
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.wear.remote.interactions

import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.content.res.Resources.NotFoundException
import android.os.Build
import android.os.Bundle
import android.os.Parcel
import android.os.ResultReceiver
import androidx.annotation.IntDef
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
import androidx.concurrent.futures.CallbackToFutureAdapter
import androidx.wear.remote.interactions.RemoteInteractionsUtil.isCurrentDeviceAWatch
import java.util.concurrent.Executor
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.function.Consumer
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.awaitClose
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.callbackFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flowOf

// Disabling max line length is needed for the link to work properly in the KDoc.
/* ktlint-disable max-line-length */
 * Support for opening android intents on other devices.
 * The following example opens play store for the given app on another device:
 * ```
 * val remoteActivityHelper = RemoteActivityHelper(context, executor)
 * val result = remoteActivityHelper.startRemoteActivity(
 *     Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)
 *         .setData(
 *             Uri.parse(""))
 *         .addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_BROWSABLE),
 *     nodeId)
 * ```
 * [startRemoteActivity] returns a [ListenableFuture], which is completed after the intent has
 * been sent or failed if there was an issue with sending the intent.
 * nodeId is the opaque string that represents a
 * [node](
 * in the Android Wear network. For the given device, it can obtained by `NodeClient.getLocalNode()`
 * and the list of nodes to which this device is currently connected can be obtained by
 * `NodeClient.getConnectedNodes()`. More information about this can be found
 * [here](
 * @param context The [Context] of the application for sending the intent.
 * @param executor [Executor] used for getting data to be passed in remote intent. If not
 * specified, default will be `Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()`.
/* ktlint-enable max-line-length */
public class RemoteActivityHelper
    @JvmOverloads constructor(
    private val context: Context,
    private val executor: Executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
) {
    public companion object {
        public const val ACTION_REMOTE_INTENT: String =

        /** The remote activity's availability is unknown. */
        public const val STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0

         * The remote auth's availability is unknown.
         * On older devices, [STATUS_UNKNOWN] is returned as we can not determine the availability states. To preserve
         * compatibility with existing devices behavior, try [startRemoteActivity] and handle
         * error codes accordingly.
        public const val STATUS_UNAVAILABLE = 1

         * Indicates that remote activity is temporarily unavailable.
         * There is a known paired device, but it is not currently connected or reachable to handle
         * the remote interaction.
        public const val STATUS_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE = 2

         * Indicates that remote activity is available.
         * There is a connected device capable to handle the remote interaction.
        public const val STATUS_AVAILABLE = 3

        private const val EXTRA_INTENT: String = ""

        private const val EXTRA_NODE_ID: String = ""

        private const val EXTRA_RESULT_RECEIVER: String =

         * Result code passed to [ResultReceiver.send] when a remote intent was sent successfully.
        public const val RESULT_OK: Int = 0

        /** Result code passed to [ResultReceiver.send] when a remote intent failed to send.  */
        public const val RESULT_FAILED: Int = 1

        internal const val DEFAULT_PACKAGE = ""

         * Returns the [android.content.Intent] extra specifying remote intent.
         * @param intent The intent holding configuration.
         * @return The remote intent, or null if none was set.
        public fun getTargetIntent(intent: Intent): Intent? =

         * Returns the [String] extra specifying node ID of remote intent.
         * @param intent The intent holding configuration.
         * @return The node id, or null if none was set.
        public fun getTargetNodeId(intent: Intent): String? =

         * Returns the [android.os.ResultReceiver] extra of remote intent.
         * @param intent The intent holding configuration.
         * @return The result receiver, or null if none was set.
        internal fun getRemoteIntentResultReceiver(intent: Intent): ResultReceiver? =

        /** Re-package a result receiver as a vanilla version for cross-process sending  */
        internal fun getResultReceiverForSending(receiver: ResultReceiver): ResultReceiver {
            val parcel = Parcel.obtain()
            receiver.writeToParcel(parcel, 0)
            val receiverForSending = ResultReceiver.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel)
            return receiverForSending

     * Used for testing only, so we can set mock NodeClient.
    internal var nodeClient: NodeClient = Wearable.getNodeClient(context)

    /** Used for testing only, so we can mock wear sdk dependency. */
    @VisibleForTesting internal var remoteInteractionsManager: IRemoteInteractionsManager = RemoteInteractionsManagerCompat(context)

     * Status of whether [RemoteActivityHelper] can [startRemoteActivity], if known.
     * In scenarios of restricted connection or temporary disconnection with a paired device,
     * [startRemoteActivity] will not be available. Please check [availabilityStatus] before calling [startRemoteActivity] to
     * provide better experience for the user.
     * Wear devices start to support determining the availability status from Wear Sdk WEAR_TIRAMISU_4.
     * On older wear devices, it will always return [STATUS_UNKNOWN].
     * On phone devices, it will always return [STATUS_UNKNOWN].
     * @sample androidx.wear.remote.interactions.samples.RemoteActivityAvailabilitySample
     * @return a [Flow] with a stream of status updates that could be one of [STATUS_UNKNOWN],
    public val availabilityStatus: Flow<Int> get() {
        if (!isCurrentDeviceAWatch(context)) {
            // Currently, we do not support knowing the startRemoteActivity's availability on a non-watch device.
            return flowOf(STATUS_UNKNOWN)
        if (!remoteInteractionsManager.isAvailabilityStatusApiSupported) {
            return flowOf(STATUS_UNKNOWN)
            // This should never be reached as the check above wouldn't pass below T.
            // `Consumer<Int>` requires min API 25 but library min API is 23, this hints to lint that the code below
            // only executes on T+.
            return flowOf(STATUS_UNKNOWN)

        return getRemoteActivityHelperStatusInternal()

    private fun getRemoteActivityHelperStatusInternal(): Flow<Int> {
        return callbackFlow {
            val callback =
                object : Consumer<Int> {
                    override fun accept(value: Int) {
                        // Emit WearSDK values through AndroidX with 1:1 mapping.

            remoteInteractionsManager.registerRemoteActivityHelperStatusListener(executor, callback)

            awaitClose { remoteInteractionsManager.unregisterRemoteActivityHelperStatusListener(callback) }

     * Start an activity on another device. This api currently supports sending intents with
     * action set to [android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW], a data uri populated using
     * [android.content.Intent.setData], and with the category
     * [android.content.Intent.CATEGORY_BROWSABLE] present. If the current device is a watch,
     * the activity will start on the companion phone device. Otherwise, the activity will
     * start on all connected watch devices.
     * @param targetIntent   The intent to open on the remote device. Action must be set to
     *                       [android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW], a data uri must be populated
     *                       using [android.content.Intent.setData], and the category
     *                       [android.content.Intent.CATEGORY_BROWSABLE] must be present.
     * @param targetNodeId   Wear OS node id for the device where the activity should be
     *                       started. If null, and the current device is a watch, the
     *                       activity will start on the companion phone device. Otherwise,
     *                       the activity will start on all connected watch devices.
     * @return The [ListenableFuture] which resolves if starting activity was successful or
     * throws [Exception] if any errors happens. If there's a problem with starting remote
     * activity, [RemoteIntentException] will be thrown.
    public fun startRemoteActivity(
        targetIntent: Intent,
        targetNodeId: String? = null,
    ): ListenableFuture<Void> {
        return CallbackToFutureAdapter.getFuture {
            require(Intent.ACTION_VIEW == targetIntent.action) {
                "Only ${Intent.ACTION_VIEW} action is currently supported for starting a" +
                    " remote activity"
            requireNotNull( {
                "Data Uri is required when starting a remote activity"
            require(targetIntent.categories?.contains(Intent.CATEGORY_BROWSABLE) == true) {
                "The category ${Intent.CATEGORY_BROWSABLE} must be present on the intent"

                targetIntent, targetNodeId, it, nodeClient,
                object : Callback {
                    override fun intentCreated(intent: Intent) {

                    override fun onFailure(exception: Exception) {

    private fun startCreatingIntentForRemoteActivity(
        intent: Intent,
        nodeId: String?,
        completer: CallbackToFutureAdapter.Completer<Void>,
        nodeClient: NodeClient,
        callback: Callback
    ) {
        if (isCurrentDeviceAWatch(context)) {
                    RemoteIntentResultReceiver(completer, numNodes = 1),

        if (nodeId != null) {
                ) { taskPackageName ->
                    val packageName = taskPackageName ?: DEFAULT_PACKAGE

                    if (packageName.isEmpty()) {
                        callback.onFailure(NotFoundException("Device $nodeId is not connected"))
                    } else {
                                RemoteIntentResultReceiver(completer, numNodes = 1),
                }.addOnFailureListener(executor) { callback.onFailure(it) }

        ) { connectedNodes ->
            if (connectedNodes.size == 0) {
                callback.onFailure(NotFoundException("No devices connected"))
            } else {
                val resultReceiver = RemoteIntentResultReceiver(completer, connectedNodes.size)
                for (node in connectedNodes) {
                    ) { taskPackageName ->
                        val packageName = taskPackageName ?: DEFAULT_PACKAGE
                            createIntent(intent, resultReceiver,, packageName)
                    }.addOnFailureListener(executor) { callback.onFailure(it) }
        }.addOnFailureListener(executor) { callback.onFailure(it) }

     * Creates [android.content.Intent] with action specifying remote intent. If any of
     * additional extras are specified, they will be added to it. If specified, [ResultReceiver]
     * will be re-packed to be parcelable. If specified, packageName will be set.
    internal fun createIntent(
        extraIntent: Intent?,
        resultReceiver: ResultReceiver?,
        nodeId: String?,
        packageName: String? = null
    ): Intent {
        val remoteIntent = Intent(ACTION_REMOTE_INTENT)
        // Put the extra when non-null value is passed in
        extraIntent?.let { remoteIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_INTENT, extraIntent) }
        resultReceiver?.let {
        nodeId?.let { remoteIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_NODE_ID, nodeId) }
        packageName?.let { remoteIntent.setPackage(packageName) }
        return remoteIntent

     * Result code passed to [ResultReceiver.send] for the status of remote intent.
    internal annotation class SendResult

    public class RemoteIntentException(message: String) : Exception(message)

    private interface Callback {
        fun intentCreated(intent: Intent)
        fun onFailure(exception: Exception)

    private class RemoteIntentResultReceiver(
        private val completer: CallbackToFutureAdapter.Completer<Void>,
        private var numNodes: Int
    ) : ResultReceiver(null) {
        private var numFailedResults: Int = 0

        override fun onReceiveResult(resultCode: Int, resultData: Bundle?) {
            if (resultCode != RESULT_OK) numFailedResults++
            // Don't send result if not all nodes have finished.
            if (numNodes > 0) return

            if (numFailedResults == 0) {
            } else {
                    RemoteIntentException("There was an error while starting remote activity.")