
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.compose.navigation

import androidx.activity.compose.LocalOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.Box
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.DisposableEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.SideEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.collectAsState
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.SaveableStateHolder
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.rememberSaveableStateHolder
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalLifecycleOwner
import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleEventObserver
import androidx.lifecycle.viewmodel.compose.LocalViewModelStoreOwner
import androidx.navigation.NavBackStackEntry
import androidx.navigation.NavDestination
import androidx.navigation.NavGraph
import androidx.navigation.NavGraphBuilder
import androidx.navigation.NavHostController
import androidx.navigation.Navigator
import androidx.navigation.createGraph
import androidx.navigation.compose.LocalOwnersProvider
import androidx.navigation.get
import androidx.wear.compose.material.ExperimentalWearMaterialApi
import androidx.wear.compose.material.SwipeDismissTarget
import androidx.wear.compose.material.SwipeToDismissBox
import androidx.wear.compose.material.SwipeToDismissBoxDefaults
import androidx.wear.compose.material.rememberSwipeToDismissBoxState

 * Provides a place in the Compose hierarchy for self-contained navigation to occur,
 * with backwards navigation provided by a swipe gesture.
 * Once this is called, any Composable within the given [NavGraphBuilder] can be navigated to from
 * the provided [navController].
 * The builder passed into this method is [remember]ed. This means that for this NavHost, the
 * contents of the builder cannot be changed.
 * Content is displayed within a [SwipeToDismissBox], showing the current navigation level.
 * During a swipe-to-dismiss gesture, the previous navigation level (if any) is shown in
 * the background.
 * Example of a [SwipeDismissableNavHost] alternating between 2 screens:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.navigation.samples.SimpleNavHost
 * Example of a [SwipeDismissableNavHost] for which a destination has a named argument:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.navigation.samples.NavHostWithNamedArgument
 * @param navController The navController for this host
 * @param startDestination The route for the start destination
 * @param modifier The modifier to be applied to the layout
 * @param route The route for the graph
 * @param builder The builder used to construct the graph
public fun SwipeDismissableNavHost(
    navController: NavHostController,
    startDestination: String,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    route: String? = null,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
) =
        remember(route, startDestination, builder) {
            navController.createGraph(startDestination, route, builder)

 * Provides a place in the Compose hierarchy for self-contained navigation to occur,
 * with backwards navigation provided by a swipe gesture.
 * Once this is called, any Composable within the given [NavGraphBuilder] can be navigated to from
 * the provided [navController].
 * The builder passed into this method is [remember]ed. This means that for this NavHost, the
 * contents of the builder cannot be changed.
 * Content is displayed within a [SwipeToDismissBox], showing the current navigation level.
 * During a swipe-to-dismiss gesture, the previous navigation level (if any) is shown in
 * the background.
 * Example of a [SwipeDismissableNavHost] alternating between 2 screens:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.navigation.samples.SimpleNavHost
 * Example of a [SwipeDismissableNavHost] for which a destination has a named argument:
 * @sample androidx.wear.compose.navigation.samples.NavHostWithNamedArgument
 * @param navController [NavHostController] for this host
 * @param graph Graph for this host
 * @param modifier [Modifier] to be applied to the layout.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no WearNavigation.Destination is on the navigation backstack.
public fun SwipeDismissableNavHost(
    navController: NavHostController,
    graph: NavGraph,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
    val lifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current
    val viewModelStoreOwner = checkNotNull(LocalViewModelStoreOwner.current) {
        "SwipeDismissableNavHost requires a ViewModelStoreOwner to be provided " +
            "via LocalViewModelStoreOwner"
    val onBackPressedDispatcherOwner = LocalOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner.current
    val onBackPressedDispatcher = onBackPressedDispatcherOwner?.onBackPressedDispatcher

    // Setup the navController with proper owners
    if (onBackPressedDispatcher != null) {
    // Ensure that the NavController only receives back events while
    // the NavHost is in composition
    DisposableEffect(navController) {
        onDispose {

    // Then set the graph
    navController.graph = graph

    val stateHolder = rememberSaveableStateHolder()

    // Find the WearNavigator, returning early if it isn't found
    // (such as is the case when using TestNavHostController).
    val wearNavigator = navController.navigatorProvider.get<Navigator<out NavDestination>>(
    ) as? WearNavigator ?: return
    val backStack by wearNavigator.backStack.collectAsState()
    val transitionsInProgress by wearNavigator.transitionsInProgress.collectAsState()
    var initialContent by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }

    val previous = if (backStack.size <= 1) null else backStack[backStack.lastIndex - 1]
    // Get the current navigation backstack entry. If the backstack is empty, it could be because
    // no WearNavigator.Destinations were added to the navigation backstack (be sure to build
    // the NavGraph using androidx.wear.compose.navigation.composable) or because the last entry
    // was popped prior to navigating (instead, use navigate with popUpTo).
    val current = if (backStack.isNotEmpty()) backStack.last() else throw IllegalArgumentException(
        "The WearNavigator backstack is empty, there is no navigation destination to display."

    val state = rememberSwipeToDismissBoxState()
    LaunchedEffect(state.currentValue) {
        // This effect operates when the swipe gesture is complete:
        // 1) Resets the screen offset (otherwise, the next destination is draw off-screen)
        // 2) Pops the navigation back stack to return to the previous level
        if (state.currentValue == SwipeDismissTarget.Dismissal) {
    LaunchedEffect(state.isAnimationRunning) {
        // This effect marks the transitions completed when swipe animations finish,
        // so that the navigation backstack entries can go to Lifecycle.State.RESUMED.
        if (state.isAnimationRunning == false) {
                transitionsInProgress.forEach { entry ->

        state = state,
        modifier = Modifier,
        hasBackground = previous != null,
        backgroundKey = previous?.id ?: SwipeToDismissBoxDefaults.BackgroundKey,
        contentKey = current.id,
        content = { isBackground ->
            BoxedStackEntryContent(if (isBackground) previous else current, stateHolder, modifier)

    SideEffect {
        if (initialContent) {
            // There are no animations for showing the initial content, so mark transitions complete,
            // allowing the navigation backstack entry to go to Lifecycle.State.RESUMED.
            transitionsInProgress.forEach { entry ->
            initialContent = false

private fun BoxedStackEntryContent(
    entry: NavBackStackEntry?,
    saveableStateHolder: SaveableStateHolder,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
) {
    if (entry != null) {
        var lifecycleState by remember {
        DisposableEffect(entry.lifecycle) {
            val observer = LifecycleEventObserver { _, event ->
                lifecycleState = event.targetState
            onDispose {
        if (lifecycleState.isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.CREATED)) {
            Box(modifier, propagateMinConstraints = true) {
                val destination = entry.destination as WearNavigator.Destination
                entry.LocalOwnersProvider(saveableStateHolder) {