIconColor The icon color of the [ToggleButton]
     * when disabled and checked.
     * @param disabledUncheckedContainerColor  The container color of the [ToggleButton]
     * when disabled and unchecked.
     * @param disabledUncheckedContentColor The content color of a [ToggleButton]
     * when disabled and unchecked.
     * @param disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor The secondary content color of this
     * [ToggleButton] when disabled and unchecked, used for secondaryLabel content
     * @param disabledUncheckedIconColor The icon color of the [ToggleButton]
     * when disabled and unchecked.
    fun toggleButtonColors(
        checkedContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        checkedContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        checkedSecondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        checkedIconColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        uncheckedContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        uncheckedContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        uncheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        uncheckedIconColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledCheckedContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledCheckedContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledCheckedIconColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledUncheckedContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledUncheckedContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledUncheckedIconColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
    ) = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.defaultToggleButtonColors.copy(
            checkedContainerColor = checkedContainerColor,
            checkedContentColor = checkedContentColor,
            checkedSecondaryContentColor = checkedSecondaryContentColor,
            checkedIconColor = checkedIconColor,
            uncheckedContainerColor = uncheckedContainerColor,
            uncheckedContentColor = uncheckedContentColor,
            uncheckedSecondaryContentColor = uncheckedSecondaryContentColor,
            uncheckedIconColor = uncheckedIconColor,
            disabledCheckedContainerColor = disabledCheckedContainerColor,
            disabledCheckedContentColor = disabledCheckedContentColor,
            disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor = disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor,
            disabledCheckedIconColor = disabledCheckedIconColor,
            disabledUncheckedContainerColor = disabledUncheckedContainerColor,
            disabledUncheckedContentColor = disabledUncheckedContentColor,
            disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor = disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor,
            disabledUncheckedIconColor = disabledUncheckedIconColor,

     * Creates a [SplitToggleButtonColors] for use in a [SplitToggleButton].
    fun splitToggleButtonColors() = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.defaultSplitToggleButtonColors

     * Creates a [SplitToggleButtonColors] for use in a [SplitToggleButton].
     * @param checkedContainerColor The container color of the [SplitToggleButton] when enabled and
     * checked.
     * @param checkedContentColor The content color of the [SplitToggleButton] when enabled and
     * checked.
     * @param checkedSecondaryContentColor The secondary content color of the [SplitToggleButton]
     * when enabled and checked, used for secondaryLabel content.
     * @param checkedSplitContainerColor The split container color of the [SplitToggleButton]
     * when enabled and checked.
     * @param uncheckedContainerColor The container color of the [SplitToggleButton] when enabled
     * and unchecked.
     * @param uncheckedContentColor The content color of the [SplitToggleButton] when enabled and
     * unchecked.
     * @param uncheckedSecondaryContentColor The secondary content color of the [SplitToggleButton]
     * when enabled and unchecked, used for secondaryLabel content.
     * @param uncheckedSplitContainerColor The split container color of the [SplitToggleButton] when
     * enabled and unchecked.
     * @param disabledCheckedContainerColor The container color of the [SplitToggleButton] when
     * disabled and checked.
     * @param disabledCheckedContentColor The content color of the [SplitToggleButton] when
     * disabled and checked.
     * @param disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor The secondary content color of the
     * [SplitToggleButton] when disabled and checked, used for secondaryLabel content.
     * @param disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor The split container color of the [
     * SplitToggleButton] when disabled and checked.
     * @param disabledUncheckedContainerColor The container color of the [SplitToggleButton] when
     * disabled and unchecked.
     * @param disabledUncheckedContentColor The content color of the [SplitToggleButton] when
     * disabled and unchecked.
     * @param disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor The secondary content color of the
     * [SplitToggleButton] when disabled and unchecked, used for secondaryLabel content.
     * @param disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor The split container color of the
     * [SplitToggleButton] when disabled and unchecked.
    fun splitToggleButtonColors(
        checkedContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        checkedContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        checkedSecondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        checkedSplitContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        uncheckedContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        uncheckedContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        uncheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        uncheckedSplitContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledCheckedContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledCheckedContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledUncheckedContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledUncheckedContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
    ) = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.defaultSplitToggleButtonColors.copy(
            checkedContainerColor = checkedContainerColor,
            checkedContentColor = checkedContentColor,
            checkedSecondaryContentColor = checkedSecondaryContentColor,
            checkedSplitContainerColor = checkedSplitContainerColor,
            uncheckedContainerColor = uncheckedContainerColor,
            uncheckedContentColor = uncheckedContentColor,
            uncheckedSecondaryContentColor = uncheckedSecondaryContentColor,
            uncheckedSplitContainerColor = uncheckedSplitContainerColor,
            disabledCheckedContainerColor = disabledCheckedContainerColor,
            disabledCheckedContentColor = disabledCheckedContentColor,
            disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor = disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor,
            disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor = disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor,
            disabledUncheckedContainerColor = disabledUncheckedContainerColor,
            disabledUncheckedContentColor = disabledUncheckedContentColor,
            disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor = disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor,
            disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor = disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor

    internal val LabelSpacerSize = 2.dp
    private val HorizontalPadding = 14.dp
    private val VerticalPadding = 8.dp

     * The default content padding used by [ToggleButton]
    val ContentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(
        start = HorizontalPadding,
        top = VerticalPadding,
        end = HorizontalPadding,
        bottom = VerticalPadding

    private val ColorScheme.defaultToggleButtonColors: ToggleButtonColors
        get() {
            return defaultToggleButtonColorsCached ?: ToggleButtonColors(
                checkedContainerColor = fromToken(ToggleButtonTokens.CheckedContainerColor),
                checkedContentColor = fromToken(ToggleButtonTokens.CheckedContentColor),
                checkedSecondaryContentColor =
                    .copy(alpha = ToggleButtonTokens.CheckedSecondaryLabelOpacity),
                checkedIconColor = fromToken(ToggleButtonTokens.CheckedIconColor),
                uncheckedContainerColor = fromToken(ToggleButtonTokens.UncheckedContainerColor),
                uncheckedContentColor = fromToken(ToggleButtonTokens.UncheckedContentColor),
                uncheckedSecondaryContentColor =
                uncheckedIconColor = fromToken(ToggleButtonTokens.UncheckedIconColor),
                disabledCheckedContainerColor =
                    disabledAlpha = ToggleButtonTokens.DisabledCheckedContainerOpacity
                disabledCheckedContentColor =
                    disabledAlpha = ToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity
                disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor =
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = ToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity),
                disabledCheckedIconColor = fromToken(ToggleButtonTokens.DisabledCheckedIconColor)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = ToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity),
                disabledUncheckedContainerColor =
                        disabledAlpha = ToggleButtonTokens.DisabledUncheckedContainerOpacity
                disabledUncheckedContentColor =
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = ToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity),
                disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor =
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = ToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity),
                disabledUncheckedIconColor =
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = ToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity),
            ).also { defaultToggleButtonColorsCached = it }

    private val ColorScheme.defaultSplitToggleButtonColors: SplitToggleButtonColors
        get() {
            return defaultSplitToggleButtonColorsCached ?: SplitToggleButtonColors(
                checkedContainerColor = fromToken(SplitToggleButtonTokens.CheckedContainerColor),
                checkedContentColor = fromToken(SplitToggleButtonTokens.CheckedContentColor),
                checkedSecondaryContentColor =
                    .copy(alpha = SplitToggleButtonTokens.CheckedSecondaryLabelOpacity),
                checkedSplitContainerColor =
                    .copy(alpha = SplitToggleButtonTokens.CheckedSplitContainerOpacity),
                uncheckedContainerColor =
                uncheckedContentColor = fromToken(SplitToggleButtonTokens.UncheckedContentColor),
                uncheckedSecondaryContentColor =
                uncheckedSplitContainerColor =
                disabledCheckedContainerColor =
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = SplitToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity),
                disabledCheckedContentColor =
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = SplitToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity),
                disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor =
                    .copy(alpha = SplitToggleButtonTokens.DisabledCheckedSecondaryLabelOpacity)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = SplitToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity),
                disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor =
                    .copy(alpha = SplitToggleButtonTokens.DisabledCheckedSplitContainerOpacity)
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = SplitToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity),
                disabledUncheckedContainerColor =
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = SplitToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity),
                disabledUncheckedContentColor =
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = SplitToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity),
                disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor =
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = SplitToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity),
                disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor =
                    .toDisabledColor(disabledAlpha = SplitToggleButtonTokens.DisabledOpacity)
            ).also { defaultSplitToggleButtonColorsCached = it }

 * Represents the different container and content colors used for toggle buttons
 * ([ToggleButton], [IconToggleButton], and [TextToggleButton]) in various states,
 * that are checked, unchecked, enabled and disabled.
 * @constructor [ToggleButtonColors] constructor to be used with [ToggleButton]
 * @param checkedContainerColor Container or background color when the toggle button is checked
 * @param checkedContentColor Color of the content like label when the toggle button is checked
 * @param checkedSecondaryContentColor Color of the secondary content like secondary label when the
 * toggle button is checked
 * @param checkedIconColor Color of the icon when the toggle button is checked
 * @param uncheckedContainerColor Container or background color when the toggle button is unchecked
 * @param uncheckedContentColor Color of the content like label when the toggle button is unchecked
 * @param uncheckedSecondaryContentColor Color of the secondary content like secondary label when
 * the toggle button is unchecked
 * @param uncheckedIconColor Color of the icon when the toggle button is unchecked
 * @param disabledCheckedContainerColor Container or background color when the toggle button is
 * disabled and checked
 * @param disabledCheckedContentColor Color of content like label when the toggle button is
 * disabled and checked
 * @param disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor Color of the secondary content like secondary label
 * when the toggle button is disabled and checked
 * @param disabledCheckedIconColor Icon color when the toggle button is disabled and checked
 * @param disabledUncheckedContainerColor Container or background color when the toggle button is
 * disabled and unchecked
 * @param disabledUncheckedContentColor Color of the content like label when the toggle button is
 * disabled and unchecked
 * @param disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor Color of the secondary content like secondary label
 * when the toggle button is disabled and unchecked
 * @param disabledUncheckedIconColor Icon color when the toggle button is disabled and unchecked
class ToggleButtonColors constructor(
    val checkedContainerColor: Color,
    val checkedContentColor: Color,
    val checkedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
    val checkedIconColor: Color,
    val uncheckedContainerColor: Color,
    val uncheckedContentColor: Color,
    val uncheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
    val uncheckedIconColor: Color,
    val disabledCheckedContainerColor: Color,
    val disabledCheckedContentColor: Color,
    val disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
    val disabledCheckedIconColor: Color,
    val disabledUncheckedContainerColor: Color,
    val disabledUncheckedContentColor: Color,
    val disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
    val disabledUncheckedIconColor: Color,
) {
     * [ToggleButtonColors] constructor for [IconToggleButton] and [TextToggleButton].
     * @param checkedContainerColor Container or background color of the toggle button when checked
     * @param checkedContentColor Color of the content (text or icon) of the toggle button when
     * checked
     * @param uncheckedContainerColor Container or background color of the toggle button when
     * unchecked
     * @param uncheckedContentColor Color of the content (text or icon) of the toggle button when
     * unchecked
     * @param disabledCheckedContainerColor Container or background color of the toggle button when
     * disabled and checked
     * @param disabledCheckedContentColor Color of the content (icon or text) toggle button when
     * disabled and unchecked
     * @param disabledUncheckedContainerColor Container or background color of the toggle button
     * when disabled and unchecked
     * @param disabledUncheckedContentColor Color of the content (icon or text) toggle button when
     * disabled and unchecked
        checkedContainerColor: Color,
        checkedContentColor: Color,
        uncheckedContainerColor: Color,
        uncheckedContentColor: Color,
        disabledCheckedContainerColor: Color,
        disabledCheckedContentColor: Color,
        disabledUncheckedContainerColor: Color,
        disabledUncheckedContentColor: Color
    ) : this(
        checkedContainerColor = checkedContainerColor,
        checkedContentColor = checkedContentColor,
        checkedSecondaryContentColor = checkedContainerColor,
        checkedIconColor = checkedContentColor,
        uncheckedContainerColor = uncheckedContainerColor,
        uncheckedContentColor = uncheckedContentColor,
        uncheckedSecondaryContentColor = uncheckedContentColor,
        uncheckedIconColor = uncheckedContentColor,
        disabledCheckedContainerColor = disabledCheckedContainerColor,
        disabledCheckedContentColor = disabledCheckedContentColor,
        disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor = disabledCheckedContentColor,
        disabledCheckedIconColor = disabledCheckedContentColor,
        disabledUncheckedContainerColor = disabledUncheckedContainerColor,
        disabledUncheckedContentColor = disabledUncheckedContentColor,
        disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor = disabledUncheckedContentColor,
        disabledUncheckedIconColor = disabledUncheckedContentColor,

    internal fun copy(
        checkedContainerColor: Color,
        checkedContentColor: Color,
        checkedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
        checkedIconColor: Color,
        uncheckedContainerColor: Color,
        uncheckedContentColor: Color,
        uncheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
        uncheckedIconColor: Color,
        disabledCheckedContainerColor: Color,
        disabledCheckedContentColor: Color,
        disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
        disabledCheckedIconColor: Color,
        disabledUncheckedContainerColor: Color,
        disabledUncheckedContentColor: Color,
        disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
        disabledUncheckedIconColor: Color,
    ): ToggleButtonColors = ToggleButtonColors(
        checkedContainerColor = checkedContainerColor.takeOrElse { this.checkedContainerColor },
        checkedContentColor = checkedContentColor.takeOrElse { this.checkedContentColor },
        checkedSecondaryContentColor = checkedSecondaryContentColor
            .takeOrElse { this.checkedSecondaryContentColor },
        checkedIconColor = checkedIconColor.takeOrElse { this.checkedIconColor },
        uncheckedContainerColor = uncheckedContainerColor
            .takeOrElse { this.uncheckedContainerColor },
        uncheckedContentColor = uncheckedContentColor.takeOrElse { this.uncheckedContentColor },
        uncheckedSecondaryContentColor = uncheckedSecondaryContentColor
            .takeOrElse { this.uncheckedSecondaryContentColor },
        uncheckedIconColor = uncheckedIconColor.takeOrElse { this.uncheckedIconColor },
        disabledCheckedContainerColor = disabledCheckedContainerColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledCheckedContainerColor },
        disabledCheckedContentColor = disabledCheckedContentColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledCheckedContentColor },
        disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor = disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor },
        disabledCheckedIconColor = disabledCheckedIconColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledCheckedIconColor },
        disabledUncheckedContainerColor = disabledUncheckedContainerColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledUncheckedContainerColor },
        disabledUncheckedContentColor = disabledUncheckedContentColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledUncheckedContentColor },
        disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor = disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor },
        disabledUncheckedIconColor = disabledUncheckedIconColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledUncheckedIconColor },

     * Determines the container color based on whether the toggle button is [enabled]
     * and [checked].
     * @param enabled Whether the toggle button is enabled
     * @param checked Whether the toggle button is checked
    internal fun containerColor(enabled: Boolean, checked: Boolean): State<Color> =
            enabled = enabled,
            checked = checked,
            checkedColor = checkedContainerColor,
            uncheckedColor = uncheckedContainerColor,
            disabledCheckedColor = disabledCheckedContainerColor,
            disabledUncheckedColor = disabledUncheckedContainerColor,
            animationSpec = COLOR_ANIMATION_SPEC

     * Determines the content color based on whether the toggle button is [enabled]
     * and [checked].
     * @param enabled Whether the toggle button is enabled
     * @param checked Whether the toggle button is checked
    internal fun contentColor(enabled: Boolean, checked: Boolean): State<Color> =
            enabled = enabled,
            checked = checked,
            checkedColor = checkedContentColor,
            uncheckedColor = uncheckedContentColor,
            disabledCheckedColor = disabledCheckedContentColor,
            disabledUncheckedColor = disabledUncheckedContentColor,
            animationSpec = COLOR_ANIMATION_SPEC

     * Represents the secondary content color depending on the [enabled] and [checked] properties.
     * @param enabled Whether the ToggleButton is enabled.
     * @param checked Whether the ToggleButton is currently checked or unchecked.
    internal fun secondaryContentColor(enabled: Boolean, checked: Boolean): State<Color> =
            enabled = enabled,
            checked = checked,
            checkedColor = checkedSecondaryContentColor,
            uncheckedColor = uncheckedSecondaryContentColor,
            disabledCheckedColor = disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor,
            disabledUncheckedColor = disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor,
            animationSpec = COLOR_ANIMATION_SPEC

     * Represents the icon color for the [ToggleButton] depending on the
     * [enabled] and [checked] properties.
     * @param enabled Whether the ToggleButton is enabled.
     * @param checked Whether the ToggleButton is currently checked or unchecked.
    internal fun iconColor(enabled: Boolean, checked: Boolean): State<Color> =
            enabled = enabled,
            checked = checked,
            checkedColor = checkedIconColor,
            uncheckedColor = uncheckedIconColor,
            disabledCheckedColor = disabledCheckedIconColor,
            disabledUncheckedColor = disabledUncheckedIconColor,
            animationSpec = COLOR_ANIMATION_SPEC

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other == null) return false
        if (this::class != other::class) return false

        other as ToggleButtonColors

        if (checkedContainerColor != other.checkedContainerColor) return false
        if (checkedContentColor != other.checkedContentColor) return false
        if (checkedSecondaryContentColor != other.checkedSecondaryContentColor) return false
        if (checkedIconColor != other.checkedIconColor) return false
        if (uncheckedContainerColor != other.uncheckedContainerColor) return false
        if (uncheckedContentColor != other.uncheckedContentColor) return false
        if (uncheckedSecondaryContentColor != other.uncheckedSecondaryContentColor) return false
        if (uncheckedIconColor != other.uncheckedIconColor) return false
        if (disabledCheckedContainerColor != other.disabledCheckedContainerColor) return false
        if (disabledCheckedContentColor != other.disabledCheckedContentColor) return false
        if (disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor !=
        ) return false
        if (disabledCheckedIconColor != other.disabledCheckedIconColor) return false
        if (disabledUncheckedContainerColor != other.disabledUncheckedContainerColor) return false
        if (disabledUncheckedContentColor != other.disabledUncheckedContentColor) return false
        if (disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor !=
        ) return false
        if (disabledUncheckedIconColor != other.disabledUncheckedIconColor)
            return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = checkedContainerColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + checkedContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + checkedSecondaryContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + checkedIconColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + uncheckedContainerColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + uncheckedContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + uncheckedSecondaryContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + uncheckedIconColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledCheckedContainerColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledCheckedContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledCheckedIconColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledUncheckedContainerColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledUncheckedContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledUncheckedIconColor.hashCode()
        return result

 * Represents the different colors used in [SplitToggleButton] in different states.
 * @constructor [SplitToggleButtonColors] constructor to be used with [SplitToggleButton]
 * @param checkedContainerColor Container or background color when the split toggle button is
 * checked
 * @param checkedContentColor Color of the content like label when the split toggle button is
 * checked
 * @param checkedSecondaryContentColor Color of the secondary content like secondary label when the
 * split toggle button is checked
 * @param checkedSplitContainerColor Split container color when the split toggle button is checked
 * @param uncheckedContainerColor Container or background color when the split toggle button is
 * unchecked
 * @param uncheckedContentColor Color of the content like label when the split toggle button is
 * unchecked
 * @param uncheckedSecondaryContentColor Color of the secondary content like secondary label when
 * the split toggle button is unchecked
 * @param uncheckedSplitContainerColor Split container color when the split toggle button is
 * unchecked
 * @param disabledCheckedContainerColor Container color when the split toggle button is disabled
 * and checked
 * @param disabledCheckedContentColor Color of the content like label when the split toggle button
 * is disabled and checked
 * @param disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor Color of the secondary content like secondary label
 * when the split toggle button is disabled and checked
 * @param disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor Split container color when the split toggle button is
 * disabled and checked
 * @param disabledUncheckedContainerColor Container color when the split toggle button is unchecked
 * and disabled
 * @param disabledUncheckedContentColor Color of the content like label when the split toggle
 * button is unchecked and disabled
 * @param disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor Color of the secondary content like secondary
 * label when the split toggle button is unchecked and disabled
 * @param disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor Split container color when the split toggle button
 * is unchecked and disabled
class SplitToggleButtonColors constructor(
    val checkedContainerColor: Color,
    val checkedContentColor: Color,
    val checkedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
    val checkedSplitContainerColor: Color,
    val uncheckedContainerColor: Color,
    val uncheckedContentColor: Color,
    val uncheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
    val uncheckedSplitContainerColor: Color,
    val disabledCheckedContainerColor: Color,
    val disabledCheckedContentColor: Color,
    val disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
    val disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor: Color,
    val disabledUncheckedContainerColor: Color,
    val disabledUncheckedContentColor: Color,
    val disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
    val disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor: Color,
) {

    internal fun copy(
        checkedContainerColor: Color,
        checkedContentColor: Color,
        checkedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
        checkedSplitContainerColor: Color,
        uncheckedContainerColor: Color,
        uncheckedContentColor: Color,
        uncheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
        uncheckedSplitContainerColor: Color,
        disabledCheckedContainerColor: Color,
        disabledCheckedContentColor: Color,
        disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
        disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor: Color,
        disabledUncheckedContainerColor: Color,
        disabledUncheckedContentColor: Color,
        disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor: Color,
        disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor: Color,
    ): SplitToggleButtonColors = SplitToggleButtonColors(
        checkedContainerColor = checkedContainerColor.takeOrElse { this.checkedContainerColor },
        checkedContentColor = checkedContentColor.takeOrElse { this.checkedContentColor },
        checkedSecondaryContentColor = checkedSecondaryContentColor
            .takeOrElse { this.checkedSecondaryContentColor },
        checkedSplitContainerColor = checkedSplitContainerColor
            .takeOrElse { this.checkedSplitContainerColor },
        uncheckedContainerColor = uncheckedContainerColor
            .takeOrElse { this.uncheckedContainerColor },
        uncheckedContentColor = uncheckedContentColor.takeOrElse { this.uncheckedContentColor },
        uncheckedSecondaryContentColor = uncheckedSecondaryContentColor
            .takeOrElse { this.uncheckedSecondaryContentColor },
        uncheckedSplitContainerColor = uncheckedSplitContainerColor
            .takeOrElse { this.uncheckedSplitContainerColor },
        disabledCheckedContainerColor = disabledCheckedContainerColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledCheckedContainerColor },
        disabledCheckedContentColor = disabledCheckedContentColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledCheckedContentColor },
        disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor = disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor },
        disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor = disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor },
        disabledUncheckedContainerColor = disabledUncheckedContainerColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledUncheckedContainerColor },
        disabledUncheckedContentColor = disabledUncheckedContentColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledUncheckedContentColor },
        disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor = disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor },
        disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor = disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor
            .takeOrElse { this.disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor },

     * Determines the container color based on whether the [SplitToggleButton] is [enabled]
     * and [checked].
     * @param enabled Whether the [SplitToggleButton] is enabled
     * @param checked Whether the [SplitToggleButton] is currently checked
    internal fun containerColor(enabled: Boolean, checked: Boolean): State<Color> =
            enabled = enabled,
            checked = checked,
            checkedColor = checkedContainerColor,
            uncheckedColor = uncheckedContainerColor,
            disabledCheckedColor = disabledCheckedContainerColor,
            disabledUncheckedColor = disabledUncheckedContainerColor,
            animationSpec = COLOR_ANIMATION_SPEC

     * Determines the content color based on whether the [SplitToggleButton] is [enabled]
     * and [checked].
     * @param enabled Whether the [SplitToggleButton] is enabled
     * @param checked Whether the [SplitToggleButton] is currently checked
    internal fun contentColor(enabled: Boolean, checked: Boolean): State<Color> =
            enabled = enabled,
            checked = checked,
            checkedColor = checkedContentColor,
            uncheckedColor = uncheckedContentColor,
            disabledCheckedColor = disabledCheckedContentColor,
            disabledUncheckedColor = disabledUncheckedContentColor,
            animationSpec = COLOR_ANIMATION_SPEC

     * Represents the secondary content color for the [SplitToggleButton] depending on the
     * [enabled] and [checked] properties.
     * @param enabled Whether the [SplitToggleButton] is enabled.
     * @param checked Whether the [SplitToggleButton] is currently checked or unchecked.
    internal fun secondaryContentColor(enabled: Boolean, checked: Boolean): State<Color> =
            enabled = enabled,
            checked = checked,
            checkedColor = checkedSecondaryContentColor,
            uncheckedColor = uncheckedSecondaryContentColor,
            disabledCheckedColor = disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor,
            disabledUncheckedColor = disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor,
            animationSpec = COLOR_ANIMATION_SPEC

     * Represents the split container for the [SplitToggleButton] color depending on the
     * [enabled] and [checked] properties.
     * @param enabled Whether the [SplitToggleButton] is enabled.
     * @param checked Whether the [SplitToggleButton] is currently checked or unchecked.
    internal fun splitContainerColor(enabled: Boolean, checked: Boolean): State<Color> =
            enabled = enabled,
            checked = checked,
            checkedColor = checkedSplitContainerColor,
            uncheckedColor = uncheckedSplitContainerColor,
            disabledCheckedColor = disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor,
            disabledUncheckedColor = disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor,
            animationSpec = COLOR_ANIMATION_SPEC

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other == null) return false
        if (this::class != other::class) return false

        other as SplitToggleButtonColors

        if (checkedContainerColor != other.checkedContainerColor) return false
        if (checkedContentColor != other.checkedContentColor) return false
        if (checkedSecondaryContentColor != other.checkedSecondaryContentColor) return false
        if (checkedSplitContainerColor != other.checkedSplitContainerColor) return false
        if (uncheckedContainerColor != other.uncheckedContainerColor) return false
        if (uncheckedContentColor != other.uncheckedContentColor) return false
        if (uncheckedSecondaryContentColor != other.uncheckedSecondaryContentColor) return false
        if (uncheckedSplitContainerColor != other.uncheckedSplitContainerColor) return false
        if (disabledCheckedContainerColor != other.disabledCheckedContainerColor) return false
        if (disabledCheckedContentColor != other.disabledCheckedContentColor) return false
        if (disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor !=
        ) return false
        if (disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor != other.disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor)
            return false
        if (disabledUncheckedContainerColor != other.disabledUncheckedContainerColor) return false
        if (disabledUncheckedContentColor != other.disabledUncheckedContentColor) return false
        if (disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor !=
        ) return false
        if (disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor != other.disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor)
            return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = checkedContainerColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + checkedContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + checkedSecondaryContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + checkedSplitContainerColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + uncheckedContainerColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + uncheckedContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + uncheckedSecondaryContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + uncheckedSplitContainerColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledCheckedContainerColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledCheckedContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledCheckedSecondaryContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledCheckedSplitContainerColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledUncheckedContainerColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledUncheckedContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledUncheckedSecondaryContentColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledUncheckedSplitContainerColor.hashCode()
        return result

 * [ToggleControlScope] provides enabled and checked properties.
 * This allows toggle controls to omit enabled/checked parameters as they given by the scope.
 * @param isEnabled Controls the enabled state of the toggle control.
 * When `false`, the control is displayed with disabled colors.
 * @param isChecked Indicates whether the control is currently checked.
class ToggleControlScope(
    val isEnabled: Boolean,
    val isChecked: Boolean

private val TOGGLE_CONTROL_WIDTH = 32.dp
private val TOGGLE_CONTROL_HEIGHT = 24.dp
private val TOGGLE_CONTROL_SPACING = 6.dp
private val ICON_SPACING = 6.dp
private val MIN_HEIGHT = 52.dp

private val COLOR_ANIMATION_SPEC: AnimationSpec<Color> =
    tween(MotionTokens.DurationMedium1, 0, MotionTokens.EasingStandardDecelerate)