Final 2022 Artifact Wave

According to Ian Lake, this is the last big artifact drop for 2022.

We have new stable releases for Games Activity and ProfileInstaller:

We also have new stable releases plus alphas of Camera, Compose, Fragment, and Wear Compose:

Note that the new Compose BOM is androidx.compose:compose-bom:2022.12.00. Also note that androidx.fragment:fragment-testing-manifest and androidx.wear.compose:compose-material-core are new artifacts.

We have RCs out for Car, Room, SQLite, and Work:

Our one lonely beta is for WebKit:

And we have alphas out for Benchmark, Browser, ConstraintLayout, Core UWB, HealthConnect, Hilt, Input, JavascriptEngine, PrivacySandbox, Tracing, TV, and Wear Watchface: