
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.ComponentName
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Build
import as WireComplicationData
import as WireComplicationDataBuilder
import as WireComplicationText
import android.util.Log
import androidx.annotation.ColorInt
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import androidx.annotation.IntDef
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat
import java.time.Instant

internal const val TAG = "Data.kt"

/** The policies that control complication persistence. */
public object ComplicationPersistencePolicies {
    /** The default policy is that persistence/caching is allowed. */
    public const val CACHING_ALLOWED: Int = 0

     * Instructs the system to not persist the complication past a reboot. This is useful when
     * freshness is important.
    public const val DO_NOT_PERSIST: Int = 1

    flag = true, // This is a flag to allow for future expansion.
    value =
public annotation class ComplicationPersistencePolicy

/** The policies that control when complications should be displayed. */
public object ComplicationDisplayPolicies {
    /** The default policy is that the complication should always be shown. */
    public const val ALWAYS_DISPLAY: Int = 0

    /** Instructs the system not to display the complication while the device is locked. */
    public const val DO_NOT_SHOW_WHEN_DEVICE_LOCKED: Int = 1

    flag = true, // This is a flag to allow for future expansion.
    value =
public annotation class ComplicationDisplayPolicy

 * Base type for all different types of [ComplicationData] types.
 * Please note to aid unit testing of
 * [androidx.wear.watchface.complications.datasource.ComplicationDataSourceService], [equals],
 * [hashCode] and [toString] have been overridden for all the types of ComplicationData, however due
 * to the embedded [Icon] class we have to fall back to reference equality and hashing below API 28
 * and also for the [Icon]s that don't use either a resource or a uri (these should be rare but they
 * can exist).
 * ## Evaluation
 * Some dynamic fields may be evaluated by the platform, and refresh more often than the
 * [androidx.wear.watchface.complications.datasource.ComplicationDataSourceService] provides them.
 * There are interesting use cases that the user of these dynamic fields must consider:
 * * The [ComplicationData] can be "invalidated" when the dynamic field cannot be evaluated, e.g.
 *   when a data source is not available.
 *   When this happens, the [dynamicValueInvalidationFallback] field is used instead of this
 *   [ComplicationData], provided as a [NoDataComplicationData.placeholder].
 * * If an incompatible platform doesn't recognize the dynamic field, the dynamic field's fallback
 *   companion field will be used instead. An example field is
 *   [DynamicComplicationText.fallbackValue].
 *   Although the dynamic field APIs are annotated with [RequiresApi], this does not ensure the
 *   platform will support the dynamic field at that API level. However, the platform _definitely
 *   doesn't_ support the dynamic field below that API level.
 * @property type The [ComplicationType] of this complication data.
 * @property tapAction The [PendingIntent] to send when the complication is tapped on.
 * @property validTimeRange The [TimeRange] within which the complication should be displayed.
 *   Whether the complication is active and should be displayed at the given time should be checked
 *   with [TimeRange.contains].
 * @property dataSource The [ComponentName] of the
 *   [androidx.wear.watchface.complications.datasource.ComplicationDataSourceService] that provided
 *   the ComplicationData. This may be `null` when run on old systems.
 * @property persistencePolicy The [persistence policy][ComplicationPersistencePolicies] for this
 *   complication. This requires the watchface to be built with a compatible library to work.
 * @property displayPolicy The [display policy][ComplicationDisplayPolicies] for this complication.
 *   This requires the watchface to be built with a compatible library to work.
 * @property dynamicValueInvalidationFallback Used in case any dynamic value has been invalidated.
 *   IMPORTANT: This is only used when the system supports dynamic values. See each dynamic field's
 *   fallback companion field for the situation where the system does not support dynamic values at
 *   all.
public sealed class ComplicationData
    public val type: ComplicationType,
    public val tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    internal var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    public val validTimeRange: TimeRange = TimeRange.ALWAYS,
    public val dataSource: ComponentName?,
    @ComplicationPersistencePolicy public val persistencePolicy: Int,
    @ComplicationDisplayPolicy public val displayPolicy: Int,
    public val dynamicValueInvalidationFallback: ComplicationData?,
) {
    /** Throws [IllegalArgumentException] if the [ComplicationData] is invalid. */
    @RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP) open fun validate() {}

     * [tapAction] which is a [PendingIntent] unfortunately can't be serialized. This property is
     * 'true' if tapAction has been lost due to serialization (typically because it has been cached
     * locally). When 'true' the watch face should render the complication differently (e.g. as
     * semi-transparent or grayed out) to signal to the user it can't be tapped. The system will
     * subsequently deliver an updated complication, with a tapAction where applicable.
    public var tapActionLostDueToSerialization: Boolean =
        cachedWireComplicationData?.tapActionLostDueToSerialization ?: false

     * Converts this value to [WireComplicationData] object used for serialization.
     * This is only needed internally to convert to the underlying communication protocol.
    public fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder()
            .apply { fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(this) }
            .also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    internal fun createWireComplicationDataBuilder(): WireComplicationDataBuilder =
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let { WireComplicationDataBuilder(it) }
            ?: WireComplicationDataBuilder(type.toWireComplicationType())

    internal open fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
        if (dynamicValueInvalidationFallback == null) {
        } else {
            val placeholderBuilder =

     * Returns `true` if any of the fields of this ComplicationData are placeholders. I.e. if any
     * fields are equal to: [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER], [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER],
     * [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER], [PhotoImageComplicationData.PLACEHOLDER], or
     * [RangedValueComplicationData.PLACEHOLDER].
    open fun hasPlaceholderFields(): Boolean = false

     * Returns the next [Instant] after [afterInstant] at which any field of the complication may
     * change. If there's no scheduled changes then [Instant.MAX] will be returned.
     * See [ComplicationText.getNextChangeTime]
     * @param afterInstant The reference [Instant], after which changes will be reported.
    public open fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant = Instant.MAX

    /** The content description field for accessibility. */
    abstract fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText?

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
        other is ComplicationData && asWireComplicationData() == other.asWireComplicationData()

    /** Similar to [equals], but avoids comparing evaluated fields (if dynamic values exist). */
    infix fun equalsUnevaluated(other: ComplicationData): Boolean =
        asWireComplicationData() equalsUnevaluated other.asWireComplicationData()

    override fun hashCode(): Int = asWireComplicationData().hashCode()

    /** Builder for properties in common for most Complication Types. */
    public sealed class BaseBuilder<BuilderT : BaseBuilder<BuilderT, BuiltT>, BuiltT> {
        internal var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        internal var dataSource: ComponentName? = null
        internal var persistencePolicy = ComplicationPersistencePolicies.CACHING_ALLOWED
        internal var displayPolicy = ComplicationDisplayPolicies.ALWAYS_DISPLAY
        internal var dynamicValueInvalidationFallback: BuiltT? = null

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST", "SetterReturnsThis")
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): BuilderT {
            this.dataSource = dataSource
            return this as BuilderT

        @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST", "SetterReturnsThis")
        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): BuilderT {
            this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData
            return this as BuilderT

        /** Sets the complication's [persistence policy][ComplicationPersistencePolicies]. */
        @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST", "SetterReturnsThis")
        public fun setPersistencePolicy(
            @ComplicationPersistencePolicy persistencePolicy: Int
        ): BuilderT {
            this.persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy
            return this as BuilderT

        /** Sets the complication's [display policy][ComplicationDisplayPolicies]. */
        @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST", "SetterReturnsThis")
        public fun setDisplayPolicy(@ComplicationDisplayPolicy displayPolicy: Int): BuilderT {
            this.displayPolicy = displayPolicy
            return this as BuilderT

         * Sets the complication's fallback, used in case any dynamic value cannot be evaluated,
         * e.g. when a data source is not available.
         * IMPORTANT: This is only used when the system supports dynamic values. See each dynamic
         * value field's fallback companion field for the situation where the system does not
         * support dynamic values at all.
        @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST", "SetterReturnsThis")
        public fun setDynamicValueInvalidationFallback(fallback: BuiltT?): BuilderT {
            this.dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = fallback
            return this as BuilderT

        /** Builds the ComplicationData */
        abstract fun build(): BuiltT

 * Type that can be sent by any complication data source, regardless of the configured type, when
 * the complication data source has no data to be displayed. If no [placeholder] is included then
 * watch faces may choose whether to render this in some way or leave the slot empty.
 * If a [placeholder] is included than its expected that it will be rendered. Its suggested the
 * watch face renders the placeholder elements (text, title, smallImage, etc...) using solid grey
 * blocks. Any non-placeholder elements included in [placeholder] must be rendered normally.
 * Some watchfaces may not support placeholders and in that case the NoDataComplicationData will be
 * treated as being empty.
 * @property placeholder An optional [ComplicationData] which may contain placeholder fields (see
 *   [hasPlaceholderFields]). The type of the placeholder must match the type of the
 *   ComplicationData that would have otherwise been sent. The placeholder is expected to be
 *   rendered if the watch face has been built with a compatible library, older libraries which
 *   don't support placeholders will ignore this field.
 * @property invalidatedData An optional value that describes the original [ComplicationData] that
 *   was provided by the data source, following invalidation (see evaluation description in
 *   [ComplicationData]). This is set by the system for privileged watch faces with the
 *   `` permission.
public class NoDataComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val placeholder: ComplicationData?,
    public val invalidatedData: ComplicationData?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
) :
        dataSource = null,
        persistencePolicy = placeholder?.persistencePolicy
                ?: ComplicationPersistencePolicies.CACHING_ALLOWED,
        displayPolicy = placeholder?.displayPolicy ?: ComplicationDisplayPolicies.ALWAYS_DISPLAY,
        dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = placeholder,
    ) {

    /** Constructs a NoDataComplicationData without a [placeholder]. */
    constructor() : this(null, null, null)

     * Constructs a NoDataComplicationData with a [placeholder] [ComplicationData] which is allowed
     * to contain placeholder fields (see [hasPlaceholderFields]) which must be drawn to look like
     * placeholders. E.g. with grey boxes / arcs.
    constructor(placeholder: ComplicationData) : this(placeholder, null, null)

    override fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText? =
            ?: WireComplicationText(context.getString(R.string.a11y_no_data))

    /** The content description field for accessibility. */
    val contentDescription: ComplicationText? =
        when (placeholder) {
            is ShortTextComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is LongTextComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is RangedValueComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is MonochromaticImageComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is SmallImageComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is PhotoImageComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is GoalProgressComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is WeightedElementsComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            else -> null

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(
    ) {
        if (invalidatedData == null) {
        } else {
            val invalidatedDataBuilder = invalidatedData.createWireComplicationDataBuilder()

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "NoDataComplicationData(" +
            "placeholder=$placeholder, " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, " +
            "persistencePolicy=$persistencePolicy, displayPolicy=$displayPolicy)"

    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        @JvmField public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.NO_DATA

 * Type sent when the user has specified that an active complication should have no complication
 * data source, i.e. when the user has chosen "Empty" in the complication data source chooser.
 * Complication data sources cannot send data of this type.
public class EmptyComplicationData :
        tapAction = null,
        cachedWireComplicationData = null,
        dataSource = null,
        persistencePolicy = ComplicationPersistencePolicies.CACHING_ALLOWED,
        displayPolicy = ComplicationDisplayPolicies.ALWAYS_DISPLAY,
        dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = null,
    ) {
    // Always empty.
    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {}

    override fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText? = null

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "EmptyComplicationData()"

    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        @JvmField public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.EMPTY

 * Type sent when a complication does not have a complication data source configured. The system
 * will send data of this type to watch faces when the user has not chosen a complication data
 * source for an active complication, and the watch face has not set a default complication data
 * source. Complication data sources cannot send data of this type.
public class NotConfiguredComplicationData :
        tapAction = null,
        cachedWireComplicationData = null,
        dataSource = null,
        persistencePolicy = ComplicationPersistencePolicies.CACHING_ALLOWED,
        displayPolicy = ComplicationDisplayPolicies.ALWAYS_DISPLAY,
        dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = null,
    ) {
    // Always empty.
    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {}

    override fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText? = null

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "NotConfiguredComplicationData()"

    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        @JvmField public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.NOT_CONFIGURED

 * Type used for complications where the primary piece of data is a short piece of text (expected to
 * be no more than seven characters in length). The text may be accompanied by an icon or a title or
 * both.
 * If only one of icon and title is provided, it is expected that it will be displayed. If both are
 * provided, it is expected that at least one of these will be displayed.
 * If a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage] are both specified then only one should be
 * displayed. If the complication is drawn with a single color it's recommended to choose
 * [monochromaticImage] and apply a tint. If the complication is rendered with multiple colors it's
 * recommended to choose the [smallImage]. It's best practice for a ComplicationDataSource to
 * specify both a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage]
 * A data source that wants to serve a ShortTextComplicationData must include the following meta
 * data in its manifest (NB the value is a comma separated list):
 * ```
 * <meta-data android:name=""
 *    android:value="SHORT_TEXT"/>
 * ```
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. The length of the text, including
 *   any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 *   using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 *   (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 *   possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 *   truncated. If the text is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as
 *   a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light
 *   grey box.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. The length of the text, including any
 *   time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When using
 *   this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 *   (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 *   possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 *   truncated. If the title is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it
 *   as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light
 *   grey box.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 *   face. If the monochromaticImage is equal to [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must
 *   treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered
 *   as a light grey box.
 * @property smallImage A [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 *   occupied by a single complication. If the smallImage is equal to [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER] the
 *   renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 *   be rendered as a light grey box.
public class ShortTextComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val text: ComplicationText,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    private val _contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
    @ComplicationPersistencePolicy persistencePolicy: Int,
    @ComplicationDisplayPolicy displayPolicy: Int,
    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback: ShortTextComplicationData?,
) :
        tapAction = tapAction,
        cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
        validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
        dataSource = dataSource,
        persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
        displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
        dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = dynamicValueInvalidationFallback,
    ) {
     * Builder for [ShortTextComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [text] and [contentDescription] fields.
     * @param text The main localized [ComplicationText]. This must be less than 7 characters long
     * @param contentDescription Defines localized text that briefly describes content of the
     *   complication. This property is used primarily for accessibility. Since some complications
     *   do not have textual representation this attribute can be used for providing such. Please do
     *   not include the word 'complication' in the description.
    public class Builder(
        private val text: ComplicationText,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) : BaseBuilder<Builder, ShortTextComplicationData>() {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply { this.title = title }

        /** Sets optional icon associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = monochromaticImage

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

        /** Builds the [ShortTextComplicationData]. */
        public override fun build(): ShortTextComplicationData =

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText? =
            ?: ComplicationTextTemplate.Builder().addTextAndTitle(text, title).buildOrNull()

    /** The content description field for accessibility. */
    val contentDescription: ComplicationText? = _contentDescription ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "ShortTextComplicationData(text=$text, title=$title, " +
            "monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, " +
            "contentDescription=$_contentDescription, " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource, " +
            "persistencePolicy=$persistencePolicy, displayPolicy=$displayPolicy, " +

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() =
        text.isPlaceholder() ||
            title?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            monochromaticImage?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            smallImage?.isPlaceholder() == true

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        if (title != null) {
            val titleChangeInstant = title.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant)
            val textChangeInstant = text.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant)
            return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
            } else {
        } else {
            return text.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant)

    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        @JvmField public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.SHORT_TEXT

        /** The maximum length of [ShortTextComplicationData.text] in characters. */
        @JvmField public val MAX_TEXT_LENGTH = 7

 * Type used for complications where the primary piece of data is a piece of text. The text may be
 * accompanied by an icon and/or a title.
 * The text is expected to always be displayed.
 * The title, if provided, it is expected that this field will be displayed.
 * If a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage] are both specified then only one should be
 * displayed. If the complication is drawn with a single color it's recommended to choose
 * [monochromaticImage] and apply a tint. If the complication is rendered with multiple colors it's
 * recommended to choose the [smallImage]. It's best practice for a ComplicationDataSource to
 * specify both a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage].
 * A data source that wants to serve a LongTextComplicationData must include the following meta data
 * in its manifest (NB the value is a comma separated list):
 * ```
 * <meta-data android:name=""
 *    android:value="LONG_TEXT"/>
 * ```
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. If the text is equal to
 *   [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than
 *   rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. If the title is equal to
 *   [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than
 *   rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 *   face. If the monochromaticImage is equal to [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must
 *   treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered
 *   as a light grey box.
 * @property smallImage A [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 *   occupied by a single complication. If the smallImage is equal to [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER] the
 *   renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 *   be rendered as a light grey box.
public class LongTextComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val text: ComplicationText,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    private val _contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
    @ComplicationPersistencePolicy persistencePolicy: Int,
    @ComplicationDisplayPolicy displayPolicy: Int,
    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback: LongTextComplicationData?,
) :
        tapAction = tapAction,
        cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
        validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
        dataSource = dataSource,
        persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
        displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
        dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = dynamicValueInvalidationFallback,
    ) {
     * Builder for [LongTextComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [text] and [contentDescription] fields.
     * @param text Localized main [ComplicationText] to display within the complication. There isn't
     *   an explicit character limit but text may be truncated if too long
     * @param contentDescription Defines localized text that briefly describes content of the
     *   complication. This property is used primarily for accessibility. Since some complications
     *   do not have textual representation this attribute can be used for providing such. Please do
     *   not include the word 'complication' in the description.
    public class Builder(
        private val text: ComplicationText,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) : BaseBuilder<Builder, LongTextComplicationData>() {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply { this.title = title }

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(icon: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = icon

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

        /** Builds the [LongTextComplicationData]. */
        public override fun build(): LongTextComplicationData =

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText? =
            ?: ComplicationTextTemplate.Builder().addTextAndTitle(text, title).buildOrNull()

    /** The content description field for accessibility. */
    val contentDescription: ComplicationText? = _contentDescription ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "LongTextComplicationData(text=$text, title=$title, " +
            "monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, " +
            "contentDescription=$_contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource, " +
            "persistencePolicy=$persistencePolicy, displayPolicy=$displayPolicy, " +

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() =
        text.isPlaceholder() ||
            title?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            monochromaticImage?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            smallImage?.isPlaceholder() == true

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        if (title != null) {
            val titleChangeInstant = title.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant)
            val textChangeInstant = text.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant)
            return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
            } else {
        } else {
            return text.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant)

    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        @JvmField public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.LONG_TEXT

 * Describes an optional color ramp for the progress bar associated with
 * [RangedValueComplicationData] or [GoalProgressComplicationData]. This is a rendering hint that
 * overrides the normal watch face colors when there's a particular semantic meaning. E.g. red to
 * blue for a ranged value representing temperature.
 * Note this is a subset of the functionality of [] and the x & y
 * coordinates for the ramp are not known to the complication data source.
 * @property colors The colors to render the progress bar with. For [RangedValueComplicationData]
 *   the first color corresponds to [RangedValueComplicationData.min] and the last color to
 *   [RangedValueComplicationData.max]. For [GoalProgressComplicationData] the first color
 *   corresponds to zero and the last color to [GoalProgressComplicationData.targetValue]. A maximum
 *   of 7 colors may be specified. When rendered the colors must be evenly spread along the progress
 *   bar. The colors must be meaningful to the user, e.g. blue = cold, red/yellow = warm.
 * @property interpolated If `true` then the colors should be smoothly interpolated when rendering
 *   the progress bar. If `false` the colors should be rendered as equal sized regions of solid
 *   color, resulting in a noticeable step between each color.
public class ColorRamp(
    @ColorInt val colors: IntArray,
    @get:JvmName("isInterpolated") val interpolated: Boolean
) {
    /** Throws [IllegalArgumentException] if the [ColorRamp] is invalid. */
    internal fun validate() {
        require(colors.size <= 7) { "colors can have no more than seven entries" }

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "ColorRamp(colors=[${colors.joinToString()}], interpolated=$interpolated)"

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as ColorRamp

        if (!colors.contentEquals(other.colors)) return false
        if (interpolated != other.interpolated) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = colors.contentHashCode()
        result = 31 * result + interpolated.hashCode()
        return result

 * Type used for complications including a numerical value within a range, such as a percentage. The
 * value may be accompanied by an icon and/or short text and title.
 * The [min] and [max] fields are required for this type, as well as one of [value] or
 * [dynamicValue]. The value within the range is expected to always be displayed.
 * The icon, title, and text fields are optional and the watch face may choose which of these fields
 * to display, if any.
 * If a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage] are both specified then only one should be
 * displayed. If the complication is drawn with a single color it's recommended to choose
 * [monochromaticImage] and apply a tint. If the complication is rendered with multiple colors it's
 * recommended to choose the [smallImage]. It's best practice for a ComplicationDataSource to
 * specify both a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage].
 * A data source that wants to serve a RangedValueComplicationData must include the following meta
 * data in its manifest (NB the value is a comma separated list):
 * ```
 * <meta-data android:name=""
 *    android:value="RANGED_VALUE"/>
 * ```
 * @property value The [Float] value of this complication which is >= [min] and <= [max] or equal to
 *   [PLACEHOLDER]. If it's equal to [PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a placeholder
 *   rather than rendering normally, its suggested to be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value
 *   selected by the renderer. The semantic meaning of value is described by [valueType].
 * @property dynamicValue The [DynamicFloat] optionally set by the data source. If present the
 *   system will dynamically evaluate this and store the result in [value]. Watch faces can
 *   typically ignore this field.
 * @property min The minimum [Float] value for this complication.
 * @property max The maximum [Float] value for this complication.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 *   face. If the monochromaticImage is equal to [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must
 *   treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered
 *   as a light grey box.
 * @property smallImage A [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 *   occupied by a single complication. If the smallImage is equal to [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER] the
 *   renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 *   be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. The length of the title, including any
 *   time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When using
 *   this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 *   (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 *   possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 *   truncated. If the title is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it
 *   as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light
 *   grey box.
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. The length of the text, including
 *   any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 *   using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 *   (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 *   possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 *   truncated. If the text is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as
 *   a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light
 *   grey box.
 * @property colorRamp Optional hint to render the value with the specified [ColorRamp]. When
 *   present the renderer may choose to use the ColorRamp when rendering the progress bar.
 * @property valueType The semantic meaning of [value]. The complication renderer may choose to
 *   visually differentiate between the different types, for example rendering a dot on a line/arc
 *   to indicate the value for a [TYPE_RATING].
public class RangedValueComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val value: Float,
    @get:RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU) public val dynamicValue: DynamicFloat?,
    public val min: Float,
    public val max: Float,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val text: ComplicationText?,
    private val _contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
    public val colorRamp: ColorRamp?,
    @RangedValueType public val valueType: Int,
    @ComplicationPersistencePolicy persistencePolicy: Int,
    @ComplicationDisplayPolicy displayPolicy: Int,
    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback: RangedValueComplicationData?,
) :
        tapAction = tapAction,
        cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
        validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
        dataSource = dataSource,
        persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
        displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
        dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = dynamicValueInvalidationFallback,
    ) {

    override fun validate() {
        require(min <= max) { "min must be lower than or equal to max" }
            value == PLACEHOLDER ||
                Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU ||
                value in min..max
        ) {
            "From T API onwards, value must be between min and max"
        require(max != Float.MAX_VALUE) { "Float.MAX_VALUE is reserved and can't be used for max" }
        require(monochromaticImage != null || smallImage != null || text != null || title != null) {
            "At least one of monochromaticImage, smallImage, text or title must be set"
        if (valueType == TYPE_PERCENTAGE) {
            require(min == 0f) { "min must be 0 for TYPE_PERCENTAGE" }
            require(max == 100f) { "max must be 100 for TYPE_PERCENTAGE" }

    public annotation class RangedValueType

     * Builder for [RangedValueComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [min], [max] and [contentDescription] fields, at least one of
     * [value] or [dynamicValue], and at least one of [monochromaticImage], [smallImage], [text] or
     * [title].
    public class Builder
    public constructor(
        private val value: Float,
        private val dynamicValue: DynamicFloat?,
        private val min: Float,
        private val max: Float,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) : BaseBuilder<Builder, RangedValueComplicationData>() {
         * Creates a [Builder] for a [RangedValueComplicationData] with a [Float] value.
         * @param value The value of the ranged complication which should be in the range [[min]] ..
         *   [[max]]. The semantic meaning of value can be specified via [setValueType].
         * @param min The minimum value. For [TYPE_PERCENTAGE] this must be 0f.
         * @param max The maximum value. This must be less than [Float.MAX_VALUE]. For
         *   [TYPE_PERCENTAGE] this must be 0f.
         * @param contentDescription Defines localized text that briefly describes content of the
         *   complication. This property is used primarily for accessibility. Since some
         *   complications do not have textual representation this attribute can be used for
         *   providing such. Please do not include the word 'complication' in the description.
        public constructor(
            value: Float,
            min: Float,
            max: Float,
            contentDescription: ComplicationText
        ) : this(value, dynamicValue = null, min, max, contentDescription)

         * Creates a [Builder] for a [RangedValueComplicationData] with a [DynamicFloat] value.
         * @param dynamicValue The [DynamicFloat] of the ranged complication which will be evaluated
         *   into a value dynamically, and should be in the range [[min]] .. [[max]]. The semantic
         *   meaning of value can be specified via [setValueType].
         * @param fallbackValue The fallback value of the ranged complication used on systems that
         *   don't support [dynamicValue], which should be in the range [[min]] .. [[max]]. The
         *   semantic meaning of value can be specified via [setValueType].
         *   This is only relevant before [Build.VERSION_CODES.UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE], use the
         *   no-fallback constructor if you target an equal or higher API level.
         *   IMPORTANT: This is only used when the system does not support [dynamicValue] _at all_.
         *   See [setDynamicValueInvalidationFallback] for the situation where [dynamicValue] cannot
         *   be evaluated, e.g. when a data source is not available.
         * @param min The minimum value. For [TYPE_PERCENTAGE] this must be 0f.
         * @param max The maximum value. This must be less than [Float.MAX_VALUE]. For
         *   [TYPE_PERCENTAGE] this must be 0f.
         * @param contentDescription Defines localized text that briefly describes content of the
         *   complication. This property is used primarily for accessibility. Since some
         *   complications do not have textual representation this attribute can be used for
         *   providing such. Please do not include the word 'complication' in the description.
        public constructor(
            dynamicValue: DynamicFloat,
            fallbackValue: Float,
            min: Float,
            max: Float,
            contentDescription: ComplicationText
        ) : this(value = fallbackValue, dynamicValue, min = min, max = max, contentDescription)

         * Creates a [Builder] for a [RangedValueComplicationData] with a [DynamicFloat] value, and
         * no `fallbackValue` for API levels known to support dynamic values.
         * @param dynamicValue The [DynamicFloat] of the ranged complication which will be evaluated
         *   into a value dynamically, and should be in the range [[min]] .. [[max]]. The semantic
         *   meaning of value can be specified via [setValueType].
         * @param min The minimum value. For [TYPE_PERCENTAGE] this must be 0f.
         * @param max The maximum value. This must be less than [Float.MAX_VALUE]. For
         *   [TYPE_PERCENTAGE] this must be 0f.
         * @param contentDescription Defines localized text that briefly describes content of the
         *   complication. This property is used primarily for accessibility. Since some
         *   complications do not have textual representation this attribute can be used for
         *   providing such. Please do not include the word 'complication' in the description.
        public constructor(
            dynamicValue: DynamicFloat,
            min: Float,
            max: Float,
            contentDescription: ComplicationText
        ) : this(value = min, dynamicValue, min = min, max = max, contentDescription)

        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var text: ComplicationText? = null
        private var colorRamp: ColorRamp? = null

        @RangedValueType private var valueType: Int = TYPE_UNDEFINED

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Sets optional icon associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = monochromaticImage

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply { this.title = title }

        /** Sets optional text associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setText(text: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply { this.text = text }

         * Sets an optional hint that the renderer should draw the progress bar using the
         * [ColorRamp].
        public fun setColorRamp(colorRamp: ColorRamp?): Builder = apply {
            this.colorRamp = colorRamp

         * Sets the semantic meaning of [value]. The complication renderer may choose to visually
         * differentiate between the different types, for example rendering a dot on a line/arc to
         * indicate the value for a [TYPE_RATING]. Defaults to [TYPE_UNDEFINED] if not set.
        public fun setValueType(@RangedValueType valueType: Int): Builder = apply {
            this.valueType = valueType

        /** Builds the [RangedValueComplicationData]. */
        public override fun build() =

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)
        colorRamp?.let {

    override fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText? =
            ?: ComplicationTextTemplate.Builder().addTextAndTitle(text, title).buildOrNull()
                ?: WireComplicationText(context.getString(R.string.a11y_template_range, value, max))

    /** The content description field for accessibility. */
    val contentDescription: ComplicationText? = _contentDescription ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY

    override fun toString(): String {
        val valueString =
            if (WireComplicationData.shouldRedact()) {
            } else {
        val dynamicValueString =
            if (WireComplicationData.shouldRedact()) {
            } else {
        return "RangedValueComplicationData(value=$valueString, " +
            "dynamicValue=$dynamicValueString, valueType=$valueType, min=$min, " +
            "max=$max, monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, " +
            "title=$title, text=$text, contentDescription=$_contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource, " +
            "colorRamp=$colorRamp, persistencePolicy=$persistencePolicy, " +
            "displayPolicy=$displayPolicy, " +

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() =
        value == PLACEHOLDER ||
            text?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            title?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            monochromaticImage?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            smallImage?.isPlaceholder() == true

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        val titleChangeInstant = title?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        val textChangeInstant = text?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
        } else {

    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        @JvmField public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.RANGED_VALUE

         * Used to signal the range should be rendered as a placeholder. It's suggested that a
         * placeholder ranged value be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value selected by the
         * renderer.
         * Note a placeholder may only be used in the context of
         * [NoDataComplicationData.placeholder].
        @JvmField public val PLACEHOLDER = Float.MAX_VALUE

         * The ranged value's semantic hasn't been explicitly defined, most commonly it's a
         * percentage however.
        const val TYPE_UNDEFINED = 0

         * The ranged value represents a rating or score for something unrelated to the user, e.g.
         * the air quality index or the UV index.
        const val TYPE_RATING = 1

        /** The ranged value represents a percentage in the range [0..100]. E.g. Battery charge. */
        const val TYPE_PERCENTAGE = 2

 * Type used for complications which shows the user's progress towards a goal, E.g. you've done 2400
 * out of your daily target of 10000 steps. Unlike [RangedValueComplicationData] [value] is allowed
 * to be larger than [targetValue] (e.g. you've done 12000 steps) and renderers may chose to
 * acknowledge this in a special way (e.g. by colorizing part of the progress bar in a different
 * color to indicate progress past the goal). The value may be accompanied by an icon and/or short
 * text and title.
 * The [targetValue] field is required for this type, as well as one of [value] or [dynamicValue].
 * The progress is expected to always be displayed.
 * The icon, title, and text fields are optional and the watch face may choose which of these fields
 * to display, if any.
 * If a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage] are both specified then only one should be
 * displayed. If the complication is drawn with a single color it's recommended to choose
 * [monochromaticImage] and apply a tint. If the complication is rendered with multiple colors it's
 * recommended to choose the [smallImage]. It's best practice for a ComplicationDataSource to
 * specify both a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage].
 * If you want to represent a score for something that's not based on the user (e.g. air quality
 * index) then you should instead use a [RangedValueComplicationData] and pass
 * [RangedValueComplicationData.TYPE_RATING] into
 * [RangedValueComplicationData.Builder.setValueType].
 * A data source that wants to serve a SmallImageComplicationData must include the following meta
 * data in its manifest (NB the value is a comma separated list):
 * ```
 * <meta-data android:name=""
 *        android:value="GOAL_PROGRESS"/>
 * ```
 * @property value The [Float] value of this complication which is >= 0f, this value may be larger
 *   than [targetValue]. If it's equal to [PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a placeholder
 *   rather than rendering normally, its suggested to be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value
 *   selected by the renderer.
 * @property dynamicValue The [DynamicFloat] optionally set by the data source. If present the
 *   system will dynamically evaluate this and store the result in [value]. Watch faces can
 *   typically ignore this field.
 * @property targetValue The target [Float] value for this complication.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 *   face. If the monochromaticImage is equal to [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must
 *   treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered
 *   as a light grey box.
 * @property smallImage A [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 *   occupied by a single complication. If the smallImage is equal to [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER] the
 *   renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 *   be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. The length of the title, including any
 *   time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When using
 *   this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 *   (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 *   possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 *   truncated. If the title is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it
 *   as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light
 *   grey box.
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. The length of the text, including
 *   any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 *   using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 *   (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 *   possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 *   truncated. If the text is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as
 *   a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light
 *   grey box.
 * @property colorRamp Optional hint to render the progress bar representing [value] with the
 *   specified [ColorRamp].
public class GoalProgressComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val value: Float,
    @get:RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU) public val dynamicValue: DynamicFloat?,
    public val targetValue: Float,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val text: ComplicationText?,
    private val _contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
    public val colorRamp: ColorRamp?,
    @ComplicationPersistencePolicy persistencePolicy: Int,
    @ComplicationDisplayPolicy displayPolicy: Int,
    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback: GoalProgressComplicationData?,
) :
        tapAction = tapAction,
        cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
        validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
        dataSource = dataSource,
        persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
        displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
        dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = dynamicValueInvalidationFallback,
    ) {

    override fun validate() {
        require(targetValue != Float.MAX_VALUE) {
            "Float.MAX_VALUE is reserved and can't be used for target"
        require(monochromaticImage != null || smallImage != null || text != null || title != null) {
            "At least one of monochromaticImage, smallImage, text or title must be set"

     * Builder for [GoalProgressComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [targetValue] and [contentDescription] fields, one of [value]
     * or [dynamicValue], and at least one of [monochromaticImage], [smallImage], [text] or [title].
    public class Builder
    public constructor(
        private val value: Float,
        private val dynamicValue: DynamicFloat?,
        private val targetValue: Float,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) : BaseBuilder<Builder, GoalProgressComplicationData>() {
         * Creates a [Builder] for a [GoalProgressComplicationData] with a [Float] value.
         * @param value The value of the goal complication which should be >= 0.
         * @param targetValue The target value. This must be less than [Float.MAX_VALUE].
         * @param contentDescription Defines localized text that briefly describes content of the
         *   complication. This property is used primarily for accessibility. Since some
         *   complications do not have textual representation this attribute can be used for
         *   providing such. Please do not include the word 'complication' in the description.
        public constructor(
            value: Float,
            targetValue: Float,
            contentDescription: ComplicationText
        ) : this(value, dynamicValue = null, targetValue, contentDescription)

         * Creates a [Builder] for a [GoalProgressComplicationData] with a [DynamicFloat] value.
         * @param dynamicValue The [DynamicFloat] of the goal complication which will be evaluated
         *   into a value dynamically, and should be >= 0.
         * @param fallbackValue The fallback value of the goal complication which will be used on
         *   systems that don't support [dynamicValue], and should be >= 0.
         *   This is only relevant before [Build.VERSION_CODES.UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE], use the
         *   no-fallback constructor if you target an equal or higher API level.
         *   IMPORTANT: This is only used when the system does not support [dynamicValue] _at all_.
         *   See [setDynamicValueInvalidationFallback] for the situation where the [dynamicValue]
         *   cannot be evaluated, e.g. when a data source is not available.
         * @param targetValue The target value. This must be less than [Float.MAX_VALUE].
         * @param contentDescription Defines localized text that briefly describes content of the
         *   complication. This property is used primarily for accessibility. Since some
         *   complications do not have textual representation this attribute can be used for
         *   providing such. Please do not include the word 'complication' in the description.
        public constructor(
            dynamicValue: DynamicFloat,
            fallbackValue: Float,
            targetValue: Float,
            contentDescription: ComplicationText
        ) : this(fallbackValue, dynamicValue, targetValue, contentDescription)

        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var text: ComplicationText? = null
        private var colorRamp: ColorRamp? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Sets optional icon associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = monochromaticImage

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply { this.title = title }

        /** Sets optional text associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setText(text: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply { this.text = text }

         * Sets an optional hint which suggests the renderer draws the complication using a
         * [ColorRamp].
        public fun setColorRamp(colorRamp: ColorRamp?): Builder = apply {
            this.colorRamp = colorRamp

        /** Builds the [GoalProgressComplicationData]. */
        public override fun build() =

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)
        colorRamp?.let {

    override fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText? =
            ?: ComplicationTextTemplate.Builder().addTextAndTitle(text, title).buildOrNull()
                ?: WireComplicationText(
                context.getString(R.string.a11y_template_range, value, targetValue)

    /** The content description field for accessibility. */
    val contentDescription: ComplicationText? = _contentDescription ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY

    override fun toString(): String {
        val valueString =
            if (WireComplicationData.shouldRedact()) {
            } else {
        val dynamicValueString =
            if (WireComplicationData.shouldRedact()) {
            } else {
        return "GoalProgressComplicationData(value=$valueString, " +
            "dynamicValue=$dynamicValueString, targetValue=$targetValue, " +
            "monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, title=$title, " +
            "text=$text, contentDescription=$_contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource, " +
            "colorRamp=$colorRamp, persistencePolicy=$persistencePolicy, " +
            "displayPolicy=$displayPolicy, " +

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() =
        value == PLACEHOLDER ||
            text?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            title?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            monochromaticImage?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            smallImage?.isPlaceholder() == true

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        val titleChangeInstant = title?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        val textChangeInstant = text?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
        } else {

    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        @JvmField public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.GOAL_PROGRESS

         * Used to signal the range should be rendered as a placeholder. It's suggested that a
         * placeholder ranged value be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value selected by the
         * renderer.
         * Note a placeholder may only be used in the context of
         * [NoDataComplicationData.placeholder].
        @JvmField public val PLACEHOLDER = Float.MAX_VALUE

 * Type used for complications which want to display the breakdown of something (e.g. nutrition
 * data) perhaps as a pie chart, or as a stacked bar chart etc. The breakdown may be accompanied by
 * an icon and/or short text and title.
 * The [elements] field is required for this type and is expected to always be displayed.
 * The [monochromaticImage], [smallImage], [title], and [text] fields are optional but at least one
 * of them must be set. The watch face may choose which of these fields to display, if any.
 * If a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage] are both specified then only one should be
 * displayed. If the complication is drawn with a single color it's recommended to choose
 * [monochromaticImage] and apply a tint. If the complication is rendered with multiple colors it's
 * recommended to choose the [smallImage]. It's best practice for a ComplicationDataSource to
 * specify both a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage].
 * A data source that wants to serve a SmallImageComplicationData must include the following meta
 * data in its manifest (NB the value is a comma separated list):
 * ```
 * <meta-data android:name=""
 *    android:value="WEIGHTED_ELEMENTS"/>
 * ```
 * @property elements The breakdown of the subject into various [Element]s (e.g. the proportion of
 *   calories consumed which were carbohydrates, fats, etc.). The colors need to be meaningful to
 *   the user (e.g. blue is cold, yellow/red is worm), and should be consistent with the experience
 *   launched by tapping on the complication. If this is equal to [PLACEHOLDER] then the renderer
 *   must display this in a visually distinct way to suggest to the user that it's placeholder data.
 *   E.g. each element is rendered in light grey. The maximum valid size of this list is provided by
 *   [getMaxElements] and it will be truncated if its larger.
 * @property elementBackgroundColor If elements are draw as segments then this is the background
 *   color to use in between them.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 *   face. If the monochromaticImage is equal to [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must
 *   treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered
 *   as a light grey box.
 * @property smallImage A [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 *   occupied by a single complication. If the smallImage is equal to [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER] the
 *   renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 *   be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. The length of the title, including any
 *   time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When using
 *   this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 *   (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 *   possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 *   truncated. If the title is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it
 *   as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light
 *   grey box.
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. The length of the text, including
 *   any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 *   using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 *   (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 *   possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 *   truncated. If the text is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as
 *   a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light
 *   grey box.
public class WeightedElementsComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val elements: List<Element>,
    @ColorInt public val elementBackgroundColor: Int,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val text: ComplicationText?,
    private val _contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
    @ComplicationPersistencePolicy persistencePolicy: Int,
    @ComplicationDisplayPolicy displayPolicy: Int,
    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback: WeightedElementsComplicationData?,
) :
        tapAction = tapAction,
        cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
        validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
        dataSource = dataSource,
        persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
        displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
        dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = dynamicValueInvalidationFallback,
    ) {

    override fun validate() {
        require(monochromaticImage != null || smallImage != null || text != null || title != null) {
            "At least one of monochromaticImage, smallImage, text or title must be set"
        for (element in elements) {

     * Describes a single value within a [WeightedElementsComplicationData].
     * @property weight The weight of the Element which must be > zero. The size of the element when
     *   rendered should be proportional to its weight. Weights are not required to sum to any
     *   particular value.
     * @property color The color of the Element, which must be used instead of the watch face's
     *   colors. This color needs to be meaningful to the user in conjunction with the other fields
     *   (e.g. blue is cold, red/yellow is warm). Tapping on the complication should launch an
     *   experience where the data is presented in more detail. Care must be taken to ensure the
     *   colors used are consistent with the launched experience.
    class Element(
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false) val weight: Float,
        @ColorInt val color: Int
    ) {
        /** Throws [IllegalArgumentException] if the [Element] is invalid. */
        internal fun validate() {
            require(weight > 0) { "The weight must be > 0" }

        override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
            if (this === other) return true
            if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

            other as Element

            if (color != other.color) return false
            if (weight != other.weight) return false

            return true

        override fun hashCode(): Int {
            var result = color
            result = 31 * result + weight.hashCode()
            return result

        override fun toString(): String {
            return "Element(color=$color, weight=$weight)"

     * Builder for [WeightedElementsComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [elements] field and at least one of [monochromaticImage],
     * [smallImage], [text] or [title].
     * @param elements The breakdown of the subject into various [Element]s. E.g. the proportion of
     *   calories consumed which were carbohydrates, fats etc... The [tapAction] must take the user
     *   to an experience where the color key becomes obvious. The maximum valid size of this list
     *   is provided by [getMaxElements].
     * @param contentDescription Defines localized text that briefly describes content of the
     *   complication. This property is used primarily for accessibility. Since some complications
     *   do not have textual representation this attribute can be used for providing such. Please do
     *   not include the word 'complication' in the description.
    public class Builder(
        elements: List<Element>,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) : BaseBuilder<Builder, WeightedElementsComplicationData>() {
        @ColorInt private var elementBackgroundColor: Int = Color.TRANSPARENT
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var text: ComplicationText? = null

        init {
            if (elements.size > getMaxElements()) {
                    "Found ${elements.size} elements but the maximum is ${getMaxElements()}," +
                        " truncating!"

        private val elements: List<Element> =
            if (elements.size > getMaxElements()) {
                elements.subList(0, getMaxElements()) // NB the second parameter is exclusive!
            } else {

         * Sets the background color to use between the [elements] if they are drawn segmented.
         * Defaults to [Color.TRANSPARENT] if not set.
        public fun setElementBackgroundColor(@ColorInt elementBackgroundColor: Int): Builder =
            apply {
                this.elementBackgroundColor = elementBackgroundColor

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Sets optional icon associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = monochromaticImage

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply { this.title = title }

        /** Sets optional text associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setText(text: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply { this.text = text }

        /** Builds the [GoalProgressComplicationData]. */
        public override fun build() =

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
        builder.setElementWeights( { it.weight }.toFloatArray())
        builder.setElementColors( { it.color }.toIntArray())
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText? =
            ?: ComplicationTextTemplate.Builder().addTextAndTitle(text, title).buildOrNull()

    /** The content description field for accessibility. */
    val contentDescription: ComplicationText? = _contentDescription ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        val titleChangeInstant = title?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        val textChangeInstant = text?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
        } else {

    override fun toString(): String {
        val elementsString =
            if (WireComplicationData.shouldRedact()) {
            } else {
        return "WeightedElementsComplicationData(elements=$elementsString, " +
            "elementBackgroundColor=$elementBackgroundColor, " +
            "monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, title=$title, " +
            "text=$text, contentDescription=$_contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource, " +
            "persistencePolicy=$persistencePolicy, displayPolicy=$displayPolicy, " +

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() =
        elements == PLACEHOLDER ||
            text?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            title?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            monochromaticImage?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
            smallImage?.isPlaceholder() == true

    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        @JvmField public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.WEIGHTED_ELEMENTS

         * Used to signal the range should be rendered as a placeholder. It's suggested that a
         * placeholder ranged value be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value selected by the
         * renderer.
         * Note a placeholder may only be used in the context of
         * [NoDataComplicationData.placeholder].
        @JvmField public val PLACEHOLDER = emptyList<Element>()

         * Returns the maximum size for [elements]. Complications are small and if we have a very
         * large number of elements we likely won't be able to render them properly because the
         * individual elements will be too small on screen.
        @JvmStatic public fun getMaxElements() = 7

 * Type used for complications which consist only of a [MonochromaticImage].
 * The image is expected to always be displayed.
 * A data source that wants to serve a MonochromaticImageComplicationData must include the following
 * meta data in its manifest (NB the value is a comma separated list):
 * ```
 * <meta-data android:name=""
 *    android:value="ICON"/>
 * ```
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 *   face (typically with SRC_IN). If the monochromaticImage is equal to
 *   [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than
 *   rendering normally, it's suggested it should be rendered as a light grey box.
public class MonochromaticImageComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage,
    private val _contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
    @ComplicationPersistencePolicy persistencePolicy: Int,
    @ComplicationDisplayPolicy displayPolicy: Int,
    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback: MonochromaticImageComplicationData?,
) :
        tapAction = tapAction,
        cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
        validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
        dataSource = dataSource,
        persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
        displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
        dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = dynamicValueInvalidationFallback,
    ) {
     * Builder for [MonochromaticImageComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [monochromaticImage] and [contentDescription] fields.
     * @param monochromaticImage The [MonochromaticImage] to be displayed
     * @param contentDescription The content description field for accessibility and is used to
     *   describe what data the icon represents. If the icon is purely stylistic, and does not
     *   convey any information to the user, then provide an empty content description. If no
     *   content description is provided, a generic content description will be used instead. Please
     *   do not include the word 'complication' in the description.
    public class Builder(
        private val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) : BaseBuilder<Builder, MonochromaticImageComplicationData>() {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Builds the [MonochromaticImageComplicationData]. */
        public override fun build(): MonochromaticImageComplicationData =

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText? =

    /** The content description field for accessibility. */
    val contentDescription: ComplicationText? = _contentDescription ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = monochromaticImage.isPlaceholder()

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "MonochromaticImageComplicationData(monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, " +
            "contentDescription=$_contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource, " +
            "persistencePolicy=$persistencePolicy, displayPolicy=$displayPolicy, " +

    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        @JvmField public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.MONOCHROMATIC_IMAGE

 * Type used for complications which consist only of a [SmallImage].
 * The image is expected to always be displayed.
 * A data source that wants to serve a SmallImageComplicationData must include the following meta
 * data in its manifest (NB the value is a comma separated list):
 * ```
 * <meta-data android:name=""
 *    android:value="SMALL_IMAGE"/>
 * ```
 * @property smallImage The [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 *   occupied by a single complication. If the smallImage is equal to [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER] the
 *   renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 *   be rendered as a light grey box.
public class SmallImageComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val smallImage: SmallImage,
    private val _contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
    @ComplicationPersistencePolicy persistencePolicy: Int,
    @ComplicationDisplayPolicy displayPolicy: Int,
    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback: SmallImageComplicationData?,
) :
        tapAction = tapAction,
        cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
        validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
        dataSource = dataSource,
        persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
        displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
        dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = dynamicValueInvalidationFallback,
    ) {
     * Builder for [SmallImageComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [smallImage] and [contentDescription] fields.
     * @param smallImage The [SmallImage] to be displayed
     * @param contentDescription The content description field for accessibility and is used to
     *   describe what data the image represents. If the image is purely stylistic, and does not
     *   convey any information to the user, then provide an empty content description. If no
     *   content description is provided, a generic content description will be used instead. Please
     *   do not include the word 'complication' in the description.
    public class Builder(
        private val smallImage: SmallImage,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) : BaseBuilder<Builder, SmallImageComplicationData>() {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Builds the [MonochromaticImageComplicationData]. */
        public override fun build(): SmallImageComplicationData =

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText? =

    /** The content description field for accessibility. */
    val contentDescription: ComplicationText? = _contentDescription ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "SmallImageComplicationData(smallImage=$smallImage, " +
            "contentDescription=$_contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource, " +
            "persistencePolicy=$persistencePolicy, displayPolicy=$displayPolicy, " +

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = smallImage.isPlaceholder()

    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        @JvmField public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.SMALL_IMAGE

 * Type used for complications which consist only of an image that is expected to fill a large part
 * of the watch face, large enough to be shown as either a background or as part of a high
 * resolution complication.
 * The image is expected to always be displayed. The image may be shown as the background, any other
 * part of the watch face or within a complication. The image is large enough to be cover the entire
 * screen. The image may be cropped to fit the watch face or complication.
 * A data source that wants to serve a PhotoImageComplicationData must include the following meta
 * data in its manifest (NB the value is a comma separated list):
 * ```
 * <meta-data android:name=""
 *    android:value="LARGE_IMAGE"/>
 * ```
 * @property photoImage The [Icon] that is expected to fill a large part of the watch face, large
 *   enough to be shown as either a background or as part of a high resolution complication. This
 *   must not be tinted. If the photoImage is equal to [PhotoImageComplicationData.PLACEHOLDER] the
 *   renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 *   be rendered as a light grey box.
public class PhotoImageComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val photoImage: Icon,
    private val _contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
    @ComplicationPersistencePolicy persistencePolicy: Int,
    @ComplicationDisplayPolicy displayPolicy: Int,
    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback: PhotoImageComplicationData?,
) :
        tapAction = tapAction,
        cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
        validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
        dataSource = dataSource,
        persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
        displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
        dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = dynamicValueInvalidationFallback,
    ) {
     * Builder for [PhotoImageComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [photoImage] and [contentDescription] fields.
     * @param photoImage The [Icon] to be displayed
     * @param contentDescription The content description field for accessibility and is used to
     *   describe what data the image represents. If the image is purely stylistic, and does not
     *   convey any information to the user, then provide an empty content description. If no
     *   content description is provided, a generic content description will be used instead. Please
     *   do not include the word 'complication' in the description.
    public class Builder(
        private val photoImage: Icon,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) : BaseBuilder<Builder, PhotoImageComplicationData>() {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        @SuppressWarnings("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // See http://b/174052810
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @SuppressWarnings("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // See http://b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Builds the [PhotoImageComplicationData]. */
        public override fun build(): PhotoImageComplicationData =

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText? =

    /** The content description field for accessibility. */
    val contentDescription: ComplicationText? = _contentDescription ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "PhotoImageComplicationData(photoImage=$photoImage, " +
            "contentDescription=$_contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource, " +
            "persistencePolicy=$persistencePolicy, displayPolicy=$displayPolicy, " +

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = photoImage.isPlaceholder()

    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        @JvmField public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.PHOTO_IMAGE

         * Used to signal the photo image should be rendered as a placeholder. It's suggested that a
         * placeholder ranged value be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value selected by the
         * renderer.
         * Note a placeholder may only be used in the context of
         * [NoDataComplicationData.placeholder].
        @JvmField public val PLACEHOLDER: Icon = createPlaceholderIcon()

 * Type sent by the system when the watch face does not have permission to receive complication
 * data.
 * The text, title, and icon may be displayed by watch faces, but this is not required.
 * It is recommended that, where possible, tapping on the complication when in this state should
 * trigger a permission request. Note this is done by
 * [androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlotsManager] for androidx watch faces.
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. The length of the text, including
 *   any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 *   using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 *   (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 *   possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 *   truncated.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. The length of the text, including any
 *   time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When using
 *   this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 *   (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 *   possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 *   truncated.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 *   face.
 * @property smallImage A [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 *   occupied by a single complication
public class NoPermissionComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val text: ComplicationText?,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
    @ComplicationPersistencePolicy persistencePolicy: Int,
    @ComplicationDisplayPolicy displayPolicy: Int,
) :
        tapAction = null,
        cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
        dataSource = dataSource,
        persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
        displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
        dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = null,
    ) {
    /** Builder for [NoPermissionComplicationData]. */
    public class Builder : BaseBuilder<Builder, NoPermissionComplicationData>() {
        private var text: ComplicationText? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null

        /** Sets optional text associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setText(text: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply { this.text = text }

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply { this.title = title }

        /** Sets optional icon associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = monochromaticImage

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

        /** Builds the [NoPermissionComplicationData]. */
        public override fun build(): NoPermissionComplicationData =

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {

    override fun getContentDescription(context: Context): TimeDependentText? =
            .addTextAndTitle(text, title)

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "NoPermissionComplicationData(text=$text, title=$title, " +
            "monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource, " +
            "persistencePolicy=$persistencePolicy, displayPolicy=$displayPolicy)"

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        val titleChangeInstant = title?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        val textChangeInstant = text?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
        } else {

    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        @JvmField public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.NO_PERMISSION

internal fun WireComplicationData.toPlaceholderComplicationData(): ComplicationData? =
    when (type) {
        NoDataComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() -> null
        EmptyComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() -> null
        NotConfiguredComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() -> null
        else ->
            toApiComplicationData(placeholderAware = true).let {
                if (it is NoDataComplicationData) null else it

public fun WireComplicationData.toApiComplicationData(): ComplicationData =
    toApiComplicationData(placeholderAware = false)

private fun WireComplicationData.toApiComplicationData(
    placeholderAware: Boolean
): ComplicationData {
    try {
        return when (type) {
            NoDataComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                    placeholder = placeholder?.toPlaceholderComplicationData(),
                    invalidatedData = invalidatedData?.toApiComplicationData(),
                    cachedWireComplicationData = this,
            EmptyComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() -> EmptyComplicationData()
            NotConfiguredComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
            ShortTextComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                    text = shortText!!.toApiComplicationText(placeholderAware),
                    title = shortTitle?.toApiComplicationText(placeholderAware),
                    monochromaticImage = parseIcon(placeholderAware),
                    smallImage = parseSmallImage(placeholderAware),
                    _contentDescription = contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText(),
                    tapAction = tapAction,
                    validTimeRange = parseTimeRange(),
                    cachedWireComplicationData = this,
                    dataSource = dataSource,
                    persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
                    displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
                    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = placeholder?.toTypedApiComplicationData(),
            LongTextComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                    text = longText!!.toApiComplicationText(placeholderAware),
                    title = longTitle?.toApiComplicationText(placeholderAware),
                    monochromaticImage = parseIcon(placeholderAware),
                    smallImage = parseSmallImage(placeholderAware),
                    _contentDescription = contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText(),
                    tapAction = tapAction,
                    validTimeRange = parseTimeRange(),
                    cachedWireComplicationData = this,
                    dataSource = dataSource,
                    persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
                    displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
                    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = placeholder?.toTypedApiComplicationData(),
            RangedValueComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                    value = rangedValue,
                    dynamicValue = rangedDynamicValue,
                    min = rangedMinValue,
                    max = rangedMaxValue,
                    monochromaticImage = parseIcon(placeholderAware),
                    smallImage = parseSmallImage(placeholderAware),
                    title = shortTitle?.toApiComplicationText(placeholderAware),
                    text = shortText?.toApiComplicationText(placeholderAware),
                    _contentDescription = contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText(),
                    tapAction = tapAction,
                    validTimeRange = parseTimeRange(),
                    cachedWireComplicationData = this,
                    dataSource = dataSource,
                    colorRamp = colorRamp?.let { ColorRamp(it, isColorRampInterpolated!!) },
                    valueType = rangedValueType,
                    persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
                    displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
                    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = placeholder?.toTypedApiComplicationData(),
            MonochromaticImageComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                    monochromaticImage = parseIcon(placeholderAware)!!,
                    _contentDescription = contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText(),
                    tapAction = tapAction,
                    validTimeRange = parseTimeRange(),
                    cachedWireComplicationData = this,
                    dataSource = dataSource,
                    persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
                    displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
                    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = placeholder?.toTypedApiComplicationData(),
            SmallImageComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                    smallImage = parseSmallImage(placeholderAware)!!,
                    _contentDescription = contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText(),
                    tapAction = tapAction,
                    validTimeRange = parseTimeRange(),
                    cachedWireComplicationData = this,
                    dataSource = dataSource,
                    persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
                    displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
                    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = placeholder?.toTypedApiComplicationData(),
            PhotoImageComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                    photoImage = parseLargeImage(placeholderAware)!!,
                    _contentDescription = contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText(),
                    tapAction = tapAction,
                    validTimeRange = parseTimeRange(),
                    cachedWireComplicationData = this,
                    dataSource = dataSource,
                    persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
                    displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
                    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = placeholder?.toTypedApiComplicationData(),
            NoPermissionComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                    text = shortText?.toApiComplicationText(),
                    title = shortTitle?.toApiComplicationText(),
                    monochromaticImage = parseIcon(),
                    smallImage = parseSmallImage(),
                    cachedWireComplicationData = this,
                    dataSource = dataSource,
                    persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
                    displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
            GoalProgressComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                    value = rangedValue,
                    dynamicValue = rangedDynamicValue,
                    targetValue = targetValue,
                    monochromaticImage = parseIcon(placeholderAware),
                    smallImage = parseSmallImage(placeholderAware),
                    title = shortTitle?.toApiComplicationText(placeholderAware),
                    text = shortText?.toApiComplicationText(placeholderAware),
                    _contentDescription = contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText(),
                    tapAction = tapAction,
                    validTimeRange = parseTimeRange(),
                    cachedWireComplicationData = this,
                    dataSource = dataSource,
                    colorRamp = colorRamp?.let { ColorRamp(it, isColorRampInterpolated!!) },
                    persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
                    displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
                    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = placeholder?.toTypedApiComplicationData(),
            WeightedElementsComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                    elements =
                        if (placeholderAware && elementWeights!!.isEmpty()) {
                        } else {
                            val elementWeights = this.elementWeights!!
                            val elementColors = this.elementColors!!
                            if (elementWeights.size != elementColors.size) {
                                    "elementWeights and elementColors must have the same size"
                                .map { (weight, color) ->
                                    WeightedElementsComplicationData.Element(weight, color)
                    elementBackgroundColor = elementBackgroundColor,
                    monochromaticImage = parseIcon(placeholderAware),
                    smallImage = parseSmallImage(placeholderAware),
                    title = shortTitle?.toApiComplicationText(placeholderAware),
                    text = shortText?.toApiComplicationText(placeholderAware),
                    _contentDescription = contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText(),
                    tapAction = tapAction,
                    validTimeRange = parseTimeRange(),
                    cachedWireComplicationData = this,
                    dataSource = dataSource,
                    persistencePolicy = persistencePolicy,
                    displayPolicy = displayPolicy,
                    dynamicValueInvalidationFallback = placeholder?.toTypedApiComplicationData(),
            else -> NoDataComplicationData()
    } catch (e: Exception) {
            "WireComplicationData.toApiComplicationData failed for " + toStringNoRedaction(),
        throw e

public fun <T : ComplicationData> WireComplicationData.toTypedApiComplicationData(): T =
    toApiComplicationData() as T

private fun WireComplicationData.parseTimeRange() =
    if ((startDateTimeMillis == 0L) and (endDateTimeMillis == Long.MAX_VALUE)) {
    } else {

private fun WireComplicationData.parseIcon(placeholderAware: Boolean = false) =
    icon?.let {
        if (placeholderAware && it.isPlaceholder()) {
        } else {
            MonochromaticImage.Builder(it).apply { setAmbientImage(burnInProtectionIcon) }.build()

private fun WireComplicationData.parseSmallImage(placeholderAware: Boolean = false) =
    smallImage?.let {
        if (placeholderAware && it.isPlaceholder()) {
        } else {
            val imageStyle =
                when (smallImageStyle) {
                    WireComplicationData.IMAGE_STYLE_ICON -> SmallImageType.ICON
                    WireComplicationData.IMAGE_STYLE_PHOTO -> SmallImageType.PHOTO
                    else -> SmallImageType.PHOTO
            SmallImage.Builder(it, imageStyle)
                .apply { setAmbientImage(burnInProtectionSmallImage) }

private fun WireComplicationData.parseLargeImage(placeholderAware: Boolean = false) =
    largeImage?.let {
        if (placeholderAware && it.isPlaceholder()) {
        } else {

/** Some of the types, do not have any fields. This method provides a shorthard for that case. */
internal fun asPlainWireComplicationData(type: ComplicationType) =

internal fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?, data: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
    validTimeRange?.let {
        if (it.startDateTimeMillis > Instant.MIN) {
        if (it.endDateTimeMillis != Instant.MAX) {

internal fun ComplicationText.emptyToNull(): ComplicationText? = if (isAlwaysEmpty()) null else this

/** Returns whether either text or title were added. */
internal fun ComplicationTextTemplate.Builder.addTextAndTitle(
    text: ComplicationText?,
    title: ComplicationText?
): ComplicationTextTemplate.Builder = also {
    text?.emptyToNull()?.let { addComplicationText(it.toWireComplicationText()) }
    title?.emptyToNull()?.let { addComplicationText(it.toWireComplicationText()) }

internal fun ComplicationTextTemplate.Builder.buildOrNull(): TimeDependentText? =
    if (isEmpty) null else build()