
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.window.embedding

import android.app.Activity
import android.content.Context
import android.content.pm.PackageManager
import android.os.Build
import android.util.Log
import androidx.annotation.DoNotInline
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.core.util.Consumer
import androidx.window.WindowProperties
import androidx.window.core.BuildConfig
import androidx.window.core.ExperimentalWindowApi
import androidx.window.core.VerificationMode
import androidx.window.embedding.SplitController.Api31Impl.isSplitPropertyEnabled
import androidx.window.layout.WindowMetrics
import java.util.concurrent.Executor
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import kotlin.concurrent.withLock

* A singleton controller class that gets information about the currently active activity
* splits and provides interaction points to customize the splits and form new
* splits.
* A split is a pair of containers that host activities in the same or different
* processes, combined under the same parent window of the hosting task.
* A pair of activities can be put into a split by providing a static or runtime
* split rule and then launching the activities in the same task using
* [Activity.startActivity()][android.app.Activity.startActivity].
class SplitController private constructor(private val applicationContext: Context) {
    private val embeddingBackend: EmbeddingBackend = ExtensionEmbeddingBackend

    // TODO(b/258356512): Make this method a flow API
     * Registers a listener for updates about the active split state(s) that this
     * activity is part of. An activity can be in zero, one or more active splits.
     * More than one active split is possible if an activity created multiple
     * containers to side, stacked on top of each other. Or it can be in two
     * different splits at the same time - in a secondary container for one (it was
     * launched to the side) and in the primary for another (it launched another
     * activity to the side). The reported splits in the list are ordered from
     * bottom to top by their z-order, more recent splits appearing later.
     * Guaranteed to be called at least once to report the most recent state.
     * @param activity only split that this [Activity] is part of will be reported.
     * @param executor when there is an update to the active split state(s), the [consumer] will be
     * invoked on this [Executor].
     * @param consumer [Consumer] that will be invoked on the [executor] when there is an update to
     * the active split state(s).
    fun addSplitListener(
        activity: Activity,
        executor: Executor,
        consumer: Consumer<List<SplitInfo>>
    ) {
        embeddingBackend.addSplitListenerForActivity(activity, executor, consumer)

     * Unregisters a listener that was previously registered via [addSplitListener].
     * @param consumer the previously registered [Consumer] to unregister.
    fun removeSplitListener(
        consumer: Consumer<List<SplitInfo>>
    ) {

     * Indicates whether split functionality is supported on the device. Note
     * that devices might not enable splits in all states or conditions. For
     * example, a foldable device with multiple screens can choose to collapse
     * splits when apps run on the device's small display, but enable splits
     * when apps run on the device's large display. In cases like this,
     * `isSplitSupported` always returns `true`, and if the split is collapsed,
     * activities are launched on top, following the non-activity embedding
     * model.
     * Also the [androidx.window.WindowProperties.PROPERTY_ACTIVITY_EMBEDDING_SPLITS_ENABLED]
     * must be enabled in AndroidManifest within <application> in order to get the correct
     * state or `false` will be returned by default.
    @Deprecated("Use splitSupportStatus instead",
        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("splitSupportStatus")
    fun isSplitSupported(): Boolean = splitSupportStatus == SplitSupportStatus.SPLIT_AVAILABLE

     * Indicates whether split functionality is supported on the device. Note
     * that devices might not enable splits in all states or conditions. For
     * example, a foldable device with multiple screens can choose to collapse
     * splits when apps run on the device's small display, but enable splits
     * when apps run on the device's large display. In cases like this,
     * [splitSupportStatus] always returns [SplitSupportStatus.SPLIT_AVAILABLE], and if the
     * split is collapsed, activities are launched on top, following the non-activity
     * embedding model.
     * Also the [androidx.window.WindowProperties.PROPERTY_ACTIVITY_EMBEDDING_SPLITS_ENABLED]
     * must be enabled in AndroidManifest within <application> in order to get the correct
     * state or [SplitSupportStatus.SPLIT_ERROR_PROPERTY_NOT_DECLARED] will be returned in some
     * cases.
     * @see SplitSupportStatus
    val splitSupportStatus: SplitSupportStatus by lazy {
        if (!embeddingBackend.isSplitSupported()) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S) {
        } else {
            // The PackageManager#getProperty API is not supported before S, assuming
            // the property is enabled to keep the same behavior on earlier platforms.

     * Sets or replaces the previously registered [SplitAttributes] calculator.
     * **Note** that it's callers' responsibility to check if this API is supported by calling
     * [isSplitAttributesCalculatorSupported] before using the this API. It is suggested to always
     * set meaningful [SplitRule.defaultSplitAttributes] in case this API is not supported on some
     * devices.
     * Also, replacing the calculator will only update existing split pairs after a change
     * in the window or device state, such as orientation changes or folding state changes.
     * The [SplitAttributes] calculator is a function to compute the current [SplitAttributes] for
     * the given [SplitRule] with the current device and window state. Then The calculator will be
     * invoked if either:
     * - An activity is started and matches a registered [SplitRule].
     * - A parent configuration is updated and there's an existing split pair.
     * By default, [SplitRule.defaultSplitAttributes] are applied if the parent container's
     * [WindowMetrics] satisfies the [SplitRule]'s dimensions requirements, which are
     * [SplitRule.minWidthDp], [SplitRule.minHeightDp] and [SplitRule.minSmallestWidthDp].
     * The [SplitRule.defaultSplitAttributes] can be set by
     * - [SplitRule] Builder APIs, which are
     *   [SplitPairRule.Builder.setDefaultSplitAttributes] and
     *   [SplitPlaceholderRule.Builder.setDefaultSplitAttributes].
     * - Specifying with `splitRatio` and `splitLayoutDirection` attributes in `<SplitPairRule>` or
     * `<SplitPlaceHolderRule>` tags in XML files.
     * Developers may want to apply different [SplitAttributes] for different device or window
     * states. For example, on foldable devices, developers may want to split the screen vertically
     * if the device is in landscape, fill the screen if the device is in portrait and split
     * the screen horizontally if the device is in
     * [tabletop posture](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/foldables#postures).
     * In this case, the [SplitAttributes] can be customized by the [SplitAttributes] calculator,
     * which takes effects after calling this API. Developers can also clear the calculator
     * by [clearSplitAttributesCalculator].
     * Then, developers could implement the [SplitAttributes] calculator as the sample linked below
     * shows.
     * @sample androidx.window.samples.embedding.splitAttributesCalculatorSample
     * @param calculator the function to calculate [SplitAttributes] based on the
     * [SplitAttributesCalculatorParams]. It will replace the previously set if it exists.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if [isSplitAttributesCalculatorSupported] reports
     * `false`
    fun setSplitAttributesCalculator(
        calculator: (SplitAttributesCalculatorParams) -> SplitAttributes
    ) {

     * Clears the callback previously set by [setSplitAttributesCalculator].
     * The caller **must** make sure [isSplitAttributesCalculatorSupported] before invoking.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if [isSplitAttributesCalculatorSupported] reports
     * `false`
    fun clearSplitAttributesCalculator() {

    /** Returns whether [setSplitAttributesCalculator] is supported or not. */
    fun isSplitAttributesCalculatorSupported(): Boolean =

     * A class to determine if activity splits with Activity Embedding are currently available.
     * "Depending on the split property declaration, device software version or user preferences
     * the feature might not be available.
    class SplitSupportStatus private constructor(private val rawValue: Int) {
        override fun toString(): String {
            return when (rawValue) {
                0 -> "SplitSupportStatus: AVAILABLE"
                1 -> "SplitSupportStatus: UNAVAILABLE"
                2 -> "SplitSupportStatus: ERROR_SPLIT_PROPERTY_NOT_DECLARED"
                else -> "UNKNOWN"

        companion object {
             * The activity splits API is available and split rules can take effect depending on
             * the window state.
            val SPLIT_AVAILABLE = SplitSupportStatus(0)

             * The activity splits API is currently unavailable.
            val SPLIT_UNAVAILABLE = SplitSupportStatus(1)

             * Denotes that [WindowProperties.PROPERTY_ACTIVITY_EMBEDDING_SPLITS_ENABLED] has not
             * been set. This property must be set and enabled in AndroidManifest.xml to use splits
             * APIs.
            val SPLIT_ERROR_PROPERTY_NOT_DECLARED = SplitSupportStatus(2)

    companion object {
        private var globalInstance: SplitController? = null
        private val globalLock = ReentrantLock()
        private const val TAG = "SplitController"

        internal const val sDebug = false

         * Obtains the singleton instance of [SplitController].
         * @param context the [Context] to initialize the controller with
        fun getInstance(context: Context): SplitController {
            if (globalInstance == null) {
                globalLock.withLock {
                    if (globalInstance == null) {
                        globalInstance = SplitController(context.applicationContext)
            return globalInstance!!

    private object Api31Impl {
        fun isSplitPropertyEnabled(applicationContext: Context): SplitSupportStatus {
            val property = try {
            } catch (e: PackageManager.NameNotFoundException) {
                if (BuildConfig.verificationMode == VerificationMode.LOG) {
                        TAG, WindowProperties.PROPERTY_ACTIVITY_EMBEDDING_SPLITS_ENABLED +
                            " must be set and enabled in AndroidManifest.xml to use splits APIs."
                return SplitSupportStatus.SPLIT_ERROR_PROPERTY_NOT_DECLARED
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                if (BuildConfig.verificationMode == VerificationMode.LOG) {
                    // This can happen when it is a test environment that doesn't support
                    // getProperty.
                    Log.e(TAG, "PackageManager.getProperty is not supported", e)
                return SplitSupportStatus.SPLIT_ERROR_PROPERTY_NOT_DECLARED
            if (!property.isBoolean) {
                if (BuildConfig.verificationMode == VerificationMode.LOG) {
                        TAG, WindowProperties.PROPERTY_ACTIVITY_EMBEDDING_SPLITS_ENABLED +
                            " must have a boolean value"
                return SplitSupportStatus.SPLIT_ERROR_PROPERTY_NOT_DECLARED
            return if (property.boolean) {
            } else {